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  • Talking Who

    Torchwood Miracle Day's Eve Myles, Kai Owen, Alexa Havins & Arlene Tur

    Talking Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:57 (GMT) - 10 Feb 2012

    Four of the cast of Torchwood: Miracle Day talk about the series, recorded at a special press conference at MCM Expo 2011.

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 108(Colin Baker at SFX Weekender 3)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:13 (GMT) - 10 Feb 2012

    More coverage of The SFX Weekender 3 this week with Colin Baker's panel, the actor talks about appearing on Come Dine With me, his time on Doctor Who and takes audience questions.

    End theme tune is a remix of the Doctor Who Theme by Tony Gallichan of The Flashing Blade Podcast, Tony can be contacted here show@flashingblade.org.uk

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 108(Colin Baker at SFX Weekender 3)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:13 (GMT) - 10 Feb 2012

    More coverage of The SFX Weekender 3 this week with Colin Baker's panel, the actor talks about appearing on Come Dine With me, his time on Doctor Who and takes audience questions.

    End theme tune is a remix of the Doctor Who Theme by Tony Gallichan of The Flashing Blade Podcast, Tony can be contacted here show@flashingblade.org.uk

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 108(Colin Baker at SFX Weekender 3)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:13 (GMT) - 10 Feb 2012

    More coverage of The SFX Weekender 3 this week with Colin Baker's panel, the actor talks about appearing on Come Dine With me, his time on Doctor Who and takes audience questions.

    End theme tune is a remix of the Doctor Who Theme by Tony Gallichan of The Flashing Blade Podcast, Tony can be contacted here show@flashingblade.org.uk

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Telos AM

    A Very Special Christmas Special Special

    Telos AM

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:31 (GMT) - 10 Feb 2012

    Is it February already? Feeling chilly? Missing the warmth of a family huddled around a Christmas fire? Missing the brandy? Well, you're in luck because Telos AM are behind schedule yet again!

    Tune in this week to hear the guys talk all serious about this year's Christmas special, The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe! 

    (Please note that the Oxford comma was not used under duress.)

  • The Cultdom Collective

    Commentary: Life on Mars Series 2 Episode 4

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    14:00 (GMT) - 10 Feb 2012

    Ian, Mike & daveac grab their car-keys, change out of their tennis whites, buy a few bottles of Blue Nun and nibbling on petite fours talk all over LOM Series 2 Episode 4 (UK version)

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #121 - Is Moffat delivering?

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:01 (GMT) - 10 Feb 2012

    Trevor, James and Tom congregate in the DWP campervan and discuss the vexing question of - Is Moffat delivering? Two years of Doctor Who under the reign of Steven Moffat has brought us some of the most interesting stories in modern Doctor Who. With that under his belt and the 50th anniversary season looming, the [...]

  • The Cultdom Collective

    Commentary: Life on Mars Series 2 Episode 4

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:00 (GMT) - 10 Feb 2012

    Ian, Mike & daveac grab their car-keys, change out of their tennis whites, buy a few bottles of Blue Nun and nibbling on petite fours talk all over LOM Series 2 Episode 4 (UK version)

  • The Cultdom Collective

    Commentary: Life on Mars Series 2 Episode 4

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:00 (GMT) - 10 Feb 2012

    Ian, Mike & daveac grab their car-keys, change out of their tennis whites, buy a few bottles of Blue Nun and nibbling on petite fours talk all over LOM Series 2 Episode 4 (UK version)

  • The Cultdom Collective

    Commentary: Life on Mars Series 2 Episode 4

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:00 (GMT) - 10 Feb 2012

    Ian, Mike & daveac grab their car-keys, change out of their tennis whites, buy a few bottles of Blue Nun and nibbling on petite fours talk all over LOM Series 2 Episode 4 (UK version)

  • The Oncoming Storm

    The Oncoming Storm Episode 0: Info Dump

    The Oncoming Storm

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:15 (GMT) - 10 Feb 2012

    Episode 0?!? That's like, earlier than Episode 1! Yes, join your hosts Josh and Ashley as they record their surprise pre official release date episode. Josh and Ashley figured that you want to know a little about your hosts, but they didn't want to overload the 1st official episode with too much information, so they created this early episode full of Info Dump. Learn a little about your hosts' background, find out what their favorite books and audios are, and listen to them tell you why you should care about this spinoff media stuff anyway.

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 230: Tomb Of The Cybermen (Box Set Story One)

    Tin Dog Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:00 (GMT) - 10 Feb 2012

    Reprinted from Wikipedia with thaks The Tomb of the Cybermen is the first serial of fifth season in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who that originally aired in four weekly parts from 2 September to 23 September 1967 and is the earliest serial starring Patrick Troughton as the Second Doctor to exist in its entirety. It stars Frazer Hines and Deborah Watling as companions Jamie McCrimmon and Victoria Waterfield and features recurring villains the Cybermen, as well as the introduction of the Cyberman Controller and the Cybermats. On the planet Telos, an archeological expedition uncovers a hidden entrance in a mountain. The TARDIS lands nearby, and the expedition is joined by the Doctor, Jamie and Victoria. Parry, the expedition's leader, explains that they are here to find the remains of the Cybermen, who apparently died out five centuries before. The expedition is funded by Kaftan, who is accompanied by her giant manservant Toberman and her colleague Klieg. A man is electrocuted opening the doors, but the party manages to enter the chamber. They find a control panel and a large, sealed hatch. The Doctor is able to open two hidden doors in the walls, but the hatch remains sealed. Parry and Klieg continue to try and open it as Toberman slips out. The remaining members of the expedition begin to explore. Victoria and Kaftan come across a chamber with a sarcophagus-like wall inset facing a projection device that was apparently used to revitalise the Cybermen. Victoria curiously climbs inside. Kaftan secretly seals Victoria in the sarcophagus and tries to activate the projector pointing at the sarcophagus but the Doctor, thinking Victoria had only accidentally locked herself in, frees her. Meanwhile, Haydon and Jamie have been experimenting with a control panel in another room; a Cyberman slides into view and a gun fires, killing Haydon. The Doctor points out that Haydon was shot in the back. Throwing the switches again, the Cyberman -in reality an empty shell - is destroyed by the gun which emerges from a hidden panel, showing that the room is actually a testing range. Outside, Toberman reports to Kaftan that "It is done." Captain Hopper, the expedition's pilot, returns and angrily reveals that someone has sabotaged the rocket ship — they cannot leave the planet until repairs are made. The hatch is finally opened. Leaving Kaftan and Victoria behind, the men descend through the hatch. They find a vast chamber beneath, with a multistorey structure containing cells of frozen Cybermen. Back in the control room, Kaftan drugs Victoria and reseals the hatch. Inside it, Klieg activates more controls in the tomb and the ice begins to melt. When Viner tries to stop him, Klieg shoots him dead and holds the rest at bay as the Cybermen return to life. Klieg reveals that he and Kaftan belong to the Brotherhood of Logicians, who possess great intelligence but no physical power. He is certain the Cybermen will be grateful for their revival and will ally themselves with him. Victoria awakes and confronts Kaftan, who threatens to shoot her if she tries opening the hatch. A small mechanical cybermat revives and attacks Kaftan, rendering her unconscious. Victoria grabs Kaftan's pistol and shoots the cybermat. Not knowing which lever opens the hatch, she leaves to find Hopper. Down in the tombs, the Cybermen free their leader, the Cyberman Controller, from his cell. When Klieg steps forward to take the credit for reviving them, the Cybercontroller grabs and crushes his hand, declaring, "You belong to us; You shall be like us." The Doctor realises that the tombs were an elaborate trap: the Cybermen were waiting for beings intelligent enough to decipher the controls to free them. The expedition will be converted into Cybermen in preparation for a new invasion of Earth. In the control room, Capt. Hopper and Callum have figured out how to open the hatch. Hopper descends into the tombs, and uses smoke grenades to distract the Cybermen while the humans make their escape - all but Toberman, who has his arms cybernetically converted. Klieg and Kaftan are moved into the testing range to keep them out of mischief while the others decide on their next course of action. Klieg extricates the weapon from the wall, an X-ray laser he calls a cybergun, to coerce the Cybermen to do their bidding. Meanwhile, the others fend off an attack by cybermats. Klieg and Kaftan step out, and Klieg fires the laser in the direction of the Doctor. Klieg misses, wounding Callum. He opens the hatch, and calls for the Cyberman Controller. The Controller climbs up, accompanied by Toberman, who has been partially cyberconverted and is under Cyberman control. The Controller moves slowly, as his energy is running low — most of the Cybermen have been ordered back to their tombs to conserve power. Klieg says he will allow the Controller to be revitalised if the Cybermen help him conquer the Earth. It agrees. The Doctor helps the Controller into the sarcophagus in an attempt to trap it there, but the revitalised Controller is too strong and breaks free. Toberman knocks Klieg unconscious. The Controller picks up Klieg's cybergun and kills Kaftan when she tries to block its return to the tombs. The death of Kaftan and the urging of the Doctor shake Toberman out of his controlled state. He struggles with the Controller and hurls it into a control panel, apparently killing it. The Doctor, wanting to make sure the Cybermen are no longer a threat, goes back down into the tombs with Toberman. Klieg regains consciousness and sneaks down with the cybergun and revives the Cybermen once again. Klieg expects to control them now that the Controller is dead, but a revived Cyberman throttles Klieg from behind and kills him. Toberman fights and kills this Cyberman by tearing open its breathing apparatus, while the Doctor and Jamie refreeze the others in their cells. Hopper's crew have repaired the ship, and the Doctor rewires the controls to the station so they can't be used. He then sets up a circuit to electrify the doors again along with the control panels. The Controller, still alive, lurches forward. Everyone tries to shut the outer doors, but the Controller is too strong. Toberman comes forward, pushes the others aside and uses his bare hands to shut the doors. He succeeds, completing the circuit, and both he and the Controller are electrocuted. The Doctor and his companions say good-bye to the expedition members and return to the TARDIS. No one notices a lone cybermat, moving along the ground toward Toberman's body. [edit] Continuity The iconography of this serial, in particular the image of Cybermen breaking through plastic sheeting to escape their tombs, has had an influence on nearly all subsequent Cyberman stories. Likewise, the idea of Cybermen being kept in cold storage has since been a continuing theme. The Doctor returns to Telos in the Sixth Doctor serial Attack of the Cybermen, where he also encounters the Cryons, the original inhabitants of the planet.[1] The story contains a rare reference to the Doctor's family. When Victoria doubts he can remember his family because of "being so ancient", the Doctor says that he can when he really wants to and "the rest of the time they sleep in my mind" because he has "so much else to think about, to remember". The Doctor mentions here that he is about 450 years old. Eleventh Doctor actor Matt Smith has stated that it was watching this serial that inspired his own costume as the Doctor.[2] [edit] Production Serial details by episode EpisodeBroadcast dateRun timeViewership (in millions)Archive "Episode 1" 2 September 1967 23:58 6.0 16mm t/r "Episode 2" 9 September 1967 24:44 6.4 16mm t/r "Episode 3" 16 September 1967 24:14 7.2 16mm t/r "Episode 4" 23 September 1967 23:22 7.4 16mm t/r [3][4][5] [edit] Writing The working titles for this story were The Ice Tombs of Telos and The Cybermen Planet.[6] Peter Bryant, who had previously been assistant to Gerry Davis and been newly promoted to script editor on the preceding story, was allowed to produce this serial in order to prove that he could take over from Innes Lloyd as producer later on in the season. Bryant's own assistant, Victor Pemberton acted as script editor on this serial, but left the series after production of the serial was finished, deciding that he didn't want to be a script editor. When Bryant's eventual promotion to producer came, Derrick Sherwin would become script editor. Toberman was originally intended to be deaf, hence his lack of significant speech; his hearing aid would foreshadow his transformation into a Cyberman.[6] [edit] Recording The cybermats were controlled by various means - some by wires, some by wind-up clockwork, some by radio control, and some by simply being shoved into the shot.[7] The scene of the Cybermen breaking out of their tombs was filmed entirely in one take.[8] [edit] In print A novelisation of this serial, written by Gerry Davis, was published by Target Books in 1978, entitled Doctor Who and The Tomb of the Cybermen. Doctor Who book Doctor Who and the Tomb of the Cybermen Series Target novelisations Release number 66 Writer Gerry Davis Publisher Target Books Cover artist Jeff Cummins ISBN 0-426-11076-5 Release date 18 May 1978 Preceded by ' Followed by ' [edit] VHS, DVD and CD releases When the BBC's film archive was first properly audited in 1978, this serial was one of many believed missing (although it is absent in earlier 1976 listings). This story was prepared for release in early 1991 on cassette as part of the "Missing Stories" collection, with narration by Jon Pertwee. Then in late 1991, film telerecordings of all four episodes were returned to the BBC from the Hong Kong-based ATV television company. In May 1992, the serial was released on VHS, to much fan excitement and with a special introduction from director Morris Barry. The VHS release topped the sales charts throughout the country. This was the only original Doctor Who episode from the original era to top the UK charts.[citation needed] With the recovery of the film prints, the planned soundtrack release was delayed until 1993, when contractual obligations forced its release. See List of Doctor Who audio releases. UK DVD front cover In the UK the DVD was released 13 January 2002. A special edition of the DVD, with new bonus features, is to be released in the uk on 13 February 2012 in the third of the ongoing Revisitations DVD box sets. Following the 1993 cassette release, on 1 May 2006 the soundtrack was released on a 2-CD set with linking narration by and a bonus interview with Frazer Hines. This was the first existing story to be released on audio in the same format as the missing story range. [edit] Music release Music from The Tomb of the Cybermen Soundtrack album Released 1997 Genre Soundtrack Length 22:40 Label Via Satellite Records Doctor Who soundtrack chronology Doctor Who: 30 Years at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop (1993) Music from the Tomb of the Cybermen Doctor Who: Original Soundtrack Recording (1997) Stock music and sound effects from this story was released on a "mini-album" by Via Satellite in 1997. It is composed of 2 versions of the Doctor Who theme music, sound effects from Doctor Who: 30 Years at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop and stock music used in the story. It was planned to be the first in a series of mini-albums, with The Faceless Ones and Inside the Spaceship being mooted as future albums. Neither were produced.[9][10] [edit] Track listing Track #ComposerTrack name 1 Ron Grainer (realised by Delia Derbyshire) "Dr. Who Theme"[a] 2 Brian Hodgson "Tardis Interior"[a] 3 "Tardis Landing"[a] 4 Dick Mills "Tardis Doors Opening"[a] 5 M. Slavin "Space Adventures (Parts 1-3)" 6 J. Scott "Palpitations" 7 E. Sendel "Astronautics Theme (Parts 1-7)" 8 H. Fleischer "Desert Storm" 9 Wilfred Josephs "Space Time Music (Parts 1-4) 10 Brian Hodgson "Tardis Take Off"[a] 11 Ron Grainer (realised by Delia Derbyshire) "Dr. Who Theme (A New Beginning)"[a] ^a This recording does not actually feature in The Tomb of the Cybermen[11] See also: Dr Who - Music from the Tenth Planet and Space Adventures - Music from 'Doctor Who' 1963–1968 [edit] References ^ Attack of the Cybermen. Writer "Paula Moore" (Paula Woolsey), Director Matthew Robinson, Producer John Nathan-Turner. Doctor Who. BBC. BBC1, London. 5 January 1985–12 January 1985. ^ Doctor Who Magazine (Panini Comics) (418). 3 February 2010. ^ Shaun Lyon et al. (2007-03-31). "The Tomb of the Cybermen". Outpost Gallifrey. Archived from the original on 2008-06-18. Retrieved 2008-08-30. ^ "The Tomb of the Cybermen". Doctor Who Reference Guide. Retrieved 2008-08-30. ^ Sullivan, Shannon (2008-03-22). "The Tomb of the Cybermen". A Brief History of Time Travel. Retrieved 2008-08-30. ^ a b Howe, Walker, p 184 ^ Morris Barry. Tombwatch. Event occurs at 8:20. ^ Morris Barry. Tombwatch. Event occurs at 15:13. ^ (1997) Album notes for Music from The Tomb of the Cybermen [CD Booklet]. Glasgow, Scotland: Via Satellite Recordings (V-Sat ASTRA 3967). ^ Ayres, Mark. "Doctor Who Compact Disc Catalogue". Archived from the original on 2007-10-12. Retrieved 2007-12-11. ^ "The Millennium Effect". Archived from the original on 2007-12-06. Retrieved 2007-12-11. [edit] Bibliography Andrew Beech (Producer), Peter Finklestone (Editor) (January 22). Tombwatch (Documentary; Special feature on The Tomb of the Cyberman DVD release). London, England: BBC Video. Retrieved 2008-01-12. Howe, David J & Walker, Stephen James (23). The Television Companion: The Unofficial and Unauthorised Guide to DOCTOR WHO (2nd ed. ed.). Surrey, UK: Telos Publishing Ltd.. ISBN 1-903889-51-0. The Tomb of the Cybermen. Writers Kit Pedler, Gerry Davis, Director Morris Barry, Producer Peter Bryant. Doctor Who. BBC. BBC1, London. 2 September 1967–23 September 1967. [edit] External links The Tomb of the Cybermen at BBC Online The Tomb of the Cybermen at Doctor Who: A Brief History Of Time (Travel) The Tomb of the Cybermen at the Doctor Who Reference Guide Doctor Who Locations - The Tomb of the Cybermen [edit] Reviews The Tomb of the Cybermen reviews at Outpost Gallifrey The Tomb of the Cybermen reviews at The Doctor Who Ratings Guide [edit] Target novelisation The Tomb of the Cybermen reviews at The Doctor Who Ratings Guide On Target — Doctor Who and the Tomb of the Cybermen

  • theTimeVault

    023 Doctor Who (Doctor Who and the Silurians)


    Direct Podcast Download

    00:05 (GMT) - 10 Feb 2012

    Domestic disputes are so inconvenient aren't they? One minute your bicycle-powered nuclear reactor is causing a power cut and keeping your next-door neighbours awake (well, the ones you haven't got tied up in the kitchen) and the next thing you know you're being investigated by the government, soldiers have cordoned off your street and your neighbours have released a virulent, communicable monkey plague into your living room. Hasn't anyone heard of community spirit?

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #121 - Is Moffat delivering?

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:01 (GMT) - 9 Feb 2012

    Trevor, James and Tom congregate in the DWP campervan and discuss the vexing question of – Is Moffat delivering? Two years of Doctor Who under the reign of Steven Moffat has brought us some of the most interesting stories in modern Doctor Who. With that under his belt and the 50th anniversary season looming, the [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #121 - Is Moffat delivering?

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:01 (GMT) - 9 Feb 2012

    Trevor, James and Tom congregate in the DWP campervan and discuss the vexing question of - Is Moffat delivering? Two years of Doctor Who under the reign of Steven Moffat has brought us some of the most interesting stories in modern Doctor Who. With that under his belt and the 50th anniversary season looming, the [...]

  • The TARDIS Tavern

    Episode 61: A Pertwee Extravaganza!

    The TARDIS Tavern

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:31 (GMT) - 9 Feb 2012

    On this very, very special of The TARDIS Tavern, we confront Steve once again with his biggest Doctor Who fear: The Third Doctor!  We are joined by our good friends Chris Burgess of Radio Free Skaro and podcast newcomer Erika (known for those of you on Twitter as @HollyGoDarkly).  We examine not just one but three (yes, three!) Third Doctor stories: "Terror of the Autons," "The Curse of Peladon," and "The Time Warrior."

    Those of you that are longtime listeners may notice that this is one of our longest episodes ever!  And after an hour and a half of recording (plus half an hour of pre-show cocktails), some people can hold their liquor better than others.  It truly does mark the anniversary of Gallifrey 22!  So pull up a pitcher or a cuppa, light a fire or a cigarette, and enjoy...our Pertwee Extravaganza!

    Follow Sean on Twitter via @tardistavern, Steve via @tardistaverntit, Chris via @dubbayoo, and Erika via @HollyGoDarkly.  Please also join us on Facebook and email us at tardistavern@gmail.com.  By the way, we're a little backed on reading feedback lately, so bear with our drunken asses.

  • The TARDIS Tavern

    Episode 61: A Pertwee Extravaganza!

    The TARDIS Tavern

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:31 (GMT) - 9 Feb 2012

    On this very, very special of The TARDIS Tavern, we confront Steve once again with his biggest Doctor Who fear: The Third Doctor! We are joined by our good friends Chris Burgess of Radio Free Skaro and podcast newcomer Erika (known for those of you on Twitter as @HollyGoDarkly). We examine not just one but three (yes, three!) Third Doctor stories: "Terror of the Autons," "The Curse of Peladon," and "The Time Warrior."

    Those of you that are longtime listeners may notice that this is one of our longest episodes ever! And after an hour and a half of recording (plus half an hour of pre-show cocktails), some people can hold their liquor better than others. It truly does mark the anniversary of Gallifrey 22! So pull up a pitcher or a cuppa, light a fire or a cigarette, and enjoy...our Pertwee Extravaganza!

    Follow Sean on Twitter via @tardistavern, Steve via @tardistaverntit, Chris via @dubbayoo, and Erika via @HollyGoDarkly. Please also join us on Facebook and email us at tardistavern@gmail.com. By the way, we're a little backed on reading feedback lately, so bear with our drunken asses.

  • Earth Station One

    Earth Station One Episode 97: The World of James Cameron

    Earth Station One

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:14 (GMT) - 8 Feb 2012

    This week we will continue on our series to talk about our favorite movie makers , this time out we talk about the works of James Cameron, from Terminator to Avatar and everything in between. Also while we are at it we will be talking about the news from DC Comics about the Watchmen Prequels … Continue reading

  • Doctor Who: Prognosis Negative

    SNS #4 The Spy Who Loved Me '77

    Doctor Who: Prognosis Negative

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:49 (GMT) - 8 Feb 2012

    Shaken Not Stirred IV


    • Prognosis Negative proudly presents Shaken Not Stirred, the wiley James Bond commentcast featuring Steven, Josh, Eric, and Kyle! Join us as delve into arguably Roger Moore's best 007 outing, The Spy Who Loved Me. Let the banter begin!
    • Nowhere will you find a James Bond commentary that sprinkles in more oblique Doctor Who references.
    • Shane Rimmer we love you.


    • This discussion contains miscellaneous  SPOILERS pertaining to the film(s) discussed and more! If you are 100% spoilerphobic to films not yet seen, do not complain to us. This episode is mostly negative (though often that is a misnomer) and contains EXPLICIT terms, concepts, and as always expect strokes of innuendo throughout.



    • COMING SOON: ProgNeg #7 Match Point


    Keeping the British end up, sir.


    Steven: @Legopolis
    Josh: @whomeJZ
    Eric: @BullittWHO
    Kyle: @functionalnerd

    Prognosis Negative
    Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Website: prognosisnegative.libsyn.com
    Twitter: @ProgNeg
    Tumblr: progneg.tumblr.com 
    Facebook: facebook.com/ProgNeg

    Produced by E.A. Escamilla

  • Doctor Who: Prognosis Negative

    SNS #4 The Spy Who Loved Me '77

    Doctor Who: Prognosis Negative

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:49 (GMT) - 8 Feb 2012

    Shaken Not Stirred IV


    • Prognosis Negative proudly presents Shaken Not Stirred, the wiley James Bond commentcast featuring Steven, Josh, Eric, and Kyle! Join us as delve into arguably Roger Moore's best 007 outing, The Spy Who Loved Me. Let the banter begin!
    • Nowhere will you find a James Bond commentary that sprinkles in more oblique Doctor Who references.
    • Shane Rimmer we love you.


    • This discussion contains miscellaneous  SPOILERS pertaining to the film(s) discussed and more! If you are 100% spoilerphobic to films not yet seen, do not complain to us. This episode is mostly negative (though often that is a misnomer) and contains EXPLICIT terms, concepts, and as always expect strokes of innuendo throughout.



    • COMING SOON: ProgNeg #7 Match Point


    Keeping the British end up, sir.


    Steven: @LegopolisJosh: @whomeJZEric: @BullittWHOKyle: @functionalnerd

    Prognosis NegativeEmail: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~comWebsite: prognosisnegative.libsyn.com Twitter: @ProgNegTumblr: progneg.tumblr.com Facebook: facebook.com/ProgNeg

    Produced by E.A. Escamilla

  • Doctor Who: Prognosis Negative

    SNS #4 The Spy Who Loved Me '77

    Doctor Who: Prognosis Negative

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:49 (GMT) - 8 Feb 2012

    Shaken Not Stirred IV


    • Prognosis Negative proudly presents Shaken Not Stirred, the wiley James Bond commentcast featuring Steven, Josh, Eric, and Kyle! Join us as delve into arguably Roger Moore's best 007 outing, The Spy Who Loved Me. Let the banter begin!
    • Nowhere will you find a James Bond commentary that sprinkles in more oblique Doctor Who references.
    • Shane Rimmer we love you.


    • This discussion contains miscellaneous SPOILERS pertaining to the film(s) discussed and more! If you are 100% spoilerphobic to films not yet seen, do not complain to us. This episode is mostly negative (though often that is a misnomer) and contains EXPLICIT terms, concepts, and as always expect strokes of innuendo throughout.



    • COMING SOON: ProgNeg #7 Match Point

    Keeping the British end up, sir.

    Steven: @Legopolis
    Josh: @whomeJZ
    Eric: @BullittWHO
    Kyle: @functionalnerd

    Prognosis Negative
    Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Website: prognosisnegative.libsyn.com
    Twitter: @ProgNeg
    Tumblr: progneg.tumblr.com
    Facebook: facebook.com/ProgNeg

    Produced by E.A. Escamilla

  • Articles of the Shadow Proclamation

    Article 35: Welcome to Time Lord Fest

    Articles of the Shadow Proclamation

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:17 (GMT) - 8 Feb 2012

    This podcast is a recording from Time Lord Fest, Tampa of the "Welcome to Time Lord Fest Tampa/Season 6 in Review" featuring Scott & Debbie Viguie, Ken Spivey, Jeffrey Breslauer, and John Reid Adams. We hope that you enjoy the discussion!

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #218 - Ohrenschmaus

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:53 (GMT) - 7 Feb 2012

    Im heutigen Whocast gibt endlich die News, die sich in den letzten 4 Wochen angehauft haben. Ausserdem einiges an Post und einen Einspieler zum Thema "Doctor Who Videospiele". Und vielleicht sogar den Anfang einer ganz grossen Romanze. Vielen Dank an die Jungs von Consol.at fur den Einspieler! Mythbuster meets Doctor Who

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #218 - Ohrenschmaus

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:53 (GMT) - 7 Feb 2012

    Im heutigen Whocast gibt endlich die News, die sich in den letzten 4 Wochen angehauft haben. Ausserdem einiges an Post und einen Einspieler zum Thema "Doctor Who Videospiele". Und vielleicht sogar den Anfang einer ganz grossen Romanze. Vielen Dank an die Jungs von Consol.at fur den Einspieler! Mythbuster meets Doctor Who

  • Doctor Who: Prognosis Negative

    ProgNeg #6 Strangers on a Train

    Doctor Who: Prognosis Negative

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:03 (GMT) - 7 Feb 2012

    My theory is that everyone is a potential murderer.


    • It's episode 6 of Prognosis Negative featuring Eric, Sean (@tardistavern), and Christopher (@dubbayoo)! Join us as delve into Hitchcock's 1951 masterpiece Strangers on a Train. Let the banter begin!


    • This discussion contains miscellaneous  SPOILERS pertaining to the film(s) discussed and more! If you are 100% spoilerphobic to films not yet seen, do not complain to us. This episode is mostly negative (though often that is a misnomer) and contains EXPLICIT terms, concepts, and as always expect strokes of innuendo throughout.


    • Links? Sorry, too busy to comb for them!


    • Prognosis Positive? Yet again...
    • COMING SOON: Shaken Not Stirred #4


    But Guy... I like you.


    Host/Producer: Eric
    Email: EscoWHO ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Twitter: @Bullitt33 / @BullittWHO
    Blog: bullitt33tvblog.wordpress.com

    Host/Coverart Artist:  Julian aka 'Louis Blair'
    Email: samwisewise ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Twitter: @JLB_Tosche
    deviantART: type40productions.deviantart.com
    The 2am Show: twoamshow.libsyn.com

    Prognosis Negative
    Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Website: prognosisnegative.libsyn.com
    Twitter: @ProgNeg
    Tumblr: progneg.tumblr.com 
    Facebook: facebook.com/ProgNeg

    ProgNeg Theme assembled by J.L.B. Chapman

  • Doctor Who: Prognosis Negative

    ProgNeg #6 Strangers on a Train

    Doctor Who: Prognosis Negative

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:03 (GMT) - 7 Feb 2012

    My theory is that everyone is a potential murderer.


    • It's episode 6 of Prognosis Negative featuring Eric, Sean (@tardistavern), and Christopher (@dubbayoo)! Join us as delve into Hitchcock's 1951 masterpiece Strangers on a Train. Let the banter begin!


    • This discussion contains miscellaneous SPOILERS pertaining to the film(s) discussed and more! If you are 100% spoilerphobic to films not yet seen, do not complain to us. This episode is mostly negative (though often that is a misnomer) and contains EXPLICIT terms, concepts, and as always expect strokes of innuendo throughout.


    • Links? Sorry, too busy to comb for them!


    • Prognosis Positive? Yet again...
    • COMING SOON: Shaken Not Stirred #4

    But Guy... I like you.

    Host/Producer: Eric
    Email: EscoWHO ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Twitter: @Bullitt33 / @BullittWHO
    Blog: bullitt33tvblog.wordpress.com

    Host/Coverart Artist: Julian aka 'Louis Blair'
    Email: samwisewise ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Twitter: @JLB_Tosche
    deviantART: type40productions.deviantart.com
    The 2am Show: twoamshow.libsyn.com

    Prognosis Negative
    Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Website: prognosisnegative.libsyn.com
    Twitter: @ProgNeg
    Tumblr: progneg.tumblr.com
    Facebook: facebook.com/ProgNeg

    ProgNeg Theme assembled by J.L.B. Chapman

  • Doctor Who: Prognosis Negative

    ProgNeg #6 Strangers on a Train

    Doctor Who: Prognosis Negative

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:03 (GMT) - 7 Feb 2012

    My theory is that everyone is a potential murderer.


    • It's episode 6 of Prognosis Negative featuring Eric, Sean (@tardistavern), and Christopher (@dubbayoo)! Join us as delve into Hitchcock's 1951 masterpiece Strangers on a Train. Let the banter begin!


    • This discussion contains miscellaneous  SPOILERS pertaining to the film(s) discussed and more! If you are 100% spoilerphobic to films not yet seen, do not complain to us. This episode is mostly negative (though often that is a misnomer) and contains EXPLICIT terms, concepts, and as always expect strokes of innuendo throughout.


    • Links? Sorry, too busy to comb for them!


    • Prognosis Positive? Yet again...
    • COMING SOON: Shaken Not Stirred #4


    But Guy... I like you.


    Host/Producer: EricEmail: EscoWHO ~at~ gmail ~dot~comTwitter: @Bullitt33 / @BullittWHOBlog: bullitt33tvblog.wordpress.com

    Host/Coverart Artist:  Julian aka 'Louis Blair'Email: samwisewise ~at~ gmail ~dot~comTwitter: @JLB_ToschedeviantART: type40productions.deviantart.comThe 2am Show: twoamshow.libsyn.com

    Prognosis NegativeEmail: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~comWebsite: prognosisnegative.libsyn.com Twitter: @ProgNegTumblr: progneg.tumblr.com Facebook: facebook.com/ProgNeg

    ProgNeg Theme assembled by J.L.B. Chapman

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 229: Destination Nerva

    Tin Dog Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:42 (GMT) - 7 Feb 2012

    Destination Nerva From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Big Finish Productions audio play Destination: Nerva Series Doctor Who 4th Doctor Adventures Release number 1.1 Featuring Fourth Doctor Leela Writer Nicholas Briggs Director Nicholas Briggs Executive producer(s) Nicholas Briggs Set between The Talons of Weng-Chiang and The Renaissance Man Release date January 2012 Destination: Nerva is an audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. This audio drama was produced by Big Finish Productions. As with all Doctor Who spin-off media, its relationship to the televised serials is open to interpretation. Tom Baker played the Fourth Doctor from 1974 to 1981. Although Big Finish Productions has been producing audio dramas with all the other living, Classic Series Doctors since 1999, Tom Baker had declined to participate. Baker finally reprised the role in a series of audio dramas for the BBC in 2009, starting with Hornets' Nest. Destination Nerva is the first in a series of audio dramas produced by Big Finish Productions. Contents  [hide]  1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Continuity 4 Notes 5 External links 6 References [edit] Plot Having wrapped up their adventure with Jago and Litefoot in Victorian London, the Doctor and Leela are alerted to an interstellar distress signal emanating from an English manor house, in the nearby year of 1895. From there, they chase an alien spaceship a millennium into the future, to the newly constructed Space Dock Nerva, orbiting Jupiter. [edit] Cast The Doctor - Tom Baker Leela - Louise Jameson Dr Alison Foster - Raquel Cassidy McMullan/Pilot - Sam Graham Laura Craske - Tilly Gaunt Giles Moreau/Jenkins - Tim Bentinck Jim Hooley/Drelleran 1/Security Guard - Kim Wall Lord Jack/Drudgers/Drelleran 2 - Tim Treloar [edit] Continuity This story begins by picking up from the closing scene of the 1977 television story, The Talons of Weng-Chiang. The final lines spoken in that story are repeated here. The Fourth Doctor was previously on-board Nerva in the 1975 television story The Ark in Space. That was several thousand years into the future, when "Space Station Nerva" was converted to house the cryogenically frozen survivors of the human race, as they orbited an inhospitable Earth. The Doctor returned to "Nerva Beacon", thousands of years earlier, in Revenge of the Cybermen, when it orbited a moon of Jupiter. In Destination: Nerva, "Space Dock Nerva" has only just been built. [edit] Notes Raquel Cassidy was in the 2011 Doctor Who television story The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People. [edit] External links Destination Nerva [edit] References Big Finish News Page Doctor Who News Page [hide] v d e Fourth Doctor audio dramas Sarah Jane Doctor Who and the Pescatons Exploration Earth: The Time Machine Leela The Catalyst Empathy Games The Time Vampire The Foe From The Future/The Valley of Death Destination Nerva The Renaissance Man The Wrath of the Iceni Energy of the Daleks Trail of the White Worm The Oseidon Adventure The Child Mrs Wibbsey Hornets' Nest Demon Quest Serpent Crest Romana I and K-9 The Stealers from Saiph Ferril's Folly Tales from the Vault The Auntie Matter The Sands of Life War Against The Laan The Justice of Jalxar Phantoms of the Deep Romana II and K-9 The Beautiful People The Pyralis Effect Romana II, K-9 and Adric The Invasion of E-Space Other The Kingmaker

  • Traveling the Vortex

    Episode 58 - The Last Great Time War Or - How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the De-Mat Gun

    Traveling the Vortex

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:15 (GMT) - 7 Feb 2012

    In this weeks episode we take a look at The Last Great Time War. We give our interpretation of the event that may have lead to and involved in the event of the war. We also speculate on many of the events surrounding The Moment that The Doctor uses to bring the battle to its conclusion and some of the repercussions and fallout from the war.

    Also a look at some of the news from the week surrounding Doctor who.

    And of course, your feedback. Enjoy!

  • The Happiness Patrol

    Episode 82: The Chickens of Astrid

    The Happiness Patrol

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:56 (GMT) - 7 Feb 2012

    "Once upon a time, not long ago, in a land full of magic lived a beautiful young lady who lived all alone, save for her five chickens."
    Asleep yet? Wait for it...here comes the good bit: "All alone save for her five chickens and: her big blue TARDIS"

    Listen to this week's Happiness Patrol to find out what happened next because this week we are proud to present, Astrid Sillysparrowness, Tardis Builder, Vlogger, chicken owner, and all around nice gal!

    Also joining us are special HPers Michelle H and Terry Lightfoot!

    So what's all the fuss you might ask??
    Well, just watch Astrid's TARDIS diary video on YouTube and then lisen to this week's special interview on...
    The Happiness Patrol Episode 82: The Chickens of Astrid

  • The Bad Wilf Podcast

    An Evening with Eve Myles

    The Bad Wilf Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:20 (GMT) - 7 Feb 2012

    Eve Myles returns to the Bad Wilf Podcast! Martyn is joined by Paul and Chris from The Pharos Project and they have a sit down by an open fire for an EVEning with.

    The Pharos Project: thepharosproject.libsyn.com

    Martyn: @BadWilf

  • The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast

    The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #98

    The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:04 (GMT) - 6 Feb 2012


    Adam and Alicia talk about Dalek, news and eBay plus whether Merlin or Doctor Who is the better format for family entertainment on a Saturday evening. Then Ben, Kirby and Rhys sift through feedback, the top 20 Doctor Who podcasts, before reviewing Dalek. There is also some very good news that breaks during the recording of the show.


    Please keep sending in your lovely feedback and you can do so by the following methods:-

    You can join our group on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=123660367652675&ref=ts

    You can add us as a friend on Facebook:


    You can send us an email: twentymegfeedback@hotmail.co.uk

    And at our new email address: mailto:20mb.feedback@gmail.com

    You can follow Adam on Twitter: twitter.com/adam20mbpodcast

    You can follow Alicia on Twitter: twitter.com/Alicia__Mel

    You can follow Ben on Twitter: twitter.com/Bunjington

    You can follow Kirby on Twitter: twitter.com/tvkirby

    You can comment via our web page: http://the20mbdoctorwhopodcast.podbean.com/

    You can follow us and our friends on: http://www.doctorwhopodcastalliance.org/

    You can buy your Doctor Who merchandise at: www.whoone.co.uk

  • Geek Syndicate

    Small Press Big Mouth - Episode 35

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:08 (GMT) - 6 Feb 2012

    Welcome to the ever so slightly late episode 35 of Small Press Big Mouth! This episode has a splattering of Indie related news but is seriously review heavy as Stace and Lee wade through a myriad of comics including: Hitsville, Hark! A Vagrant, Stiffs, Hilda and the Midnight Giant, Verity Fair, Seeds, Colins Godson, Holy Terror, Elemental Micah, Windfall Melons and more. Check out the blog for links and shiz, and we hope you enjoy the comeback show!  

  • Geek Syndicate

    Small Press Big Mouth - Episode 35

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:08 (GMT) - 6 Feb 2012

    Welcome to the ever so slightly late episode 35 of Small Press Big Mouth! This episode has a splattering of Indie related news but is seriously review heavy as Stace and Lee wade through a myriad of comics including: Hitsville, Hark! A Vagrant, Stiffs, Hilda and the Midnight Giant, Verity Fair, Seeds, Colins Godson, Holy Terror, Elemental Micah, Windfall Melons and more. Check out the blog for links and shiz, and we hope you enjoy the comeback show!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Dissecting Worlds Series 5 Episode 6b - The Doctor and the Anti-leader (Part 2)

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:53 (GMT) - 6 Feb 2012

    This month Kehaar and Matt are still companioned by Luke Foster as we continue our look at the Doctor. This time we are turn our attention to the sad end of "Classic" Who and the into the modern relaunch, covering:

    - The Sad Tale of Internal Politics and Terrible Coats
    - The player on a Thousand Chess Boards and a rare brush with consequence
    - The War Veteran and running away from your responsibilities
    - Skipping through time with the special companion (?) and Christ Complex
    - The Importance of being just a Mad Man with a Box

    All that and the usual sidetracking through Time and Space!
    The link to Moon Freight 3 is http://moonfreight3.com
    The Incredible Hulkcast is at http://www.comicbooknoise.com/hulk/
    And ECBT2000AD is at http://2000ad.wordpress.com/
    And more Doctor Who goodness can be found on the excellent Geek Syndicates very own 'Time Lore', reviewing the whole Doctor TV canon (and associated audios on the Geek Syndicate Network.'

  • Geek Syndicate

    Dissecting Worlds Series 5 Episode 6b - The Doctor and the Anti-leader (Part 2)

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:53 (GMT) - 6 Feb 2012

    This month Kehaar and Matt are still companioned by Luke Foster as we continue our look at the Doctor. This time we are turn our attention to the sad end of "Classic" Who and the into the modern relaunch, covering: 

    - The Sad Tale of Internal Politics and Terrible Coats
    - The player on a Thousand Chess Boards and a rare brush with consequence
    - The War Veteran and running away from your responsibilities
    - Skipping through time with the special companion (?) and Christ Complex
    - The Importance of being just a Mad Man with a Box

    All that and the usual sidetracking through Time and Space! 
    The link to Moon Freight 3 is http://moonfreight3.com
    The Incredible Hulkcast is at http://www.comicbooknoise.com/hulk/
    And ECBT2000AD is at http://2000ad.wordpress.com/
    And more Doctor Who goodness can be found on the excellent Geek Syndicates very own ‘Time Lore’, reviewing the whole Doctor TV canon (and associated audios on the Geek Syndicate Network.’

  • Who's He?

    Will you call my name?

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:00 (GMT) - 6 Feb 2012

    After starting this months ago, Phil and Paul finally reach the end of their journey with a look at The Big Bang, the finale of series 5. Paul and Phil can't help themselves and start to pick holes in the plot and characters but don't worry folks, they really do love this episode and both agree that this is probably the best series finale ever. Or EVAH as the youth of today like to spell it.

    And in this weeks news, Doctor Who tat and a fake Matt Smith proposes to his girlfriend. Who wasn't a fake, she's real.

  • Who's He?

    Will you call my name?

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:00 (GMT) - 6 Feb 2012

    After starting this months ago, Phil and Paul finally reach the end of their journey with a look at The Big Bang, the finale of series 5. Paul and Phil can't help themselves and start to pick holes in the plot and characters but don't worry folks, they really do love this episode and both agree that this is probably the best series finale ever. Or EVAH as the youth of today like to spell it.

    And in this weeks news, Doctor Who tat and a fake Matt Smith proposes to his girlfriend. Who wasn't a fake, she's real.

  • Who's He?

    Doctor Who - Who's He? #47 Will you call my name?

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:14 (GMT) - 6 Feb 2012

    After starting this months ago, Phil and Paul finally reach the end of their journey with a look at The Big Bang, the finale of Series 5. Paul and Phil can't help themselves and start to pick holes in the plot and characters but don't worry folks, they really do love this episode and both agree that this is probably the best series finale ever. Or EVAH as the youth of today like to spell it. And in this weeks news, Doctor Who tat and a fake Matt Smith proposes to his girlfriend. Who wasn't a fake, she's real.

  • The Pharos Project Podcast

    Pharos Project 86: Merlot on the Prestatyn Express

    The Pharos Project Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:33 (GMT) - 6 Feb 2012

    All 3 Projecteers have survived the SFX Weekender 3. We emerged clutching not only our tattered livers, but also an interview with the wonderful Eve Myles. 

    Twitter: @KungFuYoda @Doctor_Vendetta @natalien @beastmasterpete @PharosProject

    Facebook: The Pharos Project Group Page

    Email: pharos.project@yahoo.co.uk

    Bad Wilf: @BadWilf @Martyn_Havell www.badwilf.co.uk

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 107(Silvester McCoy at The SFX Weekender 3)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:56 (GMT) - 6 Feb 2012

    My first show covering this year's SFX Weeekender is the Silvester McCoy Panel, which started with Silv being interviewed by writer Ben Aaronovitch but soon changed when he left the stage and roamed the audience taking questions.

    End theme this week is I Am Keftor by Shockeye1

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering. 

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 107(Silvester McCoy at The SFX Weekender 3)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:56 (GMT) - 6 Feb 2012

    My first show covering this year's SFX Weeekender is the Silvester McCoy Panel, which started with Silv being interviewed by writer Ben Aaronovitch but soon changed when he left the stage and roamed the audience taking questions.

    End theme this week is I Am Keftor by Shockeye1

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering. 

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 107(Silvester McCoy at The SFX Weekender 3)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:56 (GMT) - 6 Feb 2012

    My first show covering this year's SFX Weeekender is the Silvester McCoy Panel, which started with Silv being interviewed by writer Ben Aaronovitch but soon changed when he left the stage and roamed the audience taking questions.

    End theme this week is I Am Keftor by Shockeye1

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • 'Who' - Is The Man Podcast

    'Who' - Is The Man Podcast Episode 40: So Very Spectacularly Symphonic

    'Who' - Is The Man Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:57 (GMT) - 6 Feb 2012

    This episode is all about the Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular, that was held over the weekend in Melbourne Australia!

    Visit the blog for a post about it complete with pictuers and other notes: www.whoisthemanpodcast.wordpress.com

    Feedback to whoisthemanpodcast@hotmail.com

  • Waffle On Podcast


    Waffle On Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:42 (GMT) - 5 Feb 2012

    Mini Waffle On about Sherlock The latest series of Sherlock has recently finished and we thought we would give our thoughts on this brilliant programme. We don't reveal the ending of series two but there are spoilers in this if you have not seen any of the programmes. Any feedback please leave at waffleonpodcast@gmail.com or here on the website. Remember we have a Facebook group page which you can join and please do leave us feedback on iTunes. Cheers Meds and Kell.

  • Waffle On Podcast


    Waffle On Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:42 (GMT) - 5 Feb 2012

    Mini Waffle On about Sherlock The latest series of Sherlock has recently finished and we thought we would give our thoughts on this brilliant programme. We don't reveal the ending of series two but there are spoilers in this if you have not seen any of the programmes. Any feedback please leave at waffleonpodcast@gmail.com or here on the website. Remember we have a Facebook group page which you can join and please do leave us feedback on iTunes. Cheers Meds and Kell.

  • Waffle On Podcast


    Waffle On Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:42 (GMT) - 5 Feb 2012


    Mini Waffle On about Sherlock

    The latest series of Sherlock has recently finished and we thought we would give our thoughts on this brilliant programme. We don't reveal the ending of series two but there are spoilers in this if you have not seen any of the programmes.

    Any feedback please leave at waffleonpodcast@gmail.com or here on the website. Remember we have a Facebook group page which you can join and please do leave us feedback on iTunes.

    Cheers Meds and Kell.

Dormant Podcasts