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  • Sound On Sight Podcast

    Doctor Who Podcast Episode 35: The Peter Davison Era, Part 1: 'Castrolvalva'

    Sound On Sight Podcast

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    22:08 (GMT) - 9 Jan 2013

    Doctor Who Podcast
    As we face a cold dark winter before the return of Doctor Who in April, we're going to be taking a few trips in the Wayback Machine to look at two different periods from the original series. Our first stop: an overview of the time of Mr. Peter Davison, the fifth actor to play the role of the Doctor, and we’re starting with his inaugural 1981 serial that launched a new era for classic Who. So join Derek Gladu, Eric Mendoza, Beverly Brown and special guest Phil Cannon from the Who's He? Podcast as we try to make our way through 'Castrovalva'.

    And take a listen to Mr. Cannon's most excellent Who's He? Podcast.

    Follow us on Twitter


  • DWO WhoCast

    DWO WhoCast - #276 - Doctor Who Podcast

    DWO WhoCast

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:29 (GMT) - 9 Jan 2013

    Thomas and Alwyn Turner (author of Terry Nation - The Man Who Invented The Daleks) look at Terry Nation's creation and how they created a national sensation

  • DWO WhoCast

    DWO WhoCast - #276 - Doctor Who Podcast

    DWO WhoCast

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:29 (GMT) - 9 Jan 2013

    Thomas and Alwyn Turner (author of Terry Nation - The Man Who Invented The Daleks) look at Terry Nation's creation and how they created a national sensation

  • DWO WhoCast

    DWO WhoCast - #276 - Doctor Who Podcast

    DWO WhoCast

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:29 (GMT) - 9 Jan 2013

    Thomas and Alwyn Turner (author of Terry Nation - The Man Who Invented The Daleks) look at Terry Nation's creation and how they created a national sensation

  • Bigger on the Inside

    Bigger on the Inside - Episode 107

    Bigger on the Inside

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:25 (GMT) - 9 Jan 2013

    After weeks and weeks of mediocre and horrible stories, Dan and Mike are finally treated to the two-part story Human Nature / The Family of Blood and then the incomparable Blink. Pardon Mike's sniffles, and mind The Snowmen spoilers between 7:40 and 18:10.

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #183 - DWP Predictions for 2013

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:31 (GMT) - 9 Jan 2013

    Welcome to another fun packed year of THE Doctor Who Podcast, the friendliest, most stylish, informative and most importantly totally FREE podcast out there! It wouldn’t be a new year of THE Doctor Who Podcast without the hosts speculating on what will happen in the Doctor Who universe in 2013, the anniversary year for this [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #183 - DWP Predictions for 2013

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:31 (GMT) - 9 Jan 2013

    Welcome to another fun packed year of THE Doctor Who Podcast, the friendliest, most stylish, informative and most importantly totally FREE podcast out there! It wouldn't be a new year of THE Doctor Who Podcast without the hosts speculating on what will happen in the Doctor Who universe in 2013, the anniversary year for this [...]

  • The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast

    The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #146

    The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:30 (GMT) - 8 Jan 2013

    Stolen Earth/Journey’s End by Russell T Davies

    Happy New Year as Adam, Rhys, Mary, Kirby and Robert review the series finale of series four.

    We also have reviews from Ian Kirk and Matthew Kresal.

    There is news and ebay.

    Don’t forget listen to Rhys on the Who Is The Man podcast http://whoitmcast.libsyn.com/





    Please keep sending in your lovely feedback and you can do so by the following methods:-

    You can join our group on Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/123660367652675/

    You can send us an email: 20mb.feedback@gmail.com

    You can follow Adam on Twitter: twitter.com/adam20mbpodcast

    You can follow Alicia on Twitter: twitter.com/alicia__pearson You can follow Ben on Twitter: twitter.com/Bunjington

    You can follow Kirby on Twitter: twitter.com/tvkirby

    You can follow Robert on Twitter: twitter.com/Boris70Redbox

    You can follow Rhys on Twitter: twitter.com/rhysparton

    You can comment via our web page:http://the20mbdoctorwhopodcast.podbean.com/

    You can follow us and our friends on: http://www.doctorwhopodcastalliance.org/

    You can buy your Doctor Who merchandise at: www.whoone.co.uk

  • Geek Syndicate

    Dissecting Worlds Sports Special 4: Games!

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:13 (GMT) - 8 Jan 2013

    Rolling a Double 6 you find yourself in a 10x10 corridor faced with a smug Yorkshire Lizardman & a louche sarcastic Scouse seagull. They offer you a podcast as part their Olympic specials mini-series, looking at games in Fantasy & Sci-Fi. They offer you such morsels as:  * 3D chess & Gene Roddenberry's wish fulfilment  * the Holodeck & its Roleplaying implications * Iain M Bank's Player of Games * Different Types of Gamers * the nature if game playing & protagonists  Before moving on to consider lessons learnt during the mini-series Do you listen? YOU DECIDE! Feedback on the comments or @dissectingwrlds or dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk Kehaar's roleplaying material at clarkythecruel.wordpress.com & the roleplaying game pod here: http://clarkythecruel.wordpress.com/category/drakesdoom/feed/

  • Geek Syndicate

    Dissecting Worlds Sports Special 4: Games!

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:13 (GMT) - 8 Jan 2013

    Rolling a Double 6 you find yourself in a 10x10 corridor faced with a smug Yorkshire Lizardman & a louche sarcastic Scouse seagull. They offer you a podcast as part their Olympic specials mini-series, looking at games in Fantasy & Sci-Fi. They offer you such morsels as: * 3D chess & Gene Roddenberry's wish fulfilment * the Holodeck & its Roleplaying implications * Iain M Bank's Player of Games * Different Types of Gamers * the nature if game playing & protagonists Before moving on to consider lessons learnt during the mini-series Do you listen? YOU DECIDE! Feedback on the comments or @dissectingwrlds or dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk Kehaar's roleplaying material at clarkythecruel.wordpress.com & the roleplaying game pod here: http://clarkythecruel.wordpress.com/category/drakesdoom/feed/

  • Arrow of Time

    047 - The Impossible Companion

    Arrow of Time

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:55 (GMT) - 8 Jan 2013

    Brr… Do you feel a chill? As though someone just wrote a terrible opening to a podcast description? Don’t worry, it’s just the snowmen! I mean “The Snowmen!” And you should probably worry, because they might/will eat you/your thoughts. The only defense is listening to Matt, Joseph, Dave, and Gabe talk about The Doctor, Clara, some old guy, and lots of snowmen in our latest episodic outing! Well, that or a flamethrower. Maybe they put those inside Christmas crackers.

    It’s not too late to unwrap you Christmas WhoTube, “Christmas Eve // Doctor Who” by Liisakee: http://youtu.be/Ag4ZOgGxrsc

  • Transmissions From Atlantis

    Episode 23 - The One About the Hobbit, The Snowmen and the 50th

    Transmissions From Atlantis

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:55 (GMT) - 7 Jan 2013

    We’re baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. Jason and Rita DLT are back with Season 2 of Transmissions From Atlantis. We have a jam packed show for you this week as we give you our review on the Hobbit, we talk about the Doctor Who

    Christmas Special – the Snowmen, we give you the latest on Star Trek 2, the Walking Dead, Evil Dead and tell you why we won’t be going to see Texas Chainsaw.

    We’ll also be talking with Doctor Scott Vigue about TimeLord Fest, coming to Tampa on January 26th.

    Finally we have all the juicy Doctor Who 50th anniversary rumors! Come check us out after the bump!

    The Lineup

    1:21 -Opening

    -How was Armaggedon and Christmas ?

    Swamp Con

    - We will be attending Swamp Con as panelists -
    Reitz Union at the University of Florida in Gainesville

    Doctor Who 1pm-2pm
    Star Trek 3pm-4pm
    Podcasting Panel 4pm-5pm

    7:29 Sci-Fi News
    -Healing Vibes to John Barrowman of Torchwood Fame

    -Pantomime with David Tennant and the guys from Friday Night Project

    - Our review of the Hobbitt

    - A Toikien-inspired Theme park?
    - We talk about the long “trailer” of Star Trek Into Darkness

    - JJ Abrams Grants Person’s Dying wish to see the movie early.

    - Fringe ending – what the stars want to take home with them.

    30:41 Horror News

    - Remakes of Texas Chainsaw and Evil Dead


    - The Walking Dead Season 3 Second Half Premiere

    44:56 Transmissions Received

    - Dr. Scott talks Time Lord Fest Tampa Bay

    1:11:55 Doctor Who
    - David Tennant and Georgia Moffett having a 2nd child (by David)

    - Our Review of The Christmas Special – the Snowmen

    - Clara Oswin Oswald theories

    - 50th Anniversary News
    - No Rose?

    - Short Stories (maybe JK?)

    - The “Eleven Doctors”?

    1:38:59- Closing

    Leave a message on our studio line at: 813-333-9049

    More Links

    TFA Teaches You Who

    RSS Feed

    TFA on ITunes

    The TFA Android App: Transmissions From Atlantis

    The post Episode 23 – The One About the Hobbit, The Snowmen and the 50th appeared first on Transmissions From Atlantis.

  • The Pharos Project Podcast

    Pharos Project 127 Deviled Eggs [Angel Heart]

    The Pharos Project Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:23 (GMT) - 7 Jan 2013

    Happy New Year to all! Now that the formalities are dealt with, this isn't what your were probably expecting. Our review of The Snowmen has been lost to the the frustrations of a digital age. meaning we muffed it and it didn't record properly. However, in place of that, we have a treat for you. Well, a treat if you happen to be a fan of this movie. Up for discussion this week, Alan Parker's 1987 film Angel Heart. We're joined by Mr. Ash from the Nights At The Round Table Podcast as we answer all your questions (from 1987) about the twisting, turning, conundrum that is Mickey Rourke's face.

    Twitter: @beastmasterpete @Spurt_Russell @revenevermore @PharosProject @natrtpodcast

    Facebook: The Pharos Project Group Page  http://www.facebook.com/groups/145571995515976/

    Email: pharos.project@yahoo.co.uk

    Web  http://thepharosproject.com/   http://nightsattheroundtable.net/

  • The Pharos Project Podcast

    Pharos Project 127 Deviled Eggs [Angel Heart]

    The Pharos Project Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:23 (GMT) - 7 Jan 2013

    Happy New Year to all! Now that the formalities are dealt with, this isn't what your were probably expecting. Our review of The Snowmen has been lost to the the frustrations of a digital age. meaning we muffed it and it didn't record properly. However, in place of that, we have a treat for you. Well, a treat if you happen to be a fan of this movie. Up for discussion this week, Alan Parker's 1987 film Angel Heart. We're joined by Mr. Ash from the Nights At The Round Table Podcast as we answer all your questions (from 1987) about the twisting, turning, conundrum that is Mickey Rourke's face.

    Twitter: @beastmasterpete @Spurt_Russell @revenevermore @PharosProject @natrtpodcast

    Facebook: The Pharos Project Group Page http://www.facebook.com/groups/145571995515976/

    Email: pharos.project@yahoo.co.uk

    Web http://thepharosproject.com/ http://nightsattheroundtable.net/

  • Traveling the Vortex

    Episode 106 - Devils and Wolves

    Traveling the Vortex

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:29 (GMT) - 7 Jan 2013

    NEW_TTV_LOGO_200In this week’s show wer join the Fifth Doctor on two adventures. First is the televised story, The Awakening, featuring companions Tegan and Turlough. Next is the Big Finish audio, Loups-Garoux this time with just Turlough and the Doctor.

    Also, some news about 11 e-short stories being published on-line to accompany the 50th anniversary year and featuring every Doctor. This month’s announced author can be found on the Doctor Who Facebook page.

    And, of course you feed back, preceded by a “new and improved” feedback jingle hot off the presses from Shaun. You might be familiar with the tune.


    Links to some of the exciting stuff by Dr. Phil and The Well-Tempered Schism.

    You can hear them on SoundCloud – https://soundcloud.com/welltemperedschism
    You can see a couple live videos at their YouTube page, on Facebook, on Twitter & their website at http://www.welltemperedschism.com/

  • Mondas Podcast

    Doctor Who-Mondas Podcast -Episode 51

    Mondas Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:13 (GMT) - 7 Jan 2013

    itunes pic
    Ian Todd and Danny Davies discuss 'The Snowmmen'.

  • Mondas Podcast

    Doctor Who-Mondas Podcast -Episode 51

    Mondas Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:13 (GMT) - 7 Jan 2013

    itunes pic
    Ian Todd and Danny Davies discuss 'The Snowmmen'.

  • The Blue Box Podcast

    Episode 40: Tardis

    The Blue Box Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:16 (GMT) - 7 Jan 2013

    The Blue Box Podcast - Episode 40: Tardis Brought to you every Saturday by Starburst Columnist - JR Southall, Lee Rawlings, Mark Cockram and Simon Brett

  • The Sonic Toolbox

    Episode 66: How the TARDIS Changes Her Spots

    The Sonic Toolbox

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:59 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    It's a new year and we have a new TARDIS interior.  It looks great, but not counting set builders, how did the Doctor do it?  This week we look into the technical aspects of how the TARDIS redecorates and reconfigures herself.

    That, some feedback and Daisy's winter cold are all here for you to enjoy!

    WARNING: Contains rabbit chasing


    Tardis Index File on Architectural Configuration

    From The Whoniverse scientific website:

    Just for fun: How the Leopard Got His Spots by Rudyard Kipling
    Episode 66: How the TARDIS Changes Her Spots

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Doctor Who Commentary - 7.06 'The Snowmen' Christmas Special

    Impossible Podcasts

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:57 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    The Doctor and Clara in the TARDISAfter something of an extended break, Caleb and Sarah are back with our verdict on The Snowmen, the 2012 Doctor Who Christmas special! With a new title sequence, new TARDIS and above all new companion, the feisty Clara, ably played by Jenna-Louise Coleman, there’s plenty for us to talk about… not to mention abominable snowmen, Victorian values, lesbian interspecies marriage, the place of Sherlock Holmes in the Whoniverse, and Matt Smith sporting a specially fine hat!

    Stay tuned for our anniversary-year coverage of Doctor Who, as we celebrate each of the eleven Doctors from the last 50 years, one per month, and count down to the big day on 23rd November 2013!

  • Who's He?

    Who's He? Podcast #91 Got me so blind I can't see

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:12 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    It's a return to our series 3 retrospective with a look at The Shakespeare Code. However, this week there is a change in the presenting lineup as Phil is joined by the excellent It's a return to our series 3 retrospective with a look at The Shakespeare Code. However, this week there is a change in the presenting lineup as Phil is joined by the excellent Martyn Havell from The Badwilf Podcast who makes a long overdue return to the show. So how does this historical story hold up after all this time? Is it more Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet or the equivalent of Jet Li's Romeo Must Die? Find out what they think and as a bonus you will also discover that Chevy Chase is God and Haircut 100 rule!!

    And in a very slow news week, 50th Anniversary rumours are dashed, an announcement of Puffin Books contribution to the Doctors 50th and more stats!!

  • Who's He?

    Got me so blind I can't see

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:00 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    It's a return to our series 3 retrospective with a look at The Shakespeare Code.  However, this week there is a change in the presenting line up as Phil is joined by the excellent Martyn Havell from the Bad Wilf Podcast who makes a long overdue return to the show.  So how does this historical story hold up after all this time?  Is it more Kenneth Brannagh's Hamlet or more Jet Li's Romeo Must Die?  Find out what they think and as a bonus you will also discover that Chevy Chase is God and Haircut 100 rule!!

    And in a very slow news week, 50th Anniversary rumours are dashed, an announcement of Puffin Books contribution to the Doctor's 50th and more stats!

  • Who's He?

    Got me so blind I can't see

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:00 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    It's a return to our series 3 retrospective with a look at The Shakespeare Code.  However, this week there is a change in the presenting line up as Phil is joined by the excellent Martyn Havell from the Bad Wilf Podcast who makes a long overdue return to the show.  So how does this historical story hold up after all this time?  Is it more Kenneth Brannagh's Hamlet or more Jet Li's Romeo Must Die?  Find out what they think and as a bonus you will also discover that Chevy Chase is God and Haircut 100 rule!!

    And in a very slow news week, 50th Anniversary rumours are dashed, an announcement of Puffin Books contribution to the Doctor's 50th and more stats!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #344 - More Than 100 Minutes In The TARDIS

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:00 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    Happy New Year! After battling illness and ennui over the past week and a half, the Three Who Rule are back with a bumper episode to launch 2013, the centrepiece of which is an epic interview with Kevin Jon Davies. Davies was the director and producer of "More Than 30 Years In The TARDIS", the BBC's official 30th anniversary celebration for Doctor Who, but his connection to the worlds of Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, and Blake's 7, made for a fascinating chat. Also, your three hosts run down the Christmas time viewing figures, discuss their importance, and also talk about puppies. Six weeks until Gallifrey One!

    Check out the show notes at http://www.radiofreeskaro.com

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #344 - More Than 100 Minutes In The TARDIS

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:00 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    Happy New Year! After battling illness and ennui over the past week and a half, the Three Who Rule are back with a bumper episode to launch 2013, the centrepiece of which is an epic interview with Kevin Jon Davies. Davies was the director and producer of "More Than 30 Years In The TARDIS", the BBC's official 30th anniversary celebration for Doctor Who, but his connection to the worlds of Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, and Blake's 7, made for a fascinating chat. Also, your three hosts run down the Christmas time viewing figures, discuss their importance, and also talk about puppies. Six weeks until Gallifrey One!

    Check out the show notes at http://www.radiofreeskaro.com

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #344 - More Than 100 Minutes In The TARDIS

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:00 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    Happy New Year! After battling illness and ennui over the past week and a half, the Three Who Rule are back with a bumper episode to launch 2013, the centrepiece of which is an epic interview with Kevin Jon Davies. Davies was the director and producer of "More Than 30 Years In The TARDIS", the BBC's official 30th anniversary celebration for Doctor Who, but his connection to the worlds of Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, and Blake's 7, made for a fascinating chat. Also, your three hosts run down the Christmas time viewing figures, discuss their importance, and also talk about puppies. Six weeks until Gallifrey One!

    Check out the show notes at http://www.radiofreeskaro.com

  • Roy's Rocket Radio

    RRR7 King Arthur (Recorded in Mauritius)

    Roy's Rocket Radio

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:00 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    New year, new show, new magazine, Alex Cross, Brick, The Eagle, Merlin, Excalibur, King Arthur, The Last Legion, The Sword in the Stone, Hugo, The Artist, Voyage to the Moon, Metropolis, Nosteratu, Frankenstein, Dracula, Forbidden Planet, This Island Earth, The Day the Earth Stood Still, The Day the Earth Caught Fire, Cloud Atlas, Dexter, Awake, Gadget Man, Metal Hurlant, Frazetta, Moebius, Liberatore, NewsWeek.
    Show Notes: https://roymathur.com/podcast/2013-01-06-roys-rocket-radio.txt

  • Roy's Rocket Radio

    RRR7 King Arthur (Recorded in Mauritius)

    Roy's Rocket Radio

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:00 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    New year, new show, new magazine, Alex Cross, Brick, The Eagle, Merlin, Excalibur, King Arthur, The Last Legion, The Sword in the Stone, Hugo, The Artist, Voyage to the Moon, Metropolis, Nosteratu, Frankenstein, Dracula, Forbidden Planet, This Island Earth, The Day the Earth Stood Still, The Day the Earth Caught Fire, Cloud Atlas, Dexter, Awake, Gadget Man, Metal Hurlant, Frazetta, Moebius, Liberatore, NewsWeek.

  • Roy's Rocket Radio

    RRR 7, Inc. Heavy Metal Magazine, SciFi/Fantasy/Horror/Tech Mauritius

    Roy's Rocket Radio

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:00 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    New year, new show, new magazine, Alex Cross, Brick, The Eagle, Merlin, Excalibur, King Arthur, The Last Legion, The Sword in the Stone, Hugo, The Artist, Voyage to the Moon, Metropolis, Nosteratu, Frankenstein, Dracula, Forbidden Planet, This Island Earth, The Day the Earth Stood Still, The Day the Earth Caught Fire, Cloud Atlas, Dexter, Awake, Gadget Man, Metal Hurlant, Frazetta, Moebius, Liberatore, NewsWeek.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Podcast #149: Straddling the Bongs

    Staggering Stories Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:10 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    Doctor Who: The SnowmenSummary:
    Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins, Fake Crumbly, Fake Keith, Jean Riddler and the Real Keith Dunn talk about the Doctor Who: ‘The Snowmen’, our Predictions, Hopes and Dreams, and Fears for 2013, see how wrong we were about our Predictions for 2012, find some general news and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 01:10 — Welcome!
    • 01:58 – News:
    • 02:08 — Doctor Who: Anniversary stamps.
    • 06:46 — The Twilight Zone: CBS looking to make a new series.
    • 05:43 — Radio Times Poll: Sci-Fi & fantasy down in the poll.
    • 08:00 — Gerry Anderson: DEAD!
    • 09:52 — Drinking Game!
    • 10:36 — Doctor Who RPG: More expansions, finally!
    • 14:30 — Boxing Day Sales: Zombie customers.
    • 16:00 – The News Quiz 2012.
    • 21:48 – Predictions, Fears and Hopes & Dreams for the future:
    • 21:54 — How wrong we were: Predictions for 2012.
    • 28:56 — Predictions for 2013.
    • 38:36 — How wrong we were: Hopes and Dreams for 2012.
    • 44:12 — Hopes and Dreams for 2013.
    • 53:55 — How wrong we were: Fears for 2012.
    • 59:49 — Fears for 2013.
    • 64:58 – Doctor Who: The Snowmen.
    • 84:04 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 99:16 — New Year’s Bongs!
    • 106:00 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 106:43 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE184 - Review of 2012 plus 20 Best TV Shows

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:35 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    Merlin Seris 5 will now be done as a Studio show soon. This show a Review of 2012 plus 20 Best TV Shows http://www.pastemagazine.com/blogs/lists/2012/12/the-20-best-tv-shows-of-2012.html

  • The 49 Up Podcast

    Episode 7: The Angels take Manhattan Review

    The 49 Up Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:48 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    2013, The first episode of the 50th anniversary year. In this episode of the 49 Up Podcast, James and George come to a New point in the review cycle of the podcast, They reach the END of Series 7 Part 1 and the departure of Amy Pond and Rory Williams to Doctor Who. They discuss, Angels, Production Values, River Song, Companion depatures and even a little bit of good old American Noir natter. See what they have to say in these weeks Episode. Enjoy ^^

  • Voyagers in the TARDIS

    Episode 17: 'Commentary: The Snowmen'

    Voyagers in the TARDIS

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    After a three month break... I'm back! This time round, I'm joined by Rhys Parton ('Who' - is the man) and Adam J Purcell (Staggering Stories) to do a commentary for the 2012 Christmas Special: The Snowmen! Enjoy! Please have feedback and please send it in to "tardisvoyagers@gmail.com" Please

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE184 - Review of 2012 plus 20 Best TV Shows

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:35 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    A Review of our 2012 plus '20 Best TV Shows of 2012' using Paste List: http://www.pastemagazine.com/blogs/lists/2012/12/the-20-best-tv-shows-of-2012.html Note: the original topic for this episode 'Merlin Seris 5 Review' will now be done as a Studio show (coming soon.)

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE184 - Review of 2012 plus 20 Best TV Shows

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:35 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    A Review of our 2012 plus '20 Best TV Shows of 2012' using Paste List: http://www.pastemagazine.com/blogs/lists/2012/12/the-20-best-tv-shows-of-2012.html Note: the original topic for this episode 'Merlin Seris 5 Review' will now be done as a Studio show (coming soon.)

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE184 - Review of 2012 plus 20 Best TV Shows

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:35 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    A Review of our 2012 plus '20 Best TV Shows of 2012' using Paste List: http://www.pastemagazine.com/blogs/lists/2012/12/the-20-best-tv-shows-of-2012.html Note: the original topic for this episode 'Merlin Seris 5 Review' will now be done as a Studio show (coming soon.)

  • The Doctor Who Book Club Podcast

    Episode 24: The Time Travellers

    The Doctor Who Book Club Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    02:38 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    For those of you that we’re sitting on the edges of your seat at the end of last month, waiting for December’s episode, we apologize that we’re a little behind.  Occasionally real life does get in the way, and busy holiday plans on both our parts forced us to release the December episode a few days into January.

    This month we present a discussion of The Time Travellers by Simon Guerrier, a BBC Past Doctors adventure featuring the First Doctor, Susan, Barbara, and Ian.  From the back cover:

    ‘Have you ever thought what it’s like to be wanderers in the fourth dimension, to be exiles?’

    24 June, 2006.  The TARDIS has landed in London.  Ian and Barbara are almost back home.  But this isn’t the city they knew.  This London is a ruin, torn apart by war.  A war that the British are losing.

    With his friends mistaken for vagrants and sentenced to death, the Doctor is press-ganged into helping perfect a weapon that might just turn the tables in the war.  The British Army has discovered time travel.  And the consequences are already devastating.

    What has happened to the world that Ian and Barbara once knew?  Hoe much of the experiment do the Doctor and Susan really understand?

    And, despite all the Doctor has said to the contrary, is it actually possible to change history?

    The Time Travellers was Simon Guerrier’s first novel, and most recently he has written the New Series Adventures The Slitheen Excursion and the acclaimed The Pirate Loop, both featuring the Tenth Doctor.  Aside from his work with the Doctor Who series, who also wrote novels for the shows Primevil and Being Human.

    Questions?  Email us at dwbcpodcast@gmail.com.  Also catch us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter via @dwbcpodcast.  You can also follow Erik via @sjcaustenite and Sean via @tardistavern.

  • The Doctor Who Book Club Podcast

    Episode 24: The Time Travellers

    The Doctor Who Book Club Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    02:38 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2013

    For those of you that we're sitting on the edges of your seat at the end of last month, waiting for December's episode, we apologize that we're a little behind. Occasionally real life does get in the way, and busy holiday plans on both our parts forced us to release the December episode a few days into January.

    This month we present a discussion of The Time Travellers by Simon Guerrier, a BBC Past Doctors adventure featuring the First Doctor, Susan, Barbara, and Ian. From the back cover:

    'Have you ever thought what it's like to be wanderers in the fourth dimension, to be exiles?'

    24 June, 2006. The TARDIS has landed in London. Ian and Barbara are almost back home. But this isn't the city they knew. This London is a ruin, torn apart by war. A war that the British are losing.

    With his friends mistaken for vagrants and sentenced to death, the Doctor is press-ganged into helping perfect a weapon that might just turn the tables in the war. The British Army has discovered time travel. And the consequences are already devastating.

    What has happened to the world that Ian and Barbara once knew? Hoe much of the experiment do the Doctor and Susan really understand?

    And, despite all the Doctor has said to the contrary, is it actually possible to change history?

    The Time Travellers was Simon Guerrier's first novel, and most recently he has written the New Series Adventures The Slitheen Excursion and the acclaimed The Pirate Loop, both featuring the Tenth Doctor. Aside from his work with the Doctor Who series, who also wrote novels for the shows Primevil and Being Human.

    Questions? Email us at dwbcpodcast@gmail.com. Also catch us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter via @dwbcpodcast. You can also follow Erik via @sjcaustenite and Sean via @tardistavern.

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #182 - Interview with Ed Stradling

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:05 (GMT) - 5 Jan 2013

    We bring you a very special episode of the DWP this week -James spoke to DVD value-added-material producer, Mr Ed Stradling. Ed is responsible for producing a ridiculously high number of extra features that have been included on Doctor Who DVDs, the first of which saw the likes of Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss talk [...]

  • Dirty WHOers's Podcast

    Dirty WHOers 050

    Dirty WHOers's Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 5 Jan 2013

    Our 50th episode, to start the 50th year of Doctor Who. We review 'New Earth' [2006].

  • Two-minute Time Lord

    2MTL 291: Neither a Barmaid Nor a Governess Be

    Two-minute Time Lord

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:47 (GMT) - 5 Jan 2013

    Clara Oswin Oswald — if that IS her REAL name — committed many and various sins against Victoriana in "The Snowmen." Shannon, spouse behind and brains of the 2MTL operation, enumerates the offenses and incongruities, suggesting that they're hints to her true nature.

  • New Who Podcast

    DWS07E6 - The Snowmen

    New Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:16 (GMT) - 5 Jan 2013

    DWS07E6 - The Snowmen

  • Daveac Video Blog

    daveac vblog 210

    Daveac Video Blog

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:27 (GMT) - 5 Jan 2013

    After a long break a short daveac vblog to welcome in the New Year. Some updates on what I've been up to plus a wine to enjoy. There will be more videos shortly, just not on a weekly basis

  • The Flashing Blade Podcast

    The Flashing Blade Podcast 1-137 Doctor Who Podcast

    The Flashing Blade Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:08 (GMT) - 4 Jan 2013

    Have an action packed opening. Then three people talking about Doctor Who. Yup, it's the Snowmen. er, what they're talking about, not the people doing the talking. Though that would be quite cool. No pun intended. Yeah, The Snowmen podcast. Hmm.....

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 154(Dr Who An Unearthly Child review)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:12 (GMT) - 4 Jan 2013

    I begin my look at the classic series in this 50th Anniversary year with the very first Dr Who story An Unearthly Child, it began in a junk yard and it ends on a desolate alien planet.

    If you want to know more about William Hartnell who played the 1st Doctor I profiled him in the first episode of Tim's Take On which you can download here http://tto.libsyn.com/tim-s-take-on-episode-1-the-first-doctor-

    Chris Alpha of The Oodcast has written Haikus about all the classic series stories you can read them here http://theoodcast.com/2011/07/haikwho-season-one-19634/

    and finally for a not we take on this story here's Adventures with The Wife in Space's review http://wifeinspace.com/2011/01/an-unearthly-child/

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 154(Dr Who An Unearthly Child review)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:12 (GMT) - 4 Jan 2013

    I begin my look at the classic series in this 50th Anniversary year with the very first Dr Who story An Unearthly Child, it began in a junk yard and it ends on a desolate alien planet.

    If you want to know more about William Hartnell who played the 1st Doctor I profiled him in the first episode of Tim's Take On which you can download here http://tto.libsyn.com/tim-s-take-on-episode-1-the-first-doctor-

    Chris Alpha of The Oodcast has written Haikus about all the classic series stories you can read them here http://theoodcast.com/2011/07/haikwho-season-one-19634/

    and finally for a not we take on this story here's Adventures with The Wife in Space's review http://wifeinspace.com/2011/01/an-unearthly-child/

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 154(Dr Who An Unearthly Child review)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:12 (GMT) - 4 Jan 2013

    I begin my look at the classic series in this 50th Anniversary year with the very first Dr Who story An Unearthly Child, it began in a junk yard and it ends on a desolate alien planet.

    If you want to know more about William Hartnell who played the 1st Doctor I profiled him in the first episode of Tim's Take On which you can download here http://tto.libsyn.com/tim-s-take-on-episode-1-the-first-doctor-

    Chris Alpha of The Oodcast has written Haikus about all the classic series stories you can read them here http://theoodcast.com/2011/07/haikwho-season-one-19634/

    and finally for a not we take on this story here's Adventures with The Wife in Space's review http://wifeinspace.com/2011/01/an-unearthly-child/

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    HHG2W #6 Doctor's Strange Limerick or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Bats Milk

    Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:58 (GMT) - 4 Jan 2013

    42 (how fitting) days until Gally!


    • Today the feed turns Pertwee! Well, to be fair we're actually much older than 3. We weren't really planning anything special for today, but then @MarkCockram inadvertently reminded us that we still have years old unreleased material. Herein is a taste of what this feed was originally created for.
    • Here's to many more years to come and nevermore drivel of this sort!
    • Thanks ever so dearly for the contribution by Graeme Harper.



    • This jaunt was originally recorded November 6, 2009.
    • COMING SOON: ???


    Host/Producer: Eric @BullittWHO
    Email: EscoWHO ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    NotBlog: bullitt33tvblog.wordpress.com

    Co-host: Josh @whomeJZ
    Email: whomeJZ ~at~ yahoo ~dot~com

    Co-hostess: Cat @fancyfembot
    Email: fancyfembot ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Sci-Fi Party Line News Network: scifipartyline.net

    Mostly Harmless Cutaway @DoctorWhoMHC
    Email: doctorwhomhc ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Website: guidetothewhoverse.libsyn.com
    Tumblr: doctorwhomhc.tumblr.com
    Facebook: facebook.com/DoctorWhoMHC

    Legal: Sean H. @tardistavern
    PR: Kyle A. @FunctionalNerd
    Comptroller: Chris B. @dubbayoo
    Morale: Erika E. @HollyGoDarkly
    R&D: Erik S. @sjcAustenite
    Art: Julian C. @JLB_Tosche
    Eponymous cold open by Emily K. @emilyooo
    TARDIS Cutaway artwork by Peter Tulay
    MHC Theme created by E.A. Escamilla

  • Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    HHG2W #6 Doctor's Strange Limerick or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Bats Milk

    Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:58 (GMT) - 4 Jan 2013

    42 (how fitting) days until Gally!


    • Today the feed turns Pertwee! Well, to be fair we're actually much older than 3. We weren't really planning anything special for today, but then @MarkCockram inadvertently reminded us that we still have years old unreleased material. Herein is a taste of what this feed was originally created for.
    • Here's to many more years to come and nevermore drivel of this sort!
    • Thanks ever so dearly for the contribution by Graeme Harper.



    • This jaunt was originally recorded November 6, 2009.
    • COMING SOON: ???




    Host/Producer: Eric @BullittWHO
    Email: EscoWHO ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    NotBlog: bullitt33tvblog.wordpress.com

    Co-host: Josh @whomeJZ
    Email: whomeJZ ~at~ yahoo ~dot~com

    Co-hostess: Cat @fancyfembot
    Email: fancyfembot ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Sci-Fi Party Line News Network: scifipartyline.net

    Mostly Harmless Cutaway @DoctorWhoMHC
    Email: doctorwhomhc ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Website: guidetothewhoverse.libsyn.com
    Tumblr: doctorwhomhc.tumblr.com 
    Facebook: facebook.com/DoctorWhoMHC 

    Legal: Sean H. @tardistavern
    PR: Kyle A. @FunctionalNerd
    Comptroller: Chris B. @dubbayoo
    Morale: Erika E. @HollyGoDarkly
    R&D: Erik S. @sjcAustenite
    Art: Julian C. @JLB_Tosche
    Eponymous cold open by Emily K. @emilyooo
    TARDIS Cutaway artwork by Peter Tulay
    MHC Theme created by E.A. Escamilla

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #182 - Interview with Ed Stradling

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:05 (GMT) - 4 Jan 2013

    We bring you a very special episode of the DWP this week – James spoke to DVD value-added-material producer, Mr Ed Stradling. Ed is responsible for producing a ridiculously high number of extra features that have been included on Doctor Who DVDs, the first of which saw the likes of Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss [...]

Dormant Podcasts