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Latest Podcast Episodes

  • The Blue Box Podcast

    Episode 57: Neil's Nightmare

    The Blue Box Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:51 (GMT) - 11 May 2013

    The Blue Box Podcast - Episode 57: Neil's Nightmare Brought to you every Saturday by Starburst Columnist - JR Southall, Lee Rawlings, Mark Cockram and Simon Brett

  • The Cloister Room

    The Cloister Room 051 - Doctor Who Eye Thing

    The Cloister Room

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:03 (GMT) - 11 May 2013

    Another new episode of Doctor Who has aired, and Tom and Louis greet it with much enthusiasm (although one of them has considerably more enthusiasm than the other). Tom shares a new theory about Clara’s mystery, and Louis identifies a connection to Fringe. Plus, we talk about the 50th Anniversary special. Again.

  • The Untempered Schism Podcast

    Episode 68 : The Shakespeare Code

    The Untempered Schism Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:00 (GMT) - 11 May 2013

    We've gone back to the past to time of the Tenth Doctor who's taken Martha back to 1599 in The Shakespeare Code. Naturally there are strange witch aliens running about, controlling Shakespeare and pulling the strings behind the scenes (a bit literally). Lucky our heroes are here to make random quip and drop lines from Shakespeare plays while saving the day.

    Feedback to: show@untemperedschism.org

    Twitter: @schismpodcast
    Web: http://www.untemperedschism.org/

    Duration: 27:16

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #206 - Review of Nightmare in Silver

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:52 (GMT) - 11 May 2013

    It's not just reimagined Cybermen making a return this week, Ian makes a return to the Campervan too. Oh, and Stephen, after guesting on last week's show has made himself comfortable and joins us once again - the campervan is full this week! Join the lads for for an 'upgraded' DWP as they appraise Neil [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #206 - Review of Nightmare in Silver

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:52 (GMT) - 11 May 2013

    It’s not just reimagined Cybermen making a return this week, Ian makes a return to the Campervan too. Oh, and Stephen, who after guesting on last week’s show has made himself comfortable and joins us once again – the campervan is full this week! Join the lads for for an ‘upgraded’ DWP as they appraise [...]

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #245 - Blennophobie on a Spaceship

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:45 (GMT) - 11 May 2013

    Ist denn schon wieder Weihnachten? Nein! Dennoch gibt es in diesem Whocast - der schon ein wenig langer hier liegt - endlich die Weihnachtsgeschenke fur die Teilnehmer unseres Weihnachtsgewinnspieles. Ausserdem besprechen wir die Folge "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship" der Staffel 7 und haben nach langer Zeit mal wieder eine Bewerbung zum mitcasten in Form eines MP3s. Also ab ins Forum und abstimmen! Ausserdem machen wir aus aktuellem Anlass einen sehr kurzen Ausflug ins Land des T-Rock. Einer unserer personlichen Agenden folgend haben wir eine kleine Bitte an Euch. Da mit "Opus" ein relativ neuer, lizenzfreier Audiocodec zur Verfugung steht, der gute Chancen hat, MP3 als Standard abzulosen und wir das fur eine wirklich gute Sache halten, haben wir die aktuelle Folge des Whocastes auch im Opusformat fur Euch auf unserer Homepage abgelegt und wir wurden uns sehr freuen, wenn ihr dem Codec mal eine Chance gebt. Der Vorteil fur die Horer liegt auf der Hand. Die Dateien sind bei (mindestens) gleicher Qualitat nur halb so gross. Momentan spielt (fast) jeder neue Webbrowser die Dateien von "Haus aus" ab und auch die neue Version des VLC-Players hat keine Probleme damit. Rockbox sollte auch sehr bald mit einer entsprechenden Version nachrucken und weitere Player und Tools sollten nicht all zu lange auf sich warten lassen. Wir wurden uns sehr uber entsprechendes Feedback freuen.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #245 - Blennophobie on a Spaceship

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:52 (GMT) - 10 May 2013

    Ist denn schon wieder Weihnachten? Nein! Dennoch gibt es in diesem Whocast - der schon ein wenig langer hier liegt - endlich die Weihnachtsgeschenke fur die Teilnehmer unseres Weihnachtsgewinnspieles. Ausserdem besprechen wir die Folge "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship" der Staffel 7 und haben nach langer Zeit mal wieder eine Bewerbung zum mitcasten in Form eines MP3s. Also ab ins Forum und abstimmen! Ausserdem machen wir aus aktuellem Anlass einen sehr kurzen Ausflug ins Land des T-Rock. Einer unserer personlichen Agenden folgend haben wir eine kleine Bitte an Euch. Da mit "Opus" ein relativ neuer, lizenzfreier Audiocodec zur Verfugung steht, der gute Chancen hat, MP3 als Standard abzulosen und wir das fur eine wirklich gute Sache halten, haben wir die aktuelle Folge des Whocastes auch im Opusformat fur Euch auf unserer Homepage abgelegt und wir wurden uns sehr freuen, wenn ihr dem Codec mal eine Chance gebt. Der Vorteil fur die Horer liegt auf der Hand. Die Dateien sind bei (mindestens) gleicher Qualitat nur halb so gross. Momentan spielt (fast) jeder neue Webbrowser die Dateien von "Haus aus" ab und auch die neue Version des VLC-Players hat keine Probleme damit. Rockbox sollte auch sehr bald mit einer entsprechenden Version nachrucken und weitere Player und Tools sollten nicht all zu lange auf sich warten lassen. Wir wurden uns sehr uber entsprechendes Feedback freuen.

  • A Mad Man with a Box

    Episode 42: Brave Heart Stephen

    A Mad Man with a Box

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:50 (GMT) - 10 May 2013

    I know you have all be wondering what we thought of “The Crimson Horror.” Time to find out!

    Ewan and were both anticipating this episode and looking forward to the return of Vastra, Jenny and Strax and of course Dame Diana Rigg playing a villain. Did it live up to our expectations? Are we tired yet of Strax and his comedy? Will Stephen get to wear the Doctor’s awesome Victorian threads? The answers to some of these questions can be found in the player below! As well as some “squee” about the 50th Anniversary Special.


  • Two girls, a guy and a TARDIS....The Podcast - Nervous Dog Produ

    Episode 11....Thomas Thomas....and not the tank engine

    Two girls, a guy and a TARDIS....The Podcast - Nervous Dog Produ

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:46 (GMT) - 10 May 2013

    In this edition of Two girls, a guy and a TARDIS, Nicole tells us about a Doctor Who event she attended at DePaul University, We Discuss The Crimson Horror (and oddly don't all agree for the second time in a row!) and talk about what I (John) would choose to showcase the Doctors.  We also drop a little news along the way so enjoy and thanks for listening! If you haven't found us on Facebook, we're at https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTwoGirlsAGuyAndATardis so stop by and like us!

    -John Joanna and Nicole

  • Outpost Skaro Podcast

    Episode 43 - The Crimson Hurrah!

    Outpost Skaro Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:09 (GMT) - 10 May 2013

    Andy, Derek and Alan investigate whether lightning has struck twice for Mark Gatiss or if the crimson in this weeks episode is from red cheeks of embarrassment.

    And Eddie drops in with a couple of spoilers for this weeks episode: “Nightmare in Silver”. Catch them before the spoiler ninja’s catch him.

    Warning: Contains some minor spoilers (but the podcast does warn before they start)

  • Earth Station Who

    Earth Station Who Episode 37

    Earth Station Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:17 (GMT) - 10 May 2013

    Mike, Mike, Phantom Troublemaker, the award winning author Bobby Nash, and Jennifer Hartshorn enter the room from which no one returns to review the 100th episode of Doctor Who since its revival. In...

    Earth Station Who is a show dedicated to the culture around the BBC icon Doctor Who. Join Mike F, Mike G and Dave as we explore the 50 year history and fandom surrounding the Doctor With reviews, interviews and just general talk you never know WHO might pop up.

  • Earth Station Who

    Earth Station Who Episode 37 - The Crimson Horror

    Earth Station Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:17 (GMT) - 10 May 2013

    Mike, Mike, Phantom Troublemaker, the award winning author Bobby Nash, and Jennifer Hartshorn enter the room from which no one returns to review the 100th episode of Doctor Who since its revival. In...

    Earth Station Who is a show dedicated to the culture around the BBC icon Doctor Who. Join Mike F, Mike G and Dave as we explore the 50 year history and fandom surrounding the Doctor With reviews, interviews and just general talk you never know WHO might pop up.

  • Arrow of Time

    055 - Wasting Away in Sweetville

    Arrow of Time

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:06 (GMT) - 10 May 2013

    It may have taken the better part of whatever we’re calling the current chunk of Doctor Who (I suggest “semi-series”), but Mark Gatiss gets it right, serving up a tasty helping of “The Crimson Horror.” While we recommend against eating television shows (leave that to us professionals), we do suggest listening to the latest Arrow of Time as part of a balanced podcast diet. Bon appetit!

    You got your Who in my Tubes! Yeah, well you got your Tubes in my Who! Both of you stop saying weird things, how about, and instead watch this choice cut from YouTube user equixen entitled “It’s Out Of My Hands – Nine and Clara”: http://youtu.be/NbkqbuFUrHc

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 206

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:44 (GMT) - 9 May 2013

    Welcome to Episode 206 of Geek Syndicate! Join Barry and Dave as they once more guide you through the murky underbelly of Geekdom.

    • No extra doctor's for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary
    • First images from BBC's The Three Musketeers

    Week that was

    • Porcelain
    • Defiance
    • Young Justice
    • Clone Wars


    We look at Doctor Who Series 7 part 2.

  • The Oncoming Storm

    The Oncoming Storm Ep 58: NA # 18 Cyber-Future is NOW!

    The Oncoming Storm

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:01 (GMT) - 9 May 2013

    Welcome... to the Future! Ecological collapse is imminent. Terrorists are everywhere. People are taking cruises to the Artic, just to get away from it all. Welcome to... 2006?!? The Oncoming Storm looks to navigate their way through this crazy future world, in episode 58, where Ashley and Josh are talking Iceberg, by David Banks. David Banks?!? That can only mean one thing: CYBERMEN! Is the return of one of the Doctor's oldest foes worth the effort? Will the Doctor be able to defeat the mechanical menace without his trusty companions? Join your hosts to find out! The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got teledildonic devices! Yeah. Don't ask. You don't wanna know.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 206

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:44 (GMT) - 9 May 2013

    Welcome to Episode 206 of Geek Syndicate! Join Barry and Dave as they once more guide you through the murky underbelly of Geekdom.

    • No extra doctor's for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary
    • First images from BBC's The Three Musketeers

    Week that was

    • Porcelain
    • Defiance
    • Young Justice
    • Clone Wars


    We look at Doctor Who Series 7 part 2.

  • Kasterborous Podkast

    The Crimson PodKast!

    Kasterborous Podkast

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:23 (GMT) - 9 May 2013

    is a writer at Kasterborous Doctor Who News and Reviews - All the latest Doctor Who news and reviews with our weekly podKast, features and interviews, and a long-running forum.

    Kasterborous Doctor Who podKastIt’s a two-hander this week with James McLean providing company for Christian Cawley – and you, dear listener – as we look in-depth at a few important Doctor Who topics.

    First and foremost, we discuss The Crimson Horror. You should really have worked that out from the title of this week’s podKast (with a “K”), of course.

    Following this, Christian makes a revelation – that he feels there is something not quite right with Doctor Who Series 7b…

    We also chew over the recent rumours concerning Steven Moffat’s continued presence as Doctor Who Executive Producer as well as spending a few moments on the end of shooting on the 50th anniversary episode.

    Perhaps most importantly, we want our listeners to tell us what they know about any cinema screenings of the 50th anniversary 3D episode. Our initial research into which cinemas and chains will be taking part have so far drawn a blank… Get in touch using our news contact page.

    This week’s recommendations include The Mind of Evil, the special edition DVD release for June.

    Useful links for this week's podKast:

    Kasterborous Series 3 Episode 15 Shownotes

    Did you know that there are three - count 'em, THREE - ways to enjoy this week's podKast?

    1. Use the player in the top right of the Kasterborous home page, or visit the podKast menu link.
    2. Listen with the "pop out" player above, which also allows you to download the podKast to your computer.
    3. You can also take advantage of the RSS feed to subscribe to the podKast for your media player, and even find us on iTunes!

    Incidentally, if you are listening on iTunes, please take the time to leave a rating and review and help us to bring in new listeners to the podKast! We are now offering free Dalekade especially for you, dear listener, if you can help us to raise our profile! That's right - you too can enjoy the taste of a New Dalek Paradigm!

    Yes, dear listener - you. What other podcast would give you that?

    The post The Crimson PodKast! appeared first on Kasterborous Doctor Who News and Reviews.

  • The Memory Cheats

    The Memory Cheats #61

    The Memory Cheats

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:00 (GMT) - 9 May 2013

    Episode #61 of Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats! In this episode, we discuss...

    Visit our website at http://www.thememorycheats.libsyn.com

    Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thememorycheats

    Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTheMemoryCheats

  • The Memory Cheats

    The Memory Cheats #61

    The Memory Cheats

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:00 (GMT) - 9 May 2013

    Episode #61 of Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats! In this episode, we discuss...

    Visit our website at http://www.thememorycheats.libsyn.com

    Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thememorycheats

    Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTheMemoryCheats

  • The Memory Cheats

    The Memory Cheats #61

    The Memory Cheats

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:00 (GMT) - 9 May 2013

    Episode #61 of Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats! In this episode, we discuss...

    Visit our website at http://www.thememorycheats.libsyn.com

    Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thememorycheats

    Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTheMemoryCheats

  • Doctor Who Review Today

    EPISODE 140 - Review of The Crimson Horror SPOILERS

    Doctor Who Review Today

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:25 (GMT) - 9 May 2013


  • The Ood Cast

    The Ood Cast S05E17 - Red Dead Redemption

    The Ood Cast

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:07 (GMT) - 9 May 2013

    "It was like Batman with old people."

    In which we feel pity for baby kangaroos, hit people with chairs, varnish stuff with syrup & end up red-faced.

    Reviews: The Crimson Horror
    Air Date: 9th May 2013
    Additional notes: Two sketches this week had to be completely re-done because Sigma used the laptop’s internal microphone to record them by mistake. The Northern gentleman in the first sketch (with a voice like melted chocolate) is special guest star, Jim Atkins. The other one is Alpha. He is trying out a range of accents.

  • Transmissions From Atlantis

    TFA Episode 38 - Iron Man and Cybermen

    Transmissions From Atlantis

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:05 (GMT) - 9 May 2013

    Rita is back for this week’s episode of Transmissions From Atlantis as we focus on the metal, giving you our Iron Man 3 review and focusing on this week’s Doctor Who episode Nightmare in Silver – written by the legendary Neil Gaimain. We also talk Defiance – is it worth it to continue watching? We get Rita’s review of Oblivion and also mark the passing of special effects legend Ray HarryHausen. Plus, Netflix is trying to kill Browncoat dreams.

    If that’s not enough, we also give you a preview of season 6 of True Blood, review this week’s episode of Game of Thrones and deliver a retro review of Fringe Season 4.

    In addition to the Nightmare in Silver preview, we also ask which Cyberman will be better – Gaiman’s or the Cybus Industry ones established by RTD, we’ll give you the scoop on the Doc’s name in The Name of the Doctor, review the Crimson Horror and give you the latest 50th news.

    Finally, we are putting the call out to you, the Doctor Who fan to give us your opinion on Colin Baker’s sixth doctor. You can leave a message at 813-333-9049, or skype at handle JasonDLT or do a youtube video or recording and email the file/link to hosts at transmissionsfromatlantis.com.

    Check out the links and schedule after the jump!

    Download Now!







    Episode 38 Schedule and Links

    1:30 – Opening

    3:09 Sci-Fi News

    28:44 Horror News

    36:27 Retro Review

    45:27 Doctor Who News


    1:07:42 – Why no Legacy Who Redux…call out for sixth Doctor thoughts!

    Leave your thoughts at 813-333-9049 or skype handle JasonDLT or email us your video/audio file/link

    1:12:35- Closing with Black Sabbath’s Iron Man

    The post TFA Episode 38 – Iron Man and Cybermen appeared first on Transmissions From Atlantis.

  • Drunken Time Travel

    4.06 The Moonbase

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:00 (GMT) - 9 May 2013

    Just who are these people that look like Cybermen? Plus find out if the beer this week gets DTT approval.

    Second Doctor, Polly, Ben, and Jamie

    The year is 2070, and Earth's weather is controlled by a device called the gravitron, based on the moon and manned by an international team of experts. The TARDIS arrives to find the base in the grip of a plague epidemic which is drastically reducing the personnel. Before long, an even greater menace is proved to be responsible - an invasion force from the planet Mondas, home of the Cybermen...

    Episodes - 4 Credits Written by: Kit Pedler Directed by: Morris Barry Links DTT Recommended: Brewfist Spaceman IPADTT 4.06 - The Moonbase (mp3 download)

  • Drunken Time Travel

    4.06 The Moonbase

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 9 May 2013


    Just who are these people that look like Cybermen? Plus find out if the beer this week gets DTT approval.

    Second Doctor, Polly, Ben, and Jamie

    The year is 2070, and Earth's weather is controlled by a device called the gravitron, based on the moon and manned by an international team of experts. The TARDIS arrives to find the base in the grip of a plague epidemic which is drastically reducing the personnel. Before long, an even greater menace is proved to be responsible - an invasion force from the planet Mondas, home of the Cybermen...

    Episodes - 4


    Written by: Kit Pedler Directed by: Morris Barry


    DTT Recommended: Brewfist Spaceman IPA
    DTT 4.06 - The Moonbase (mp3 download)


  • Drunken Time Travel

    4.06 The Moonbase

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 9 May 2013

    Just who are these people that look like Cybermen? Plus find out if the beer this week gets DTT approval.

    Second Doctor, Polly, Ben, and Jamie

    The year is 2070, and Earth's weather is controlled by a device called the gravitron, based on the moon and manned by an international team of experts. The TARDIS arrives to find the base in the grip of a plague epidemic which is drastically reducing the personnel. Before long, an even greater menace is proved to be responsible - an invasion force from the planet Mondas, home of the Cybermen...

    Episodes - 4 Credits Written by: Kit Pedler Directed by: Morris Barry Links DTT Recommended: Brewfist Spaceman IPADTT 4.06 - The Moonbase (mp3 download)

  • Drunken Time Travel

    4.06 The Moonbase

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 9 May 2013

    Just who are these people that look like Cybermen? Plus find out if the beer this week gets DTT approval.

    Second Doctor, Polly, Ben, and Jamie

    The year is 2070, and Earth's weather is controlled by a device called the gravitron, based on the moon and manned by an international team of experts. The TARDIS arrives to find the base in the grip of a plague epidemic which is drastically reducing the personnel. Before long, an even greater menace is proved to be responsible - an invasion force from the planet Mondas, home of the Cybermen...

    Episodes - 4 Credits Written by: Kit Pedler Directed by: Morris Barry Links DTT Recommended: Brewfist Spaceman IPADTT 4.06 - The Moonbase (mp3 download)

  • Articles of the Shadow Proclamation

    Article 62: Escape From Sweetville

    Articles of the Shadow Proclamation

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:08 (GMT) - 9 May 2013

    It was lovely to see Jenny, Vastra, and Strax again. And I'm sure that The Doctor Was happy to see them. So, please join us as we discuss this week's caper (and Dame Diana Rigg getting to work with her daughter!)

  • Drunken Time Travel

    4.06 The Moonbase

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:00 (GMT) - 9 May 2013


    Just who are these people that look like Cybermen? Plus find out if the beer this week gets DTT approval.

    Second Doctor, Polly, Ben, and Jamie

    The year is 2070, and Earth's weather is controlled by a device called the gravitron, based on the moon and manned by an international team of experts. The TARDIS arrives to find the base in the grip of a plague epidemic which is drastically reducing the personnel. Before long, an even greater menace is proved to be responsible - an invasion force from the planet Mondas, home of the Cybermen...

    Episodes - 4


    Written by: Kit Pedler Directed by: Morris Barry


    DTT Recommended: Brewfist Spaceman IPA
    DTT 4.06 - The Moonbase (mp3 download)


  • Drunken Time Travel

    4.06 The Moonbase

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:00 (GMT) - 9 May 2013


    Just who are these people that look like Cybermen? Plus find out if the beer this week gets DTT approval.

    Second Doctor, Polly, Ben, and Jamie

    The year is 2070, and Earth’s weather is controlled by a device called the gravitron, based on the moon and manned by an international team of experts. The TARDIS arrives to find the base in the grip of a plague epidemic which is drastically reducing the personnel. Before long, an even greater menace is proved to be responsible - an invasion force from the planet Mondas, home of the Cybermen…

    Episodes - 4


    Written by: Kit Pedler Directed by: Morris Barry


    DTT Recommended: Brewfist Spaceman IPA
    DTT 4.06 - The Moonbase (mp3 download)


  • The You Who Podcast

    Episode 27: A Parasite for Sore Eyes.

    The You Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:27 (GMT) - 8 May 2013

    itunes pic

    Good evening/morning/afternoon/delete where appropriopriate. Join us as we like/dislike/mostly ignore/delete where appropriate the latest Doctor Who episode 'The Crimson Horror'. 


    Please join us/go away/educate an aardvark/delete where appropriate!


    twitter: @onlybloodydavid @clareylouwho @youwhopodcast

  • Earth Station One

    Earth Station One Episode 162 - The Third Time's the Charm with Iron Man 3

    Earth Station One

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:20 (GMT) - 8 May 2013

    This week, the ESO crew begins reviewing the summer movies with one of the most anticipated films of the season, Iron Man 3. Mike, Mike, the award-winning author Bobby Nash, Tera Lynn, and Jennifer Hartshorn form a think-tank of their own and discuss the movie in detail. They also talk about the other geek-related events … Continue reading

  • The TARDIS Tavern

    Episode 84: Chalk Circle

    The TARDIS Tavern

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:48 (GMT) - 8 May 2013

    It's the best episode ever! Sean has regenerated and turned into one of his other co-hosts! This time, it's "Battlefield", with the Seventh Doctor, Ace, and the Brigadier times two.

    [This is the moment when the typist pontificates on the interesting aspects of the show, as few as they may bay. However, on this particular occasion, the typist hasn't heard or participated in the recording of said episode. So enjoy anyways. Not to sound like a bitch or anything.]

    Email us at tardistavern@gmail.com, "like" us on Facebook, follow Sean on Twitter via @tardistavern, Steve via @tardistaverntit (he never checks it), and Erik via @sjcaustenite.

  • The TARDIS Tavern

    Episode 84: Chalk Circle

    The TARDIS Tavern

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:48 (GMT) - 8 May 2013

    It’s the best episode ever!  Sean has regenerated and turned into one of his other co-hosts!  This time, it’s “Battlefield”, with the Seventh Doctor, Ace, and the Brigadier times two.

    [This is the moment when the typist pontificates on the interesting aspects of the show, as few as they may bay.  However, on this particular occasion, the typist hasn’t heard or participated in the recording of said episode.  So enjoy anyways.  Not to sound like a bitch or anything.]

    Email us at tardistavern@gmail.com, “like” us on Facebook, follow Sean on Twitter via @tardistavern, Steve via @tardistaverntit (he never checks it), and Erik via @sjcaustenite.

  • Doctor Who: Verity!

    Verity! Episode 13 - King Crimson Horror

    Doctor Who: Verity!

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:00 (GMT) - 8 May 2013

    Saturday brought us Mark Gatiss' sophomore series 7b story. Savvy? Join Deb, Erika, Liz, and Tansy as we cover "The Crimson Horror." One of us really didn't like it, and it may not be who you expect. See who thinks what about the Victorian trio. Find out who doesn't know who The Wiggles are. Marvel that Erika bought a Doctor Who audio. And if you're like Lynne when she's not on the episode, yell at the recording for being so wrong!


    Also covered [links on our site]:

    POSSIBLY SPOILERY 50th anniversary set photos! And TARDIS Tavern's multi-Doctor (2-, 3-, 5-) podcasts!
    Peter Cushing on a "Great Britons" stamp!
    A Celebration of Doctor Who! And Doctor Who purchases: Deadline! and Running Through Corridors!
    Doctor Who, Project Who? BBC Audio!

  • Doctor Who: Verity!

    Verity! Episode 13 - King Crimson Horror

    Doctor Who: Verity!

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:00 (GMT) - 8 May 2013

    Saturday brought us Mark Gatiss' sophomore series 7b story. Savvy? Join Deb, Erika, Liz, and Tansy as we cover "The Crimson Horror." One of us really didn't like it, and it may not be who you expect. See who thinks what about the Victorian trio. Find out who doesn't know who The Wiggles are. Marvel that Erika bought a Doctor Who audio. And if you're like Lynne when she's not on the episode, yell at the recording for being so wrong!


    Also covered [links on our site]:

    POSSIBLY SPOILERY 50th anniversary set photos! And TARDIS Tavern's multi-Doctor (2-, 3-, 5-) podcasts!Peter Cushing on a "Great Britons" stamp!A Celebration of Doctor Who! And Doctor Who purchases: Deadline! and Running Through Corridors!Doctor Who, Project Who? BBC Audio!

  • Doctor Who: Verity!

    Verity! Episode 13 - King Crimson Horror

    Doctor Who: Verity!

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:00 (GMT) - 8 May 2013

    Saturday brought us Mark Gatiss' sophomore series 7b story. Savvy? Join Deb, Erika, Liz, and Tansy as we cover "The Crimson Horror." One of us really didn't like it, and it may not be who you expect. See who thinks what about the Victorian trio. Find out who doesn't know who The Wiggles are. Marvel that Erika bought a Doctor Who audio. And if you're like Lynne when she's not on the episode, yell at the recording for being so wrong!


    Also covered [links on our site]:

    POSSIBLY SPOILERY 50th anniversary set photos! And TARDIS Tavern's multi-Doctor (2-, 3-, 5-) podcasts!
    Peter Cushing on a "Great Britons" stamp!
    A Celebration of Doctor Who! And Doctor Who purchases: Deadline! and Running Through Corridors!
    Doctor Who, Project Who? BBC Audio!

  • The Cultdom Collective

    Commentary: Doctor Who - The Crimson Horror

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:00 (GMT) - 8 May 2013

    Dave, Mike and Ian take off up north to a small blue shack on the banks of the canal, unfortunately the bulb in the shed burns out and Mike heads out to find Matches while Ian and Dave get a head start on this weeks Commentary: Doctor Who - The Crimson Horror

  • The Cultdom Collective

    Commentary: Dr Who - The Crimson Horror

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:00 (GMT) - 8 May 2013

    Dave, Mike and Ian take off up north to a small blue shack on the banks of the canal, unfortunately the bulb in the shed burns out and Mike heads out to find Matches while Ian and Dave get a head start on this weeks Commentary: Doctor Who - The Crimson Horror

  • The Cultdom Collective

    Commentary: Dr Who - The Crimson Horror

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:00 (GMT) - 8 May 2013

    Dave, Mike and Ian take off up north to a small blue shack on the banks of the canal, unfortunately the bulb in the shed burns out and Mike heads out to find Matches while Ian and Dave get a head start on this weeks Commentary: Doctor Who - The Crimson Horror

  • The Cultdom Collective

    Commentary: Dr Who - The Crimson Horror

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:00 (GMT) - 8 May 2013

    Dave, Mike and Ian take off up north to a small blue shack on the banks of the canal, unfortunately the bulb in the shed burns out and Mike heads out to find Matches while Ian and Dave get a head start on this weeks Commentary: Doctor Who - The Crimson Horror

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