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  • Impossible Podcasts

    'The Hunger Games' - Review and Discussion

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    Sarah Burrow and special guests Suzie Nockles, Charlotte Marchant-Jones and Alex Gatherer discuss the new film adaptation of Suzanne Collins' book The Hunger Games!

    Join us as we compare the book and the film, and give you our thoughts on the casting choices and how the film was shot. We also discuss our favourite characters and how they've translated to the big screen. And interestingly we see what differences arise when you put two Team Peeta and two Team Gale supporters together in front of a microphone!

    The first three minutes contain a quick spoiler free review while the rest of the podcast contains spoilers for the film and first book (with very minimal spoilers for the two other books in the series).

    Length: 56 minutes

    What did you think of the film? Are you happy with what they did with the book and the characters? Has seeing the film made you want the read the book? And are you Team Peeta or Team Gale or are you more TeamWhatAreAllTheseTeamsAbout? Head over to Facebook or Twitter and let us know what you think.

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Doctor Who - 3.0 'The Runaway Bride' - Commentary

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    Our Christmas countdown continues as Sarah Burrow, Swithun Dobson, James Willetts and P.G. Bell revisit Catherine Tate's fan-baiting debut as companion-to-be, Donna Noble. "For better or for worse..."

    There's no denying that comedian Catherine Tate is the heart and soul of the 2006 Christmas special. But did we love her or hate her? Join us as we pick sides and discuss other noteworthy aspects of the show's second festive outing, including: cliffhangers, cleavage, Gallifrey, and why Torchwood would need Segways.

    Length: 1 hour 12 minutes

    Download: Click here

    And there's still more to come! Visit again next week when we'll be discussing 'Voyage of the Damned'. Was it really a disaster in every sense? Until then, head down into the comments section and let us know what you thought of this latest podcast.

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Book Review - 'The Whisper Jar' - Carole Lanham

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    Some secrets are kept in jars - others, in books.

    It's book review time again, so join P.G. Bell and Olivia Cottrell as they tackle a collection of short fantasy tales from acclaimed author Carole Lanham. In The Whisper Jar, you will encounter a Blood Digger who bonds two children irrevocably together; a young woman who learns of her destiny through the random selection of a Bible verse; and a boy whose life begins to reflect the stories he reads...

    Length:  13 minutes

    Download: Click here

    Click here to buy the book via Amazon

    Carole Lanham's website

    Morrigan Books website

  • Impossible Podcasts

    "Rayguns and Rocket Ships" - Can Books Save Space Opera?

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    When you think of sci-fi, the chances are you're thinking of Space Opera. But as television turns its back on tales of "shooty-death-kill in space", will the sub-genre continue to thrive on the printed page?

    A stunning line-up of top sci-fi authors assembled at the recent SFX Weekender to confront this very question. Paul McAuley, Peter F. Hamilton, Alastair Reynolds, Dan Abnett, Jaine Fenn, Mike Cobley and Aaron Dembski-Bowden reviewed the current state of literary science fiction and raised some tantalising questions of their own. Have the harsh realities of modern life killed our dreams of exploration? Does it still count as Space Opera if the story's set on Earth? And just what the frack is Space Opera anyway? All this and more, in the latest Impossible Podcast!

    Length: 55 minutes

    Download: Click here (Right click and "Save Link/Target As...")

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Merlin - Discussion

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    It's time to ride to Camelot in our second podcast of the day...

    Caleb Woodbridge, Sarah Burrow and Olivia Cottrell discuss the fourth series of the BBC's other big telefantasy success - Merlin. Does it pay to play fast and loose with Arthurian myth? What direction could the show take next? These and other searching questions are answered in our latest podcast. Click below and listen!

    Length: 30 minutes

    Download: Click here (Right click and "Save Target/Link As...")

    NB: This podcast was recorded via Skype so the audio quality does vary in places.

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Doctor Who - 5.1 'The Eleventh Hour' - Commentary

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    Remember all those commentaries we never got round to in Series 5? Well, here they come!

    The team take advantage of Doctor Who's extended leave of absence to fill in some of the gaps in their back catalogue, starting with Matt Smith's debut adventure. Click below to find out what Caleb Woodbridge, Swithun Dobson, Sarah Burrow and P.G. Bell make of the newly regenerated series. Does the shadow of Russel T. Davies still loom large? How does Amy keep up her mortgage repayments on a kiss-o-gram's salary? And when will the show ever get round to a Groundhog Day episode?

    Length: 1 hour, 18 minutes

    Download: Click here (right click and 'Save Target As')

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Points of Who 3: Doctor Who, Sherlock, The Hunger Games

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    In the third episode of Points of Who, we take a wide-ranging discussion of the latest news about Doctor Who and the wider worlds of science fiction and fantasy:

    Caleb and Swithun discuss:
    • (from 1 min) The recovery of missing episodes of Doctor Who from Galaxy 4 and The Underwater Menace: celebration or disappointment?
    • (from 19 min) How should the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who be marked by the BBC, by fans, and by us as a podcast?
    Sarah and Caleb discuss:
    • (from 29 min) The Sherlock finale, The Reichenbach Fall, including just how did Sherlock survive that fall?
    • (from 39 min) The Hunger Games trailer - how will the film compare to the book?
    Length: 51 min
    Listen/download: Click here

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Points of Who #5 - Harry Potter Set Tour

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    Join Caleb Woodbridge, Sarah Burrow and P.G. Bell as they deliver our monthly round-up of news, rumours and feedback.

    It's been another busy month. With Doctor Who filming on both sides of the Atlantic, we discuss the on-set pics and wonder how long we can avoid the major spoiler that leaked out this week. (Don't worry - we give nothing away).

    JK Rowling, creator of Harry Potter, announced the title of her new adult crime novel - The Casual Vacancy. We wonder what it all means and take a detour into Pottermore, the official home of the Harry Potter e-books.

    And while we're on the subject of the boy wizard, Sarah got to preview The Making of Harry Potter set tour in London recently, and gives us her expert verdict. You'll find a few pics of her adventures after the jump below, or visit our Facebook page to see the whole album.

    All this and more in the latest Points of Who!

    Length: 29 minutes

    Download: Click here (Right click and "Save Link/Target As...")


  • Impossible Podcasts

    Brian Blessed Q&A - SFX Weekender 2012

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    "The greatest danger in life is not taking the adventure..."

    The loudest man in sci-fi (or any other genre, for that matter) was guest of honour at last week's SFX Weekender in North Wales. P.G. Bell was there to record the action and we're very pleased to bring you Brian's complete Q&A session, conducted on Saturday 4th February, in front of a capacity crowd.

    Brian explained his passion for science fiction, outlined his plans to bump off old friend Patrick Stewart and revealed why he calls Her Majesty the Queen "Knuckles".

    Most importantly, he publicly announced two very important projects for the first time - one in the realm of science fiction, the other based firmly in science fact. Seriously, this is pretty big.

    He also uses some rather salty language at times, so be prepared!

    Length: 44 minutes

    Download: Click here (right click and "Save Link As...")

    If that's not enough for you, stay tuned for our full review of the SFX Weekender experience, including a gallery of this year's cosplay event and interviews with the participants. PLUS! Full Q&As with Sylvester McCoy, Eve Myles and Colin Baker! Coming soon to Impossible Podcasts!

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Points of Who 4: Jenna-Louise Coleman, Doctor Who Convention, Top of the Pods

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    Your Impossible Podcast team in Eddie's Diner
    Welcome back to Points of Who, our monthly roundup of news, views and general waffle.

    And what a month it's been! The Doctor's new companion for Series 7 was confirmed, in the form of the lovely Jenna-Louise Coleman. We discuss her casting and float a tantalising (if unlikely) theory about the sort of character Steven Moffat might have in mind for her.

    Then there was the official BBC Doctor Who convention right here in Cardiff and we've got a report from the front lines. Sort of. We did at least meet with the fine folk of the Who's He, Ubuntu UK and Doctor Who podcasts, and recorded some of the results.

    And, for your continued listening pleasure, we give you a quick roundup of some of our favourite geek-friendly podcasts. (See the links below to visit their sites).

    All this, plus your feedback and a look ahead to some of our forthcoming podcasts. So what are you waiting for? Click below and give us a listen!

    Length: 34 minutes

    Download: Click here (Right click and "Save Link/Target As...")

    Links to other podcasts...

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Fantasy Doctor Who Film Draft

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    We're four years old today! And to celebrate, we're challenging David Yates to his own game and coming up with our very own Doctor Who movie.

    High concept ideas. Multi million dollar budgets. A cast of thousands. These are just some of the things we'll never be trusted with and, on the strength of this podcast, that's probably a wise move. But we let our imaginations run riot and cook up not one, but six competing movie pitches.

    Who are our Doctors of choice? Which monsters will they be facing? And who will write and direct the madness? Join us to find out!

    Length: 1 hour, 18 minutes

    Download: Click here (Right click and "Save Target/Link As...")

     Once you've heard the podcast, head to our Facebook page or the comments section below to vote for whose film you'd choose to see. Find IMDB links on our choices page - contains spoilers for the podcast!

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Eve Myles Q&A - SFX Weekender 2012

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    "I didn't stab anybody in the throat..."

    Eve Myles is a local girl at heart. She may have swapped Cardiff for Los Angeles, but she was thrilled to be back in Wales for an in-depth Q&A at February's SFX Weekender convention.

    In a pretty candid interview, she reveales the story behind her pivotal role in The Unquiet Dead, how she unwittingly set a new trend in Hollywood and what she really thinks of Torchwood's future. All this, plus the revenge of Little Barrowman.

    Length: 47 minutes

    Download: Click Here (Right click and "Save Target/Link As...")

    Ianto speaks! If you liked this, check out our Gareth David-Lloyd interview.

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Game of Thrones - From Page to Screen

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    Join Caleb Woodbridge, Sarah Burrow and - making his debut on the podcast - Kieran Mathers as they tackle George RR Martin's epic fantasy sequence.

    After an in-depth discussion of the books, including their use of history and magic, the team turns a ciritcal eye on the smash hit HBO series. Where did it succeed? Where did it fail? And how should Season 2 (and Season 3) move forward? All this, plus the burning question: do too many lesbian prostitutes spoil the broth?

    PLEASE NOTE: The first 30 minutes of the podcast are spoiler free, but there are significant spoilers for the rest of the running time. You have been warned!

    Length: 50 minutes

    Download: Click here (Right click and "Save Link/Target As...")

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Colin Baker Q&A - SFX Weekender 2012

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    "I have been asked if I want to do a 2013 multi-Doctor special..."

    The sixth Doctor speaks! One of the stars at this year's SFX Weekender convention, Colin took the opportunity to hold forth on his four decades in show business and spill the beans on his greatest televisual triumph... Come Dine With Me.

    He also gives a frank assessment of Doctor Who past and present as well as sharing some really excellent advice for budding actors everywhere. It was a presidential performance and one not to be missed!

    Length: 51 minutes

    Download: Click here (Right click and "Save Link/Target As...")

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Harry Potter - From Page to Screen and Beyond

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    We've been promising you this for ages, and here it is at last - an in-depth discussion of the boy wizard.

    Our resident expert Sarah Burrow is joined by special guest Suzie Nockles (last heard in our Hunger Games episode) to assess the sprawling universe that is the Harry Potter phenomenon.

    Just what made J.K. Rowling's books so successful and did their big screen adaptations actually improve on them?  Could the Pottermore website have yet more surprises in store for fans? Hogwarts may have conquered Florida's theme parks but will it fare as well in Japan? And was Dumbledore gay just because J.K. Rowling says he was?

    All this and more, in the latest Impossible Podcast!

    Length: 54 minutes

    Download: Click Here (Right click and "Save Link/Target As...")

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Doctor Who - 2.0 'The Christmas Invasion' - Commentary

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    Tis the season to be jolly! In the first of a series of festive treats, Swithun Dobson, P.G. Bell, Sarah Burrow and - specially flown in from the North Pole - James Willetts revisit the very first Doctor Who Christmas Special, 'The Christmas Invasion'.

    Remember when the show was still trying to prove itself? When David Tennant was the new kid on the block? When we had yet to visit an alien world? It all seems so long ago now, so how does this yuletide special hold up to scrutiny? Join us as we discuss killer Christmas trees, why the Doctor doesn't like Christmas and try to think of some other Christmas-themed entertainment that's actually Christmassy. (Here's a clue... Die Hard).

    Length: 1 hour 10 minutes

    Download: Click here

    How did you like this blast from Christmas past? We want to hear from you! Head down into the comments to share your thoughts, and be sure to come back next week for our next Christmas Special commentary - 'The Runaway Bride'.

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Points of Who #6 - Doctor Who Newsflash

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:39 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    Caleb Woodbridge and P.G. Bell bring you our monthly roundup of news, views and chatter.

    It's a short and sweet one this month - just enough time to congratulate Steven Moffat on his new BAFTA, wave goodbye to the Ponds and hello to Jenna-Louise Coleman, and ponder the demise of the SFX Weekender convention. Plus, a look ahead to next month's podcasts, which are chock full of Doctor Who goodness!

    Length: 13 minutes

    Download: Click Here (Right click and "Save Link/Target As...")

  • Nerdology UK

    Episode 5 Oliver Twist

    Nerdology UK

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    23:50 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2012

    Mark welcomes back Erik Stadnik from The Doctor Who Book Club Podcast for a second appearance on Nerdology, this time the subject is Charles Dickens' second novel Oliver Twist.

    Also up for discussion are the David Lean adaptation from 1948 and the 2003 version "Twist" starring Nick Stahl.

    Twitter @nerdologyUK

    FaceBook http://on.fb.me/nerdology-facebook

    Blog bit.ly/nerdology

    Erik @sjcAustenite


  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 243: The Fourth Wall Big Finish 157

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    23:00 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2012

    Synopsis Business is bad for intergalactic media mogul Augustus Scullop, whose Trans-Gal empire is on the rocks. But, having retreated to his own private planet, Transmission, Scullop is about to gamble his fortune on a new show, made with an entirely new technology. And the name of that show… is Laser. Back in the real world, far from the realms of small screen sci-fi fantasies about monsters and aliens, the Doctor is interested only in watching Test Match cricket… but finds himself drawn into Scullop’s world when his new travelling companion, Flip, is snatched from inside the TARDIS. So, while the Doctor uncovers the terrible secret of Trans-Gal’s new tech, Flip battles to survive in a barren wilderness ruled over by the indestructible Lord Krarn and his pig-like servants, the Warmongers. And the name of that wilderness… is ‘Stevenage’. Written By: John Dorney Directed By: Nicholas Briggs Cast Colin Baker (The Doctor), Lisa Greenwood (Flip Jackson), Julian Wadham (Augustus Scullop), Yasmin Bannerman (Dr Helen Shepherd), Hywel Morgan (Nick Kenton/Jack Laser), Martin Hutson (Matthew Howland/Lord Krarn), Tilly Gaunt (Olivia Sayle/Jancey), Kim Wall (Chimbly/Head Warmonger), Henry Devas (Junior/Warmonger)

  • The Sonic Toolbox

    Episode 35: Let Zygons Be Zygons

    The Sonic Toolbox

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    20:29 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2012

    Zygons, Zygons everywhere and not a...well, never mind. Zygons are talked about here. Their evolution, their symbiotic relationship to things, their technology. And while we do refer "Terror of the Zygons" we don't give any spoilers as to plot or details into events. But, if you can, stream it online or get it when it comes on DVD. We're sure we'll be reviewing it eventually.

    Speaking of reviewing stories, your assignment for this week is to watch "Waters of the Deep", the 5th Doctor story. We'll be reviewing it next week.

    Warning: Big rabbits this week.

    Episode 35: Let Zygons Be Zygons

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #313 - Wirrn Trouble Now

    Radio Free Skaro

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    17:06 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2012

    This week's episode of Radio Free Skaro has unwittingly turned into a celebration of one-time Doctor Who producer Philip Hinchcliffe. Not only do the Three Who Rule provide commentary on the first Hinchcliffe story to air, 1975's iconic The Ark in Space, but it was also announced this past week that Hinchcliffe will be appearing at his first ever Gallifrey One convention in February of next year. So sit back and listen as we celebrate one of the finest eras in Doctor Who history that made the show an international success story. 

    Also, listen as we make fun of actors' hairstyles. Ah, it's Radio Free Skaro. What do you expect?

    Check out the show notes at http://www.radiofreskaro.com

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #313 - Wirrn Trouble Now

    Radio Free Skaro

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    17:06 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2012

    This week's episode of Radio Free Skaro has unwittingly turned into a celebration of one-time Doctor Who producer Philip Hinchcliffe. Not only do the Three Who Rule provide commentary on the first Hinchcliffe story to air, 1975's iconic The Ark in Space, but it was also announced this past week that Hinchcliffe will be appearing at his first ever Gallifrey One convention in February of next year. So sit back and listen as we celebrate one of the finest eras in Doctor Who history that made the show an international success story.

    Also, listen as we make fun of actors' hairstyles. Ah, it's Radio Free Skaro. What do you expect?

    Check out the show notes at http://www.radiofreskaro.com

  • The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

    062 - Scenes We'd Like to See

    The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

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    16:56 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2012

    Some thoughts on deleted scenes that I've wanted share for a while and the Ace Boxset provided a great excuse to wheel them out.

    Watch in HD - http://youtu.be/UhicdDVl_J4?hd=1

  • The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

    062 - Scenes We'd Like to See

    The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

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    16:56 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2012

    Some thoughts on deleted scenes that I've wanted share for a while and the Ace Boxset provided a great excuse to wheel them out.

    Watch in HD - http://youtu.be/UhicdDVl_J4?hd=1

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #313 - Wirrn Trouble Now

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:06 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2012

    This week's episode of Radio Free Skaro has unwittingly turned into a celebration of one-time Doctor Who producer Philip Hinchcliffe. Not only do the Three Who Rule provide commentary on the first Hinchcliffe story to air, 1975's iconic The Ark in Space, but it was also announced this past week that Hinchcliffe will be appearing at his first ever Gallifrey One convention in February of next year. So sit back and listen as we celebrate one of the finest eras in Doctor Who history that made the show an international success story. 

    Also, listen as we make fun of actors' hairstyles. Ah, it's Radio Free Skaro. What do you expect?

    Check out the show notes at http://www.radiofreskaro.com

  • The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

    062 - Scenes We'd Like to See

    The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:54 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2012

    Some thoughts on deleted scenes that I’ve wanted share for a while and the Ace Boxset provided a great excuse to wheel them out. Watch in HD – http://youtu.be/UhicdDVl_J4?hd=1

  • The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

    062 – Scenes We’d Like to See

    The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

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    11:54 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2012

    Some thoughts on deleted scenes that I’ve wanted share for a while and the Ace Boxset provided a great excuse to wheel them out. Watch in HD – http://youtu.be/UhicdDVl_J4?hd=1

  • Kasterborous Podkast

    PodKast with a Bafta!

    Kasterborous Podkast

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    09:51 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2012

    Chewing the fat on what has been taking place in the Doctor Who world lately are Brian Terranova, James McLean and Christian Cawley, who despite their obvious, unrivalled professionalism on the podKast haven’t received a Bafta lately (or, indeed, at all).

    Fear not, however, at least one of them has been in the same room as two of the subjects of this week’s podKast with a K – Steven “The Grand Moff” Moffat (aka The Moffinator) and Matt Smith.

    This week we look at Steven Moffat’s much-deserved Bafta award and some of the odd reaction to this on Twitter, as well as chat about Matt Smith carrying the Olympic torch (and being slightly distracted by the issue of blanket coverage of the subject).

    Do you subscribe to our RSS feed? This is a popular way of keeping track of and automatically downloading podcasts and if you use a media player on your computer you should be able to do this to make things easier. Alternatively, you can find this podKast listed on iTunes!

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Commentary #60: Babylon 5 - In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum

    Staggering Stories Podcast

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    09:40 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2012

    Staggering Stories Commentary: Babylon 5 - In the Shadow of Z'ha'dumSummary:
    Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins and Keith Dunn sit down, gobsmacked, in front of the Babylon 5 second season episode, In the Shadow of Z’ha’dum, and spout our usual nonsense!

    Mr Morden is feeling confined, Sheridan smells a rat and Kosh is older than he looks. But enough of their problems, please sit down with us to enjoy In the Shadow of Z’ha’dum...

    Vital Links:

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE153 - Misfits Series 3 Review EXPLICIT

    The Cultdom Collective

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    09:14 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2012

    The Collective Review the TV Series 'Misfits' Series 3 Spoilers! EXPLICIT

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE153 - Misfits Series 3 Review (Some Adult Content)

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:14 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2012

    The Collective Review the TV Series 'Misfits' Series 3 Spoilers! (Some Adult Content)

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE153 - Misfits Series 3 Review (Some Adult Content)

    The Cultdom Collective

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    06:14 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2012

    The Collective Review the TV Series 'Misfits' Series 3 Spoilers! (Some Adult Content)

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE153 - Misfits Series 3 Review (Some Adult Content)

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:14 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2012

    The Collective Review the TV Series 'Misfits' Series 3 Spoilers! (Some Adult Content)

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek to Geek with Monts and Nuge - Issue 4

    Geek Syndicate

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    21:31 (GMT) - 2 Jun 2012

    Geek to Geek with Monts and Nuge - David Montieth and Barry Nugent bring you their monthly slice of pop culture madness. No script, no preparation but a lot of fun and sass...always sass.

    In a slight change of plan we will be releasing Geek to Geek monthly on it's own and then it will also form part of the quarterly two hour audio magazine show which is the companion to our quarterly Geek Syndicate Magazine.

    Topics covered

    Our thoughts on Avengers Assemble.

    What we think of the upcoming Green Arrow TV show.

    What we're looking forward to reading and watching over the Summer.

    Thoughts on the Eagle Awards and MCM Awards (this was recorded before we found out there still would be an Eagle Awards).

    What DC can do to catch up to Marvel on the film front.

    And much more.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Scrolls Chapter 19: Recently Reading

    Geek Syndicate

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    21:17 (GMT) - 2 Jun 2012

    In which we focus in a little on the latest books that we've plucked from the top of our bookstacks. In the absence of Mattie we are joined by 'The Grampus' a.k.a Matt Farr from Dissecting Worlds. He kicks things off with Adrian Tchaikovsky's insect-themed fantasy, the Shadows of the Apt. Clover follows this up with Juggernaut, an explosive zombie actioner by Adam Baker set in the Gulf conflict. Next up, Phil tells us about Stacia Kane's stylish and grungy urban fantasy, Unholy Ghosts. Dion then waxes lyrical about Jenny Nimmo's The Snow Spider, a beautiful children's fantasy with a tragic heart. Finally Matt gives us a flavour of the prolific but oft under-appreciated weird fiction writer Clark Ashton Smith. All of this is of course spiced with our usual blend of good humor and pettiness.

    Stay tuned also for Adam Baker's first recorded interview on Juggernaut, after the main programme.

    Feedback is always welcome. You can post comments here on GS, e-mail us at scrolls@hotmail.co.uk or tweet us @scrollscast if you like.
    If you want to get personal you can send abuse to @phlambler or pedantic diatribes to @thegrampus. @Dion_Scrolls is more partial to flattery or sponsorship deals from major ice-cream producers.

    I'm just saying...

    Anyway, that's enough waffle. Keep reading.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Dissecting Worlds Sports Special 1: Sports!

    Geek Syndicate

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    21:07 (GMT) - 2 Jun 2012

    Taking a break from Alternative Histories, The Dissecting Duo participate in the spirit of the Olympic summer with the first of four episodes looking at sports and games and all that healthy outdoors nonsense we both try and avoid

    We start by looking at team sports and could hear such highlights as:

    • The fine line between games and sports
    • Star Trek Space Badmington Thingy and other made up sports
    • Why can't the Flash run in the Olympics?
    • The challenges of technology, distance, and interplanetary environments.
    • The changing faces of Cricket, Football and Rugby and the problems of prediction
    • And much more....

    So sit back, enjoy & disagree!

    Feedback and discussion always welcome @Dissectingwrlds for the show and @clarkythecruel for Kehaar and @thegrampus for Matt

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek to Geek with Monts and Nuge - Issue 4

    Geek Syndicate

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    20:31 (GMT) - 2 Jun 2012

    Geek to Geek with Monts and Nuge – David Montieth and Barry Nugent bring you their monthly slice of pop culture madness. No script, no preparation but a lot of fun and sass…always sass.

    In a slight change of plan we will be releasing Geek to Geek monthly on it's own and then it will also form part of the quarterly  two hour audio magazine show which is the companion to our quarterly Geek Syndicate Magazine.

    Topics covered

    Our thoughts on Avengers Assemble.

    What we think of the upcoming Green Arrow TV show.

    What we're looking forward to reading and watching over the Summer.

    Thoughts on the Eagle Awards and MCM Awards (this was recorded before we found out there still would be an Eagle Awards).

    What DC can do to catch up to Marvel on the film front.

    And much more.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Scrolls Chapter 19: Recently Reading

    Geek Syndicate

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    20:17 (GMT) - 2 Jun 2012

    In which we focus in a little on the latest books that we've plucked from the top of our bookstacks.  In the absence of Mattie we are joined by 'The Grampus' a.k.a Matt Farr from Dissecting Worlds.  He kicks things off with Adrian Tchaikovsky's insect-themed fantasy, the Shadows of the Apt.  Clover follows this up with Juggernaut, an explosive zombie actioner by Adam Baker set in the Gulf conflict.  Next up, Phil tells us about Stacia Kane's stylish and grungy urban fantasy, Unholy Ghosts.  Dion then waxes lyrical about Jenny Nimmo's The Snow Spider, a beautiful children's fantasy with a tragic heart.  Finally Matt gives us a flavour of the prolific but oft under-appreciated weird fiction writer Clark Ashton Smith.  All of this is of course spiced with our usual blend of good humor and pettiness.

    Stay tuned also for Adam Baker's first recorded interview on Juggernaut, after the main programme.

    Feedback is always welcome.  You can post comments here on GS, e-mail us at scrolls@hotmail.co.uk or tweet us @scrollscast if you like.
    If you want to get personal you can send abuse to @phlambler or pedantic diatribes to @thegrampus.  @Dion_Scrolls is more partial to flattery or sponsorship deals from major ice-cream producers.  

    I'm just saying...

    Anyway, that's enough waffle.  Keep reading.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Dissecting Worlds Sports Special 1: Sports!

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:07 (GMT) - 2 Jun 2012

    Taking a break from Alternative Histories, The Dissecting Duo participate in the spirit of the Olympic summer with the first of four episodes looking at sports and games and all that healthy outdoors nonsense we both try and avoid

    We start by looking at team sports and could hear such highlights as:

    • The fine line between games and sports
    • Star Trek Space Badmington Thingy and other made up sports
    • Why can’t the Flash run in the Olympics?
    • The challenges of technology, distance, and interplanetary environments.
    • The changing faces of Cricket, Football and Rugby and the problems of prediction
    • And much more….

    So sit back, enjoy & disagree!

    Feedback and discussion always welcome @Dissectingwrlds for the show and @clarkythecruel for Kehaar and @thegrampus for Matt

  • Voice of Gallifrey (Russian)

    The Voice Of Gallifrey #41

    Voice of Gallifrey (Russian)

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:01 (GMT) - 2 Jun 2012

    41-D1 D2ND?NNDo D?D3/4D'DoDdegNNDdeg NDPDu D3/4D1/2D>>DdegD1D1/2. DDdegDo D, D3/4D+-DuNDdegD>>D, – ND3/4DoNDdegNND1/2D1/2ND1 ND3/4ND1/4DdegN. DD,D1/2D,D1/4ND1/4 D>>D,ND1/2DuD3D3/4, D2 NND3/4N NDdegD* D1/2D3/4D2D3/4NND, D, “DNN D1/2Du D?D3/4-D1/2DdegNDuD1/4N” (D1/2DdegD'D3/4 DPDu D*D1/2DdegNN, NDuD1/4 D*DdegD1/2D,D1/4DdegNNNN DoD3/4D>>D>>DuD3D,). D!D>>NNDdegDuD1/4-N!

    Download: Voice_Of_Gallifrey_41.mp3

    D!DoDdegNDdegNN/Download (14 DD)

    DDdegN D!DdegD1N

    D!NNDdegD1/2D,NDoDdeg DDoD3/4D1/2NDdegDoNDu

  • Voice of Gallifrey (Russian)

    The Voice Of Gallifrey #41

    Voice of Gallifrey (Russian)

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:01 (GMT) - 2 Jun 2012

    41-i vypusk podkasta uzhe onlain. :) Kak i obeshchali – sokrashchionnyi format. Minimum lishnego, v etot raz novosti i “Vsio ne po-nashemu” (nado zhe znat', chem zanimaiutsia kollegi). Slushaem-s!

    Download: Voice_Of_Gallifrey_41.mp3

    Skachat'/Download (14 MB)

    Nash Sait

    Stranichka Vkontakte

  • The Blue Box Podcast

    Episode 9 - US

    The Blue Box Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:17 (GMT) - 2 Jun 2012

    The Blue Box Podcast - Episode 9: Us Brought to you every Saturday by Starburst Columnist - JR Southall, Lee Rawlings, Mark Cockram and Simon Brett

  • The Omega Podcast

    The Omega Podcast Episode 76: The John Nathan-Turner Era

    The Omega Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:53 (GMT) - 2 Jun 2012

  • Dirty WHOers's Podcast

    Dirty WHOers 042

    Dirty WHOers's Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 2 Jun 2012

    Usual work-shy reprobates review Colin Bakers 'Mysterious Planet' [1986].

  • The Untempered Schism Podcast

    Episode 45 : The Gunfighters

    The Untempered Schism Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    02:00 (GMT) - 2 Jun 2012

    The First Doctor is suffering – of all thing – a toothache, so has to go visit the local dentist to get it removed. Of course it's never that simple as the local dentist happens to be one Doc Holiday. From there things proceed to go a bit sideways as The Doctor, Steven and Dodo get pulled quickly into the Gunfight at the O.K. Coral.

    Feedback to: show@untemperedschism.org

    Twitter: @schismpodcast
    Web: http://www.untemperedschism.org/

    Duration: 26:28

  • Daveac Video Blog

    daveac vblog 202

    Daveac Video Blog

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:54 (GMT) - 2 Jun 2012

    As we celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee I podcast, watch tennis, eat strawberries & cream and drink a toast with my wine

  • The Doctor Who Book Club Podcast

    Episode 17: Cold Fusion

    The Doctor Who Book Club Podcast

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    23:39 (GMT) - 1 Jun 2012

    May brings us snowstorms, Adric, Nyssa, Tegan, the Fifth Doctor, and the Seventh Doctor in Lance Parkin's Cold Fusion, one of the later installments in Virgin's Missing Adventures series. From the back cover:

    'The entire universe is at stake and I'm locked in here with another incarnation of myself, and not even one of the good ones.'

    More than one TARDIS lands on a barren ice world. The fifth Doctor, Adric, Nyssa and Tegan find a once ordered society on the verge of collapse, as rebels wage a dirty war with Scientifica, the ruling elite. All that stands between order and anarchy is the massed presence of an Adjudicator peacekeeping force.

    But is peace the only reason for the Adjudicator garrison? What exactly has been discovered deep beneath the planet's surface? Who are the mysterious Ferutu? And why is telling a ghost story a criminal offense?

    The fifth Doctor sides with the cause of justice and fairness as always. But, as a threat to the universe unfolds, he finds himself in conflict with his past...and his future.

    For continuity buffs, this story takes place between the television stories "Castrovalva" and "Four to Doomsday" and between the New Adventures Return of the Living Dad and The Death of Art. The back cover text seems to skirt around the fact that the Seventh Doctor and his friends are present in this story, but anything that is blatantly obvious by glancing at the front cover shouldn't be considered a spoiler.

    We previously reviewed a Lance Parkin's The Infinity Doctors back in Episode 8. It can't be argued that Parkin is an ambitious author, and hopefully Cold Fusion will not disappoint. So sit back and enjoy!

    Please join us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter via @dwbcpodcast. Also follow Erik via @sjcaustenite and Sean via @tardistavern.

  • The Doctor Who Book Club Podcast

    Episode 17: Cold Fusion

    The Doctor Who Book Club Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:39 (GMT) - 1 Jun 2012

    May brings us snowstorms, Adric, Nyssa, Tegan, the Fifth Doctor, and the Seventh Doctor in Lance Parkin's Cold Fusion, one of the later installments in Virgin's Missing Adventures series.  From the back cover:

    'The entire universe is at stake and I'm locked in here with another incarnation of myself, and not even one of the good ones.'

    More than one TARDIS lands on a barren ice world.  The fifth Doctor, Adric, Nyssa and Tegan find a once ordered society on the verge of collapse, as rebels wage a dirty war with Scientifica, the ruling elite.  All that stands between order and anarchy is the massed presence of an Adjudicator peacekeeping force.

    But is peace the only reason for the Adjudicator garrison?  What exactly has been discovered deep beneath the planet's surface?  Who are the mysterious Ferutu?  And why is telling a ghost story a criminal offense?

    The fifth Doctor sides with the cause of justice and fairness as always.  But, as a threat to the universe unfolds, he finds himself in conflict with his past...and his future.

    For continuity buffs, this story takes place between the television stories "Castrovalva" and "Four to Doomsday" and between the New Adventures Return of the Living Dad and The Death of Art.  The back cover text seems to skirt around the fact that the Seventh Doctor and his friends are present in this story, but anything that is blatantly obvious by glancing at the front cover shouldn't be considered a spoiler.

    We previously reviewed a Lance Parkin's The Infinity Doctors back in Episode 8.  It can't be argued that Parkin is an ambitious author, and hopefully Cold Fusion will not disappoint.  So sit back and enjoy!

    Please join us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter via @dwbcpodcast.  Also follow Erik via @sjcaustenite and Sean via @tardistavern.

  • A Mad Man with a Box

    Kyle Anderson/The Time Meddler

    A Mad Man with a Box

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:24 (GMT) - 1 Jun 2012

    Kyle Anderson saw the absence of first Doctor stories covered on the podcast and he had some thoughts about one that he really needed to get out. It’s win for him, win for me and hopefully win for you the listener!

    Apologies for the sound towards the end, apparently my microphone came unplugged. I’m hopeful though that it doesn’t ruin what is otherwise a fantastic episode of the podcast. “The Time Meddler” should be included in any Doctor Who primer. If you haven’t seen it you should and I think Kyle and I make a clear case as to why.

    Kyle on Twitter: @FunctionalNerd

    Kyle on Nerdist.com

    Kyle on Modern Primate

    WTF Are You Watching Podcast

    Prognosis Negative Podcast

  • DWO WhoCast

    DWO WhoCast - #245 - Doctor Who Podcast

    DWO WhoCast

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:15 (GMT) - 1 Jun 2012

    So, there's been some new Target book re-releases. Dave and Siobhan look at them and Target books in general, and Dave waxes lyrical about the amazing Terrance Dicks. Oh, and the name of the new DWO WhoCast presenter is revealed...

    It's not Clara...

    The DWO WhoCast - yes, this one IS a bit doggy and catty.... too bad. Perhaps you'll realise just HOW frustrating it is for Siobhan!

Dormant Podcasts