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  • Impossible Podcasts

    Doctor Who - 5.7 'Amy's Choice'

    Impossible Podcasts

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    17:48 (GMT) - 8 Jun 2012

    Join Swithun Dobson, Sarah Burrow and Caleb Woodbridge as Doctor Who goes all wibbly-wobbly, dreamy-weamy.

    As the TARDIS crew are forced to choose between two competing realities, we ask why the show doesn't do more of these "format breaker" episodes. Plus, we assess the emotional see-saw that is Amy's love life, the dark side of the Doctor and re-examine the start of a phenomenon - Rory kicking the bucket.

    Join us, for all this and more!

    Length: 54 minutes

    Download: Click Here (Right click and "Save Link/Target As...")

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 125(Danny Devito panel at London Expo)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:22 (GMT) - 8 Jun 2012

    A bit of convention coverage this week as I bring you the Danny Devito panel from the recent London Expo convention, Danny was mostly plugging his new film The Lorax but he also talks about other film and stage work.

    You can see my photos of London Expo here http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/sets/72157629924055854/with/7282377230/

    and videos of this week's panel here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VIlOTKM3N0&list=UU5hBU4YTRoHc8KyDG66Ojcg&index=9&feature=plcp and here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1Sonz46PNo&list=UU5hBU4YTRoHc8KyDG66Ojcg&index=7&feature=plcp

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • 'Who' - Is The Man Podcast

    'Who' - Is The Man Podcast episode 43: Avenging Avengers Always Avenge Away

    'Who' - Is The Man Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:14 (GMT) - 8 Jun 2012

    In this episode I read and play some feedback, and I review (or rather gush over) The Avengers.

    Please send your feedback to whoisthemanpodcast@hotmail.com.

  • The Whostorian

    The Whostorian - Episode 39 - Peasants with Pitchforks & 2x4

    The Whostorian

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:01 (GMT) - 8 Jun 2012

    Season 2 Episode 9. Shannon & Steve try to shed some light on their shared hatreds about the beloved series. From Captain Yates to Love & Monsters, we’re bringing hate to The Whoniverse. Also, some ELO.

    We can be found at http://whostorian.podbean.com

    by searching The Whostorian in iTunes

    by searching for The Whostorian on Facebook

    On Twitter: @TheWhostorian

    Email: thewhostorian@gmail.com

  • The Oncoming Storm

    The Oncoming Storm Ep 12: BF # 8 - Ice Ice Warriors, Too Cold Too Cold

    The Oncoming Storm

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    01:01 (GMT) - 8 Jun 2012

    It's time for a milestone episode, as Ashley finally gets to talk about the Ice Warriors! Yes, in this episode, Josh and Ashley are talking about their next Big Finish Audio, Red Dawn by Justin Richards. It has the return of an old Doctor Who monster, and boy, Ashley won't let you forget it! After the dissertation on the Ice Warriors, they make it to the discussion of the story, featuring the many voice talents of Ashley, Josh's cliffhanger bias, and amazing facts like, yes, Peter Davison was actually married to the woman who gave birth to his daughter! Now that's the kind of detail you can be assured to get with The Oncoming Storm each week, every week! The Oncoming Storm... This time, we have, well... you know. Don't make me say it.

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 244: Nightmare of Eden

    Tin Dog Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:00 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2012

    he TARDIS arrives close to an unstable area on the interstellar cruise ship “Empress”, which has emerged from hyperspace at the same co-ordinates as the trade ship “Hecate”, causing a dimensional crossover that the Doctor and Romana realise must be repaired and he offers his services to detach the two craft. Rigg, captain of the “Empress”, is suspicious of the Doctor’s alias as a representative of Galactic Salvage but nevertheless agrees to let him try and separate the two craft by reversing the smaller craft at full thrust. The Doctor is accompanied on this task by Riggs co-pilot, Secker, who, it becomes apparent, is a drug addict. He is hooked on the organic substance Vraxoin, whose origins are unknown, but whose properties are lethal and dangerous. Secker heads off alone into the unstable area and while there is attacked by a clawed monster and left for dead. K-9 arrives from the TARDIS and is tasked with cutting through the locked ships. Also aboard the “Empress” are a zoologist named Tryst and his assistant Della, with their CET (Continual Event Transmuter) Machine, which stores portions of planets on electro-magnetic crystals. Their collection is large and ethically dubious. Their most recent stop was on the planet Eden where one of their expedition was killed, but both Tryst and Della are reluctant to provide too many details. Romana, however, examines the Eden projection when she is on her own and is sure she has seen eyes staring out at her from the dark and forbidding jungle. When she later looks at the projection again an insect appears from within it and stings her. The Doctor and Rigg find the wounded Secker and send him to the sickbay where he dies. When the Doctor finds Seckers drugs stash he is prevented from acting when someone stuns him and steals the evidence. Once he has recovered, he returns with Rigg and K-9 to cut through the power source. Once a hole is made a roaring creature appears, flexing its vicious claws. K-9 repels the creature with blaster fire while the Doctor and Rigg refit the segment of the craft. The Doctor continues to try to separate the two ships while also trying to source the Vraxoin on the craft. Rigg is positive there are no drugs on his craft, but events soon take a sinister turn, which proves him wrong. When Romana wakes up an unseen hand spikes her refresher drink with the drug, but it is Rigg who ends up drinking it. He soon starts to show signs of addiction and altered perception and heads off alone as his cravings grow. After the Doctor and K-9 fail once more to separate the two ships, he spots a silver-suited stranger and pursues him through the passenger deck and into the blurred area between ships. The Doctor loses his quarry, but manages to relieve him of a radiation band which he dropped and proves that he was on Tryst’s expeditionary team in the past. The clawed monsters are loose near there. When the Doctor flees back to the “Empress” he discovers Rigg has become addicted and it becomes apparent that Tryst thinks Della is the smuggler, in league with her late partner Stott, who was killed on Eden. Two Azurian Customs and Excise officers now board the craft, Fisk and Costa, and start to suspect the Doctor of smuggling because of the traces of Vraxoin in his pocket. The Doctor and Romana make a break for it and head to the CET Machine room where they evade capture by leaping directly into the projection. Inside the projection, the Doctor and Romana are menaced by the jungle plants and must hide to avoid the clawed monsters, which obviously originate from Eden and roam freely in this section of the planet. They soon meet up with the fugitive previously sighted by them both, Stott, who takes them to his sheltered cubicle. It seems that he is a Major in the Intelligence Section of the Space Corp and has been hiding in the projection for the past 183 days while he tries to establish the source of the Vraxoin, which he knows is from Eden but not from which organic source. He also names the vicious creatures as Mandrels. The trio exit the projection and return to find the “Empress” under siege from the marauding beasts, which have now started killing the passengers (as shown in the picture above). Rigg too is killed, shot down by Fisk during a mad search for Vrax. The Doctor, Romana and K-9 evade the creatures while trying once more to separate the two spacecraft. In the process, the Doctor incinerates one of the Mandrels, which disintegrates into raw Vraxoin. The beasts are evidently the source of the drug. He reapplies himself to the technical task and, with the help of his companions, the ships are finally parted – but the Doctor disappears from the “Empress” in the process. The separation has been a success, with the elusive Dymond having returned to his own craft at the right time. Fisk warns him not to leave too quickly, but Dymond is keen to get away. The Doctor is also on the “Hecate”, having been caught up in the separation of the two ships, and, without being noticed, soon finds evidence of Dymond's complicity in the drug running project. Dymond returns to the “Empress” by shuttle, and the Doctor smuggles himself on board. Back on the “Empress”, Romana finds Della and confides in her that Stott is still alive, but Della is soon arrested by the Customs men and they are separated. The Doctor rejoins Romana on the “Empress” and says he has seen evidence that the smugglers are planning to use an intuca laser to transport the Eden projection between the two crafts. He is now certain that Dymond’s ally is Tryst and, when Stott arrives, he also confirms the source of the Vraxoin. Fisk and Costa turn up to arrest the Doctor, but Stott pulls rank and warns them to back off. In another part of the craft, Tryst is reunited with Della and confesses all about his part in the smuggling racket. She flees when a Mandrel arrives and distracts Tryst, who is rapidly trying to escape with Dymond. They head back to the “Hecate”. The Doctor has meanwhile rounded up the Mandrels using K-9’s dog whistle, having worked out they are pacified by ultrasonics. He leads them all back into the projection and then slips out, leaving the creatures trapped. His next task is to reverse the CET transfer process to stop the smugglers getting away with the Vraxoin supply. After allowing Tryst and Dymond to transport the Eden projection to the "Hecate", he activates the CET and traps them within a new projection – they are ready for the Customs Officers to walk in and arrest them. With the ships separated and the drug runners caught, the Doctor and friends slip away back to the TARDIS with the Eden project. The creatures will be projected back to their native planets. One can only hope that nobody else discovers the Mandrels' secret. Production Serial details by episode EpisodeBroadcast dateRun timeViewership (in millions) "Part One" 24 November 1979 24:17 8.7 "Part Two" 1 December 1979 22:44 9.6 "Part Three" 8 December 1979 24:06 9.6 "Part Four" 15 December 1979 24:31 9.4 [1][2][3] Working titles for this story included Nightmare of Evil. This story would be the final Doctor Who serial written by Bob Baker, who worked on it alone. Alan Bromly is credited with directing this story, but he quit part-way through filming as a result of a vehement dispute with Tom Baker. As a result, Producer Graham Williams wound up having to complete the director's duties uncredited. The unpleasantness of this whole incident led Williams to decide that he had wished to leave the series. Bromly never directed another story for the series and in fact went into full retirement soon afterwards. Outside references This is one of the few Fourth Doctor stories to have a strong moral message, in this case against drug abuse and the illegal drug trade. The drug in question was originally going to be called "xylophilin", or "zip". However, Lalla Ward was worried that the name would sound appealing to children, so it was changed to "vraxoin" instead. However, K-9 still mentions vraxoin as having the scientific code "XYP". The British tabloid newspaper The Sun wrote that the Mandrels were terrifying monsters, as no publicity shots had been taken for them (which, as later reported, was untrue). However, the majority of critics were more scathing and many of them saw the Mandrels as being thoroughly unconvincing (particularly the Doctor Who Appreciation Society, which described them as "cute rejects from The Muppet Show"). In print Doctor Who book Doctor Who and the Nightmare of Eden Series Target novelisations Release number 45 Writer Terrance Dicks Publisher Target Books Cover artist Andrew Skilleter ISBN 0-426-20130-2 Release date 21 August 1980 Preceded by ' Followed by ' A novelisation of this serial, written by Terrance Dicks, was published by Target Books in August 1980. VHS and DVD release This story was released on VHS in January 1999. The story was released on DVD on 2 April 2012. References ^ Shaun Lyon et al. (2007-03-31). "Nightmare of Eden". Outpost Gallifrey. Archived from the original on 2008-07-31. Retrieved 2008-08-30. ^ Dominique Boies. "Nightmare of Eden". Doctor Who Reference Guide. Retrieved 2008-08-30. ^ Sullivan, Shannon (2007-08-07). "Nightmare of Eden". A Brief History of Time Travel. Retrieved 2008-08-30. External links Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: Fourth Doctor Nightmare of Eden at BBC Online Nightmare of Eden at Doctor Who: A Brief History Of Time (Travel) Nightmare of Eden at the Doctor Who Reference Guide Reviews Nightmare of Eden reviews at Outpost Gallifrey Nightmare of Eden reviews at The Doctor Who Ratings Guide Target novelisation On Target — Doctor Who and the Nightmare of Eden [hide] v t e Doctor Who serials

  • A Mad Man with a Box

    Shaun Lyon/City of Death

    A Mad Man with a Box

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:53 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2012

    GallifreyOne’s Shaun Lyon joins me on the podcast this week to talk about the fantastic fourth Doctor story “City of Death.”

    The Doctor and Romana in Paris, but it’s really just Tom and Lalla in Paris, seeing the sights and sitting in cafes. Julian Glover playing with time and another scientist with a bad accent! Shaun and I can’t say enough good things about this story.

    This is not a fake!

    Visit Gallifreyone.com to find out all about North America’s largest Doctor Who convention. The first round of guests for next year was just announced and registration is still available at the $70 reduced rate. If you love Doctor Who this is an event that you do not want to miss.

  • The Naked Scarf

    The Trial Of A Time Lord 5-8 (And As If By Magic Brian Blessed Appeared)

    The Naked Scarf

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:00 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2012

    Adam, Andi and Stephen continue their look at The Trial Of A Time Lord and are all incredibly happy to see that even if the legal inquires are yawn worthy there’s nothing like a bearded maniac to cheer up proceedings. When not talking about the lovely lunacy of Mr Blessed, they also tackle subjects such as Sil, Peri’s bald cap and how sometimes when travelling in time and space you just have to throw a corpse or two.

  • The Memory Cheats

    The Memory Cheats #13

    The Memory Cheats

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:00 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2012

    The Time Warrior is notable for many things - Sarah Jane Smith's first story, the debut of a new race called the Sontarans, and the beginning of the end for Jon Pertwee's Doctor. But which aspect(s) would be most fondly remembered (or remembered at all) by Josh and Steven?

    Visit our website at http://www.thememorycheats.libsyn.com

    Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thememorycheats

    Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTheMemoryCheats

  • The Memory Cheats

    The Memory Cheats #13

    The Memory Cheats

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:00 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2012

    The Time Warrior is notable for many things - Sarah Jane Smith's first story, the debut of a new race called the Sontarans, and the beginning of the end for Jon Pertwee's Doctor. But which aspect(s) would be most fondly remembered (or remembered at all) by Josh and Steven?



    Visit our website at http://www.thememorycheats.libsyn.com


    Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thememorycheats


    Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTheMemoryCheats

  • The Memory Cheats

    The Memory Cheats #13 - The Time Warrior

    The Memory Cheats

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:00 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2012

    The Time Warrior is notable for many things - Sarah Jane Smith's first story, the debut of a new race called the Sontarans, and the beginning of the end for Jon Pertwee's Doctor. But which aspect(s) would be most fondly remembered (or remembered at all) by Josh and Steven?

    Visit our website at http://www.thememorycheats.libsyn.com

    Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thememorycheats

    Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTheMemoryCheats

  • DWO WhoCast

    DWO WhoCast - # 246 - Doctor Who Podcast

    DWO WhoCast

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    14:47 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2012

    Please welcome Thomas to the show! He and Elisabeth have a look at the novelisation of The Three Doctors. Careful - they're brainy! Don't forget to contact us on the Facebook page and let us know your thoughts on Target.

    The DWO WhoCast - It's bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!

  • Drunken Time Travel

    3.01 Galaxy 4 Extra - Drunken Science

    Drunken Time Travel

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    11:00 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2012

    Welcome to Galaxy 4's supplemental podcast - Drunken Science - where we have fun drunkenly talking about the science of three star solar systems as seen in Galaxy 4.

    Cover Image: This illustration shows an artist's conception of the three suns and the newly discovered Jupiter-sized planet from the perspective of a hypothetical moon orbiting the planet - HD188753 in the Cygnus constellation. The large yellow sun is already halfway over the horizon, but the orange and red suns are still visible in the sky. CREDIT: NASA/JPL's Planetquest/Caltech


    Triple Sunset Planet Discovered

  • Drunken Time Travel

    3.01 Galaxy 4 Extra - Drunken Science

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:00 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2012

    Welcome to Galaxy 4's supplemental podcast - Drunken Science - where we have fun drunkenly talking about the science of three star solar systems as seen in Galaxy 4.

    Cover Image: This illustration shows an artist's conception of the three suns and the newly discovered Jupiter-sized planet from the perspective of a hypothetical moon orbiting the planet - HD188753 in the Cygnus constellation. The large yellow sun is already halfway over the horizon, but the orange and red suns are still visible in the sky. CREDIT: NASA/JPL's Planetquest/Caltech


    Triple Sunset Planet Discovered

  • Drunken Time Travel

    3.01 Galaxy 4 Extra - Drunken Science

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:00 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2012

    Welcome to Galaxy 4's supplemental podcast - Drunken Science - where we have fun drunkenly talking about the science of three star solar systems as seen in Galaxy 4.

    Cover Image: This illustration shows an artist's conception of the three suns and the newly discovered Jupiter-sized planet from the perspective of a hypothetical moon orbiting the planet - HD188753 in the Cygnus constellation. The large yellow sun is already halfway over the horizon, but the orange and red suns are still visible in the sky. CREDIT: NASA/JPL's Planetquest/Caltech


    Triple Sunset Planet Discovered

  • Drunken Time Travel

    3.01 Galaxy 4 Extra - Drunken Science

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:00 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2012


    Welcome to Galaxy 4's supplemental podcast - Drunken Science - where we have fun drunkenly talking about the science of three star solar systems as seen in Galaxy 4.

    Cover Image: This illustration shows an artist's conception of the three suns and the newly discovered Jupiter-sized planet from the perspective of a hypothetical moon orbiting the planet - HD188753 in the Cygnus constellation. The large yellow sun is already halfway over the horizon, but the orange and red suns are still visible in the sky. CREDIT: NASA/JPL's Planetquest/Caltech


    Triple Sunset Planet Discovered

  • Drunken Time Travel

    3.01 Galaxy 4 Extra - Drunken Science

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2012


    Welcome to Galaxy 4's supplemental podcast - Drunken Science - where we have fun drunkenly talking about the science of three star solar systems as seen in Galaxy 4.

    Cover Image: This illustration shows an artist's conception of the three suns and the newly discovered Jupiter-sized planet from the perspective of a hypothetical moon orbiting the planet - HD188753 in the Cygnus constellation. The large yellow sun is already halfway over the horizon, but the orange and red suns are still visible in the sky. CREDIT: NASA/JPL's Planetquest/Caltech


    Triple Sunset Planet Discovered

  • Drunken Time Travel

    3.01 Galaxy 4 Extra - Drunken Science

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:00 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2012


    Welcome to Galaxy 4’s supplemental podcast - Drunken Science - where we have fun drunkenly talking about the science of three star solar systems as seen in Galaxy 4.

    Cover Image: This illustration shows an artist’s conception of the three suns and the newly discovered Jupiter-sized planet from the perspective of a hypothetical moon orbiting the planet - HD188753 in the Cygnus constellation. The large yellow sun is already halfway over the horizon, but the orange and red suns are still visible in the sky. CREDIT: NASA/JPL’s Planetquest/Caltech


    Triple Sunset Planet Discovered

  • Earth Station One

    Earth Station One Episode 114: More Assembly Required

    Earth Station One

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    03:31 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2012

    ESO REASSEMBLE!!! This week, the ESO crew follows up on The Avengers movie review to focus on the long-running comic series that inspired one of the biggest blockbusters of all-time. Mike, Mike and Bobby are joined by Van Allen Plexico (www.AvengersAssemble.net) to discuss what makes this band of Marvel misfits the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. We … Continue reading

  • Sound On Sight Podcast

    Doctor Who Podcast Episode 28: The Christopher Eccelston Era, Part 3: 'Bad Wolf' & 'The Parting of the Ways'

    Sound On Sight Podcast

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    03:26 (GMT) - 7 Jun 2012

    We are wrapping up our look at the Christopher Eccleston era of Doctor Who with our review of the two part season finale of Series One of New Who. We'll also be having a nice little chat about what exactly made this whole season in particular so undeniably fantastic. Join Derek Gladu, Eric Mendoza, Lindsay Wood and Beverly Brown as we review "Bad Wolf" & "Parting of the Ways".


    Follow us on Twitter

  • Sound On Sight Podcast

    Doctor Who Podcast Episode 28: The Christopher Eccelston Era, Part 3: 'Bad Wolf' & 'The Parting of

    Sound On Sight Podcast

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    21:16 (GMT) - 6 Jun 2012

    We are wrapping up our look at the Christopher Eccleston era of Doctor Who with our review of the two part season finale of Series One of New Who. We'll also be having a nice little chat about what exactly made this whole season in particular so undeniably fantastic. Join Derek Gladu, Eric Mendoza, Lindsay Wood and Beverly Brown as we review "Bad Wolf" & "Parting of the Ways".

  • The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast

    The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #116

    The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast

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    18:53 (GMT) - 6 Jun 2012

    Runnaway Bride by Russell T Davies

    Adam and Kirby only really have our review show to discuss this week due to time constraints. This is a bit of a mini episode of the 20mb Podcast.

    As of episode 117, we should be returning to our Monday recording schedule.

  • The Bad Wilf Podcast

    Episode 66:Shaun Of The Dead

    The Bad Wilf Podcast

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    12:28 (GMT) - 6 Jun 2012

    In which Martyn and Imran attempt to review Shaun Of The Dead.

    **WARNING** without Pete or Ash, this episode turns filthy, fast





  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #146 - The DWP Teams Least Favourite Doctor Who stories - Part 1

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:34 (GMT) - 6 Jun 2012

    We have already devoted episodes to our favourite Doctor Who episodes, now its time to explore the seedier side of Doctor Who as the team talks about their least favourites. First up isJames and Michele who discuss their least favourite stories from the 1st through to the 5th Doctors. Prepare to be amazed, outraged, surprised [...]

  • Under The Miniscope

    Episode #17: "The Requisite 'Tin Dog' Reference"

    Under The Miniscope

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    07:01 (GMT) - 6 Jun 2012

    In this episode, Andrew and Sarah dive into all things K-9 as we take a look- and a narrative analysis- at the best friend a Doctor could ever wish for! Also, we dive into the mailbag, because... well, we finally have one... and take a look at the past-deadline results of the Monsters&Villains poll! Don't miss this Kroll-sized mega-epic!

  • Earth Station Who

    Earth Station Who Episode 7: ESW Live at TimeGate 2012

    Earth Station Who

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    21:01 (GMT) - 5 Jun 2012

    ESW Live! Recorded panel at TimeGate 2012 features Mike, Mike, and Dave with special guests Scott Viguie (Articles of the Shadow Proclamation podcast) and Rebecca Perry (TheOneRing.net) as they...

    Earth Station Who is a show dedicated to the culture around the BBC icon Doctor Who. Join Mike F, Mike G and Dave as we explore the 50 year history and fandom surrounding the Doctor With reviews, interviews and just general talk you never know WHO might pop up.

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #146 - The DWP Teams Least Favourite Doctor Who stories - Part 1

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:34 (GMT) - 5 Jun 2012

    We have already devoted episodes to our favourite Doctor Who episodes, now its time to explore the seedier side of Doctor Who as the team talks about their least favourites. First up isJames and Michele who discuss their least favourite stories from the 1st through to the 5th Doctors. Prepare to be amazed, outraged, surprised [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #146 - The DWP Teams Least Favourite Doctor Who stories - Part 1

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:34 (GMT) - 5 Jun 2012

    We have already devoted episodes to our favourite Doctor Who episodes, now its time to explore the seedier side of Doctor Who as the team talks about their least favourites. First up is James and Michele who discuss their least favourite stories from the 1st through to the 5th Doctors. Prepare to be amazed, outraged, [...]

  • The Pharos Project Podcast

    Pharos Project 100: Clink

    The Pharos Project Podcast

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    10:38 (GMT) - 5 Jun 2012

    A bumper episode this week, to celebrate the occasion of our 100th doings. Reviews of "Iron Sky", "Prometheus", and "An Unearthly Child".

    Thanks to everyone who has listened to us ramble, argue and expell wind for the last 100 episodes. This is for you.

    Twitter: @KungFuYoda (Paul) @Doctor_Vendetta (Chris) @beastmasterpete (Pete) @natalien (Nat) @PharosProject

    Facebook: The Pharos Project Group Page

    Email: pharos.project@yahoo.co.uk

  • Who's He?

    Like a child in the palm of my hand

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:30 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    In this weeks episode, the reviewing partnership of Phil & Paul take a look back at the....ahem...well regarded series 4 story The Doctors Daughter. Ok, I can't keep up the pretence any longer, it's probably one of the least well regarded stories in this series and Paul & Phil do little to change anyones opinion. But they go through the motions and try as they might, they can't be help but be nothing but critical of this story, so don't expect many laughs this week!! However, after much analysis, they reach the conclusion that the only thing that could have saved this story is....WILLIAM SHATNER!!

    And in this weeks news, the first group of guests has been announced for Gallifrey 2013, series 7 production news and air date rumours and in what has become a regular feature, Phil & Paul promise to listen to some Big Finish audios!!

  • Who's He?

    Like a child in the palm of my hand

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:30 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    In this weeks episode, the reviewing partnership of Phil & Paul take a look back at the....ahem...well regarded series 4 story The Doctors Daughter. Ok, I can't keep up the pretence any longer, it's probably one of the least well regarded stories in this series and Paul & Phil do little to change anyones opinion. But they go through the motions and try as they might, they can't be help but be nothing but critical of this story, so don't expect many laughs this week!! However, after much analysis, they reach the conclusion that the only thing that could have saved this story is....WILLIAM SHATNER!!

    And in this weeks news, the first group of guests has been announced for Gallifrey 2013, series 7 production news and air date rumours and in what has become a regular feature, Phil & Paul promise to listen to some Big Finish audios!!

  • Who's He?

    Who's He? Podcast #64 Like a child in the palm of my hand

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:37 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    In this weeks episode, the reviewing partnership of Phil & Paul take a look back at the ...ahem...well regarded series 4 story The Doctors Daughter. OK, I can't keep up the pretence any longer, it's probably one of the least well regarded stories in this series and Paul & Phil do little to change anyones opinion. But they go through the motions and try as they might, they can't help but be nothing but critical of this story, so don't expect many laughs this week!! However, after much analysis, they reach the conclusion that the only thing that thing that could have saved this story is......WILLIAM SHATNER!!
    And in this weeks news, the first group of guests has been announced for Gallifrey 2013, series 7 production news and air date rumours and in what has become a regular feature Paul & Phil promise to listen to some Big Finish audios!

  • Traveling the Vortex

    Episode 75 - Book Reports

    Traveling the Vortex

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:36 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    This week we take a break from the electronic media delivery of Doctor Who and turn to the novels.

    First, Glenn reviews “The Crooked World” by Steve Lyons starring the 8th Doctor. Then, Shaun takes on the 9th Doctor story “Only Human” written by Gareth Roberts. And finally, Keith has a review of “The Story of Martha” by Dan Abnett (and others) featuring Martha and the 10th Doctor. *WARNING THERE WILL BE SPOLIERS*

    Also a look at the week’s news including some Galley announcements, and of course your feedback.


    The Sidekick Cast

  • Transmissions From Atlantis


    Transmissions From Atlantis

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:11 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    In our debut episode of Transmissions from Atlantis we let you know what we thought of the TimeGate Con, we also give you our reviews of MIB III and Snow White & The Huntsman.

    We’ll share our thoughts on Dark Shadows, Harry Potter and Joss Whedon’s best Buffy list.

    We’ll A tackle what fandom is and why some fandoms succeed while others just disappear.

    Finally, we’ll give you our review of the new video game Doctor Who – the Eternity Clock and we’ll tackle Chris Eccelston’s decision not to participate in the 50th anniversary of the show.

    Transmissions From Atlantis is part of theA


  • The Time Meddlers

    Episode 14

    The Time Meddlers

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    11:01 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    “So, Jonathan, shall we do some news for fifteen minutes or so and then spend the rest of the podcast doing… other podcast-ey stuff?”

    “Fifteen minutes? Are you mad, Ian?!”

    “That’s what we normally do!”

    “But… there’s… look at this list!!”

    [Jonathan shows Ian the news list. There’s a lot of stuff on it.]


    So, brace yourself for a whole podcast devoted to the news! As David goes on holiday (we hear Iceworld has a decent restaurant), PCJonathan and Ian Redman discuss - among many other things - ‘Good as Gold’ (make sure you’ve seen the mini-episode first - spoilers!), the BAFTAs, Big Finish, Doctor Who Magazine… and why you shouldn’t trust IMDb. Ever.

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Torchwood Miracle Day - Ep 8 'End of the Road' - Discussion

    Impossible Podcasts

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    07:39 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    It's here! Our (one man) discussion of the latest episode of Miracle Day.

    After the twists and revelations of last week's episode, can Torchwood maintain the standard? Will the presence of so many other sci-fi franchise actors help or hinder them? And just what has Oswald Danes been up to these past few weeks? Our reviews editor P.G. Bell takes a one man romp (maybe more of a saunter) through the latest happenings.  James Willetts will be back later in the week with his written review.

    Length: 10 minutes

    Download: Click here

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Torchwood Miracle Day - Ep 9 'The Gathering' - Discussion

    Impossible Podcasts

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    07:37 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    Batten down the hatches, lock up your daughters and wrap that precious Torchwood fandom of yours in cotton wool and bubble wrap - Swithun is back!

    As the Torchwood team make their penultimate moves in the game against the Three Families, we discuss the overall sweep of the series so far, wonder at the true nature of the Blessing and take a wild guess at how things might be resolved next week. This is your last (but one) chance to join us, so click below and give us a listen!

    This week's contributors: P.G. Bell and Swithun Dobson

    Length: 28 minutes

    Download: Click here

    We're thinking of taking our arc plot disucssion further and would love to have your input. Let us know your favourite and most hated arc-heavy shows. Lost, BSG, X-Files... we want your opinions on the lot. Make yourself heard and we'll do our best to include your thoughts in a future podcast!

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Doctor Who 6.9 - 'Night Terrors' - Discussion

    Impossible Podcasts

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    07:37 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    We don't have our usual commentary for you this week, but worry not - we've got a terrificly spirited and in-depth discussion for you instead.

    Location, location, location... how much influence does it have on Doctor Who, and how does Steven Moffat use it differently to Russell T. Davies? Plus, as Mark Gatiss returns to the show he helped relaunch, we examine his back catalogue and wonder whether we can forgive him for last year's Dalek fiasco. Finally, we veer into a fairly serious debate about arc plots v. standalone episodes. Has Doctor Who got the balance right? (We'll give you three guesses about Swithun's stance on this one...)

    All this, and a brand new podcaster! Join us in welcoming Sarah Burrow to our scary cupboard of fandom.

    This week's contributors: Anna Bell, P.G. Bell, Sarah Burrow, Swithun Dobson

    Length: 38 minutes

    Download: Click here

    Article: Click here for Swithun's article, 'Doctor Who's Story Arc of Infinity (and Beyond?)'

    We're thinking of taking our arc plot disucssion further and would love to have your input. Let us know your favourite and most hated arc-heavy shows. Lost, BSG, X-Files... we want your opinions on the lot. Make yourself heard and we'll do our best to include your thoughts in a future podcast!

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Doctor Who - 'Let's Kill Hitler' - Commentary

    Impossible Podcasts

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    07:37 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    It's here! Our first commentary of the new (half) series.

    And what an episode it was - shock regenerations, miniature people, shape shifting robots, killer squid things, young Amelia and, of course, Adolf Hitler. Plenty to like, plenty to disagree about, so click below to find out what we all thought.

    This edition's commentators: Swithun, Peter, Gwen and Anna.

    Length: 58 minutes

    Download: Click here

    Was this episode worth the wait? And were you playing Moffat Bingo with the rest of us? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below and on our Facebook page!

  • Nerdology UK

    Episode 5 Oliver Twist

    Nerdology UK

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    00:50 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    Mark welcomes back Erik Stadnik from The Doctor Who Book Club Podcast for a second appearance on Nerdology, this time the subject is Charles Dickens' second novel Oliver Twist.

    Also up for discussion are the David Lean adaptation from 1948 and the 2003 version "Twist" starring Nick Stahl.

    Twitter @nerdologyUK

    FaceBook http://on.fb.me/nerdology-facebook

    Blog bit.ly/nerdology

    Erik @sjcAustenite


  • Nerdology UK

    Episode 5 Oliver Twist

    Nerdology UK

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:50 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    Mark welcomes back Erik Stadnik from The Doctor Who Book Club Podcast for a second appearance on Nerdology, this time the subject is Charles Dickens' second novel Oliver Twist.

    Also up for discussion are the David Lean adaptation from 1948 and the 2003 version "Twist" starring Nick Stahl.

    Twitter @nerdologyUK

    FaceBook http://on.fb.me/nerdology-facebook

    Blog bit.ly/nerdology

    Erik @sjcAustenite


    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/nerdology-uk/message

  • Nerdology UK

    Episode 5 Oliver Twist

    Nerdology UK

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:50 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    Mark welcomes back Erik Stadnik from The Doctor Who Book Club Podcast for a second appearance on Nerdology, this time the subject is Charles Dickens' second novel Oliver Twist.

    Also up for discussion are the David Lean adaptation from 1948 and the 2003 version "Twist" starring Nick Stahl.

    Twitter @nerdologyUK

    FaceBook http://on.fb.me/nerdology-facebook

    Blog bit.ly/nerdology

    Erik @sjcAustenite


  • Impossible Podcasts

    Mass Effect 3 Preview Discussion

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    Caleb Woodbridge, Olivia Cottrell, and special guest Aled Morgan from Blogga the Hut discuss the imminent release of Mass Effect 3! With the Reapers invading Earth and only Commander Shepard standing between them and the destruction of the galaxy, can BioWare's final installment of the science fiction epic deliver?

    From favourite characters through to ethical dilemmas, we look ahead to one of my most hotly anticipated games of the year!

    The first 15 minutes are spoiler-free, with the rest of the episode containing spoilers for Mass Effect 1 and 2.

    Length: 53 min
    Listen/Download: Click here (right click to "Save as")

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Trials & Triumphs - A Review of the SFX Weekender 3 Event

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    The dust has settled, the hangovers faded and the cosplay has been packed away for another year. But was this year's SFX Weekender - one of Britain's biggest sci-fi and fantasy conventions - worth the trip?

    It's safe to say that not everything went according to plan, but did the stellar guest list make up for the freezing temperatures and interminable queues? P.G. Bell shares the high and low points with Caleb Woodbridge and Sarah Burrow. PLUS! a report on the inaugural cosplay competition and interviews with a few of the participants. Click on the jump below to find photos of some of the people we spoke to, but head on over to our Facebook page to see a complete gallery of the weekend's events!

    Length: 45 minutes

    Download: Click here (right click and "Save Target/Link As...")

    P.S. The excellent 'Transdimensional Mix' of the Doctor Who theme music comes courtesy of HardWire.


  • Impossible Podcasts

    Sylvester McCoy Q&A - SFX Weekender 2012

    Impossible Podcasts

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    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    "They went and cast a 12 year old as the Doctor..."

    It's time for some words of wisdom from the Seventh Doctor himself, Sylvester McCoy - recorded live at last February's SFX Weekender. Sylvester was on typically lively form, swapping the safety of the stage for a roving microphone and getting up close and personal with his public.

    And what a show he gave us. Not content with revealing a few secrets of his time in the TARDIS, he explained the origins of his stage name (be warned: it involves a rather naughty joke), why he used to set fire to his own head for money and what he really thinks of Matt Smith's performance as the Doctor. Even more excitingly, he revealed how he won the role of Rrrrrrrrradagast the Brrrrrrrown in Peter Jackson's forthcoming Hobbit movies. This one's not to be missed!

    Length: 53 minutes

    Download: Click here (Right click and "Save Target/Link As...)

    What was Sylvester's greatest Doctor Who moment? Head to our Facebook page and have your say!

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Sherlock - Discussion

    Impossible Podcasts

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:43 (GMT) - 4 Jun 2012

    There's more to Moffat than Doctor Who but is Sherlock really the series that "puts the 'sexy' in sexist?"

    As the second series of Moffat's award winning adaptation draws to a close, Caleb Woodbridge, Sarah Burrow, Olivia Cottrell and James Willets put their heads together to examine the latest run of episodes. They also share their thoughts on the sexism furore and Moffat's response, how the series fares against other adaptations (Robert Downey Jr, take a bow) and the show's unique visual style.

    This was our first attempt at recording an all-Skype discussion, so the sound quality does vary in places, but shouldn't be too distracting.

    Length: 50 minutes

    Download: Click here

Dormant Podcasts