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  • WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast

    #008 Timey Wimey Confidential

    WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:06 (GMT) - 19 Jun 2013

    A special behind-the-curtain look at "The Timey Wimey Fantastic Brilliant Extravaganza (Geronimo!)", a stage production of The Right Brain Project in Chicago, featuring interviews with the cast and crew.  

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #249 - Sexy (Rad aus) Eis

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    02:50 (GMT) - 19 Jun 2013

    In der heutigen - wieder mal etwas langeren - Ausgabe des Whocastes erwartet Euch, neben einem Review zum ersten deutschen Doctor Who Roman seit uber 20 Jahren, "Rad aus Eis", ein ausfuhrliches Interview mit den, fur diese Veroffentlichung verantwortlichen Personen. Ausserdem habt ihr die Moglichkeit zwei Exemplare dieses wirklich sehr hubschen Hardcoverbuches zu gewinnen und naturlich gibt es auch wieder ein wenig Post. Viele Dank fur die Unterstutzung geht an Cross Cult

  • Telos AM

    To 7B or Not to 7B

    Telos AM

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:06 (GMT) - 19 Jun 2013

    Hello everybody! Welcome to Telos AM's 7B round-up episode. We thought the title was brilliantly clever - & it IS brilliantly clever - but Kat from Verity used it before us, so it is sadly not a cleverness to which we can lay claim.

    Nevertheless! Listen to Nick, Julian, & Alex discussing stuff! & more stuff! We may also talk some stuff. & Feels. Many Feels. Because 7B is the half-series that gave us The Name of the Doctor & Clara. So there are many Feels.

    Next episode - Medievalism!



    Alex - @enola41
    Julian - @radiantfracture
    Nick - @the_penmin
    Lindsey - @LTron

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #249 - Sexy (Rad aus) Eis

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:53 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2013

    In der heutigen - wieder mal etwas langeren - Ausgabe des Whocastes erwartet Euch, neben einem Review zum ersten deutschen Doctor Who Roman seit uber 20 Jahren, "Rad aus Eis", ein ausfuhrliches Interview mit den, fur diese Veroffentlichung verantwortlichen Personen. Ausserdem habt ihr die Moglichkeit zwei Exemplare dieses wirklich sehr hubschen Hardcoverbuches zu gewinnen und naturlich gibt es auch wieder ein wenig Post. Viele Dank fur die Unterstutzung geht an Cross Cult

  • Kasterborous Podkast

    PodKast Chats Missing Episodes

    Kasterborous Podkast

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:01 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2013

    is a writer at Kasterborous Doctor Who News and Reviews - All the latest Doctor Who news and reviews with our weekly podKast, features and interviews, and a long-running forum.

    Kasterborous Doctor Who podKast

    Missing episodes – it’s something of a grokking topic for Doctor Who fans. One minute they’re lost, the next they turn up.

    Indeed, even for the Kasterborous PodKast (with a “K”) we recently unearthed lost material that we had intended to bring to you today… only for it to vanish from the K Towers Matrix Databanks when it came to editing.

    Fortunately, thanks to former Ugandan despot Idi Amin (unlikely as it may seem) and various BBC personnel (getting silly now, isn’t it?) we at least have the fascinating discussion about the likelihood of 90 missing Doctor Who episodes turning up.

    What’s more, we even has references to alien invasions and the four minute warning.

    So, click play below to listen to Christian and James discussing the whole bizarre saga as it is at this point in time…

    Useful links for this week's podKast:

    Kasterborous Series 3 Episode 21 Shownotes


    You haven't clicked play yet?! What are you waiting for? Use one of these amazingly convenient ways to download and enjoy this week's podKast now!

    1. Use the player in the top right of the Kasterborous home page, or visit the podKast menu link.
    2. Listen with the "pop out" player above, which also allows you to download the podKast to your computer.
    3. You can also take advantage of the RSS feed to subscribe to the podKast for your media player, and even find us on iTunes!

    Incidentally, if you are listening on iTunes, please take the time to leave a rating and review and help us to bring in new listeners to the podKast! We are now offering a year’s supply of missing Doctor Who episodes to every listener who rates and reviews us on iTunes.

    Yes, dear listener - you. What other podcast would give you that?

    The post PodKast Chats Missing Episodes appeared first on Kasterborous Doctor Who News and Reviews.

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #212 - The Writers Panel at Big Blue Box 2

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:00 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2013

    Join Leeson andJames as they present the final piece of our coverage from Big Blue Box 2, a Doctor Who Convention held in Tunbridge Wells earlier this year. James hosts the writer's panel in front of a theatre full of Doctor Who fans and talks to writers Andrew Smith, Simon Guerrier and Nigel Fairs. How does [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #212 - The Writers Panel at Big Blue Box 2

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:00 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2013

    Join Leeson and James as they present the final piece of our coverage from Big Blue Box 2, a Doctor Who Convention held in Tunbridge Wells earlier this year. James hosts the writer's panel in front of a theatre full of Doctor Who fans and talks to writers Andrew Smith, Simon Guerrier and Nigel Fairs. [...]

  • Roy's Rocket Radio

    RRR 15, Inc. Dark Skies, SciFi/Fantasy/Horror/Tech UK

    Roy's Rocket Radio

    Direct Podcast Download

    14:07 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2013

    A Good Day To Die Hard, Dark Skies, Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, No One Lives, Orphan Black Season One Finale, The King In The Carpark, Warehouse 13, Unseen Academicals, Kid Eternity, WE3, Fake DJs, iTunes, IOS, MiniFigs

  • Roy's Rocket Radio

    RRR15 Dark Skies

    Roy's Rocket Radio

    Direct Podcast Download

    14:07 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2013

    A Good Day To Die Hard, Dark Skies, Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, No One Lives, Orphan Black Season One Finale, The King In The Carpark, Warehouse 13, Unseen Academicals, Kid Eternity, WE3, Fake DJs, iTunes, IOS, MiniFigs

  • Roy's Rocket Radio

    RRR15 Dark Skies

    Roy's Rocket Radio

    Direct Podcast Download

    14:07 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2013

    A Good Day To Die Hard, Dark Skies, Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, No One Lives, Orphan Black Season One Finale, The King In The Carpark, Warehouse 13, Unseen Academicals, Kid Eternity, WE3, Fake DJs, iTunes, IOS, MiniFigs

  • Traveling the Vortex

    Episode 129 - Abracadabra

    Traveling the Vortex

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:44 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2013

    ttv 1400 anniIn this week’s episode we continue our celebration of the Fifth Doctor with three reviews. First a look at the fifth installment of the IDW comic Prisoners of Time. Next, our opinions on the next part of the Big Finish / Audio GO production of Destiny of the Doctors: Smoke and Mirrors. Then we review the look at the Fifth Doctor era in the latest Doctor Who – The Doctor Revisited.

    Also, some really neat news with the announcement from Daphne Ashbrook’s Official site, featuring a netwide watch-along of Doctor Who the Movie (details in the link below) and the rumors of more missing episodes found and soon to be seen on the release horizon.

    And of course, your feedback.


    RegenerEIGHT: The Great Movie Re-Watch

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 322: Big Finish 174 Lady of Mercia

    Tin Dog Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:24 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2013

    The TARDIS brings the Doctor, Tegan, Turlough and Nyssa to the University of Frodsham, close to where the warrior queen Æthelfrid fought a desperate and bloody rearguard action against the savage Danes. Over a thousand years later, in 1983, battle is still being raged, with student activists taking on savage funding cuts… and disrupting a conference about Æthelfrid convened by history professor John Bleak. Meanwhile, over in the Physics Department, Dr Philippa Stone is working night and day on a top-secret project – but can her theoretical time machine really be the solution to the university's problems? Present and past are about to collide – and the results, as the TARDIS crew is about to discover, will be far from academic! Written By: Paul MagrsDirected By: Ken Bentley Cast Peter Davison (The Doctor), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Mark Strickson (Turlough),Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Anthony Howell (Professor John Bleak), Abigail Thaw (Dr Philippa Stone), Rachel Atkins (Queen Æthelfrid), Catherine Grose (Princess Ælfwynn), Kieran Bew (Arthur Kettleson),

  • The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast

    The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #170

    The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:41 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2013

    The Lodger by Gareth Roberts

    Adam, Kirby, Robert, Rhys and Matthew discuss The Lodger with the help of a few flash backs.

    We also have this week’s news and a new edition of the popular accidental comedy quiz show, You Won’t Get This One

    Adam’s new eBook The Rolling Stones Quiz Book is available now from www.apexpublishing.co.uk.

    The Diary of an Unwilling Virgin is available in paperback and as an eBook from Amazon and iTunes.

    From Troy to Man is available as an eBook from Amazon and iTunes.

    The Beatles Quiz Book is available as an eBook from Amazon and iTunes.

    Don’t forget listen to Rhys on the Who Is The Man podcast http://whoitmcast.libsyn.com/





    Please keep sending in your lovely feedback and you can do so by the following methods:-

    You can join our group on Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/123660367652675/

    You can send us an email: 20mb.feedback@gmail.com

    You can follow Adam on Twitter: twitter.com/adam20mbpodcast

    You can follow Mary on Twitter: twitter.com/mlang3

    You can follow Alicia on Twitter: twitter.com/alicia__pearson You can follow Ben on Twitter: twitter.com/Bunjington

    You can follow Kirby on Twitter: twitter.com/tvkirby

    You can follow Robert on Twitter: twitter.com/Boris70Redbox

    You can follow Rhys on Twitter: twitter.com/rhysparton

    You can comment via our web page:http://the20mbdoctorwhopodcast.podbean.com/

    You can follow us and our friends on: http://www.doctorwhopodcastalliance.org/

    You can buy your Doctor Who merchandise at: www.whoone.co.uk

  • Who's He?

    Interview Special - Graeme Bentzen

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:29 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2013

    In an occasional series of interviews to celebrate Doctor Who's half century, the Who's He? Podcast talk to various fans, bloggers and podcasters about their love of Doctor Who in the lead up to the 50th anniversary on November 23rd 2013.

    In this edition, Phil chats to Graeme Bentzen from The Gallifrey Times about his memories of Doctor Who during the fallow years of the 1990's and the love/hate relationship the show now has with the press.

    Twitter: @GallifreyUK Website: http://www.thegallifreytimes.co.uk

  • Who's He?

    Interview Special - Graeme Bentzen

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:29 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2013

    In an occasional series of interviews to celebrate Doctor Who's half century, the Who's He? Podcast talk to various fans, bloggers and podcasters about their love of Doctor Who in the lead up to the 50th anniversary on November 23rd 2013.

    In this edition, Phil chats to Graeme Bentzen from The Gallifrey Times about his memories of Doctor Who during the fallow years of the 1990's and the love/hate relationship the show now has with the press.

    Twitter: @GallifreyUK Website: http://www.thegallifreytimes.co.uk

  • MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who Podcast

    episode 26 - Silver Duck Tales

    MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:00 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2013

    Join Mark Baumgarten, Trish Helm, Eduardo M Freyre, and Christian Basel as they guide you through the world of Doctor Who. It's our 25th Anniversary show (yes we know its episode 26 but can you find episode 8 anywhere?) and we celebrate it with a look back at 1988, the Silver anniversary of Doctor Who. Daleks and Cybermen and Kandyman, "oh my"... We also continue to promote Florida Supercon (www.floridasupercon.com) that is happening in Miami on July 4-7, 2013. Watch for new episodes weekly on GeekCast Radio Network, iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Florida Geek Scene, Facebook, Twitter, and markwho42.com. Please send comments and suggestions to mark@markwho42.com with the subject line: "Question Mark".

  • MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who Podcast

    episode 26 - Silver Duck Tales

    MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:00 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2013

    Join Mark Baumgarten, Trish Helm, Eduardo M Freyre, and Christian Basel as they guide you through the world of Doctor Who. It's our 25th Anniversary show (yes we know its episode 26 but can you find episode 8 anywhere?) and we celebrate it with a look back at 1988, the Silver anniversary of Doctor Who. Daleks and Cybermen and Kandyman, "oh my"... We also continue to promote Florida Supercon (www.floridasupercon.com) that is happening in Miami on July 4-7, 2013. Watch for new episodes weekly on GeekCast Radio Network, iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Florida Geek Scene, Facebook, Twitter, and markwho42.com. Please send comments and suggestions to mark@markwho42.com with the subject line: "Question Mark".

  • MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who Podcast

    episode 26 - Silver Duck Tales

    MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:00 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2013

    Join Mark Baumgarten, Trish Helm, Eduardo M Freyre, and Christian Basel as they guide you through the world of Doctor Who. It's our 25th Anniversary show (yes we know its episode 26 but can you find episode 8 anywhere?) and we celebrate it with a look back at 1988, the Silver anniversary of Doctor Who. Daleks and Cybermen and Kandyman, "oh my"... We also continue to promote Florida Supercon (www.floridasupercon.com) that is happening in Miami on July 4-7, 2013. Watch for new episodes weekly on GeekCast Radio Network, iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Florida Geek Scene, Facebook, Twitter, and markwho42.com. Please send comments and suggestions to mark@markwho42.com with the subject line: "Question Mark".

  • MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who Podcast

    episode 26 - Silver Duck Tales

    MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:00 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2013

    Join Mark Baumgarten, Trish Helm, Eduardo M Freyre, and Christian Basel as they guide you through the world of Doctor Who. It's our 25th Anniversary show (yes we know its episode 26 but can you find episode 8 anywhere?) and we celebrate it with a look back at 1988, the Silver anniversary of Doctor Who. Daleks and Cybermen and Kandyman, "oh my"... We also continue to promote Florida Supercon (www.floridasupercon.com) that is happening in Miami on July 4-7, 2013. Watch for new episodes weekly on GeekCast Radio Network, iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Florida Geek Scene, Facebook, Twitter, and markwho42.com. Please send comments and suggestions to mark@markwho42.com with the subject line: "Question Mark".

  • Who's He?

    Who's He? Podcast #112 Interview Special - Graeme Bentzen

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:29 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2013

    In an occasional series of interviews to celebrate Doctor Who's half century, the Who's He? Podcast talk to various fans, bloggers and podcasters about their love of Doctor Who in the lead up to the 50th anniversary on November 23rd 2013.

    In this edition, Phil chats to Graeme Bentzen from The Gallifrey Times about his memories of Doctor Who during the fallow years of the 1990's and the love/hate relationship the show now has with the press.

    Twitter: @GallifreyUK
    Website: http://www.thegallifreytimes.co.uk

  • MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who Podcast

    episode 26 - Silver Duck Tales

    MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2013

    Join Mark Baumgarten, Trish Helm, Eduardo M Freyre, and Christian Basel as they guide you through the world of Doctor Who. It's our 25th Anniversary show (yes we know its episode 26 but can you find episode 8 anywhere?) and we celebrate it with a look back at 1988, the Silver anniversary of Doctor Who. Daleks and Cybermen and Kandyman, "oh my"... We also continue to promote Florida Supercon (www.floridasupercon.com) that is happening in Miami on July 4-7, 2013. Watch for new episodes weekly on GeekCast Radio Network, iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Florida Geek Scene, Facebook, Twitter, and markwho42.com. Please send comments and suggestions to mark@markwho42.com with the subject line: "Question Mark".

  • Two girls, a guy and a TARDIS....The Podcast - Nervous Dog Produ

    Episode 14....Sarah in the TARDIS!

    Two girls, a guy and a TARDIS....The Podcast - Nervous Dog Produ

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:00 (GMT) - 17 Jun 2013

    So in this episode, we talk to writer and blogger Sarah a.k.a Geek Girl Ramblings about her essay in the book "Outside In" which can be found here 


    We also discuss her thoughts on series 7 as a whole, the series finale, the upcoming 50th and Matt Smith leaving.  We also have a great time along the way!  So when you're done listening, check out her blog at


    So enjoy and thanks for listening! 

  • The You Who Podcast

    Episode 33: The Chris Chibnall Preservation Society.

    The You Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:47 (GMT) - 17 Jun 2013

    itunes pic

    Series 7b is chopped, sliced, examined and put back together in a sort of messy pile.


    twitter: @clareylouwho @onlybloodydavid @youwhopodcast



  • The Pharos Project Podcast

    Pharos Project 148: The Krypton Factor

    The Pharos Project Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:39 (GMT) - 17 Jun 2013

    This week, robbed of our intended guest and therefore subject, we decided to have a SPOILER FREE chat about the movie we'd just been to see. Man of Steel.

    Also, we chat about comic book movies in general and the problems of Superman as a character.

    Twitter: @Doctor_Vendetta @beastmasterpete @KungFuYoda @PharosProject

    Email: pharos.project@yahoo.co.uk

    Facebook: The Groupness https://www.facebook.com/groups/145571995515976/

    Web: http://thepharosproject.com/

  • The Pharos Project Podcast

    Pharos Project 148: The Krypton Factor

    The Pharos Project Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:39 (GMT) - 17 Jun 2013

    This week, robbed of our intended guest and therefore subject, we decided to have a SPOILER FREE chat about the movie we'd just been to see. Man of Steel.

    Also, we chat about comic book movies in general and the problems of Superman as a character.

    Twitter: @Doctor_Vendetta @beastmasterpete @KungFuYoda @PharosProject

    Email: pharos.project@yahoo.co.uk

    Facebook: The Groupness https://www.facebook.com/groups/145571995515976/

    Web: http://thepharosproject.com/

  • The Pharos Project Podcast

    Pharos Project 148: The Krypton Factor

    The Pharos Project Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:39 (GMT) - 17 Jun 2013

    This week, robbed of our intended guest and therefore subject, we decided to have a SPOILER FREE chat about the movie we'd just been to see. Man of Steel.

    Also, we chat about comic book movies in general and the problems of Superman as a character.

    Twitter: @Doctor_Vendetta @beastmasterpete @KungFuYoda @PharosProject

    Email: pharos.project@yahoo.co.uk

    Facebook: The Groupness https://www.facebook.com/groups/145571995515976/

    Web: http://thepharosproject.com/

  • Radio Rassilon

    Radio Rassilon IS THE DOCTOR

    Radio Rassilon

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:55 (GMT) - 17 Jun 2013

    name of the doctor photo: The Name of the Doctor S07E14_zpsf7d3fd42.jpg


    Somewhere in the darkness, something is stirring. A bleary eyed two headed monster staggers forth from the abyss, its limbs weakened from under use and its faces pale and unshaven. The Harry-Leeson has once again awoken……..They’ve not missed anything right?

    7b or not to 7b? That’s the question on the boys lips in this latest episode. As they take a belated look at the second half of the Moffs third season, in what I think you’ll agree, is a revolutionary and groundbreaking way.

    Thanks for waiting chaps and chapesses, It’s time for the show to begin (again)

    From the TARDIS to Trenzlalore, via Matt Smith and mental illness…….It’s the Radio Rassilon Podcast

  • An Improbable Podcast

    The Wacko Sando & Zacko Show: Episode 9: Three-Way Celebrity Checkers

    An Improbable Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    02:40 (GMT) - 17 Jun 2013

    itunes pic
    featuring Sandro JF & Zachary Adams RATED PG10+: Contains Infrequent Mild Course Language & Comical Horror Violence ...And we're back for Season 1; Part 2 of the Wacko show! In this episode, the boys chat about life, answers some feedback, then reveal "We Have No Idea What Happened At The Park Last Episode". STUFF WE MENTIONED: "Gentlemen (MEGA! Dubstep Remix)" https://soundcloud.com/sandro-jf-1 "Semicolon (EXPLICIT)" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M94ii6MVilw IMPORTANT LINKS: "An Improbable Website" animprobablepodcast.podomatic.com "GoReCo." gorecomc.webs.com "Facebook Page" http://www.facebook.com/AnImprobablePodcast?fref=ts

  • The Omega Podcast

    The Others Podcast Episode 2 The Tenth Planet Animated

    The Omega Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    02:20 (GMT) - 17 Jun 2013

  • Radio Rassilon

    Radio Rassilon IS THE DOCTOR

    Radio Rassilon

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:55 (GMT) - 17 Jun 2013

  • The Sonic Toolbox

    Episode 88: Jack the Fact

    The Sonic Toolbox

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:07 (GMT) - 16 Jun 2013

    He's a fixed point in time. He's immortal. He's an omni-sexual, time-traveling smart-ass. He's Captain Jack Harkness and this week we talk about how and why he's immortal.

    Warning: Contains rabbit chasing

    Episode 88: Jack the Fact

  • The Sonic Toolbox

    Episode 88: Jack the Fact

    The Sonic Toolbox

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:07 (GMT) - 16 Jun 2013

    He's a fixed point in time.  He's immortal.  He's an omni-sexual, time-traveling smart-ass.  He's Captain Jack Harkness and this week we talk about how and why he's immortal. 

    Warning: Contains rabbit chasing


    Episode 88: Jack the Fact

  • The Sonic Toolbox

    Episode 88: Jack the Fact

    The Sonic Toolbox

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:07 (GMT) - 16 Jun 2013

    He's a fixed point in time.  He's immortal.  He's an omni-sexual, time-traveling smart-ass.  He's Captain Jack Harkness and this week we talk about how and why he's immortal. 

    Warning: Contains rabbit chasing


    Episode 88: Jack the Fact

  • The Sonic Toolbox

    Episode 88: Jack the Fact

    The Sonic Toolbox

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:07 (GMT) - 16 Jun 2013

    He's a fixed point in time.  He's immortal.  He's an omni-sexual, time-traveling smart-ass.  He's Captain Jack Harkness and this week we talk about how and why he's immortal. 

    Warning: Contains rabbit chasing


    Episode 88: Jack the Fact

  • The Cloister Room

    The Cloister Room 056 - Pretty Sweet Culture

    The Cloister Room

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:26 (GMT) - 16 Jun 2013

    With Tom and Louis continuing their discussion of Season 18, you'd think that this week's episode might be another short one. But you'd be wrong! Because not only do we spend a good amount of time discussing The Keeper of Traken, but starting at about 21:30, we discuss the announcement of Matt Smith's departure.

  • Who's He?

    Sent me off to a foreign land

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:30 (GMT) - 16 Jun 2013

    In this weeks episode, the attentions of Paul and Phil are once again focused on the AudioGo Destiny of The Doctor series with a look at the sixth Doctor story Trouble in Paradise.  What will they make of this story of Christopher Columbus and talking bullocks and will Phil ever recover from his little moment alone thinking about Peri?  But also during the course of this discussion, a history lesson on Christopher Columbus is given and a Peri impression is offered.

    Also this week, they talk about their sojourn to the BFI to see The Two Doctors as part of the Doctor Who at 50 celebrations and how disappointed Eric Saward looked to be there.

    But in the news, they discuss all the 12th Doctor rumours they missed on last weeks episode and call a 12th Doctor casting rumours amnesty on the podcast, rumours of recovered missing episodes to be released for the 50th, Big Finish's license for Doctor Who has been extended to 2016 and news of a TARDIS being put into Earths orbit (yes you did read that correctly!).

  • Who's He?

    Sent me off to a foreign land

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:30 (GMT) - 16 Jun 2013

    In this weeks episode, the attentions of Paul and Phil are once again focused on the AudioGo Destiny of The Doctor series with a look at the sixth Doctor story Trouble in Paradise.  What will they make of this story of Christopher Columbus and talking bullocks and will Phil ever recover from his little moment alone thinking about Peri?  But also during the course of this discussion, a history lesson on Christopher Columbus is given and a Peri impression is offered.

    Also this week, they talk about their sojourn to the BFI to see The Two Doctors as part of the Doctor Who at 50 celebrations and how disappointed Eric Saward looked to be there.

    But in the news, they discuss all the 12th Doctor rumours they missed on last weeks episode and call a 12th Doctor casting rumours amnesty on the podcast, rumours of recovered missing episodes to be released for the 50th, Big Finish's license for Doctor Who has been extended to 2016 and news of a TARDIS being put into Earths orbit (yes you did read that correctly!).

  • Who's He?

    Who's He? Podcast #111 Sent me off to a foreign land

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:30 (GMT) - 16 Jun 2013

    In this weeks episode, the attentions of Paul and Phil are once again focused on the AudioGo Destiny of The Doctor series with a look at the sixth Doctor story Trouble in Paradise.  What will they make of this story of Christopher Columbus and talking bullocks and will Phil ever recover from his little moment alone thinking about Peri?  But also during the course of this discussion, a history lesson on Christopher Columbus is given and a Peri impression is offered.

    Also this week, they talk about their sojourn to the BFI to see The Two Doctors as part of the Doctor Who at 50 celebrations and how disappointed Eric Saward looked to be there.

    But in the news, they discuss all the 12th Doctor rumours they missed on last weeks episode and call a 12th Doctor casting rumours amnesty on the podcast, rumours of recovered missing episodes to be released for the 50th, Big Finish's license for Doctor Who has been extended to 2016 and news of a TARDIS being put into Earths orbit (yes you did read that correctly!).

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #371 - Bless the Rains

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:57 (GMT) - 16 Jun 2013

    The Doctor Who rumour mill was in full blown chaos this week with Twelfth Doctor casting rumours giving way to tales of hoards of missing episodes being recovered. The Two Who Rule (Chris managed to escape the mongering of said rumours) neatly sidestepped harmless (or harmful) speculation by delving into talk of the future of the film industry and 3D TV and its relation to Doctor Who. But Chris returns (and Warren departs) to talk to Neil Perryman, dear friend and author who is writing the upcoming Adventures of the Wife in Space book, based on his hugely successful blog. Listen on!

    Check out the show notes at http://www.radiofreeskaro.com

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #371 - Bless the Rains

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:57 (GMT) - 16 Jun 2013

    The Doctor Who rumour mill was in full blown chaos this week with Twelfth Doctor casting rumours giving way to tales of hoards of missing episodes being recovered. The Two Who Rule (Chris managed to escape the mongering of said rumours) neatly sidestepped harmless (or harmful) speculation by delving into talk of the future of the film industry and 3D TV and its relation to Doctor Who. But Chris returns (and Warren departs) to talk to Neil Perryman, dear friend and author who is writing the upcoming Adventures of the Wife in Space book, based on his hugely successful blog. Listen on!

    Check out the show notes at http://www.radiofreeskaro.com

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #371 - Bless the Rains

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:57 (GMT) - 16 Jun 2013

    The Doctor Who rumour mill was in full blown chaos this week with Twelfth Doctor casting rumours giving way to tales of hoards of missing episodes being recovered. The Two Who Rule (Chris managed to escape the mongering of said rumours) neatly sidestepped harmless (or harmful) speculation by delving into talk of the future of the film industry and 3D TV and its relation to Doctor Who. But Chris returns (and Warren departs) to talk to Neil Perryman, dear friend and author who is writing the upcoming Adventures of the Wife in Space book, based on his hugely successful blog. Listen on!

    Check out the show notes at http://www.radiofreeskaro.com

  • The Preachrs Podcast

    Original Preachrs Podcast Audio Dramas: Terror of Fear Part 1

    The Preachrs Podcast

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    10:38 (GMT) - 16 Jun 2013

    The Doctor is trying to teach Kate about fear when he receives a mysterious message from an old friend Luke Smith. What dangers and perils will the Doctor find himself insnared in this time?

    Terror of Fear is written by Rob Lloyd and produced by Benjamin Maio Mackay

    It stars:
    Lisa Bowerman as Kate

    Simon Fisher-Becker as Luke

    Rob Lloyd as the Doctor

  • The Preachrs Podcast

    Series 7 Episode 11: Big Finish May Reviews

    The Preachrs Podcast

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    10:38 (GMT) - 16 Jun 2013

    This podcast Benjamin and Rob are in the same room and discuss the Big Finish releases of May.

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  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE207 - Dr Who - The Doctor: 5th Doctor Revisited

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:38 (GMT) - 16 Jun 2013

    'The Doctors Revisited' This week we cover the 5th Doctor as played by Peter Davison

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Commentary #90: Doctor Who - Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS

    Staggering Stories Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:00 (GMT) - 16 Jun 2013

    Staggering Stories Commentary: Doctor Who - Journey to the Centre of the TARDISSummary:
    Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins and Keith Dunn sit down, charred, in front of the 2013 Doctor Who story, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, and spout our usual nonsense!

    Tricky is unlikeable, Bram is unlikeable, Gregor is really unlikeable and Clara just wants out. But enough of their problems, please sit down with us to enjoy Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS...

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  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE207 - Dr Who - The Doctor: 5th Doctor Revisited

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:38 (GMT) - 16 Jun 2013

    'The Doctors Revisited' This week we cover the 5th Doctor as played by Peter Davison

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE207 - Dr Who - The Doctor: 5th Doctor Revisited

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:38 (GMT) - 16 Jun 2013

    'The Doctors Revisited' This week we cover the 5th Doctor as played by Peter Davison

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE207 - Dr Who - The Doctor: 5th Doctor Revisited

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:38 (GMT) - 16 Jun 2013

    'The Doctors Revisited' This week we cover the 5th Doctor as played by Peter Davison

Dormant Podcasts