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Latest Podcast Episodes

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #573 – Stevie Nicks

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:00 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    No sooner did we joke about Mondasian Cybermen in Series 10 than they magically appear in a publicity shot with one Peter Capaldi! While we’d like to claim prophetic wisdom in this matter, we had no inside knowledge and this was likely a “going out in style” wish from one Mr. Capaldi, and we are all the better for it. P-Cap will also be gracing the small, inconsequential town of Calgary, AB for Calgary Expo at the end of April, to the delight of bouffant enthusiasts across the Canadian prairies! And in other good news, we have two interviews to round out our Gallifrey coverage, one with the voice of the Daleks, Cybermen (plus many others) and Big Finish man about town Nicholas Briggs, and the other with writer, director, actor and Dalek operator Nicholas Pegg! Do we have the right? Of course we do!


    – Peter Capaldi at Calgary Expo! – Series 10 trailer “A Time for Heroes” – Mondasian Cybermen and Rachel Talalay are back in Series 10! – Class episode 1 as part of the Series 10 Premiere cinema experience! – Big Finish Humble Bundle! – Spare Parts on vinyl!


    – Nicholas Pegg! – Nicholas Briggs! – Gallifrey One!

  • WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast

    #100 The Dancing Wookiee

    WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:59 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    ... in which a milestone is reached and the secret origin of the podcast is revealed. Also, our fearless podcaster chats with special guest Dawn Xiana Moon of Raks Geek about the geek bellydancing scene and the growing resistance movement against the current American administration.

  • WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast

    #100 The Dancing Wookiee

    WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:59 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    ... in which a milestone is reached and the secret origin of the podcast is revealed. Also, our fearless podcaster chats with special guest Dawn Xiana Moon of Raks Geek about the geek bellydancing scene and the growing resistance movement against the current American administration.

  • The TARDIS Tavern

    Episode 158: I Am Your Servant

    The TARDIS Tavern

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:33 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    Way back in Episode 17, we covered "The Power of the Daleks" and proclaimed that this was the serial to find if there ever was one to be found. Seven years later, it still hasn't been found, but the fine folks at the BBC Worldwide slaved over a hot desk for a very long time to animate all six episodes of Patrick Troughton's first story.

    That gave us the perfect opportunity to watch the story in its new incarnation, and decide whether animation is the gateway to a new era of Doctor Who or if we should just hold on to those CDs of "Marco Polo" and "The Savages" we've had for years. So, without further ado, listen in as we discuss the merits of "The Power of the Daleks"!

    We're lonely and need feedback. You can send it to tardistavern@gmail.com and also follow Sean on send him hate mail in 140 characters or less via @tardistavern.

  • Trust Your Doctor

    Episode 159: Deceased Mule Inn

    Trust Your Doctor

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:57 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    This week’s episode is brought to you by death.

    It’s the final season. (To the tune of final countdown). Can you believe it? Well we’re almost at our crazy dark years plan and it’s going to be great, I promise. Until then, it’s Battlefield, written by Ben Aaronovitch and aired in September of 1989.


    6:41 Apparently the silver bullets killing werewolves idea got its start thanks to this jerk dog that ate some people in France.
    22:11 You mean this one? Looks actually terrible, so no thanks.
    24:03 They made him up.

    Doctor Who (c) The BBC
    Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
    The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Keff McCulloch.

    Subscribe on iTunes!
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  • Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    El Comentario del Mundo

    Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:00 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    In an eventful podcast recording, interrupted by bomb explosion, affected by earthquakes, and ruined by interference in the kitchen, all four of us talk all over the recently-discovered Troughton classic, The Enemy of the World.

    Michael Grade just phoned, and he’s cancelled rested the podcast, so we’ll be back in a month’s time for The Trial of a Time Lord.

    I had to vote for someone

    Our Pertwee Commentary poll closes next Saturday, so go straight to the shownotes for Episode 103 and cast your vote. It’s your democratic duty, you know.

    Buy the story!

    The Enemy of the World was released in 2013/2014. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

    You might not want to spend 144 precious minutes of your life listening to us blathering on about this fabulous story, so why not go back many years to listen to Episode 15: Internal Pink Wobbly Bits? In that episode, we discuss the newly-discovered The Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear.

    Follow us!

    Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

    We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we’ll take over the world and use our nefarious genius to produce food for the entire population, like the monsters we are.

    Doctor Who in 10 Seconds

    And, of course, you should all take the time to revisit Doctor Who in Ten Seconds, in which Brendan summarises all the stories from the first seven seasons of Doctor Who while wearing a distractingly tight T-shirt. New episodes are on their way, so make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel so that you are immediately notified when Brendan uploads the next episode.


    This commentary totally counts as our Bondfinger for this month (shut up!), which means that our commentary on The Living Daylights (1987) will be up in early April. But it will be worth the wait, probably.

    In the meantime, we have a range of Rodgecasts online, and other Bonds are also available, of course. You can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.

  • Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    El Comentario del Mundo

    Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:00 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    In an eventful podcast recording, interrupted by bomb explosion, affected by earthquakes, and ruined by interference in the kitchen, all four of us talk all over the recently-discovered Troughton classic, The Enemy of the World.

    Michael Grade just phoned, and he’s cancelled rested the podcast, so we’ll be back in a month’s time for The Trial of a Time Lord.

    I had to vote for someone

    Our Pertwee Commentary poll closes next Saturday, so go straight to the shownotes for Episode 103 and cast your vote. It’s your democratic duty, you know.

    Buy the story!

    The Enemy of the World was released in 2013/2014. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

    You might not want to spend 144 precious minutes of your life listening to us blathering on about this fabulous story, so why not go back many years to listen to Episode 15: Internal Pink Wobbly Bits? In that episode, we discuss the newly-discovered The Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear.

    Follow us!

    Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

    We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we’ll take over the world and use our nefarious genius to produce food for the entire population, like the monsters we are.

    Doctor Who in 10 Seconds

    And, of course, you should all take the time to revisit Doctor Who in Ten Seconds, in which Brendan summarises all the stories from the first seven seasons of Doctor Who while wearing a distractingly tight T-shirt. New episodes are on their way, so make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel so that you are immediately notified when Brendan uploads the next episode.


    This commentary totally counts as our Bondfinger for this month (shut up!), which means that our commentary on The Living Daylights (1987) will be up in early April. But it will be worth the wait, probably.

    In the meantime, we have a range of Rodgecasts online, and other Bonds are also available, of course. You can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.

  • Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    El Comentario del Mundo

    Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:00 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    In an eventful podcast recording, interrupted by bomb explosion, affected by earthquakes, and ruined by interference in the kitchen, all four of us talk all over the recently-discovered Troughton classic, The Enemy of the World.

    Michael Grade just phoned, and he’s cancelled rested the podcast, so we’ll be back in a month’s time for The Trial of a Time Lord.

    I had to vote for someone

    Our Pertwee Commentary poll closes next Saturday, so go straight to the shownotes for Episode 103 and cast your vote. It’s your democratic duty, you know.

    Buy the story!

    The Enemy of the World was released in 2013/2014. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

    You might not want to spend 144 precious minutes of your life listening to us blathering on about this fabulous story, so why not go back many years to listen to Episode 15: Internal Pink Wobbly Bits? In that episode, we discuss the newly-discovered The Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear.

    Follow us!

    Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

    We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we’ll take over the world and use our nefarious genius to produce food for the entire population, like the monsters we are.

    Doctor Who in 10 Seconds

    And, of course, you should all take the time to revisit Doctor Who in Ten Seconds, in which Brendan summarises all the stories from the first seven seasons of Doctor Who while wearing a distractingly tight T-shirt. New episodes are on their way, so make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel so that you are immediately notified when Brendan uploads the next episode.


    This commentary totally counts as our Bondfinger for this month (shut up!), which means that our commentary on The Living Daylights (1987) will be up in early April. But it will be worth the wait, probably.

    In the meantime, we have a range of Rodgecasts online, and other Bonds are also available, of course. You can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.

  • Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    El Comentario del Mundo

    Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:00 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    In an eventful podcast recording, interrupted by bomb explosion, affected by earthquakes, and ruined by interference in the kitchen, all four of us talk all over the recently-discovered Troughton classic, The Enemy of the World.

    Michael Grade just phoned, and he’s cancelled rested the podcast, so we’ll be back in a month’s time for The Trial of a Time Lord.

    I had to vote for someone

    Our Pertwee Commentary poll closes next Saturday, so go straight to the shownotes for Episode 103 and cast your vote. It’s your democratic duty, you know.

    Buy the story!

    The Enemy of the World was released in 2013/2014. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

    You might not want to spend 144 precious minutes of your life listening to us blathering on about this fabulous story, so why not go back many years to listen to Episode 15: Internal Pink Wobbly Bits? In that episode, we discuss the newly-discovered The Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear.

    Follow us!

    Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

    We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we’ll take over the world and use our nefarious genius to produce food for the entire population, like the monsters we are.

    Doctor Who in 10 Seconds

    And, of course, you should all take the time to revisit Doctor Who in Ten Seconds, in which Brendan summarises all the stories from the first seven seasons of Doctor Who while wearing a distractingly tight T-shirt. New episodes are on their way, so make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel so that you are immediately notified when Brendan uploads the next episode.


    This commentary totally counts as our Bondfinger for this month (shut up!), which means that our commentary on The Living Daylights (1987) will be up in early April. But it will be worth the wait, probably.

    In the meantime, we have a range of Rodgecasts online, and other Bonds are also available, of course. You can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.

  • Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    El Comentario del Mundo

    Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:00 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    In an eventful podcast recording, interrupted by bomb explosion, affected by earthquakes, and ruined by interference in the kitchen, all four of us talk all over the recently-discovered Troughton classic, The Enemy of the World.

    Michael Grade just phoned, and he’s cancelled rested the podcast, so we’ll be back in a month’s time for The Trial of a Time Lord.

    I had to vote for someone

    Our Pertwee Commentary poll closes next Saturday, so go straight to the shownotes for Episode 103 and cast your vote. It’s your democratic duty, you know.

    Buy the story!

    The Enemy of the World was released in 2013/2014. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

    You might not want to spend 144 precious minutes of your life listening to us blathering on about this fabulous story, so why not go back many years to listen to Episode 15: Internal Pink Wobbly Bits? In that episode, we discuss the newly-discovered The Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear.

    Follow us!

    Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

    We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we’ll take over the world and use our nefarious genius to produce food for the entire population, like the monsters we are.

    Doctor Who in 10 Seconds

    And, of course, you should all take the time to revisit Doctor Who in Ten Seconds, in which Brendan summarises all the stories from the first seven seasons of Doctor Who while wearing a distractingly tight T-shirt. New episodes are on their way, so make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel so that you are immediately notified when Brendan uploads the next episode.


    This commentary totally counts as our Bondfinger for this month (shut up!), which means that our commentary on The Living Daylights (1987) will be up in early April. But it will be worth the wait, probably.

    In the meantime, we have a range of Rodgecasts online, and other Bonds are also available, of course. You can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.

  • Feexby

    The TV Movie


    Direct Podcast Download

    09:20 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    Helloooooo, nice lady and gentleman at home. What's that coming over the hill? New bloody Doctor Who, that's what. As a limbering up exercise John (@Feexby23) and Lawrence (@Loll73) have a good old go at Doctor Who Da Movie from the olden days of 1996. It's pretty awesome, it turns out.

    Oh, and we're called The Highlanders now. Everybody got that? The Highlanders.

    Download Standard Podcasts

  • Feexby

    The TV Movie


    Direct Podcast Download

    09:20 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    Helloooooo, nice lady and gentleman at home. What's that coming over the hill? New bloody Doctor Who, that's what. As a limbering up exercise John (@Feexby23) and Lawrence (@Loll73) have a good old go at Doctor Who Da Movie from the olden days of 1996. It's pretty awesome, it turns out.

    Oh, and we're called The Highlanders now. Everybody got that? The Highlanders.

    Download Standard Podcasts

  • Feexby

    The TV Movie


    Direct Podcast Download

    09:20 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    Helloooooo, nice lady and gentleman at home. What's that coming over the hill? New bloody Doctor Who, that's what. As a limbering up exercise John (@Feexby23) and Lawrence (@Loll73) have a good old go at Doctor Who Da Movie from the olden days of 1996. It's pretty awesome, it turns out.

    Oh, and we're called The Highlanders now. Everybody got that? The Highlanders.

  • Feexby

    The TV Movie


    Direct Podcast Download

    09:20 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    Helloooooo, nice lady and gentleman at home. What's that coming over the hill? New bloody Doctor Who, that's what. As a limbering up exercise John (@Feexby23) and Lawrence (@Loll73) have a good old go at Doctor Who Da Movie from the olden days of 1996. It's pretty awesome, it turns out.

    Oh, and we're called The Highlanders now. Everybody got that? The Highlanders.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Podcast #258: That Osgood and Kate Sound

    Staggering Stories Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:00 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    That Osgood and Kate SoundSummary:

    Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins, Fake Keith, Jean Riddler and the Real Keith Dunn discuss possibilities for the next Doctor on Doctor Who, review the first three Big Finish UNIT New Series boxsets, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 01:20 — Welcome!
    • 01:42 – News:
    • 02:04 — Tron: Third film booting up?
    • 04:18 — Razzies: Batman V Superman wins multiple awards.
    • 08:05 — Doctor Who: Crawley teenager in line to play the Doctor?
    • 10:44 — Firefly: Fox may be interested in more but…
    • 13:45 — Patrick Stewart: Applies for US citizenship.
    • 15:05 – Doctor Who: New Doctor suggestions.
    • 30:05 – Doctor Who: Big Finish’s UNIT – New Series boxsets.
    • 45:20 – Emails and listener feedback.
    • 63:21 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 65:00 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

  • The Doctor Who Show

    Whotiques Roadshow - Dapol TARDIS playset/Doctor Who action figures

    The Doctor Who Show

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:09 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    If you listen to Australian-produced Doctor Who podcasts that aren't the Doctor Who Show, chances are (given how relatively few there are), you're a Flight Through Entirety listener.

    Here, Rob (@theDWshow) talks to Brendan Jones (@critiqaltheory) from Flight Through Entirety @FTEpodcast about the Dapol TARDIS playset and Doctor Who action figures in general.

    This episode was originally a segment on the Doctor Who Show #4 (Apr 24, 2016).

    As always, you can let us know your thoughts at: hello@theDWshow.net

  • Who New

    Episode 211: Fear Her

    Who New

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:37 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    On a quiet, suburban street, children are disappearing. The Doctor and Rose have to solve the mystery before the whole world follows.

    Join us as we discuss Episode 211: Fear Her

    All of the UK are celebrating the opening of the 2012 Olympic Games but the Doctor and Rose discover that missing children are appearing in a lonely girl’s drawings. What is giving a human child the power to abduct people just by drawing them?

    e-mail us at whonewpodcast@gmail.com

  • Who New

    Episode 211: Fear Her

    Who New

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:37 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    On a quiet, suburban street, children are disappearing. The Doctor and Rose have to solve the mystery before the whole world follows.

    Join us as we discuss Episode 211: Fear Her

    All of the UK are celebrating the opening of the 2012 Olympic Games but the Doctor and Rose discover that missing children are appearing in a lonely girl’s drawings. What is giving a human child the power to abduct people just by drawing them?

    e-mail us at whonewpodcast@gmail.com

  • The Oncoming Storm

    The Oncoming Storm Ep 194: NA #54 - The Death of Art

    The Oncoming Storm

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:46 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    How's the old saying go... "I don't know about art, but I know what I like"? In episode 194 of The Oncoming Storm, Josh, Ashley, and Rachel are going to give you their opinions on art, or at least the death of it. This week, its the 54th New Adventure in the hot seat, as they discuss The Death of Art by Simon Bucher-Jones. The 7th Doctor, Roz, and Chris are in turn of the century Paris, and there's psychic shenanigans afoot! Artists are gaining vast mental powers and mutated monsters roam the streets. And let's not forget the killer dolls... actually, wait, let's forget them. But before we get to that, Jeff does join the crew for the news of the week, before abandoning his comrades to the mercy of French mutants. That cad. The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got microscopic aliens with death disc spaceships! Oh, and they live in your body. And the ships pop out of your skin. Sorry about that.

  • The Oncoming Storm

    The Oncoming Storm Ep 194: NA #54 - The Death of Art

    The Oncoming Storm

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:46 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    How's the old saying go... "I don't know about art, but I know what I like"? In episode 194 of The Oncoming Storm, Josh, Ashley, and Rachel are going to give you their opinions on art, or at least the death of it. This week, its the 54th New Adventure in the hot seat, as they discuss The Death of Art by Simon Bucher-Jones. The 7th Doctor, Roz, and Chris are in turn of the century Paris, and there's psychic shenanigans afoot! Artists are gaining vast mental powers and mutated monsters roam the streets. And let's not forget the killer dolls... actually, wait, let's forget them. But before we get to that, Jeff does join the crew for the news of the week, before abandoning his comrades to the mercy of French mutants. That cad. The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got microscopic aliens with death disc spaceships! Oh, and they live in your body. And the ships pop out of your skin. Sorry about that.

  • Doctor Who: Fifty Years Ago

    Episode 26: The Moonbase Episode 4: The God and the Machine

    Doctor Who: Fifty Years Ago

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:30 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    Patrick Troughton's Doctor is rounding up as an all-powerful all knowing figure, as are the Cybermen into completely robotic automatons, a shadow of humanity. God and the Machine collide on the Moon. It ends abruptly. Luke, Ben and Nick chastise.

  • DWBRcast

    DWBRcast 51 - De Mondas para o universo! Nosso Cyberdossie sobre os Cybermen!


    Direct Podcast Download

    00:06 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    Saiba tudo sobre um dos maiores viloes de Doctor Who, os Cybermen!

    The post DWBRcast 51 – De Mondas para o universo! Nosso Cyberdossie sobre os Cybermen! appeared first on Doctor Who Brasil.

  • DWBRcast

    DWBRcast 51 – De Mondas para o universo! Nosso Cyberdossiê sobre os Cybermen!


    Direct Podcast Download

    00:06 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    Saiba tudo sobre um dos maiores vilões de Doctor Who, os Cybermen!

  • DWBRcast

    DWBRcast 51 – De Mondas para o universo! Nosso Cyberdossiê sobre os Cybermen!


    Direct Podcast Download

    00:06 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    Saiba tudo sobre um dos maiores vilões de Doctor Who, os Cybermen!

  • DWBRcast

    DWBRcast 51 – De Mondas para o universo! Nosso Cyberdossiê sobre os Cybermen!


    Direct Podcast Download

    00:06 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    Saiba tudo sobre um dos maiores vilões de Doctor Who, os Cybermen!

  • DWBRcast

    DWBRcast 51 – De Mondas para o universo! Nosso Cyberdossiê sobre os Cybermen!


    Direct Podcast Download

    00:06 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    Saiba tudo sobre um dos maiores vilões de Doctor Who, os Cybermen!

  • Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    El Comentario del Mundo

    Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:00 (GMT) - 12 Mar 2017

    In an eventful podcast recording, interrupted by bomb explosion, affected by earthquakes, and ruined by interference in the kitchen, all four of us talk all over the recently-discovered Troughton classic, The Enemy of the World.

    Michael Grade just phoned, and he’s cancelled rested the podcast, so we’ll be back in a month’s time for The Trial of a Time Lord.

    I had to vote for someone

    Our Pertwee Commentary poll closes next Saturday, so go straight to the shownotes for Episode 103 and cast your vote. It’s your democratic duty, you know.

    Buy the story!

    The Enemy of the World was released in 2013/2014. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

    You might not want to spend 144 precious minutes of your life listening to us blathering on about this fabulous story, so why not go back many years to listen to Episode 15: Internal Pink Wobbly Bits? In that episode, we discuss the newly-discovered The Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear.

    Follow us!

    Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

    We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we’ll take over the world and use our nefarious genius to produce food for the entire population, like the monsters we are.

    Doctor Who in 10 Seconds

    And, of course, you should all take the time to revisit Doctor Who in Ten Seconds, in which Brendan summarises all the stories from the first seven seasons of Doctor Who while wearing a distractingly tight T-shirt. New episodes are on their way, so make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel so that you are immediately notified when Brendan uploads the next episode.


    This commentary totally counts as our Bondfinger for this month (shut up!), which means that our commentary on The Living Daylights (1987) will be up in early April. But it will be worth the wait, probably.

    In the meantime, we have a range of Rodgecasts online, and other Bonds are also available, of course. You can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.

  • Crossover Adventure Productions

    The Chronicles of Oz: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - Episode 3 (trailer)

    Crossover Adventure Productions

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:37 (GMT) - 11 Mar 2017

    Trailer for Episode 3 of 'The Chronicles of Oz'

    With runaway rafts, military storks and deadly poppies, the Yellow Brick Road proves to be a dangerous place for Dorothy and her friends. But true danger is in store when they finally reach the Emerald City - and the Wizard himself.

    Starring Kara Dennison, Aron Toman, Scobie Parker, Tom Denham, Mitch Achten, Jennifer Alyx, Michelle Drinnan, David Nagel, Brett Underwood, Katie Karandais and Rob Lloyd as the Wizard of Oz.

    Sound recording by Daniel Burnett, sound design by David Nagel and Aron Toman, music by Tony Diana.

    Coming soon to chroniclesofoz.com

  • Crossover Adventure Productions

    The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - Episode 3 (trailer)

    Crossover Adventure Productions

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:37 (GMT) - 11 Mar 2017

    Trailer for Episode 3 of 'The Chronicles of Oz'

    With runaway rafts, military storks and deadly poppies, the Yellow Brick Road proves to be a dangerous place for Dorothy and her friends. But true danger is in store when they finally reach the Emerald City - and the Wizard himself.

    Starring Kara Dennison, Aron Toman, Scobie Parker, Tom Denham, Mitch Achten, Jennifer Alyx, Michelle Drinnan, David Nagel, Brett Underwood, Katie Karandais and Rob Lloyd as the Wizard of Oz.

    Sound recording by Daniel Burnett, sound design by David Nagel and Aron Toman, music by Tony Diana.

    Coming soon to chroniclesofoz.com

  • Crossover Adventure Productions

    The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - Episode 3 (trailer)

    Crossover Adventure Productions

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:37 (GMT) - 11 Mar 2017

    Trailer for Episode 3 of 'The Chronicles of Oz'

    With runaway rafts, military storks and deadly poppies, the Yellow Brick Road proves to be a dangerous place for Dorothy and her friends. But true danger is in store when they finally reach the Emerald City - and the Wizard himself.

    Starring Kara Dennison, Aron Toman, Scobie Parker, Tom Denham, Mitch Achten, Jennifer Alyx, Michelle Drinnan, David Nagel, Brett Underwood, Katie Karandais and Rob Lloyd as the Wizard of Oz.

    Sound recording by Daniel Burnett, sound design by David Nagel and Aron Toman, music by Tony Diana.

    Coming soon to chroniclesofoz.com

  • Doctor Who Time and Space

    Doctor Who Time and Space (202)

    Doctor Who Time and Space

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:04 (GMT) - 11 Mar 2017

    itunes pic
    This week on doctor who time and space we have another busy show. We take a look at the worst six episodes of the revived series, review the 11th doctor story The Rebel Flesh and The Almost People, discuss the new leaked series 10 teaser, discuss the return of the mondasian cybermen and more of the latest doctor who news.

  • The Untempered Schism Podcast

    Untempered Schism Podcast #157 : The Ribos Operation

    The Untempered Schism Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:00 (GMT) - 11 Mar 2017

    We return to the Key of Time, this time going to the very beginning with The Ribos Operation. Featuring Intergalactic con men, guards that sometimes are smart, a medieval world, and a lump of extremely valuable rock. All in a day's work for the Fourth Doctor, K9 and Romana.

    Twitter: @schismpodcast
    Web: http://www.untemperedschism.org/

    Duration: 26:40

  • Transmissions From Atlantis

    Episode 120 - Logan and is Kris Marshall the Next Doctor Who?

    Transmissions From Atlantis

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:54 (GMT) - 11 Mar 2017


    A special live event – Transmissions From Atlantis was live on youtube for the very first time. In this episode, we’ll be talking the new X-Men film, Logan, along with Doctor Who – Is Kris Marshall the Next Doctor? That, plus the Walking Dead, Sleep Hollow, an interview with Seekers of the Lost Worlds Star Shanel Sparr and much more!


    Transmissions From Atlantis 120

    • Opening
    • Seekers of the Lost Worlds
      • Interview with Shanel Sparr
      • Follow the campaign – its Free! https://www.seedandspark.com/fund/seekers-of-the-lost-worlds#wishlist
    • Rapid Fire
      • The Walking Dead
      • Sleepy Hollow
      • Voltron Renewed
      • Taboo (renewed too)
      • Pirates 5 Trailer
      • Beauty and the Beast Le Fou Controversy
    • Logan
      • Movie Review
      • Deadpool 2 trailer
    • Doctor Who
      • Class Dismissed
      • Kris Marshall the next Doctor?
      • The Mondas Cybermen return


    The post Episode 120 – Logan and is Kris Marshall the Next Doctor Who? appeared first on Transmissions From Atlantis.

  • Discussing Who

    Episode 38 - Speculations on Doctor Who Series 10

    Discussing Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:20 (GMT) - 10 Mar 2017

    Doctor Who Series 10 brings the Twelfth Doctor's Era to a close as both Showrunner Steven Moffat and lead actor Peter Capaldi exit at year's end. What secrets will be exposed? Who (or what) is returning? Where has Missy been since 2015? And, how do the original Cybermen from Mondas fit into the mix? Find out as we speculate the upcoming Series of Doctor Who. Hosted by Kyle Jones, Clarence Brown, and Lee Shackleford – with special guest host, Dave Cooper, of the Cultdom Collective and Doctor Who Podshock.

    Speculating Doctor Who Series 10


    Additional Information

    Discussing Who is made possible thanks to the support from our listeners. Become a fan of the show by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, find us on Instagram, and more! Subscribe to the show on iTunes, Google Play, PlayerFM, Stitcher, and others! Show you're fans of the show and help others discover us by recommending us using your favorite podcast player.

    Send your feedback via email to discussingwho@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail message on the Discussing Who Call Line. Simply dial (805)850-DWHO (3946). (Airtime and/or long distance rates apply, if applicable.)

    Like the show? Want to contribute? Send us your feedback! We want to hear from you!

  • Discussing Who

    Speculations on Doctor Who Series 10

    Discussing Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:20 (GMT) - 10 Mar 2017

    Doctor Who Series 10 brings the Twelfth Doctor’s Era to a close as both Showrunner Steven Moffat and lead actor Peter Capaldi exit at year’s end. What secrets will be exposed? Who (or what) is returning? Where has Missy been since 2015? And, how do the original Cybermen from Mondas fit into the mix? Find out as we speculate the upcoming Series of Doctor Who. Hosted by Kyle Jones, Clarence Brown, and Lee Shackleford - with special guest host, Dave Cooper, of the Cultdom Collective and Doctor Who Podshock.

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 374(Doctor Who: The Mutants review)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:01 (GMT) - 10 Mar 2017

    Last week of my classic series re-watch for a few months as I reach Doctor Who: The Mutants not exactly a high point of the era but it contains a few memorable acting performances. Also keep an eye out for costumes that were later borrowed by Blakes 7.


    End Theme: Dr Who(Gypsy Guitar) by Thrip


    The show is now on Facebook please join the group for exclusive behind the scenes insights and of course also discuss and feedback on the show https://www.facebook.com/groups/187162411486307/ If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 374(Doctor Who: The Mutants review)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:01 (GMT) - 10 Mar 2017

    Last week of my classic series re-watch for a few months as I reach Doctor Who: The Mutants not exactly a high point of the era but it contains a few memorable acting performances. Also keep an eye out for costumes that were later borrowed by Blakes 7.

    End Theme: Dr Who(Gypsy Guitar) by Thrip

    The show is now on Facebook please join the group for exclusive behind the scenes insights and of course also discuss and feedback on the show https://www.facebook.com/groups/187162411486307/

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Famous Miserable Bastard

    Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:00 (GMT) - 10 Mar 2017

    It’s the end of the season, so we decide to head over to Necros for a delicious meal of synthetic protein, which is at least more palatable than the rather pungent protein for sale on Delta Magna. Everyone on this planet seems to be getting on so well, and the direction is lovely, so this can only be Revelation of the Daleks.

    And I voted against that, thank you very much

    Our Pertwee Commentary poll is still open, so go to the shownotes for Episode 103 and make your voice heard. which Pertwee story do you want us to talk all over in an upcoming commentary episode?

    Buy the story!

    Revelation of the Daleks was released on DVD in 2005/2006. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

    Nathan identifies two well-chosen influences on this story. The first is last year’s The Caves of Androzani, which we talk about at length in Episode 97: Men Manning and Being Men at Each Other. The second is much better: Evelyn Waugh’s horrifically black satire of both American and English culture: The Loved One. Read it.

    This episode, we hear Part II of Brendan’s anecdote about Colin Baker’s appearance on Blakes 7 in the brilliant Chris Boucher episode City at the Edge of the World.

    Famously miserable bastard Clive Swift is horribly cruel to all of us in a DWM interview about his role in Doctor Who’s highest-rated episode Voyage of the Damned. Read it, and feel terribly bad about your love of Doctor Who, if you have one.

    Picks of the week


    Brendan sneakily mentions his contribution to Hating to Love: Re-Evaluating the 52 Worst Doctor Who Stories of All Time. So buy that. But for him, the main course is Totally Tasteless: The life of John Nathan-Turner, a new edition of Richard Marson’s outrageous biography of the last producer of Doctor Who’s classic series.


    Nathan just can’t resist recommending a brutally insightful and totally negative review of the DVD release of the Two Doctors by genius polymath Dr Graham Nelson.

    Among many other much more significant achievements, Nelson is responsible for a scathing review of Blakes 7 Series 3. He is also the creator of Inform, a computer language for authoring text adventures, based on a subtle and clever understanding of how natural language works.


    Todd just wants you all to watch Season 22 again. The sentimental old thing.

    What are you, a comedian?

    Colin may not have been a resounding success on television (quiet, Todd!), but he has gone on to be one of the most successful actors to play the role in the Big Finish audios. To celebrate this achievement, we’re planning to spend an upcoming episode discussing these Colin Baker Big Finish stories.

    • Jubilee, by Rob Shearman.
    • The One Doctor, by Gareth Roberts and Clayton Hickman.
    • Doctor Who and the Pirates, by Jacqueline Rayner.
    • The Brink of Death, by Nicholas Briggs. This is the final part of The Last Adventure, a series of four linked hour-long adventures culminating in a spectacular regeneration scene, even better than the television version featuring Sylvester McCoy in an unconvincing wig.

    (In spite of last week’s shownotes, we won’t be covering Criss-Cross, but it’s still very much worth listening to, apparently.)

    Follow us!

    Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

    We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we might even gun down your secretary. And you know how difficult it is to find good secretaries.

    Doctor Who in 10 Seconds

    Post-production is well underway on the next few episodes of Doctor Who in Ten Seconds, which is terribly exciting. In the meantime, make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel, so that you are informed immediately when the new episodes becomes available.

    [tweet]: https://twitter.com/brandybongos/status/835424810909892608


    We have been completely unable to locate 007, who is probably off in Gibraltar or Bratislava or somewhere completely fictional like Isthmus or Oz or Narnia or something. And so our commentary on The Living Daylights (1987) has been unavoidably delayed.

    In the meantime, we have a range of Rodgecasts online, and other Bonds are also available, of course. You can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.

  • Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Famous Miserable Bastard

    Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:00 (GMT) - 10 Mar 2017

    It’s the end of the season, so we decide to head over to Necros for a delicious meal of synthetic protein, which is at least more palatable than the rather pungent protein for sale on Delta Magna. Everyone on this planet seems to be getting on so well, and the direction is lovely, so this can only be Revelation of the Daleks.

    And I voted against that, thank you very much

    Our Pertwee Commentary poll is still open, so go to the shownotes for Episode 103 and make your voice heard. which Pertwee story do you want us to talk all over in an upcoming commentary episode?

    Buy the story!

    Revelation of the Daleks was released on DVD in 2005/2006. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

    Nathan identifies two well-chosen influences on this story. The first is last year’s The Caves of Androzani, which we talk about at length in Episode 97: Men Manning and Being Men at Each Other. The second is much better: Evelyn Waugh’s horrifically black satire of both American and English culture: The Loved One. Read it.

    This episode, we hear Part II of Brendan’s anecdote about Colin Baker’s appearance on Blakes 7 in the brilliant Chris Boucher episode City at the Edge of the World.

    Famously miserable bastard Clive Swift is horribly cruel to all of us in a DWM interview about his role in Doctor Who’s highest-rated episode Voyage of the Damned. Read it, and feel terribly bad about your love of Doctor Who, if you have one.

    Picks of the week


    Brendan sneakily mentions his contribution to Hating to Love: Re-Evaluating the 52 Worst Doctor Who Stories of All Time. So buy that. But for him, the main course is Totally Tasteless: The life of John Nathan-Turner, a new edition of Richard Marson’s outrageous biography of the last producer of Doctor Who’s classic series.


    Nathan just can’t resist recommending a brutally insightful and totally negative review of the DVD release of the Two Doctors by genius polymath Dr Graham Nelson.

    Among many other much more significant achievements, Nelson is responsible for a scathing review of Blakes 7 Series 3. He is also the creator of Inform, a computer language for authoring text adventures, based on a subtle and clever understanding of how natural language works.


    Todd just wants you all to watch Season 22 again. The sentimental old thing.

    What are you, a comedian?

    Colin may not have been a resounding success on television (quiet, Todd!), but he has gone on to be one of the most successful actors to play the role in the Big Finish audios. To celebrate this achievement, we’re planning to spend an upcoming episode discussing these Colin Baker Big Finish stories.

    • Jubilee, by Rob Shearman.
    • The One Doctor, by Gareth Roberts and Clayton Hickman.
    • Doctor Who and the Pirates, by Jacqueline Rayner.
    • The Brink of Death, by Nicholas Briggs. This is the final part of The Last Adventure, a series of four linked hour-long adventures culminating in a spectacular regeneration scene, even better than the television version featuring Sylvester McCoy in an unconvincing wig.

    (In spite of last week’s shownotes, we won’t be covering Criss-Cross, but it’s still very much worth listening to, apparently.)

    Follow us!

    Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

    We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we might even gun down your secretary. And you know how difficult it is to find good secretaries.

    Doctor Who in 10 Seconds

    Post-production is well underway on the next few episodes of Doctor Who in Ten Seconds, which is terribly exciting. In the meantime, make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel, so that you are informed immediately when the new episodes becomes available.

    [tweet]: https://twitter.com/brandybongos/status/835424810909892608


    We have been completely unable to locate 007, who is probably off in Gibraltar or Bratislava or somewhere completely fictional like Isthmus or Oz or Narnia or something. And so our commentary on The Living Daylights (1987) has been unavoidably delayed.

    In the meantime, we have a range of Rodgecasts online, and other Bonds are also available, of course. You can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.

  • Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Famous Miserable Bastard

    Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:00 (GMT) - 10 Mar 2017

    It’s the end of the season, so we decide to head over to Necros for a delicious meal of synthetic protein, which is at least more palatable than the rather pungent protein for sale on Delta Magna. Everyone on this planet seems to be getting on so well, and the direction is lovely, so this can only be Revelation of the Daleks.

    And I voted against that, thank you very much

    Our Pertwee Commentary poll is still open, so go to the shownotes for Episode 103 and make your voice heard. which Pertwee story do you want us to talk all over in an upcoming commentary episode?

    Buy the story!

    Revelation of the Daleks was released on DVD in 2005/2006. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

    Nathan identifies two well-chosen influences on this story. The first is last year’s The Caves of Androzani, which we talk about at length in Episode 97: Men Manning and Being Men at Each Other. The second is much better: Evelyn Waugh’s horrifically black satire of both American and English culture: The Loved One. Read it.

    This episode, we hear Part II of Brendan’s anecdote about Colin Baker’s appearance on Blakes 7 in the brilliant Chris Boucher episode City at the Edge of the World.

    Famously miserable bastard Clive Swift is horribly cruel to all of us in a DWM interview about his role in Doctor Who’s highest-rated episode Voyage of the Damned. Read it, and feel terribly bad about your love of Doctor Who, if you have one.

    Picks of the week


    Brendan sneakily mentions his contribution to Hating to Love: Re-Evaluating the 52 Worst Doctor Who Stories of All Time. So buy that. But for him, the main course is Totally Tasteless: The life of John Nathan-Turner, a new edition of Richard Marson’s outrageous biography of the last producer of Doctor Who’s classic series.


    Nathan just can’t resist recommending a brutally insightful and totally negative review of the DVD release of the Two Doctors by genius polymath Dr Graham Nelson.

    Among many other much more significant achievements, Nelson is responsible for a scathing review of Blakes 7 Series 3. He is also the creator of Inform, a computer language for authoring text adventures, based on a subtle and clever understanding of how natural language works.


    Todd just wants you all to watch Season 22 again. The sentimental old thing.

    What are you, a comedian?

    Colin may not have been a resounding success on television (quiet, Todd!), but he has gone on to be one of the most successful actors to play the role in the Big Finish audios. To celebrate this achievement, we’re planning to spend an upcoming episode discussing these Colin Baker Big Finish stories.

    • Jubilee, by Rob Shearman.
    • The One Doctor, by Gareth Roberts and Clayton Hickman.
    • Doctor Who and the Pirates, by Jacqueline Rayner.
    • The Brink of Death, by Nicholas Briggs. This is the final part of The Last Adventure, a series of four linked hour-long adventures culminating in a spectacular regeneration scene, even better than the television version featuring Sylvester McCoy in an unconvincing wig.

    (In spite of last week’s shownotes, we won’t be covering Criss-Cross, but it’s still very much worth listening to, apparently.)

    Follow us!

    Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

    We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we might even gun down your secretary. And you know how difficult it is to find good secretaries.

    Doctor Who in 10 Seconds

    Post-production is well underway on the next few episodes of Doctor Who in Ten Seconds, which is terribly exciting. In the meantime, make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel, so that you are informed immediately when the new episodes becomes available.

    [tweet]: https://twitter.com/brandybongos/status/835424810909892608


    We have been completely unable to locate 007, who is probably off in Gibraltar or Bratislava or somewhere completely fictional like Isthmus or Oz or Narnia or something. And so our commentary on The Living Daylights (1987) has been unavoidably delayed.

    In the meantime, we have a range of Rodgecasts online, and other Bonds are also available, of course. You can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.

  • Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Famous Miserable Bastard

    Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:00 (GMT) - 10 Mar 2017

    It’s the end of the season, so we decide to head over to Necros for a delicious meal of synthetic protein, which is at least more palatable than the rather pungent protein for sale on Delta Magna. Everyone on this planet seems to be getting on so well, and the direction is lovely, so this can only be Revelation of the Daleks.

    And I voted against that, thank you very much

    Our Pertwee Commentary poll is still open, so go to the shownotes for Episode 103 and make your voice heard. which Pertwee story do you want us to talk all over in an upcoming commentary episode?

    Buy the story!

    Revelation of the Daleks was released on DVD in 2005/2006. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

    Nathan identifies two well-chosen influences on this story. The first is last year’s The Caves of Androzani, which we talk about at length in Episode 97: Men Manning and Being Men at Each Other. The second is much better: Evelyn Waugh’s horrifically black satire of both American and English culture: The Loved One. Read it.

    This episode, we hear Part II of Brendan’s anecdote about Colin Baker’s appearance on Blakes 7 in the brilliant Chris Boucher episode City at the Edge of the World.

    Famously miserable bastard Clive Swift is horribly cruel to all of us in a DWM interview about his role in Doctor Who’s highest-rated episode Voyage of the Damned. Read it, and feel terribly bad about your love of Doctor Who, if you have one.

    Picks of the week


    Brendan sneakily mentions his contribution to Hating to Love: Re-Evaluating the 52 Worst Doctor Who Stories of All Time. So buy that. But for him, the main course is Totally Tasteless: The life of John Nathan-Turner, a new edition of Richard Marson’s outrageous biography of the last producer of Doctor Who’s classic series.


    Nathan just can’t resist recommending a brutally insightful and totally negative review of the DVD release of the Two Doctors by genius polymath Dr Graham Nelson.

    Among many other much more significant achievements, Nelson is responsible for a scathing review of Blakes 7 Series 3. He is also the creator of Inform, a computer language for authoring text adventures, based on a subtle and clever understanding of how natural language works.


    Todd just wants you all to watch Season 22 again. The sentimental old thing.

    What are you, a comedian?

    Colin may not have been a resounding success on television (quiet, Todd!), but he has gone on to be one of the most successful actors to play the role in the Big Finish audios. To celebrate this achievement, we’re planning to spend an upcoming episode discussing these Colin Baker Big Finish stories.

    • Jubilee, by Rob Shearman.
    • The One Doctor, by Gareth Roberts and Clayton Hickman.
    • Doctor Who and the Pirates, by Jacqueline Rayner.
    • The Brink of Death, by Nicholas Briggs. This is the final part of The Last Adventure, a series of four linked hour-long adventures culminating in a spectacular regeneration scene, even better than the television version featuring Sylvester McCoy in an unconvincing wig.

    (In spite of last week’s shownotes, we won’t be covering Criss-Cross, but it’s still very much worth listening to, apparently.)

    Follow us!

    Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

    We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we might even gun down your secretary. And you know how difficult it is to find good secretaries.

    Doctor Who in 10 Seconds

    Post-production is well underway on the next few episodes of Doctor Who in Ten Seconds, which is terribly exciting. In the meantime, make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel, so that you are informed immediately when the new episodes becomes available.

    [tweet]: https://twitter.com/brandybongos/status/835424810909892608


    We have been completely unable to locate 007, who is probably off in Gibraltar or Bratislava or somewhere completely fictional like Isthmus or Oz or Narnia or something. And so our commentary on The Living Daylights (1987) has been unavoidably delayed.

    In the meantime, we have a range of Rodgecasts online, and other Bonds are also available, of course. You can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.

  • Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Famous Miserable Bastard

    Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:00 (GMT) - 10 Mar 2017

    It’s the end of the season, so we decide to head over to Necros for a delicious meal of synthetic protein, which is at least more palatable than the rather pungent protein for sale on Delta Magna. Everyone on this planet seems to be getting on so well, and the direction is lovely, so this can only be Revelation of the Daleks.

    And I voted against that, thank you very much

    Our Pertwee Commentary poll is still open, so go to the shownotes for Episode 103 and make your voice heard. which Pertwee story do you want us to talk all over in an upcoming commentary episode?

    Buy the story!

    Revelation of the Daleks was released on DVD in 2005/2006. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

    Nathan identifies two well-chosen influences on this story. The first is last year’s The Caves of Androzani, which we talk about at length in Episode 97: Men Manning and Being Men at Each Other. The second is much better: Evelyn Waugh’s horrifically black satire of both American and English culture: The Loved One. Read it.

    This episode, we hear Part II of Brendan’s anecdote about Colin Baker’s appearance on Blakes 7 in the brilliant Chris Boucher episode City at the Edge of the World.

    Famously miserable bastard Clive Swift is horribly cruel to all of us in a DWM interview about his role in Doctor Who’s highest-rated episode Voyage of the Damned. Read it, and feel terribly bad about your love of Doctor Who, if you have one.

    Picks of the week


    Brendan sneakily mentions his contribution to Hating to Love: Re-Evaluating the 52 Worst Doctor Who Stories of All Time. So buy that. But for him, the main course is Totally Tasteless: The life of John Nathan-Turner, a new edition of Richard Marson’s outrageous biography of the last producer of Doctor Who’s classic series.


    Nathan just can’t resist recommending a brutally insightful and totally negative review of the DVD release of the Two Doctors by genius polymath Dr Graham Nelson.

    Among many other much more significant achievements, Nelson is responsible for a scathing review of Blakes 7 Series 3. He is also the creator of Inform, a computer language for authoring text adventures, based on a subtle and clever understanding of how natural language works.


    Todd just wants you all to watch Season 22 again. The sentimental old thing.

    What are you, a comedian?

    Colin may not have been a resounding success on television (quiet, Todd!), but he has gone on to be one of the most successful actors to play the role in the Big Finish audios. To celebrate this achievement, we’re planning to spend an upcoming episode discussing these Colin Baker Big Finish stories.

    • Jubilee, by Rob Shearman.
    • The One Doctor, by Gareth Roberts and Clayton Hickman.
    • Doctor Who and the Pirates, by Jacqueline Rayner.
    • The Brink of Death, by Nicholas Briggs. This is the final part of The Last Adventure, a series of four linked hour-long adventures culminating in a spectacular regeneration scene, even better than the television version featuring Sylvester McCoy in an unconvincing wig.

    (In spite of last week’s shownotes, we won’t be covering Criss-Cross, but it’s still very much worth listening to, apparently.)

    Follow us!

    Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

    We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we might even gun down your secretary. And you know how difficult it is to find good secretaries.

    Doctor Who in 10 Seconds

    Post-production is well underway on the next few episodes of Doctor Who in Ten Seconds, which is terribly exciting. In the meantime, make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel, so that you are informed immediately when the new episodes becomes available.

    [tweet]: https://twitter.com/brandybongos/status/835424810909892608


    We have been completely unable to locate 007, who is probably off in Gibraltar or Bratislava or somewhere completely fictional like Isthmus or Oz or Narnia or something. And so our commentary on The Living Daylights (1987) has been unavoidably delayed.

    In the meantime, we have a range of Rodgecasts online, and other Bonds are also available, of course. You can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.

  • Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Episode 105 Famous Miserable Bastard

    Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:07 (GMT) - 10 Mar 2017

    It's the end of the season, so we decide to head over to Necros for a delicious meal of synthetic protein, which is at least more palatable than the rather pungent protein for sale on Delta Magna. Everyone on this planet seems to be getting on so well, and the direction is lovely, so this can only be Revelation of the Daleks.

    And I voted against that, thank you very much

    Our Pertwee Commentary poll is still open, so go to the shownotes for Episode 103 and make your voice heard. which Pertwee story do you want us to talk all over in an upcoming commentary episode?

    Buy the story!

    Revelation of the Daleks was released on DVD in 2005/2006. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

    Notes and links

    Nathan identifies two well-chosen influences on this story. The first is last year's The Caves of Androzani, which we talk about at length in Episode 97: Men Manning and Being Men at Each Other. The second is much better: Evelyn Waugh's horrifically black satire of both American and English culture: The Loved One. Read it.

    This episode, we hear Part II of Brendan's anecdote about Colin Baker's appearance on Blakes 7 in the brilliant Chris Boucher episode City at the Edge of the World.

    Famously miserable bastard Clive Swift is horribly cruel to all of us in a DWM interview about his role in Doctor Who's highest-rated episode Voyage of the Damned. Read it, and feel terribly bad about your love of Doctor Who, if you have one.

    Picks of the week


    Brendan sneakily mentions his contribution to Hating to Love: Re-Evaluating the 52 Worst Doctor Who Stories of All Time. So buy that. But for him, the main course is
    Totally Tasteless: The life of John Nathan-Turner, a new edition of Richard Marson's outrageous biography of the last producer of Doctor Who's classic series.


    Nathan just can't resist recommending a brutally insightful and totally negative review of the DVD release of the Two Doctors by genius polymath Dr Graham Nelson.

    Among many other much more significant achievements, Nelson is responsible for a scathing review of Blakes 7 Series 3. He is also the creator of Inform, a computer language for authoring text adventures, based on a subtle and clever understanding of how natural language works.


    Todd just wants you all to watch Season 22 again. The sentimental old thing.

    What are you, a comedian?

    Colin may not have been a resounding success on television (quiet, Todd!), but he has gone on to be one of the most successful actors to play the role in the Big Finish audios. To celebrate this achievement, we're planning to spend an upcoming episode discussing these Colin Baker Big Finish stories.

    • Jubilee, by Rob Shearman.
    • The One Doctor, by Gareth Roberts and Clayton Hickman.
    • Doctor Who and the Pirates, by Jacqueline Rayner.
    • The Brink of Death, by Nicholas Briggs. This is the final part of The Last Adventure, a series of four linked hour-long adventures culminating in a spectacular regeneration scene, even better than the television version featuring Sylvester McCoy in an unconvincing wig.

    (In spite of last week's shownotes, we won't be covering Criss-Cross, but it's still very much worth listening to, apparently.)

    Follow us!

    Brendan is on Twitter as @critiqaltheory, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

    We're also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we might even gun down your secretary. And you know how difficult it is to find good secretaries.

    Doctor Who in 10 Seconds

    Post-production is well underway on the next few episodes of Doctor Who in Ten Seconds, which is terribly exciting. In the meantime, make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel, so that you are informed immediately when the new episodes becomes available.

    : https://twitter.com/critiqaltheory/status/835424810909892608


    We have been completely unable to locate 007, who is probably off in Gibraltar or Bratislava or somewhere completely fictional like Isthmus or Oz or Narnia or something. And so our commentary on The Living Daylights (1987) has been unavoidably delayed.

    In the meantime, we have a range of Rodgecasts online, and other Bonds are also available, of course. You can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.

  • Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Famous Miserable Bastard

    Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:07 (GMT) - 10 Mar 2017

    It's the end of the season, so we decide to head over to Necros for a delicious meal of synthetic protein, which is at least more palatable than the rather pungent protein for sale on Delta Magna. Everyone on this planet seems to be getting on so well, and the direction is lovely, so this can only be Revelation of the Daleks.

    And I voted against that, thank you very much

    Our Pertwee Commentary poll is still open, so go to the shownotes for Episode 103 and make your voice heard. which Pertwee story do you want us to talk all over in an upcoming commentary episode?

    Buy the story!

    Revelation of the Daleks was released on DVD in 2005/2006. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

    Notes and links

    Nathan identifies two well-chosen influences on this story. The first is last year's The Caves of Androzani, which we talk about at length in Episode 97: Men Manning and Being Men at Each Other. The second is much better: Evelyn Waugh's horrifically black satire of both American and English culture: The Loved One. Read it.

    This episode, we hear Part II of Brendan's anecdote about Colin Baker's appearance on Blakes 7 in the brilliant Chris Boucher episode City at the Edge of the World.

    Famously miserable bastard Clive Swift is horribly cruel to all of us in a DWM interview about his role in Doctor Who's highest-rated episode Voyage of the Damned. Read it, and feel terribly bad about your love of Doctor Who, if you have one.

    Picks of the week


    Brendan sneakily mentions his contribution to Hating to Love: Re-Evaluating the 52 Worst Doctor Who Stories of All Time. So buy that. But for him, the main course is
    Totally Tasteless: The life of John Nathan-Turner, a new edition of Richard Marson's outrageous biography of the last producer of Doctor Who's classic series.


    Nathan just can't resist recommending a brutally insightful and totally negative review of the DVD release of the Two Doctors by genius polymath Dr Graham Nelson.

    Among many other much more significant achievements, Nelson is responsible for a scathing review of Blakes 7 Series 3. He is also the creator of Inform, a computer language for authoring text adventures, based on a subtle and clever understanding of how natural language works.


    Todd just wants you all to watch Season 22 again. The sentimental old thing.

    What are you, a comedian?

    Colin may not have been a resounding success on television (quiet, Todd!), but he has gone on to be one of the most successful actors to play the role in the Big Finish audios. To celebrate this achievement, we're planning to spend an upcoming episode discussing these Colin Baker Big Finish stories.

    • Jubilee, by Rob Shearman.
    • The One Doctor, by Gareth Roberts and Clayton Hickman.
    • Doctor Who and the Pirates, by Jacqueline Rayner.
    • The Brink of Death, by Nicholas Briggs. This is the final part of The Last Adventure, a series of four linked hour-long adventures culminating in a spectacular regeneration scene, even better than the television version featuring Sylvester McCoy in an unconvincing wig.

    (In spite of last week's shownotes, we won't be covering Criss-Cross, but it's still very much worth listening to, apparently.)

    Follow us!

    Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

    We're also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we might even gun down your secretary. And you know how difficult it is to find good secretaries.

    Doctor Who in 10 Seconds

    Post-production is well underway on the next few episodes of Doctor Who in Ten Seconds, which is terribly exciting. In the meantime, make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel, so that you are informed immediately when the new episodes becomes available.

    : https://twitter.com/brandybongos/status/835424810909892608


    We have been completely unable to locate 007, who is probably off in Gibraltar or Bratislava or somewhere completely fictional like Isthmus or Oz or Narnia or something. And so our commentary on The Living Daylights (1987) has been unavoidably delayed.

    In the meantime, we have a range of Rodgecasts online, and other Bonds are also available, of course. You can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.

  • Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Episode 105: Famous Miserable Bastard

    Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:07 (GMT) - 10 Mar 2017

    It's the end of the season, so we decide to head over to Necros for a delicious meal of synthetic protein, which is at least more palatable than the rather pungent protein for sale on Delta Magna. Everyone on this planet seems to be getting on so well, and the direction is lovely, so this can only be Revelation of the Daleks.

    And I voted against that, thank you very much

    Our Pertwee Commentary poll is still open, so go to the shownotes for Episode 103 and make your voice heard. which Pertwee story do you want us to talk all over in an upcoming commentary episode?

    Buy the story!

    Revelation of the Daleks was released on DVD in 2005/2006. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

    Nathan identifies two well-chosen influences on this story. The first is last year's The Caves of Androzani, which we talk about at length in Episode 97: Men Manning and Being Men at Each Other. The second is much better: Evelyn Waugh's horrifically black satire of both American and English culture: The Loved One. Read it.

    This episode, we hear Part II of Brendan's anecdote about Colin Baker's appearance on Blakes 7 in the brilliant Chris Boucher episode City at the Edge of the World.

    Famously miserable bastard Clive Swift is horribly cruel to all of us in a DWM interview about his role in Doctor Who's highest-rated episode Voyage of the Damned. Read it, and feel terribly bad about your love of Doctor Who, if you have one.

    Picks of the week


    Brendan sneakily mentions his contribution to Hating to Love: Re-Evaluating the 52 Worst Doctor Who Stories of All Time. So buy that. But for him, the main course is Totally Tasteless: The life of John Nathan-Turner, a new edition of Richard Marson's outrageous biography of the last producer of Doctor Who's classic series.


    Nathan just can't resist recommending a brutally insightful and totally negative review of the DVD release of the Two Doctors by genius polymath Dr Graham Nelson.

    Among many other much more significant achievements, Nelson is responsible for a scathing review of Blakes 7 Series 3. He is also the creator of Inform, a computer language for authoring text adventures, based on a subtle and clever understanding of how natural language works.


    Todd just wants you all to watch Season 22 again. The sentimental old thing.

    What are you, a comedian?

    Colin may not have been a resounding success on television (quiet, Todd!), but he has gone on to be one of the most successful actors to play the role in the Big Finish audios. To celebrate this achievement, we're planning to spend an upcoming episode discussing these Colin Baker Big Finish stories.

    • Jubilee, by Rob Shearman.
    • The One Doctor, by Gareth Roberts and Clayton Hickman.
    • Doctor Who and the Pirates, by Jacqueline Rayner.
    • The Brink of Death, by Nicholas Briggs. This is the final part of The Last Adventure, a series of four linked hour-long adventures culminating in a spectacular regeneration scene, even better than the television version featuring Sylvester McCoy in an unconvincing wig.

    (In spite of last week's shownotes, we won't be covering Criss-Cross, but it's still very much worth listening to, apparently.)

    Follow us!

    Brendan is on Twitter as @critiqaltheory, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard is @RichardLStone. The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam. You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @FTEpodcast.

    We're also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. Please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we might even gun down your secretary. And you know how difficult it is to find good secretaries.

    Doctor Who in 10 Seconds

    Post-production is well underway on the next few episodes of Doctor Who in Ten Seconds, which is terribly exciting. In the meantime, make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel, so that you are informed immediately when the new episodes becomes available.


    We have been completely unable to locate 007, who is probably off in Gibraltar or Bratislava or somewhere completely fictional like Isthmus or Oz or Narnia or something. And so our commentary on The Living Daylights (1987) has been unavoidably delayed.

    In the meantime, we have a range of Rodgecasts online, and other Bonds are also available, of course. You can keep up with all the Bondfinger news on Twitter and Facebook.

  • The Doctor Who Big Blue Box Podcast

    Doctor Who - Ep132: Fishing for Gumblejacks

    The Doctor Who Big Blue Box Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:48 (GMT) - 10 Mar 2017

    Hello you lot! Ep132 has us chatting through some interesting news, quick merch then onto our review of The Two Doctors.

    The News

    Our US friends will be happy as Fantom Events has announced another cinema outing, this time for the Series 10 opener and we chat about about Mondasian Cybermen making a return.

    Merch Corner

    Three new books are on the way featuring the upcoming TARDIS Team of the 12th Doctor, Bill and Nardole. All three books are up for pre-order on Amazon.

    “The Two Doctors” Review

    Multi-Doctor stories. We were spoilt by the brilliant The Five Doctors and The Three Doctors so how does this 2nd and 6th Doctor story stack up? A gripping timey-wimey story of Sontaran’s, Androgum’s and a quaint Spanish hacienda. Enough to keep us going or are we desperate for that afternoon siesta?

    Thank you as always for your thoughts and listening to the show. Next week we’re reviewing the concluding story to our 9th Doctor two-parter – The Doctor Dances. Until then have a brill week and remember – Allons-y!

  • Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Recasting On a Budget

    Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:29 (GMT) - 10 Mar 2017

    You may choose to point a finger in any number of directions to pin blame for the "Wilderness Years" when Doctor Who left the air. The 1996 tele-film was in many ways an attempt to bring the program to a new ... Continue reading -

  • Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Recasting On a Budget

    Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:29 (GMT) - 10 Mar 2017

    You may choose to point a finger in any number of directions to pin blame for the “Wilderness Years” when Doctor Who left the air. The 1996 tele-film was in many ways an attempt to bring the program to a new American audience, but for whatever reasons one may choose to apply, it was not the overwhelming success we may have hoped. Do producers in the United States have a particular and unique gift for wanting to boost program concepts from other […]

  • Lazy Doctor Who

    85: The Savages 3-4

    Lazy Doctor Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:20 (GMT) - 10 Mar 2017

    AA (3-4)

    Erika pushes through a migraine so she and Steven can finish off Steven (Taylor)’s final story. They are So Sad to see him go. They also marvel at the crucial turning point this story presents for the Doctor as a character. “The Savages” is a hidden gem! (We hope!)

    Host Erika Ensign and Steven Schapansky


    • Incomparable Memberships!: Sign up, help support this show, and get some fun bonus material—including a members-only Slack channel where we hang out and talk about Who…and maybe The Prisoner…?

  • Lazy Doctor Who

    The Savages 3-4

    Lazy Doctor Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:20 (GMT) - 10 Mar 2017

    AA (3-4) - Erika pushes through a migraine so she and Steven can finish off Steven (Taylor)'s final story. They are So Sad to see him go. They also marvel at the crucial turning point this story presents for the Doctor as a character. "The Savages" is a hidden gem! (We hope!)

    Host Erika Ensign and Steven Schapansky.

Dormant Podcasts