Latest Podcast Episodes
Geek Syndicate - Smallville Special Episode
Geek SyndicateSmallville, its 6 seasons in and the Syndicate are not happy. Find out why? It's only 17 min long and we introduce you to Amaechi, the 3rd member of the Syndicate.
Can you guess how many dry slaps Smallville is gonna get?
Be warned we were having some problems with the skype so the quality isn't great but our new IT technician Chloe Sullivan promises to have us back to normal for our next full episode (in between saving the world again with her super duper laptop).
Geek Syndicate - episode 2
Geek SyndicateIts episode 2 or 3 depending on which way you look at it and we really go for it this episode. Its our first skype episode so please excuse the poor quality.
We talk about the new Clone Wars cartoon. Barry gets excited about the new James Bond movie which leads to an argument about fashion. We almost fall out over the new movie Eragon and more bad words are said about the Fantastic Four.
David waxes lyrical about Criminal and Bone and Barry does the same about Criminal Macabre and Artemis Fowl
The new Legion of Superheroes cartoon comes under scrutiny and we diuscuss the upcoming Dr Who spinoff -Torchwood
Finally we discuss the season premieres of Battlestar Galactica and Heroes.
Look out for another special episode later this week when we destroy Smallville.
Geek Syndicate - episode 2
Geek SyndicateIts episode 2 or 3 depending on which way you look at it and we really go for it this episode. Its our first skype episode so please excuse the poor quality.
We talk about the new Clone Wars cartoon. Barry gets excited about the new James Bond movie which leads to an argument about fashion. We almost fall out over the new movie Eragon and more bad words are said about the Fantastic Four.
David waxes lyrical about Criminal and Bone and Barry does the same about Criminal Macabre and Artemis Fowl
The new Legion of Superheroes cartoon comes under scrutiny and we diuscuss the upcoming Dr Who spinoff -Torchwood
Finally we discuss the season premieres of Battlestar Galactica and Heroes.
Look out for another special episode later this week when we destroy Smallville.
Whocast #012 - Welcome (to) Torchwood (Deutsche)Kaum wieder zu Hause sturzen sich unsere beiden Whovians auf den neusten Ableger vom Doctor Who - Torchwood. Die ersten Trailer werden unter die Lupe genommen und Mutmassungen uber die Serie angestellt. Aber auch diesmal gibt es traurige News aus dem Whoniversum...
Whocast #012 - Welcome (to) Torchwood (Deutsche)Kaum wieder zu Hause sturzen sich unsere beiden Whovians auf den neusten Ableger vom Doctor Who - Torchwood. Die ersten Trailer werden unter die Lupe genommen und Mutmassungen uber die Serie angestellt. Aber auch diesmal gibt es traurige News aus dem Whoniversum...
The Sontaran Experiment Part 1
Tachyon TV Podcasts"I've never met a nice Sontaran, and thats not bloody, surprising, man..." Topics up for discussion include: Pringle melanomas, Sarah Jane's Guide to Twig-Snapping, Sontaran soap operas, Smashed potatoes, Metal Mickey, and the wrath of Roth.
Radio Free Skaro #8 Part 2
Radio Free SkaroAnd the long-awaited (heh) part 2 of Radio Free Skaro #8, in which we chronicle "Doomsday," the climactic final episode of the second season, is now up on the Internets. Next week we'll wait a couple more days than usual in order to properly review "Torchwood," the new (and apparently quite violent and racy) Dr. Who spinoff. Enjoy!
Radio Free Skaro #8 Part 2
Radio Free SkaroAnd the long-awaited (heh) part 2 of Radio Free Skaro #8, in which we chronicle "Doomsday," the climactic final episode of the second season, is now up on the Internets. Next week we'll wait a couple more days than usual in order to properly review "Torchwood," the new (and apparently quite violent and racy) Dr. Who spinoff. Enjoy!
Radio Free Skaro #8 Part 2
Radio Free SkaroAnd the long-awaited (heh) part 2 of Radio Free Skaro #8, in which we chronicle "Doomsday," the climactic final episode of the second season, is now up on the Internets. Next week we'll wait a couple more days than usual in order to properly review "Torchwood," the new (and apparently quite violent and racy) Dr. Who spinoff. Enjoy!
Special Episode - Robin Hood Review
Geek SyndicateBecause our adoring public (well Spiderfan) have demanded it and because it makes a change for us in the UK to get to see a series before our trans atlantic cousins. We review the 1st episode of the new Robin Hood series on the BBC.
If there's any other topics,shows,movies you want to cast a professional, if slightly drunken eye over then drop us line.
Special Episode - Robin Hood Review
Geek SyndicateBecause our adoring public (well Spiderfan) have demanded it and because it makes a change for us in the UK to get to see a series before our trans atlantic cousins. We review the 1st episode of the new Robin Hood series on the BBC.
If there's any other topics,shows,movies you want to cast a professional, if slightly drunken eye over then drop us line.
Whocast #011 - The Day of the Whocast (Deutsche)Ein wenig fruher als gewohnt geht es diesmal wieder in die Welt von Doctor Who. Noch immer an einem unbekannten Ort gefangen diskutieren unsere Podcaster uber die aktuellen News rund um den letzten der Timelords und seiner Begleiter.
Whocast #011 - The Day of the Whocast (Deutsche)Ein wenig fruher als gewohnt geht es diesmal wieder in die Welt von Doctor Who. Noch immer an einem unbekannten Ort gefangen diskutieren unsere Podcaster uber die aktuellen News rund um den letzten der Timelords und seiner Begleiter.
Geek Syndicate Episode 1
Geek SyndicateBarry & David talk about the first comics they ever read.
David talks about Labyrinth a novel by Kate Mosse (not the model)
The boys give a tribute to the late David Gemmell; make some comments about Alex Ross's Justice and Barry gives his opinon on the Miami Vice movie.
And then we take apart the Star Wars saga - movie by movie.
This episode is bought to you by Glenfiddich Malt Whiskey......a lot of Glenfiddich Malt Whiskey.
Geek Syndicate Episode 1
Geek SyndicateBarry & David talk about the first comics they ever read.
David talks about Labyrinth a novel by Kate Mosse (not the model)
The boys give a tribute to the late David Gemmell; make some comments about Alex Ross's Justice and Barry gives his opinon on the Miami Vice movie.
And then we take apart the Star Wars saga - movie by movie.
This episode is bought to you by Glenfiddich Malt Whiskey......a lot of Glenfiddich Malt Whiskey.
Radio Free Skaro episode 8a
Radio Free SkaroBit of a different one...Steven and I were at the same place at the same time, so we decided to do a "live" two parter where we do commentary for Army of Ghosts and Doomsday. Up to you if we pulled it off, but here's part one of this epic experiment in audio audaciousness. Allons-y!
Radio Free Skaro episode 8a
Radio Free SkaroBit of a different one...Steven and I were at the same place at the same time, so we decided to do a "live" two parter where we do commentary for Army of Ghosts and Doomsday. Up to you if we pulled it off, but here's part one of this epic experiment in audio audaciousness. Allons-y!
Radio Free Skaro episode 8a
Radio Free SkaroBit of a different one...Steven and I were at the same place at the same time, so we decided to do a "live" two parter where we do commentary for Army of Ghosts and Doomsday. Up to you if we pulled it off, but here's part one of this epic experiment in audio audaciousness. Allons-y!
A Fix With Sontarans
Tachyon TV Podcasts"Can you please fix it for Colin Baker to bicker with Janet Fielding..." Topics up for discussion include: Now then, now then, howsabout that then, goodness gracious, jingle jangle jewelry, clunk click, uhuhuhuhuh! Etc...
Whocast #010 - Carnival of Listeners (Deutsche)Nach drei Wochen Tiefschlaf gibt es vieles, das liegengeblieben ist. In dieser Folge machen die angesammelten Leserbriefe und Foreneintrage den Anfang. Also fur jeden, der schon immer wissen wollte, was die ubrigen Horer so von uns denken - einschalten!
Whocast #010 - Carnival of Listeners (Deutsche)Nach drei Wochen Tiefschlaf gibt es vieles, das liegengeblieben ist. In dieser Folge machen die angesammelten Leserbriefe und Foreneintrage den Anfang. Also fur jeden, der schon immer wissen wollte, was die ubrigen Horer so von uns denken - einschalten!
Radio Free skaro #7!
Radio Free SkaroSteven and I get down to the crappier episodes of Season 2 of Dr. Who, with some slapping about of Love and Monsters (which I maintain ain't that bad) and Fear Her (terrible!) We also examine bad episodes from the Classic Who years, give a shout out to our fan Martin Frobisher, and reveal our upcoming "live" podcast in Edmonton..which will be the two of us doing a commentary track to the Season 2 finale. Neato! As per usual, the show can be heard on the web and downloaded through the feed, or via this direct link.
Radio Free skaro #7!
Radio Free SkaroSteven and I get down to the crappier episodes of Season 2 of Dr. Who, with some slapping about of Love and Monsters (which I maintain ain't that bad) and Fear Her (terrible!) We also examine bad episodes from the Classic Who years, give a shout out to our fan Martin Frobisher, and reveal our upcoming "live" podcast in Edmonton..which will be the two of us doing a commentary track to the Season 2 finale. Neato! As per usual, the show can be heard on the web and downloaded through the feed, or via this direct link.
Radio Free skaro #7!
Radio Free SkaroSteven and I get down to the crappier episodes of Season 2 of Dr. Who, with some slapping about of Love and Monsters (which I maintain ain't that bad) and Fear Her (terrible!) We also examine bad episodes from the Classic Who years, give a shout out to our fan Martin Frobisher, and reveal our upcoming "live" podcast in Edmonton..which will be the two of us doing a commentary track to the Season 2 finale. Neato! As per usual, the show can be heard on the web and downloaded through the feed, or via this direct link.
Geek Syndicate episode 0 - Origins
Geek SyndicateIn this episode we introduce ourselves, and talk about The Boys issue 1&2; Union Jack - or at least the cover of it; Rex Mundi 1 and the latest months of 52. We also disect the choice of Heath Ledger as the Joker and have a balanced discussion about the new Fantastic Four cartoon. Oh and we get slowly very drunk.
Intro/Outro music - Illusions by J M Cruiz
Section Breaks - Too Tired at Twelve by Lima Baterflai
Geek Syndicate episode 0 - Origins
Geek SyndicateIn this episode we introduce ourselves, and talk about The Boys issue 1&2; Union Jack - or at least the cover of it; Rex Mundi 1 and the latest months of 52. We also disect the choice of Heath Ledger as the Joker and have a balanced discussion about the new Fantastic Four cartoon. Oh and we get slowly very drunk.
Intro/Outro music - Illusions by J M Cruiz
Section Breaks - Too Tired at Twelve by Lima Baterflai
Totally Doctor Who
Tachyon TV Podcasts"You could cut cheese with Liz Barker's face..." Topics up for discussion include: Russell T. Davies' "severe" notes on the opening episode of this fun-packed Who-fest for da kids.
Radio Free Skaro #6
Radio Free SkaroYes, Steven and I managed to juggle our schedules and get RFS Numero Six out the door tonight. Much gushing about the Impossible Planet and Satan pit two-parter, some kvetching about DVD vendors and their lack of Who respect, and formative plans for a live episode in a couple of weeks time, as I will be in Edmonton over the weekend. We might even have to videotape that one, just to be total dorks.
Radio Free Skaro #6
Radio Free SkaroYes, Steven and I managed to juggle our schedules and get RFS Numero Six out the door tonight. Much gushing about the Impossible Planet and Satan pit two-parter, some kvetching about DVD vendors and their lack of Who respect, and formative plans for a live episode in a couple of weeks time, as I will be in Edmonton over the weekend. We might even have to videotape that one, just to be total dorks.
Radio Free Skaro #6
Radio Free SkaroYes, Steven and I managed to juggle our schedules and get RFS Numero Six out the door tonight. Much gushing about the Impossible Planet and Satan pit two-parter, some kvetching about DVD vendors and their lack of Who respect, and formative plans for a live episode in a couple of weeks time, as I will be in Edmonton over the weekend. We might even have to videotape that one, just to be total dorks.
Ghost Light Part 3
Tachyon TV Podcasts"It's Gabriel Chase Me..." Topics up for discussion include: Dustin Gee and Les Dennis, calorie-free evil, hot flushes of embarrassment, Outpost HC, and white kids firebombing the hell out of everything. The bastards.
Ghost Light Part 2
Tachyon TV Podcasts"Pipette Me!" Topics up for discussion include: Jeux Sans Frontiers, Marc Platt's Casualty episode, Rockcliffe's spin-offs, Frank Windsor's Euthanasia Clinic, and Tachyon TV's world famous kedgeree recipe.
Radio Free Skaro #5
Radio Free SkaroJust a few days after the delayed episode 4 comes episode 5, where we discuss "The Idiot's Lantern," then veer off into the many and various ways Dr. Who has addressed social issues of the day. Somehow we managed to break the 34 minute mark with this rich vein of discussion.
Radio Free Skaro #5
Radio Free SkaroJust a few days after the delayed episode 4 comes episode 5, where we discuss "The Idiot's Lantern," then veer off into the many and various ways Dr. Who has addressed social issues of the day. Somehow we managed to break the 34 minute mark with this rich vein of discussion.
Radio Free Skaro #5
Radio Free SkaroJust a few days after the delayed episode 4 comes episode 5, where we discuss "The Idiot's Lantern," then veer off into the many and various ways Dr. Who has addressed social issues of the day. Somehow we managed to break the 34 minute mark with this rich vein of discussion.
The oft delayed Radio Free Skaro #4!
Radio Free SkaroAgain with the technical difficulties! First we had a file up and die on us, then Steven's microphone generated a truly astounding amount of hum. Through it all we soldiered on, and now bring you the delayed but complete Radio Free Skaro, episode 4. We discuss the Girl in the Fireplace and the first Cybermen two-parter, then veer wildly off course and talk about webisodes, the Internet, and why there won't be any new Gallifrey episodes (and whether or not that's a good thing). At any rate, thanks for waiting and putting up with our technical troubles, and hope you all enjoy the podcast. We'll try to get #5 out sometime this weekend.
The oft delayed Radio Free Skaro #4!
Radio Free SkaroAgain with the technical difficulties! First we had a file up and die on us, then Steven's microphone generated a truly astounding amount of hum. Through it all we soldiered on, and now bring you the delayed but complete Radio Free Skaro, episode 4. We discuss the Girl in the Fireplace and the first Cybermen two-parter, then veer wildly off course and talk about webisodes, the Internet, and why there won't be any new Gallifrey episodes (and whether or not that's a good thing). At any rate, thanks for waiting and putting up with our technical troubles, and hope you all enjoy the podcast. We'll try to get #5 out sometime this weekend.
The oft delayed Radio Free Skaro #4!
Radio Free SkaroAgain with the technical difficulties! First we had a file up and die on us, then Steven's microphone generated a truly astounding amount of hum. Through it all we soldiered on, and now bring you the delayed but complete Radio Free Skaro, episode 4. We discuss the Girl in the Fireplace and the first Cybermen two-parter, then veer wildly off course and talk about webisodes, the Internet, and why there won't be any new Gallifrey episodes (and whether or not that's a good thing). At any rate, thanks for waiting and putting up with our technical troubles, and hope you all enjoy the podcast. We'll try to get #5 out sometime this weekend.
Ghost Light Part 1
Tachyon TV Podcasts"I want to see the Doctor in a question-mark ball-gown..." Topics up for discussion include: Nimrod and his Magical Mammoth, twisted midgets, Emu's World, Alan Bradley goes tram-dodging and Cartmel's Pervy Master-plan.
Whocast #009 - The Revelation of the Harald (Deutsche)Noch immer an einem unbekannten Ort gefangen, glomm bei diesem Cast doch tatsachlich ein wenig die Hoffnung auf wieder ein Stuck Heimat bei uns zu haben, als sich plotzlich eine Tur offnet und Harald mit den Whonews der Woche bereitsteht... Aber ob alles so ist wie es scheint?
Whocast #009 - The Revelation of the Harald (Deutsche)Noch immer an einem unbekannten Ort gefangen, glomm bei diesem Cast doch tatsachlich ein wenig die Hoffnung auf wieder ein Stuck Heimat bei uns zu haben, als sich plotzlich eine Tur offnet und Harald mit den Whonews der Woche bereitsteht... Aber ob alles so ist wie es scheint?
Radio Free Skaro episode 3
Radio Free SkaroDelayed by wonky email, cut off by flaky Internet connections, and menaced by a hornet during the podcast......this one was a bit of a slog. But have no fear, Whovians, Warren and Steven have battled it out and present episode 3 of Radio Free Skaro to you in all its insect killing, Who discussing glory. We covered Tooth and Claw and School Reunion, and then veered off into touching Classic Who moments and cool death scenes.
Radio Free Skaro episode 3
Radio Free SkaroDelayed by wonky email, cut off by flaky Internet connections, and menaced by a hornet during the podcast......this one was a bit of a slog. But have no fear, Whovians, Warren and Steven have battled it out and present episode 3 of Radio Free Skaro to you in all its insect killing, Who discussing glory. We covered Tooth and Claw and School Reunion, and then veered off into touching Classic Who moments and cool death scenes.
Radio Free Skaro episode 3
Radio Free SkaroDelayed by wonky email, cut off by flaky Internet connections, and menaced by a hornet during the podcast......this one was a bit of a slog. But have no fear, Whovians, Warren and Steven have battled it out and present episode 3 of Radio Free Skaro to you in all its insect killing, Who discussing glory. We covered Tooth and Claw and School Reunion, and then veered off into touching Classic Who moments and cool death scenes.
The Underwater Menace (part 3)
Tachyon TV Podcasts"It's Cod Awful..." Topics up for discussion include: fish puns. Lots and lots of fish puns...
Whocast #008 - The Somewhere Place (Deutsche)Tja, von einem, uns unbekannten Ort erreicht Euch diesmal der aktuelle Whocast. Nicht wirklich viele News, aber dafur viele Horerreaktionen fullen diese Ausgabe, die uns an einen Ort verschlagt, an dem noch kein Podcaster zuvor gewesen ist...