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  • The Unearthly Podcast

    Podcast #4

    The Unearthly Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    02:44 (GMT) - 10 May 2010

    Podcast #4 is live, for The Time of Angels. In this podcast I cover the overall reception of the episode, River Song, the Weeping Angels, the continued excellence of Matt Smith and much more.

    Download Podcast #4

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #197 - Mock Turtle Soup

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:33 (GMT) - 9 May 2010

    Vampires! Venice! Fish people! Disagreement! While two of the Three Who Rule were less than blown away by this latest historical romp, with little else to discuss during this slow news week it was that or stats. Which were also discussed. Harrumph.

    Check out the show notes at http://www.radiofreeskaro.com

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #197 - Mock Turtle Soup

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:33 (GMT) - 9 May 2010

    Vampires! Venice! Fish people! Disagreement! While two of the Three Who Rule were less than blown away by this latest historical romp, with little else to discuss during this slow news week it was that or stats. Which were also discussed. Harrumph. Check out the show notes at http://www.radiofreeskaro.com

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #197 - Mock Turtle Soup

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:33 (GMT) - 9 May 2010

    Vampires! Venice! Fish people! Disagreement! While two of the Three Who Rule were less than blown away by this latest historical romp, with little else to discuss during this slow news week it was that or stats. Which were also discussed. Harrumph.

    Check out the show notes at http://www.radiofreeskaro.com

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 125: The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone

    Tin Dog Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:06 (GMT) - 9 May 2010

    PlotThe Doctor discovers a message in Old High Gallifreyan engraved on the side of a ruined flight recorder from the starship Byzantium 12,000 years in the past by Doctor River Song. With Amy Pond, the Doctor takes the TARDIS to meet her before the ship crashes on the planet Alfava Metraxis. After reuniting with the Doctor, whom she has had extensive contact within his relative future, Dr. Song warns the Doctor of a Weeping Angel, creatures that cannot move when observed but otherwise can move incredibly fast, that the Byzantium was carrying, and calls for Father Octavian and his troops to join her on the surface to recapture it. Dr. Song shows the Doctor and Amy a four-second loop of security footage of the Angel as the soldiers set up base camp. The Doctor and Song review a book written by a madman about the Angels which warns that any form of image of the Angels become Angels themselves. Simultaneously, Amy finds, when she looks away, the Angel from the footage moves and begins to emerge from the screen, further trapping her in the viewing room. As the Doctor and Song attempt to free Amy, Amy is able to freeze the image on a loop break, causing the Angel to disappear and saving herself. As the Doctor and Song verify Amy is safe, she continues to believe she has something in her eyes.To access the Byzantium and locate the Angel, the group must travel through a "Maze of the Dead", a stone labyrinth with numerous statues erected by the planet's natives that the Angel could hide among. The group splits up, with some soldiers left to guard the entrance. As they explore, the Doctor and Song come to realize that the native species of the planet have two heads, while all the statues have one; they quickly realise that every statue is a Weeping Angel, slower and weaker than the captured Angel due to lack of beings to consume over the centuries but now absorbing energy from the crashed ship. As the group tries to escape, Amy believes her hand to have become stone and cannot move, but the Doctor points out that her perception has been influenced by the Angel, and she is still fine, allowing her to flee. The group soon finds that the Angels have killed their rear guard and are using their consciousness to speak to the Doctor. The Angels reveal they have lured the group in the trap, and are planning to use their essences to further regenerate. The Doctor threatens that the Angels should have never put him in the trap, and prepares the group to act once he fires at the globe of light providing the only illumination the maze; the episode ends on this cliffhanger.The Doctor, Amy, River Song, Father Octavian and his clerics find themselves standing on the nose of the Byzantium, looking down on the surface and the Weeping Angels, after having been caught by the ship's artificial gravity when the gravity globe burst. The group make their way to the secondary flight deck while being chased by the regenerating Angels, who have now also jumped up to the ship. All the while, Amy is counting downwards from ten without realising it. Angel Bob claims that this is a countdown to when they will kill her, after which they will take control of the universe. The Doctor asks the Angels where they can possibly expect to get the power from to take over the universe, but the Angels just laugh at the Doctor's ignorance of the situation. The Doctor turns around and then sees a giant crack in the ship's wall, identical to the one in Amy's bedroom in "The Eleventh Hour", and as seen in "The Beast Below" and "Victory of the Daleks", it is a crack in the universe. While the others escape into the ship's oxygen factory, a giant forest, the Doctor examines the crack, before noticing he is surrounded by Weeping Angels - one of whom catches him by his jacket. He warns the Angels that the crack, whilst full of energy, is not full of the energy they need (time energy); it is instead a crack from the end of the universe, a crack that will consume everyone. While distracting them with this thought, he escapes, minus his coat, and quickly follows after the others.Just before the Doctor can reach her, Amy collapses to the forest floor, seemingly dying. Recollecting that the image of an Angel is itself an Angel, the Doctor realises that Amy has the image of a Weeping Angel in the visual centres of her mind. The Doctor tells her to close her eyes in order to suppress the visual centres of the brain and explains that if she opens her eyes for more than a second, the Angel will kill her. Before he leaves, Amy confesses to the Doctor she is unsure if she can trust him yet, as he isn't always truthful with her, but the Doctor simply informs her that if he always told her the truth, she would never need to trust him. He implores her to remember what he told her when she was seven, but Amy does not know what he is referring to. The Doctor, River and Father Octavian head off to the main control room in the hope of slowing down the descent of the Angels, while Amy is left alone with the clerics as the Weeping Angels advance. Whilst walking through the forest, the Doctor traces the origins of the crack back to the point in time and space at which it began - June 26th, 201x (the last digit is not revealed until the end of the episode). While trying to break into the control room, an Angel traps Octavian. The Doctor is helpless to save him and Octavian urges him to leave and join River inside. Just before his inevitable death though, Octavian divulges to the Doctor that River is a criminal currently in his custody, guilty of the murder of a man whose identity he will not reveal. The Doctor gives his last apologies to Octavian and hurries inside.The crack in the secondary flight deck widens into the forest, where Amy is being guarded by four of the clerics. The Angels run away from the crack, in fear from the Doctor's warning, leaving the clerics and Amy behind. The Doctor speculates that the crack is allowing time to be rewritten and River asks him how they can close it. The Doctor explains that the best way to close it is to feed it a complicated space-time event: him. In the forest, three of clerics go to inspect the crack, which just looks like a very bright light but, after they've gone, the remaining cleric doesn't even remember that they existed. He goes to investigate the crack himself, leaving Amy truly alone and with only a communicator. The Doctor radios Amy and tells her to come to the control room. She asks why she should risk confronting the Angels and the Doctor tells her that the Angels can only kill her, but the crack can erase her from time. Reluctantly and still with her eyes closed, she follows his sonic screwdriver signal, until the Angels arrive and surround her. Since the Angels are still very scared, the Doctor informs Amy that if she walks like she can see, the Angels will remain in stone form due to their survival instincts, but Amy soon gives herself away as blind by tripping over and shouting, allowing the Angels (who are seen moving for the first time) to advance in on her. Just in time, River teleports her to the control room.All the Angels come to the entrance to the room as they drain energy from the doors, which then open. The lead Angel, whom the Doctor has named "Angel Bob" after the man whose voice it was using, demands that the Doctor throw himself into the crack in order to save the Angels. River, as a time traveller, wants to throw herself in but the Doctor laughs at the idea, claiming that she is not even as complicated as one Angel and that only all the Angels are equivalent to him. He then realises that as the ship's power is quickly draining, its artificial gravity field is about to collapse, and he urges his friends to hold on to something to stop themselves from falling. The gravity field then collapses and all of the frozen Angels fall into the crack. This is enough to seal it, erasing them all from existence. The group escapes to the outside of the temple, and Amy is again able to see - the Angel within her mind never existed, due to the fact it fell into the crack. Confused, Amy asks how it is possible she remembers all of the clerics who seemingly "ceased to exist," but the Doctor informs her that, since they are time travellers, and time has no context in which to work, they can remember them. River, who after completing her mission is about to be teleported back to her cell in space, tells the Doctor she will see him again when the Pandorica opens (unnerving the Doctor, who claims the Pandorica is just a fairy tale), and that the man she killed was the best man she'd ever known. She is teleported back to the penal starship, with the remaining soldiers.Amy tells the Doctor to take her home. There, she tells him that she is getting married in the morning and tries to seduce him (to which he acts alarmed). He declines to reciprocate and, whilst looking at her bedside digital clock, realises that she is at the centre of all the cracks and that the time explosion which created them occurs today - the day of her wedding, June 26th 2010. He quickly whisks her away in order to try to sort the issue out.

  • Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    MHC #9 Flesh and Stone 31.5

    Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:10 (GMT) - 9 May 2010

    T minus 6 days until Amy's Choice.

    Welcome to this, the 9th Hitchhiker's Guide to the Whoverse: Mostly Harmless Cutaway. Today Eric & Megan break down the newest, latest, and greatest Doctor Who episode Flesh and Stone.

    WARNING: This review/discussion contains SPOILERS & the image of an angel.

    Thanks so much to Tom (@TDickinson), creater of @TheCloisterRoom podcast for providing this episode's intro. We certainly feel his contribution adds a bit of tonal urgency to our otherwise lackadaisical program. Please follow the links and check his opinions on LOST, Doctor Who, and frankly whatever he wants.

    Disclaimer: This episode is long overdue. We completely learned how to use a new audio editing suite. You're welcome.


    Creator/Producer: Eric Escamilla
    Email: bullitt33 ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Skype username: bullitt33
    Twitter: @Bullitt33
    Facebook: Bullitt33

    Co-host: Megan Hibner
    Email: meganhibner ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Twitter: @meganhibner
    YouTube: youtube.com/TheChannelofRassilon

    Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Website: guidetothewhoverse.libsyn.com
    Twitter: @HHG2W
    Tumblr: guidetothewhoverse.tumblr.com

    The MHC theme was created by Eric Escamilla.
    The MHC coverart was created by Cat (@fancyfembot).

    [Subscribe via iTunes]

  • Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    MHC #9 Flesh and Stone 31.5

    Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:10 (GMT) - 9 May 2010

    T minus 6 days until Amy's Choice.

    Welcome to this, the 9th Hitchhiker's Guide to the Whoverse: Mostly Harmless Cutaway. Today Eric & Megan break down the newest, latest, and greatest Doctor Who episode Flesh and Stone. 

      WARNING:  This review/discussion contains  SPOILERS & the image of an angel.

    Thanks so much to Tom (@TDickinson), creater of @TheCloisterRoom podcast for providing this episode's intro. We certainly feel his contribution adds a bit of tonal urgency to our otherwise lackadaisical program. Please follow the links and check his opinions on LOST, Doctor Who, and frankly whatever he wants.

    Disclaimer: This episode is long overdue. We completely learned how to use a new audio editing suite. You're welcome. 




    Creator/Producer: Eric Escamilla
    Email: bullitt33 ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Skype username: bullitt33
    Twitter: @Bullitt33
    Facebook: Bullitt33

    Co-host: Megan Hibner 
    Email: meganhibner ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Twitter: @meganhibner
    YouTube: youtube.com/TheChannelofRassilon

    Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Website: guidetothewhoverse.libsyn.com 
    Twitter: @HHG2W 
    Tumblr: guidetothewhoverse.tumblr.com

    The MHC theme was created by Eric Escamilla.
    The MHC coverart was created by Cat (@fancyfembot).

    [Subscribe via iTunes]

  • The Flashing Blade Podcast

    The Flashing Blade Podcast 1-48

    The Flashing Blade Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    14:48 (GMT) - 9 May 2010

    This time around on the show, we look at Flesh and Stone, Bob yabbers about the first UNIT play from Big Finish and there's the return of the wonderful Children of Time!! Feedback to show@flashingblade.org.uk. If you want a mention on the 50th, all feedback in by 14th May please.

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE42 - Dr Who 'The Vampires of Venice'

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:07 (GMT) - 9 May 2010

    Once again we review Doctor Who - this time Episode 6 'The Vampires of Venice' Please join us live on Talkshoe ID 54821

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Podcast #72: The Time of Gene Hunt

    Staggering Stories Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:00 (GMT) - 9 May 2010

    Show summary:
    Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins, Fake Keith, Jean Riddler and the Real Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: The Time of Angels and Ashes to Ashes season 3 episode 4, find some general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:37 — Welcome!
    • 01:53 – News:
    • 02:00 — Doctor Who: Return to the Proms.
    • 03:03 — K-9: Coming to UK’s Channel 5.
    • 04:40 — Doctor Who The Adventure Games: First game name announced.
    • 05:59 — Leonard Nimoy: Quits acting.
    • 08:03 – Doctor Who: The Time of Angels.
    • 24:57 – Ashes to Ashes: Season 3, episode 4.
    • 35:47 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself atA show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 55:26 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 55:50 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • BBC: The 2010 Proms.
    • Wikipedia: K-9 (TV Series).
    • BBC: Doctor Who News – The Adventure Games.
    • Wikipedia: Leonard Nimoy.
    • BBC: Doctor Who – The Time of Angels.
    • BBC: Ashes to Ashes.
    • Professor Dave’s Ark in Space.
    • Professor How, Doctor Who Parody Podcast.
    • Kitsune Books: The Mythological Dimensions of Doctor Who.
    • The Omega Podcast.
    • Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.
    • Facebook: Staggering Stories Group.
    • Twitter: Adam J Purcell.

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE42 - Dr Who 'The Vampires of Venice' Review

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:07 (GMT) - 9 May 2010

    Once again we review Doctor Who - this time Episode 6 'The Vampires of Venice' Please join us live on Talkshoe ID 54821

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE42 - Dr Who 'The Vampires of Venice' Review

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:07 (GMT) - 9 May 2010

    Once again we review Doctor Who - this time Episode 6 'The Vampires of Venice' Please join us live on Talkshoe ID 54821

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE42 - Dr Who 'The Vampires of Venice' Review

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:07 (GMT) - 9 May 2010

    Once again we review Doctor Who - this time Episode 6 'The Vampires of Venice' Please join us live on Talkshoe ID 54821

  • Earth Station One

    Erth Station One Episode 6 - Erth Station One Goes To The Movies

    Earth Station One

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:12 (GMT) - 9 May 2010

    This week Erth Station One reviews the second part of the Steven Moffat two part River Song / Weeping Angel Doctor Who story “Flesh and Stone”. Then we take a shot at predicting which summer movies will shine or which will fall back to earth. Mike, Judy and Corey have a seat in the balcony … Continue reading

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #13: Fan reaction to Flesh and Stone

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    02:00 (GMT) - 9 May 2010

    The multi-talented songstress Laura from the most superb Oodcast Podcast join Tom in the DWP Campervan to look over the fan reaction to the finale to the two part story - Flesh and Stone. Laura and Tom sift through the forums and message board reaction to this story, and also play listener feedback. Once you [...]

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On:Episode 16(The Vampires of Venice)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:57 (GMT) - 8 May 2010

    My first thoughts review of Dr Who:The Vampires of Venice as well as a few thoughts from the twitterverse and a new feature The 2nd Doctor Explains to help you with some of the trickier to understand moments in episodes, this week gravity in Flesh and Stone.


    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

    End theme tune is a remix of the Doctor Who Theme by Tony Gallichan of The Flashing Blade Podcast, Tony can be contacted here show@flashingblade.org.uk

  • The TARDIS Tavern

    Episode 18: From Inside the Miniscope, it's "Carnival of Monsters"

    The TARDIS Tavern

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:07 (GMT) - 8 May 2010

    In the most heated debate yet, Sean and Steve get at it over "Carnival of Monsters."  As a result, Sean has a black eye and is whining about how it's unfair to hit a guy with glasses.

    Continuing our span of "Ten Doctors" and ten stories reviewed, Steve (1) shouted out his safe word when it came time to pick a Jon Pertwee story (like hello, Steve, don't you want to watch "Colony in Space"?) and (2) will piss of legions of Pertwee fans who care to listen to this episode.  Sean, in the meantime, made the mistake of getting really drunk before recording the show.  In his defense, however, he was watching Survivor prior to the recording and steadfastly maintains that you can't watch Survivor without being drunk.  (Ed's note: Sean is a little toasted even as he's typing this because they're showing reruns of RuPaul's Drag Race.)

    Oh, and we couldn't resist chatting about the current series.  Of course, there's the usual blip of feedback and an announcement that we've received our first bit of fan art!

    Send us feedback, bitches.  It goes to tardistavern@gmail.com.  Also follow us on Twitter (tardistavern for Sean and stevetardistvrn for the other one).  Also look for us on Facebook.

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On:Episode 16(The Vampires of Venice)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:57 (GMT) - 8 May 2010

    My first thoughts review of Dr Who:The Vampires of Venice as well as a few thoughts from the twitterverse and a new feature The 2nd Doctor Explains to help you with some of the trickier to understand moments in episodes, this week gravity in Flesh and Stone.


    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

    End theme tune is a remix of the Doctor Who Theme by Tony Gallichan of The Flashing Blade Podcast, Tony can be contacted here show@flashingblade.org.uk

  • Two-minute Time Lord

    2MTL 131: SPOILER - Nat from Bridging the Rift Reviews "Vampires of Venice"

    Two-minute Time Lord

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:11 (GMT) - 8 May 2010

    Nat from the excellent Bridging the Rift podcast looks at "Vampires of Venice," comparing it to the other standard-length single episodes we've had thus far in Series 5.

  • The RaT Project Live

    The RaT Project 79 Live - Doctor Who Series Fnarg Arcwatch

    The RaT Project Live

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:05 (GMT) - 8 May 2010

    Six episodes in (and with the fourth episode airing tonight just after the show on BBC America), and there seems to be a lot of possible story arc clues given for this current series of Doctor Who. Join Rand and panel as they analyze all the possible clues given out and speculate about what may be the final outcome of this. Spoilers ahead! http://whoisthedoctor.co.uk ^ Collection of possible arc clues, maintained by @cartoonmoney on twitter.

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #13: Fan reaction to Flesh and Stone

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:00 (GMT) - 8 May 2010

    The multi-talented songstress Laura from the most superb Oodcast Podcast join Tom in the DWP Campervan to look over the fan reaction to the finale to the two part story - Flesh and Stone. Laura and Tom sift through the forums and message board reaction to this story, and also play listener feedback. Once you [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #13: Fan reaction to Flesh and Stone

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:00 (GMT) - 8 May 2010

    The multi-talented songstress Laura from the most superb Oodcast Podcast join Tom in the DWP Campervan to look over the fan reaction to the finale to the two part story – Flesh and Stone. Laura and Tom sift through the forums and message board reaction to this story, and also play listener feedback. Once you [...]

  • The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

    037 – Hung Parliament

    The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:48 (GMT) - 8 May 2010

    I bet you’re all wondering what the political situation in the UK will do to this series of Doctor Who. No? Well you should be. There is still time to donate to my scarf wearing run if you’re so inclined. http://www.justgiving.com/Luke-Harrison0

  • The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

    037 - Hung Parliament

    The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:48 (GMT) - 8 May 2010

    I bet you're all wondering what the political situation in the UK will do to this series of Doctor Who. No? Well you should be. There is still time to donate to my scarf wearing run if you're so inclined. http://www.justgiving.com/Luke-Harrison0

  • DWO WhoCast

    DWO WhoCast - #5.6 - Doctor Who Podcast

    DWO WhoCast

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:00 (GMT) - 7 May 2010

    In this week's episode of the DWO WhoCast... Paul and Seb discuss the latest episode: 5.6: Vampires of Venice.

    Also in the show, the dynamic duo take a look at your Feedback from last week, as well as this discussing some of the themes and plot points that have been thrown up by the series so far.

    Bringing the world of Doctor Who to you - the DWO WhoCast is just what The Doctor ordered!

    If you are an iTunes user, make sure you rate and discuss the podcast; the more people that vote and leave their comments the higher up the rankings we go and the more successful we are.

    Also if you have any feedback let us know, and of course suggestions are always welcome. Why not email us an mp3 comment and we can play it on the show?

    If you are an iTunes user, make sure you rate and discuss the podcast; the more people that vote and leave their comments the higher up the rankings we go and the more successful we are.

    Also if you have any feedback let us know, and of course suggestions are always welcome. Why not email us an mp3 comment and we can play it on the show?

    Interact with us!

    Send your Feedback to: feedback@thewhocast.com
    Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/dwowhocast
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5185658494

  • The2ndDoctors Podcast

    EPISODE10 - B-Movie Invasion.

    The2ndDoctors Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:22 (GMT) - 7 May 2010

    Doctor Who Pocasting Alliance Special Nr. 2 Book review of The Mythological Dimension of Doctor Who, and an Interview with Nick Briggs of Big Finish and Dalek voice fame.

  • Dirty WHOers's Podcast

    Dirty WHOers 009

    Dirty WHOers's Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 7 May 2010

    How's life? Sorry, bad subject. You wouldn't be listening to this if you had a life, let's face it. The Dirty Whoers talk Flesh & Stone. Series 31, episode 5.

  • Podshock

    199 - Doctor Who: Podshock


    Direct Podcast Download

    02:50 (GMT) - 7 May 2010

    Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 199Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 199
    Running time: 1:09:13

    Doctor Who: Flesh and Stone reviewed live over the net with live and recorded feedback (part 2 of 2).

    Hosted by Louis Trapani, Ken Deep, James Naughton, and Dave Cooper.

    Brought to you by the Gallifreyan Embassy and is a production of Art Trap Productions.

    This podcast is made possible in part by Podshock Supporting Subscribers and from donations from listeners like you.

    Do you want the Enhanced Podcast AAC file format? Get our Enhanced Podcast version of this episode using our feed at http://www.gallifreyanembassy.org/podshock/podshock.xml.

  • Two-minute Time Lord

    Help Luke Run 10K for Charity in a Tom Baker Scarf

    Two-minute Time Lord

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:07 (GMT) - 7 May 2010

    Help Luke Harrison raise funds for worthy charities by supporting him in his 10K run. You can MAKE him do it in a Tom Baker scarf if you act quickly!

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Commentary #3: Doctor Who - Victory of the Daleks

    Staggering Stories Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:00 (GMT) - 6 May 2010

    Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins and Keith Dunn sit down in front of Doctor Who: Victory of the Daleks and spout our usual nonsense, trying to all be positive this time!

    Apologies, hopefully for the last time, for the rather less than great audio quality, we simply havenat had time to address this yet. A It’s not too bad but for the fact that Crumbly seems to have his head in a bucket! By the time we come to the Time of Angels commentary we hope to have this audio issue resolved. In the meantime, please try to ignore the echoes and sit down with us to enjoy Victory of the Daleksa|

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • BBC: Doctor Who a Victory of the Daleks.
    • Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.
    • Facebook: Staggering Stories Group.
    • Twitter: Adam J Purcell.

  • DWO WhoCast

    DWO WhoCast - #5.5 - Doctor Who Podcast

    DWO WhoCast

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:00 (GMT) - 6 May 2010

    In this week's episode of the DWO WhoCast... Paul and Seb discuss the latest episode: 5.5: Flesh And Stone.

    Also in the show, the dynamic duo take a look at your Feedback from last week, as well as this week's announcements.

    Bringing the world of Doctor Who to you - the DWO WhoCast is just what The Doctor ordered!

    Send your Feedback to: feedback@thewhocast.com
    Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/dwowhocast
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=16604586853

  • The Unearthly Child Podcast

    003 - The Unearthly Child Podcast: Do. Not. Blink.

    The Unearthly Child Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:01 (GMT) - 5 May 2010

    Catching up with the new series, I take a look at perhaps the best two-parter the series has put out since 2005, The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone. I also see what's been in the news recently. Links - Graham Norton Show clip (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnpZS_54uoA) You can email me feedback and comments at unearthlychildpodcast@gmail.com or visit unearthlychildpodcast.com for the latest updates.

  • The Flashing Blade Podcast

    The Nick Briggs Signing from the DWPA

    The Flashing Blade Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:54 (GMT) - 5 May 2010

    Hello hello. Here's the podcast from the Nick Briggs' signing at Waterstones, Lakeside, Thurrock. We have a Briggsy interview as well as a little chat with some folks who came along and Nick also kindly provided us with an excerpt from the new Holmes play, 'The Speckled Band'.


    And Flashing Blade viewers will be very pleased to note that in this podcast, our suspicions about Mr. Briggs are fully confirmed!!!!

  • Doctor Who Review Today

    EPISODE E -Just Talking

    Doctor Who Review Today

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:56 (GMT) - 5 May 2010

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 154 'Return of the Monts'

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:00 (GMT) - 5 May 2010

    So at last David aka 'Monts' aka 'Volcanic Ash Cloud Survior' returns to the podcast.

    News: Dave finds some interesting geek parties to vote for, Dark Horse slips up, We chat about the future of TV fantasy shows and Thor casting talk.

    Week that Was: Turf, Shield, Iron Man 2, Human Target,V,9, Carriers and Surrogates.

    Main: Having spent all this time bursting to talk Dr Who we revist the new series once again to get his thoughts on them and on the new Dr and companion. Be warned their are spoilers for the first four Dr Who episodes.


  • Geek Syndicate

    Two Geeks with No Name Podcast - Episode 7 Empires Conclusions

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:42 (GMT) - 5 May 2010

    Wrapping up their premier series on Empires the disagreeing duo of Kehaar and Grampus sit back relax and muse over Empires in genre fiction in general. Why do evil Empires get reeled out so often? What alternatives are there? What about ravenous space locusts? Skipping as they do into Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, The Wire, 2300 and much much more.
    Don't forget details here of the Comic Forum Project here:

    Feedback at w.gsforums.co.uk or twogeekswithnonamepodcast@yahoo.co.uk

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 154 'Return of the Monts'

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 5 May 2010

    So at last David aka 'Monts' aka 'Volcanic Ash Cloud Survior' returns to the podcast. 

    News: Dave finds some interesting geek parties to vote for, Dark Horse slips up, We chat about the future of TV fantasy shows and Thor casting talk.

    Week that Was: Turf, Shield, Iron Man 2, Human Target,V,9, Carriers and Surrogates.

    Main: Having spent all this time bursting to talk Dr Who we revist the new series once again to get his thoughts on them and on the new Dr and companion. Be warned their are spoilers for the first four Dr Who episodes.




  • Geek Syndicate

    Two Geeks with No Name Podcast - Episode 7 Empires Conclusions

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:42 (GMT) - 5 May 2010

    Wrapping up their premier series on Empires the disagreeing duo of Kehaar and Grampus sit back relax and muse over Empires in genre fiction in general. Why do evil Empires get reeled out so often?  What alternatives are there? What about ravenous space locusts? Skipping as they do into Star Trek,  Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, The Wire, 2300 and much much more.
    Don't forget details here of the Comic Forum Project here:

    Feedback at w.gsforums.co.uk or twogeekswithnonamepodcast@yahoo.co.uk

  • Podshock

    198 - Doctor Who: Podshock


    Direct Podcast Download

    02:10 (GMT) - 5 May 2010

    Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 198Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 198
    Running time: 1:12:33

    Doctor Who: Flesh and Stone reviewed live over the net with live feedback (part 1 of 2).

    Hosted by Louis Trapani, Ken Deep, James Naughton, and Dave Cooper.

    Brought to you by the Gallifreyan Embassy and is a production of Art Trap Productions.

    This podcast is made possible in part by Podshock Supporting Subscribers and from donations from listeners like you.

    Do you want the Enhanced Podcast AAC file format? Get our Enhanced Podcast version of this episode using our feed at http://www.gallifreyanembassy.org/podshock/podshock.xml.

  • Two-minute Time Lord

    2MTL 130: "Victory of the Daleks" Revisited

    Two-minute Time Lord

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:31 (GMT) - 5 May 2010

    In a time of GREATEST EPISODES EVAR, "Victory of the Daleks" meekly peeks its eyestalk out and asks the rest of the world, "Remember me? I wasn't that bad!"

    (Big thanks to Mark Goodacre for posting Ross's review in 2MTL #129 while I was away.)

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #161 - The Kimme in Space

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:43 (GMT) - 4 May 2010

    Im heutige Podcast geht es weiter mit der aktuellen Staffel Doctor Who. Und zwar mit der Folge "Victory of the Daleks". Im Studio: Harald, Raphael und ein wenig Post.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #161 - The Kimme in Space

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:43 (GMT) - 4 May 2010

    Im heutige Podcast geht es weiter mit der aktuellen Staffel Doctor Who. Und zwar mit der Folge "Victory of the Daleks". Im Studio: Harald, Raphael und ein wenig Post.

  • Hoo on Who

    Episode 24 - ESpace Trilogy: Warrior's Gate

    Hoo on Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:20 (GMT) - 4 May 2010

    Marty and David discuss the final story in the E-Space trilogy, Warrior's Gate, and review the entire box set as a whole. They discuss upcoming changes at the Hoo On Who website, talk Thundercats and Marty gives his "High Speed Review of New Doctor Who" episodes 4 and 5, the Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone (All Spoiler Free!).

    As always, we cover Listener Feedback emails and DVD Extras!

  • Hoo on Who

    Episode 24 - ESpace Trilogy: Warrior's Gate

    Hoo on Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:20 (GMT) - 4 May 2010

    Marty and David discuss the final story in the E-Space trilogy, Warrior's Gate, and review the entire box set as a whole.  They discuss upcoming changes at the Hoo On Who website, talk Thundercats and Marty gives his "High Speed Review of New Doctor Who" episodes 4 and 5, the Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone (All Spoiler Free!).

    As always, we cover Listener Feedback emails and DVD Extras!

  • Professor How

    EPISODE9 - Professor How"Voyage of the Spammed"

    Professor How

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 4 May 2010

    Voyage of the Spammed

  • The Doctor's Companion

    The Doctor's Companion Ep. 21 - Eyes Wide Shut

    The Doctor's Companion

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:34 (GMT) - 3 May 2010

    Scott and Randy anxiously return to discuss the conclusion to “The Time of Angels”, the fifth episode of series 5 “Flesh and Stone”. The Doctor’s plan to save the crew from the Weeping Angels surrounding them succeeds, but they all find more then they bargain for at the heart of the Byzantium. Amy’s run in with an Angel is still causing her problems, and the mystery of River Song begins to unravel. Will the Doctor be able to save Amy from certain doom? What is River hiding from the Doctor? And what nefarious plans does Amy have waiting for the Doctor in her bedroom? Find out, in the newest episode of The Doctor’s Companion! And remember, BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!

    Next Week: Vampire in Venice!!

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 124: The Creature from the Pit

    Tin Dog Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:44 (GMT) - 3 May 2010


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