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Latest Podcast Episodes

  • Geek Syndicate

    The Next Level - Episode 15

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:33 (GMT) - 20 Jul 2010

    News & Feature:
    Join the boys as they trawl through the latest news including:

    Zombies coming to Red Dead Redemption

    Dragon Age Origins 2

    Killzone 3 gets 2 player and 4 player co-op

    UK Top 20 All Formats Charts run-down

    In Buy, Rent or Avoid we review Crackdown 2 and Alan Wake

  • Geek Syndicate

    The Next Level - Episode 15

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:33 (GMT) - 20 Jul 2010

    News & Feature:
    Join the boys as they trawl through the latest news including:

    Zombies coming to Red Dead Redemption

    Dragon Age Origins 2

    Killzone 3 gets 2 player and 4 player co-op

    UK Top 20 All Formats Charts run-down

    In Buy, Rent or Avoid we review Crackdown 2 and Alan Wake

  • The Who Noobs

    Episode 2: The Cave of Skulls

    The Who Noobs

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:09 (GMT) - 20 Jul 2010

    Doctor 'Twhosday' has arrived!  This week we cover the second classic Doctor Who episode, entitled "The Cave of Skulls".  The Doctor, Susan, Ian, and Barbara travel back to prehistoric times and find themselves encumbered by a "fiery" situation!  "The Cave of Skulls" was written by Anthony Coburn, directed by Waris Hussein, and originally aired November 30, 1963 on BBC.  This week, Doug provides the episode recap while Kevin adds commentary. Audio length: 35 min 01 sec.



  • The Who Noobs

    Episode 2: The Cave of Skulls

    The Who Noobs

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:09 (GMT) - 20 Jul 2010

    Doctor 'Twhosday' has arrived!  This week we cover the second classic Doctor Who episode, entitled "The Cave of Skulls".  The Doctor, Susan, Ian, and Barbara travel back to prehistoric times and find themselves encumbered by a "fiery" situation!  "The Cave of Skulls" was written by Anthony Coburn, directed by Waris Hussein, and originally aired November 30, 1963 on BBC.  This week, Doug provides the episode recap while Kevin adds commentary. Audio length: 35 min 01 sec.



  • The Who Noobs

    Episode 2: The Cave of Skulls

    The Who Noobs

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:09 (GMT) - 20 Jul 2010

    Doctor 'Twhosday' has arrived!  This week we cover the second classic Doctor Who episode, entitled "The Cave of Skulls".  The Doctor, Susan, Ian, and Barbara travel back to prehistoric times and find themselves encumbered by a "fiery" situation!  "The Cave of Skulls" was written by Anthony Coburn, directed by Waris Hussein, and originally aired November 30, 1963 on BBC.  This week, Doug provides the episode recap while Kevin adds commentary. Audio length: 35 min 01 sec.



  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #34: The News

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    02:00 (GMT) - 20 Jul 2010

    Yes, stuff has happened in the Doctor Who world that doesn't involve Matt Smith! We have ignored the news over the past few months or so whilst we concentrated on Season 5, so we rectify that with this episode. We bring you all the news thats fit to print, from the worlds of Sarah Jane [...]

  • Bridging the Rift

    #22: From The Hungry Earth to The Big Bang, Part 1

    Bridging the Rift

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:48 (GMT) - 20 Jul 2010

    In something of a continuation from our last episode, we decided to review the episodes of the second half of Series 5. Little did we know that the discussion would rage on for over 2 hours! So, we decided to split the episode into 2 parts, the first of which you find here. Nat, Katrina, and Erik natter away about "The Hungry Earth," "Cold Blood," and "Vincent and The Doctor."

    Show Notes


    @ 1 minute - Who we are.

    General Discussion

    @ 1 minutes 45 seconds - An open call for Season 5 inspired creativity, especially items on personal blogs or other out of the way places.

    @ 4 minutes 50 seconds - We begin with "The Hungry Earth," which gets compared to an EastEnders intro to The Phantom Menace. Whether that's a good or a bad thing, we'll let you decide. Plus, did the BBC make a mistake in letting everyone know that the Silurians were back?

    @ 15  minutes - We start to move on in earnest to "Cold Blood," which comes in for a bit more criticism than we're accustomed to dispensing. In particular, did the Silurians get the relaunch and introduction to a new generation that they deserved?

    @ 23 minutes 45 seconds - Rory's temporary death and the nature of the crack get looked at from all sorts of angles, prompting a lively discussion about "soft rewrites."

    @ 39 minutes - "Vincent and the Doctor" takes its turn in the spotlight, with the space chicken, Vincent's illness, and the historical inaccuracy of the episode prompting strong reactions all around.

    @ 59 minutes - A promise of more to come...

    If you have any feedback about anything we’ve discussed, you can send messages on Twitter directed @BridgingTheRift, comment on this blog post or send short MP3 feedback to our GoogleMail address.  You can also "like" us on Facebook and leave comments there.

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #34: The News

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:00 (GMT) - 19 Jul 2010

    Yes, stuff has happened in the Doctor Who world that doesn't involve Matt Smith! We have ignored the news over the past few months or so whilst we concentrated on Season 5, so we rectify that with this episode. We bring you all the news thats fit to print, from the worlds of Sarah Jane [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #34: The News

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:00 (GMT) - 19 Jul 2010

    Yes, stuff has happened in the Doctor Who world that doesn’t involve Matt Smith! We have ignored the news over the past few months or so whilst we concentrated on Season 5, so we rectify that with this episode. We bring you all the news thats fit to print, from the worlds of Sarah Jane [...]

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #207 - Please Do Not Throw Hands At Me

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:46 (GMT) - 18 Jul 2010

    The Radio Free Skaro Classic Series Commentaries kept trucking along this week with a look at another Tom Baker story. The Robots of Death, a wonderful murder mystery, goes under examination in the form of the Three Who Rule jib-jabbering their way through four episodes of Chris Boucher goodness. Oh, and there's some like casting news... or something... about the 2010 Doctor Who Christmas Special. And Torchwood news. And DVD news. But that's all peanuts compared to robots! ROBOTS!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #207 - Please Do Not Throw Hands At Me

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:46 (GMT) - 18 Jul 2010

    The Radio Free Skaro Classic Series Commentaries kept trucking along this week with a look at another Tom Baker story. The Robots of Death, a wonderful murder mystery, goes under examination in the form of the Three Who Rule jib-jabbering their way through four episodes of Chris Boucher goodness. Oh, and there's some like casting news... or something... about the 2010 Doctor Who Christmas Special. And Torchwood news. And DVD news. But that's all peanuts compared to robots! ROBOTS!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #207 - Please Do Not Throw Hands At Me

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:46 (GMT) - 18 Jul 2010

    The Radio Free Skaro Classic Series Commentaries kept trucking along this week with a look at another Tom Baker story. The Robots of Death, a wonderful murder mystery, goes under examination in the form of the Three Who Rule jib-jabbering their way through four episodes of Chris Boucher goodness. Oh, and there's some like casting news... or something... about the 2010 Doctor Who Christmas Special. And Torchwood news. And DVD news. But that's all peanuts compared to robots! ROBOTS!

  • The Flashing Blade Podcast

    The Flashing Blade Podcast 1-58

    The Flashing Blade Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:12 (GMT) - 18 Jul 2010

    Badger Wig Alert! In fact, sod it, General Wig Alert! Awoooga!




    So, anyway, this time around, Jo! and Tony talk Monster of Peladon. All six episodes of it. Including the Fight Of The Wigs. Oh dear.

    Bob reviews The Maltese Penguin and there's feedback as well as the usual treats at the end....


    We chat about the recent Flashing Blade picnic and news of our next event...


    feedback please to show@flashingblade.org.uk

  • The2ndDoctors Podcast

    EPISODE18 - Doctor Who: The2ndDoctors Podcast

    The2ndDoctors Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:11 (GMT) - 18 Jul 2010

    The Dalek Movies. Doctor Who and the Daleks & Dalek Invasion of Earth 2150

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE55 - Top 10 Femme Fatales

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:21 (GMT) - 18 Jul 2010

    Name your Top 10 Femme Fatales from Sci-Fi, Cult TV or even Cartoons!

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Commentary #12: Doctor Who - The Pandorica Opens

    Staggering Stories Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:01 (GMT) - 18 Jul 2010

    Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins and Keith Dunn sit down, distraught, in front of Doctor Who: The Pandorica Opens and spout our usual nonsense!

    Amy’s being menaced by a head, River’s cosplaying and the Doctor’s afraid of what’s in Amy’s box. But enough of their problems, please sit down with us to enjoy The Pandorica Opensa|

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • BBC: Doctor Who a The Pandorica Opens.
    • Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.
    • Facebook: Staggering Stories Group.
    • Twitter: Adam J Purcell.

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On:Episode 26(The London Film and Comic Con 2010)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:41 (GMT) - 18 Jul 2010

    This week I visited the London Film and Comic Con, probably best described as not a fully fledged convention but a signing event with a large amount of dealers and guests ranging from film and tv to sports stars.

    There were also some talks, not the word as these were of a Q&A nature not the interview/Q&A you would get at most conventions of the three I attended the being human one was probably the most interesting but sadly the recording is not great so I've saved you trying to struggle through the whole thing.

    You can see my photos of the event here http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/sets/72157624398406013/


    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.




  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On:Episode 26(The London Film and Comic Con 2010)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:41 (GMT) - 18 Jul 2010

    This week I visited the London Film and Comic Con, probably best described as not a fully fledged convention but a signing event with a large amount of dealers and guests ranging from film and tv to sports stars.

    There were also some talks, not the word as these were of a Q&A nature not the interview/Q&A you would get at most conventions of the three I attended the being human one was probably the most interesting but sadly the recording is not great so I've saved you trying to struggle through the whole thing.

    You can see my photos of the event here http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/sets/72157624398406013/

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On:Episode 26(The London Film and Comic Con 2010)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:41 (GMT) - 18 Jul 2010

    This week I visited the London Film and Comic Con, probably best described as not a fully fledged convention but a signing event with a large amount of dealers and guests ranging from film and tv to sports stars.

    There were also some talks, not the word as these were of a Q&A nature not the interview/Q&A you would get at most conventions of the three I attended the being human one was probably the most interesting but sadly the recording is not great so I've saved you trying to struggle through the whole thing.

    You can see my photos of the event here http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/sets/72157624398406013/


    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.




  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE55 - Top 10 Femme Fatales

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:21 (GMT) - 18 Jul 2010

    Name your Top 10 Femme Fatales from Sci-Fi, Cult TV or even Cartoons!

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE55 - Top 10 Femme Fatales

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:21 (GMT) - 18 Jul 2010

    Name your Top 10 Femme Fatales from Sci-Fi, Cult TV or even Cartoons!

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE55 - Top 10 Femme Fatales

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:21 (GMT) - 18 Jul 2010

    Name your Top 10 Femme Fatales from Sci-Fi, Cult TV or even Cartoons!

  • The RaT Project Live

    The RaT Project 89 Live: Banned/Challenged Books

    The RaT Project Live

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:01 (GMT) - 17 Jul 2010

    Wherein Rand and guests discuss the various books that have been challenged/banned , and discuss the reasoning behind the various instances. Topic was originally going to be on favorite scifi/fantasy literary villains, but a much better topic was brought up in chat.

  • The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

    042 – The Flashing Blade Picnic

    The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:12 (GMT) - 17 Jul 2010

    Last weekend a whole bunch of Flashing Blade listeners met up in Hyde Park for a picnic and a chance to meet the hosts of the podcast. TMDWP was there and here is what he saw. Tony, Jo and Bob – http://www.flashingbladepodcast.net/ Tim – http://timstakeon.libsyn.com/ Adam – http://www.staggeringstories.net/ Watch this episode in HD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK-g4QWI-jY

  • The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

    042 - The Flashing Blade Picnic

    The Minute Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:12 (GMT) - 17 Jul 2010

    Last weekend a whole bunch of Flashing Blade listeners met up in Hyde Park for a picnic and a chance to meet the hosts of the podcast. TMDWP was there and here is what he saw. Tony, Jo and Bob – http://www.flashingbladepodcast.net/ Tim – http://timstakeon.libsyn.com/ Adam – http://www.staggeringstories.net/ Watch this episode in HD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK-g4QWI-jY

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #33: The DWP Season 5 Review - Part 2

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    02:00 (GMT) - 17 Jul 2010

    Part 3 available... not! Trevor andJames go it alone in the campervan this week and finish their exhaustive at the latest season of Doctor Who. We cover many topics. from the kids perspective on the season to just how hot is River Song? The big issues are covered in this episode, yes siree!

  • Earth Station One

    Erth Station One Episode 16 - Who You Gonna Call?

    Earth Station One

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:21 (GMT) - 16 Jul 2010

    This week Mike and Dan are joined once again by William for our 16th episode as we discuss the first installment of the Christopher Eccleston era of Doctor Who 'Rose'. Then we strap on our proton packs and go hunting ghosts when we review and talk about the 1984 movie Ghostbusters. Erth Station One Episode … Continue reading

  • The Pharos Project Podcast

    Pharos Project 14: The Horns of Simon

    The Pharos Project Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:45 (GMT) - 16 Jul 2010

    It's the second half of our series 5 review this week. We announce the winners of the 2010 Eduardo's. Paul remains confused, while Big Pete remains worryingly sober. Listen out just before the end for the most unconvincing cry of Geranimo in recorded history, courtesy of the Beatmaster.

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #33: The DWP Season 5 Review - Part 2

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:00 (GMT) - 16 Jul 2010

    Part 3 available... not! Trevor andJames go it alone in the campervan this week and finish their exhaustive at the latest season of Doctor Who. We cover many topics. from the kids perspective on the season to just how hot is River Song? The big issues are covered in this episode, yes siree!

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #33: The DWP Season 5 Review - Part 2

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:00 (GMT) - 16 Jul 2010

    Part 3 available… not! Trevor and James go it alone in the campervan this week and finish their exhaustive at the latest season of Doctor Who. We cover many topics. from the kids perspective on the season to just how hot is River Song? The big issues are covered in this episode, yes siree!

  • Waffle On Podcast

    Star Trek The Next Generation.

    Waffle On Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:26 (GMT) - 16 Jul 2010

    Waffle On About Star Trek The Next Generation. Star Trek The Next Generation is as weall know an American television programme so why are we waffling on about it. Well Its simple. Once a year Waffle On is going to do a show about a prominent American programme that had a big effect on both Meds and Kell. This year its time for TNG. Star Trek TNG hit our screens in the mid 1980's and impressionable young lads that we were (and geeks at heart) we both jumped into the magical world of this brilliant programme. Plus we both quite fancied Tasha Yar and Deanna Troi. The first few series of TNG were a bit crap, and we say that in our own friendly banter way but the other four series were brilliant. This episode is a little bit longer than normal but it is packed with listener mp3's from Rico, Al, Rick, Kenny, Harry, Jen, Angela, Sue, Sarah and a brilliant email from Katrin so we hope you enjoy it. As always thanks for listening and make it so.

  • Waffle On Podcast

    Star Trek The Next Generation.

    Waffle On Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:26 (GMT) - 16 Jul 2010

    Waffle On About Star Trek The Next Generation. Star Trek The Next Generation is as weall know an American television programme so why are we waffling on about it. Well Its simple. Once a year Waffle On is going to do a show about a prominent American programme that had a big effect on both Meds and Kell. This year its time for TNG. Star Trek TNG hit our screens in the mid 1980's and impressionable young lads that we were (and geeks at heart) we both jumped into the magical world of this brilliant programme. Plus we both quite fancied Tasha Yar and Deanna Troi. The first few series of TNG were a bit crap, and we say that in our own friendly banter way but the other four series were brilliant. This episode is a little bit longer than normal but it is packed with listener mp3's from Rico, Al, Rick, Kenny, Harry, Jen, Angela, Sue, Sarah and a brilliant email from Katrin so we hope you enjoy it. As always thanks for listening and make it so.

  • Waffle On Podcast

    Star Trek The Next Generation.

    Waffle On Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:26 (GMT) - 16 Jul 2010


    Waffle On About Star Trek The Next Generation.

    Star Trek The Next Generation is as weall know an American television programme so why are we waffling on about it. Well Its simple. Once a year Waffle On is going to do a show about a prominent American programme that had a big effect on both Meds and Kell. This year its time for TNG.

    Star Trek TNG hit our screens in the mid 1980's and impressionable young lads that we were (and geeks at heart) we both jumped into the magical world of this brilliant programme. Plus we both quite fancied Tasha Yar and Deanna Troi. The first few series of TNG were a bit crap, and we say that in our own friendly banter way but the other four series were brilliant. This episode is a little bit longer than normal but it is packed with listener mp3's from Rico, Al, Rick, Kenny, Harry, Jen, Angela, Sue, Sarah and a brilliant email from Katrin so we hope you enjoy it.

    As always thanks for listening and make it so.

  • Waffle On Podcast

    Waffle On About Star Trek The Next Generation.

    Waffle On Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:26 (GMT) - 16 Jul 2010


    Waffle On About Star Trek The Next Generation.

    Star Trek The Next Generation is as weall know an American television programme so why are we waffling on about it. Well Its simple. Once a year Waffle On is going to do a show about a prominent American programme that had a big effect on both Meds and Kell. This year its time for TNG.

    Star Trek TNG hit our screens in the mid 1980’s and impressionable young lads that we were (and geeks at heart) we both jumped into the magical world of this brilliant programme. Plus we both quite fancied Tasha Yar and Deanna Troi. The first few series of TNG were a bit crap, and we say that in our own friendly banter way but the other four series were brilliant. This episode is a little bit longer than normal but it is packed with listener mp3’s from Rico, Al, Rick, Kenny, Harry, Jen, Angela, Sue, Sarah and a brilliant email from Katrin so we hope you enjoy it.

    As always thanks for listening and make it so.

  • US WhoCast

    US WhoCast Episode 002 - Review of S1E01 - "Rose"

    US WhoCast

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:19 (GMT) - 15 Jul 2010

    Join Matt Murdick and guest co-host Donald Chavis as they explore, pick apart and giggle with delight over the Doctor Who Series Reboot Premiere Episode - "Rose". To submit feedback call 314-884-1249 or send e-mail to uswhocast@gmail.com. Visit the blog at http://uswhocast.wordpress.com

  • The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Trailer - End of Innocence

    The Doctor Who Audio Dramas

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:00 (GMT) - 15 Jul 2010

  • Dirty WHOers's Podcast

    Dirty WHOers 017

    Dirty WHOers's Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 15 Jul 2010

    Flicking ourselves off over 'The Big Bang', series 31, episode 13 in the 'Year of the Moffat'. Have a listen. Trust the plastic.

  • Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    MHC #21.2 The Mysterious Planet 23.2|144.2

    Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:30 (GMT) - 15 Jul 2010

    T minus 163 days until The 2010 Christmas Special.

    Welcome to -> HHG2W: Mostly Harmless Cutaway 21.2 <- Today Eric & co-host Josh Zimon's (@whomeJZ) saga continues as they attempt part 2 of their very first Doctor Who commentary. Prepare yourself for The Trial of a Time Lord, season 23's The Mysterious Planet story 144 episode 2.

    WARNING: This commentary contains SPOILERS pertaining to Season 23 from September 6-27, 1986.


    The drink continues to flow while in the mean time: Katryca lives...


    Creator/Producer: Eric Escamilla
    Email: EscoWho ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Skype username: bullitt33
    Twitter: @Bullitt33
    Facebook: Bullitt33

    Co-host: Josh Zimon
    Email: whomeJZ ~at~ yahoo ~dot~com
    Twitter: @whomeJZ

    Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Website: guidetothewhoverse.libsyn.com
    Twitter: @HHG2W
    Tumblr: guidetothewhoverse.tumblr.com

    MHC theme created by Eric Escamilla.
    Anonymous cold open by Emily K. (@)

    [Subscribe via iTunes]

  • Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    MHC #21.2 The Mysterious Planet 23.2|144.2

    Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:30 (GMT) - 15 Jul 2010

    T minus 163 days until The 2010 Christmas Special.


    Welcome to -> HHG2W: Mostly Harmless Cutaway 21.2 <- Today Eric & co-host Josh Zimon's (@whomeJZ) saga continues as they attempt part 2 of their very first Doctor Who commentary. Prepare yourself for The Trial of a Time Lord, season 23's The Mysterious Planet story 144 episode 2.

    WARNING: This commentary contains SPOILERS pertaining to Season 23 from September 6-27, 1986. 


    The drink continues to flow while in the mean time: Katryca lives...





    Creator/Producer: Eric Escamilla
    Email: EscoWho ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Skype username: bullitt33
    Twitter: @Bullitt33
    Facebook: Bullitt33

    Co-host: Josh Zimon
    Email: whomeJZ ~at~ yahoo ~dot~com
    Twitter: @whomeJZ

    Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Website: guidetothewhoverse.libsyn.com
    Twitter: @HHG2W 
    Tumblr: guidetothewhoverse.tumblr.com

    MHC theme created by Eric Escamilla.
    Anonymous cold open by Emily K. (@)

    [Subscribe via iTunes]

  • The Unearthly Child Podcast

    014 - The Unearthly Child Podcast: Season 31 Overview Part 1

    The Unearthly Child Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:44 (GMT) - 14 Jul 2010

    We kick-start the long wait until Christmas by looking backwards at the most recent series of Doctor Who. In Part 1 of 2, I discuss the overall themes of the series, the cinematography, and which episodes I enjoyed watching the most. Please send any comments or feedback to unearthlychildpodcast@gmail.com

  • The Flashing Blade Podcast

    Matthew Waterhouse Signing from the DWPA

    The Flashing Blade Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:25 (GMT) - 14 Jul 2010

    Contained within, please find a small podcast from the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance - which can be found at http://www.doctorwhopodcastalliance.org - featuring Adam from Staggering Stories, Martyn from Bad Wilf, Tony from The Flashing Blade and... some old git from Professor Dave's Ark In Space. The podcast gives a nice little flavour of the event at Waterstones, Lakeside in Thurrock and we have interviews with Hirst Books, Tenth Planet, some of the, er 'crowd', and of course, Matthew Waterhouse himself. Matthew also gives us a reading from his memoir, 'Blue Box Boy'.


    There'll be more to come from the DWPA, so keep your eyes open for it...

  • Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    MHC #21.1 The Mysterious Planet 23.1|144.1

    Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:09 (GMT) - 14 Jul 2010

    T minus 164 days until The 2010 Christmas Special.

    Welcome to -> HHG2W: Mostly Harmless Cutaway 21.1 <- Today Eric & returning special guest co-host Josh Zimon (@whomeJZ) attempt their very first Doctor Who commentary. Prepare yourself for The Trial of a Time Lord, season 23's The Mysterious Planet story 144 episode 1.

    WARNING: This commentary contains SPOILERS pertaining to Season 23 from September 6-27, 1986.


    We are complete amateurs when it comes to executing a fan commentary and execute it we do: Drathro lives...


    Creator/Producer: Eric Escamilla
    Email: bullitt33 ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Skype username: bullitt33
    Twitter: @Bullitt33
    Facebook: Bullitt33

    Co-host: Josh Zimon
    Twitter: @whomeJZ

    Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Website: guidetothewhoverse.libsyn.com
    Twitter: @HHG2W
    Tumblr: guidetothewhoverse.tumblr.com

    MHC theme created by Eric Escamilla.
    Anonymous cold open was by Emily K. (@emilyooo)

    [Subscribe via iTunes]

  • Two-minute Time Lord

    2MTL 150: The Doctor's Top Ten Kisses, Part Two

    Two-minute Time Lord

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:15 (GMT) - 14 Jul 2010

    Concluding our countdown from 2MTL #149, we look at the more substantial, more meaningful story moments that involved the Doctor getting a little closer to the people he encountered — with a guest appearance from someone whose shoes fit particularly well.

  • Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    MHC #21.1 The Mysterious Planet 23.1|144.1

    Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:09 (GMT) - 14 Jul 2010

    T minus 164 days until The 2010 Christmas Special.


    Welcome to -> HHG2W: Mostly Harmless Cutaway 21.1 <- Today Eric & returning special guest co-host Josh Zimon (@whomeJZ) attempt their very first Doctor Who commentary. Prepare yourself for The Trial of a Time Lord, season 23's The Mysterious Planet story 144 episode 1.

    WARNING: This commentary contains SPOILERS pertaining to Season 23 from September 6-27, 1986. 


    We are complete amateurs when it comes to executing a fan commentary and execute it we do: Drathro lives...





    Creator/Producer: Eric Escamilla
    Email: bullitt33 ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Skype username: bullitt33
    Twitter: @Bullitt33
    Facebook: Bullitt33

    Co-host: Josh Zimon
    Twitter: @whomeJZ

    Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Website: guidetothewhoverse.libsyn.com 
    Twitter: @HHG2W 
    Tumblr: guidetothewhoverse.tumblr.com

    MHC theme created by Eric Escamilla.
    Anonymous cold open was by Emily K. (@emilyooo)

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  • The Who Noobs

    Episode 1: An Unearthly Child ("IT'S ALIVE!!!")

    The Who Noobs

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:34 (GMT) - 13 Jul 2010

    Our very first podcast is now alive!  We cover the debut episode, "An Unearthly Child".  Starring William Hartnell as Doctor Who, written by Anthony Coburn, directed by Waris Hussein.  Originally aired November 23, 1963.  Audio length: 47 min 09 sec.



  • The Who Noobs

    Episode 1: An Unearthly Child ("IT'S ALIVE!!!")

    The Who Noobs

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:34 (GMT) - 13 Jul 2010

    Our very first podcast is now alive!  We cover the debut episode, "An Unearthly Child".  Starring William Hartnell as Doctor Who, written by Anthony Coburn, directed by Waris Hussein.  Originally aired November 23, 1963.  Audio length: 47 min 09 sec.



  • The Podcast That Never Ends

    Episode Three: The Mister 3 Podcast!

    The Podcast That Never Ends

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:57 (GMT) - 13 Jul 2010

    GERONIMO! Ty Davies takes you back in time & into the future for a news roundup of the last amazing series with a news update on the Xmas Special & the fake movie! Features on The New Daleks, The Fake Timelords, Timelords That Walked The Earth, An Original Story, The Adventure Game (and Games), A Scandalous Tom Baker & a whole lot more besides! This is the ULTIMATE podcast with over an hour of Doctor Who chat & content you will not find anywhere else for absolutely free! Do your iPod or iPad a favour! Come with me on a trip of a lifetime!!! Welcome to The Podcast That Never Ends!

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