Overall Statistics
- Podcasts: 188
- Podcast Episodes: 58,712
- Average Episodes Per Podcast: 312.29787234042556
- Average Episode Duration: 0:0:48:33
- Longest Episode Duration: 0:22:21:46
- Total Duration of all Episodes: 1979 days, 5 hours, 25 minutes and 18 seconds
- Feeds Last Checked: 4:16pm, 21 February 2025
- Last Update:
10:19pm, 20 February 2025
Submitting your podcast to the DWPA
Thank you for wishing to join us. Of course there are some provisoes, technical and otherwise:
- The person registering the podcast must own and/or administer the podcast being submitted.
- For a podcast to truly be a podcast, it must have a valid RSS feed. This will be periodically checked by the DWPA website to see if new episodes have been released.
- You should sign up at the DWPA forum (link above) so that you can be aware of DWPA 'stuff' and generally be part of the Doctor Who podcast community.
If all of the above is okay, then please fill out the following form. NOTE: this is not an automated process after this point, so it may take a day or two for your podcast to show up on the website.
Active Podcasts
- The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast
- Diddly Dum Podcast
- Doctor Who : The Sirens of Audio
- Doctor Who Literature
- The Doctor Who Podcast
- The Doctor Who Show
- DWBRcast
- Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast
- Gallifrey's Most Wanted Podcast
- Geek Syndicate
- Lazy Doctor Who
- Doctor Who: The Metebelis 2
- Mostly Harmless Cutaway
- Neither The Time Nor The Space
- The Old Doctor Who Show
- Podcastica
- Doctor Who: Prognosis Negative
- Radio Free Skaro
- Roy's Rocket Radio
- Something Who
- Staggering Stories Podcast
- Tim's Take On...
- Tin Dog Podcast
- Trap One: A Doctor Who Podcast
- Two-minute Time Lord
- Doctor Who: Verity!
- Waffle On Podcast
- Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: A Journey Through Doctor Who
- The Watch-A-Thon of Rassilon
- Who and Company
- WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast
- Who New
- Who's He?
Dormant Podcasts
- 42 To Doomsday
- The 49 Up Podcast
- The 50 Shades of Gallifrey Podcast
- A Disused Yeti
- A Grind Through Space and Time
- A Mad Man with a Box
- Dr Who: Action Figure Radio
- Adventures in Time Space and Music
- AM Audio Media
- An Improbable Podcast
- The Androzani Whiners
- Arrow of Time
- Articles of the Shadow Proclamation
- The Bad Wilf Podcast
- Bigger on the Inside
- The Blue Box Podcast
- The BoxRoom Podcast
- Bridging the Rift
- Carnival of Bastards
- The Cloister Room
- The Corsair's Closet podcast
- Crossover Adventure Productions
- The Cultdom Collective
- Daveac Video Blog
- Dirty WHOers's Podcast
- Discussing Who
- Doctor Who - Pieces of Eighth
- Doctor Who - The High Council
- The Doctor Who Audio Dramas
- The Doctor Who Big Blue Box Podcast
- The Doctor Who Book Club Podcast
- Doctor Who Collectors Podcast
- The Doctor Who Hour
- Doctor Who Review Today
- Doctor Who Target Files
- Doctor Who Time and Space
- Doctor Whocast
- Doctor Whooch
- The Doctor's Companion
- Dr Who Livecast
- Drunken Time Travel
- DWO TorchCast
- DWO WhoCast
- Earth Station One
- Earth Station Who
- Fast Return Switch
- Feexby
- Doctor Who: Fifty Years Ago
- The Flashing Blade Podcast
- Future Time Lord
- Gallicast (Francais)
- Gallifrey Doctor Who Podcast
- Gallifrey Pirate Radio
- Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who Podcast
- Gallifrey Stands
- The Gallifrey Times Podcast
- The Game of Rassilon
- Geeklectic
- Get Off My World
- Handwavium: a Doctor Who podcast
- The Happiness Patrol
- Hoo on Who
- The Impossible Girls
- Impossible Podcasts
- The Infinity Archives
- Kasterborous Podkast
- The Krynoid Podcast
- The Legend of the Traveling Tardis with Christian Basel
- Little Finish Podcast
- MarkWHO42 - The Doctor Who Podcast
- The Memory Cheats
- The Minister Of Chance
- The Minute Doctor Who Podcast
- Mission Through the Unknown
- Mondas Podcast
- The Mostly Made-Up Doctor Who Episode Guide
- MrTARDIS Reviews
- Mutter's Spiral Podcast
- The Naked Scarf
- Nerd-Out with Rob Lloyd, Jen Speirs & Sandro Falce
- Nerdology UK
- New Who Podcast
- The Oblivion Continuum Podcast
- The Omega Podcast
- On the Time Lash
- The Oncoming Storm
- The Ood Cast
- The Others Podcast
- Outpost Skaro Podcast
- The Pandorica Alliance
- Pex Lives' Podcast
- The Pharos Project Podcast
- Playing Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast
- Pledgebreak's Podcast
- Podcast Of Evil
- The Podcast That Never Ends
- Podshock
- The Power of 3 Podcast
- The Preachrs Podcast
- Professor How
- Doctor Who: The Quest Is The Quest
- Radio Rassilon
- Doctor Who: The Raggedy Podcast
- The RaT Project Live
- The Rather Awful Doctor Who Episode Guide
- Reality Bomb - a Doctor Who podcast
- Doctor Who: Sciencey Wiencey podcast
- Smaller on the Outside >> podcast
- Sonic Screwballs: Having Fun with Doctor Who
- The Sonic Toolbox
- Sound On Sight Podcast
- Stories From The Vortex: A Doctor Who Audio Adventures Podcast
- Tachyon TV Podcasts
- Talking Timelords: Doctor Who News and Commentary
- Talking Who
- The TARDIS Tavern
- Telos AM
- Terminus: A Doctor Who Podcast
- The2ndDoctors Podcast
- theTimeVault
- This Is Where It Gets Complicated
- The Time Meddlers
- The Time Scoop Podcast
- Doctor Who: Time Signatures
- The Timey Wimey Podcast
- Transmissions From Atlantis
- Traveling the Vortex
- The Trocklafane Podcast
- Trust Your Doctor
- Two girls, a guy and a TARDIS....The Podcast - Nervous Dog Produ
- Under The Miniscope
- The Unearthly Child Podcast
- The Unearthly Podcast
- An Unearthly Podcast: An Exploration of Doctor Who
- The Untempered Schism Podcast
- US WhoCast
- Voice of Gallifrey (Russian)
- Voyagers in the TARDIS
- Doctor Who Comics: Vworpcast
- What the World Really Needs Is Another Doctor Who Podcast
- Who Back When
- Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast
- 'Who' - Is The Man Podcast
- The Who Noobs
- Who Wars - A Star Wars & Doctor Who Podcast
- Who's Doing What Now
- Who's On
- Whocast.de (Deutsche)
- WhoGirls podcast
- Doctor Who: Whos On Target
- The Whostorian
- Doctor Who: The Whovian Report
- The You Who Podcast
- Zeus Pod