Overall Statistics

Radio Free Skaro

Radio Free Skaro
Radio Free Skaro is possibly the most popular, most prolific and charmingly irreverent (but never irrelevant) Doctor Who podcast around. Since August 2006, hosts Warren (in Vancouver, BC) and Steven (in Edmonton, AB) have provided listeners with their brand of amusing Doctor Who praise and punishment. A year later, Chris (in Amherst, NS) was added to the team, and The Three Who Rule were born. Recommended by Doctor Who Magazine, Radio Free Skaro provides an entertaining and diverting listen for the diehard or casual Doctor Who fan. New episodes usually appear on Sundays, following a loose magazine format of the three hosts discussing the news and events of the past week in the worlds of Doctor Who, Torchwood, and the Sarah Jane Adventures. They have also recorded special commentary podcasts for classic series and new series episodes of Doctor Who along with interviews of some of the brightest of the Doctor Who luminaries. Radio Free Skaro is also the official podcast of Gallifrey One, the world's largest and longest-running annual Doctor Who convention.

Homepage: http://www.radiofreeskaro.com

RSS Feed: http://freyburg.libsyn.com/rss

Radio Free Skaro Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
134 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes and 44 seconds
Earliest Episode:
16 August 2006 (4:08am GMT)
Latest Episode:
15 September 2024 (6:00pm GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
2 days, 4 hours, 31 minutes and 46 seconds

Radio Free Skaro Episodes

  • Radio Free Skaro #71 - now airing on BBC 3 last week

    24 February 2008 (10:48pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 1 minutes and 32 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Narrowly avoiding the technical snafus of last week, the RFS crew rose to the occasion and produced an hour of witty banter, insults and of course the eagerly awaited pub rumours that were so cruelly stolen from our audience last week by the vagaries of Skype. Besides covering the latest Torchwood (which aired last week on BBC 2 and this week on BBC 3 and two years previous on stone tablets and oh I give up already...) we talked about the latest news, along with the usual digressions and nonsense we've become so very famous for.

  • Radio Free Skaro #71 - now airing on BBC 3 last week

    24 February 2008 (10:48pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 1 minutes and 32 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Narrowly avoiding the technical snafus of last week, the RFS crew rose to the occasion and produced an hour of witty banter, insults and of course the eagerly awaited pub rumours that were so cruelly stolen from our audience last week by the vagaries of Skype. Besides covering the latest Torchwood (which aired last week on BBC 2 and this week on BBC 3 and two years previous on stone tablets and oh I give up already...) we talked about the latest news, along with the usual digressions and nonsense we've become so very famous for.

  • Radio Free Skaro #71 - now airing on BBC 3 last week

    24 February 2008 (10:48pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 1 minutes and 32 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Narrowly avoiding the technical snafus of last week, the RFS crew rose to the occasion and produced an hour of witty banter, insults and of course the eagerly awaited pub rumours that were so cruelly stolen from our audience last week by the vagaries of Skype. Besides covering the latest Torchwood (which aired last week on BBC 2 and this week on BBC 3 and two years previous on stone tablets and oh I give up already...) we talked about the latest news, along with the usual digressions and nonsense we've become so very famous for.

  • Radio Free Skaro # 70 - Curse of the Kernel Panic

    17 February 2008 (11:48pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 34 minutes and 19 seconds

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    This week's podcast is much shorter than usual, due both to a stunning dearth of news to hash over and a boatload of technical problems yonder England way. Still, the RFS crew made valiant effort to spin gold out of lead, though we quite possibly ended up with zinc.

  • Radio Free Skaro # 70 - Curse of the Kernel Panic

    17 February 2008 (11:48pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 34 minutes and 19 seconds

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    This week's podcast is much shorter than usual, due both to a stunning dearth of news to hash over and a boatload of technical problems yonder England way. Still, the RFS crew made valiant effort to spin gold out of lead, though we quite possibly ended up with zinc.

  • Radio Free Skaro # 70 - Curse of the Kernel Panic

    17 February 2008 (11:48pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 34 minutes and 19 seconds

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    This week's podcast is much shorter than usual, due both to a stunning dearth of news to hash over and a boatload of technical problems yonder England way. Still, the RFS crew made valiant effort to spin gold out of lead, though we quite possibly ended up with zinc.

  • Radio Free Skaro #69 - The Wrath of Steven

    9 February 2008 (9:05pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hour, 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Besides the usual ruminating over the latest Torchwood episode (verdict: meh), the august Radio Free Skaro crew also chewed over this week's news, literally in Warren's case, as he was eating lunch during the podcast. Steven's rancor was raised by any number of topics, and his indignant manner set the tone for more than an hour's worth of jocular banter. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro #69 - The Wrath of Steven

    9 February 2008 (9:05pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hour, 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Besides the usual ruminating over the latest Torchwood episode (verdict: meh), the august Radio Free Skaro crew also chewed over this week's news, literally in Warren's case, as he was eating lunch during the podcast. Steven's rancor was raised by any number of topics, and his indignant manner set the tone for more than an hour's worth of jocular banter. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro #69 - The Wrath of Steven

    9 February 2008 (9:05pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hour, 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Besides the usual ruminating over the latest Torchwood episode (verdict: meh), the august Radio Free Skaro crew also chewed over this week's news, literally in Warren's case, as he was eating lunch during the podcast. Steven's rancor was raised by any number of topics, and his indignant manner set the tone for more than an hour's worth of jocular banter. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro #68 - Keeping Fans at arm's length since 2006

    3 February 2008 (2:23am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 0 seconds

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    The BBC threw us a nice softball by releasing a "cinema-exclusive" season 4 trailer on February 1st, which someone promptly uploaded to YouTube. The RFS took delight in analyzing and dissecting this tasty morsel, speculating wildly on what are likely innocuous shots of no real relevance. We also discussed the newest episode of Torchwood, hashed over Russell T Davies declaration that he keeps fans at arm's length, and of course went our trademark off-topic ramblings as per usual.

  • Radio Free Skaro #68 - Keeping Fans at arm's length since 2006

    3 February 2008 (2:23am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 0 seconds

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    The BBC threw us a nice softball by releasing a "cinema-exclusive" season 4 trailer on February 1st, which someone promptly uploaded to YouTube. The RFS took delight in analyzing and dissecting this tasty morsel, speculating wildly on what are likely innocuous shots of no real relevance. We also discussed the newest episode of Torchwood, hashed over Russell T Davies declaration that he keeps fans at arm's length, and of course went our trademark off-topic ramblings as per usual.

  • Radio Free Skaro #68 - Keeping Fans at arm's length since 2006

    3 February 2008 (2:23am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 0 seconds

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    The BBC threw us a nice softball by releasing a "cinema-exclusive" season 4 trailer on February 1st, which someone promptly uploaded to YouTube. The RFS took delight in analyzing and dissecting this tasty morsel, speculating wildly on what are likely innocuous shots of no real relevance. We also discussed the newest episode of Torchwood, hashed over Russell T Davies declaration that he keeps fans at arm's length, and of course went our trademark off-topic ramblings as per usual.

  • Radio Free Skaro #67 - Kiss Kiss We're Back

    27 January 2008 (11:27pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 48 minutes and 52 seconds

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    After scheduling snafus and real life intruded to keep us from recording last week, the RFS crew returned to discuss the first two episodes of Torchwood (verdict: pretty decent), speculate on the latest round of rumours, and digress as always into realms nonsensical. And for once we actually came in at under an hour. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro #67 - Kiss Kiss We're Back

    27 January 2008 (11:27pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 48 minutes and 52 seconds

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    After scheduling snafus and real life intruded to keep us from recording last week, the RFS crew returned to discuss the first two episodes of Torchwood (verdict: pretty decent), speculate on the latest round of rumours, and digress as always into realms nonsensical. And for once we actually came in at under an hour. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro #67 - Kiss Kiss We're Back

    27 January 2008 (11:27pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 48 minutes and 52 seconds

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    After scheduling snafus and real life intruded to keep us from recording last week, the RFS crew returned to discuss the first two episodes of Torchwood (verdict: pretty decent), speculate on the latest round of rumours, and digress as always into realms nonsensical. And for once we actually came in at under an hour. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro #66 - Random Ruminations

    12 January 2008 (9:38pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 57 minutes and 11 seconds

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    Somehow, despite an almost complete lack of news, the RFS crew managed to pack together almost an hour of action-packed banter, hilarity and mumblesuch into the latest podcast. Enjoy our digressions and debate, and stay tuned for next week when we'll have the premiere of the second season of Torchwood to mull over and...well, another 40-odd minutes of banter.

  • Radio Free Skaro #66 - Random Ruminations

    12 January 2008 (9:38pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 57 minutes and 11 seconds

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    Somehow, despite an almost complete lack of news, the RFS crew managed to pack together almost an hour of action-packed banter, hilarity and mumblesuch into the latest podcast. Enjoy our digressions and debate, and stay tuned for next week when we'll have the premiere of the second season of Torchwood to mull over and...well, another 40-odd minutes of banter.

  • Radio Free Skaro #66 - Random Ruminations

    12 January 2008 (9:38pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 57 minutes and 11 seconds

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    Somehow, despite an almost complete lack of news, the RFS crew managed to pack together almost an hour of action-packed banter, hilarity and mumblesuch into the latest podcast. Enjoy our digressions and debate, and stay tuned for next week when we'll have the premiere of the second season of Torchwood to mull over and...well, another 40-odd minutes of banter.

  • Radio Free Skarp #65 - The Commentary of the Damned

    5 January 2008 (9:57pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 14 seconds

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    With next to nothing in the way of news, the RFS crew brings you a full 71 minutes and change of rip-roaring commentary on the Doctor Who Xmas Special, "Voyage of the Damned." Does it stand up after a week and a half? Is Warren's Kylie jihad over and done with? Is Steven actually a computer programmed with nothing but Doctor Who facts? Tune in and find out!

  • Radio Free Skarp #65 - The Commentary of the Damned

    5 January 2008 (9:57pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 14 seconds

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    With next to nothing in the way of news, the RFS crew brings you a full 71 minutes and change of rip-roaring commentary on the Doctor Who Xmas Special, "Voyage of the Damned." Does it stand up after a week and a half? Is Warren's Kylie jihad over and done with? Is Steven actually a computer programmed with nothing but Doctor Who facts? Tune in and find out!

  • Radio Free Skarp #65 - The Commentary of the Damned

    5 January 2008 (9:57pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 14 seconds

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    With next to nothing in the way of news, the RFS crew brings you a full 71 minutes and change of rip-roaring commentary on the Doctor Who Xmas Special, "Voyage of the Damned." Does it stand up after a week and a half? Is Warren's Kylie jihad over and done with? Is Steven actually a computer programmed with nothing but Doctor Who facts? Tune in and find out!

  • Radio FreeSkaro #64 - Podcast of the Damned

    27 December 2007 (10:02pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 7 minutes and 4 seconds

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    Radio Free Skaro returns after a small holiday break with our thoughts on "Voyage of the Damned," this year's Xmas special, as well as our usual roundup of the latest Who news and various other sundry matters. Thrill to Warren's new "Doctor Who in your Pocket" noisemaker! Cheer as Warren and Steven chastise the Third Guy for not attending a curry dinner featuring many luminaries of the classic series! Grit your teeth as we chew up over an hour of your time and bandwidth with our off-color meanderings!

  • Radio FreeSkaro #64 - Podcast of the Damned

    27 December 2007 (10:02pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 7 minutes and 4 seconds

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    Radio Free Skaro returns after a small holiday break with our thoughts on "Voyage of the Damned," this year's Xmas special, as well as our usual roundup of the latest Who news and various other sundry matters. Thrill to Warren's new "Doctor Who in your Pocket" noisemaker! Cheer as Warren and Steven chastise the Third Guy for not attending a curry dinner featuring many luminaries of the classic series! Grit your teeth as we chew up over an hour of your time and bandwidth with our off-color meanderings!

  • Radio FreeSkaro #64 - Podcast of the Damned

    27 December 2007 (10:02pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 7 minutes and 4 seconds

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    Radio Free Skaro returns after a small holiday break with our thoughts on "Voyage of the Damned," this year's Xmas special, as well as our usual roundup of the latest Who news and various other sundry matters. Thrill to Warren's new "Doctor Who in your Pocket" noisemaker! Cheer as Warren and Steven chastise the Third Guy for not attending a curry dinner featuring many luminaries of the classic series! Grit your teeth as we chew up over an hour of your time and bandwidth with our off-color meanderings!

  • Radio Free Skaro #63 - Countdown to Kylie

    15 December 2007 (11:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes and 2 seconds

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    With a mere ten days until Voyage of the Damned, the Radio Free Skaro crew waxed on about the building media blitz prefiguring the Doctor Who Christmas special, including a great behind the scenes article in the Times of London, and ran through what little other news there was this week, though the power of digression pushed us towards the 43 minute mark. W00t!

  • Radio Free Skaro #63 - Countdown to Kylie

    15 December 2007 (11:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes and 2 seconds

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    With a mere ten days until Voyage of the Damned, the Radio Free Skaro crew waxed on about the building media blitz prefiguring the Doctor Who Christmas special, including a great behind the scenes article in the Times of London, and ran through what little other news there was this week, though the power of digression pushed us towards the 43 minute mark. W00t!

  • Radio Free Skaro #63 - Countdown to Kylie

    15 December 2007 (11:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes and 2 seconds

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    With a mere ten days until Voyage of the Damned, the Radio Free Skaro crew waxed on about the building media blitz prefiguring the Doctor Who Christmas special, including a great behind the scenes article in the Times of London, and ran through what little other news there was this week, though the power of digression pushed us towards the 43 minute mark. W00t!

  • Radio Free Skaro #62 - Brushes with Greatness

    8 December 2007 (10:34pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 59 minutes and 46 seconds

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    The Third Guy had a first rate week, and he recounts to both Warren and Steven (and you, dear listeners) how he met Doctor Who scribe Steven Moffat, Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, superfan Ian Levine, and many many others in his ongoing adventures in the UK. We also have some bits of news and commentary, speculation about the upcoming Christmas special, and the usual tomfoolery and nonsense. All this and there isn't even anything Who related on the air...except us, of course.

  • Radio Free Skaro #62 - Brushes with Greatness

    8 December 2007 (10:34pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 59 minutes and 46 seconds

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    The Third Guy had a first rate week, and he recounts to both Warren and Steven (and you, dear listeners) how he met Doctor Who scribe Steven Moffat, Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, superfan Ian Levine, and many many others in his ongoing adventures in the UK. We also have some bits of news and commentary, speculation about the upcoming Christmas special, and the usual tomfoolery and nonsense. All this and there isn't even anything Who related on the air...except us, of course.

  • Radio Free Skaro #62 - Brushes with Greatness

    8 December 2007 (10:34pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 59 minutes and 46 seconds

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    The Third Guy had a first rate week, and he recounts to both Warren and Steven (and you, dear listeners) how he met Doctor Who scribe Steven Moffat, Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, superfan Ian Levine, and many many others in his ongoing adventures in the UK. We also have some bits of news and commentary, speculation about the upcoming Christmas special, and the usual tomfoolery and nonsense. All this and there isn't even anything Who related on the air...except us, of course.

  • Radio Free Skaro #61 - Billie's back?!?

    1 December 2007 (9:53pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes and 38 seconds

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    The biggest news by far this week was the impending return of Billie Piper in Series Four, a development that has us scratching our heads and debating at great length as to its cosmic significance. That, and the usual yandering on about things Who (of which there was otherwise sparse pickings this week) signify yet another episode of Radio Free Skaro for your listening pleasure.

  • Radio Free Skaro #61 - Billie's back?!?

    1 December 2007 (9:53pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes and 38 seconds

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    The biggest news by far this week was the impending return of Billie Piper in Series Four, a development that has us scratching our heads and debating at great length as to its cosmic significance. That, and the usual yandering on about things Who (of which there was otherwise sparse pickings this week) signify yet another episode of Radio Free Skaro for your listening pleasure.

  • Radio Free Skaro #61 - Billie's back?!?

    1 December 2007 (9:53pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes and 38 seconds

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    The biggest news by far this week was the impending return of Billie Piper in Series Four, a development that has us scratching our heads and debating at great length as to its cosmic significance. That, and the usual yandering on about things Who (of which there was otherwise sparse pickings this week) signify yet another episode of Radio Free Skaro for your listening pleasure.

  • Radio Free Skaro #60 - Milestones and Memorials

    26 November 2007 (12:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes and 32 seconds

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    The 44th anniversary of Doctor Who was marked by two sad occasions with the passing Peter Haining, the author of Doctor Who: A Celebration (the bible of the show in our formative years), and Verity Lambert, the co-creator of the program. But it wasn't all doom and gloom, as we delved into how we celebrated the show's birthday, the conclusion of the first season of the Sarah Jane Adventures, and other bits and pieces. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro #60 - Milestones and Memorials

    26 November 2007 (12:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes and 32 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    The 44th anniversary of Doctor Who was marked by two sad occasions with the passing Peter Haining, the author of Doctor Who: A Celebration (the bible of the show in our formative years), and Verity Lambert, the co-creator of the program. But it wasn't all doom and gloom, as we delved into how we celebrated the show's birthday, the conclusion of the first season of the Sarah Jane Adventures, and other bits and pieces. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro #60 - Milestones and Memorials

    26 November 2007 (12:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes and 32 seconds

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    The 44th anniversary of Doctor Who was marked by two sad occasions with the passing Peter Haining, the author of Doctor Who: A Celebration (the bible of the show in our formative years), and Verity Lambert, the co-creator of the program. But it wasn't all doom and gloom, as we delved into how we celebrated the show's birthday, the conclusion of the first season of the Sarah Jane Adventures, and other bits and pieces. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro #59 - Barrowmania!

    19 November 2007 (5:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes and 2 seconds

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    Time Crash! Yes, the first meeting of Doctors old and new was of course on top of our list of things to talk about, but more or less everything else was Barrowman this and musical theatre that, along with our usual helpings of abuse and miscellany. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro #59 - Barrowmania!

    19 November 2007 (5:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes and 2 seconds

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    Time Crash! Yes, the first meeting of Doctors old and new was of course on top of our list of things to talk about, but more or less everything else was Barrowman this and musical theatre that, along with our usual helpings of abuse and miscellany. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro #59 - Barrowmania!

    19 November 2007 (5:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes and 2 seconds

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    Time Crash! Yes, the first meeting of Doctors old and new was of course on top of our list of things to talk about, but more or less everything else was Barrowman this and musical theatre that, along with our usual helpings of abuse and miscellany. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro #58 - Live from Edmonton (well, sorta)!

    12 November 2007 (5:05am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 57 minutes and 59 seconds

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    Yes, for only the second time in Radio Free Skaro history, two of the hosts of the show were in the same place at the same time, huddled around a single computer in Edmonton. Of course, with the inclusion of the Third Guy, we still used the invisible tethers of the Internet to connect to London, and those tethers eventually snapped, leaving him relaying his messages to us via telegraph and carrier pigeon for the final minutes of the show. But despite the technical difficulties of both this week and last, we pressed on, bringing you a bumper crop of news, sarcasm and a few selections from the Series 3 soundtrack for your listening pleasure.

  • Radio Free Skaro #58 - Live from Edmonton (well, sorta)!

    12 November 2007 (5:05am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 57 minutes and 59 seconds

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    Yes, for only the second time in Radio Free Skaro history, two of the hosts of the show were in the same place at the same time, huddled around a single computer in Edmonton. Of course, with the inclusion of the Third Guy, we still used the invisible tethers of the Internet to connect to London, and those tethers eventually snapped, leaving him relaying his messages to us via telegraph and carrier pigeon for the final minutes of the show. But despite the technical difficulties of both this week and last, we pressed on, bringing you a bumper crop of news, sarcasm and a few selections from the Series 3 soundtrack for your listening pleasure.

  • Radio Free Skaro #58 - Live from Edmonton (well, sorta)!

    12 November 2007 (5:05am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 57 minutes and 59 seconds

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    Yes, for only the second time in Radio Free Skaro history, two of the hosts of the show were in the same place at the same time, huddled around a single computer in Edmonton. Of course, with the inclusion of the Third Guy, we still used the invisible tethers of the Internet to connect to London, and those tethers eventually snapped, leaving him relaying his messages to us via telegraph and carrier pigeon for the final minutes of the show. But despite the technical difficulties of both this week and last, we pressed on, bringing you a bumper crop of news, sarcasm and a few selections from the Series 3 soundtrack for your listening pleasure.

  • Radio Free Skaro #57 - Meanderings and Miscellany

    29 October 2007 (12:05am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 48 minutes and 27 seconds

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    Another grab-bag episode of diversions, insults and tomfoolery for the Radio Free Skaro crew, as Chris reports in from London on the various Who goings-on from the past week (the biggest being the return of Peter Davison for the Children in Need special in a few short weeks) and all three contribute their opinions and insights to all things Who. And plenty more besides, including insulting straight white males, somehow working stories of the making of SCTV in the mix, and generally shooting their mouths off. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro #57 - Meanderings and Miscellany

    29 October 2007 (12:05am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 48 minutes and 27 seconds

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    Another grab-bag episode of diversions, insults and tomfoolery for the Radio Free Skaro crew, as Chris reports in from London on the various Who goings-on from the past week (the biggest being the return of Peter Davison for the Children in Need special in a few short weeks) and all three contribute their opinions and insights to all things Who. And plenty more besides, including insulting straight white males, somehow working stories of the making of SCTV in the mix, and generally shooting their mouths off. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro #57 - Meanderings and Miscellany

    29 October 2007 (12:05am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 48 minutes and 27 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Another grab-bag episode of diversions, insults and tomfoolery for the Radio Free Skaro crew, as Chris reports in from London on the various Who goings-on from the past week (the biggest being the return of Peter Davison for the Children in Need special in a few short weeks) and all three contribute their opinions and insights to all things Who. And plenty more besides, including insulting straight white males, somehow working stories of the making of SCTV in the mix, and generally shooting their mouths off. Enjoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro #56 - The Knife of Jealousy

    22 October 2007 (12:42am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 43 seconds

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    What started as a grab bag of factoids and bon mots degenerated into repeated threats upon the Third Guy's person as we came to grips the full force of our jealousy at his new home of London, England. Along the way we discussed much news, reviewed the newest Sarah Jane Adventure, and tried to figure out if the rumours of Peter Davison donning his old costume and joining with David Tennant for the upcoming Children in Need special were in fact true, only to have the BBC confirm it mere moments after our podcast. Still, jaunty banter and death threats for all.

  • Radio Free Skaro #56 - The Knife of Jealousy

    22 October 2007 (12:42am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 43 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    What started as a grab bag of factoids and bon mots degenerated into repeated threats upon the Third Guy's person as we came to grips the full force of our jealousy at his new home of London, England. Along the way we discussed much news, reviewed the newest Sarah Jane Adventure, and tried to figure out if the rumours of Peter Davison donning his old costume and joining with David Tennant for the upcoming Children in Need special were in fact true, only to have the BBC confirm it mere moments after our podcast. Still, jaunty banter and death threats for all.

  • Radio Free Skaro #56 - The Knife of Jealousy

    21 October 2007 (11:42pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 43 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    What started as a grab bag of factoids and bon mots degenerated into repeated threats upon the Third Guy's person as we came to grips the full force of our jealousy at his new home of London, England. Along the way we discussed much news, reviewed the newest Sarah Jane Adventure, and tried to figure out if the rumours of Peter Davison donning his old costume and joining with David Tennant for the upcoming Children in Need special were in fact true, only to have the BBC confirm it mere moments after our podcast. Still, jaunty banter and death threats for all.

  • Radio Free Skaro #55 - Last of the Time Snores

    16 October 2007 (1:52am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 22 minutes and 33 seconds

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    Our last commentary episode also marks a first, in that the Third Guy called in from London with tales of errant police boxes, playbills aplenty and dodgy internet connectivity. Oh yeah, and we commented on Last of the Time Lords, and were none too kind to it, sending it to bed without diner and making it think long and hard about what it had done.

  • Radio Free Skaro #55 - Last of the Time Snores

    16 October 2007 (1:52am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 22 minutes and 33 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Our last commentary episode also marks a first, in that the Third Guy called in from London with tales of errant police boxes, playbills aplenty and dodgy internet connectivity. Oh yeah, and we commented on Last of the Time Lords, and were none too kind to it, sending it to bed without diner and making it think long and hard about what it had done.

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