Overall Statistics

Radio Free Skaro

Radio Free Skaro
Radio Free Skaro is possibly the most popular, most prolific and charmingly irreverent (but never irrelevant) Doctor Who podcast around. Since August 2006, hosts Warren (in Vancouver, BC) and Steven (in Edmonton, AB) have provided listeners with their brand of amusing Doctor Who praise and punishment. A year later, Chris (in Amherst, NS) was added to the team, and The Three Who Rule were born. Recommended by Doctor Who Magazine, Radio Free Skaro provides an entertaining and diverting listen for the diehard or casual Doctor Who fan. New episodes usually appear on Sundays, following a loose magazine format of the three hosts discussing the news and events of the past week in the worlds of Doctor Who, Torchwood, and the Sarah Jane Adventures. They have also recorded special commentary podcasts for classic series and new series episodes of Doctor Who along with interviews of some of the brightest of the Doctor Who luminaries. Radio Free Skaro is also the official podcast of Gallifrey One, the world's largest and longest-running annual Doctor Who convention.

Homepage: http://www.radiofreeskaro.com

RSS Feed: http://freyburg.libsyn.com/rss

Radio Free Skaro Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
134 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes and 44 seconds
Earliest Episode:
16 August 2006 (4:08am GMT)
Latest Episode:
15 September 2024 (6:00pm GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
2 days, 4 hours, 31 minutes and 46 seconds

Radio Free Skaro Episodes

  • Radio Free Skaro #144 - Square Peggs

    7 June 2009 (9:10pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 31 minutes and 38 seconds

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    Katrina was back in the fold again this week (replacing Warren, who’s busy blogging in Banff this week), with the main focus of the Three Who Rule being to provide comments on Series 1 episode The Long Game. The trio never once went more than ten minutes without discussing the episode at hand – a new record? Along the way, various bits of news were covered, including the explosion of fandom (aka the closing of Doctor Who Forum at Outpost Gallifrey), the shrapnel of which, it was determined, landed well short of affecting your intrepid hosts.

    Check out the show notes at www.radiofreeskaro.com

  • Radio Free Skaro #143 - Never Trust a Man With a Soul Patch

    1 June 2009 (1:51am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 39 minutes and 55 seconds

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    More news than you can shake a stick at and a highlight of the Eccleston era (Rob Shearman's "Dalek") being commented upon, the Three Who Rule blather on for an hour and a half about the happenings in the Who world for the past week (including a discussion on new companion Karen Gillan), and touch on the introduction of a Classic Series icon to NuWho. All this and the latest on Ian Levine and Lizo Mzimba at your fingertips on Radio Free Skaro!

    Check out the show notes on www.radiofreeskaro.com.

  • Radio Free Skaro #143 - Never Trust a Man With a Soul Patch

    1 June 2009 (1:51am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 39 minutes and 55 seconds

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    More news than you can shake a stick at and a highlight of the Eccleston era (Rob Shearman's "Dalek") being commented upon, the Three Who Rule blather on for an hour and a half about the happenings in the Who world for the past week (including a discussion on new companion Karen Gillan), and touch on the introduction of a Classic Series icon to NuWho. All this and the latest on Ian Levine and Lizo Mzimba at your fingertips on Radio Free Skaro!Check out the show notes on www.radiofreeskaro.com.

  • Radio Free Skaro #143 - Never Trust a Man With a Soul Patch

    1 June 2009 (12:51am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 39 minutes and 55 seconds

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    More news than you can shake a stick at and a highlight of the Eccleston era (Rob Shearman's "Dalek") being commented upon, the Three Who Rule blather on for an hour and a half about the happenings in the Who world for the past week (including a discussion on new companion Karen Gillan), and touch on the introduction of a Classic Series icon to NuWho. All this and the latest on Ian Levine and Lizo Mzimba at your fingertips on Radio Free Skaro!

    Check out the show notes on www.radiofreeskaro.com.

  • Radio Free Skaro #142 - Four To Doomsday

    25 May 2009 (12:19am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 40 seconds

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    In a desperate bid to find someone who could give an unequivocal thumbs up to Series 1 tome World War Three, the RFS gang numbered four (Warren, Steven, Chris, and Katrina) for one of the few times in history to record a commentary for the episode. The result? No thumbs up were given, but neither were there definite thumbs down, mostly because the hosts were more encumbered in dealing with various innuendos, intended or otherwise.

  • Radio Free Skaro #142 - Four To Doomsday

    25 May 2009 (12:19am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 40 seconds

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    In a desperate bid to find someone who could give an unequivocal thumbs up to Series 1 tome World War Three, the RFS gang numbered four (Warren, Steven, Chris, and Katrina) for one of the few times in history to record a commentary for the episode. The result? No thumbs up were given, but neither were there definite thumbs down, mostly because the hosts were more encumbered in dealing with various innuendos, intended or otherwise.

  • Radio Free Skaro #142 - Four To Doomsday

    24 May 2009 (11:19pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 40 seconds

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    In a desperate bid to find someone who could give an unequivocal thumbs up to Series 1 tome World War Three, the RFS gang numbered four (Warren, Steven, Chris, and Katrina) for one of the few times in history to record a commentary for the episode. The result? No thumbs up were given, but neither were there definite thumbs down, mostly because the hosts were more encumbered in dealing with various innuendos, intended or otherwise.

  • Radio Free Skaro #141 - The Curse of Keith Boak

    17 May 2009 (10:55pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 19 minutes and 35 seconds

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    With the regular hosts of Radio Free Skaro jumping ship left and right in order to avoid commentating on perceived Series One low point Aliens of London, it was left to Steven, Katrina, and, at the last minute, Chris to try and find something worthy to talk about for the Slitheen's debut appearance in Doctor Who lore. They succeeded in not going too terribly off topic, although the intrusion of the subtitle track from the 1964 classic series story Marco Polo didn't help. Have a listen for yourselves!

  • Radio Free Skaro #141 - The Curse of Keith Boak

    17 May 2009 (10:55pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 19 minutes and 35 seconds

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    With the regular hosts of Radio Free Skaro jumping ship left and right in order to avoid commentating on perceived Series One low point Aliens of London, it was left to Steven, Katrina, and, at the last minute, Chris to try and find something worthy to talk about for the Slitheen's debut appearance in Doctor Who lore. They succeeded in not going too terribly off topic, although the intrusion of the subtitle track from the 1964 classic series story Marco Polo didn't help. Have a listen for yourselves!

  • Radio Free Skaro #141 - The Curse of Keith Boak

    17 May 2009 (9:55pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 19 minutes and 35 seconds

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    With the regular hosts of Radio Free Skaro jumping ship left and right in order to avoid commentating on perceived Series One low point Aliens of London, it was left to Steven, Katrina, and, at the last minute, Chris to try and find something worthy to talk about for the Slitheen's debut appearance in Doctor Who lore. They succeeded in not going too terribly off topic, although the intrusion of the subtitle track from the 1964 classic series story Marco Polo didn't help. Have a listen for yourselves!

  • Radio Free Skaro #140 - The Gay(seous) Agenda

    10 May 2009 (8:19pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 13 minutes and 41 seconds

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    "The Unquiet Dead" was the episode next in line for commentary, but the intrepid investigations of the Three Who Rule have discovered a hidden message within this tale of Dickens, aliens, and reanimated corpses. Yes, it seems Russel T. Davies sees fit to force his sick preferences for matter in neither solid or liquid but gaseous(!) form down the throats of the public. Well, not on our watch, dear listener. What's next, marriage between a glass of water and a pineapple? The mind boggles.

  • Radio Free Skaro #140 - The Gay(seous) Agenda

    10 May 2009 (8:19pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 13 minutes and 41 seconds

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    "The Unquiet Dead" was the episode next in line for commentary, but the intrepid investigations of the Three Who Rule have discovered a hidden message within this tale of Dickens, aliens, and reanimated corpses. Yes, it seems Russel T. Davies sees fit to force his sick preferences for matter in neither solid or liquid but gaseous(!) form down the throats of the public. Well, not on our watch, dear listener. What's next, marriage between a glass of water and a pineapple? The mind boggles.

  • Radio Free Skaro #140 - The Gay(seous) Agenda

    10 May 2009 (7:19pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 13 minutes and 41 seconds

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    "The Unquiet Dead" was the episode next in line for commentary, but the intrepid investigations of the Three Who Rule have discovered a hidden message within this tale of Dickens, aliens, and reanimated corpses. Yes, it seems Russel T. Davies sees fit to force his sick preferences for matter in neither solid or liquid but gaseous(!) form down the throats of the public. Well, not on our watch, dear listener. What's next, marriage between a glass of water and a pineapple? The mind boggles.

  • HiSciFi Interviews Radio Free Skaro's Warren Frey

    5 May 2009 (3:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 55 seconds

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    HiSciFi, a weekly science fiction radio show that broadcasts out of Vancouver's Simon Fraser University on CJSF Radio, recently sat down to interview Radio Free Skaro's own Warren Frey about all things Doctor Who, as well as chat a little bit about this very podcast. Listen as Warren defends Peter Davison, exhumes William Hartnell (only to bury him again), and generally nerds it up with the radio hosts for nigh on 45 minutes.

  • HiSciFi Interviews Radio Free Skaro's Warren Frey

    5 May 2009 (3:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 55 seconds

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    HiSciFi, a weekly science fiction radio show that broadcasts out of Vancouver's Simon Fraser University on CJSF Radio, recently sat down to interview Radio Free Skaro's own Warren Frey about all things Doctor Who, as well as chat a little bit about this very podcast. Listen as Warren defends Peter Davison, exhumes William Hartnell (only to bury him again), and generally nerds it up with the radio hosts for nigh on 45 minutes.

  • HiSciFi Interviews Radio Free Skaro's Warren Frey

    5 May 2009 (2:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 55 seconds

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    HiSciFi, a weekly science fiction radio show that broadcasts out of Vancouver's Simon Fraser University on CJSF Radio, recently sat down to interview Radio Free Skaro's own Warren Frey about all things Doctor Who, as well as chat a little bit about this very podcast. Listen as Warren defends Peter Davison, exhumes William Hartnell (only to bury him again), and generally nerds it up with the radio hosts for nigh on 45 minutes.

  • Radio Free Skaro #139 - An Absence of Pedantry

    3 May 2009 (9:22pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 50 seconds

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    There was no, repeat no news this week, save a couple of tidbit that were quite spoilery and best left to rot unless confirmed correct. Added to that was RFS dilettante "The Third Guy" was off at an event in Manchester called "Who at the Fab Cafe" (sounds made up). But while Chris had an imaginary good time, it was up to Steven, Warren and Katrina to pick up the slack and give their thoughts and opinions on "The End of the World".

  • Radio Free Skaro #139 - An Absence of Pedantry

    3 May 2009 (9:22pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 50 seconds

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    There was no, repeat no news this week, save a couple of tidbit that were quite spoilery and best left to rot unless confirmed correct. Added to that was RFS dilettante "The Third Guy" was off at an event in Manchester called "Who at the Fab Cafe" (sounds made up). But while Chris had an imaginary good time, it was up to Steven, Warren and Katrina to pick up the slack and give their thoughts and opinions on "The End of the World".

  • Radio Free Skaro #139 - An Absence of Pedantry

    3 May 2009 (8:22pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 50 seconds

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    There was no, repeat no news this week, save a couple of tidbit that were quite spoilery and best left to rot unless confirmed correct. Added to that was RFS dilettante "The Third Guy" was off at an event in Manchester called "<a href="http://tardisscanner.yuku.com/calendar/event/id/739">Who at the Fab Cafe</a>" (sounds made up). But while Chris had an imaginary good time, it was up to Steven, Warren and Katrina to pick up the slack and give their thoughts and opinions on "The End of the World".

  • Radio Free Skaro #138 - The Radio Free Skaro 138th Episode Spectacular

    29 April 2009 (4:35am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 21 minutes and 31 seconds

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    As Radio Free Skaro celebrates the all important milestone of their 138th episode, they take some time out for this Wednesday Cutaway to sit around the fireplace, dig into their mailbag, and, for the first time ever, answer about half of the 22 comments and emails that the Three Who Rule have received since starting up this podcast nigh on three years ago. Will your comment from two years ago now finally be answered? Listen and find out!

  • Radio Free Skaro #138 - The Radio Free Skaro 138th Episode Spectacular

    29 April 2009 (4:35am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 21 minutes and 31 seconds

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    As Radio Free Skaro celebrates the all important milestone of their 138th episode, they take some time out for this Wednesday Cutaway to sit around the fireplace, dig into their mailbag, and, for the first time ever,  answer about half of the 22 comments and emails that the Three Who Rule have received since starting up this podcast nigh on three years ago. Will your comment from two years ago now finally be answered? Listen and find out!

  • Radio Free Skaro #138 - The Radio Free Skaro 138th Episode Spectacular

    29 April 2009 (3:35am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 21 minutes and 31 seconds

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    As Radio Free Skaro celebrates the all important milestone of their 138th episode, they take some time out for this Wednesday Cutaway to sit around the fireplace, dig into their mailbag, and, for the first time ever,  answer about half of the 22 comments and emails that the Three Who Rule have received since starting up this podcast nigh on three years ago. Will your comment from two years ago now finally be answered? Listen and find out!

  • Radio Free Skaro #137 - A Rose By Any Other Name...

    27 April 2009 (1:21am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 20 seconds

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    With a gulf of unrealistic (and unwelcome) lack of Doctor Who stretching far over the (event) horizon, The Three Who Rule took it upon themselves to deploy their deadliest weapon: the commentary. Specifically, a look at the first series of New Who, starting with Rose. Fantastic!

  • Radio Free Skaro #137 - A Rose By Any Other Name...

    27 April 2009 (1:21am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 20 seconds

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    With a gulf of unrealistic (and unwelcome) lack of Doctor Who stretching far over the (event) horizon, The Three Who Rule took it upon themselves to deploy their deadliest weapon: the commentary. Specifically, a look at the first series of New Who, starting with Rose. Fantastic!

  • Radio Free Skaro #137 - A Rose By Any Other Name...

    27 April 2009 (12:21am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 20 seconds

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    With a gulf of unrealistic (and unwelcome) lack of Doctor Who stretching far over the (event) horizon, The Three Who Rule took it upon themselves to deploy their deadliest weapon: the commentary. Specifically, a look at the first series of New Who, starting with Rose. Fantastic!

  • Radio Free Skaro #136 - The Wrath (and Hay Fever) of Ian Levine

    19 April 2009 (11:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 36 minutes and 24 seconds

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    The Three Who Rule deal with a dearth of real news the best way they know how,: with inane chatter involving the likes of superfan Ian Levine and his escapades on Twitter, Warren's continuing animosity toward the McCoy era and coming to grips with our loving hatred of other Doctor Who podcasts all while dealing with technical issues that forced actual editing. Come join the fun!

  • Radio Free Skaro #136 - The Wrath (and Hay Fever) of Ian Levine

    19 April 2009 (11:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 36 minutes and 24 seconds

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    The Three Who Rule deal with a dearth of real news the best way they know how,: with inane chatter involving the likes of superfan Ian Levine and his escapades on Twitter, Warren's continuing animosity toward the McCoy era and coming to grips with our loving hatred of other Doctor Who podcasts all while dealing with technical issues that forced actual editing. Come join the fun!

  • Radio Free Skaro #136 - The Wrath (and Hay Fever) of Ian Levine

    19 April 2009 (10:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 36 minutes and 24 seconds

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    The Three Who Rule deal with a dearth of real news the best way they know how,: with inane chatter involving the likes of superfan Ian Levine and his escapades on Twitter, Warren's continuing animosity toward the McCoy era and coming to grips with our loving hatred of other Doctor Who podcasts all while dealing with technical issues that forced actual editing. Come join the fun!

  • Radio Free Skaro #135 - Mission to the Unknown

    14 April 2009 (6:42pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 30 minutes and 54 seconds

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    This week's Radio Free Skaro Wednesday Cutaway special is so special that it's been elevated to a new category altogether - a Wednesday Episode! With an official number and everything! It's elevated status is on account of the return of Neil Perryman, of the TachyonTV Perrymans, as an extra special guest. We speak with him about his impending climb up Mt. Kilimanjaro, as well as the recent returns of Doctor Who and Red Dwarf. And if you listen really carefully you might even hear when the next TachyonTV podcast is due...

  • Radio Free Skaro #135 - Mission to the Unknown

    14 April 2009 (6:42pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 30 minutes and 54 seconds

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    This week's Radio Free Skaro Wednesday Cutaway special is so special that it's been elevated to a new category altogether - a Wednesday Episode! With an official number and everything! It's elevated status is on account of the return of Neil Perryman, of the TachyonTV Perrymans, as an extra special guest. We speak with him about his impending climb up Mt. Kilimanjaro, as well as the recent returns of Doctor Who and Red Dwarf. And if you listen really carefully you might even hear when the next TachyonTV podcast is due...

  • Radio Free Skaro #135 - Mission to the Unknown

    14 April 2009 (5:42pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 30 minutes and 54 seconds

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    This week's Radio Free Skaro Wednesday Cutaway special is so special that it's been elevated to a new category altogether - a Wednesday Episode! With an official number and everything! It's elevated status is on account of the return of Neil Perryman, of the TachyonTV Perrymans, as an extra special guest. We speak with him about his impending climb up Mt. Kilimanjaro, as well as the recent returns of Doctor Who and Red Dwarf. And if you listen really carefully you might even hear when the next TachyonTV podcast is due...

  • Radio Free Skaro #134 - The Planet of Michelle Ryan

    14 April 2009 (4:26am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 44 seconds

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    The Three Who Rule were in fine fettle this week, covering a wide swath of news involving all the exciting goings-on on Torchwood, the Sarah Jane Adventures and even Red Dwarf. Truly, this was a momentous week for fans of British sci-fi adventuring. Truly. No, really.

  • Radio Free Skaro #134 - The Planet of Michelle Ryan

    14 April 2009 (4:26am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 44 seconds

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    The Three Who Rule were in fine fettle this week, covering a wide swath of news involving all the exciting goings-on on Torchwood, the Sarah Jane Adventures and even Red Dwarf. Truly, this was a momentous week for fans of British sci-fi adventuring. Truly. No, really.  

  • Radio Free Skaro #134 - The Planet of Michelle Ryan

    14 April 2009 (3:26am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 44 seconds

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    The Three Who Rule were in fine fettle this week, covering a wide swath of news involving all the exciting goings-on on Torchwood, the Sarah Jane Adventures and even Red Dwarf. Truly, this was a momentous week for fans of British sci-fi adventuring. Truly. No, really.


  • Radio Free Skaro - Promo

    8 April 2009 (3:34pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 39 seconds

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    The next Radio Free Skaro Wednesday cutaway is our laziest effort yet, a promo for our irreverent podcast for you to share with your friends or include in your own podcast to promote your favourite Canadians. Collect the whole set! Of 1!

  • Radio Free Skaro - Promo

    8 April 2009 (3:34pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 39 seconds

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    The next Radio Free Skaro Wednesday cutaway is our laziest effort yet, a promo for our irreverent podcast for you to share with your friends or include in your own podcast to promote your favourite Canadians. Collect the whole set! Of 1!

  • Radio Free Skaro - Promo

    8 April 2009 (2:34pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 39 seconds

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    The next Radio Free Skaro Wednesday cutaway is our laziest effort yet, a promo for our irreverent podcast for you to share with your friends or include in your own podcast to promote your favourite Canadians. Collect the whole set! Of 1!

    <!-- wizzardtools:d5e61d731961388545d8d6bf7e256c21 -->

  • Radio Free Skaro #133 - The Anticipointment of Entercation

    5 April 2009 (10:49pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 50 seconds

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    Radio Free Skaro welcomes back Katrina again as guest host, this time filling in for Warren, whose predilection for earning money to cover the cost of living prevented him from taking part this week. And, with the world of Doctor Who ramping up in advance of an actual new episode airing on April 11, there was plenty to talk about. But no spoilers! Spoilor has now been vanquished, so you may now listen to the show without fear of having future Who episodes ruined for you. As for the rest of the internet, you're on your own.

  • Radio Free Skaro #133 - The Anticipointment of Entercation

    5 April 2009 (10:49pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 50 seconds

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    Radio Free Skaro welcomes back Katrina again as guest host, this time filling in for Warren, whose predilection for earning money to cover the cost of living prevented him from taking part this week. And, with the world of Doctor Who ramping up in advance of an actual new episode airing on April 11, there was plenty to talk about. But no spoilers! Spoilor has now been vanquished, so you may now listen to the show without fear of having future Who episodes ruined for you. As for the rest of the internet, you're on your own.

  • Radio Free Skaro #133 - The Anticipointment of Entercation

    5 April 2009 (9:49pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 50 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Radio Free Skaro welcomes back Katrina again as guest host, this time filling in for Warren, whose predilection for earning money to cover the cost of living prevented him from taking part this week. And, with the world of Doctor Who ramping up in advance of an actual new episode airing on April 11, there was plenty to talk about. But no spoilers! Spoilor has now been vanquished, so you may now listen to the show without fear of having future Who episodes ruined for you. As for the rest of the internet, you're on your own.

  • Radio Free Skaro #132 - The Bigger They Are

    1 April 2009 (4:10am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 17 minutes and 16 seconds

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    In the next of the RFS Wednesday Cutaway episodes, with no interviews in the pipeline, the Three Who Rule decided to actually put together a special episode themselves where the topic of discussion is if or when they think their favourite show might have possibly ever so slightly jumped the shark, with the discussion also turning toward the social commentary and forward-thinking it exhibited over its lifespan. Join in and see if you agree with the conclusions.

    Oh, and April Fools.

  • Radio Free Skaro #132 - The Bigger They Are

    1 April 2009 (4:10am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 17 minutes and 16 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    In the next of the RFS Wednesday Cutaway episodes, with no interviews in the pipeline, the Three Who Rule decided to actually put together a special episode themselves where the topic of discussion is if or when they think their favourite show might have possibly ever so slightly jumped the shark, with the discussion also turning toward the social commentary and forward-thinking it exhibited over its lifespan. Join in and see if you agree with the conclusions.Oh, and April Fools.

  • Radio Free Skaro #132 - The Bigger They Are

    1 April 2009 (3:10am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 17 minutes and 16 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    In the next of the RFS Wednesday Cutaway episodes, with no interviews in the pipeline, the Three Who Rule decided to actually put together a special episode themselves where the topic of discussion is if or when they think their favourite show might have possibly ever so slightly jumped the shark, with the discussion also turning toward the social commentary and forward-thinking it exhibited over its lifespan. Join in and see if you agree with the conclusions.

    Oh, and April Fools.

  • Radio Free Skaro #131 - The Sweet Serenade of Sarcastor

    31 March 2009 (2:04am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 46 seconds

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    With all three of the Three Who Rule firmly back in their respective command chairs, it was back to good old fashioned sniping, infighting and jocularity as Pedantor made battle with both his old nemesis Rubbishor and a new, more deadly enemy named Sarcastor. Somehow in the midst of this pantheon of perfidious poltroonery some discussion of Doctor Who came into play, but not by any means on purpose.

  • Radio Free Skaro #131 - The Sweet Serenade of Sarcastor

    31 March 2009 (2:04am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 46 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    With all three of the Three Who Rule firmly back in their respective command chairs, it was back to good old fashioned sniping, infighting and jocularity as Pedantor made battle with both his old nemesis Rubbishor and a new, more deadly enemy named Sarcastor. Somehow in the midst of this pantheon of perfidious poltroonery some discussion of Doctor Who came into play, but not by any means on purpose. 

  • Radio Free Skaro #131 - The Sweet Serenade of Sarcastor

    31 March 2009 (1:04am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 46 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    With all three of the Three Who Rule firmly back in their respective command chairs, it was back to good old fashioned sniping, infighting and jocularity as Pedantor made battle with both his old nemesis Rubbishor and a new, more deadly enemy named Sarcastor. Somehow in the midst of this pantheon of perfidious poltroonery some discussion of Doctor Who came into play, but not by any means on purpose. 

  • Radio Free Skaro interviews VFX genius Dennis Muren

    26 March 2009 (2:04am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes and 47 seconds

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    Not strictly Doctor Who this week, but a cool interview all the same. The local chapter of SIGGRAPH (a group of computer graphics geniuses) brought Industrial Light and Magic special effects legend Dennis Muren to Vancouver, and Warren was able to interview him. Apologies for the dodgy audio during Warren's questions....the details are too boring to go into, but at any rate Muren's thoughts on visual effects, art and the motion picture industry are the good stuff.

  • Radio Free Skaro interviews VFX genius Dennis Muren

    26 March 2009 (2:04am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes and 47 seconds

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    Not strictly Doctor Who this week, but a cool interview all the same. The local chapter of SIGGRAPH (a group of computer graphics geniuses) brought Industrial Light and Magic special effects legend Dennis Muren to Vancouver, and Warren was able to interview him. Apologies for the dodgy audio during Warren's questions....the details are too boring to go into, but at any rate Muren's thoughts on visual effects, art and the motion picture industry are the good stuff.

  • Radio Free Skaro interviews VFX genius Dennis Muren

    26 March 2009 (2:04am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes and 47 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Not strictly Doctor Who this week, but a cool interview all the same. The local chapter of SIGGRAPH (a group of computer graphics geniuses) brought Industrial Light and Magic special effects legend Dennis Muren to Vancouver, and Warren was able to interview him. Apologies for the dodgy audio during Warren's questions....the details are too boring to go into, but at any rate Muren's thoughts on visual effects, art and the motion picture industry are the good stuff.

  • Radio Free Skaro #130 - Invasion of the XX Chromosome

    22 March 2009 (8:17pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 49 seconds

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    With Steven currently roasting production codes out of his head under the fiery sun of Cuba, Chris and Warren decided mutiny was the appropriate response and welcomed Katrina (also known on Twitter as @xanister) to fill his gangly shoes. And not a moment too soon, as the Two Who Rule (and special guest) were inundated with a surfeit of news, both plausible and spoiler-diculous.

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