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Two-minute Time Lord

Two-minute Time Lord
Two-minute Time Lord is a commentary podcast about the BBC ' s popular family science fiction program, Doctor Who. We ' ll try to keep this context in mind as we review episodes, comment on the news of the moment, and otherwise pontificate: Doctor Who is not FOR a thirtysomething podcaster. It ' s for that nine-year-old behind the sofa. But his or her mum and dad have been invited along for the ride, as are those of us who were kids when Peter Davison first picked up a cricket bat. And we ' ll keep it to two minutes, because we ' re ALL in a hurry.

Homepage: http://twominutetimelord.com/wp

RSS Feed: http://twominutetimelord.com/wp/?feed=podcast

Two-minute Time Lord Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
1 days, 19 hours, 20 minutes and 50 seconds
Earliest Episode:
21 August 2024 (10:17pm GMT)
Latest Episode:
21 June 2024 (10:07pm GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
14 days, 2 hours, 48 minutes and 25 seconds

Two-minute Time Lord Episodes

  • 2MTL 287: "The Christmas Invasion" Throwback Review

    10 December 2012 (5:29am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 26 seconds

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    So this is Christmas, or it will be in a couple of weeks, and while we have visions of killer Snowmen dancing in our heads for this year's Christmas special, why don't we look back on modern Doctor Who's first? Yep, it's time to resume our "Throwback" reviews with "The Christmas Invasion."

  • 2MTL 286: Toby Hadoke on "My Stepson Stole My Sonic Screwdriver" (Time Dilation)

    2 December 2012 (3:46am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 30 minutes and 37 seconds

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    "Friend of the show" Toby Hadoke debuted his third Edinburgh Fringe one-man show on American soil at Chicago TARDIS: "My Stepson Stole My Sonic Screwdriver." Toby and I have an honest, thoughtful conversation about where Doctor Who fits into his family life, his wrestling with psoriasis, and how to make fun of yourself as a Doctor Who fan.

  • 2MTL 285: Chicks Unravel Time (Time Dilation)

    21 November 2012 (10:47pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 40 minutes and 36 seconds

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    For the first time in ages, an extended interview! Deb Stanish! Liz Myles! Chicks Unravel Time! One of the best Doctor Who books ever! Enough said!

  • 2MTL 284: Radio Free Skaro's Steven on Doctor Who Day

    17 November 2012 (10:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes and 17 seconds

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    Guest presenter Steven Schapansky of Radio Free Skaro has a ritual: same time every year, "An Unearthly Child." Why, and what goes through his head? Also, a flash thought from Chip about the Christmas "prequel."

  • 2MTL 283: All Our Regenerations

    13 November 2012 (3:32am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 54 seconds

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    "Change, my dear. And not a moment too soon." But change, even a good change, can be difficult. Here's how DOCTOR WHO has been helping me lately.

  • 2MTL 282: "The Angels Take Manhattan" Reviewed with Chris from Radio Free Skaro

    30 September 2012 (11:10am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 42 seconds

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    Farewell to Amy and Rory! Chris from Radio Free Skaro reflects on departing companions and traveling alone, and I try (and somewhat fail) to separate "The Angels Take Manhattan" from the hype and show format. Plus a brief appreciation of Babylon 5's Michael O'Hare. All in successive two-minute (relatively) chunks.

  • 2MTL 281: "The Power of Three" Unbefuddled

    27 September 2012 (1:38am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 43 seconds

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    As we prepare to say goodbye to Amy and Rory, we get an episode that's — a love letter to Amy and Rory. Chris Chibnall's second Series 7 story works, but what's weird about it?

    See also your host's turn as a podicidal maniac in The Ood Cast, Series 5, Episode 4.

  • 2MTL 280: "A Town Called Mercy" Reviewed

    16 September 2012 (2:11am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 30 seconds

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    Well, pardners, there's no song 'n dance in "A Town Called Mercy," DOCTOR WHO's first Western since "The Gunfighters." It ain't a barrel of laughs for the Doctor this time, either. This is why y'all can't have long hiatuses in this TV show anymore; the hero tends to go rogue after them!

  • 2MTL 279: "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship" Reviewed

    9 September 2012 (1:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 42 seconds

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    "Now, despite all appearances, we Doctor Who fans have nothing against fun. Some of our favorite episodes are fun."

  • 2MTL 278: Continuity of the Daleks

    7 September 2012 (2:54am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 48 seconds

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    Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Contradictions.

  • 2MTL 277: "Asylum of the Daleks" Reviewed

    2 September 2012 (2:20am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 19 seconds

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    I had low expectations of the Series 7 debut. Boy, do I have egg on my face.

  • 2MTL 276: The Zen Master of Time and Space?

    28 August 2012 (1:09am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes and 7 seconds

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    Having gotten into meditation and discovering the concept of "mindfulness," I inevitably wondered just how well the Doctor knows himself and keeps cool and centered. (Inevitable because I'm a sadly obsessed Doctor Who fan, of course.) The unsurprising answer is, "He doesn't." But you might be surprised at my vote for which Doctor comes closest to that ideal, and why I think it's fortunate that the Doctor is NOT a Zen Master of Time and Space.

  • 2MTL 275: Three Things to Look Forward to in Series 7

    11 August 2012 (1:37am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 16 seconds

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    Absence makes the heart grow fonder, of course, but my excitement over the return of Doctor Who has more to do with its anticipated content than the fact that we haven't seen an episode since Christmas.

  • 2MTL Special: In Response to a Conversation I Saw on Twitter Today

    8 August 2012 (10:44pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 46 seconds

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    I'm sorry. So, so sorry.

  • 2MTL 274: Ave Romana - Toby Hadoke Remembers Mary Tamm (Time Dilation)

    27 July 2012 (10:46am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 21 minutes and 32 seconds

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    Comedian and (in my mind) unofficial Doctor Who ambassador Toby Hadoke reflects on the passing of Mary Tamm, who played Romana in the "Key to Time" series.

    (There were some unexpected audio glitches this time; I hope you'll bear with them.)

  • 2MTL 273: On the Cover of a Magazine

    26 July 2012 (1:35am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 21 seconds

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    Doctor Who on the cover of one of the biggest pop culture magazines in America? Has it arrived at last? Or is our show still more of a curiosity than phenomenon?

  • 2MTL 272: Whose Cyberman is it Anyway?

    2 July 2012 (4:09pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 22 seconds

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    Ah, the Cybermen. Their convoluted history was neatly sidestepped by Russell T. Davies when he introduced parallel-universe counterparts in Series 2 — but have those Cybermen been quietly ushered off the stage?

  • 2MTL 271: Is Doctor Who a "Feel Good" Show?

    23 June 2012 (1:42am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 33 seconds

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    Cloyingly sentimental? Exuberantly uplifting? That's not what our favorite family SF/adventure/horror saga has been about, with rare exceptions, over the last almost-50 years. And yet we fans can still turn to it when things are looking a little grim. There's something that Doctor Who does to brighten our day without even trying…

    (Take the Facebook poll!)

  • 2MTL 270: Radio Rassilon on the Ninth Doctor (Time Dilation)

    15 June 2012 (1:48am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 19 minutes and 49 seconds

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    Another excursion into Time Dilation follows, as we tie a bow around the Ninth Doctor's era with the incomparable Harry Medium and Leeson Fischer of the returning Radio Rassilon!

  • 2MTL 269: WHO IS THE DOCTOR Reviewed

    12 June 2012 (1:34am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 37 seconds

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    Rumors of the death of the episode guidebook are greatly exaggerated! Who is the Doctor, by Graeme Burk and Robert Smith? is essential reading for the newly committed new series fan as well as old hands.

  • 2MTL 268: Inspector Spacetime in Distress

    23 May 2012 (3:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 16 seconds

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    Community, the NBC sitcom beloved of Doctor Who fans for its "Inspector Spacetime" parody, has parted ways with its creator, Dan Harmon. Community's cult audience is up in arms. What if the same thing ever happened to Doctor Who?

  • 2MTL 267: "The Parting of the Ways" Two-minute Throwback

    13 May 2012 (1:01am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 59 seconds

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    "You have the guts to do what's right when everyone else just runs away!" That's what the Doctor's taught Rose, she tells Mickey and Jackie during the most important scene in "The Parting of the Ways." But is this story about the triumph of the human spirit, or something much more bleak? And, oh yeah, isn't this someone's last episode?

  • 2MTL 266: Google's Glasses are a Cyber-Conspiracy, I Tell You!

    7 May 2012 (12:21am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes and 57 seconds

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    The Bluetooth earpiece gag in "Rise of the Cybermen" was kind of obvious — it was made in 2005, after all — but Google's Project Glass plans revealed last month made me think that we're much closer to our impending cyber-conversions than previously anticipated!

  • 2MTL 265: The Steven Moffat Evaluation (Time Dilation)

    24 April 2012 (3:26am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes and 47 seconds

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    May 2008 (not 2009, ignore your host during the podcast): Steven Moffat prepares to take the reins of Doctor Who in one of the most anticipated showrunner transitions ever.

    January 2010: Matt Smith kisses his knees, spits out cinders, and shouts, "Geronimo!"

    April 2012: A massive Time Dilation episode of the Two-minute Time Lord podcast assesses Steven Moffat's first two series and looks toward the future! Your principal panelists are Chicks Unravel Time editor Deb Stanish, Adventures with the Wife in Space blogger Neil Perryman, multitudinous writer Teresa Jusino and Radio Free Skaro's own Steven Schapansky.

    But they're not the only ones weighing in, as we find out what fans thought about Series 5 and 6 at Gallifrey One 23 last February, and present some very special guests' two cents:

    io9.com managing editor Charlie Jane Anders!
    Doctor Who: Podshock co-founder Ken Deep!
    Comics artist Pia Guerra!
    Mythbusters co-host Grant Imahara!
    Nerdist host and overlord Chris Hardwick!
    Scottish comedian Charlie Ross!
    Chicago Sun-Times tech columnist Andy Ihnatko!

    As Series 7 commences production, what's the current state of Doctor Who? Find out now.

  • 2MTL 264: Who Should Win the Hugo?

    12 April 2012 (1:56am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 28 seconds

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    Will Who reign supreme at the 2012 Hugos? I thought I knew who I would vote for, were I a Worldcon member, but then I wavered not only over a non-Doctor Who nominee, but also questions about the nature of the awards themselves.

    Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form) (512 ballots)

    • "The Doctor's Wife" (Doctor Who), written by Neil Gaiman; directed by Richard Clark (BBC Wales)
    • "The Drink Tank's Hugo Acceptance Speech," Christopher J Garcia and James Bacon (Renovation)
    • "The Girl Who Waited" (Doctor Who), written by Tom MacRae; directed by Nick Hurran (BBC Wales)
    • "A Good Man Goes to War" (Doctor Who), written by Steven Moffat; directed by Peter Hoar (BBC Wales)
    • "Remedial Chaos Theory" (Community), written by Dan Harmon and Chris McKenna; directed by Jeff Melman (NBC)

  • 2MTL 263: "Bad Wolf" Two-minute Throwback

    9 April 2012 (12:01am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 43 seconds

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    Does Doctor Who suffer when it taps into trends, rather than trying to remain timeless? Exhibit A is "Bad Wolf," wherein reality TV takes a beating. Does it hold up? And how about that epic reveal which wasn't?

  • 2MTL 262: List of Demands

    8 April 2012 (1:17am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 56 seconds

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    By the time Chip got around to thinking about what he'd like to see in Series Seven and the 50th anniversary, that cheeky Steven Moffat got around to making the darned thing without waiting for Chip's demands. This is not stopping the strangely assertive, possibly temporarily unhinged Chip from posting his list of demands, written on the palm of his hand.

    Works cited: 2MTL 161 on McGann, Tiki Dalek, Adventures With the Wife in Space.

  • 2MTL 261: If You Want a Really Alien Doctor, Look at Sheldon Cooper?

    28 March 2012 (11:17am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 53 seconds

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    Geeks have a love-hate relationship with The Big Bang Theory, America's favorite sitcom. I'm a Johnny-come-lately to the show, but when I saw it I suddenly got, after years of resistance, that a "truly alien" Doctor could really work in the modern series. (And yes, I'm saying that Smith isn't THAT much more alien than his two predecessors.)

  • 2MTL 260: And the Companion Played by Jenna-Louise Coleman Shall Be. . .

    22 March 2012 (3:44am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 11 seconds

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    Everybody welcome Jenna-Louise Coleman, who will play [PROPER NAME] when she [VERB, PRESENT TENSE] the Doctor at [PLACE] next season. As soon as her character's [NOUN] was announced, I knew her [GERUND] would be confidential among the [REDACTED] Doctor Who fans!

    But seriously, folks, what kind of companion is Jenna-Louise Coleman going to portray?

  • 2MTL 259: And the Next Actor Playing the Master Should Be...

    8 March 2012 (4:55am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes and 58 seconds

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    . . .a familiar face but not Benedict Cumberbatch.

  • 2MTL 258: "Boom Town" Two-minute Throwback

    1 March 2012 (3:59am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 44 seconds

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    Well, they can't all be winners. They certainly can't all be huge and epic, either, but "Boom Town" particularly suffers by being bracketed by Steven Moffat's debut and the first in a long line of budget-busting series finales. This cheap-feeling episode has a couple of things to recommend it, however, and it's actually better in 2012 than it was in 2005.

  • 2MTL 257: After Gallifrey One, the Other Side of Doctor Who's Coin

    24 February 2012 (3:33am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 16 seconds

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    In which I reflect on the possibility that Doctor Who's vaunted flexibility (hey, I vaunted it myself during Radio Free Skaro Live at Gallifrey One last weekend) can also be a bit of a trap for the show…

  • 2MTL 256: MythBusters Co-host Grant Imahara Talks Doctor Who

    19 February 2012 (5:58pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 20 seconds

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    Resplendent in his Tenth Doctor costume and brandishing a sonic screwdriver with the authority of one of television's best-known mechanical geniuses, MythBusters co-host Grant Imahara came to Los Angeles's Gallifrey One, the world's biggest Doctor Who convention. We took a few minutes to talk about how he came back to the show after its relaunch, how its star is rising in Hollywood, and what grade he'd give the last two series of Doctor Who.

  • The Past, Present and Future of Doctor Who Podcasting (Gally 23)

    19 February 2012 (1:19am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 12 seconds

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    Why has Doctor Who podcasting caught on? How can you get started? What technology do you use? What about video? What about social media? What about everything???

    Panelists: Chip from Two-minute Time Lord, Warren from Radio Free Skaro, Jason Snell from The Incomparable (and senior editor of Macworld and PCWorld), Nancy from The Happiness Patrol and Michele from The Doctor Who Podcast.

    Provided by and for the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance. Recorded at Gallifrey One.

  • 2MTL 255: That Exceptionally Likely Official Doctor Who/Star Trek Comic Crossover

    11 February 2012 (3:59am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 3 seconds

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    Likely spoiling IDW Publishing's announcement at next weekend's Gallifrey One convention, Rich Johnston at Bleeding Cool scooped that there may be a Time Lord in Capt. Picard's command chair this May. For real, yes?

  • 2MTL 254: "Boldness" is in Doctor Who's DNA

    3 February 2012 (4:58am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 20 seconds

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    Is Doctor Who too over-the-top these days? I'd argue that those asking for more conservative storytelling are looking for the wrong thing.

  • 2MTL 253: The Doctor's Timey-wimey Fake Death

    26 January 2012 (2:35am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes and 3 seconds

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    Time to get the Doctor off his high horse, right? The Oncoming Storm got a little too gusty? So it's time for him to make everyone in the universe think he's dead. From the dawn of time to the end of the world? Help me. My suspension of disbelief is suspended.

  • 2MTL 252: So MANY Hands Made Doctor Who Work!

    19 January 2012 (3:26am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 41 seconds

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    Star Trek and Doctor Who are polar opposites in many ways (see also Toby Hadoke's Trek takedown in Moths Ate My Doctor Who Scarf). But as I watched the documentary Trek Nation I was struck at the contrast between Gene Roddenberry's looming role over the franchise (even after his death!) and its much less personality-driven cousin across the Atlantic.

    Hey! See me at Gallifrey One next month, including a cameo during Radio Free Skaro and the World of Tomorrow! Say "Hi"! I promise I'll say "hi" back.

  • 2MTL 251: "The Doctor Dances" Two-minute Throwback

    7 January 2012 (3:20am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes and 19 seconds

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    Let's just quickly zip past the fact that "The Doctor Dances" is one of the most excellent episodes ever, and talk about its REAL name and its true subversive impact on Doctor Who from 2005 on.

    Warning: While there isn't any actual "bad language" in this episode, there's a fair bit of bleeping which itself may come as a shock after my excessively clean previous 250 episodes.

  • 2MTL 250: The 2011 Christmas Special and a New Year's Gift

    29 December 2011 (10:17pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 2 seconds

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    The annual Doctor Who Christmas spectacle caught a lot of attention — pro and con — for taking an unambiguous position on the nature and particular strength of women. Was that too much for sixty minutes?

    BONUS: My New Year's wish for you comes in the form of Carbon Leaf's "Toast to the New Year," used with permission from their 2010 album Christmas Child. (c) 2010 Constant Ivy Music

  • 2MTL 249: Will Amy Be Among the Great Companions?

    25 December 2011 (9:16pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 27 seconds

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    This month Steven Moffat revealed that during Series 7 Amy Pond and Rory Williams (or some combination of surnames thereof) will be leaving the TARDIS for good. This raises the question — despite the undeniable talent of Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill — of whether their characters will have the lasting impact of other great Doctor Who companions. For me, the jury's still out until their departure…

  • 2MTL 248: "The Empty Child" Two-minute Throwback

    16 December 2011 (4:44am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 1 second

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    Wow, it's been a long time since I've done a Throwback Review. Let's remedy that with the debut of one Steven Moffat in an episode that evokes classic Who, the tropes of vintage 2005 RTD-era, and hints of the future Moffat era.

    (OK, this runs five minutes. But, in my defense, there's audio clips and Guest Bullet Points and EVERYTHING!)

  • 2MTL 247: The Lost Episodes Discovery of 2011

    12 December 2011 (1:25am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 17 seconds

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    Frabjous day indeed, as two missing episodes from the '60s have been found! This calls for a celebration! And after you've listened to this episode, read the frankly brilliant Radio Times backgrounder on how these episodes were discovered.

    Oh, and check out that TMDWP guy. He's pretty cool himself.

  • 2MTL 246: The Caregiver's Tale (and How to Help Fight Monsters)

    9 December 2011 (4:50am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes and 45 seconds

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    RTD's interview with Laurence Watts shed a sad light on the immediate future of his writing projects, as he takes on a more important role as caregiver.

    The Samantha Dickson Brain Tumour Trust is the U.K.'s largest funder of brain tumor research. If you would like to join me in supporting them, you can donate to their Gift of Hope campaign.

  • 2MTL 245: A Bigger-on-the-Inside Christmas Mystery

    30 November 2011 (5:38am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 36 seconds

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    Two bigger-on-the-inside worlds collide this Christmas in "The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe" — and the PARTICULAR collision between C.S. Lewis's worldview and Doctor Who's typical one has me wondering what the heck showrunner Steven Moffat is up to…

  • 2MTL 244: Should a Doctor Who Movie Be a Fresh Start?

    15 November 2011 (6:22am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 25 seconds

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    "Who" ought to be in pictures? If BBC Worldwide Productions and director David Yates have anything to say about it, apparently so! But what's this about casting aside 48 years of continuity and starting fresh for the silver screen?

  • 2MTL 243: The Doctor Who Official Convention: "And There Was Much Rejoicing"

    13 November 2011 (2:35pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 10 seconds

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    BBC Worldwide is throwing a couple of parties in Cardiff on March 24 and 25. So why the mixed reaction from Doctor Who fans for the first official Doctor Who convention in years?

  • 2MTL 242: Rating the Doctor Who Encyclopedia iPad App

    3 November 2011 (3:48am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 59 seconds

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    The Doctor Who Encyclopedia has come to the iPad. How does it hold up as an item of Doctor Who fan desire? It looks spiffy, but there are a few bugs and it's not for everyone….

  • 2MTL 241: Mashing Up "Ready Player One" and Doctor Who

    1 November 2011 (12:16pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 13 seconds

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    Ernest Cline's recent novel Ready Player One spurs some thoughts about the limits of Doctor Who's influence on '80s nostalgia and our show's cross-genre appeal.

  • 2MTL 240: Three Series and Out for Matt Smith?

    26 October 2011 (2:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 3 minutes and 23 seconds

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    Did Matt Smith slip his true intentions, or was it just a slip of the tongue when he said he had only one more year of Doctor Who? Your returning host (and thank you so much for your support while I've been gone) pretends to know what he's talking about.

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