Overall Statistics

Geek Syndicate

Geek Syndicate
The long awaited, critically acclaimed, irreverent, touching, intellectual, nonsensical, fairly drunken, incredibly sexy, hilarious.... Hear what happens when 2 old friends(perhaps more in the coming weeks), some pizza, 2 bottles of single malt whiskey and a couple of cats decide to celebrate all aspects of geek life from a UK perspective. We hope to cover TV,Books,Games,Comics..etc every fortnight.

Homepage: http://geeksyndicate.libsyn.com

RSS Feed: http://geeksyndicate.libsyn.com/rss

Geek Syndicate Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
95 days, 17 hours, 54 minutes and 35 seconds
Earliest Episode:
1 October 2006 (2:23am GMT)
Latest Episode:
29 May 2024 (6:31pm GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
2 days, 23 hours, 46 minutes and 25 seconds

Geek Syndicate Episodes

  • Scroll - Chapter 6:Funny Stuff

    6 July 2010 (11:19am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes and 48 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    In which the team tackle the slipperiest of subjects - what makes them laugh in their books. Dark secrets are revealed about Mr Gould, Phil is granted an awooga reprieve, Clover takes her turn calling in from the moon whilst Dion cackles like his mother. A lot. Oh, the shame.
    To make up for the wait between episodes this is a directors cut, coming in at just under an hour and a half. We hope it's worth it. The next one will be out a lot quicker, we promise. Sound quality is variable, so any bits you can't hear please just assume that they were funny, relevent and/or intelligent.

    Music is provided by Steadman and a bunch of little hairy fellas.

  • Scroll - Chapter 6:Funny Stuff

    6 July 2010 (10:19am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes and 48 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    In which the team tackle the slipperiest of subjects - what makes them laugh in their books.  Dark secrets are revealed about Mr Gould, Phil is granted an awooga reprieve, Clover takes her turn calling in from the moon whilst Dion cackles like his mother.  A lot.  Oh, the shame.
    To make up for the wait between episodes this is a directors cut, coming in at just under an hour and a half.  We hope it's worth it.  The next one will be out a lot quicker, we promise.  Sound quality is variable, so any bits you can't hear please just assume that they were funny, relevent and/or intelligent.

    Music is provided by Steadman and a bunch of little hairy fellas.

  • Dissecting Worlds - Series 2, Episode 3 - Phillip K Dick

    3 July 2010 (10:01am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 20 seconds

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    This episode the curmudgeonly couple of northern nerds roll up their sleeves and get stuck into big screen adaptations of PKD's law & order related writings. With side tracks into platonic ideals of justice, warring apes, Sparta, the wacky world of Hollywood and Leeds second book shops of yesteryear.

    No brain tapes were hurt in the course of this recording.

    Comments, feedback to dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk and competition entries to the same address by 20 august.

  • Dissecting Worlds - Series 2, Episode 3 - Phillip K Dick

    3 July 2010 (9:01am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 20 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    This episode the curmudgeonly couple of northern nerds roll up their sleeves and get stuck into big screen adaptations of PKD's law & order related writings. With side tracks into platonic ideals of justice, warring apes, Sparta, the wacky world of Hollywood and Leeds second book shops of yesteryear.

    No brain tapes were hurt in the course of this recording.

    Comments, feedback to dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk and competition entries to the same address by 20 august.

  • The Next Level - Episode 14

    3 July 2010 (5:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes and 30 seconds

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    This episode features a Next Level look back at some of the reveals from this year's E3 event. The guys discuss Kinect, Move and the Nintendo 3DS as well as looking at some of the titles across all platforms.

    We wrap up by answering some questions sent by listeners.

  • The Next Level - Episode 14

    3 July 2010 (4:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes and 30 seconds

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    This episode features a Next Level look back at some of the reveals from this year's E3 event. The guys discuss Kinect, Move and the Nintendo 3DS as well as looking at some of the titles across all platforms.


    We wrap up by answering some questions sent by listeners.

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 159

    24 June 2010 (4:07am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 6 minutes and 18 seconds

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    Welcome to another crazy adventure into the world of geekdom with the Geek Syndicate lads.

    News: NASA discover a 'crack in the milky way', The Dr Strange film adaptation gets some screenwriters,The Green Hornet gets a trailer
    and DC Comics launch digital comic apps.

    Week that was: Doctor Who The Pandorica Opens(SPOILERS), Incognito and Batman: City of Scars.

    Main: Season finale reviews of Smallville, Supernatural, Lost and Fringe (SPOILERS GALORE!).

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 159

    24 June 2010 (3:07am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 6 minutes and 18 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Welcome to another crazy adventure into the world of geekdom with the Geek Syndicate lads.

    News: NASA discover a 'crack in the milky way', The Dr Strange film adaptation gets some screenwriters,The Green Hornet gets a trailer
    and DC Comics launch digital comic apps.

    Week that was: Doctor Who The Pandorica Opens(SPOILERS), Incognito and Batman: City of Scars.

    Main:  Season finale reviews of Smallville, Supernatural, Lost and Fringe (SPOILERS GALORE!).

  • The Naked Geek - Episode 3

    23 June 2010 (6:54pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 6 seconds

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    The Naked Geek - trying to find some meaning in a geek life

    After a ridiculously long break The Naked Geek is back. This time with a thought arising from reading the 1915 classic - The Thirty-nine steps.

    This episodes Jazz Classic is Song for my Father by Horace Silver and this episodes single malt is The Singleton of Dufftown.

    Listen in and sleep well

  • The Naked Geek - Episode 3

    23 June 2010 (5:54pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 6 seconds

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    The Naked Geek - trying to find some meaning in a geek life

    After a ridiculously long break The Naked Geek is back.  This time with a thought arising from reading the 1915 classic - The Thirty-nine steps.

    This episodes Jazz Classic is Song for my Father by Horace Silver and this episodes single malt is The Singleton of Dufftown.

    Listen in and sleep well

  • Geek Syndicate Interview Special - Callum Blue

    21 June 2010 (8:28pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 24 minutes and 57 seconds

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    In this special episode we go head to head with Smallville's latest bad guy General Zod himself aka Callum Blue.


  • Geek Syndicate Interview Special - Callum Blue

    21 June 2010 (7:28pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 24 minutes and 57 seconds

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    In this special episode we go head to head with Smallville's latest bad guy General Zod himself aka Callum Blue.


  • MCM Expo Comic Village Special

    19 June 2010 (1:12pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 49 seconds

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    Join David as he takes you on a rae of interviews from the comic village at this years MCM Expo


    Ian Churchill (MarineMan)
    Time Bomb Comics (Time Scares)
    Orangutan Comics
    Semiotic ohesion
    Daniel Merlin Goodbrey & Sean Azzopardi (Necessary Monsters)
    Richard Starkings (Elephantmen)

    Hope you enjoy it

  • MCM Expo Comic Village Special

    19 June 2010 (12:12pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 49 seconds

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    Join David as he takes you on a rae of interviews from the comic village at this years MCM Expo


    Ian Churchill (MarineMan)
    Time Bomb Comics (Time Scares)
    Orangutan Comics
    Semiotic ohesion
    Daniel Merlin Goodbrey & Sean Azzopardi (Necessary Monsters)
    Richard Starkings (Elephantmen)

    Hope you enjoy it

  • Everything Comes back to 2000AD - Episode 27

    18 June 2010 (8:07am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 36 seconds

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    In this one the guys look at progs 1687 & 1688 as well as the latest issues of Zarjaz and Dogbreath. As usual, expect spoilers and language not suitable for the kiddies.

  • Everything Comes back to 2000AD - Episode 27

    18 June 2010 (7:07am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 36 seconds

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    In this one the guys look at progs 1687 & 1688 as well as the latest issues of Zarjaz and Dogbreath. As usual, expect spoilers and language not suitable for the kiddies.

  • Good Morning Geekdom - Episode 6

    16 June 2010 (5:34am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes and 42 seconds

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    Join your hosts Iz and Barry for another another slice of podcast positivity that is Good Morning Geekdom. So join them for news, new Gateways to Geekdom and a big review of The Losers.

  • Good Morning Geekdom - Episode 6

    16 June 2010 (4:34am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes and 42 seconds

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    Join your hosts Iz and Barry for another another slice of podcast positivity that is Good Morning Geekdom. So join them for news, new Gateways to Geekdom and a big review of The Losers.

  • Dissecting Worlds Series 2 - Episode 2 Ankh-Morpork City Watch

    15 June 2010 (11:40am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 7 seconds

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    This week the confrontational couple dig into the many layers of Terry Pratchett's Ankh-Morpork where the law is enforced by amongst others the City Watch. In the course of which they consider broader fantasy policing, football chants, the 'no colour but blue' approach, James Ellroy, Ernest Hemmingway, Gangs of New York & the Krays. We also announce our logo/banner competition - so get out those crayons - prizes of the prier seasons of the Wire and Homicide Life on the Street are available. Get designs in by the 14th August 2010. That way we can announce the winner on the last ep this series and have it in place for Series 3. Email entires to dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk Episode 3 of Series 2 will be on Philip K Dick's law and order stories. It'll also be our 10th podcast. Doesn't the time fly? If you enjoyed our take on a world and are in a club or a forum devoted to it why not let your mates know about it? Feedback on the forums or email dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk '

  • Dissecting Worlds Series 2 - Episode 2 Ankh-Morpork City Watch

    15 June 2010 (10:40am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 7 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    This week the confrontational couple dig into the many layers of Terry Pratchett's Ankh-Morpork where the law is enforced by amongst others the City Watch. In the course of which they consider broader fantasy policing, football chants, the 'no colour but blue' approach, James Ellroy, Ernest Hemmingway, Gangs of New York & the Krays. We also announce our logo/banner competition - so get out those crayons - prizes of the prier seasons of the Wire and Homicide Life on the Street are available. Get designs in by the 14th August 2010. That way we can announce the winner on the last ep this series and have it in place for Series 3. Email entires to dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk Episode 3 of Series 2 will be on Philip K Dick's law and order stories. It'll also be our 10th podcast. Doesn't the time fly? If you enjoyed our take on a world and are in a club or a forum devoted to it why not let your mates know about it? Feedback on the forums or email dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk '

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 158

    11 June 2010 (9:01am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 58 minutes and 33 seconds

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    In this the last ever (at least for now) weekly episode we give you a 2 hour action packed, filled
    to the brill with geek news and reviews.
    Marvel and digtial comic release dates,Indy 5 rumours, Mortal Kombat Viral Video,Vinnie Jones joins the Cape and David Tennant cast in Fright Night Remake
    Week that was
    Dr Who Cold Blood and Vincent and The Doctor  (Spoilers), Luther,Madam Samurai,Love Sex Aliens and Candle Man
    Listener questions and first ever GS phone in!
    Enjoy and we will see you with our new fortnightly podcast in two weeks!

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 158

    11 June 2010 (8:01am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 58 minutes and 33 seconds

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    In this the last ever (at least for now) weekly episode we give you a 2 hour action packed, filled
    to the brill with geek news and reviews.
    Marvel and digtial comic release dates,Indy 5 rumours, Mortal Kombat Viral Video,Vinnie Jones joins the Cape and David Tennant cast in Fright Night Remake
    Week that was
    Dr Who Cold Blood and Vincent and The Doctor  (Spoilers), Luther,Madam Samurai,Love Sex Aliens and Candle Man
    Listener questions and first ever GS phone in!
    Enjoy and we will see you with our new fortnightly podcast in two weeks!

  • Everything Comes Back to 2000AD - Ep26

    8 June 2010 (3:40pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 22 minutes and 46 seconds

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    With Flint unavailable Stacey once again steps in to help work through progs 1684-86, recap the Bristol Comic Expo and take the p*ss out of Flints "yappy type dogs". As usual, spoilers throughout and language not suitable for the kiddies

  • Everything Comes Back to 2000AD - Ep26

    8 June 2010 (2:40pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 22 minutes and 46 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    With Flint unavailable Stacey once again steps in to help work through progs 1684-86, recap the Bristol Comic Expo and take the p*ss out of Flints "yappy type dogs". As usual, spoilers throughout and language not suitable for the kiddies

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 157 Bristol Comic Expo Special

    6 June 2010 (9:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 52 seconds

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    In this special episode (apologies for the lateness!) the guys present a special podcaster roundtable session recorded at the Bristol International Comic and Small Press Expo.

    So join Barry and Dave(Geek Syndicate), Dave and very briefly Ang (Waiting for the Trade), Amy (Birds of Geek),Scott and Steve (Comic Book Outsiders) and Stacey (Small Press, Big Mouth) as they share discuss their thoughts on the comic expo and more.

    Listen out towards the end for our little recording done on the sunday morning of the con...it's painful listening!


  • The Next Level - Episode 13

    6 June 2010 (9:25am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 12 seconds

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    Join the boys as they trawl through the latest news and take a look at the forthcoming E3 Entertainment Expo.

    Also this time, Barry reviews Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands and find out what all three of us thought about Grand Theft Horsey ... SORRY ... I meant Red Dead Redemption.

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 157 Bristol Comic Expo Special

    6 June 2010 (8:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 52 seconds

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    In this special episode (apologies for the lateness!) the guys present a special podcaster roundtable session recorded at the Bristol International Comic and Small Press Expo.

    So join Barry and Dave(Geek Syndicate), Dave and very briefly Ang (Waiting for the Trade), Amy (Birds of Geek),Scott and Steve (Comic Book Outsiders) and Stacey (Small Press, Big Mouth) as they share discuss their thoughts on the comic expo and more.

    Listen out towards the end for our little recording done on the sunday morning of the con...it's painful listening!


  • The Next Level - Episode 13

    6 June 2010 (8:25am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 12 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download


    Join the boys as they trawl through the latest news and take a look at the forthcoming E3 Entertainment Expo.

    Also this time, Barry reviews Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands and find out what all three of us thought about Grand Theft Horsey ... SORRY ... I meant Red Dead Redemption.


  • Dissecting Worlds Series 2: Law & Order Episode 1:Dredd

    1 June 2010 (3:15pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 15 seconds

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    This series Dissecting Worlds (formerly know as Two Geeks With No name) is looking at Law & Order, Crime and Punishment of genre universes.
    In this episode Matt and Kehaar shoulder their stub guns and let rip on the Justice System of the Dreddverse.
    On the way they manage to drive their Lawmasters over Dirty Harry, Gene Hunt, 1970s War comics, Samurai and the Playing Fields of Eton amongst others. On the spedway they tumble past such Dredd stroies Origins, the Apocalypse War, The Pit and the current Tour of Duty.
    A new name means a new email: dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk
    With our new name we're in the market for a banner/logo if you've got any ideas get out your crayons and get in touch. Thee will be prizes. Exciting prizes. We haven't thought of them yet but they will be exciting."

  • Dissecting Worlds Series 2: Law & Order Episode 1:Dredd

    1 June 2010 (2:15pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 15 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    This series Dissecting Worlds (formerly know as Two Geeks With No name) is looking at Law & Order, Crime and Punishment of genre universes.
    In this episode Matt and Kehaar shoulder their stub guns and let rip on the Justice System of the Dreddverse.
    On the way they manage to drive their Lawmasters over Dirty Harry, Gene Hunt, 1970s War comics, Samurai and the Playing Fields of Eton amongst others. On the spedway they tumble past such Dredd stroies Origins, the Apocalypse War, The Pit and the current Tour of Duty.
    A new name means a new email: dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk
    With our new name we're in the market for a banner/logo if you've got any ideas get out your crayons and get in touch. Thee will be prizes. Exciting prizes. We haven't thought of them yet but they will be exciting."

  • Small Press Big Mouth - Episode 19

    27 May 2010 (12:38pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 40 minutes and 35 seconds

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    Welcome to episode 19 of Small Press Big Mouth, this episode we muse about the forthcoming Bristol Con and chat about the current issues of Futurequake, The Walking Wounded, Alien Inc and Fatalysia amongst other things. We apologise most sincerely for the sound problems we had this episode and naturally it's all Lees fault cos it couldn't possibly be Stace's gawd blimey no guv!

  • Small Press Big Mouth - Episode 19

    27 May 2010 (11:38am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 40 minutes and 35 seconds

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    Welcome to episode 19 of Small Press Big Mouth, this episode we muse about the forthcoming Bristol Con and chat about the current issues of Futurequake, The Walking Wounded, Alien Inc and Fatalysia amongst other things.  We apologise most sincerely for the sound problems we had this episode and naturally it's all Lees fault cos it couldn't possibly be Stace's gawd blimey no guv!

  • The Next Level - Episode 12

    26 May 2010 (12:01pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 53 seconds

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    The guys discuss Assassins Creed Brotherhood, Bad Company 2 multiplayer co-op DLC, EA threaten to change the face of video games sales, Steam comes to Mac's and mobile gaming continues to make a huge impact.

    See what we thought about JRPG Nier, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 and we look back at an older game, Bioshock.

  • Everything Comes Back to 2000AD - Episode 25

    26 May 2010 (11:40am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 28 minutes and 55 seconds

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    Richard is joined by 2000AD writer Al Ewing to discuss important topics such as bubble wrap, project runway and beard management. Oh, and along the way theres also some Dredd, Zombo and other 2000AD related talk.

  • The Next Level - Episode 12

    26 May 2010 (11:01am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 53 seconds

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    The guys discuss Assassins Creed Brotherhood, Bad Company 2 multiplayer co-op DLC, EA threaten to change the face of video games sales, Steam comes to Mac's and mobile gaming continues to make a huge impact.

    See what we thought about JRPG Nier, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 and we look back at an older game, Bioshock.

  • Everything Comes Back to 2000AD - Episode 25

    26 May 2010 (10:40am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 28 minutes and 55 seconds

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    Richard is joined by 2000AD writer Al Ewing to discuss important topics such as bubble wrap, project runway and beard management. Oh, and along the way theres also some Dredd, Zombo and other 2000AD related talk.

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 156

    20 May 2010 (6:44am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes and 8 seconds

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    In this weeks's episode Dave and Barry once more take look at all that is best and the brightest in the world of Geekdom. Be warned those as there is a spoiler heavy review of Blackest Night issue 8 which Barry has finally read.

    In this week's main feature with one day to go the guys take a look at this year's Bristol International Comic and Small Press Expo.

    See enjoy and see those of you who are going to the expo!

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 156

    20 May 2010 (5:44am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes and 8 seconds

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    In this weeks's episode Dave and Barry once more take look at all that is best and the brightest in the world of Geekdom. Be warned those  as there is a spoiler heavy review of Blackest Night issue 8 which Barry has finally read.

    In this week's main feature with one day to go the guys take a look at this year's Bristol International Comic and Small Press Expo.

    See enjoy and see those of you who are going to the expo!

  • Scrolls Ch 5: Fishfingers and Custard

    18 May 2010 (12:17pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 6 minutes and 15 seconds

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    With 'consumate professionalism' the team finally hit their stride. No silliness or smut here, no sirree. Ahem. The subject up for grabs is pinpointing some of the more off the wall books that work in unexpected ways. Between the earnest reviews we cruelly cause Gilbert and Sullivan turn in their graves, find room for both scarecrows and tin-men (though sadly no lions or yappy-type dogs), the QI awooga makes its Scrolls debut and the Waltons are revealed to be a little more back-woodsy than were previously suspected.

    If you enjoy listening to it half as much as we did recording it you'll have a ball.

  • Scrolls Ch 5: Fishfingers and Custard

    18 May 2010 (11:17am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 6 minutes and 15 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    With 'consumate professionalism' the team finally hit their stride.  No silliness or smut here, no sirree.  Ahem. The subject up for grabs is pinpointing some of the more off the wall books that work in unexpected ways. Between the earnest reviews we cruelly cause Gilbert and Sullivan turn in their graves, find room for both scarecrows  and tin-men (though sadly no lions or yappy-type dogs), the QI awooga makes its Scrolls debut and the Waltons are revealed to be a little more back-woodsy than were previously suspected.

    If you enjoy listening to it half as much as we did recording it you'll have a ball.

  • Good Morning Geekdom - Episode 5

    14 May 2010 (12:26pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 8 seconds

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    Iz and Barry are back to fight the negativity that stalks the world wide web with the positive force that is Good Morning Geekdom. In this episode there is news on Spidey the musical, Batman the stage show, info on Leonardo Da Vinci and the Soldiers of Forever, Ghost Rider 2 and more. The duo then reveal their Gateways to Geekdom and their big review is Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland.

    Special thanks to Harold Jennett for the awesome new logo design.

  • Good Morning Geekdom - Episode 5

    14 May 2010 (11:26am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 8 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Iz and Barry are back to  fight the negativity that stalks the world wide web with the positive force that is Good Morning Geekdom.  In this episode there is news on Spidey the musical, Batman the stage show, info on Leonardo Da Vinci and the Soldiers of Forever, Ghost Rider 2 and more. The duo then reveal their Gateways to Geekdom  and their big review is Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland.

    Special thanks to Harold Jennett for the awesome new logo design.

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 155 with Jonathan Ross Special

    14 May 2010 (6:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 21 minutes and 33 seconds

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    A great artist passes away, Eagle Awards nomination news and Arabian Knights

    Week That Was

    Incorruptible, Fringe, Twilight Eclipse Trailer, Prince of Persia Spolier Free Review


    In our extended main we welcome chat show host, radio presenter and now comic writer, Jonathan Ross back to the podcast for an exclusive interview. We talk about the success of Turf, working with Tommy Lee Edwards, the future of the comic and perhaps a possible film adaptation.

    Jonathan also chats about some of his future comic projects (including a passing mention of a very interesting project for Mr Quesada). There's also a brief audio tour of his comics room.

    With the news that Jonathan's wife Jane Goldman will be handling the scriptwriting duties for First Class he gives us his reaction to the news as a die hard Marvel fan. He also give us a little hint of what we can expect.

    We finish off the interview with some chat about his plans for his revamped Hot Sauce website and the return of his book review blog.


  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 155 with Jonathan Ross Special

    14 May 2010 (5:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 21 minutes and 33 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download


    A great artist passes away, Eagle Awards nomination news and Arabian Knights


    Week That Was

    Incorruptible, Fringe, Twilight Eclipse Trailer, Prince of Persia Spolier Free Review



    In our extended main we welcome chat show host, radio presenter and now comic writer, Jonathan Ross back to the podcast for an exclusive interview. We talk about the success of Turf, working with Tommy Lee Edwards, the future of the comic and perhaps a possible film adaptation.

    Jonathan also chats about some of his future comic projects (including a passing mention of a very interesting project for Mr Quesada). There's also a brief audio tour of his comics room.

    With the news that Jonathan's wife Jane Goldman will be handling the scriptwriting duties for First Class he gives us his reaction to the news as a die hard Marvel fan. He also give us a little hint of what we can expect.

    We finish off the interview with some chat about his plans for his revamped Hot Sauce website and the return of his book review blog.


  • Everything Comes Back to 2000AD - Episode 24

    12 May 2010 (1:19pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes and 28 seconds

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    Richard is back, Flint is offensive, beers get drunk and progs 1680-83 get taken apart. Its ARSOM!!

  • Everything Comes Back to 2000AD - Episode 24

    12 May 2010 (12:19pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes and 28 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Richard is back, Flint is offensive, beers get drunk and progs 1680-83 get taken apart. Its ARSOM!!

  • The Next Level - Episode 11

    11 May 2010 (12:34pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 29 seconds

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    The guys rummage through the latest news which includes forthcoming Call of Duty and Medal of Honour games and a chat about The Force Unleashed 2 and Gears of War 3 Story points.

    This week's main is a look at the nominations for the Golden Joystick Awards.

    In Buy / Rent / Avoid, we discuss Splinter Cell: Conviction, Blaz Blue and Lego Rock Band.

  • The Next Level - Episode 11

    11 May 2010 (11:34am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 29 seconds

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    The guys rummage through the latest news which includes forthcoming Call of Duty and Medal of Honour games and a chat about The Force Unleashed 2 and Gears of War 3 Story points.

    This week's main is a look at the nominations for the Golden Joystick Awards.

    In Buy / Rent / Avoid, we discuss Splinter Cell: Conviction, Blaz Blue and Lego Rock Band.

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 154 'Return of the Monts'

    5 May 2010 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 21 seconds

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    So at last David aka 'Monts' aka 'Volcanic Ash Cloud Survior' returns to the podcast.

    News: Dave finds some interesting geek parties to vote for, Dark Horse slips up, We chat about the future of TV fantasy shows and Thor casting talk.

    Week that Was: Turf, Shield, Iron Man 2, Human Target,V,9, Carriers and Surrogates.

    Main: Having spent all this time bursting to talk Dr Who we revist the new series once again to get his thoughts on them and on the new Dr and companion. Be warned their are spoilers for the first four Dr Who episodes.


  • Two Geeks with No Name Podcast - Episode 7 Empires Conclusions

    5 May 2010 (7:42am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 1 second

    Direct Podcast Download

    Wrapping up their premier series on Empires the disagreeing duo of Kehaar and Grampus sit back relax and muse over Empires in genre fiction in general. Why do evil Empires get reeled out so often? What alternatives are there? What about ravenous space locusts? Skipping as they do into Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, The Wire, 2300 and much much more.
    Don't forget details here of the Comic Forum Project here:

    Feedback at w.gsforums.co.uk or twogeekswithnonamepodcast@yahoo.co.uk

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