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Who and Company

Who and Company
The podcast where good company gather to talk Doctor Who and a company of other beloved British TV shows

Homepage: http://whoandcompany.libsyn.com/podcast

RSS Feed: http://whoandcompany.libsyn.com/rss

Who and Company Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
9 days, 6 hours, 21 minutes and 42 seconds
Earliest Episode:
11 January 2017 (2:54am GMT)
Latest Episode:
26 July 2024 (1:09am GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
14 days, 19 hours, 12 minutes and 59 seconds

Who and Company Episodes

  • Resolution with Michele, James, & Stephen

    11 January 2019 (12:49am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 58 seconds

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    On this very special edition of Who & Company, it's time for our annual Doctor Who Special review and once again we're joined by James and Michele from THE Doctor Who Podcast. This time they've brought along another alumni from the show, Stephen! Join us as we talk about the New Year's Doctor Who Special, Resolution. Were we all surprised by the return appearance of an old foe?

    Then we cast a broader net and discuss Series 11 as a whole. How did Chris Chibnall fair in his first year? Was it an outstanding season or did it just tick a few boxes?

    Add to that a first-time interview with Stephen Prescott and there's your annual special. Thank YOU so much for taking the time to download and listen to our show and we hope you'll join us later in January as we kick of Season 3 of Who & Company!


  • Warren Frey & The Sandbaggers

    26 December 2018 (6:48pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 32 minutes and 24 seconds

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    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you and welcome to our December episode! This month, we have another member of Radio Free Skaro joining us - Warren Frey! We'll talk with Warren about how a work-related friendship turned into 12 years of podcasting, an update of the recently completed Series 11, and his online project, Bookshelf Doctors.

    Then we enter those smoke-filled corridors of bureaucracy and veiled insults as we look at the 1978-1980 spy series, The Sandbaggers and why it's one of Warren's favorite classic shows.

    James, Ian, and Adam also drop in to report on the current state of fandom in the UK following the end of Series 11 and a small tease for our next episode. See you in the new year!

  • Episode 24 - Warren Frey & The Sandbaggers

    26 December 2018 (6:48pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 32 minutes and 23 seconds

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    Radio Free Skaro's own Warren Frey joins us to discuss podcasting for over 12 years, creating Bookshelf Doctors, and writing a bit of Doctor Who himself. Then we delve into his pick of the month, The Sandbaggers! And our entire UK team check in with us on this December episode.

  • Episode 24 - Warren Frey & The Sandbaggers

    26 December 2018 (6:48pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 32 minutes and 24 seconds

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    Radio Free Skaro's own Warren Frey joins us to discuss podcasting for over 12 years, creating Bookshelf Doctors, and writing a bit of Doctor Who himself. Then we delve into his pick of the month, The Sandbaggers! And our entire UK team check in with us on this December episode.

  • John Dorney & Columbo

    27 November 2018 (2:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 26 minutes and 49 seconds

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    This month, award-winning writer John Dorney joins us to talk about his beginnings as a writer, penning many fan favorites at Big Finish, and how some of those ideas came to life. Then we'll have a round table discussion on Series 11 thus far on Doctor Who and what we all think of the first 6 episodes.

    After that, John brings along one of his all-time classic shows, Columbo, as our classic show of the month. We'll discuss not only the fantastic acting talents of Peter Falk, Donald Pleasance, and William Shatner, but also what a unique spin the show put on mystery television in general and how Columbo is very similar to a certain Doctor.

    But....just one more thing... James & Adam had a visit to the BFI screening of Earthshock with Matthew Waterhouse and Eric Saward in attendance promoting the upcoming Peter Davison blu-ray box set. And you'll hear all about it on this episode of Who & Company!


  • Episode 23 - John Dorney & Columbo

    27 November 2018 (2:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 26 minutes and 48 seconds

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    Award-winning Big Finish writer John Dorney joins us to discuss his writing career and his classic show choice, Columbo! Also, we catch up on Series 11 of Doctor Who and our UK team, James & Adam, report from the recent BFI screening of Earthshock.

  • Episode 23 - John Dorney & Columbo

    27 November 2018 (2:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 26 minutes and 49 seconds

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    Award-winning Big Finish writer John Dorney joins us to discuss his writing career and his classic show choice, Columbo! Also, we catch up on Series 11 of Doctor Who and our UK team, James & Adam, report from the recent BFI screening of Earthshock.

  • Nathan & Ly of PixelWho and Community

    1 November 2018 (12:44am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 12 minutes and 5 seconds

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    Happy Halloween! Welcome to the October edition of Who & Company! This month, our featured guests are from the creative world of PixelWho, Nathan Skreslet & Ly Cao. They talk about how their business got off the ground several years ago, what it's like to pixelate your favorite Timelord, and their perspective on the first three episodes of Doctor Who Series 11.

    Then we dive into their pick for this month, the reference-riddled nerd fest NBC sitcom that was Community. See you in November! #sixseasons&amovie #coolcoolcool


  • Episode 22 - Nathan & Ly of PixelWho and Community

    1 November 2018 (12:44am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 12 minutes and 4 seconds

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    The creative team behind PixelWho, Nathan & Ly, join us to discuss pixelating our favorite Timelord, their love of Doctor Who, and their favorite sitcom, Community!

  • Episode 22 - Nathan & Ly of PixelWho and Community

    1 November 2018 (12:44am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 12 minutes and 5 seconds

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    The creative team behind PixelWho, Nathan & Ly, join us to discuss pixelating our favorite Timelord, their love of Doctor Who, and their favorite sitcom, Community!

  • Alisa Stern of Doctor Puppet & Avatar the Last Airbender

    4 October 2018 (2:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 38 minutes and 8 seconds

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    Only three days late for our September episode, but it's well worth the wait as we welcome Doctor Puppet's Alisa Stern to the show discussing her love of Doctor Who, the world of puppetry, and what it takes to make an 8 part story that's spanned 5 years.

    And then it's on to one of Alisa's other favorite shows, Avatar: The Last Airbender! We'll talk about Nickelodeon's animated epic, why we all love it, the upcoming Netflix live-action series, and......the movie that doesn't exist...shhh.

    Our UK team (James & special guest Adam J. Purcell of Staggering Stories) also has the latest news and a special report on the recent Whooverville convention in Derby!


  • Episode 21 - Alisa Stern of Doctor Puppet & Avatar The Last Airbender

    4 October 2018 (2:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 38 minutes and 7 seconds

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    Alisa Stern of Doctor Puppet (available on YouTube) drops by to discuss Doctor Who, puppetry, and one of her favorite shows, Avatar: The Last Airbender

  • Episode 21 - Alisa Stern of Doctor Puppet & Avatar The Last Airbender

    4 October 2018 (2:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 38 minutes and 8 seconds

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    Alisa Stern of Doctor Puppet (available on YouTube) drops by to discuss Doctor Who, puppetry, and one of her favorite shows, Avatar: The Last Airbender

  • News Segment with James and Trevor

    13 September 2018 (2:37am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 43 seconds

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    Before our regular September episode later this month, we thought we'd surprise you with this Special Edition of the podcast with a reunion you thought you'd never hear. It's a roundup of Doctor Who news with none other than UK team member, James Rockliffe, joined by former DWP co-host, Trevor Gensch! Fans of THE Doctor Who Podcast will remember the broad spectrum of voices and opinions of the various hosts and this special episode doesn't disappoint. We hope you enjoy and as always, "you are most welcome".


    Join us again later in September!

  • Alyssa Franke & Sense8

    1 September 2018 (12:50am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 17 seconds

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    This Week in Time Travel's Alyssa Franke joins us this month to discuss podcasting, blogging, and writing her own entry into the Black Archives about Hell Bent! After that, Alyssa chooses the Netflix series Sense8 as her pick of the month. We talk about how important it is for the positive portrayal of different cultures on television and how it stirred a massive following into lobbying for a proper finale. And did we mention Doctor Who stars and references in Sense8?

    Also, keep an eye out in early September when our UK team has a special of their own covering the latest news and topics. Were you a fan of THE Doctor Who Podcast? Well, you don't want to miss this!


  • Episode 20 - Alyssa Franke & Sense8

    1 September 2018 (12:50am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 16 seconds

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    Alyssa Franke of This Week in Time Travel stops by to discuss her new book about Series 9 episode, Hell Bent, her life as a podcaster, and one of her favorite all-time shows, Sense8!

  • Episode 20 - Alyssa Franke & Sense8

    1 September 2018 (12:50am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 17 seconds

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    Alyssa Franke of This Week in Time Travel stops by to discuss her new book about Series 9 episode, Hell Bent, her life as a podcaster, and one of her favorite all-time shows, Sense8!

  • Erik Stadnik and Slings & Arrows

    30 July 2018 (11:40pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 42 minutes and 53 seconds

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    Is this a dagger which I see before me? No! It's the July edition of Who & Company all about education and Shakespeare! Join us in welcoming our special guest this month, podcaster Erik Stadnik! He is co-host of Doctor Who: The Writer's Room and The Classic Horror Cast and he sits down with us on this episode to discuss Doctor Who, of course, but also one of his other favorite shows, the classic Canadian show about the trials and tribulations of running a small town Shakespeare theatre - Slings & Arrows.

    Before that, we have our UK team, James & Ian (formerly of THE Doctor Who Podcast) with a report of the new Tom Baker blu-ray set and the recent Genesis of the Daleks BFI screening. None other than Staggering Stories' own Adam J. Purcell joins them, so don't miss it!

    And a great big welcome to all of the new listeners we met this past weekend at Raleigh Supercon! We hope you enjoy the show.


  • Episode 19 - Erik Stadnik and Slings & Arrows

    30 July 2018 (11:40pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 42 minutes and 52 seconds

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    Podcaster Erik Stadnik joins us to discuss not only Doctor Who, but one of his favorite shows, Slings & Arrows! Plus, join James, Ian, and special guest Adam J. Purcell of Staggering Stories as they report on the new Tom Baker blu-ray set and the Genesis of the Daleks screening at the BFI in London.

  • Episode 19 - Erik Stadnik and Slings & Arrows

    30 July 2018 (11:40pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 42 minutes and 53 seconds

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    Podcaster Erik Stadnik joins us to discuss not only Doctor Who, but one of his favorite shows, Slings & Arrows! Plus, join James, Ian, and special guest Adam J. Purcell of Staggering Stories as they report on the new Tom Baker blu-ray set and the Genesis of the Daleks screening at the BFI in London.

  • Travis Richey & Battlestar Galactica

    30 June 2018 (4:38pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 21 minutes and 47 seconds

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    Here is our June episode just in time before the end of the month! And speaking of time, our guest this month is no stranger to time travel. In fact, he travels in space as well as time. He's the star of the Inspector Chronicles and former Inspector Spacetime on NBC's Community, it's Travis Richey! He stops by to discuss his latest projects, his recent birthday wish of jumping out of an airplane, being eaten by a Dinocroc while David Carradine was living it up in Hawaii, and of course, Doctor Who. He also chooses a fantastic reboot of a 70s sci-fi classic, Battlestar Galactica, to chat with us about. If that's not enough, he's also created the Travis Richey Sketch Show on YouTube. Listen out for a sketch after the credits.

    Also, joining us from London are James & Ian with the latest news about Twitch, Doctor Who's new composer, and football results.

    Thanks for listening!


  • Episode 18 - Travis Richey & Battlestar Galactica

    30 June 2018 (4:38pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 21 minutes and 46 seconds

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    Actor & writer Travis Richey (Inspector Chronicles, Community) stops by to discuss his latest projects, Doctor Who, and Battlestar Galactica. Before that, James & Ian drop in to discuss the latest news from London!

  • Episode 18 - Travis Richey & Battlestar Galactica

    30 June 2018 (4:38pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 21 minutes and 47 seconds

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    Actor & writer Travis Richey (Inspector Chronicles, Community) stops by to discuss his latest projects, Doctor Who, and Battlestar Galactica. Before that, James & Ian drop in to discuss the latest news from London!

  • Steven Marsh, MST3K, & Blue Box Alliance

    30 May 2018 (1:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 40 minutes and 10 seconds

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    Just in the nick of time here's your May episode! This month features the winner of the Who Against Guns drawing to be a guest on our show. It's game designer and Doctor Who fan, Steven Marsh! Join us as we discuss our favorite show and the classic series he's chosen to geek out over...Mystery Science Theater 3000.

    But before that, we are joined by Blue Box Alliance founder Jeremy Wheeler to discuss how his organization is using Doctor Who to teach kids (and adults) how to deal with bullying and their efforts to complete an upcoming fan film!

    We're also joined by our UK team, James & Ian, who report on the current state of Doctor Who fandom in the United Kingdom.

    We hope you enjoy this jam-packed episode and we'll see you next month!



  • Episode 17 - Steven Marsh, MST3K, & Blue Box Alliance

    30 May 2018 (1:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 40 minutes and 9 seconds

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    Our Who Against Guns drawing winner, Steven Marsh, joins us to discuss Doctor Who & MST3K; an interview with Jeremy Wheeler of Blue Box Alliance and their quest to end bullying; and James & Ian of our UK team chime in to talk about the current state of Doctor Who fandom in the UK.

  • Episode 17 - Steven Marsh, MST3K, & Blue Box Alliance

    30 May 2018 (1:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 40 minutes and 10 seconds

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    Our Who Against Guns drawing winner, Steven Marsh, joins us to discuss Doctor Who & MST3K; an interview with Jeremy Wheeler of Blue Box Alliance and their quest to end bullying; and James & Ian of our UK team chime in to talk about the current state of Doctor Who fandom in the UK.

  • WHOLanta, England, & Harry Anderson

    22 May 2018 (12:01am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 26 seconds

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    May 2018 is so packed here at Who & Company that we've created an entire extra bonus episode for you just to fit it all in. This special episode includes an interview with the late comedian/magician/actor Harry Anderson talking with Drew a few years ago just as one Peter Capaldi was taking over the role of the Doctor. Hear Harry talk about one of his favorite shows, Doctor Who!

    Then, Brent & his wife FINALLY made the trip to England and met up with writer Andrew Smith and fellow podcaster and UK team member, James Rockliffe. (Not to mention eating in a prison and falling on the tube)....

    Next up, Drew talks all about his recent jam-packed Saturday at WHOLanta 2018 in Georgia with Louise Jameson (among others) and the launch of Children of Time, the fan-written charity book featuring companion essays by WHOLanta organizer, Alan Siler, and our own Drew Meyer!

    See you in a few days with our feature length May episode!



  • Episode 16A - WHOLanta, England, & Harry Anderson

    22 May 2018 (12:01am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 25 seconds

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    This bonus episode includes an interview with comedian Harry Anderson, along with Brent's trip to England and Drew's trip to WHOLanta 2018! Pick up a copy of Children of Time here: https://www.amazon.com/Children-Time-Companions-Doctor-Who/dp/1987715985

  • Episode 16A - WHOLanta, England, & Harry Anderson

    22 May 2018 (12:01am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 26 seconds

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    This bonus episode includes an interview with comedian Harry Anderson, along with Brent's trip to England and Drew's trip to WHOLanta 2018! Pick up a copy of Children of Time here: https://www.amazon.com/Children-Time-Companions-Doctor-Who/dp/1987715985

  • ReGeneration Who 4 with Simon Fraser & William Russell

    2 April 2018 (12:13am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 38 minutes and 38 seconds

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    This month, we look back at our time at this year's (Re)Generation Who 4 convention in Baltimore, Maryland featuring many guests including Peter Davison, Colin Baker, and the first public appearance of Peter Capaldi since leaving the role of the Doctor! And if that's not exciting enough, we were very fortunate to grab a 10 minute interview with none other than Ian Chesterton himself, William Russell, discussing his time on The Adventures of Sir Lancelot!

    After that, you can hear our live panel with comic artist Simon Fraser discussing what it's like to draw the Eleventh Doctor and why he chose Star Trek: Enterprise as his classic TV show.

    All that and a recap from us of this year's fantastic convention.


  • Episode 16 - ReGeneration Who 4 with Simon Fraser & William Russell

    2 April 2018 (12:13am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 38 minutes and 37 seconds

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    Our coverage of ReGeneration Who 4 featuring interviews with William Russell talking Sir Lancelot and comic artist Simon Fraser discussing Star Trek: Enterprise

  • Episode 16 - ReGeneration Who 4 with Simon Fraser & William Russell

    2 April 2018 (12:13am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 38 minutes and 38 seconds

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    Our coverage of ReGeneration Who 4 featuring interviews with William Russell talking Sir Lancelot and comic artist Simon Fraser discussing Star Trek: Enterprise

  • Who Against Guns with Joy Piedmont & Graeme Burk

    21 March 2018 (12:19am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 59 minutes and 47 seconds

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    Join us this month as we present a special episode focusing on a very important fundraiser, Who Against Guns. We talk with organizers Joy Piedmont & Graeme Burk about the campaign, how it's progressed so far, and how they got Steven Moffat and Philip Hinchcliffe on board. We'll also discuss their love of Doctor Who and hosting their own show, Reality Bomb!

    See you at ReGeneration Who, March 23-25, 2018 in Baltimore!



  • Episode 15 - Who Against Guns with Joy Piedmont & Graeme Burk

    21 March 2018 (12:19am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 59 minutes and 46 seconds

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    Join us as we talk about this important issue with organizers Joy Piedmont & Graeme Burk of the Reality Bomb podcast

  • Episode 15 - Who Against Guns with Joy Piedmont & Graeme Burk

    21 March 2018 (12:19am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 59 minutes and 47 seconds

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    Join us as we talk about this important issue with organizers Joy Piedmont & Graeme Burk of the Reality Bomb podcast

  • Nicole Mazza & In The Flesh

    27 February 2018 (12:34am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 26 minutes and 14 seconds

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    February is the month of hearts and flowers, but this month it may mean hearts being ripped out of chests and flowers on graves. Why? Because this month we're talking about zombies with our featured guest, Nicole Mazza of Terminus: A Doctor Who Podcast! Nicole shares her love of Doctor Who, writing fanfic, and choosing this month's classic show, BBC3's In The Flesh.

    This month also sees two new members joining the Who & Company team! James and Ian, formerly of THE Doctor Who Podcast, now form our UK team and report from the recent BFI screening of Day of the Doctor with special guests Steven Moffat and Marcus Hearn in attendance.

    Thanks for joining us. See you next month!



  • Episode 14 - Nicole Mazza & In The Flesh

    27 February 2018 (12:34am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 26 minutes and 13 seconds

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    Our February episode features Terminus host Nicole Mazza discussing her love of Doctor Who and her featured series, In The Flesh! We also have a special UK report from James & Ian of Day of the Doctor and a very special message from Who Against Guns.

  • Episode 14 - Nicole Mazza & In The Flesh

    27 February 2018 (12:34am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 26 minutes and 14 seconds

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    Our February episode features Terminus host Nicole Mazza discussing her love of Doctor Who and her featured series, In The Flesh! We also have a special UK report from James & Ian of Day of the Doctor and a very special message from Who Against Guns.

  • Edward Russell & Top of the Pops

    26 January 2018 (11:57pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes and 24 seconds

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    Thank you so much for a very fun and successful first year of Who & Company. We're starting out Year Two in a big way! Joining us for our January episode is none other than former Doctor Who Brand Manager, Edward Russell! We'll talk about his time on Doctor Who and also his thoughts on being a lifelong fan. Then Edward chooses Top of the Pops as his Classic Show, which just happens to be another program on which he's worked. So sit and back and listen to tales about behind the scenes, lip-synching, embarrassing live performances, and future plans for this month's guest, Edward Russell!

    Then, as an added bonus, we check back in with podcaster Eric Molinsky and find out how his newfound fandom with the show is coming along as he and Drew discuss Twice Upon a Time.

    See you next month!


  • Episode 13 - Edward Russell & Top of the Pops

    26 January 2018 (11:57pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes and 23 seconds

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    Former Doctor Who Brand Manager Edward Russell joins us to talk about his time on the show and chooses Top of the Pops as his Classic Show! Plus, an update with podcaster Eric Molinsky.

  • Episode 13 - Edward Russell & Top of the Pops

    26 January 2018 (11:57pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes and 24 seconds

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    Former Doctor Who Brand Manager Edward Russell joins us to talk about his time on the show and chooses Top of the Pops as his Classic Show! Plus, an update with podcaster Eric Molinsky.

  • Twice Upon a Shada with James & Michele

    18 January 2018 (12:24am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 30 minutes and 21 seconds

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    Welcome to 2018 and thank you so much for listening and supporting our show throughout its first year! As a special thank you, we thought we'd bring back our very first two guests, James & Michele from THE Doctor Who Podcast to discuss not only the Christmas Special, but also the recently released brand-new definitive version of Shada, featuring Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor & Lalla Ward's Romana.

    So sit back and enjoy this ALL Doctor Who special edition of Who & Company!

    ...and SPOILERS abound for Twice Upon a Time AND Shada! Please watch them before listening and we will see you later this month for our January episode.

    Thanks for listening!


  • Episode 12A - Twice Upon a Shada with James & Michele

    18 January 2018 (12:24am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 30 minutes and 20 seconds

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    James & Michele from THE Doctor Who Podcast return for a special Christmas edition where we discuss Twice Upon a Time AND the recently released Shada

  • Episode 12A - Twice Upon a Shada with James & Michele

    18 January 2018 (12:24am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 30 minutes and 21 seconds

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    James & Michele from THE Doctor Who Podcast return for a special Christmas edition where we discuss Twice Upon a Time AND the recently released Shada

  • Fringe with Eric Molinsky

    24 December 2017 (4:48am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 18 minutes and 14 seconds

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    As we close out our very first year of the show, we are pleased to have with us fellow podcaster and brand new Doctor Who fan, Eric Molinsky of the Imaginary Worlds podcast. We chronicle his journey from barely having seen and episode of Doctor Who to becoming a huge fan - and you won't believe how far he's progressed since he started!

    Then we switch over to one of Eric's favorite shows, the recent J.J. Abrams television sci-fi series, Fringe - a show all about multiple universes and sometimes diabolical experiments. And we round out the interview turning our focus back to Doctor Who.

    Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to you all! Please join us for another year in January and maybe even a Christmas surprise coming very soon. Thanks for listening!

  • Episode 12 - Fringe with Eric Molinsky

    24 December 2017 (4:48am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 18 minutes and 13 seconds

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    Eric Molinsky joins us to talk Doctor Who and one of his favorite sci-fi shows, the J.J. Abrams television hit, Fringe.

  • Episode 12 - Fringe with Eric Molinsky

    24 December 2017 (4:48am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 18 minutes and 14 seconds

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    Eric Molinsky joins us to talk Doctor Who and one of his favorite sci-fi shows, the J.J. Abrams television hit, Fringe.

  • The 54th Anniversary Special

    7 December 2017 (2:35am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 14 minutes and 41 seconds

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    With our apologies for being a week late, we present to you our celebration of the recent 54th anniversary of our favorite show with a plethora of interviews from this year's Long Island Who 5 Convention in New York brought to you by our own Drew Meyer! Join us for interviews with such Doctor Who luminaries as Sylvester McCoy, John Leeson, Waris Hussein, Edward Russell, Barnaby Edwards, Richard Ashton, and the lovely Katy Manning.

    But before that, Brent & Drew finally meet in person and interview the organizers of The Raleigh/Durham Doctor Who Meetup Group, Amy Deletrre and Brad Gillespie, as we all gather together for dinner and the top three club-voted Peter Capaldi episodes in honor of the outgoing Doctor.

    See you later in December!

    Email the show!

  • Episode 11 - The 54th Anniversary Special

    7 December 2017 (2:35am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 14 minutes and 40 seconds

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    Join us for an interview with Amy & Brad of the Raleigh/Durham DW Meetup Group, then stick around for interviews with Sylvester McCoy, Katy Manning, John Leeson, Waris Hussein, Edward Russell, Barnaby Edwards, and Richard Ashton!

  • Episode 11 - The 54th Anniversary Special

    7 December 2017 (2:35am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 14 minutes and 41 seconds

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    Join us for an interview with Amy & Brad of the Raleigh/Durham DW Meetup Group, then stick around for interviews with Sylvester McCoy, Katy Manning, John Leeson, Waris Hussein, Edward Russell, Barnaby Edwards, and Richard Ashton!

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