Overall Statistics

Tim's Take On...

Tim's Take On...

Homepage: http://timstakeon.co.uk

RSS Feed: http://timstakeon.libsyn.com/rss

Tim's Take On... Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
31 days, 3 hours, 1 minutes and 25 seconds
Earliest Episode:
10 January 2010 (7:24am GMT)
Latest Episode:
13 September 2024 (3:33pm GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
3 days, 5 hours, 7 minutes and 37 seconds

Tim's Take On... Episodes

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 157(Doctor Who The Edge of Destruction review)

    25 January 2013 (7:46pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes and 23 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    My classic series reviews return with this curio of an episode The Edge of Destruction, it stars just the regular characters and the TARDIS but is remarkably gripping drama even though it's nearly 50 years old.

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 157(Doctor Who The Edge of Destruction review)

    25 January 2013 (7:46pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes and 23 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    My classic series reviews return with this curio of an episode The Edge of Destruction, it stars just the regular characters and the TARDIS but is remarkably gripping drama even though it's nearly 50 years old.

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 156(Delia Derbyshire Day revised version)

    21 January 2013 (8:17pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 39 minutes and 15 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    A shorter revised version of my Delia Derbyshire Day episode, the panel is now cut down to a single but very interesting clip of Mark Ayres.

    You can see video of Mark Ayres at Delia Derbyshire Day here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJWjoQtzWCk

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 156(Delia Derbyshire Day revised version)

    21 January 2013 (8:17pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 39 minutes and 15 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    A shorter revised version of my Delia Derbyshire Day episode, the panel is now cut down to a single but very interesting clip of Mark Ayres.

    You can see video of Mark Ayres at Delia Derbyshire Day here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJWjoQtzWCk

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 156(Delia Derbyshire Day revised version)

    21 January 2013 (8:17pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 39 minutes and 15 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    A shorter revised version of my Delia Derbyshire Day episode, the panel is now cut down to a single but very interesting clip of Mark Ayres.

    You can see video of Mark Ayres at Delia Derbyshire Day here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJWjoQtzWCk

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 156(Delia Derbyshire Day)

    18 January 2013 (7:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 44 minutes and 42 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Last weekend I travelled a up to Manchester for Delia Derbyshire Day, which was primarily an opportunity to see a documentary about the lady who brought us the original arrangement of the Dr Who theme but also to learn more about this at times illusive figure from the show's early days.

    Quite a long intro and outro from me but hopefully the discussion about Delia, her work and the fact that it motivated Canadian filmmaker Kara Blake to produce a documentary about her will be worth the extra long running time this week.

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 155(Dr Who The Daleks review)

    11 January 2013 (8:56pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 38 minutes and 10 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    My mini reviews of the classic series continue this week with The Daleks, the story that was so popular it spawned a whole cultural phenomenon Dalek Mania.

    You can read The oodcast's Haiku on this story here http://theoodcast.com/category/haikwho/page/4/

    and the full entry of the Wife in Space blog on this story is here http://wifeinspace.com/2011/01/the-daleks/

    If you want to know more about William Hartnell who played the 1st Doctor I profiled him in the first episode of Tim's Take On which you can download here http://tto.libsyn.com/tim-s-take-on-episode-1-the-first-doctor-

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 155(Dr Who The Daleks review)

    11 January 2013 (8:56pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 38 minutes and 10 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    My mini reviews of the classic series continue this week with The Daleks, the story that was so popular it spawned a whole cultural phenomenon Dalek Mania.

    You can read The oodcast's Haiku on this story here http://theoodcast.com/category/haikwho/page/4/

    and the full entry of the Wife in Space blog on this story is here http://wifeinspace.com/2011/01/the-daleks/

    If you want to know more about William Hartnell who played the 1st Doctor I profiled him in the first episode of Tim's Take On which you can download here http://tto.libsyn.com/tim-s-take-on-episode-1-the-first-doctor-

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 155(Dr Who The Daleks review)

    11 January 2013 (8:56pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 38 minutes and 10 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    My mini reviews of the classic series continue this week with The Daleks, the story that was so popular it spawned a whole cultural phenomenon Dalek Mania.

    You can read The oodcast's Haiku on this story here http://theoodcast.com/category/haikwho/page/4/

    and the full entry of the Wife in Space blog on this story is here http://wifeinspace.com/2011/01/the-daleks/

    If you want to know more about William Hartnell who played the 1st Doctor I profiled him in the first episode of Tim's Take On which you can download here http://tto.libsyn.com/tim-s-take-on-episode-1-the-first-doctor-

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 154(Dr Who An Unearthly Child review)

    4 January 2013 (8:12pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 26 minutes and 9 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    I begin my look at the classic series in this 50th Anniversary year with the very first Dr Who story An Unearthly Child, it began in a junk yard and it ends on a desolate alien planet.

    If you want to know more about William Hartnell who played the 1st Doctor I profiled him in the first episode of Tim's Take On which you can download here http://tto.libsyn.com/tim-s-take-on-episode-1-the-first-doctor-

    Chris Alpha of The Oodcast has written Haikus about all the classic series stories you can read them here http://theoodcast.com/2011/07/haikwho-season-one-19634/

    and finally for a not we take on this story here's Adventures with The Wife in Space's review http://wifeinspace.com/2011/01/an-unearthly-child/

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 154(Dr Who An Unearthly Child review)

    4 January 2013 (8:12pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 26 minutes and 9 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    I begin my look at the classic series in this 50th Anniversary year with the very first Dr Who story An Unearthly Child, it began in a junk yard and it ends on a desolate alien planet.

    If you want to know more about William Hartnell who played the 1st Doctor I profiled him in the first episode of Tim's Take On which you can download here http://tto.libsyn.com/tim-s-take-on-episode-1-the-first-doctor-

    Chris Alpha of The Oodcast has written Haikus about all the classic series stories you can read them here http://theoodcast.com/2011/07/haikwho-season-one-19634/

    and finally for a not we take on this story here's Adventures with The Wife in Space's review http://wifeinspace.com/2011/01/an-unearthly-child/

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 154(Dr Who An Unearthly Child review)

    4 January 2013 (8:12pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 26 minutes and 9 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    I begin my look at the classic series in this 50th Anniversary year with the very first Dr Who story An Unearthly Child, it began in a junk yard and it ends on a desolate alien planet.

    If you want to know more about William Hartnell who played the 1st Doctor I profiled him in the first episode of Tim's Take On which you can download here http://tto.libsyn.com/tim-s-take-on-episode-1-the-first-doctor-

    Chris Alpha of The Oodcast has written Haikus about all the classic series stories you can read them here http://theoodcast.com/2011/07/haikwho-season-one-19634/

    and finally for a not we take on this story here's Adventures with The Wife in Space's review http://wifeinspace.com/2011/01/an-unearthly-child/

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 153(Dr Who: The Snowmen review)

    25 December 2012 (6:44pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 14 minutes and 34 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    It's Christmas which means some new Dr Who to talk about, this year's Christmas special, Victoriana, new titles and a new TARDIS all make an appearance. From next week I start reviewing the classic series to mark the 50th anniversary year.

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 153(Dr Who: The Snowmen review)

    25 December 2012 (6:44pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 14 minutes and 34 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    It's Christmas which means some new Dr Who to talk about, this year's Christmas special, Victoriana, new titles and a new TARDIS all make an appearance. From next week I start reviewing the classic series to mark the 50th anniversary year.

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 153(Dr Who: The Snowmen review)

    25 December 2012 (6:44pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 14 minutes and 34 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    It's Christmas which means some new Dr Who to talk about, this year's Christmas special, Victoriana, new titles and a new TARDIS all make an appearance. From next week I start reviewing the classic series to mark the 50th anniversary year.

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 152(Dr Who Bad Wolf/The Parting of The Ways review)

    21 December 2012 (8:32pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes and 42 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    The new series retro reviews conclude with a few thoughts on the first seasion finale 2005's Bad Wolf/The Parting of The Ways, still a cracking watch all these years on.

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 152(Dr Who Bad Wolf/The Parting of The Ways review)

    21 December 2012 (8:32pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes and 42 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    The new series retro reviews conclude with a few thoughts on the first seasion finale 2005's Bad Wolf/The Parting of The Ways, still a cracking watch all these years on.

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 152(Dr Who Bad Wolf/The Parting of The Ways review)

    21 December 2012 (8:32pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes and 42 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    The new series retro reviews conclude with a few thoughts on the first seasion finale 2005's Bad Wolf/The Parting of The Ways, still a cracking watch all these years on.

    End theme is Dr Who Ultimate title mix (1963-2007)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 151(Dr Who Boom Town review)

    14 December 2012 (8:13pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 51 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    My retro reviews reach the reappearance of Margaret Blon Fonch Siltheen in Boom Town an enjoyable little romp shot budget savingly in Cardiff.

    End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar by Thrip

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 151(Dr Who Boom Town review)

    14 December 2012 (8:13pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 51 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    My retro reviews reach the reappearance of Margaret Blon Fonch Siltheen in Boom Town an enjoyable little romp shot budget savingly in Cardiff.

    End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar by Thrip

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 151(Dr Who Boom Town review)

    14 December 2012 (8:13pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 51 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    My retro reviews reach the reappearance of Margaret Blon Fonch Siltheen in Boom Town an enjoyable little romp shot budget savingly in Cardiff.

    End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar by Thrip

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 150(Dr Who The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances review)

    7 December 2012 (7:59pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 49 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    My retro reviews return with a look at 2005's The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances two parter, Stephen Moffatt's first contribution to the new series of Doctor Who.

    End theme is Doctor Who Toxic Adventurer mix

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 150(Dr Who The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances review)

    7 December 2012 (7:59pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 49 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    My retro reviews return with a look at 2005's The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances two parter, Stephen Moffatt's first contribution to the new series of Doctor Who.

    End theme is Doctor Who Toxic Adventurer mix

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 150(Dr Who The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances review)

    7 December 2012 (7:59pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 49 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    My retro reviews return with a look at 2005's The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances two parter, Stephen Moffatt's first contribution to the new series of Doctor Who.

    End theme is Doctor Who Toxic Adventurer mix

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 149(Podcasters Panel at Chicago Tardis)

    30 November 2012 (6:51pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 56 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    This week a special presentation thanks to the DWPA we bring you the podcasters panel at the recent Chicago Tardis convention, featuring: Steven Schapansky (Radio Free Skaro), Phillip "Dr. Phill" Serna (Adventures in Time, Space and Music), Michele Simmons (The Doctor Who Podcast), William "Chip" Sudderth (The Two-Minute Time Lord) & Lynn Thomas (SF SqueeCast)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 149(Podcasters Panel at Chicago Tardis)

    30 November 2012 (6:51pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 56 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    This week a special presentation thanks to the DWPA we bring you the podcasters panel at the recent Chicago Tardis convention, featuring: Steven Schapansky (Radio Free Skaro), Phillip "Dr. Phill" Serna (Adventures in Time, Space and Music), Michele Simmons (The Doctor Who Podcast), William "Chip" Sudderth (The Two-Minute Time Lord) & Lynn Thomas (SF SqueeCast)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 149(Podcasters Panel at Chicago Tardis)

    30 November 2012 (6:51pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 56 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    This week a special presentation thanks to the DWPA we bring you the podcasters panel at the recent Chicago Tardis convention, featuring: Steven Schapansky (Radio Free Skaro), Phillip "Dr. Phill" Serna (Adventures in Time, Space and Music), Michele Simmons (The Doctor Who Podcast), William "Chip" Sudderth (The Two-Minute Time Lord) & Lynn Thomas (SF SqueeCast)

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 148(Doctor Who: Father's Day review)

    22 November 2012 (7:46pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes and 42 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    The retro reviews return with one of the best episodes of season one, Paul Cornell penned Father's Day a great example of a time travel story and a fine example of new who where everything works.

    End theme is Colin Baker song

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 148(Doctor Who: Father's Day review)

    22 November 2012 (7:46pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes and 42 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    The retro reviews return with one of the best episodes of season one, Paul Cornell penned Father's Day a great example of a time travel story and a fine example of new who where everything works.

    End theme is Colin Baker song

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 148(Doctor Who: Father's Day review)

    22 November 2012 (7:46pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes and 42 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    The retro reviews return with one of the best episodes of season one, Paul Cornell penned Father's Day a great example of a time travel story and a fine example of new who where everything works.

    End theme is Colin Baker song

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 147(Louise Jameson interviewed by the DWPA at Whooverville & Christmas Special trailer)

    16 November 2012 (9:35pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 34 minutes and 37 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    This week our Whooverville coverage winds up for another year with members of the Dr Who podcast allience interviewing Louise Jameson also hot off the press news of this year's Dr Who Christmas special.

    You can see my photos of Whooverville 4 here http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/sets/72157631342676870/

    End theme is Colin Baker song

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 147(Louise Jameson interviewed by the DWPA at Whooverville & Christmas Special trailer)

    16 November 2012 (9:35pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 34 minutes and 37 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    This week our Whooverville coverage winds up for another year with members of the Dr Who podcast allience interviewing Louise Jameson also hot off the press news of this year's Dr Who Christmas special.

    You can see my photos of Whooverville 4 here http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/sets/72157631342676870/

    End theme is Colin Baker song

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 147(Louise Jameson interviewed by the DWPA at Whooverville & Christmas Special trailer)

    16 November 2012 (9:35pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 34 minutes and 37 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    This week our Whooverville coverage winds up for another year with members of the Dr Who podcast allience interviewing Louise Jameson also hot off the press news of this year's Dr Who Christmas special.

    You can see my photos of Whooverville 4 here http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/sets/72157631342676870/

    End theme is Colin Baker song

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 146(Whostrology book review & Louise Jameson panel at Whooverville 4)

    9 November 2012 (6:54pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    I start this week with a review of the book Whostrology: A Time-Traveller's Guide by Michael M Gilroy-Sinclair a great addition to any who related book shelf. You can buy Whostrology here http://telos.co.uk/

    Main conent this week is Leela actress Louise Jameson's panel at Whooverville 4.

    You can see my photos of Whooverville 4 here http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/sets/72157631342676870/

    and video of this week's panel here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EALqJHXxIyA and here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCXg0EDWxTY

    End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar by Thrip

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 146(Whostrology book review & Louise Jameson panel at Whooverville 4)

    9 November 2012 (6:54pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    I start this week with a review of the book Whostrology: A Time-Traveller's Guide by Michael M Gilroy-Sinclair a great addition to any who related book shelf. You can buy Whostrology here http://telos.co.uk/

    Main conent this week is Leela actress Louise Jameson's panel at Whooverville 4.

    You can see my photos of Whooverville 4 here http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/sets/72157631342676870/

    and video of this week's panel here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EALqJHXxIyA and here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCXg0EDWxTY

    End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar by Thrip

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 146(Whostrology book review & Louise Jameson panel at Whooverville 4)

    9 November 2012 (6:54pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    I start this week with a review of the book Whostrology: A Time-Traveller's Guide by Michael M Gilroy-Sinclair a great addition to any who related book shelf. You can buy Whostrology here http://telos.co.uk/

    Main conent this week is Leela actress Louise Jameson's panel at Whooverville 4.

    You can see my photos of Whooverville 4 here http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/sets/72157631342676870/

    and video of this week's panel here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EALqJHXxIyA and here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCXg0EDWxTY

    End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar by Thrip

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 145(Matt Smith & Caroline Skinner panel at London Expo)

    2 November 2012 (8:06pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 49 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    A rare convention appearance from the current Doctor Matt Smith, this was recorded on 26th October 2012 in a packed hall at London Expo held at Excel London. The audio quality isn't ideal but bear in mind that I almost didn't get in due to the crowds at this event and I was stuck at the back of the hall.

    You can see my photos of London Expo here http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/sets/72157631862444816/

    and video of the start of Matt and Caroline's panel here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l86hqbwuLPQ

    End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar by Thrip

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 145(Matt Smith & Caroline Skinner panel at London Expo)

    2 November 2012 (8:06pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 49 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    A rare convention appearance from the current Doctor Matt Smith, this was recorded on 26th October 2012 in a packed hall at London Expo held at Excel London. The audio quality isn't ideal but bear in mind that I almost didn't get in due to the crowds at this event and I was stuck at the back of the hall.

    You can see my photos of London Expo here http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/sets/72157631862444816/

    and video of the start of Matt and Caroline's panel here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l86hqbwuLPQ

    End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar by Thrip

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 145(Matt Smith & Caroline Skinner panel at London Expo)

    2 November 2012 (8:06pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 49 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    A rare convention appearance from the current Doctor Matt Smith, this was recorded on 26th October 2012 in a packed hall at London Expo held at Excel London. The audio quality isn't ideal but bear in mind that I almost didn't get in due to the crowds at this event and I was stuck at the back of the hall.

    You can see my photos of London Expo here http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/sets/72157631862444816/

    and video of the start of Matt and Caroline's panel here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l86hqbwuLPQ

    End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar by Thrip

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 144(DWPA interview with Peter Purves at Whooverville 4)

    25 October 2012 (6:18pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 18 minutes and 48 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    My Whooverville 4 coverage continues with this Peter Purves interview, you'll hear him talking to Leeson(from Radio Rassilon), James(from The Doctor Who Podcast) and Micheal(from The Tin Dog podcast)

    End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar by Thrip

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 144(DWPA interview with Peter Purves at Whooverville 4)

    25 October 2012 (6:18pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 18 minutes and 48 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    My Whooverville 4 coverage continues with this Peter Purves interview, you'll hear him talking to Leeson(from Radio Rassilon), James(from The Doctor Who Podcast) and Micheal(from The Tin Dog podcast)

    End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar by Thrip

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 144(DWPA interview with Peter Purves at Whooverville 4)

    25 October 2012 (5:18pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 18 minutes and 48 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    My Whooverville 4 coverage continues with this Peter Purves interview, you'll hear him talking to Leeson(from Radio Rassilon), James(from The Doctor Who Podcast) and Micheal(from The Tin Dog podcast)

    End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar by Thrip

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 143 (John R Walker interview at Whooverville 4)

    19 October 2012 (5:41pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 24 minutes and 44 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Film extra John R Walker who's been in Dr Who, Sarah Jane Adventures and RTD's new show Wizards vs Aliens interviewed by myself, Micheal from The Tin Dog Podcast and Luke from The Minute Dr Who Podcast at Whoovervile 4.

    End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar by Thrip

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 143 (John R Walker interview at Whooverville 4)

    19 October 2012 (5:41pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 24 minutes and 44 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Film extra John R Walker who's been in Dr Who, Sarah Jane Adventures and RTD's new show Wizards vs Aliens interviewed by myself, Micheal from The Tin Dog Podcast and Luke from The Minute Dr Who Podcast at Whoovervile 4.

    End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar by Thrip

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 143 (John R Walker interview at Whooverville 4)

    19 October 2012 (4:41pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 24 minutes and 44 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Film extra John R Walker who's been in Dr Who, Sarah Jane Adventures and RTD's new show Wizards vs Aliens interviewed by myself, Micheal from The Tin Dog Podcast and Luke from The Minute Dr Who Podcast at Whoovervile 4.

    End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar by Thrip

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 142(John Levine interviewed by DWPA at Whoverville 4)

    12 October 2012 (6:31pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 32 minutes and 19 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    My Whooverville 4 coverage continues with an interview with John Levine, I show up a little but you'll mostly hear James Naughton from Podshock and Siobhan Gallichan from The Flashing Blade.

    End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar by Thrip

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 142(John Levine interviewed by DWPA at Whoverville 4)

    12 October 2012 (6:31pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 32 minutes and 19 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    My Whooverville 4 coverage continues with an interview with John Levine, I show up a little but you'll mostly hear James Naughton from Podshock and Siobhan Gallichan from The Flashing Blade.

    End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar by Thrip

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 142(John Levine interviewed by DWPA at Whoverville 4)

    12 October 2012 (5:31pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 32 minutes and 19 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    My Whooverville 4 coverage continues with an interview with John Levine, I show up a little but you'll mostly hear James Naughton from Podshock and Siobhan Gallichan from The Flashing Blade.

    End theme is Dr Who Gypsy Guitar by Thrip

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 141(The Podcasters Panel at Whooverville 4)

    5 October 2012 (6:41pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 44 minutes and 16 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    The first of a few episodes covering this year's Whooverville convention that was held in Derby back in early September. Amongst others here you'll hear myself, Tin Dog, Oolon from Dirty Whooers, Keith from Staggering Stories, Luke from TMDWP, Leeson from Radio Rassilon and Siobhan Gallichan from The Flashing Blade and The DWO Whocast(occasionally now) appolgies to anyone I've forgotten to mention.

    Album art by Tim Drury taken whilst on stage at Whooverville

    End theme is Doctor Qui by Dalekium

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On: Episode 141(The Podcasters Panel at Whooverville 4)

    5 October 2012 (6:41pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 44 minutes and 16 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    The first of a few episodes covering this year's Whooverville convention that was held in Derby back in early September. Amongst others here you'll hear myself, Tin Dog, Oolon from Dirty Whooers, Keith from Staggering Stories, Luke from TMDWP, Leeson from Radio Rassilon and Siobhan Gallichan from The Flashing Blade and The DWO Whocast(occasionally now) appolgies to anyone I've forgotten to mention.

    Album art by Tim Drury taken whilst on stage at Whooverville

    End theme is Doctor Qui by Dalekium

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

Dormant Podcasts