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Gallifrey's Most Wanted Podcast

Gallifrey's Most Wanted Podcast
We are Ross, a long time fan of Doctor Who, and Victoria, a relatively new convert to the show. We bring unique, informed perspectives to our experience and enjoyment of Doctor Who. Each podcast covers a Doctor Who television story and includes a story synopsis, review and discussion of where each fits in the Doctor Who Universe. Future episodes will cover all the media in that Universe, including audio plays, books and comics.

Homepage: http://gallifreysmostwanted.libsyn.com/podcast

RSS Feed: http://gallifreysmostwanted.libsyn.com/rss

Gallifrey's Most Wanted Podcast Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
14 days, 15 hours, 33 minutes and 41 seconds
Earliest Episode:
5 January 2017 (4:47pm GMT)
Latest Episode:
8 September 2024 (2:53pm GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
7 days, 7 hours, 10 minutes and 57 seconds

Gallifrey's Most Wanted Podcast Episodes

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 132 -- Eclipse

    6 November 2022 (4:38pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 39 minutes and 42 seconds

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    Ross and Vic have a chat about the 2nd story in the Charlotte Pollard: The Further Adventuress box set, entiled Ecplise. This lead as it will to other disccusions and tangents. We hope you enjoy our converstation and our recoomendations on other books and audios we went on about.


  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 132 -- Eclipse

    6 November 2022 (4:38pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Ross and Vic have a chat about the 2nd story in the Charlotte Pollard: The Further Adventuress box set, entiled Ecplise. This lead as it will to other disccusions and tangents. We hope you enjoy our converstation and our recoomendations on other books and audios we went on about.


  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Presents: The 2nd Doctor

    29 October 2022 (12:41pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 35 minutes and 4 seconds

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    Ross is joined by Frazer again to chat about the Patrick Troughton the 2nd Doctor.  They had a great time and got to discuss the good, the bad, the animated, the persieved wisdom, and the joy of the 2nd Doctor's era.

    Please check out Frazer @FelixFrazer on twitter for his many guest spots on so many podcasts 

    Hamster with Blunt Penknife


    Trap One Podcast




  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 131 - The Power of the Doctor

    24 October 2022 (10:54pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 35 seconds

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    Wow, the whole Fam is back together to say good bye to Jodie and  Mandip. What a ride! What an adventure! What and emotional journey.  Ross, Vic, and Jeff got back together to share our take and feelings on this regeneration story and to celebrate Doctor Who' contribution to the Centenery of the BBC. 


  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Presents: Temporal Logbook III

    16 October 2022 (5:42pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 24 minutes and 34 seconds

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    Ross is joined by James Silvester and talk about Temporal Logbook III a new collection of Doctor Who short stories for charity.  They had a lovely chat about and enjoyable book.  The charity it is supporting is Settled. Settled provides information, advice and support services to help EU citizens who have made a home in the UK.



    Temporal Logic II:


  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 130 -- The Apocalypse Element

    9 October 2022 (2:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 39 minutes and 31 seconds

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    The 6th Doctor and Evelyn have landed right in the middle of conference of Time Active races, including his own. Will they along with Romana be able to stop the Daleks.  Of course or Ross and Vic would not be able to talk about this story from the early days of Big Finish.

    Shout outs!

    Big Finish




  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Presents: Comic Shop VII

    2 October 2022 (5:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 44 seconds

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    Ross is joined by Mark from Trap One to talk comics. This time around all of time and space is falling apart.  The 5th Doctor and Sir Justin must stop Melanicus. The two stories we are covering are the debut 5th Doctor comic stories The Tides of Time and Stars Fall on Stockbridge by Steve Parkhouse (2000 AD), and Dave Gibbons 2000 AD, Watchmen).  

    Shout outs!

    Mark McManus @QuarkMcMalus

    Trap One Podcast @TrapOne_

    Doctor Who Magazine


  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 129 -- Terminus

    24 September 2022 (6:08pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 58 seconds

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    Will Ross and Vic servive Terminus? Will the survive the Lazurs touch or the endless scenes inside airducts? Please listen and here what is worse the Lazar's touch or the script. All these things plus the good and bad  in this serial and some thoughts on where this story came from. Beware the Garm

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Presents: Comic Shop VI

    18 September 2022 (6:43pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 25 minutes and 25 seconds

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    Ross is joined once again by Mark from the Trap One Podcast to talk about Doctor Who comics. This time it's the Doctor Magazine trade titled The Hunters of the Burning Stone. This volume features three stories, The Broken Man, Imaginary Enemies, and The Hunters of Burning Stone the 50th anniversary story featuring  the return of Ian and Barbara.  These tales feature the talents of, Scott Gray, Martin Geraghty, MIke Collins, David A. Roach, James Offredi, and Roger Langridge.  

    Shout outs!:

    Trap One Podcast @TrapOne_ 

    Mark McManus @QuarkMcMalus

    Doctor Who Magazine




  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 128 -- The Seeds of Doom

    9 September 2022 (10:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 0 minutes and 46 seconds

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    Dougie Camfields last story and it gets Victoria and Ross talking. Doctor Who's version of the The Thing, one of Ross' favorite movies.  The conversation moves from masterful direction, to perfect casting,  to fake snow, dodgy beards (Not Ross's his pretty good), and to Agatha Christe (Got to love GMW tangent). They hope you enjoy the ride.

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Presents: Comic Shop V

    3 September 2022 (9:20pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 1 minutes and 36 seconds

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    Ross and Mark from Trap One are chatting more of the Titan Doctor Who comics. Since the next two Doctor Who stories on the tellie will be big events they thought they should cover an event too.  It's The Lost Dimension crossover, featuring all The Doctors, Jenny, Rose, and all the Titan companions.  Lots to cover, and we hope you enjoy it. 

    Titan Comics


    Trap One Podcast


    Stop! Let's Team-Up!


  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 127 -- The Curse of Peladon

    28 August 2022 (1:40pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 29 seconds

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    The Third Doctor and Jo land on Peladon and get drawn into court intrige.  Can they make sure that Peladon can join the Galactic Ferderation and stop Hepesh.  What do Ross and Vic think of this comfortable little Doctor Who tale?

    Vic recommends:

    The Golem and Jinni 

    By Helen Wecker


    The Double Helix

    By Dr James Watson



  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Presents: Comic Shop IV

    21 August 2022 (11:03am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes and 18 seconds

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    Ross is joined by Mark McManus from Trap One for more comic book chat.  This time it is another Paul Cornel Chris Jones 3rd Doctor story set in Season 10. It's one they both have been wanting to talk about this fun little adventure.  


    Check out Humble Bundle who sometimes have downloadable Big Finish and Titan Doctor Who comics for very low prices


    Also for the second week in a row Ross recommends 

    The Dairy of River Song Volume 9

    Again get check out Mark on Trap One Podcast



  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 126 -- The Enemy of the World

    14 August 2022 (2:33pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 5 minutes and 23 seconds

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    Ross and Vic have travel down under to investigate Salamader. The would be despot not the reptile.  A story that once was lost but now is found. They not only disccuss percieved fan wisdom and how it can be flawed, but also get to remark on how two Patrick Troughton performaces are always a good thing.




  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Presents: The 3rd Doctor

    7 August 2022 (4:34pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 35 seconds

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    Ross and Jason are back together. This time to discuss the 3rd Doctor, Jon Pertwee.  The talk the joy that is The Ambassadors of Death and Green Death. Don't mind the deadly titles they fun stories. As normal there are interesting tangents and strong opinions. 

    You can find Jason on this Doctor Who Literature Podcast


    And on Trap One Podcast


    And on Twitter


  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 125 -- The Dalek Invasion of Earth

    29 July 2022 (11:20pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 53 seconds

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    Ross and Vic have arrived in Dalek occupied London 2167.  Barbara becomes a resistance fighter and drives a mean lorry. Ian drops a bomb down a big mine shaft and the Doctor and Susan must say their good byes. A classic story and a fun conversation for Ross and Victoria

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Presents: Comic Shop III

    23 July 2022 (5:34pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 18 seconds

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    Ross is joined again by Mark McManus from the Trap One Podcast to talk Doctor Who comics. This time it is the Titan Comic 7th Doctor mini series Operation: Volcano by Andrew Cartmel and Christoper Jones. It also features Ace and the Counter Measures team.  It's almost like having a Season 27.

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 124 -- In the Forest of the Night

    16 July 2022 (12:27pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 26 minutes and 55 seconds

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    Ross and Vic tag along with the Doctor, Clara, Danny and their Coal Hill School students on adventure in a newly reforested London. This Season 8 episode brought up some new discussions for us. Some of them about the story itself and some about what is happening in the world around us.  

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Presents -- The 11th Doctor

    9 July 2022 (1:58am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 15 minutes and 19 seconds

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    Ross is joined by Si Hart and Frazer Gregory to talk Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor. This Trio of 11th Doctor fans find episodes they all love and a wide variety of others to bring to the conversation. The talk tocuhes on companions, rating the seasons, oh of course Mr Moffatt ears may be burning

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Presents: The 4th Doctor

    2 July 2022 (12:25pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 19 seconds

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    Jasom from Doctor Who Literature and Trap One joins Ross to talk the 4th Doctor, Tom Baker. They discuss how US fans were indoctrinated into Tom Baker and Doctor Who by PBS.  Ross fess up to his contrary attitude toward Mr Baker.

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 123 -- Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang

    25 June 2022 (7:18pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 49 seconds

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    Ross and Vic watch the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory, and River reboot the universe. They have a lot of and opinions about this season finale. 11 is Ross' Doctor and Vic has hero worship for River. 

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 122 -- Fear Her

    18 June 2022 (6:12pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 7 seconds

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    Ross and Vic get together to talk the merist of the Series 2 episode Fear Her.  It's an episode that is not highly thought about. Is it as bad as all that. They don't think so.  There is nothing to fear in this episode 

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Presents: The 7th Doctor

    12 June 2022 (4:48pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 18 minutes and 3 seconds

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    Ross is joined by Iain Martin from All of Time and Space to discuss Slyvestor McCoy the 7th Doctor. Listen to what think of the the stories, the seasons, and the Era as a whole. 

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 121 -- Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways

    4 June 2022 (12:37am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 22 seconds

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    After 5 years and 5 months Ross and Vic have reached the end of the 1st Series of New Who. It has been a fun journey.  They chat RTDs first series and how it all came together. Also Ross gives his not so gentle opinion of Reality TV and Vic wraps her head around time travel rules again.

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Presents: Comic Shop II

    28 May 2022 (1:38pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 1 minutes and 9 seconds

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    Ross is joined again by Mark McManus host of the Trap One Podcast to discuss a Doctor Who comicbook adventure.  This time it is the Titan Comics Four Doctors crossover from a few years back. This adventure is by the one and only Paul Cornell, who has told Doctor Who in multiple mediums, and it always fun go long for the ride with him.

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 120 -- The Mummy Speaks!

    21 May 2022 (12:58pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 41 minutes and 53 seconds

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    We have landed in Paris 1841 to join the 8th Doctor, Charley, and Gi the Gorilla on an adventure.  We chat about this first story in the new Doctor Who: Charlotte Pollard The Further Adventuress box set from Big Finish. Alan Barnes returns to pen a new story for Charley. Happy 20th Anniversary Charley!

  • GMW Presents: Welcome Ncuti Gatwa The 14th Doctor

    19 May 2022 (8:19pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 17 minutes and 18 seconds

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    Ross and Vic give you their take on the announcement of The 14th Doctor, Ncuti Gatwa. Welcome to the family

  • GMW Presents: The Runcible Report Episode 037 -- New 1st Doctor

    14 May 2022 (12:38pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 42 seconds

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    Ross and Jeff got together to talk the new Big Finish New 1st Doctor Adventures featuring Steven Noonan and Lauren Cornelius as the 1st Doctor and Dodo. They broke the tangent limit this week so look out for extra episode with all the cuts.

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 119 -- Ghost Light

    8 May 2022 (8:39pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 24 seconds

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    Ross and Vic have traveled to Perrivale in 2022 and discuss the Season 26 story Ghost Light. It's little bit My Fair Neanderthal, a little Alice in Perrivale, and a bit Light's Big Litte Book of Evolution.  

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Presents -- Eve of the Legend

    30 April 2022 (12:07pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes and 18 seconds

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    Ross and Vic finally get together to chat Eve of Daleks and Legend of the Sea Devils.  They also chat Thasmin, Asling Bea, Pirate movies, and how all this comes together in their heads

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 118 -- The Spectre of Lanyon Moor

    22 April 2022 (11:05pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 44 minutes and 58 seconds

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    Ross and Vic to journey back to the time the Doctor and Evelyn meet the Brigadier. My what a TARDIS team they make. That plus aliens and the Doctor Who verison of Time Team

  • GMW Presents: The Runcible Report Episode 036 -- Classic Season 21

    17 April 2022 (8:48pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 27 minutes and 35 seconds

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    Ross and Jeff get together to talk Classic Season 21. Davo's last and Sixie's first. You may be surprise by what they like and why. That and Ross shows he can't count

  • GMW Presents: The Runcible Report Episode 035 -- Zygon Outer-Space Diaries

    9 April 2022 (2:36am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 6 seconds

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    Jeff and Ross are joined by Paul Cooke to chat about Zygon Outer-Space Diaries. A fan produced charity  Annual featuring the Zygons, whose procedes to go in aid to Cancer Research UK. We had a lovely time chatting about a wonderful book. We hope you all consider snapping up the annual

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 117 -- Mawdryn Undead

    3 April 2022 (2:55pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes and 35 seconds

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    Wow two Brigadiers for the price one. Ross and Vic chat about the Season 20 Return of the beloved Brig and the introduciton of Turlough. We chat hallway acting, Tegan's outfit and it's lack of effect on the British school boy.  

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 116 -- The Brain of Morbius

    26 March 2022 (5:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 55 seconds

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    Hinchcliffe-Holmes time again faithful listeners. Frankenstein meets PBS Pledge Drive.  This a comfort story for Ross. He and Vic had a laugh talking about this one. 

  • GMW Presents: The Runcible Report Episode 034 --Classic Season 2

    19 March 2022 (9:01pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 37 minutes and 40 seconds

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    Ross and Jeff got their wish. They got to discuss Classic Season 2.  Nine fine expamples of 60s Who. Some great, some good, some comfortable and The Space Museum. Ross has issues with the Space Museums. 

  • GMW Presents: The Runcible Report Episode 033 -- Surprisingly Animated

    12 March 2022 (12:56pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 19 minutes and 49 seconds

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    The boys are back in town! Ross and Jeff are back together after being sepearte by a rouge time vortex. This week they chat animated Doctor Who, Jeff's Big Finish Binge and have a tangent or two. 

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 115 -- Day of the Daleks

    5 March 2022 (1:05pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 33 minutes and 58 seconds

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    Ross and Vic travel to the UNIT Era with The Doctor and Jo.  We talk Ogrons, Daleks, and singing sweet shop owners.

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Presents: Comic Shop I

    26 February 2022 (2:20pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 49 seconds

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    Ross is joined by Mark McManus @QuarkMcMalus from Trap One Podcast @TrapOne_  linktr.ee/TrapOne_ to talk Doctor Who Comic Books. We start with Titan Comic's 11th Doctor trade back Afterlife, collecting the 1st 5 issues on Year 1 of that series. Ross is happy that his fav Who artist Simon Fraser's work is in it. 

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 114 -- The Ice Warriors

    19 February 2022 (4:05pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes and 30 seconds

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    Brrrrr it's cold in the year 3000 AD. Not to cold for Ross and Vic to say hi the Second Doctor and the Ice Warriors. Also a little clash between pro-ionizer and anti-ionizer, plus bees

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Presents: Season 22 Blu Ray Preview

    13 February 2022 (2:45am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 20 minutes and 58 seconds

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    Ross is joined again by Frazer and Simon to talk Doctor Who. This tme they are talking about the upcoming classic Season Twenty -Two Blu  Ray set.

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 113 -- Planet of the Giants

    4 February 2022 (10:32pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 39 minutes and 15 seconds

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    Ross and Vic have made it to Season 2 of Classic Doctor Who.  It's time to get down - to one inch tall as we chat about how our shrunken TARDIS get out of this little story

  • GMW Presents: Quatermass and Hadoke

    29 January 2022 (6:15pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 7 minutes and 8 seconds

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    Ross is joined by the wonderful Toby Hadoke to talk Quatermass and of course some Doctor Who. As with most GMW conversations there is infomation and tangents. We hope you had as much fun listening as we had talking. https://tobyhadoke.com     @TobyHadoke  @HadokePodcast

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 112 -- Flatline

    22 January 2022 (2:26pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 41 seconds

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    Ross and Vic sat down for a chat about what we thought would be a simple one and done about Flatline. Well that happens, but then we find that it trigger a tangent about current afairs. Imagine that with those two.

  • GMW Presents: Strange Tales

    15 January 2022 (1:48am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 43 minutes and 57 seconds

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    Ross is joined by the Fabulous Frazer Gregory and the Spectacular SI Hart to talk about some of the stories outside to norm of your average Doctor Who stories. We hope you enjoy the trip. 

  • GMW Presents: The Runcible Report Episode 026 -- Classic Season 3

    7 January 2022 (5:53pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 42 minutes and 22 seconds

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    Jeff and Ross get together to discuss Classic Season 3. Hartnell's 3 full season. It's full of producer changes, companions comings and goings, and missing episodes. Please joy them on their journey from Galaxy 4 to Swinging 60s London

  • GMW Presents: A Tangent about Two Xmas Specials

    24 December 2021 (4:58pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 29 minutes and 42 seconds

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    Ross is joined by Frazer Gregory @FelixFrazer. The talk, gush, and go on tangents about their favorite Christmas Specials.  

  • Gallifrey's Most Wanted Episode 111 -- The Lodger

    19 December 2021 (3:10pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 59 minutes and 55 seconds

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    Vic and Ross come together to chat about The Lodger from Series 5 of New Who. They chat about James Cordon over load and tangets galore

  • GMW Presents: The Runcible Report Episode 024 - Verity Lambert

    11 December 2021 (12:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes and 4 seconds

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    Ross and Jeff sit down to talk about Doctor Who's first producer Verity Lambert. She not only shape the show we love but was also a pioneer in television. So sit back and listen.

  • GMW Presents: The Flux Report Episode 6 -- The Vanquishers

    7 December 2021 (12:17am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 18 seconds

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    The Fam is back together to gab and maybe gush about the finale of Doctor Who: The Flux. We talk content, context, and editing. We all share our admiration for Jodie.  We hope you enjoy. Also sad to see the end of a season of Doctor Who

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