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Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: A Journey Through Doctor Who

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: A Journey Through Doctor Who

Homepage: http://www.wanderin4d.com/

RSS Feed: http://wanderin4d.libsyn.com/rss

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: A Journey Through Doctor Who Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
24 days, 20 hours, 43 minutes and 7 seconds
Earliest Episode:
6 February 2014 (7:20am GMT)
Latest Episode:
4 September 2024 (12:16am GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
7 days, 11 hours, 39 minutes and 38 seconds

Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: A Journey Through Doctor Who Episodes

  • Episode 297b: Flux - Chapter Two: War of the Sontarans

    11 November 2021 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 49 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover Flux: Chapter Two - War of the Sontarans!

    QotW: Now that Doctor Who has its first proper Halloween episode, what other holidays would you like to see the Doctor celebrate apart from the usual Christmas and New Years, and what kind of story would it entail?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Flux: Chapter Two - War of the Sontarans (Ratings: Charlie 8.75, Connor 8.5, David 7.75, Trevor 8.25)

    Big Finish: Doctor Who - Brotherhood of the Daleks (Ratings: Charlie 7.5, Connor 8.5, David 7.25, Trevor 7)


    Join us next week for our discussion of Flux - Chapter Three: Once, Upon Time! We also plan to review the audio adventure Doctor Who: The Raincloud Man, available from Big Finish.

  • Episode 297a: Flux - Chapter One: The Halloween Apocalypse

    4 November 2021 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 15 minutes and 44 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover the series 13 premiere, Flux: Chapter One - The Halloween Apocalypse!

    QotW: Now that Russell T Davies has been selected as Doctor Who’s next showrunner, who are you hoping he’ll cast as the next Doctor?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Flux: Chapter One - The Halloween Apocalypse! (Ratings: Trevor 8, Charlie 8.5, Connor 7.5, David 8)


    Join us next week for our discussion of Flux - Chapter Two: War of the Sontarans! We also plan to review the audio adventure Doctor Who: Brotherhood of the Daleks, available from Big Finish.

  • Episode 296W2140: October 2021

    7 October 2021 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 14 minutes and 37 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover Doctor Who: The Condemned and Doctor Who: The Doomwood Curse from Big Finish!

    QotM: Some have criticized recent #DoctorWho seasons for having bad stories. What do you think makes for a good Doctor Who story?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Doctor Who: The Condemned (David 8, Trevor 7.75, Charlie 8, Connor 8.25) Doctor Who: The Doomwood Curse (David 7.9, Trevor 6, Charlie 8.25, Connor 8.5)


    Join us next month for our reviews of Doctor Who: Brotherhood of the Daleks & Doctor Who: The Raincloud Man, available from Big Finish.

  • Episode 296W2135: September 2021

    2 September 2021 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 6 minutes and 21 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover UNIT: Incursions from Big Finish!

    QotM: Series 13 is reported to be six episodes as a continuous storyline. What do you think about this deviation from the traditional modern format of mostly independent episodes with the occasional 2-3 parter?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Big Finish: UNIT: Incursions Part 1: This Sleep of Death (Connor 7.75, David 7.5, Trevor 7.5, Charlie 7.5) Part 2: Tempest (Connor 7.25, David 7.25, Trevor 5, Charlie 6.75*) Part 3: The Power of River Song (Connor -/7.5, David 8/7.5, Trevor 7.75/6.75, Charlie 8/7.5)


    Join us next month for our reviews of Doctor Who: The Condemned and Doctor Who The Doomwood Curse, available from Big Finish.

  • Episode 296W2131: August 2021

    5 August 2021 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 39 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover Doctor Who - The War Doctor Begins - Forged in Fire!

    QotM: Several Doctor Who actors have starred in Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and shows (including David Tennant as Killgrave, Karen Gillan as Nebula, and Christopher Eccleston as Malekith). What other MCU character would you like to see portrayed by a Doctor Who actor?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Big Finish: Doctor Who - The War Doctor Begins - Forged in Fire Part 1: Light the Flame (Charlie 8, Connor 8, David 8.75, Trevor 8.25) Part 2: Lion Hearts (Charlie 7.5, Connor 7.25, David 7.75, Trevor 8.75) Part 3: The Shadow Squad (Charlie 9.25/8.5, Connor 8.5/8.5, David 9/8.75, Trevor 8.5/8.5)


    Join us next month for our review of UNIT: Incursions, available from Big Finish.

  • Episode 296W2126: July 2021

    1 July 2021 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 0 minutes and 53 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover Out of Time 2: The Gates of Hell from Big Finish.

    QotM: What is one thing you wish everyone understood about Doctor Who?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Big Finish: Out of Time 2: The Gates of Hell (Trevor 8.25, Charlie 8.5, Connor 7.75, David 8.5)


    Join us next month for our review of Doctor Who: The War Doctor Begins - Forged in Fire available from Big Finish.

  • Episode 296W2122: June 2021

    3 June 2021 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 14 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover Ninth Doctor Adventures: Ravagers from Big Finish!

    QotM: What’s your favorite memory of Doctor Who?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Big Finish: Ninth Doctor Adventures: Ravagers (David 8, Trevor 8, Charlie 7.75)


    Join us next month for our review of Doctor Who: Out of Time 2 - The Gates of Hell, available from Big Finish.

  • Episode 296W2118: May 2021

    6 May 2021 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes and 56 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover Absolution and The Girl Who Never Was from Big Finish!

    QotM: With vaccinations becoming more widespread, life will hopefully start returning to some semblance of normal again. What conventions (if any) are you looking forward to attending when they start up again?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Big Finish: Absolution (Trevor 5, Charlie 7.5, David 8.75)

    Big Finish: The Girl Who Never Was (Charlie 9, David 8.5, Trevor 8.75)


    Join us next month for our review of The Ninth Doctor Adventures - Ravagers, available from Big Finish.

  • Episode 296W2113: April 2021

    1 April 2021 (9:01pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 47 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover Something Inside and Memory Lane from Big Finish!

    QotM: Russell T Davies recently paid homage to Doctor Who in It’s a Sin.  What other show would you like to see pay homage to #DoctorWho and how?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Big Finish: Something Inside (Trevor 6.5, Charlie 7.5, David 8)

    Big Finish: Memory Lane (Trevor 6, Charlie 7, David 7.5)


    Join us next month for our reviews of Absolution and The Girl Who Never Was, available from Big Finish.

  • Episode 296W2109: March 2021

    4 March 2021 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 18 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot, as well as the Tenth Doctor and River Song boxed set from Big Finish!

    QotM: Recast a Doctor Who serial. Keep one actor; everyone else is Muppets. What serial, who do you keep, which Muppets play which parts? #DoctorWho (Thanks to @fantasticalicef for the question idea!)

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    The Five(-ish) Doctors Reboot (David 9, Trevor 9.5-ish, Charlie 9 at least)

    Big Finish: The Tenth Doctor and River Song (Charlie 9.25, David 8, Trevor 7.75)

    • Part 1: Expiry Dating (David 8.5, Trevor 8.75, Charlie 8.5)
    • Part 2: Precious Annihilation (David 8, Trevor 8, Charlie 8)
    • Part 3: Ghosts (David 8.5/8.75, Trevor 7.75/8.5, Charlie 8/8.5)


    Join us next month for the April 2021 episode of Wanderers in the 4th Dimension! We plan to review the audio adventures Something Inside and Memory Lane, available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 296W2105: February 2021

    4 February 2021 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 42 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover the Masterful standard edition special release from Big Finish!

    QotM: Graham and Ryan have departed the TARDIS. What’s your opinion of them as companions?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Big Finish: Masterful (Charlie 9.25, David 8, Trevor 7.75)


    Join us next month for the March 2021 episode of Wanderers in the 4th Dimension! We plan to review the audio adventure boxed set The Tenth Doctor and River Song, available from Big Finish, as well as The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot.

  • Episode 296: Revolution of the Daleks

    7 January 2021 (5:49pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 41 minutes and 24 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover the Doctor Who 2021 New Year's Special, Revolution of the Daleks, and Big Finish's The Maltese Penguin.

    QotM: What holiday movie do you think would be improved by a visit from the Doctor, and how?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Revolution of the Daleks (Trevor 8, Charlie 8.5, Connor 8.6, David 8.75)

    Big Finish: The Maltese Penguin (Trevor 7.75, Charlie 6.75, David 8)


    Join us next month for the February 2021 episode of Wanderers in the 4th Dimension! We plan to review the Masterful special release audio adventure from Big Finish.

  • Episode 295W2049: December 2020

    3 December 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 51 minutes and 57 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover the 1980 cult classic movie Flash Gordon and Big Finish's The War Master Volume 4: Anti-Genesis!

    QotM: If you were to remake any movie (no porn), with the one stipulation that the leads must be portrayed only by actors who appeared on #DoctorWho (past or present), what would the movie be, and which Doctor Who actors do you cast?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Flash Gordon (David 5.5, Trevor 8, Charlie 7.5)

    Big Finish: The War Master vol. 4: Anti-Genesis

    • Episode 1: From the Flames (David 7.75, Trevor 8.75, Charlie 8.5)
    • Episode 2: The Master's Dalek Plan (David 8, Trevor 9.25, Charlie 9)
    • Episode 3: Shockwave (David 8.5, Trevor 7.75, Charlie 9)
    • Episode 4: He Who Wins (David 8.75/9.75, Trevor 8.5/8.75, Charlie 9/9.5)


    Join us next month for the holiday special 2020 episode of Wanderers in the 4th Dimension! We plan to review Doctor Who TV holiday special (check your local listings) and the audio adventure The Maltese Penguin, available from Big Finish.

  • Episode 295W2045: November 2020

    5 November 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 34 minutes and 3 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover two productions both entitled "The Science of Doctor Who", as well as The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield vol. 4: Ruler of the Universe!

    QotM: The Doctor is President of Earth -- who is the Doctor’s Vice President?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    The Science of Doctor Who x 2 (Charlie 7/8, David 7.5/8.5, Trevor 7/8.5, Connor -/8)

    Big Finish: The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield vol. 3: The Unbound Universe

    • Episode 1: The City and the Clock (Charlie 7.5, David 7.75, Trevor 7)
    • Episode 2: Asking For a Friend (Charlie 7.75, David 8, Trevor 8.25)
    • Episode 3: Truant (Charlie 8, David 7.75, Trevor 9.25)
    • Episode 4: The True Savior of the Universe (Charlie 9/8.5, David 8/8, Trevor 8.25/8.25)


    Join us next month for the December, 2020 episode of Wanderers in the 4th Dimension! We plan to review The War Master, Volume 4: Anti-Genesis from Big Finish. Additionally, we’ll be reviewing the 1980 film Flash Gordon. I wasn’t able to find anywhere to stream it with just a subscription, but you can rent or buy it from numerous online video services.

  • Episode 295W2040: October 2020

    1 October 2020 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 17 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover Out of Time AND The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield vol. 3: The Unbound Universe!

    QotM: The Out of Time series of Big Finish audio adventures features team-ups between the tenth Doctor and classic Doctors. If you could have any one classic Doctor and any one modern Doctor team up, who would you choose and why?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Big Finish: Out of Time (Charlie 9, David 9.5, Trevor 8.5)

    Big Finish: The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield vol. 3: The Unbound Universe

    • Episode 1: The Library in the Body (Charlie 8, David 8.5, Trevor 8.5)
    • Episode 2: Planet X (Charlie 7, David 8, Trevor 7.25)
    • Episode 3: The Very Dark Thing (Charlie 6.5, David 7.75, Trevor 6.25)
    • Episode 4: The Emporium at the End (Charlie 8.75/8.25, David 8/8, Trevor 8/7.5)


    Join us next month for the November, 2020 episode of Wanderers in the 4th Dimension! We plan to review Doctor Who: The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 04: Ruler of the Universe. The audio adventures are available from BigFinish.com. Additionally, we’ll be reviewing two different productions named The Science of Doctor Who and comparing them. One is available on Amazon Prime; the other is a special feature on the series 7 DVD and BluRay releases.

  • Episode 295W2032: September 2020

    3 September 2020 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 42 minutes and 50 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover The War Master volume 3: Rage of the Time Lords, featuring the 8th Doctor!

    QotM: Many people have portrayed the Master/Missy over the years. What’s your favorite NON-Master/Missy role one of these people has played?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Big Finish: The War Master 3.1: The Survivor (Trevor 8, Charlie 7.5, David 7.5)

    Big Finish: The War Master 3.2: The Coney Island Chameleon (Trevor 8.25, Charlie 7.75, David 6.75)

    Big Finish: The War Master 3.3: The Missing Link (Trevor 9, Charlie 8.75, David 8.5)

    Big Finish: The War Master 3.4: Darkness and Light (Trevor 8.75/8.5, Charlie 9/8.75, David 8.75/8.5)


    Join us next month for the October, 2020 episode of Wanderers in the 4th Dimension! We plan to review the new release Out of Time volume 1, featuring Tom Baker and David Tennant, as well as The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield vol. 3: The Unbound Universe. The audio adventures are available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 295W2032: August 2020

    6 August 2020 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 31 minutes and 53 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover Missy Series 2, featuring Strax and the Meddling Monk, and introducing the Lumiat!

    QotM: Missy is in some ways an homage to Disney’s Mary Poppins. What other Disney character (broadly speaking) would you like to see #DoctorWho pay homage to?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Big Finish: Missy Series 2, part 1: The Lumiat (David 8, Trevor 8.25, Charlie 9)

    Big Finish: Missy Series 2, part 2: Brimstone and Terror (David 8, Trevor 6.5, Charlie 8)

    Big Finish: Missy Series 2, part 3: Treason and Plot (David 7.5, Trevor 8, Charlie 7.5)

    Big Finish: Missy Series 2, part 4: Too Many Masters (David 8.5/8.25, Trevor 7.75/7.5, Charlie 8.5/8.5)


    Join us next month for the September, 2020 episode of Wanderers in the 4th Dimension! We plan to review War Master volume 3: Rage of the Time Lords. Additionally, we’ll cover the new release Out of Time volume 1, featuring Tom Baker and David Tennant, IF it comes out early enough in August for us to listen by recording time. Either way, the audio adventures are available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 295W2027: July 2020

    2 July 2020 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 19 minutes and 53 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover The Diary of River Song Volume 3, featuring the 5th Doctor!

    QotM: If River Song were to regenerate, who would you want to play her new incarnation?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 3, part 1: The Lady in the Lake (David 5, Trevor 7.75, Charlie 7.5)

    Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 3, part 2: A Requiem for the Doctor (David 7.25, Trevor 7.25, Charlie 7.5)

    Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 3, part 3: My Dinner With Andrew (David 7.75, Trevor 8.25, Charlie 8)

    Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 3, part 4: The Furies (David 7.75/7.25, Trevor 8/7.75, Charlie 7.75/7.75)


    Join us next month for the August, 2020 episode of Wanderers in the 4th Dimension! We plan to review Missy Series 2, IF it comes out early enough in July for us to listen by recording time. If not, we’ll return to reviewing the 8th Doctor stories from the monthly line. Check social media for updates. Either way, the audio adventures are available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 295W2023: June 2020

    4 June 2020 (1:17pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 32 minutes and 47 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover The Diary of River Song Volume 2, featuring the 6th and 7th Doctors!

    QotM: If you were to pick a classic Doctor Who serial for a Twitter watch-along, which story would you pick and why?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 2, part 1: The Unknown (Charlie 7, David 8, Trevor 7)

    Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 2, part 2: Five Twenty-Nine (Charlie 6.5, David 7, Trevor 5.29)

    Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 2, part 3: World Enough and Time (Charlie 7.25, David 7.42, Trevor 7.75)

    Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 2, part 4: The Eye of the Storm (Charlie 7/6.75, David 7.25/7.5, Trevor 7/6.75)


    Join us next month for the July, 2020 episode of Wanderers in the 4th Dimension! We plan to review the Big Finish boxed set The Diary of River Song, Volume 3, available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 295W2015: May 2020

    7 May 2020 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 47 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover The Diary of River Song Volume 1, featuring the 8th Doctor!

    QotM: What shows, movies, comics, or other media (#DoctorWho or otherwise) are helping you get through social distancing?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 1, part 1: The Boundless Sea (Trevor 7.5, Charlie 8.25, David 7)

    Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 1, part 2: I Went To a Marvellous Party (Trevor 8.25, Charlie 8, David 7.5)

    Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 1, part 3: Signs (Trevor 8.25, Charlie 8, David 7.75)

    Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 1, part 4: The Rulers of the Universe (Trevor 8.5/8.25, Charlie 8.25/8.25, David 8.25/8)


    Join us next month for the June, 2020 episode of Wanderers in the 4th Dimension! We plan to review the Big Finish boxed set The Diary of River Song, Volume 2, available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 295W2015: May 2020

    7 May 2020 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 47 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover The Diary of River Song Volume 1, featuring the 8th Doctor!

    QotM: What shows, movies, comics, or other media (#DoctorWho or otherwise) are helping you get through social distancing?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 1, part 1: The Boundless Sea (Trevor 7.5, Charlie 8.25, David 7)

    Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 1, part 2: I Went To a Marvellous Party (Trevor 8.25, Charlie 8, David 7.5)

    Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 1, part 3: Signs (Trevor 8.25, Charlie 8, David 7.75)

    Big Finish: The Diary of River Song, volume 1, part 4: The Rulers of the Universe (Trevor 8.5/8.25, Charlie 8.25/8.25, David 8.25/8)


    Join us next month for the June, 2020 episode of Wanderers in the 4th Dimension! We plan to review the Big Finish boxed set The Diary of River Song, Volume 2, available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 295W2014: April 2020

    2 April 2020 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 8 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover four more @BigFinish adventures featuring the 8th Doctor!

    QotM: What's your favorite Big Finish story and why?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Big Finish: Monthly Adventures #72: Terror Firma (David 7.25, Trevor 7, Charlie 7)

    Big Finish: Doctor Who: The Monthly Adventures #75: Scaredy Cat (David 8, Trevor 5.5, Charlie 7.25)

    Big Finish: Doctor Who: The Monthly Adventures #77: Other Lives (David 7.5, Trevor 8.25, Charlie 7.5)

    Big Finish: Doctor Who: The Monthly Adventures #80: Time Works (David 7.75, Trevor 7.75, Charlie 8)


    Join us next month for the May, 2020 episode of Wanderers in the 4th Dimension! We plan to review the Big Finish boxed set The Diary of River Song, Volume 1, available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 295W2014: April 2020

    2 April 2020 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 8 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Wanderers cover four more @BigFinish adventures featuring the 8th Doctor!

    QotM: What's your favorite Big Finish story and why?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Big Finish: Monthly Adventures #72: Terror Firma (David 7.25, Trevor 7, Charlie 7)

    Big Finish: Doctor Who: The Monthly Adventures #75: Scaredy Cat (David 8, Trevor 5.5, Charlie 7.25)

    Big Finish: Doctor Who: The Monthly Adventures #77: Other Lives (David 7.5, Trevor 8.25, Charlie 7.5)

    Big Finish: Doctor Who: The Monthly Adventures #80: Time Works (David 7.75, Trevor 7.75, Charlie 8)


    Join us next month for the May, 2020 episode of Wanderers in the 4th Dimension! We plan to review the Big Finish boxed set The Diary of River Song, Volume 1, available from BigFinish.com.

  • Going Monthly!

    19 March 2020 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 39 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Where’s Wanderers?  Just a reminder, for those who missed our last couple of episodes -- Wanderers in the 4th Dimension is going monthly until new episodes air.  Stay tuned for our wanderings on the first Thursday of every month. Till then, you can reach us on social media in the usual places -- Wanderers in the 4th Dimension on Facebook and @WanderIn4D on Twitter.  Follow us there and we’ll keep you posted on any new developments. And feel free to send us any questions you’d like to have us answer on the air or use as an upcoming Question of the Month!

  • Going Monthly!

    19 March 2020 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 39 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Where’s Wanderers?  Just a reminder, for those who missed our last couple of episodes -- Wanderers in the 4th Dimension is going monthly until new episodes air.  Stay tuned for our wanderings on the first Thursday of every month. Till then, you can reach us on social media in the usual places -- Wanderers in the 4th Dimension on Facebook and @WanderIn4D on Twitter.  Follow us there and we’ll keep you posted on any new developments. And feel free to send us any questions you’d like to have us answer on the air or use as an upcoming Question of the Month!

  • Episode 241: The Time of the Doctor

    12 March 2020 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 23 minutes and 36 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, Eleven traces a mysterious signal to the town of Christmas where he finds old friends, old foes, and his final destiny waiting for him!

    QotW: In The Time of the Doctor, The Doctor attempts to accelerate a turkey's bake time by popping it in the T.A.R.D.I.S.; what other non-conventional purpose/function would you like to see the T.A.R.D.I.S. used for?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "The Time of the Doctor" (Connor 9, David 9.75, Trevor 9, Charlie 9.25)


    Join us next month for our April 2020 episode. We'll be covering Big Finish monthly adventures 72: Terror Firma, 75: Scaredy Cat, 77: Other Lives, and 80: Time Works, as well as whatever else the Wanderers feel like watching, reading, or listening to in the mean time. Tune in to find out! Look for that episode on the first Thursday in April.

  • Episode 241: The Time of the Doctor

    12 March 2020 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 23 minutes and 36 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, Eleven traces a mysterious signal to the town of Christmas where he finds old friends, old foes, and his final destiny waiting for him!

    QotW: In The Time of the Doctor, The Doctor attempts to accelerate a turkey's bake time by popping it in the T.A.R.D.I.S.; what other non-conventional purpose/function would you like to see the T.A.R.D.I.S. used for?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "The Time of the Doctor" (Connor 9, David 9.75, Trevor 9, Charlie 9.25)


    Join us next month for our April 2020 episode. We'll be covering Big Finish monthly adventures 72: Terror Firma, 75: Scaredy Cat, 77: Other Lives, and 80: Time Works, as well as whatever else the Wanderers feel like watching, reading, or listening to in the mean time. Tune in to find out! Look for that episode on the first Thursday in April.

  • Episode 295p2: The Timeless Children

    5 March 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 55 minutes and 49 seconds

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    On this week's podcast, the Doctor and friends head to Gallifrey where she gets some answers which force her to question her entire identity!

    QotW: By the end of next week, we will have rated and reviewed every episode of Doctor Who to date. What topics, Doctor Who related or otherwise, would you be interested in hearing us cover between seasons?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "The Timeless Children" (Connor 9.5, David 9.74, Trevor 9.5, Charlie 9.5)


    Join us next week as we conclude our coverage of past Doctor Who episodes with our review of Doctor Who story #241, the eleventh Doctor’s swan song, The Time of the Doctor! Please view the episode in accordance with all applicable laws. As we have plenty to say about this episode, we’ll forego an audio adventure this time around.

  • Episode 295p2: The Timeless Children

    5 March 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 55 minutes and 49 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor and friends head to Gallifrey where she gets some answers which force her to question her entire identity!

    QotW: By the end of next week, we will have rated and reviewed every episode of Doctor Who to date. What topics, Doctor Who related or otherwise, would you be interested in hearing us cover between seasons?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "The Timeless Children" (Connor 9.5, David 9.74, Trevor 9.5, Charlie 9.5)


    Join us next week as we conclude our coverage of past Doctor Who episodes with our review of Doctor Who story #241, the eleventh Doctor’s swan song, The Time of the Doctor! Please view the episode in accordance with all applicable laws. As we have plenty to say about this episode, we’ll forego an audio adventure this time around.

  • Episode 295p1: Ascension of the Cybermen

    27 February 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 7 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor and friends head to the distant future to head off the Lone Cyberman and discover a very dark future and more questions than answers!

    QotW: The thirteenth Doctor met famous novelist Mary Shelley. What other female novelist would you like her to meet?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "Ascension of the Cybermen" (Charlie 8.88..., Connor 9.5, David 8.75, Trevor 8.75)


    Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #295, part 2: The Timeless Children! Please view the episode in accordance with all applicable laws. As the series finale promises to give us plenty to talk about, we will forego an audio adventure this week.

  • Episode 295p1: Ascension of the Cybermen

    27 February 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 7 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor and friends head to the distant future to head off the Lone Cyberman and discover a very dark future and more questions than answers!

    QotW: The thirteenth Doctor met famous novelist Mary Shelley. What other female novelist would you like her to meet?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "Ascension of the Cybermen" (Charlie 8.88..., Connor 9.5, David 8.75, Trevor 8.75)


    Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #295, part 2: The Timeless Children! Please view the episode in accordance with all applicable laws. As the series finale promises to give us plenty to talk about, we will forego an audio adventure this week.

  • Episode 294: The Haunting of Villa Diodati

    20 February 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 5 minutes and 34 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor and friends meet Lord Byron, Mary Shelly, Percy Bysshe Shelly, and the mysterious Lone Cyberman!  The Doctor is faced with a difficult decision with terrifying consequences!

    QotW: If you were the Celestial Toymaker and you were planning a challenge for the Doctor based on a game, what game would you choose and how would you adapt it for the challenge?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "The Haunting of Villa Diodati" (Trevor 8.25, Charlie 8.5, Connor 9.5, David 8)

    Big Finish: The Legacy of Time: Collision Course (Trevor 8.5/8, Charlie 9.5/8.75, David 9.5/8.25)


    Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #295, part 1: Ascension of the Cybermen! Please view the episode in accordance with all applicable laws. As this is the beginning of the two-part series finale, we expect to have plenty to say, so we’ll forego an audio adventure this time around.

  • Episode 294: The Haunting of Villa Diodati

    20 February 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 5 minutes and 34 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor and friends meet Lord Byron, Mary Shelly, Percy Bysshe Shelly, and the mysterious Lone Cyberman!  The Doctor is faced with a difficult decision with terrifying consequences!

    QotW: If you were the Celestial Toymaker and you were planning a challenge for the Doctor based on a game, what game would you choose and how would you adapt it for the challenge?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "The Haunting of Villa Diodati" (Trevor 8.25, Charlie 8.5, Connor 9.5, David 8)

    Big Finish: The Legacy of Time: Collision Course (Trevor 8.5/8, Charlie 9.5/8.75, David 9.5/8.25)


    Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #295, part 1: Ascension of the Cybermen! Please view the episode in accordance with all applicable laws. As this is the beginning of the two-part series finale, we expect to have plenty to say, so we’ll forego an audio adventure this time around.

  • Episode 293: Can You Hear Me?

    13 February 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 18 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor and friends meet a mysterious alien who is harvesting nightmares from humanity.  What nefarious use could he have for them?


    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "Praxeus" (David 6.75, Trevor 8, Charlie 7.25, Connor 7)

    Big Finish: The Legacy of Time: The Avenues of Possibility (David 7.25, Trevor 7.25, Charlie 8)


    Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #294, The Haunting of Villa Diodati! Please view the episode in accordance with all applicable laws. Our audio adventure will be The Legacy of Time: Collision Course, available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 293: Can You Hear Me?

    13 February 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 18 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor and friends meet a mysterious alien who is harvesting nightmares from humanity.  What nefarious use could he have for them?


    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "Praxeus" (David 6.75, Trevor 8, Charlie 7.25, Connor 7)

    Big Finish: The Legacy of Time: The Avenues of Possibility (David 7.25, Trevor 7.25, Charlie 8)


    Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #294, The Haunting of Villa Diodati! Please view the episode in accordance with all applicable laws. Our audio adventure will be The Legacy of Time: Collision Course, available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 292: Praxeus

    6 February 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 20 minutes and 14 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor and friends investigate three mysteries on Earth in three different places.  What could they all have in common?

    QotW: You ordered a latte from All Ears Allan. What Doctor Who character do you request he depict in the latte art, and who (or what) do you actually end up with?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "Praxeus" (Connor 7.25, David 7.5, Trevor 8, Charlie 7)

    Big Finish: The Legacy of Time: Relative Time (David 6.5, Trevor 7, Charlie 6.5)


    Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #293, Can You Hear Me?! Please view the episode in accordance with all applicable laws. Our audio adventure will be The Legacy of Time: The Avenues of Possibility, available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 292: Praxeus

    6 February 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 20 minutes and 14 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor and friends investigate three mysteries on Earth in three different places.  What could they all have in common?

    QotW: You ordered a latte from All Ears Allan. What Doctor Who character do you request he depict in the latte art, and who (or what) do you actually end up with?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "Praxeus" (Connor 7.25, David 7.5, Trevor 8, Charlie 7)

    Big Finish: The Legacy of Time: Relative Time (David 6.5, Trevor 7, Charlie 6.5)


    Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #293, Can You Hear Me?! Please view the episode in accordance with all applicable laws. Our audio adventure will be The Legacy of Time: The Avenues of Possibility, available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 291: Fugitive of the Judoon

    30 January 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 31 minutes and 52 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor and friends respond to a Judoon police action on Earth to find that they're after a mysterious human, who turns out to be a mysterious Time Lord.  Who could she be?

    QotW: We’ve had appearances this season by Charles Babbage, Ada Lovelace, Noor Inayat Khan, Thomas Edison, and Nikola Tesla. What other historical figure(s) would you like to see Thirteen meet?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag

    Discussion of "Fugitive of the Judoon" (Charlie 9.5, Connor 8.5, David 9, Trevor 9.5)

    Big Finish: The Legacy of Time: The Sacrifice of Jo Grant (Charlie 9, David 8.25, Trevor 8.5)


    Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #292, Praxeus! Please view the episode in accordance with all applicable laws. Our audio adventure will be The Legacy of Time: Relative Time, available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 291: Fugitive of the Judoon

    30 January 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 31 minutes and 52 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor and friends respond to a Judoon police action on Earth to find that they're after a mysterious human, who turns out to be a mysterious Time Lord.  Who could she be?

    QotW: We’ve had appearances this season by Charles Babbage, Ada Lovelace, Noor Inayat Khan, Thomas Edison, and Nikola Tesla. What other historical figure(s) would you like to see Thirteen meet?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag

    Discussion of "Fugitive of the Judoon" (Charlie 9.5, Connor 8.5, David 9, Trevor 9.5)

    Big Finish: The Legacy of Time: The Sacrifice of Jo Grant (Charlie 9, David 8.25, Trevor 8.5)


    Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #292, Praxeus! Please view the episode in accordance with all applicable laws. Our audio adventure will be The Legacy of Time: Relative Time, available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 290: Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror

    23 January 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 1 minutes and 59 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor and friends track a strange energy signature to 1903 New York where they discover inventor Nikola Tesla is being pursued by aliens.  What could they want with him, what risk do they pose to Earth, and how can Tesla and his rival Thomas Edison help put a stop to it?

    QotW: If you could replace Nikola Tesla in the title #NikolaTeslasNightOfTerror with any other famous person, who would you choose, and what would the plot be?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror" (Trevor 7.75, Charlie 8.5, Connor 8, David 8.5)

    Big Finish: The Legacy of Time: The Split Infinitive (Trevor 8, Charlie 8, David 8)


    Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #291, Fugitive of the Judoon! Please view the episode in accordance with all applicable laws. Our audio adventure will be The Legacy of Time: The Sacrifice of Jo Grant, available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 290: Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror

    23 January 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 1 minutes and 59 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor and friends track a strange energy signature to 1903 New York where they discover inventor Nikola Tesla is being pursued by aliens.  What could they want with him, what risk do they pose to Earth, and how can Tesla and his rival Thomas Edison help put a stop to it?

    QotW: If you could replace Nikola Tesla in the title #NikolaTeslasNightOfTerror with any other famous person, who would you choose, and what would the plot be?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror" (Trevor 7.75, Charlie 8.5, Connor 8, David 8.5)

    Big Finish: The Legacy of Time: The Split Infinitive (Trevor 8, Charlie 8, David 8)


    Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #291, Fugitive of the Judoon! Please view the episode in accordance with all applicable laws. Our audio adventure will be The Legacy of Time: The Sacrifice of Jo Grant, available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 289: Orphan 55

    16 January 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 6 minutes and 28 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor and friends win a trip to the horrifically misnamed Tranquillity Spa, where the evil Dregs are indiscriminately slaying guests.  But Tranquillity was built on the planet Orphan 55, which harbors a dark and terrifying secret for the Doctor's companions.

    QotW: If you could replace Nikola Tesla in the title #NikolaTeslasNightOfTerror with any other famous person, who would you choose, and what would the plot be?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "Orphan 55" (David 6.25, Trevor 6.5, Charlie 6.12, Connor 7)


    Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #290, Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror! Please view the episode in accordance with all applicable laws. Our audio adventure will be the second story from The Legacy of Time, The Split Infinitive, available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 289: Orphan 55

    16 January 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 6 minutes and 28 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor and friends win a trip to the horrifically misnamed Tranquillity Spa, where the evil Dregs are indiscriminately slaying guests.  But Tranquillity was built on the planet Orphan 55, which harbors a dark and terrifying secret for the Doctor's companions.

    QotW: If you could replace Nikola Tesla in the title #NikolaTeslasNightOfTerror with any other famous person, who would you choose, and what would the plot be?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "Orphan 55" (David 6.25, Trevor 6.5, Charlie 6.12, Connor 7)


    Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #290, Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror! Please view the episode in accordance with all applicable laws. Our audio adventure will be the second story from The Legacy of Time, The Split Infinitive, available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 288: Spyfall

    9 January 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 23 minutes and 12 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor and friends are called in by MI6 when spies start vanishing worldwide.  You'll be shocked when you find out whose Master plan is behind the disappearances!

    QotW: Are there any unresolved plot lines you'd like addressed in Doctor Who series 12? Also (possibly related, though not necessarily), are there any underutilized characters from either the classic or modern era that you'd like to see make a surprise return?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "Spyfall" (Connor 9, David 9.5, Trevor 9, Charlie 9.25)


    Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #289, Orphan 55! Please view the episode in accordance with all applicable laws. Our audio adventure will be the first part of The Legacy of Time, Lies in Ruins, available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 288: Spyfall

    9 January 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 23 minutes and 12 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor and friends are called in by MI6 when spies start vanishing worldwide.  You'll be shocked when you find out whose Master plan is behind the disappearances!

    QotW: Are there any unresolved plot lines you'd like addressed in Doctor Who series 12? Also (possibly related, though not necessarily), are there any underutilized characters from either the classic or modern era that you'd like to see make a surprise return?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "Spyfall" (Connor 9, David 9.5, Trevor 9, Charlie 9.25)


    Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #289, Orphan 55! Please view the episode in accordance with all applicable laws. Our audio adventure will be the first part of The Legacy of Time, Lies in Ruins, available from BigFinish.com.

  • Episode 240: The Day of the Doctor

    2 January 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 49 minutes and 33 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor (11) and the Doctor (10) find themselves wrapped up once again in the events that concluded the Time War with the destruction of Gallifrey -- but perhaps, with their help, the War Doctor can find another way...

    QotW: The Day of the Doctor contained many nods, backreferences and Easter eggs. What nod would you have liked to see that wasn’t in the episode?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "The Day of the Doctor" (Charlie 9.9, Connor 9, David 9.2, Trevor 10)


    Join us next week for our review of the series 12 premiere, Doctor Who story #288, Spyfall!  As our coverage for this two-parter may run long, we will forego a Big Finish audio adventure review.  But fear not, we will resume audio adventure reviews soon alongside our coverage of this series!

  • Episode 240: The Day of the Doctor

    2 January 2020 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 49 minutes and 33 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor (11) and the Doctor (10) find themselves wrapped up once again in the events that concluded the Time War with the destruction of Gallifrey -- but perhaps, with their help, the War Doctor can find another way...

    QotW: The Day of the Doctor contained many nods, backreferences and Easter eggs. What nod would you have liked to see that wasn’t in the episode?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "The Day of the Doctor" (Charlie 9.9, Connor 9, David 9.2, Trevor 10)


    Join us next week for our review of the series 12 premiere, Doctor Who story #288, Spyfall!  As our coverage for this two-parter may run long, we will forego a Big Finish audio adventure review.  But fear not, we will resume audio adventure reviews soon alongside our coverage of this series!

  • Episode 239: The Name of the Doctor

    26 December 2019 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 41 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor must go to the most dangerous place in the universe: his own grave on the planet Trenzalore!

    QotW: If you could insert Clara (The Impossible Girl) into any episode of Doctor Who that she wasn’t already in to rescue the Doctor or explain his/her victory, which episode would it be and how would she help?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "The Name of the Doctor" (Trevor 9, Charlie 9.5, Connor 9, David 9.4)

    Big Finish: Doctor Who: The Light at the End (Trevor 9.75, Charlie 9.5, David 8.5)


    Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #240, the 50th anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor!  As our coverage for the special will be quite long, we will forego a Big Finish audio adventure review.  But fear not, we will resume audio adventure reviews soon alongside our coverage of Doctor Who series 12!

  • Episode 239: The Name of the Doctor

    26 December 2019 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 41 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor must go to the most dangerous place in the universe: his own grave on the planet Trenzalore!

    QotW: If you could insert Clara (The Impossible Girl) into any episode of Doctor Who that she wasn’t already in to rescue the Doctor or explain his/her victory, which episode would it be and how would she help?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "The Name of the Doctor" (Trevor 9, Charlie 9.5, Connor 9, David 9.4)

    Big Finish: Doctor Who: The Light at the End (Trevor 9.75, Charlie 9.5, David 8.5)


    Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #240, the 50th anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor!  As our coverage for the special will be quite long, we will forego a Big Finish audio adventure review.  But fear not, we will resume audio adventure reviews soon alongside our coverage of Doctor Who series 12!

  • Episode 238: Nightmare in Silver

    19 December 2019 (2:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 57 minutes and 5 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    On this week's podcast, the Doctor takes the kids Clara babysits to an amusement park and gets them captured by Amazo Cybermen.  Good job, Doctor!

    QotW: In the episode Nightmare in Silver , the Doctor encounters a new variety of cyber creature dubbed "cybermites", if you were to create a new cyber creature based on an existing animal, what would it be?

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag/Who News

    Discussion of "Nightmare in Silver" (David 9, Trevor 6, Charlie 9, Connor 9.75)

    Big Finish: Doctor Who: Destiny of the Doctor #11: The Time Machine (8.75/7.25, Trevor 8.5/7.25, Charlie 8/7)


    Join us next week for our review of Doctor Who story #239, The Name of the Doctor! Our audio adventure will be The Light at the End, available from BigFinish.com

Dormant Podcasts