Overall Statistics

Who's He?

Who's He?
Who's He? the Doctor Who podcast from a triumvirate of unlikely fellows who give you news, reviews, discussion and audio commentaries of old and new Who. Sometimes they get it right but mostly they take the word ramshackle to new heights!

Homepage: http://www.whos-he-podcast.co.uk/

RSS Feed: http://whos-he-podcast.co.uk/rss

Who's He? Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
50 days, 15 hours, 23 minutes and 43 seconds
Earliest Episode:
18 March 2011 (12:00pm GMT)
Latest Episode:
2 June 2024 (5:36pm GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
3 days, 8 hours, 28 minutes and 35 seconds

Who's He? Episodes

  • Who's He? Podcast #226 You'll see a smilin' face, a fireplace, a cozy room

    1 December 2015 (7:47pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 26 seconds

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    As this series of Doctor Who rumbles on towards it's conclusion, Phil and Paul look at the penultimate episode Heaven Sent by Steve Moffat. And what an episode! The reviewing duo are lost for words at the majesty of Peter Capaldi, Steven Moffat's script, Murray Gold's musical score and Rachel Talalay's direction! Mind you, they can't help themselves and nit pick at things that don't make sense (to them anyway) but Phil tries his hand at not one but two plot theories!

    And in the news this week, the sad passing of Anthony Read, could the German DVD release of series 9 hold the key as to when it will be released in the rest of the world, the dreaded stats and in Omega's Tat Corner it's jewellery and bathroom fun!

    All this plus listener feedback!

  • You'll see a smilin' face, a fireplace, a cozy room

    1 December 2015 (7:47pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 26 seconds

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    As this series of Doctor Who rumbles on towards it's conclusion, Phil and Paul look at the penultimate episode Heaven Sent by Steve Moffat. And what an episode! The reviewing duo are lost for words at the majesty of Peter Capaldi, Steven Moffat's script, Murray Gold's musical score and Rachel Talalay's direction! Mind you, they can't help themselves and nit pick at things that don't make sense (to them anyway) but Phil tries his hand at not one but two plot theories!

    And in the news this week, the sad passing of Anthony Read, could the German DVD release of series 9 hold the key as to when it will be released in the rest of the world, the dreaded stats and in Omega's Tat Corner it's jewellery and bathroom fun!

    All this plus listener feedback!

  • You'll see a smilin' face, a fireplace, a cozy room

    1 December 2015 (7:47pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 26 seconds

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    As this series of Doctor Who rumbles on towards it's conclusion, Phil and Paul look at the penultimate episode Heaven Sent by Steve Moffat. And what an episode! The reviewing duo are lost for words at the majesty of Peter Capaldi, Steven Moffat's script, Murray Gold's musical score and Rachel Talalay's direction! Mind you, they can't help themselves and nit pick at things that don't make sense (to them anyway) but Phil tries his hand at not one but two plot theories!

    And in the news this week, the sad passing of Anthony Read, could the German DVD release of series 9 hold the key as to when it will be released in the rest of the world, the dreaded stats and in Omega's Tat Corner it's jewellery and bathroom fun!

    All this plus listener feedback!

  • Who's He? Podcast #225 We never realise until we're dead

    24 November 2015 (7:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 25 seconds

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    On this weeks show, Phil and Paul decide to look at the beady eye of an evil member of the crow family and Face The Raven! Yes, this is the big one folks, Clara Oswald has left the building! Or has she? Join Phil and Paul in the podcasting equivalent of a trap street and listen to them ponder over the merits of Ashildr's plan to entice the Doctor into her web of deceit and was this a good exit for Jenna Coleman and will she back?

    And in the news this week, extended run times for Heaven Sent and Hell Bent, a possible R1 DVD release for The Underwater Menace and of course, stats.

    All this plus listener feedback!

  • We never realise until we're dead

    24 November 2015 (7:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 25 seconds

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    On this weeks show, Phil and Paul decide to look at the beady eye of an evil member of the crow family and Face The Raven! Yes, this is the big one folks, Clara Oswald has left the building! Or has she? Join Phil and Paul in the podcasting equivalent of a trap street and listen to them ponder over the merits of Ashildr's plan to entice the Doctor into her web of deceit and was this a good exit for Jenna Coleman and will she back?

    And in the news this week, extended run times for Heaven Sent and Hell Bent, a possible R1 DVD release for The Underwater Menace and of course, stats.

    All this plus listener feedback!

  • We never realise until we're dead

    24 November 2015 (7:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 25 seconds

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    On this weeks show, Phil and Paul decide to look at the beady eye of an evil member of the crow family and Face The Raven! Yes, this is the big one folks, Clara Oswald has left the building! Or has she? Join Phil and Paul in the podcasting equivalent of a trap street and listen to them ponder over the merits of Ashildr's plan to entice the Doctor into her web of deceit and was this a good exit for Jenna Coleman and will she back?

    And in the news this week, extended run times for Heaven Sent and Hell Bent, a possible R1 DVD release for The Underwater Menace and of course, stats.

    All this plus listener feedback!

  • Who's He? Podcast #224 No sleep till bedtime

    17 November 2015 (11:44am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 42 seconds

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    In this weeks edition of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul take a sleepy eyed look at Sleep No More written by Mark Gatiss. In what seems to be a story that has divided fans (no change there), they try to decide whether this story makes any sense, their views on found footage stories and whether Mark Gatiss wrote this with Condo in mind.

    And in a change to the usual news section (there are still stats, so don't worry stats fans!), Phil and Paul report on their adventures at the Doctor Who Festival.

    All this plus listener feedback!

  • No sleep till bedtime

    17 November 2015 (11:44am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 42 seconds

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    In this weeks edition of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul take a sleepy eyed look at Sleep No More written by Mark Gatiss. In what seems to be a story that has divided fans (no change there), they try to decide whether this story makes any sense, their views on found footage stories and whether Mark Gatiss wrote this with Condo in mind.

    And in a change to the usual news section (there are still stats, so don't worry stats fans!), Phil and Paul report on their adventures at the Doctor Who Festival.

    All this plus listener feedback!

  • No sleep till bedtime

    17 November 2015 (11:44am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 42 seconds

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    In this weeks edition of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul take a sleepy eyed look at Sleep No More written by Mark Gatiss. In what seems to be a story that has divided fans (no change there), they try to decide whether this story makes any sense, their views on found footage stories and whether Mark Gatiss wrote this with Condo in mind.

    And in a change to the usual news section (there are still stats, so don't worry stats fans!), Phil and Paul report on their adventures at the Doctor Who Festival.

    All this plus listener feedback!

  • Who's He? Podcast #223 All along, knew you were a phony girl

    10 November 2015 (7:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 20 seconds

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    After being away last week, a returning Phil and Ghostbuster Paul tackle not only The Zygon Invasion but also The Zygon Inversion in a podcast episode that Phil lovingly refers to as a "double banker". And what a 2 parter! With it's themes of tolerance, terrorism and a damn fine performance from Peter Capaldi (seriously, give that man an Oscar, a BAFTA, an Emmy, whatever! Give him something!) and Jenna Coleman, the Who's He? Podcast review what could be the best story since the show was revived in 2005 (hey, that rhymes!).

    And in the news this week, Steven Moffatt quashes the rumours that series 10 will only be 6 episodes, while Peter Capaldi chastises the BBC for the scheduling times for series 9 (hey, that rhymed again, I'm on a roll!) and in Omega's Tat Corner, Character Options and Toys R Us do a deal to bring you dolly tat!

    All this plus listener feedback!

  • All along, knew you were a phony girl

    10 November 2015 (7:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 20 seconds

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    After being away last week, a returning Phil and Ghostbuster Paul tackle not only The Zygon Invasion but also The Zygon Inversion in a podcast episode that Phil lovingly refers to as a "double banker". And what a 2 parter! With it's themes of tolerance, terrorism and a damn fine performance from Peter Capaldi (seriously, give that man an Oscar, a BAFTA, an Emmy, whatever! Give him something!) and Jenna Coleman, the Who's He? Podcast review what could be the best story since the show was revived in 2005 (hey, that rhymes!).

    And in the news this week, Steven Moffatt quashes the rumours that series 10 will only be 6 episodes, while Peter Capaldi chastises the BBC for the scheduling times for series 9 (hey, that rhymed again, I'm on a roll!) and in Omega's Tat Corner, Character Options and Toys R Us do a deal to bring you dolly tat!

    All this plus listener feedback!

  • All along, knew you were a phony girl

    10 November 2015 (7:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 20 seconds

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    After being away last week, a returning Phil and Ghostbuster Paul tackle not only The Zygon Invasion but also The Zygon Inversion in a podcast episode that Phil lovingly refers to as a "double banker". And what a 2 parter! With it's themes of tolerance, terrorism and a damn fine performance from Peter Capaldi (seriously, give that man an Oscar, a BAFTA, an Emmy, whatever! Give him something!) and Jenna Coleman, the Who's He? Podcast review what could be the best story since the show was revived in 2005 (hey, that rhymes!).

    And in the news this week, Steven Moffatt quashes the rumours that series 10 will only be 6 episodes, while Peter Capaldi chastises the BBC for the scheduling times for series 9 (hey, that rhymed again, I'm on a roll!) and in Omega's Tat Corner, Character Options and Toys R Us do a deal to bring you dolly tat!

    All this plus listener feedback!

  • Who's He? Podcast #222 Qua qua da diddley qua qua

    28 October 2015 (8:40pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 32 seconds

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    This week Phil and Paul cast their eye over episode 6 of this series of Doctor Who, The Woman Who Lived. Unfortunately neither of them found this particularly entertaining but neither did they actively dislike it. What a quandary! But when you have a pointless appearance of Thundercats and one of the lead characters channelling an episode of Blackadder, there is still plenty to discuss!

    And in the news this week, David Tennant and Catherine Tate are confirmed to return to their roles of the Doctor and Donna Noble for Big Finish, K9 and our very own Omega are set to star in their own feature film and in the now film superstar Omega and his Tat Corner, it's the return of festive tat!

    All this plus listener feedback!

  • Qua qua da diddley qua qua

    28 October 2015 (8:40pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 32 seconds

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    This week Phil and Paul cast their eye over episode 6 of this series of Doctor Who, The Woman Who Lived. Unfortunately neither of them found this particularly entertaining but neither did they actively dislike it. What a quandary! But when you have a pointless appearance of Thundercats and one of the lead characters channelling an episode of Blackadder, there is still plenty to discuss!

    And in the news this week, David Tennant and Catherine Tate are confirmed to return to their roles of the Doctor and Donna Noble for Big Finish, K9 and our very own Omega are set to star in their own feature film and in the now film superstar Omega and his Tat Corner, it's the return of festive tat!

    All this plus listener feedback!

  • Qua qua da diddley qua qua

    28 October 2015 (8:40pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 32 seconds

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    This week Phil and Paul cast their eye over episode 6 of this series of Doctor Who, The Woman Who Lived. Unfortunately neither of them found this particularly entertaining but neither did they actively dislike it. What a quandary! But when you have a pointless appearance of Thundercats and one of the lead characters channelling an episode of Blackadder, there is still plenty to discuss!

    And in the news this week, David Tennant and Catherine Tate are confirmed to return to their roles of the Doctor and Donna Noble for Big Finish, K9 and our very own Omega are set to star in their own feature film and in the now film superstar Omega and his Tat Corner, it's the return of festive tat!

    All this plus listener feedback!

  • Who's He? Podcast #221 Of how we calmed the tides of war

    22 October 2015 (6:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 41 seconds

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    In this weeks edition of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul cast their eye over The Girl Who Died, episode 5 of this series of Doctor Who. And after first 4 episodes of serious Who, this week we get a light hearted romp that has got fandom talking! So sit back and listen to Phil and Paul chat about this tale of Vikings mixed with Monty Python's Holy Grail by way of the A-Team!

    Also in this weeks episode, Phil talks to author Lynn Hamilton about her book Mysteries Of Doctor Who: Mythos, Speculation and Continuity and how she became a fan of the show.

    And in the news, good news for Sir John Hurt, the dreaded stats and in Omega's Tat Corner it's silver tat and a jumper that should come with a health warning.

  • Of how we calmed the tides of war

    22 October 2015 (6:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 41 seconds

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    In this weeks edition of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul cast their eye over The Girl Who Died, episode 5 of this series of Doctor Who. And after first 4 episodes of serious Who, this week we get a light hearted romp that has got fandom talking! So sit back and listen to Phil and Paul chat about this tale of Vikings mixed with Monty Python's Holy Grail by way of the A-Team!

    Also in this weeks episode, Phil talks to author Lynn Hamilton about her book Mysteries Of Doctor Who: Mythos, Speculation and Continuity and how she became a fan of the show.

    And in the news, good news for Sir John Hurt, the dreaded stats and in Omega's Tat Corner it's silver tat and a jumper that should come with a health warning.

  • Of how we calmed the tides of war

    22 October 2015 (6:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 41 seconds

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    In this weeks edition of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul cast their eye over The Girl Who Died, episode 5 of this series of Doctor Who. And after first 4 episodes of serious Who, this week we get a light hearted romp that has got fandom talking! So sit back and listen to Phil and Paul chat about this tale of Vikings mixed with Monty Python's Holy Grail by way of the A-Team!

    Also in this weeks episode, Phil talks to author Lynn Hamilton about her book Mysteries Of Doctor Who: Mythos, Speculation and Continuity and how she became a fan of the show.

    And in the news, good news for Sir John Hurt, the dreaded stats and in Omega's Tat Corner it's silver tat and a jumper that should come with a health warning.

  • Who's He? Podcast #220 We'll say goodbye to flesh and blood

    15 October 2015 (7:01pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 13 minutes and 39 seconds

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    A bamboozled Phil and Paul look at this weeks offering of Doctor Who, Before The Flood. Why are they bamboozled though Bootstrap paradoxes that's why! Yes, as they try to get their heads around this concept, they find time to disagree on the merits of breaking the fourth wall and the Doctor once again picking up his guitar. However, they do agree on a lot of things and weigh up whether this was a successful two part story and also delve into whether Doctor Who is striking the right balance for audiences old and new.

    And in the news, the sad loss of Derek Ware, photographic evidence the episode 3 of Web Of Fear, the future of K9 and of course the dreaded stats! Meanwhile, Omega's Tat Corner is full of LEGO!

  • We'll say goodbye to flesh and blood

    15 October 2015 (7:01pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 13 minutes and 39 seconds

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    A bamboozled Phil and Paul look at this weeks offering of Doctor Who, Before The Flood. Why are they bamboozled though? Bootstrap paradoxes that's why! Yes, as they try to get their heads around this concept, they find time to disagree on the merits of breaking the fourth wall and the Doctor once again picking up his guitar. However, they do agree on a lot of things and weigh up whether this was a successful two part story and also delve into whether Doctor Who is striking the right balance for audiences old and new.

    And in the news, the sad loss of Derek Ware, photographic evidence the episode 3 of Web Of Fear, the future of K9 and of course the dreaded stats! Meanwhile, Omega's Tat Corner is full of LEGO!


  • We'll say goodbye to flesh and blood

    15 October 2015 (7:01pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 13 minutes and 39 seconds

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    A bamboozled Phil and Paul look at this weeks offering of Doctor Who, Before The Flood. Why are they bamboozled though? Bootstrap paradoxes that's why! Yes, as they try to get their heads around this concept, they find time to disagree on the merits of breaking the fourth wall and the Doctor once again picking up his guitar. However, they do agree on a lot of things and weigh up whether this was a successful two part story and also delve into whether Doctor Who is striking the right balance for audiences old and new.

    And in the news, the sad loss of Derek Ware, photographic evidence the episode 3 of Web Of Fear, the future of K9 and of course the dreaded stats! Meanwhile, Omega's Tat Corner is full of LEGO!


  • Who's He? Podcast #219 Hollow eyes, numb inside

    8 October 2015 (6:43pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 46 seconds

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    This week Phil and Paul review Under The Lake, the 3rd episode of series 9 of Doctor Who. And once again the planets have aligned as they both agree on this episode! But was it a return to classic stories of old and did the ensemble cast really gel? Do ghosts exist? Well, they don't answer that question but rest assured they get stuck right into this story and come out the other side with their heads held high reading listener feedback!

    And in the news, a new Doctor Who spin off show was announced that caught everyone off guard, John Hurt reprises his role as the War Doctor for Big Finish which REALLY caught everyone off guard and once again Phil and Paul get an attack of stats!

  • Hollow eyes, numb inside

    8 October 2015 (6:43pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 46 seconds

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    This week Phil and Paul review Under The Lake, the 3rd episode of series 9 of Doctor Who. And once again the planets have aligned as they both agree on this episode! But was it a return to classic stories of old and did the ensemble cast really gel? Do ghosts exist? Well, they don't answer that question but rest assured they get stuck right into this story and come out the other side with their heads held high reading listener feedback!

    And in the news, a new Doctor Who spin off show was announced that caught everyone off guard, John Hurt reprises his role as the War Doctor for Big Finish which REALLY caught everyone off guard and once again Phil and Paul get an attack of stats!

  • Hollow eyes, numb inside

    8 October 2015 (6:43pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 46 seconds

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    This week Phil and Paul review Under The Lake, the 3rd episode of series 9 of Doctor Who. And once again the planets have aligned as they both agree on this episode! But was it a return to classic stories of old and did the ensemble cast really gel? Do ghosts exist? Well, they don't answer that question but rest assured they get stuck right into this story and come out the other side with their heads held high reading listener feedback!

    And in the news, a new Doctor Who spin off show was announced that caught everyone off guard, John Hurt reprises his role as the War Doctor for Big Finish which REALLY caught everyone off guard and once again Phil and Paul get an attack of stats!

  • Who's He? Podcast #218 A good old British PONG!

    30 September 2015 (6:58pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 51 seconds

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    This week Phil and Paul cast their eye over The Witch's Familiar, the 2nd episode of series 9 of Doctor Who. After enjoying last weeks episode (with reservations!) what will they think of this weeks tale of a duplicitous Davros, a manipulative Missy and Dalek sewers that whiff of writers block? Well, both of them have a lot to talk about, so settle back in your chairs and listen to two disgruntled podcasters moaning!

    And in the news this week, the rumour that David Tennant and Catherine Tate are to join Big Finish, just what did happen to episode 3 of The Web Of Fear and in Omega's Tat Corner it's what the world has been waiting for.....Missy tat!

  • A good old British PONG!

    30 September 2015 (6:58pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 51 seconds

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    This week Phil and Paul cast their eye over The Witch's Familiar, the 2nd episode of series 9 of Doctor Who. After enjoying last weeks episode (with reservations!) what will they think of this weeks tale of a duplicitous Davros, a manipulative Missy and Dalek sewers that whiff of writers block? Well, both of them have a lot to talk about, so settle back in your chairs and listen to two disgruntled podcasters moaning!

    And in the news this week, the rumour that David Tennant and Catherine Tate are to join Big Finish, just what did happen to episode 3 of The Web Of Fear and in Omega's Tat Corner it's what the world has been waiting for.....Missy tat!

  • A good old British PONG!

    30 September 2015 (6:58pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 51 seconds

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    This week Phil and Paul cast their eye over The Witch's Familiar, the 2nd episode of series 9 of Doctor Who. After enjoying last weeks episode (with reservations!) what will they think of this weeks tale of a duplicitous Davros, a manipulative Missy and Dalek sewers that whiff of writers block? Well, both of them have a lot to talk about, so settle back in your chairs and listen to two disgruntled podcasters moaning!

    And in the news this week, the rumour that David Tennant and Catherine Tate are to join Big Finish, just what did happen to episode 3 of The Web Of Fear and in Omega's Tat Corner it's what the world has been waiting for.....Missy tat!

  • Who's He? Podcast #217 And he said I was evil

    24 September 2015 (7:26pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 31 seconds

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    Doctor Who is back and so is the Who's He? Podcast! After Skype got over its little hiccup (thanks a bunch Skype), Phil and Paul at last were able chat about The Magician's Apprentice, episode 1 of series 9. And what an opening episode! Davros, Missy, Skaro, Daleks old and new and a man made out of snakes that glides around like Cliff Richard on roller skates! But what did Paul and Phil think of this story and was it worth the wait? Well, there were caveats to them enjoying this episode, in fact it has lot to do with the Doctor's guitar styling's to be exact! But towards the end both Phil and Paul start rambling like they were in a rest home for elderly gentlemen which may cause some people to switch off.

    And in the news it's the return of the dreaded stats, Jenna Coleman is confirmed as leaving Doctor Who, series 9 episodes titles have been released and more Big Finish Torchwood casting news.

  • And he said I was evil

    24 September 2015 (7:26pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 31 seconds

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    Doctor Who is back and so is the Who's He? Podcast! After Skype got over its little hiccup (thanks a bunch Skype), Phil and Paul at last were able chat about The Magician's Apprentice, episode 1 of series 9. And what an opening episode! Davros, Missy, Skaro, Daleks old and new and a man made out of snakes that glides around like Cliff Richard on roller skates! But what did Paul and Phil think of this story and was it worth the wait? Well, there were caveats to them enjoying this episode, in fact it has lot to do with the Doctor's guitar styling's to be exact! But towards the end both Phil and Paul start rambling like they were in a rest home for elderly gentlemen which may cause some people to switch off.

    And in the news it's the return of the dreaded stats, Jenna Coleman is confirmed as leaving Doctor Who, series 9 episodes titles have been released and more Big Finish Torchwood casting news.

  • And he said I was evil

    24 September 2015 (7:26pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 31 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Doctor Who is back and so is the Who's He? Podcast! After Skype got over its little hiccup (thanks a bunch Skype), Phil and Paul at last were able chat about The Magician's Apprentice, episode 1 of series 9. And what an opening episode! Davros, Missy, Skaro, Daleks old and new and a man made out of snakes that glides around like Cliff Richard on roller skates! But what did Paul and Phil think of this story and was it worth the wait? Well, there were caveats to them enjoying this episode, in fact it has lot to do with the Doctor's guitar styling's to be exact! But towards the end both Phil and Paul start rambling like they were in a rest home for elderly gentlemen which may cause some people to switch off.

    And in the news it's the return of the dreaded stats, Jenna Coleman is confirmed as leaving Doctor Who, series 9 episodes titles have been released and more Big Finish Torchwood casting news.

  • Who's He? Podcast #216 Companion Special - Clara Oswald

    7 September 2015 (6:37pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 48 seconds

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    In an occasional series, the Who's He? Podcast talk about those people who have travelled with the Doctor over the last 50 or so years - the companions. Those people who have stepped through the doors of the TARDIS and have seen the wonder and the dangers of travelling in time and space.

    In this edition, Phil is joined by Erika Ensign from the Verity Podcast and Stephen Schapansky from Radio Free Skaro who have selected as their favourite companion, Clara Oswald. They discuss why Clara is the perfect companion, just how important a strong character such as hers is to keeping Doctor Who fresh and they both pick the moments that defined Clara for them.

  • Companion Special - Clara Oswald

    7 September 2015 (6:37pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 48 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    In an occasional series, the Who's He? Podcast talk about those people who have travelled with the Doctor over the last 50 or so years - the companions. Those people who have stepped through the doors of the TARDIS and have seen the wonder and the dangers of travelling in time and space.

    In this edition, Phil is joined by Erika Ensign from the Verity Podcast and Stephen Schapansky from Radio Free Skaro who have selected as their favourite companion, Clara Oswald. They discuss why Clara is the perfect companion, just how important a strong character such as hers is to keeping Doctor Who fresh and they both pick the moments that defined Clara for them.

  • Companion Special - Clara Oswald

    7 September 2015 (6:37pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 48 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    In an occasional series, the Who's He? Podcast talk about those people who have travelled with the Doctor over the last 50 or so years - the companions. Those people who have stepped through the doors of the TARDIS and have seen the wonder and the dangers of travelling in time and space.

    In this edition, Phil is joined by Erika Ensign from the Verity Podcast and Stephen Schapansky from Radio Free Skaro who have selected as their favourite companion, Clara Oswald. They discuss why Clara is the perfect companion, just how important a strong character such as hers is to keeping Doctor Who fresh and they both pick the moments that defined Clara for them.

  • Who's He? Podcast #215 I left alone, my mind was blank

    30 August 2015 (5:07pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 21 seconds

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    In their never ending quest to get through their series 2 retrospective, Phil and Paul look at The Satan Pit. After the magnificence of The Impossible Planet, is this story a satisfying conclusion or does it fall into the same pit of mediocrity that befalls many a 2 part story? However, the discussion leads Paul to wonder why the bases Chief of Security only carries one bullet and Phil tries to figure out why announcements must be made when raising shields.

    And in the news, a mini prequel to series 9 is to be shown in front of the Dark Water/Death Heaven 3D cinema showings, the New York Symphonic Spectacular has been cancelled, Welsh BAFTA and Hugo awards news and in Omega's Tat Corner, some very nice looking but expensive tat!

  • I left alone, my mind was blank

    30 August 2015 (5:07pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 21 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    In their never ending quest to get through their series 2 retrospective, Phil and Paul look at The Satan Pit. After the magnificence of The Impossible Planet, is this story a satisfying conclusion or does it fall into the same pit of mediocrity that befalls many a 2 part story? However, the discussion leads Paul to wonder why the bases Chief of Security only carries one bullet and Phil tries to figure out why announcements must be made when raising shields.

    And in the news, a mini prequel to series 9 is to be shown in front of the Dark Water/Death Heaven 3D cinema showings, the New York Symphonic Spectacular has been cancelled, Welsh BAFTA and Hugo awards news and in Omega's Tat Corner, some very nice looking but expensive tat!

  • I left alone, my mind was blank

    30 August 2015 (5:07pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 21 seconds

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    In their never ending quest to get through their series 2 retrospective, Phil and Paul look at The Satan Pit. After the magnificence of The Impossible Planet, is this story a satisfying conclusion or does it fall into the same pit of mediocrity that befalls many a 2 part story? However, the discussion leads Paul to wonder why the bases Chief of Security only carries one bullet and Phil tries to figure out why announcements must be made when raising shields.

    And in the news, a mini prequel to series 9 is to be shown in front of the Dark Water/Death Heaven 3D cinema showings, the New York Symphonic Spectacular has been cancelled, Welsh BAFTA and Hugo awards news and in Omega's Tat Corner, some very nice looking but expensive tat!

  • Who's He? Podcast #214 It's just a spring clean for the May Queen

    23 August 2015 (6:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 22 seconds

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    This week Phil and Paul tackle the Target novelisation of The Awakening, that "ahem", fondly remembered 5th Doctor story written by Eic Pringle. During their discussion, they talk about cadaverous old men, cavaliers and roundheads and Phil laments that this was a missed opportunity for Doctor Who to reference one of his favourire horror films.

    And in the news, a new series 9 trailer, the air time on BBC America for The Magicians Apprentice, Strax meets Jago and Litefoot in a Big Finish story and in Omega's Tat Corner, it's a tat update!

  • It's just a spring clean for the May Queen

    23 August 2015 (6:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 22 seconds

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    This week Phil and Paul tackle the Target novelisation of The Awakening, that "ahem", fondly remembered 5th Doctor story written by Eic Pringle. During their discussion, they talk about cadaverous old men, cavaliers and roundheads and Phil laments that this was a missed opportunity for Doctor Who to reference one of his favourire horror films.

    And in the news, a new series 9 trailer, the air time on BBC America for The Magicians Apprentice, Strax meets Jago and Litefoot in a Big Finish story and in Omega's Tat Corner, it's a tat update!

  • It's just a spring clean for the May Queen

    23 August 2015 (6:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 22 seconds

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    This week Phil and Paul tackle the Target novelisation of The Awakening, that "ahem", fondly remembered 5th Doctor story written by Eic Pringle. During their discussion, they talk about cadaverous old men, cavaliers and roundheads and Phil laments that this was a missed opportunity for Doctor Who to reference one of his favourire horror films.

    And in the news, a new series 9 trailer, the air time on BBC America for The Magicians Apprentice, Strax meets Jago and Litefoot in a Big Finish story and in Omega's Tat Corner, it's a tat update!

  • Who's He? Podcast #213 I'm not at my usual top billing

    10 August 2015 (6:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 43 seconds

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    In this edition of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul look at Minuet in Hell from Big Finish. In this tale of debauchery, lost identities and American politics, both Phil and Paul remain astounded at the bad accents on display but also the majesty of a Nicholas Courtney performance that lifts a very average Doctor Who story.

    But in the news this week, rumours that series 10 will not air in 2016 which leads Paul and Phil to discuss the many theories that tag along with this rumour, Reece Shearsmith is cast in series 9 of Doctor Who and NASA prove they have nothing better to do than name craters on a moon after their favourite sci-fi characters.

  • I'm not at my usual top billing

    10 August 2015 (6:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 43 seconds

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    In this edition of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul look at Minuet in Hell from Big Finish. In this tale of debauchery, lost identities and American politics, both Phil and Paul remain astounded at the bad accents on display but also the majesty of a Nicholas Courtney performance that lifts a very average Doctor Who story.

    But in the news this week, rumours that series 10 will not air in 2016 which leads Paul and Phil to discuss the many theories that tag along with this rumour, Reece Shearsmith is cast in series 9 of Doctor Who and NASA prove they have nothing better to do than name craters on a moon after their favourite sci-fi characters.

  • I'm not at my usual top billing

    10 August 2015 (6:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 43 seconds

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    In this edition of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil and Paul look at Minuet in Hell from Big Finish. In this tale of debauchery, lost identities and American politics, both Phil and Paul remain astounded at the bad accents on display but also the majesty of a Nicholas Courtney performance that lifts a very average Doctor Who story.

    But in the news this week, rumours that series 10 will not air in 2016 which leads Paul and Phil to discuss the many theories that tag along with this rumour, Reece Shearsmith is cast in series 9 of Doctor Who and NASA prove they have nothing better to do than name craters on a moon after their favourite sci-fi characters.

  • Who's He? Podcast #212 Heaven send hell away

    2 August 2015 (6:41pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 49 seconds

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    Live from London, the Who's He? Podcast team of Phil & Paul who both live in London, return to their ongoing series 2 retrospective with a look at The Impossible Planet which doesn't take place in London. This is a classic of Who so do the lads both feel that this is still a classic or does the fact this story isn't set in London hurt it somewhat? They also wander off topic and start discussing Disney's The Black Hole and both marvel at the wonderful London accents used by the actors.

    And in the news this week, a Doctor Who 3D film event that disgustingly won't be shown in London and BARB will take into account online viewing figures, especially those in London.

    Visit London.

  • Heaven send hell away

    2 August 2015 (6:41pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 49 seconds

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    Live from London, the Who's He? Podcast team of Phil & Paul who both live in London, return to their ongoing series 2 retrospective with a look at The Impossible Planet which doesn't take place in London. This is a classic of Who so do the lads both feel that this is still a classic or does the fact this story isn't set in London hurt it somewhat? They also wander off topic and start discussing Disney's The Black Hole and both marvel at the wonderful London accents used by the actors.

    And in the news this week, a Doctor Who 3D film event that disgustingly won't be shown in London and BARB will take into account online viewing figures, especially those in London.

    Visit London.

  • Heaven send hell away

    2 August 2015 (6:41pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 49 seconds

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    Live from London, the Who's He? Podcast team of Phil & Paul who both live in London, return to their ongoing series 2 retrospective with a look at The Impossible Planet which doesn't take place in London. This is a classic of Who so do the lads both feel that this is still a classic or does the fact this story isn't set in London hurt it somewhat? They also wander off topic and start discussing Disney's The Black Hole and both marvel at the wonderful London accents used by the actors.

    And in the news this week, a Doctor Who 3D film event that disgustingly won't be shown in London and BARB will take into account online viewing figures, especially those in London.

    Visit London.

  • Who's He? Podcast #211 I felt a little like a dying clown

    26 July 2015 (6:35pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 16 seconds

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    To kick off this weeks podcast, Phil and Paul play catch up with all the news they have missed over the last couple of weeks which means a recap on the announcement of the series 9 premiere date and the trailer! Sorry! But there is the news that series 10 has already been commissioned, some guest announcements for the Doctor Who Festival in November and some more Big Finish news!

    But once the news is out of the way, they crack on with their review of the novelisation of The Power of The Daleks. This is a change for them both as this isn't strictly a Target book and they had no DVD to compare the book to! So sit back and listen to the pair of them discuss devious Daleks, characters with no redeeming qualities and a love triangle worthy of The Love Boat!

  • I felt a little like a dying clown

    26 July 2015 (6:35pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 16 seconds

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    To kick off this weeks podcast, Phil and Paul play catch up with all the news they have missed over the last couple of weeks which means a recap on the announcement of the series 9 premiere date and the trailer! Sorry! But there is the news that series 10 has already been commissioned, some guest announcements for the Doctor Who Festival in November and some more Big Finish news!

    But once the news is out of the way, they crack on with their review of the novelisation of The Power of The Daleks. This is a change for them both as this isn't strictly a Target book and they had no DVD to compare the book to! So sit back and listen to the pair of them discuss devious Daleks, characters with no redeeming qualities and a love triangle worthy of The Love Boat!

  • I felt a little like a dying clown

    26 July 2015 (6:35pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 16 seconds

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    To kick off this weeks podcast, Phil and Paul play catch up with all the news they have missed over the last couple of weeks which means a recap on the announcement of the series 9 premiere date and the trailer! Sorry! But there is the news that series 10 has already been commissioned, some guest announcements for the Doctor Who Festival in November and some more Big Finish news!

    But once the news is out of the way, they crack on with their review of the novelisation of The Power of The Daleks. This is a change for them both as this isn't strictly a Target book and they had no DVD to compare the book to! So sit back and listen to the pair of them discuss devious Daleks, characters with no redeeming qualities and a love triangle worthy of The Love Boat!

  • Who's He? Podcast #210 Oh I've seen the light

    12 July 2015 (6:35pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 20 minutes and 0 seconds

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    In a momentous news week for Doctor Who, Phil takes the extraordinary step of interrupting this weeks news section with the air date for series 9, a brand spanking new series 9 trailer and a trailer featuring the Doctor for Lego Dimensions! But back in the past with the lads original news item, they try to catch up on the news they have missed over the last couple of weeks and they even try to fit in a quick soujorn to Omega's Tat Corner.

    But the real reason for this weeks episode is the continuation of their audio commentary for The Stones Of Blood episodes 3 and 4. So queue more facts from the day of original transmission and Tony yet again continues with his extremely libellous facts on Tom Baker!

  • Oh I've seen the light

    12 July 2015 (6:35pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 20 minutes and 0 seconds

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    In a momentous news week for Doctor Who, Phil takes the extraordinary step of interrupting this weeks news section with the air date for series 9, a brand spanking new series 9 trailer and a trailer featuring the Doctor for Lego Dimensions! But back in the past with the lads original news item, they try to catch up on the news they have missed over the last couple of weeks and they even try to fit in a quick soujorn to Omega's Tat Corner.

    But the real reason for this weeks episode is the continuation of their audio commentary for The Stones Of Blood episodes 3 and 4. So queue more facts from the day of original transmission and Tony yet again continues with his extremely libellous facts on Tom Baker!

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