Overall Statistics

Traveling the Vortex

Traveling the Vortex
A podcast dedicated to the show Doctor Who with a perspective from two Midwest United States fans, and one person being introduced to the Doctor for the first time.

Homepage: http://travelingthevortex.com/

RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/travelvortex?format=xml

Traveling the Vortex Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
46 days, 12 hours, 10 minutes and 46 seconds
Earliest Episode:
6 January 2011 (8:03am GMT)
Latest Episode:
24 May 2024 (3:09am GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
5 days, 3 hours, 50 minutes and 49 seconds

Traveling the Vortex Episodes

  • Episode 209 - Late Christmas

    2 January 2015 (9:10pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 3 hours, 7 minutes and 24 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150After having to postpone recording due to sickness and work commitments we return after a slightly longer break than normal.

    In this week’s podcast we discuss how our Christmas was, and the Doctor Who goodies we got, also some of the movies we watched over the long time between recordings.

    We also give our thoughts on the 2014 Christmas special “Last Christmas”, and our reaction to some news.

    And last but not least your feedback.


  • Side Trip 15 - A Visit from St. Nick

    25 December 2014 (2:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 1 second

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150Surprise and Merry Christmas! We thought we’d do a little something special for our listeners this year and release our own Christmas special. In this year’s Doctor Who Christmas Special, the Twelfth Doctor will be visited by Santa Claus. So, we decided to compile our review of four stories where the Doctor has encountered the ‘right jolly ol’ elf” in previous adventures.

    First, a look at the December 1965 TV Comic story featuring the First Doctor called simply, A Christmas Story.

    Then, we review the short story adventure, The Man Who (Nearly) Killed Christmas, featuring the Second Doctor.

    Next, the Third Doctor decides to give Sarah Jane Smith a Christmas treat by introducing her to Kris Kringle in the short story, A Visit from Saint Nicholas.

    And finally, the Eleventh Doctor rescues Santa and Christmas itself in the IDW comic, Silent Knight.

    We hope you enjoy this special Christmas goody to bring you more holiday cheer.

    Merry Christmas!

  • Episode 208 - Short and Sweet

    22 December 2014 (6:15pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 21 minutes and 43 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s podcast, we pick up and catch up on the final four 50th anniversary ebook short stories, The Beast of Babylon, The Mystery of the Haunted Cottage, Nothing O’Clock and Lights Out. Hear what we liked and disliked about this wrap-up of the line.

    Also, big news (especially for us) in convention guest news. We’ll share some of the big announcements over the past week!

    Plus, more news of the week.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 207 - The Podcast That Never Was

    16 December 2014 (7:12am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 36 minutes and 56 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s podcast, we’ve reached the end of the run of Charlotte Pollard, well.. in the Eighth Doctors run in the Big Finish Main Range, anyway. And so we bid a fond farewell to her in he present state with a review of the audio play The Girl Who Never Was. We’ll give our impressions of this bang-up job of a story (did I tip our hand there?).

    Also, we continue out review of the Titan Comics Doctor Who titles, exploring some more of the Tenth and Eleventh Doctor series.

    Plus, nome news of the week, including a very special con announcement of a guest coming very near to us.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 206 - The Quicker the Fix, the Faster It Breaks

    9 December 2014 (3:55pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 33 minutes and 50 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show we tackle two more Big Finish audios each featuring The Fifth Doctor, Peri and Erimem. First, we review the audio play, Nekromanteia. Then, we’ll we will share our opinions on the following adventure, The Axis of Insanity.

    Also, we get a special treat from Traveling the Vortex correspondent, Time Lord Ben. He is fresh back from Chicago TARDIS with a full report of the three day event.

    Plus, more convention news and announcements, as well as some of the rumblings in the Doctor Who world of news.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 205 - Everybody Play the Game

    2 December 2014 (6:47pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 27 minutes and 38 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150It’s time for Fun and Games Part 2! In this week’s show (yes, a day late we know) we discuss some of the fun we had reviewing two Doctor Who licensed table top games. First, we look at the Doctor Who version of Yahtzee. Then we go over the Dalek themed board game, Risk. Find out what we thought of a new spin on these classics.

    BUT, before all of that, we also get to our reviews of the Big Finish Seventh Doctor and Mel audio play, Flip-Flop.

    And then, more fun in the works with a review of the first issue of the Titan Twelfth Doctor comic book series.

    Also, we have some news to give our reactions to.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 204 - Two Tickets to Paradise

    24 November 2014 (5:14pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 37 minutes and 51 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s podcast there is a slight change to what was scheduled. First, we do offer up our reviews on the Season 24 Seventh Doctor and Mel story, Paradise Towers. Also, as promised, we dig a little deeper into the background of the Quarks as presented in other media, particularly the TV Comics runs, for a mini Adversary Archive on the Quarks. However, due to some unforeseen circumstances, including but not limited to time constraints, we have pushed off our review of Big Finish’s Seventh Doctor and Mel audio, Flip-Flop.

    Also, in news, we reveal some more convention guests, as well as talk about some comments made by Eighth Doctor actor Peter Capaldi.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 203 - All Hail the Big Talking Bird!

    17 November 2014 (4:14pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 29 minutes and 22 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s podcast, we present another Companion Archive. This time, we explore the lovable big talking penguin, Frobisher. We’ll give our impressions on two Big Finish audios from the Doctor Who Main Range, first The Holy Terror, and second, The Maltese Penguin. We’ll also discuss what we know about Frobisher so far in our experience with the shapeshifting Whifferdill.

    Also, we look at some of the news of the week, including last week’s Children in Need Doctor who clip form the Christmas Special. And, we’ll talk about some upcoming conventions and convention quest announcements.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 202 - Tears in Heaven

    11 November 2014 (6:16am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 32 minutes and 6 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150The end of Series 8 has arrived, and all too soon in our opinion. This week on the podcast, we give our impressions of the season’s finale, Death in Heaven. We share our reviews on the climactic story setting us up for Christmas to come.

    But, first some convention guest announcements, one particular that came to a surprise to the three of us. Also, we’ll discuss other items in the news of the week.

    Plus, we announce the winners of our Bicentepiversary event. Congratulation to the winners.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 201 - Guess Who's Back

    4 November 2014 (5:53am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 40 minutes and 6 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show we review the penultimate episode of Series 8 of Doctor Who, Dark Water. We’ll give our impressions on the next to last installment of the series, and what we thought of the big reveal at the end.

    Also, not much in news this week, but we do have our reactions to a little news on the home front as far as a Doctor Who convention coming to the midwest.

    And of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 200 - Happy Bicentepiversary!

    28 October 2014 (1:53pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 38 minutes and 10 seconds

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    TTVpngIt has arrived. We have reached our 200th show. It seems like only yesterday that we began this quest.

    This week’s podcast includes some celebrating of the momentous occasion.

    But there is still business at hand. So, we share our impressions of In the Forest of the Night.

    Also, some news of the week.

    Oh, and we’ve gone into the prize vault for some give-away goodies, so be sure to listen how you can enter.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 199 - You Can't Get There From Here

    20 October 2014 (3:42pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 48 minutes and 4 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show, we review the latest offering from Series 8, Flatline. We give our impressions of the story as we near the end of this season and forge ahead toward our 200th episode.

    But first, Shaun regales us with an entertaining story of his cross country trip this week, coupled with a few things that Keith and I catch up on.

    Also, as always, we’ll discuss the latest in Doctor Who news, including some details on the extras to be released on this season’s box set.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 198 - 66 Seconds to Live

    14 October 2014 (5:34am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 21 minutes and 9 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150We climb aboard that space faring train known as The Orient Express, to review this week’s offering in Series 8, Mummy on the Orient Express.

    We’ll give our impressions on this week’s program, as well as some of the things we’ve taken away from this season thus far.

    Also, we’ll have a look at the news of the week, including an interesting tie-in to a current member of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    Lisa’s video reference in this week’s feedback: River Song Confidential

  • Episode 197 - What is the Gestation Period of a Moon Egg?

    7 October 2014 (5:44am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 10 minutes and 35 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150Doctor: The moon isn't breaking apart, the moon is hatching.
    Clara: Huh?
    Doctor: The moon's an egg.
    Courtney: Is it a chicken?
    Doctor: No!
    Courtney: Because for a chicken to have laid an egg that ...
    Doctor: Courtney, don't spoil the moment!

    In this week’s podcast we ask that very question, among many other silly quandaries. Also, we give our impressions on the game changing episode, Kill the Moon.

    But, before that, we take a look at the news circulating our favorite program, as well as more guest announcements for Gally.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    This month’s Doctor Who Book Club – Traveling the Vortex selection

  • Episode 196 - Hey Teacher, Leave Those Kids Alone!

    30 September 2014 (4:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 35 minutes and 31 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this show, we make it to the midway point of Series 8 and take a look at this week’s offering, The Caretaker. We’ll give our impressions on this relationship heavy drama.

    Also, some sad news of the week to report with the passing of a very special lady.

    And, some great news coming out of next years British Fest.

    And of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 195 - Doctor's Twelve

    23 September 2014 (6:15am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 24 minutes and 5 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show we review the newest episode of Doctor Who Series 8. This time The Doctor and Clara are joined by two new companions, Psi and Saibra in the aptly titles Time Heist.

    We’ll give our opinions on this week’s offering.

    Also, some news of the week, including a few guest update at a couple of our favorite cons.

    Plus, Shaun and I talk about a local convention that celebrated it’s first year here in the Capital City of Topeka, Kansas.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 192 - Something's Under the Bed

    16 September 2014 (6:45am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 47 minutes and 41 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150“I think everybody at some point in their lives has the exact, same nightmare. You wake up, or you think you do, and there's someone in the dark, someone close, or you think there might be. So you sit up, turn on the light, and the room looks different at night. It ticks and creaks and breathes. And you tell yourself there's nobody there, nobody watching, nobody listening. Nobody there at all ... and you very nearly believe it. You really, really try. And then…”

    In this week’s show, we look at what might just be Steven Moffat’s masterpiece in Doctor Who storytelling, Listen.

    We give our impressions on this ground breaking and legend changing episode.

    Also, a sad look at news this week, as we’ve lost another Doctor Who contributor who has made her mark on the mythos as well.

    And of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 193 - Merry Men of the Vortex

    9 September 2014 (7:02am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 59 minutes and 25 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show we travel with the Doctor and Clara to Sherwood Forrest, to join Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men. Hear our thoughts on the Series Eight episode, Robot of Sherwood.

    Also, our reaction to the news of the week, including some tidbits about the show and even more discussion of the missing episodes rumor and the fallout surrounding the effort to return them to the BBC.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 192 - Where's Gary?

    2 September 2014 (7:02am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 34 minutes and 48 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show we discuss the newest episode of Doctor Who Series 8, Into the Dalek. Hear our impressions on the latest installment to our favorite program.

    Also, a look at some news of the week, including an Emmy award for another project by Doctor Who show runner, Steven Moffat.

    Oh, and listen closely for some clues to the title of this week’s podcast.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 191 - Every Breath You Take

    25 August 2014 (10:35pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 58 minutes and 9 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150The wait is finally over and Doctor Who is back on our TV screens.

    This week, we look at the first episode of Series Eight, Deep Breath, and give our opinions on the story, the return of the series, and of course, the new Doctor himself, Peter Capaldi.

    Plus, we take a peek at what’s news this week.

    And, we’ll discuss our ASL Ice Bucket Challenge.

    Oh, and of course, your feedback.


    Links mentioned in the show:

    Time Traveller Boyfriend | 5WF & iamprikle | MASHED
    Princess Jellyfish

  • Episode 190 - Human Nature 101

    20 August 2014 (3:22pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 36 minutes and 20 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150It’s an “epiversary” show!

    In this week’s show we examine the similarities and contrasts between both treatments of Paul Cornell’s Human Nature. We look at both the Virgin New Adventures novel featuring the Seventh Doctor and Bernice Summerfield and the Series 3 television adventure with the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones. Listen to us give our impressions of both adventures which sometime clash in the realm of Doctor Who universal canon and continuity.

    Also, a few announcements surrounding this week’s return of the television show with Series 8.

    Plus, lot’s of discussion regarding Doctor Who: Legacy and the release of The Hunt for Greyhound One.

    And, of course, your feedback!


    Links in this week’s show:

    TheAdiposeTV on Twitch

  • Episode 189 - Journey Into Hell... or Not

    11 August 2014 (11:22pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 29 minutes and 13 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show we journey into the netherworld, the kingdom of the beast, the place of torment… oh wait… maybe not. Any way, we do take a look at the Big Finish audio story, Absolution, featuring the Eighth Doctor, Charley, and C’rizz.

    Also, we examine another of the 50th anniversary e-book releases, another Eighth Doctor adventure entitled Spore.

    Plus, news rumors and leaks in the world of Doctor Who.

    And of course, your feedback.


    Links mentioned in the show:

    The Five(ish) Fangirls Podcast

    Sesame Street: Numeric Con (Preview)

  • Episode 188 - A Pirates Life For Me

    5 August 2014 (3:14am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 20 minutes and 36 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150Arrrr! In this week’s show, we look at two fun romps in the Doctor Who Universe.

    First, our views on the often maligned First Doctor story, The Space Museum. Find out where we land on the story.

    Then, after much anticipation, we tackle the Big Finish audio, Doctor Who and the Pirates, featuring the Sixth Doctor and Evelyn Smythe. We’ll share our thoughts on this unique story.

    Also, in news, some theater announcements for the Series 8 story Deep Breath, plus some guest announcements from two of the biggest U.S, Doctor Who conventions.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    Desert Island Who podcast

    The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo

  • Episode 187 - All For One!

    28 July 2014 (4:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 25 minutes and 33 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show, we head back to France in the 1600′s for the Big Finish audio play The Church and the Crown. This one features The Fifth Doctor, Peri and Erimem. We share our impressions on this historical depiction of the King, the Cardinal and the famous Musketeers.

    But first, the new lines of Doctor Who comics launched last week, and we have copies of The Tenth and Eleventh Doctors’ stories. We review the Titan relaunch to the series as well, featuring new companions for brand new adventures.

    Plus, our reactions to some of the news items of the week.

    And of course, your feedback.


    Nerd HQ

  • Episode 186 - Spreading God's Love With Kickin' Tunes

    24 July 2014 (4:56am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 20 minutes and 3 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150“Now go out there, Gabriel, spread the truth and love of the Lord, and play those kicking tunes!”

    In this week’s show we review two Seventh Doctor and Ace stories.

    First is the Big Finish Audio drama, The Rapture.

    And then, we take a look at the 50th Anniversary short story ebook, The Ripple Effect.

    Plus, more announcements and news, including some resurfacing rumors and speculation about the missing episodes.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    You can find Holly’s National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation reference here.

  • Episode 185 - Have You Met Miss Smith? She's My Best Friend

    17 July 2014 (5:01am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 43 minutes and 9 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150A difficult show for those of us at Traveling the Vortex. The passing of Elisabeth Sladen in 2011 was very difficult for many Doctor Who fans. It was especially had on those of us who were first introduced to the series during her tenure on the program.

    But, this week we look back with fond memories about the actress and the character she immortalized in Sarah Jane Smith.

    Also, our thoughts on the latest trailer for Series 8.

    And of course, your feedback.


    Mentioned in the show:
    (Re)Generation Who:The Doctor Who Celebration for Every Generation

  • Episode 184 - And the Story Goes on... Forever

    9 July 2014 (5:21pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 22 minutes and 45 seconds

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    TTV Logo 1400In this week’s podcast, we explore the final episodes of the Sarah Jane Adventures, with a review of Series Five. We give our impressions of the show’s send off.

    Also, more Series Eight announcements including writer confirmations and script leaks.

    Plus, a look at the rest of the news surrounding the Whoniverse.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 183 - The British Are Coming!

    3 July 2014 (6:20am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 36 minutes and 57 seconds

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    TTV Logo 1400In this week’s podcast we are fresh back from Britishfest in Omaha, NE, where we took part in its first ever convention.

    This week we regale our madcap adventures in the Cornhusker state, and share all the wonderful stories from the weekend’s activities, including the first ever Friday Night Who (or Saturday in this case) tweet-along.

    Also, we take a peek at some of the news items on the list for this week.

    Plus a special announcement about our podcast that we are quite proud of.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 182 - My Own Worst Enemy

    24 June 2014 (5:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 34 minutes and 50 seconds

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    TTV Logo 1400In this week’s show we finally get a chance to sit down and examine the, until recently, missing Second Doctor story, The Enemy of the World. We give our impression of this gem which has been unavailable in it’s entirety for more than forty years.

    Also, some really good news from Doctor Who actress Janet Fielding who played Tegan Jovanka in the series. Plus other news happening this week in the Doctor Who Universe.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    Mentioned in this week’s show:

    Britishfest in Omaha, NE

  • Episode 181 - Who Cares

    16 June 2014 (4:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 53 minutes and 35 seconds

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    TTV Logo 1400In this week’s podcast, WE CARE! We tackle two more Big Finish audios starring The Eighth Doctor, Charley, and C’rizz. First we look at Something Inside. Then our heroes are trapped in a second prison in the story Memory Lane.

    Also, some announcements in news including a Doctor Who World Tour and the first round of Galley guests.

    And, of course, your feedback


    Traveling the Vortex – Doctor Who Book Club Poll

  • Episode 180 - A True Dilemma

    10 June 2014 (4:21am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 15 minutes and 50 seconds

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    TTV Logo 1400In this week’s podcast we finally get around to reviewing the story that much of fandom has panned and constantly finds its way at the bottom of “best of” lists.

    However, we decided to give a fair chance to the Sixth Doctor and Peri story, The Twin Dilemma.

    Find out whether we judge the story as harshly as the populace, or if we come down on the side of favor.

    Plus, a look at another of the 50th anniversary e-book releases, Something Borrowed, also featuring The Sixth Doctor and Peri and the return of a favorite villain.

    Also, a few news items to get out of the way.

    And of course, your feedback.


    Links mentioned in this week’s show:

    The Five(ish) Fangirls Podcast

    Welcome to the podiverse, ladies!

  • Episode 179 - Examining Tragedy

    3 June 2014 (5:44pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 20 minutes and 37 seconds

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    TTV Logo 1400In this week’s show we FINALLY take a look at a story that has always been held in high esteem by fans of Doctor Who. We evaluate the story The Caves of Adrozani, featuring the Fifth Doctor and Peri.

    We’ll break it down and examine some of the finer points of the story.

    Also, a look at the news of the week, including more guest announcements from LI Who, and the possibility of The Five(ish) Doctors coming to DVD sometime soon.

    And, of course, your feedback – including Rachel’s visit to Pop Con over the weekend.


    Links to Rachel’s pictures and video from Pop Con https://www.youtube.com/user/stylesandsmarts

  • Episode 178 - Dalek Juice and Singing Pepper Pots

    27 May 2014 (3:18pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 50 minutes and 37 seconds

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    TTV Logo 1400In this week’s show we finally take a listen to the Big Finish audio play Jubilee, featuring the Sixth Doctor and Evelyn Smythe. We’ll look at the comparisons between this story and the Ninth Doctor and Rose televised story, Dalek. Find out how much we find in common between the two stories.

    Also, some more convention guest announcements.

    Plus, our reactions to the newly released Series 8 teaser.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 177 - Let Bigon Be Bigon

    19 May 2014 (4:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 49 minutes and 9 seconds

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    TTV Logo 1400In this week’s show we continue our look at soe Fifth Doctor materials. First is the 50th anniversary short story ebook, Tip of the Tongue. We present out thoughts an opinions on this story. Next we review the Fifth Doctor’s second television story, Four to Doomsday, featuring the TARDIS crew of Adric, Tegan, and Nyssa.

    Also, more Series 8 news with another casting announcement.

    Plus, another accolade for our favorite program, this time coming in the form of a BAFTA.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    Humble Bundle, Doctor Who comics

    The Off Broadway Theater

  • Episode 176 - Great Artificial Intelligence

    15 May 2014 (4:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 15 minutes and 5 seconds

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    TTV Logo 1400In this week’s show feature part to in our Adversary Archive of The Great Intelligence. We take a look at the independent film, Downtime, featuring a return on several Doctor Who characters. Then a recap of the GI’s part in The Bells of St. John and The Name of the Doctor.

    Also, a look at some of the news of the week, including some guest announcements for LI Who and casting and location news for Doctor Who Series 8.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 175 - An Intelligent Design

    7 May 2014 (11:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 29 minutes and 8 seconds

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    TTV Logo 1400In this week’s show we feature part one of our Adversary Archive – The Great Intelligence.

    We tackle our reviews of The Abominable Snowmen and The Web of Fear, as well as a recap of the Eleventh Doctor story, The Snowmen.

    Also, some convention announcements, including som bad news for Shaun and Mel in regards to where they will lay their heads in L.A. next year for Gallifrey One.

    Plus some non-Doctor Who casting news, and a record DVD report.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 174 - It's a Miracle Day

    28 April 2014 (1:35pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 3 minutes and 30 seconds

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    TTV Logo 1400In this week’s show we tackle the second half of Torchwood: Miracle Day. We look at the build up to the epic finality that marks a chance in the series as we know it. Find out our impressions of the event.

    Also, a look at the news including an upcoming celebration of the 50 years in Doctor Who in the comics.

    Plus, some award giving to our favorite shows and news of an unlikely spin-off from the series.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    Adipose TV – Doctor Who Legacy – V2.0 and Season 5!

  • Episode 173 - All I Need is a Miracle Day

    24 April 2014 (2:33pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 11 minutes and 5 seconds

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    TTV Logo 1400Sorry, again, for the delay in this week’s podcast. As you’ll hear we are still struggling with a few illnesses and conflicts in scheduling.

    In this week’s show we take a break from Doctor Who and tackle one of it’s spin-off shows. We give our impressions on the first five parts of Torchwood: Miracle Day.

    Also, some of the news of the week, including our first thoughts on the new update for the wonderful game, Doctor Who: Legacy.

    Plus, we have a special treat from listener Brenda. It’s something that we enjoyed immensely and we are sure you will, too.

    And of course, your feedback!

    Hopefully, it was worth the wait.


  • Side Trip 14 - FanX Report

    24 April 2014 (1:39pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 18 minutes and 23 seconds

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    TTV Logo 1400Chrissy turns in another convention report this week. This time she attended the Salt Lake Comic Con – Fan Xperience.

    It sounds like it was a fun experience with some very exciting guests, including one late surprise.

    She actually framed it as a feedback for this week’s show, but we thought it so special that we felt it deserved it’s own spot on the feed.

    Thanks goes out to Chrissy for providing the report!


  • Episode 172 - Extraneous Clothing Accessories

    15 April 2014 (3:26am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 47 minutes and 38 seconds

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    TTV Logo 1400In this week’s show we review two stories featuring the Fourth Doctor and Leela. First, is the television story, The Image of the Fendahl. Then we take a look at the fourth installment of last years 50th anniversary e-book series, The Roots of Evil.

    Also, what might just be the end of the latest missing episode rumors… or not.

    Plus, a look at the other news of the week.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 171 - Between the Tick and the Tock

    8 April 2014 (1:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 23 minutes and 33 seconds

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    TTV Logo 1400In this week’s show, Keith is fresh back from visiting Matt and Karen at Wizard World’s St. Louis Comic Con. He will have a recap of all the weekend’s event, including Doctor Who encounters and meetings with some of the Serenity crew from Firefly.

    Also, we tackle two Doctor Who programs. First is the First Doctor and Dodo meeting new companions Ben and Polly in The War Machines.

    Then we revisit The Eighth Doctor, Charley and C’rizz in the Big Finish audio adventure, Time Works.

    Plus, our reactions to some of the news of the week.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    St. Louis Celestial Intervention Agency – websiteFacebook page

    Who North America

  • Episode 170 - Ocelots and Whoozles

    31 March 2014 (3:37pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 20 minutes and 47 seconds

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    ttvsmallWelcome to another addition of Traveling the Vortex.

    In this week’s episode, we tangent a bit more than usual discussing everything from Minecraft to Spaghetti recipes.

    But we do get back on track long enough to give our reviews of the two Third Doctor and Jo stories, the TV episode, The Mutants, and the 50th anniversary e-book, The Spear of Destiny.

    Also, some sad news this week with the passing of two legends in Doctor Who.

    And of course your feedback.


    Brittany’s Doctor Who Photo Challenge

    Book Club

  • Episode 169 - Fan Show 2 - Fan-tastic

    24 March 2014 (6:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 32 minutes and 10 seconds

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    TTV Logo 1400In this week’s episode we put aside our views and reviews, and let a few Doctor Who fans take the lead. First is an interview with a family fast becoming a favorite on the local con circuit with a passion that started as a Boy Scout project.

    Then we’ll here from one of the funniest performers I have seen doing Doctor Who satire/comedy.

    Also, we look at the news of the week, including some discussion about next year’s Gallifrey One con selling out in the first 75 minutes.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    Red Dalek on Facebook
    Timey Wimey Puppet Show

  • Episode 168 - We Lost the Doctor

    18 March 2014 (5:21pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 44 minutes and 2 seconds

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    TTV Logo 1400A long one this week, but with the crammed packed weekend of this year’s Planet Comicon in Kansas City, we had a lot to talk about.

    We’ll discuss all the Doctor Who related events that went on this weekend, as well as much of the other sci-fi and pop culture programming that make the con a joy and success.

    And, some really cool surprises that we were involve with in Sunday’s “Trektacular” panel involving the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

    Plus, we’ll discuss some of the news of the week.

    AND the launch of the Traveling the Vortex Book Club on Goodreads.com.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    Links mentioned in this show:

    Goodreads – Doctor Who Book Club – Traveling the Vortex

    Karen Gillan coming to Salt Lake City Comicon FAnXperience

    Fantasy Con

  • Side Trip 13 - SYLVESTER MCCOY at Planet Comicon 2014

    17 March 2014 (4:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 50 seconds

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    TTV Logo 1400After an incredible weekend for us, including lots of work and fun, here is the panel featuring Seventh Doctor, Sylvester McCoy at Kansas City Planet Comicon which we had the honor and privilege to host.

    Following this Side Trip episode will soon be this week’s show where we will be discussing the convention over all.


  • Episode 167 - Let It LEGO

    12 March 2014 (2:58pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 6 minutes and 22 seconds

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    ttvsmallIn this week’s show we revisit the topic of Doctor Who fans and LEGO. Yeah… sorry about that.

    But, we also tackle two terrific Big Finish audio plays. First is the Sixth Doctor and Evelyn story in the Main Range series called The Sandman.

    Then our review of the Seventh Doctor and Mel tale, Bang,Bang-a-Boom.

    Also, some guest announcements from L.I. Who, as well as some of the other news of the week.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    L.I. Who 2 website

  • Episode 166 - Reoccurring Characters

    5 March 2014 (4:56pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 35 minutes and 46 seconds

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    ttvsmallIn this week’s show we have a lot of news to react to, including the announcement of Samuel Anderson joining Doctor Who Series 8. Also, some speculation of the possibility of new things on the horizon in the toy building world.

    But, what would a show be without a few reviews. This time we look at the recently released Second Doctor story, The Moonbase, with newly animated episodes.

    Also, a look at last year’s 50th anniversary anthology piece in the ongoing e-book series, The Nameless City, also featuring the Second Doctor and Jamie.

    Plus, a brief look at the new update from everyone’s favorite game, Doctor Who: Legacy.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    Links mentioned in this week’s show:

    Life…From the View Of a Geeky Girl (Brittany’s blog)
    Titan Comics Doctor Who covers (from comicbookresourses.com)
    Vote for Doctor Who: Legacy at www.bestappever.com

  • Episode 165 - Somewhere in Canada: A Gallifrey One Recap

    24 February 2014 (6:48pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 12 minutes and 37 seconds

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    ttvsmallIn this week’s show, Shaun and Mel return from California where they attended the Doctor Who convention, Gallifrey One: 25 Glorious Years. The two will give us a proper recap of all the fun and events that happend last weekend at the con. They will share some of the hilarity as well as some of the embarrassments that happend at this year’s event.

    Also, we will have a look at the news, including a guest announcement from the L.I Who convention next year in New York (or is it?)

    And of course, your feedback.


  • Side Trip 12 - Doctor Who Legacy Interview

    20 February 2014 (5:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 15 minutes and 8 seconds

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    ttvsmallWhile at Gallifrey One over the weekend, Shaun had the chance to sit down with Lee Cummings of Tiny Rebel Games to chat about Doctor Who: Legacy the highly popular mobile app puzzle game. Shaun even has a proposition for the game makers that might very well involve a certain green mascot of ours.


  • Episode 164 - Not at Gally

    17 February 2014 (3:19pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 15 minutes and 18 seconds

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    ttvsmallIn this week’s show we are one co-host short. Shaun is off in California for Gallifrey One, the premiere Doctor Who convention. So, Keith and I are holding down the fort here at home, and couldn’t go week without indulging in our own Doctor Who. So, this time we are doing book reviews! First, Keith gives his impressions on the Third Doctor and UNIT story, Harvest Of Time. Then, I give my review of the Tenth Doctor story, The Resurrection Casket.

    Also, we’ll look at some of the news announced this week.

    And, of course, your feedback.


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