Overall Statistics

Traveling the Vortex

Traveling the Vortex
A podcast dedicated to the show Doctor Who with a perspective from two Midwest United States fans, and one person being introduced to the Doctor for the first time.

Homepage: http://travelingthevortex.com/

RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/travelvortex?format=xml

Traveling the Vortex Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
46 days, 12 hours, 10 minutes and 46 seconds
Earliest Episode:
6 January 2011 (8:03am GMT)
Latest Episode:
24 May 2024 (3:09am GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
5 days, 3 hours, 50 minutes and 49 seconds

Traveling the Vortex Episodes

  • Episode 252 - Pun-Free Zone

    26 October 2015 (3:04pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 55 minutes and 33 seconds

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    ttv_logo_newIn this week’s show we discuss the future, Back to the Future and this week’s celebration of Back to the Future Day.

    But, it is a podcast about Doctor Who, and there is plenty in store for our musings this episode.

    First, we’ll give a spoiler free of the next book in Candy Jar Book’s Lethbridge-Stewart series, ‘Lethbridge-Stewart: Beast of Fang Rock’, written by Andy Frankham-Allen. We offer our insights with a sneak peek at the novel that will be released later this week.

    Plus, we’ll look at the latest installment in Doctor Who Series 9 with a review of The Woman Who Lived.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    Candy Jar Books

    Theta Sigma’s Doctor Who Podcast

  • Episode 251 - The Universe is Full of Testosterone

    19 October 2015 (11:50pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 32 seconds

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    ttv_logo_newIn this week’s podcast we review the latest episode in Doctor Who Series 9 with The Girl Who Died. We give our impression on what could be one of the pivotal stories in the Twelfth Doctor’s era thus far. Also, we evaluate the performance of guest star Maisie Williams in her first appearance as Ashildr.

    Also, some great news on the recent improvement in the health of another Doctor Who actor.

    Plus some information on a website sharing the worldwide broadcast dates for Doctor Who over the past 52 years (thank you Robert).

    In addition, thanks to Dan for a return of the Doctor Who Legacy Tip of the Week.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    Links mentioned in the show:


  • Episode 251 - The Universe is Full of Testosterone

    19 October 2015 (11:50pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 32 seconds

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    ttv_logo_newIn this week’s podcast we review the latest episode in Doctor Who Series 9 with The Girl Who Died. We give our impression on what could be one of the pivotal stories in the Twelfth Doctor’s era thus far. Also, we evaluate the performance of guest star Maisie Williams in her first appearance as Ashildr.

    Also, some great news on the recent improvement in the health of another Doctor Who actor.

    Plus some information on a website sharing the worldwide broadcast dates for Doctor Who over the past 52 years (thank you Robert).

    In addition, thanks to Dan for a return of the Doctor Who Legacy Tip of the Week.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    Links mentioned in the show:


  • Episode 250 - Morning Breath

    13 October 2015 (6:24am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 12 seconds

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    ttv_logo_newIt’s another “epiversary” edition of Traveling the Vortex! In this, our 250th episode, we only have one topic for discussion, the latest release in Series 9, Before the Flood. We give our opinions and impressions on the second of this two-part story arc.

    Also, we talk about the upcoming release of special audio commentaries for two Classic Doctor Who stories, The Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear. Plus, LEGO has given us a glimpse of it’s first set in its Doctor Who line. We’ll chime in on that as well.

    And of course, your feedback.


    Links mentioned in the podcast:

    Fathom Films

  • Episode 250 - Morning Breath

    13 October 2015 (6:24am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 12 seconds

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    ttv_logo_newIt’s another “epiversary” edition of Traveling the Vortex! In this, our 250th episode, we only have one topic for discussion, the latest release in Series 9, Before the Flood. We give our opinions and impressions on the second of this two-part story arc.

    Also, we talk about the upcoming release of special audio commentaries for two Classic Doctor Who stories, The Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear. Plus, LEGO has given us a glimpse of it’s first set in its Doctor Who line. We’ll chime in on that as well.

    And of course, your feedback.


    Links mentioned in the podcast:

    Fantom Films

  • Side Trip 17 - Time Eddy Special

    7 October 2015 (1:05pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 51 minutes and 32 seconds

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    ttv_logo_newThe three of us had a chance to go down to Wichita, Kansas over the past weekend to take in the Doctor Who convention, Time Eddy. We had a grand time chatting with fellow fans and hearing some terrific stories from all the quests.

    In this special Side Trip, we recount our adventures at Time Eddy as well as sit down with some of the stars and notable people connected with the series, both directly and indirectly through other projects.


    Included is our discussion of the con and three interviews including actor Peter Purves who played First Doctor companion, Steven Taylor, script editor and writer, Victor Pemberton, and Mad Norwegian Press publisher, editor and writer, Lars Pearson.


  • Episode 249 - More Clever Through Osmosis

    6 October 2015 (4:33am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 5 minutes and 39 seconds

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    TTV LOGO FB 2In this week’s episode we examine the latest installment in what is shaping up to be a stellar Series 9 as we review Under the Lake. We give our impression of the first part of what will be a 2 part story line.

    Also, we look at some of the news of the week and give our reactions, including some big news out of Big Finish involving the War Doctor, the Eighth Doctor and The Time War. Exciting stuff is on the horizon from the company that beings us some great Doctor Who audio plays.

    Plus, some news about a spin-off series from Doctor Who.

    And of course, your feedback.



  • Episode 248 - Grab Your Pointy Sticks

    28 September 2015 (5:34pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 50 minutes and 1 second

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    ttv_logo_newLots on our plate this this week, with three reviews.

    First, we review the newly released novel, Lethbridge-Stewart: The Schizoid Earth, written by David A McIntee and released by Candy Jar Books. We deliver a non-spoiler review of this story, the second in the Lethbridge-Stewart line of books.

    Next, Titan Comics has released the highly anticipate finale to The Four Doctors comic event. We’ll give our opinions on the last issue in this story arch.

    And, finally the equally eagerly awaited second part to a two-part adventure for the Doctor, Clara and Missy, The Witch’s Familiar. Find out what we thought of this epic start to Series 9.

    Plus, we’ll have some reaction to the news of the week.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 247 - The Confessional Podcast

    22 September 2015 (5:31am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 47 minutes and 22 seconds

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    TTV LOGO FB 2It’s finally arrived. No, we’re not referring to this week’s show, which I’m sure you have been eagerly awaiting. Series 9 premiered this weekend, and we finally get a chance to review the first in a two-part story, The Magician’s Apprentice. We give our impressions of the first episode out of the gate for 2015.

    Also, we are fresh back from this year’s TOPCON, and will discuss our involvement and the convention on the whole.

    Plus, some news of the week, including our reactions to the announcement that Jenna Coleman will soon be leaving Doctor Who.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    Doctor Who Game Maker

  • Side Trip 16 - LIVE from TOPCON!

    21 September 2015 (6:09am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 45 seconds

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    ttv_logo_newA special side episode ahead of this week’s regularly scheduled podcast. We were privileged to be guests once again this year at the 2nd annual TOPCON – “Topeka’s Original Comic and Game Expo” that happened this weekend at the Ramada Inn Downtown in Topeka, KS. On Saturday we hosted our first LIVE broadcast that streamed online through our website. If you were unable to attend our panel or listen in live on the internet, well, here is your chance to hear the live recording.

    We were joined by Eric Collins (know as Dalek Dad), the creator of Red Dalek, who too, was a guest at this year’s convention. He shares with us the concept and construction of what has become a popular convention visitor and guest.


    Find Red Dalek on his Facebook page!

  • Episode 246 - Prequels and Finales

    14 September 2015 (4:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 7 minutes and 28 seconds

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    ttv_logo_newNo disasters to delay us this week. In this podcast we discuss the recently released prequel to Doctor Who Series 9. Things kick off in a reather mysterious way with the Doctor returning to Karn and visiting with a familiar face, Ohila.

    Then, we discuss the two-part season finale of the first year of the Doctor Who – Eight Doctor audios from big finish. We discuss the revelations and machination therein.

    Plus there’s new Torchwood news to study and discuss with another announcement from Big Finish.

    And, of course… oh, wait, no feedback this week.

    Well, enjoy anyway!

  • Episode 245 - All Praise the Great One

    10 September 2015 (5:33am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 48 minutes and 26 seconds

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    TTV LOGO NEWWhew! After some tense moments this week, we are finally able to bring you this week’s show. Following a few computer crashes, recovery of files, recording of some new ones, and a bit of editing wizardry, another podcast is in the books. This week, we surmount the curse and bring you our review of the Third Doctor’s final story, Planet of the Spiders. We share our opinions of the end of an era for the show. And be sure to stick around after the credits for a special piece by Dr. Phil of the Adventures in Time Space and Music podcast as he explores some of the music of Planet of the Spiders.

    Also, we give our impressions of the recently released trailer for the first story in Series 9, The Magician’s Apprentice. We also chat about the announcement that River Song will return in time for Christmas, and more in the ongoing saga of the release of the Second Doctor story, The Underwater Menace to DVD.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    Links mentioned in the show:

    12 Byzantine Rulers podcast (not “Emperors” as Dr. Phil mistakenly says in his feedback)
    The Doctor’s Greed – Doctor Who – Planet of the Spiders
    #StarWarsWithFriends Schedule
    Traveling the Vortex Book Club on Goodreads.com

  • Episode 244 - Rewriting History

    1 September 2015 (5:38am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 28 minutes and 23 seconds

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    TTV LOGO NEWIn this week’s show we visit, once again, some Big Finish audio plays, this time featuring the Fifth Doctor. First we examine the First Doctor and Turlough in the story, Singularity. Then we review the next Fifth Doctor, Peri and Erimem audio, The Council of Nicaea.

    Also, we take a look at issue #3 in the Titan Comics Four Doctors Event. We give our impressions on the story thus far.

    Plus, news of the week which includes an update and announcement out of the upcoming Doctor Who convention taking place in Wichita, Kansas next month, Time Eddy.

    And of course, your feedback.


    Links mentioned in the show:

    Doctor Who Miniatures Game

    Big Bang Generation (12th Doctor novel featuring Bernice Summerfield)

    Doctor Who Riffs (RiffTraxx)

  • Episode 243 - The Sandwich of Monte Cristo

    24 August 2015 (5:54pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 48 minutes and 16 seconds

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    TTV LOGO NEWIn this week’s show, Shaun describes to Keith and Glenn a favorite culinary delight.

    But, the important things are the materials for review. First we look at the second issue in Titan Comics‘ Fourth Doctor Event. We give out impression on the Paul Cornell written story with art by Neil Edwards.

    Also, we review another pair of Big Finish Doctor Who Main Range titles, beginning with the Sixth Doctor and Evelyn in Medicinal Purposes, followed by Pier Pressure, both written by Robert Ross.

    Plus, we’ll get through some news-of-the-week, AND discuss the newly released update to Doctor Who: Legacy, 3.0 from Tiny Rebel Games.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 242 - Accidents, Injuries, and Comic Books

    20 August 2015 (5:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 0 minutes and 58 seconds

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    TTV LOGO NEWThis week’s show if finally released! We explain what caused our delay to the feeds this week, and recount some other details.

    But, the topic at hand on this show is Doctor Who Comic Books, by our friends over at Titan Comics. We cover the next few issues of the 10th (#10), 11th (#12-15) and 12th Doctors (#6-10) to get caught up. And as the first issue of the Paul Cornell scripted "Four Doctors" which released last week, we’ll give our impressions of issue #1.

    Plus we’ll review the latest trailer for Series 9, and discuss the news of the week.

    And of course, your feedback.


    Links mentioned on the show:

    BBC – Doctor Who Mission Dalek

  • Episode 241 - Bats in the Belfry

    13 August 2015 (5:48am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 22 minutes and 54 seconds

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    TTV LOGO NEWIn this week’s episode we take a little break from reviews to discuss Shaun and Keith’s trips to Kansas City Comic Con which in its first year featured none other than the Sixth Doctor, Colin Baker. Both recount their visits to KC and experiences at the con.

    Also, lots of other convention announcements to get to, including LI Who, Chicago TARDIS, Gallifrey One, and our local convention, TopCon.

    Plus, we talk about the news of the week, including an unsettling rumor about the possible fate of Doctor Who next year, and we speculate on what it could mean if it’s true.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 240 - Ace!

    5 August 2015 (5:34am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 38 minutes and 4 seconds

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    TTV LOGO NEWIn this week’s podcast we draw together the story arc in the Seventh Doctor’s era that has come to be known as “The Ace Trilogy”, comprised of Ghostlight, The Curse of Fenric, and Survival. That kicks off our discussion of our “Companion Archive’ featuring Dorothy Gale “Ace” McShane. We discuss the trilogy and the impact that Ace, played by actress Sophie Aldred, had on the series and the Doctor. We also study her relationship to the Doctor and how the character progressed from her first appearance in Dragonfire, all the way to her final television appearance in Survival (of course, she would appear once again in Dimensions in Time, but we try to forget that).

    Also, our reaction to some of the news-of-the-week in Doctor Who.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 239 - Hex Marks the Spot

    28 July 2015 (5:08am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 35 minutes and 38 seconds

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    TTV LOGO NEWIn this week’s podcast we join the Seventh Doctor and Ace once again for two more adventures. First is our review of the middle part of the so-named “Ace Trilogy” with The Curse of Fenric. Then another Big Finish Productions audio, this time with the addition of new companion, Hex in The Harvest.

    Plus, a look at some more Series Nine news, including so Doctor Who favorites of none other than the Doctor himself, Peter Capaldi.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    Links mentioned in the show:

    Chrissy’s review of The Harvest on her blog – cj’s notebook

  • Episode 238 - Scattershot

    22 July 2015 (5:14am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 47 minutes and 42 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s podcast we examine two Big Finish Productions exports. First it’s the Fifth Doctor, Erimen, and Perry as they land in Tibet for cricket and adventure The Roof of the World. Then our three heroes embark on a space adventure in the story, Three’s a Crowd.

    We also, chat about the news of the week.

    And of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 237 - The Technical Neanderthal Strikes, Again!

    16 July 2015 (5:33am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150Late, as usual, but it will be worth it this week, as Keith and Shaun have returned and are refreshed from this year’s BritishFest in Council Bluffs, Iowa. The two will regale you with their adventures and experiences and share stories about their panel with actor Simon Fisher-Becker, the man who plays Dorium Maldovar in Doctor Who.

    Plus, there is lots of news to report, especially on the heels of this year’s San Diego Comic Con.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 237 - The Technical Neanderthal Strikes, Again!

    16 July 2015 (5:33am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 58 minutes and 16 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150Late, as usual, but it will be worth it this week, as Keith and Shaun have returned and are refreshed from this year’s BritishFest in Council Bluffs, Iowa. The two will regale you with their adventures and experiences and share stories about their panel with actor Simon Fisher-Becker, the man who plays Dorium Maldovar in Doctor Who.

    Plus, there is lots of news to report, especially on the heels of this year’s San Diego Comic Con.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 236 - Great Intelligence Quotient

    7 July 2015 (2:16am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 59 minutes and 22 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s episode, we take a look at the novel, “Lethbridge-Stewart: The Forgotten Son”. Taking place after the events of The Web of Fear, we find Colonel Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart having to once again deal with the Great Intelligence and its Yeti minions. We give our impressions of this recently released novel from Candy Jar Books in a new line of stories featuring the man who would become the Brig.

    Also, our reaction to news this week hinting at set-up events to Series 9

    Plus, Shaun regales us with stories of his trip to Kansas City for Weird Al Yankovic’s Mandatory Fun tour concert.

    And, of course, you feedback.


  • Episode 235 - It's All Greek to Me!

    30 June 2015 (5:03am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 37 minutes and 31 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show, we return to our reviews of Big Finish Production’s Eighth Doctor Adventures. First up, as we near the end of season one, we review Phobos. Then Lucy and the Doctor are taken for a loop, in No More Lies. We’ll give our impressions on these two stories.

    Also, we look at some exiting news from Big Finish with the announcement of New Series characters in their own audio adventures.

    Plus, some finality for the fate of the classic story, The Underwater Menace on DVD (for now).

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 234 - Who Dads

    23 June 2015 (6:50am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 28 minutes and 22 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show, in conjunction with this past Father’s Day weekend, we celebrate the fathers and father-figures of Doctor Who. We’ll give our feelings and impressions on the characters who have filled those role in the ongoing series on television, audio and the various media.

    Also, a bit of sad new about on actor who has had a brief stint as a Doctor.

    Plus a late convention guest addition for Britishfest in the Omaha, NE area.

    More news-of-the-week and of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 233 - Paddock Number 9

    17 June 2015 (7:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 1 minutes and 9 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s episode we tackle two more Big Finish Production audios from the Doctor Who Main Range. First we join the Sixth Doctor and Evelyn Smythe with a surprise visit from another Doctor in #45 Project Lazarus. Then we rejoin Evelyn and Six in the follow-up story, #57 Arrangements For War.

    Also, MAJOR SPOILER WARNING! We give our impressions on the newly released Jurassic World, new to theaters this week, so be warned.

    Plus some more convention updates, and the news-of-the-week.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 232 - Star Trekkin'

    11 June 2015 (1:57am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 20 minutes and 15 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show we step away from the Doctor Who Universe for one last time, at least until next year. Our final ‘Beyond the Doctor’ features Sixth Doctor actor, Colin Baker in Star Trek Continues episode 4, White Iris. We’ll give our impressions on Colin’s performance as well as give a little insight into the Star Trek Continues series and some other Star Trek fan projects.

    Also, the usual stuff, like news-of-the week, and convention updates.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 231 - Feeble Witticisms

    3 June 2015 (6:12am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 32 minutes and 15 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show we side step into another part of the Doctor Who mythos and join the Seventh Doctor, Ace and Bernice Summerfield for two Big Finish Productions audio stories in the Doctor Who Main Range. First, we share our impressions of The Shadow of the Scourge. Then we tackle The Dark Flame. We give our impression on these two stories that tie neatly into the Virgin New Adventures era of novels in the 1990’s.

    Plus, speaking of Big Finish, they had an announcement that we will talk about. Also, we have more convention news.

    And of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 230 - All Topics Great and Small

    27 May 2015 (6:09am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 46 minutes and 35 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show we step away from Doctor Who briefly for a fifth installment of our “Beyond the Doctor” segment.

    This time we delve into Fifth Doctor actor Peter Davison in the series, All Creatures Great and Small. We’ll give our impressions of the roll Davison played before his time on Doctor Who.

    Also, a look at some news of the week, including more back and forth between current show runner Steven Moffat and former show runner Russell T. Davies.

    Plus, we return this week with another Doctor Who: Legacy “Tip of the Week”

    Oh, and of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 229 - Eccentric's One Thing, Bohemian's Quite Another!

    20 May 2015 (1:15am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 21 minutes and 40 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s podcast, we review the final two part story that rounds out the Fourth Doctor and Leela’s foray into Big Finish audios. First it’s Trail of the White Worm, followed with The Oseidon Adventure.

    We give our impressions on these two stories, and sum up the series as a whole.

    Also, some news of the week, including a certain assumption that show runner Steven Moffat may be around longer than previously thought.

    Plus, a Gallifrey One update, and we announce the winners of our Free Comic Book Day give-away.

    And, of course, your feedback.



  • Episode 228 - All Hail Zzagnar!

    12 May 2015 (5:50am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 3 minutes and 32 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s podcast we take a look at some more of Titan’s Doctor Who comics lines featuring the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors. We start off with Ten’s line from issues number 6 through 10. Then we follow those up with a review of the Eleventh Doctor issues 6 through 11. And finally we wrap things up with Twelve featured in issues 2 through 7. Also, we throw into the mix, the three story, three Doctor issue given out last weekend for this year’s Free Comic Book Day.

    Plus the news of the week!


  • Episode 227 - Age of Davros

    6 May 2015 (4:14am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 53 minutes and 31 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show we flip last week’s topic on its ear and discuss the question: Is Davros better of without the Daleks?

    We try to answer that by exploring what we know of the creator of the Daleks.

    But leading into that discussion, we review the Big Finish Productions story, Davros, produced during the 40th anniversary year of Doctor Who. We’ll give our impression of that story.

    And, per usual, we’ll discuss some news of the week, but not before we provide our reviews of the latest film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the recently released, Avengers: Age of Ultron. We should warn you however, we get into some HEAVY SPOILERS about the film. So, if you have yet to see it, you may want to skip ahead in the podcast to about the 41 or 42 minute mark.

    Plus, another Doctor Who: Legacy – Tip of the Week.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 226 - The Davros Factor

    27 April 2015 (11:36pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 20 minutes and 9 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show straight off the heals of a re-watch of the classic story, Genesis of the Daleks, we discuss everybody’s favorite megalomaniac, Davros and determine if the Daleks are better without their ruthless creator. We’ll explore the Dalek history and determine if Davros has been helpful to their cause or a hindrance.

    Also, some news out this week in the Whoniverse.

    Plus another Doctor Who: Legacy – Tip of the Week.

    And of course, you feedback.


  • Episode 225 - Elementary My Dear Vortex

    22 April 2015 (6:21pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 20 minutes and 43 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show we continue our look at the work that the actors who play the Doctor have done, outside the franchise. This time, we examine Tom Baker starring in the BBC’s Sherlock Holmes – The Hound of the Baskervilles. We give our impression of Baker in another iconic role.

    Also, some of the headlines making news this week in the world of Doctor Who.

    Plus, Shaun is fresh back from Starfest in Denver this past weekend. He’ll give us a recap of the convention.

    And. of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 224 - The Gods of Glam Rock

    15 April 2015 (4:23am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 4 minutes and 11 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s podcast, we visit Big Finish’s Eight Doctor audio line to review two stories. First up is the Eighth Doctor and Lucy in Horror of Glam Rock. Then the duo take another turn, this time amongst the gods (or so we think) in Immortal Beloved.

    Also, a look at some more convention announcements in our news of the week.

    And of course, your feedback.




  • Episode 223 - Of Two Evil Minds

    7 April 2015 (5:15am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 17 minutes and 29 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s podcast, we approach another Adversary Archive, this time revisiting The Master. We review two stories featuring one of the Doctor’s ultimate foe. First a look at the Third Doctor story, The Mind of Evil. Next we tackle a Big Finish, Seventh Doctor audio, The Master.

    Also, a lot on the plate for our reactions to the news of the week, with some new series announcements, including some potentially good news for the future of the show, and a new delivery service for some of our favorite episodes.

    And of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 222 - Scarecrow People

    31 March 2015 (6:27pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 35 minutes and 26 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show we step away from Doctor Who for a brief moment once again to review material featuring one of our favorite actors who’ve portrayed other characters other than the Doctor. This time its Jon Pertwee’s performance in the other role he made famous, Worzel Gummidge. We’ll give our impressions on his performance in episodes we chose at random.

    Also, a look at the news of the week, including some more exciting announcements from Big Finish.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 221 - Lying in Wait

    24 March 2015 (5:50am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 20 minutes and 51 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this weeks show, we look back at the 16 year gap in Doctor Who on television, commonly referred to as the Wildness Year. We discuss some of the media that kept Doctor Who on the hearts and minds of fans through the dark times leading up to the show’s return to the airwaves in 2005.

    We also share a retrospective on the return of the series to television and discuss some of the influences on the show even today, A celebration of the 10 years the News Series has been going strong.

    But first, a look at some of the news of the week, including some guest announcements out of L.I. Who happening this year in New York.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    Robert’s Blog

    ICT Cosplay Gallifrey Facebook page

    Kcomasterborous.- Big Finish 200 release news

  • Episode 220 - The Two Amys

    18 March 2015 (4:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 19 minutes and 48 seconds

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    We are fresh back from all of the weekend excitement of Planet Comicon in Kansas City, Missouri. Hear a recap of our experience at this wonderful convention on this week’s show.

    Also, we had a chance to host a panel at the convention featuring Caitlin Blackwood, the actress who played young Amelia Pond on Doctor Who. And if you listen closely, you might recognize a surprise guest to the panel as well.

    With us out of the loop this week, we have no news to report and react to, but be assured, we will be playing catch-up for next week.

    And, of course…er.. well… there was no feedback either, so, never mind.


  • Episode 219 - Ice, Ice, Baby

    10 March 2015 (6:13am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 8 minutes and 24 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s podcast, we feature a mini-Adversary Archive with a look at two stories featuring the Ice Warriors.

    First, we revisit the Second Doctor television story The Ice Warriors. Now, we know that we’ve already reviewed this one a while back, but this time we examine it for the first time with the linking animated segments.

    Then, it’s the Fifth Doctor and Peri in the Big Finish audio drama, Red Dawn.

    Also, more sad news this week with the loss of another Doctor Who alum. Plus, more details on what would have been Jenna Coleman’s departure from the show.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 218 - Deja Vu

    2 March 2015 (11:16pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 8 minutes and 21 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show we step away once again from Doctor Who in our monthly “Beyond the Doctor” series and take a look at Second Doctor actor Patrick Troughton in Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger. We give our impressions on the 1977 British fantasy film featuring the productions of Ray Harryhausen.

    Also, a look at this week’s news including a pair of deaths in the Sci-Fi world.

    And of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 217 - The Unexpected Virtue of Gallifrey One

    24 February 2015 (8:31am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 3 hours, 12 minutes and 38 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show, Shaun and Mel are fresh back from last week’s Gallifrey One Doctor Who convention. They share with us some of the highlights of this year’s con. Also, some special treats for our listeners. Included in this week’s show are interviews with Lee and Sue Cummings of Tiny Rebel Games – the makers of Doctor Who: Legacy, Doctor Who Season 24-26 script editor, Andrew Cartmel and Voice of the Daleks and producer and writer for Big Finish Audio, Nicholas Briggs.

    Also, some discussion from the news of the week.

    And, of course, your feedback.


    (Yes, we know, Keith says Episode 218 )

  • Episode 216 - War is Upon Us

    16 February 2015 (3:12pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 13 minutes and 53 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show it’s just Keith and Glenn. Shaun is still enjoying the Gallifrey One Doctor Who convention and will return with Mel next week. So, as has become a tradition with us, we are doing a book review this week. This time it’s an outing with the War Doctor and his new companion, Cinder in the novel Engines of War. Keith an I give our impression on this novel by George Mann and published by BBC Doctor Who Books.

    Also, some news of the week, including some exciting news out of Big Finish productions.

    And of course, your feedback.


  • Gally Update 2 - The Legacy Of Rassilon

    15 February 2015 (7:39pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 26 minutes and 48 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150Our report from DAY TWO!

    In a joint production with our sister podcast, Shaun and Mel are joined by Mich from the Five(ish) Fangirls podcast with updates from Gallifrey One, the Doctor Who convention happening right now in sunny L.A.





  • Gally Update 1 - Within the Constellation of Kasterborous

    14 February 2015 (10:48pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 1 second

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In a joint production with our sister podcast, Shaun and Mel are joined by Mich from the Five(ish) Fangirls podcast with updates from Gallifrey One, the Doctor Who convention happening right now in sunny L.A.

    Here is Day ONE!






  • Episode 215 - Jason and the Astronauts

    10 February 2015 (6:19am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 22 minutes and 28 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s podcast we review the Fourth Doctor and Leela Big Finish audio, Energy of the Daleks. And then the Fourth Doctor and Leela are paired up again in our second review, the televised story Underworld. We give our impressions on these two stories.

    Also, some news in the toy world. We give our reaction to the official announcement that Doctor Who will finally be coming to LEGO.

    Plus some big news as we learn that the Sixth Doctor will finally be given a regeneration story with the Big Finish audio tentatively titled Last Adventure.

    And of course, your feedback.


    Link mentioned on the show:

    Seasons Of War – An Unofficial Doctor Who Charity Anthology

  • Episode 214 - Red, Red, RED

    2 February 2015 (5:43pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 49 minutes and 13 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show we take a look at the First Doctor story, The Sensorites. We visit the Sense Sphere and tap into the minds of these characters and give our impression of the story.

    Then, we let you know what we thought of the Big Finish audio play, Red, featuring the Seventh Doctor and Mel.

    Also, another Doctor Who: Legacy tip of the week.

    And, not a lot of news in Doctor Who fandom, however, we’ll give our reactions to the few there are.

    And, of course, your feedback


  • Episode 213 - Carry On Vortex

    26 January 2015 (2:38pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 55 minutes and 10 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s podcast, we put our Doctor Who reviews to one side briefly for something a little bit different. In the first of a series of specials we are calling ‘Beyond the Doctor’ were looking at the William Hartnell acting vehicle, Carry On Sergeant. We’ll review the film and give our impressions on the actor’s take on a role that is different from the one we are very most familiar with in Doctor Who.

    Also, we’ve added a little segment that we hope to continue from time to time. It’s our ‘Doctor Who: Legacy – Tip of the Week”. In this week’s installment, Glenn will have a tip for farming time fragments necessary for leveling up characters in the game.

    Plus, the news of the week, including something of a scoop for us in news coming out of Planet ComicCon with the announcement of another Doctor Who guest.

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 212 - Red Ruckus Rising

    20 January 2015 (7:45am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 47 minutes and 7 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150This week we get a little silly, but take a break in out madness to review a couple of Eighth Doctor stories. In this show, we look at (or listen to, rather) Eight’s break out series by Big Finish, Blood of the Daleks parts 1 and 2. Hear our impressions in the new format of audio drama that was developed for BBC Radio 7.

    And, we discuss our first impressions of new companion, Lucie Miller

    Also, we look at some news of the week, including last minute negotiations between the BBC and Internet streaming service, Netflix.

    Plus, a few more Gallifrey One convention guest announcements.

    And of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 211 - Kinda... Sorta...

    13 January 2015 (6:02pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 55 minutes and 25 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s podcast we present another Adversary Archive. this time we explore the Doctor Who villain, The Mara. Included are our reviews of the Fifth Doctor stories, Kinda and Snakedance. We give our impression on these two tales and explore what some consider some of the best Classic Doctor Who availible. Listen as we defend, perhaps for the first time, the character of Tegan Jovanka.

    Also, a look at the news of the week, including more convention guests and updates.

    Plus we tangent a little more than usual this week with discussion of some recent films we’ve seen.

    And of course, your feedback.


  • Episode 210 - Peace Negotiations

    6 January 2015 (5:23am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 7 minutes and 52 seconds

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    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s podcast, we tackle two more Big Finish releases. This time with the Fifth Doctor and Nyssa. We’ll give our impressions of the two audio stories, Creatures of Beauty and The Game.

    Also, some more exciting convention news for our region with an announcement at Planet ComicCon in Kansas City in March and Time Eddy in Wichita this October.

    Plus, the usual tangental discussions that you’ve come to expect from The Vortex Boys.

    Oh, and of course, your feedback.


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