Overall Statistics

Geek Syndicate

Geek Syndicate
The long awaited, critically acclaimed, irreverent, touching, intellectual, nonsensical, fairly drunken, incredibly sexy, hilarious.... Hear what happens when 2 old friends(perhaps more in the coming weeks), some pizza, 2 bottles of single malt whiskey and a couple of cats decide to celebrate all aspects of geek life from a UK perspective. We hope to cover TV,Books,Games,Comics..etc every fortnight.

Homepage: http://geeksyndicate.libsyn.com

RSS Feed: http://geeksyndicate.libsyn.com/rss

Geek Syndicate Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
95 days, 17 hours, 54 minutes and 35 seconds
Earliest Episode:
1 October 2006 (2:23am GMT)
Latest Episode:
29 May 2024 (6:31pm GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
2 days, 23 hours, 46 minutes and 25 seconds

Geek Syndicate Episodes

  • GSN PODCAST: Bags of Action - Episode 33

    28 May 2016 (8:53am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 13 minutes and 46 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    This is Bags of Action. The podcast is devoted to action movies, both old and new, but all of them awesome! In this episode Steve and Pete talk about Homefront from 2013 starring Jason Statham. This is the third in our Statham trilogy and so far this trilogy has been pretty disappointing. Both hosts had low expectations going in, so did it live up to them?

    This film has a well known cast with some big names including James Franco, Wynona Rider, Frank Grillo, Clancy Brown and Kate Bosworth.

    For the next three months we are going to be doing a trilogy devoted to what is probably an unlikely action hero, John Cusack. We've decided on what the first two films are going to be for June and July, but you, the listener, get to vote and decide on what we will be watching in August. So, watch the trailers for these films and then cast your vote on here, or on the Facebook group.

    - The Bag Man - Cusack and Robert De Niro - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJzey2Q1bAQ

    - The Numbers Station - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bigClSQWNs

    - Drive Hard - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5knw74WsGpI

    - Dragon Blade - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPm3FOT0-xk

    The Prince - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI21mDC5TXk

    If you would like to get in touch you can join in the discussion of all things related to action movies on the Facebook Group or you can follow Bags of Action on Twitter @BagsofAction. You can also email us at bagsofaction [at] gmail [dot] com or you could leave us a review on iTunes.

  • GS PODCAST: A Chat with The Musketeers Executive Producer Jessica Pope

    26 May 2016 (5:59pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 40 minutes and 8 seconds

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    Barry flies solo on this episode as he sits down with Jessica Pope, the executive producer on BBC's The Musketeers. Jessica's gives her thoughts on the show's third and final series as well as taking the time to answer a few fan questions.


    Contact Geek Syndicate

    Email: thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

    Subscribe to GS on iTunes: http://geeksyndicate.co.uk/subscribe/

    Subscribe to GS on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubGeekSyndicate

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/geeksyndicate

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/geeksyndicate

    Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/geeksyndicate/

  • GS PODCAST: A Chat with The Musketeers Executive Producer Jessica Pope

    26 May 2016 (5:59pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 40 minutes and 8 seconds

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    Barry flies solo on this episode as he sits down with Jessica Pope, the executive producer on BBC's The Musketeers. Jessica's gives her thoughts on the show's third and final series as well as taking the time to answer a few fan questions.


    Contact Geek Syndicate

    Email: thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

    Subscribe to GS on iTunes: http://geeksyndicate.co.uk/subscribe/

    Subscribe to GS on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubGeekSyndicate

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/geeksyndicate

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/geeksyndicate

    Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/geeksyndicate/

  • GSN PODCAST- The Next Level Episode 78

    17 May 2016 (5:18pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 48 minutes and 48 seconds

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    Welcome once more to the Geek Syndicate's look at the world of video games.

    In this episode of The Next Level, Ant is joined by a team to discuss storytelling in video games. Amy, Casey and Matt offer their perspectives on subjects such as the change in storytelling over the years, the importance of the story to a game and more. Finally, Ant and the gang list their story hits and misses from their gaming lives.

  • GSN PODCAST- The Next Level Episode 78

    17 May 2016 (5:18pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 48 minutes and 48 seconds

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    Welcome once more to the Geek Syndicate's look at the world of video games.

    In this episode of The Next Level, Ant is joined by a team to discuss storytelling in video games. Amy, Casey and Matt offer their perspectives on subjects such as the change in storytelling over the years, the importance of the story to a game and more. Finally, Ant and the gang list their story hits and misses from their gaming lives.

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate Episode 266

    13 May 2016 (9:34pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 22 seconds

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    Monts and the Nuge return to the geek culture airwaves with more sass than a speeding bullet (yes I know speeding bullets don't have sass but well I thought it sounded cool).
    Anyway roll out the official blurb...
    Marvel's Kevin Feige commits to a Black Widow Film...kinda.
    The lads try to find out what the 'The Death of X' means.
    Zorro gets another reboot but this time he goes to the future. Hopefully still with the cool hat and cape ensemble.
    Week that was
    The Night Manager
    Captain America: Civil War (don't worry no spoilers!)
    Dave finally jumps on board the Archer train
    A little chat on the current series of Arrow/Flash and Supergirl

    Contact Geek Syndicate

    Email: thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

    Subscribe to GS on iTunes: http://geeksyndicate.co.uk/subscribe/

    Subscribe to GS on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubGeekSyndicate

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/geeksyndicate

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/geeksyndicate

    Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/geeksyndicate/

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate Episode 266

    13 May 2016 (9:34pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 22 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Monts and the Nuge return to the geek culture airwaves with more sass than a speeding bullet (yes I know speeding bullets don't have sass but well I thought it sounded cool).
    Anyway roll out the official blurb...
    Marvel's Kevin Feige commits to a Black Widow Film...kinda.
    The lads try to find out what the 'The Death of X' means.
    Zorro gets another reboot but this time he goes to the future. Hopefully still with the cool hat and cape ensemble.
    Week that was
    The Night Manager
    Captain America: Civil War (don't worry no spoilers!)
    Dave finally jumps on board the Archer train
    A little chat on the current series of Arrow/Flash and Supergirl

    Contact Geek Syndicate

    Email: thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

    Subscribe to GS on iTunes: http://geeksyndicate.co.uk/subscribe/

    Subscribe to GS on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubGeekSyndicate

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/geeksyndicate

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/geeksyndicate

    Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/geeksyndicate/

  • GSN PODCAST: Dissecting Worlds Special - Westerns!

    6 May 2016 (11:25am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 3 minutes and 51 seconds

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    Yeee-haaaa! - Saddle Up partners & join Patrick from the Almost Educate podcast (the good) Matt (the bad) and Kehaar (the ugly) for rough riding through the badlands where the Western and Geek genres meet - including :

    * our favourite westerns

    * Aliens as a western?

    * the browncoated elephant in the room

    * Modern Day Detroit and post-apocalyptic westerns

    * The many western homages of 2000ad

    * Star Wars and Star Trek

    * Battle Beyond the Stars and much much more

    Patrick can be found on the Almost Educational Podcast and can be found here: http://www.podcastgarden.com/podcast/almosteducational

    Kehaar is running a 1920s heist gave at grogmeet get tickets here if any are left https://armchairadventurerblog.com/2016/04/13/grogmeet-2016/

    THere is still time to send us suggestions for Series 11! Check out our post here: https://dissectingworlds.wordpress.com/2016/04/22/suggestion-box-legendary-creators/

    Symposium dates coming soon....

    Feedback as ever is welcome to @DissectingWrlds on twitter, dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk on email, the Facebook Group www.facebook.com/dissectingworlds or below !

  • GSN PODCAST: Dissecting Worlds Special - Westerns!

    6 May 2016 (11:25am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 3 minutes and 51 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Yeee-haaaa! - Saddle Up partners & join Patrick from the Almost Educate podcast (the good) Matt (the bad) and Kehaar (the ugly) for rough riding through the badlands where the Western and Geek genres meet - including :

    * our favourite westerns

    * Aliens as a western?

    * the browncoated elephant in the room

    * Modern Day Detroit and post-apocalyptic westerns

    * The many western homages of 2000ad

    * Star Wars and Star Trek

    * Battle Beyond the Stars and much much more

    Patrick can be found on the Almost Educational Podcast and can be found here: http://www.podcastgarden.com/podcast/almosteducational

    Kehaar is running a 1920s heist gave at grogmeet get tickets here if any are left https://armchairadventurerblog.com/2016/04/13/grogmeet-2016/

    THere is still time to send us suggestions for Series 11! Check out our post here: https://dissectingworlds.wordpress.com/2016/04/22/suggestion-box-legendary-creators/

    Symposium dates coming soon....

    Feedback as ever is welcome to @DissectingWrlds on twitter, dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk on email, the Facebook Group www.facebook.com/dissectingworlds or below !

  • GSN PODCAST: Wild Card - Bags of Action - Episode 32

    3 May 2016 (4:42am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 59 seconds

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    This is Bags of Action. The podcast is devoted to actionmovies,both old and new, but all of them awesome! In this episodeSteve and Pete talk about Wild Card from 2015 starring JasonStatham. This is the second in our Statham trilogy and this filmturned out not to be what either host was expecting.

    As well as discussing the film, the characters, and the manyfamous by big named authors, they also get into the history of thefilm, and the people behind it. There are also a fewinteresting suggestions for future people to focus on in thefuture, one of which leaves Pete speechless.

    If you would like to get in touch you can join in thediscussionof all things related to action movies on theFacebookGroup or you can follow Bags of Action on Twitter@BagsofAction. You can also email us atbagsofaction[at] gmail [dot] com or you could leave us a review oniTunes.

  • GSN PODCAST: Wild Card - Bags of Action - Episode 32

    3 May 2016 (4:42am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 59 seconds

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    This is Bags of Action. The podcast is devoted to actionmovies,both old and new, but all of them awesome! In this episodeSteve and Pete talk about Wild Card from 2015 starring JasonStatham. This is the second in our Statham trilogy and this filmturned out not to be what either host was expecting.

    As well as discussing the film, the characters, and the manyfamous by big named authors, they also get into the history of thefilm, and the people behind it. There are also a fewinteresting suggestions for future people to focus on in thefuture, one of which leaves Pete speechless.

    If you would like to get in touch you can join in thediscussionof all things related to action movies on theFacebookGroup or you can follow Bags of Action on Twitter@BagsofAction. You can also email us atbagsofaction[at] gmail [dot] com or you could leave us a review oniTunes.

  • GSN PODCAST: Grouchy Old Geeks - Episode 1

    22 April 2016 (9:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes and 32 seconds

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    Welcome to Grouchy Old Geeks, a monthly podcast that discusses everything and anything in geek news, from the Statler and Waldorf of British podcasts hosts. Previously GoG was called Comic Book Outsiders, and we've been podcasting for 9 years. We decided a rebrand and refresh was in order to reflect how the show has changed over the years.

    This episode Steve and Scott start off with some TV, film and comic book news, then we revisit a favourite section, called Challenge Scott, but with a twist. For our main feature we discuss the Image comic, Saga, by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples. If you would like to get in touch with the show you can email us atgrouchyoldgeeks@gmail.com, you can find our Facebook at www.grouchyoldgeeks.com or you can follow us on Twitter @SteveAryan and @ScottGrandison

  • GSN PODCAST: Grouchy Old Geeks - Episode 1

    22 April 2016 (9:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes and 32 seconds

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    Welcome to Grouchy Old Geeks, a monthly podcast that discusses everything and anything in geek news, from the Statler and Waldorf of British podcasts hosts. Previously GoG was called Comic Book Outsiders, and we've been podcasting for 9 years. We decided a rebrand and refresh was in order to reflect how the show has changed over the years.

    This episode Steve and Scott start off with some TV, film and comic book news, then we revisit a favourite section, called Challenge Scott, but with a twist. For our main feature we discuss the Image comic, Saga, by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples. If you would like to get in touch with the show you can email us atgrouchyoldgeeks@gmail.com, you can find our Facebook at www.grouchyoldgeeks.com or you can follow us on Twitter @SteveAryan and @ScottGrandison

  • Dissecting Worlds Special: Ask Us Anything

    11 April 2016 (12:58pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 43 minutes and 31 seconds

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    Pull up your most comfy chair to the fireside and listen in as Kehaar and Matt take your questions

    on the past, present and future of Dissecting Worlds! In this episode we take on listener queries,

    and cover:

    * Our Secret Origin!

    * Marxism (and other isms) !

    * Reboots we'd love to control!

    * Fictional Universes to Emigrate to!

    * Our Next Series (and a couple of specials) announced!

    Thank you to everyone who sent in questions and apologies if we didn't get to yours!

    Follow us on Twitter @dissectingwrlds and/or join our FACEBOOK group for more!

  • Dissecting Worlds Special: Ask Us Anything

    11 April 2016 (12:58pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 43 minutes and 31 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Pull up your most comfy chair to the fireside and listen in as Kehaar and Matt take your questions

    on the past, present and future of Dissecting Worlds! In this episode we take on listener queries,

    and cover:

    * Our Secret Origin!

    * Marxism (and other isms) !

    * Reboots we'd love to control!

    * Fictional Universes to Emigrate to!

    * Our Next Series (and a couple of specials) announced!

    Thank you to everyone who sent in questions and apologies if we didn't get to yours!

    Follow us on Twitter @dissectingwrlds and/or join our FACEBOOK group for more!

  • GS PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 265

    6 April 2016 (6:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 18 minutes and 21 seconds

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    It's Monts of London vs Nuge of Northampton!T he biggest gladiator match in the history of humankind since..well since that little film came out made by some fella called Zack.

    In this DC special the lads not only give their spoiler filled thoughts on Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice but also they talk about DC Comics latest big idea - Rebirth.

    Contact Geek Syndicate

    Email: thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

    Subscribe to GS on iTunes: http://geeksyndicate.co.uk/subscribe/

    Subscribe to GS on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubGeekSyndicate

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/geeksyndicate

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/geeksyndicate

    Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/geeksyndicate/

  • GS PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 265

    6 April 2016 (6:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 18 minutes and 21 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    It's Monts of London vs Nuge of Northampton!T he biggest gladiator match in the history of humankind since..well since that little film came out made by some fella called Zack.

    In this DC special the lads not only give their spoiler filled thoughts on Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice but also they talk about DC Comics latest big idea - Rebirth.

    Contact Geek Syndicate

    Email: thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

    Subscribe to GS on iTunes: http://geeksyndicate.co.uk/subscribe/

    Subscribe to GS on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubGeekSyndicate

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/geeksyndicate

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/geeksyndicate

    Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/geeksyndicate/

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 246

    23 March 2016 (1:52pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 0 minutes and 25 seconds

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    It's Episode 246 and Monts and Nuge are back in town (well they are actually back in two different towns but you get the drift).
    Join them for another hour of hi-jinks and geeky chat...sass comes as standard
    • Into the badlands get a season 2 (cue a lot of vocal noise from the syndicate).
    • Pennyworth - are we getting an Alfred series? (cue even more vocal noise).
    • Indy 5 - Harrison is donning the old Fedora one more time (yep you know the drill by now).
    Week That Was
    The lads have a bit discussion about the Marvel civil war trailer..even though Monts hasn't seen it yet...the muppet.
    Nuge as seen Spectre and he is not a happy bunny.
    Table top gaming: Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game gets another mention along with us starting to look at our listener suggestion to have amazon affiliate links (which has been done with the BSG and Rivers of London link) to anything we think is worth you fine folks checking out.
    • Nuge give his unspoiler (is that a word?) view of Daredevil season 2.

    Contact Geek Syndicate

    Email: thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

    Subscribe to GS on iTunes: http://geeksyndicate.co.uk/subscribe/

    Subscribe to GS on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubGeekSyndicate

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/geeksyndicate

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/geeksyndicate

    Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/geeksyndicate/

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 264

    23 March 2016 (1:52pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 0 minutes and 25 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    It's Episode 246 and Monts and Nuge are back in town (well they are actually back in two different towns but you get the drift).
    Join them for another hour of hi-jinks and geeky chat...sass comes as standard
    • Into the badlands get a season 2 (cue a lot of vocal noise from the syndicate).
    • Pennyworth - are we getting an Alfred series? (cue even more vocal noise).
    • Indy 5 - Harrison is donning the old Fedora one more time (yep you know the drill by now).
    Week That Was
    The lads have a bit discussion about the Marvel civil war trailer..even though Monts hasn't seen it yet...the muppet.
    Nuge as seen Spectre and he is not a happy bunny.
    Table top gaming: Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game gets another mention along with us starting to look at our listener suggestion to have amazon affiliate links (which has been done with the BSG and Rivers of London link) to anything we think is worth you fine folks checking out.
    • Nuge give his unspoiler (is that a word?) view of Daredevil season 2.

    Contact Geek Syndicate

    Email: thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

    Subscribe to GS on iTunes: http://geeksyndicate.co.uk/subscribe/

    Subscribe to GS on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubGeekSyndicate

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/geeksyndicate

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/geeksyndicate

    Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/geeksyndicate/

  • Dissecting Worlds Series 10, Ep7: Fantastic Creatures Conclusions!

    4 March 2016 (3:49pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 35 minutes and 40 seconds

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    Wrapping up their series on Fantastic Creatures the gruesome twosome invite our listeners to send us their thoughts, which means we discuss:

    * Wehlan's Moorcock art making elves sexy (thanks Rachel Khan @portablecity)

    * Dire Halflings!

    * The Fertility of Half Elves (thanks to @lindybeige)

    * Elephantmen (finally, honest)

    * Channel 4's Humans & Azimov's Laws of Robotics

    * R E Howard on race and sex (most picked up listening @theCromcast)

    * And plenty more! Thanks to everyone who got in touch!

    And whislt we are on the subject, please take the time to do our listener survey & help shape our future episodes https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/CWBKB2K

    Follow us on Twitter @dissectingwrlds and/or join our FACEBOOK group for more!

  • Dissecting Worlds Series 10, Ep7: Fantastic Creatures Conclusions!

    4 March 2016 (3:49pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 35 minutes and 40 seconds

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    Wrapping up their series on Fantastic Creatures the gruesome twosome invite our listeners to send us their thoughts, which means we discuss:

    * Wehlan's Moorcock art making elves sexy (thanks Rachel Khan @portablecity)

    * Dire Halflings!

    * The Fertility of Half Elves (thanks to @lindybeige)

    * Elephantmen (finally, honest)

    * Channel 4's Humans & Azimov's Laws of Robotics

    * R E Howard on race and sex (most picked up listening @theCromcast)

    * And plenty more! Thanks to everyone who got in touch!

    And whislt we are on the subject, please take the time to do our listener survey & help shape our future episodes https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/CWBKB2K

    Follow us on Twitter @dissectingwrlds and/or join our FACEBOOK group for more!

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 263

    16 February 2016 (4:38am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 51 seconds

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    Taking time out from saving the world (that may be a lie) Monts and Nuge to dispense another hour of geek nonsense on your listening doorstep.
    London Super Comic Con 2016
    The upcoming Star Trek TV show finds its showrunner.
    The lads give their opinion (for what that's worth) on the upcoming Supergirl/Flash Spin off
    Week that was
    • Porcelain
    • Overrun
    • Agent Carter
    • Killjoys
    • Lucifier
    • X Files
    Board Games
    • Battlestar Galactica aka 'it's all fun and games until to start calling your mates toasters'.
    • Cash and Guns aka 'how many different John Woo like moves can Nuge do with a fake gun and doves'.

    Contact Geek Syndicate

    Email: thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

    Subscribe to GS on iTunes: http://geeksyndicate.co.uk/subscribe/

    Subscribe to GS on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubGeekSyndicate

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/geeksyndicate

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/geeksyndicate

    Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/geeksyndicate/

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 263

    16 February 2016 (4:38am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 51 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Taking time out from saving the world (that may be a lie) Monts and Nuge to dispense another hour of geek nonsense on your listening doorstep.
    London Super Comic Con 2016
    The upcoming Star Trek TV show finds its showrunner.
    The lads give their opinion (for what that's worth) on the upcoming Supergirl/Flash Spin off
    Week that was
    • Porcelain
    • Overrun
    • Agent Carter
    • Killjoys
    • Lucifier
    • X Files
    Board Games
    • Battlestar Galactica aka 'it's all fun and games until to start calling your mates toasters'.
    • Cash and Guns aka 'how many different John Woo like moves can Nuge do with a fake gun and doves'.

    Contact Geek Syndicate

    Email: thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

    Subscribe to GS on iTunes: http://geeksyndicate.co.uk/subscribe/

    Subscribe to GS on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubGeekSyndicate

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/geeksyndicate

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/geeksyndicate

    Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/geeksyndicate/

  • Dissecting Worlds Series 10, Ep 6: Animal Men

    9 February 2016 (12:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 20 minutes and 50 seconds

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    This time our hulking lizardman and tiny seagull look at animals in science fiction. So that is uplifted earth creatures and coincidentally similar aliens with special attention on:

    • Planet of the Apes in its sundry incarnations
    • David Brin's Uplift Saga magnus opus
    • Adrian Tchaikovsky's Children of Time
    • Cat girls and anthropomorphic Space Aliens
    • With nods to other pulp and hard SF takes on the tropes.
    • And we utterly fail to cover Elephant Men despite wanting to
    • Matt's bookshelf features Rome which will be a surprise.

    Pray dear listeners it's our conclusions episode next so let's have your feedback and ideas - emails and mp3s to dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk or find us on FACEBOOK or @dissectingwrlds on Twitter.

  • Dissecting Worlds Series 10, Ep 6: Animal Men

    9 February 2016 (12:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 20 minutes and 50 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    This time our hulking lizardman and tiny seagull look at animals in science fiction. So that is uplifted earth creatures and coincidentally similar aliens with special attention on:

    • Planet of the Apes in its sundry incarnations
    • David Brin's Uplift Saga magnus opus
    • Adrian Tchaikovsky's Children of Time
    • Cat girls and anthropomorphic Space Aliens
    • With nods to other pulp and hard SF takes on the tropes.
    • And we utterly fail to cover Elephant Men despite wanting to
    • Matt's bookshelf features Rome which will be a surprise.

    Pray dear listeners it's our conclusions episode next so let's have your feedback and ideas - emails and mp3s to dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk or find us on FACEBOOK or @dissectingwrlds on Twitter.

  • GSN PODCAST: The Next Level - Episode 77

    1 February 2016 (12:50pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 31 seconds

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    At the start of a new year, the boys from The Next Level have come together to look at the games that have been slated for release in 2016. Join Ant, Barry and James as they trawl through some of their highlights for the year ahead, including: The Division, Uncharted 4, Virtual Reality Headsets, Mass Effect 4 and more!

  • GSN PODCAST: The Next Level - Episode 77

    1 February 2016 (12:50pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 31 seconds

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    At the start of a new year, the boys from The Next Level have come together to look at the games that have been slated for release in 2016. Join Ant, Barry and James as they trawl through some of their highlights for the year ahead, including: The Division, Uncharted 4, Virtual Reality Headsets, Mass Effect 4 and more!

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 262

    27 January 2016 (8:12pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 51 seconds

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    Another episode of GS with more crazy fun than you can throw a geek at. In this case the geek you will be throwing against the wall will be Monts...throw him hard people!!


    • Idris Elba cast in The Black Tower
    • The lads disagree over the Wonder Woman footage
    • Steven Moffat leaves Dr Who and Chris 'Chim Chiminee' Chibnall slides in
    • Legends of Tomorrow
    • The Man in the High Castle


    We look at Marvel and DC attempts to reboot their universes and we try to guess what the hell #DCRebirth is.

    Contact Geek Syndicate

    Email: thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

    Subscribe to GS on iTunes: http://geeksyndicate.co.uk/subscribe/

    Subscribe to GS on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubGeekSyndicate

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/geeksyndicate

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/geeksyndicate

    Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/geeksyndicate/

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 262

    27 January 2016 (8:12pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 51 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Another episode of GS with more crazy fun than you can throw a geek at. In this case the geek you will be throwing against the wall will be Monts...throw him hard people!!


    • Idris Elba cast in The Black Tower
    • The lads disagree over the Wonder Woman footage
    • Steven Moffat leaves Dr Who and Chris 'Chim Chiminee' Chibnall slides in
    • Legends of Tomorrow
    • The Man in the High Castle


    We look at Marvel and DC attempts to reboot their universes and we try to guess what the hell #DCRebirth is.

    Contact Geek Syndicate

    Email: thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

    Subscribe to GS on iTunes: http://geeksyndicate.co.uk/subscribe/

    Subscribe to GS on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubGeekSyndicate

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/geeksyndicate

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/geeksyndicate

    Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/geeksyndicate/

  • GSN PODCAST: The Next Level: Star Wars Video Games

    18 January 2016 (7:46pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes and 54 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Join members of the Geek Syndicate team as they form a band of intrepid heroes to take on the might of the STAR WARS gaming franchise. In this episode, Laura, Matt and Dion join Ant to look back at Star Wars games. The team discuss what worked and what didn't in the franchise's digital offerings. Discover their favourite entries and what their dream Star Wars game would be. Find out more about Dion's anthology projects in the following locations: Sunny, with a Chance of Zombies: paperback or eBook. http://knightwatch.greatbritishhorror.com/sunny-with-a-chance-of-zombies/ This Twisted Earth: submission guidelines. http://sixminutes.greatbritishhorror.com/this-twisted-earth Check out the back catalogue of Scrolls: http://geeksyndicate.co.uk/category/podcasts/scrolls/ And here more of Matt over on Dissecting Worlds: http://geeksyndicate.co.uk/category/podcasts/dissecting-worlds/

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 261

    17 January 2016 (9:53am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 58 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Welcome back to another roundhouse kick of sass from Monts and Nuge.


    • Black Panther film picks up its director.
    • Agents of Shield gets a spin off but not the ones the boys were hoping for.
    • Dredd fans aim their lawgivers at Netflix, HBO and Amazon.

    The Week That Was

    • The After aka 'The show Monts had wished he had read the small print before watching'
    • The lads go kung fu crazy over 'Into the Badlands'
    • Castle
    • Gotham

    Contact Geek Syndicate

    Email: thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

    Subscribe to GS on iTunes: http://geeksyndicate.co.uk/subscribe/

    Subscribe to GS on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubGeekSyndicate

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/geeksyndicate

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/geeksyndicate

    Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/geeksyndicate/

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 261

    17 January 2016 (9:53am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 58 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Welcome back to another roundhouse kick of sass from Monts and Nuge.


    • Black Panther film picks up its director.
    • Agents of Shield gets a spin off but not the ones the boys were hoping for.
    • Dredd fans aim their lawgivers at Netflix, HBO and Amazon.

    The Week That Was

    • The After aka 'The show Monts had wished he had read the small print before watching'
    • The lads go kung fu crazy over 'Into the Badlands'
    • Castle
    • Gotham

    Contact Geek Syndicate

    Email: thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

    Subscribe to GS on iTunes: http://geeksyndicate.co.uk/subscribe/

    Subscribe to GS on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubGeekSyndicate

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/geeksyndicate

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/geeksyndicate

    Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/geeksyndicate/

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate Episode 260

    6 January 2016 (11:08pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 24 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    It's 2016 and Geek Syndicate is back in your ears. What else do you want geekdom?
    Angouleme awards storm
    DC Comics put its foot in it
    Jekyll and Hyde takes its final potion
    Week that was
    Scarlett Couture
    The Man From Uncle
    Before The Awakening
    Dr Who Christmas special
    Sherlock Christmas special

    Contact Geek Syndicate

    Email: thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

    Subscribe to GS on iTunes: http://geeksyndicate.co.uk/subscribe/

    Subscribe to GS on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubGeekSyndicate

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/geeksyndicate

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/geeksyndicate

    Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/geeksyndicate/

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate Episode 260

    6 January 2016 (11:08pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 24 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    It's 2016 and Geek Syndicate is back in your ears. What else do you want geekdom?
    Angouleme awards storm
    DC Comics put its foot in it
    Jekyll and Hyde takes its final potion
    Week that was
    Scarlett Couture
    The Man From Uncle
    Before The Awakening
    Dr Who Christmas special
    Sherlock Christmas special

    Contact Geek Syndicate

    Email: thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

    Subscribe to GS on iTunes: http://geeksyndicate.co.uk/subscribe/

    Subscribe to GS on YouTube: http://bit.ly/SubGeekSyndicate

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/geeksyndicate

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/geeksyndicate

    Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/geeksyndicate/

  • GSN PODCAST: Dissecting Worlds Series 10, Episode 5: Droids and Replicants

    4 January 2016 (12:39pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 15 seconds

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    Back from festive indulgences, Dissectingbots K33-R and M4-T take a look at the constructed creatures that inhabit science fiction worlds as servants and slaves - whether the world admits that or not. We talk about:

    • Droids in the Star Wars Universe (excluding The Force Awakens, so we're spoiler free) and robots in general
    • Replicants in Blade Runner and other "biological" servants
    • Legal grey areas in growing your own humans (or sub-humans)
    • Emotional Distance and how easy society finds it to ignore real injustices, and how that applies to Droid/Replicant rights
    • ...and more!

    Keehar has a bumper-length bookshelf on period weaponry for all your time-travelling needs. Links to what he discusses are:

    Hurstwic - https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD447mhDkoZpy9hbaPvG6FUFokA8ONRCS

    Dimicator - https://m.youtube.com/user/warzechas

    Skallagrim - https://m.youtube.com/user/SkallagrimNilsson

    Thegnthrand - https://m.youtube.com/user/ThegnThrand

    Feedback as ever is welcome to @DissectingWrlds on twitter, dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk on email, the Facebook Group www.facebook.com/dissectingworlds or below !

  • GSN PODCAST: Dissecting Worlds Series 10, Episode 5: Droids and Replicants

    4 January 2016 (12:39pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 15 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Back from festive indulgences, Dissectingbots K33-R and M4-T take a look at the constructed creatures that inhabit science fiction worlds as servants and slaves - whether the world admits that or not. We talk about:

    • Droids in the Star Wars Universe (excluding The Force Awakens, so we're spoiler free) and robots in general
    • Replicants in Blade Runner and other "biological" servants
    • Legal grey areas in growing your own humans (or sub-humans)
    • Emotional Distance and how easy society finds it to ignore real injustices, and how that applies to Droid/Replicant rights
    • ...and more!

    Keehar has a bumper-length bookshelf on period weaponry for all your time-travelling needs. Links to what he discusses are:

    Hurstwic - https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD447mhDkoZpy9hbaPvG6FUFokA8ONRCS

    Dimicator - https://m.youtube.com/user/warzechas

    Skallagrim - https://m.youtube.com/user/SkallagrimNilsson

    Thegnthrand - https://m.youtube.com/user/ThegnThrand

    Feedback as ever is welcome to @DissectingWrlds on twitter, dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk on email, the Facebook Group www.facebook.com/dissectingworlds or below !

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 259

    24 December 2015 (10:32am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 43 minutes and 43 seconds

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    In the last Geek Syndicate podcast of 2015 the guys have a bumper episode of nearly two hours, including spoiler free and spoiler heavy reviews of The Force Awakens.

    Not much on the news front this week but the lads have time for a quick on Batman V Superman.
    Week That Was

    Silver Volume 1 & 2 (comic)

    Flash season 1/ Arrow season 3 - soundtracks by Blake Neeley

    To a pulp (comic)
    Force Awakens review spoiler free and if you keep listening of the main GS episode is finished you will be able to listen to our spoiler heavy review.

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 259

    24 December 2015 (10:32am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 43 minutes and 43 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    In the last Geek Syndicate podcast of 2015 the guys have a bumper episode of nearly two hours, including spoiler free and spoiler heavy reviews of The Force Awakens.

    Not much on the news front this week but the lads have time for a quick on Batman V Superman.
    Week That Was

    Silver Volume 1 & 2 (comic)

    Flash season 1/ Arrow season 3 - soundtracks by Blake Neeley

    To a pulp (comic)
    Force Awakens review spoiler free and if you keep listening of the main GS episode is finished you will be able to listen to our spoiler heavy review.

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 258

    17 December 2015 (12:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 23 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Monts and Nuge take to the podcast waves again with another episode of Geek Syndicate.
    • Nuge pulls a 180 on the Star Trek Beyond Trailer.
    • Hunger Games Prequels chat...just when you thought it was safe to go back to the arena.
    Week that Was
    • Jessica Jones aka 'Nuge finally gets off his lazy ass and watches the show'Mr Robot.
    • Supergirl send the lads into a angry tizzy about social media and spoilers.
    • Sleepy Hollow.
    • Agents of Shield.
    Star Wars Battlefront.
    Nuge gives a thumbs down to historical disaster (in more ways than one) epic Pompeii.
    Doom Coalition Pt 2

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 258

    17 December 2015 (12:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 23 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Monts and Nuge take to the podcast waves again with another episode of Geek Syndicate.
    • Nuge pulls a 180 on the Star Trek Beyond Trailer.
    • Hunger Games Prequels chat...just when you thought it was safe to go back to the arena.
    Week that Was
    • Jessica Jones aka 'Nuge finally gets off his lazy ass and watches the show'Mr Robot.
    • Supergirl send the lads into a angry tizzy about social media and spoilers.
    • Sleepy Hollow.
    • Agents of Shield.
    Star Wars Battlefront.
    Nuge gives a thumbs down to historical disaster (in more ways than one) epic Pompeii.
    Doom Coalition Pt 2

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 257

    9 December 2015 (6:33am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 52 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    The boys are back in town...Monts and Nuge return to microphone with more sass and geekiness than you can throw a lightsaber at.
    • Force Awakens tickets go up in price
    • Supergirl gets new episodes
    • Samurai Jack is Back
    • Preacher - trailer
    Week that Was
    Star Wars Rebels says the one thing we've all been thinking about Stormtrooper armour.
    • Monts and Nuge have some slightly different opintions on Dr Strange #1
    • Limbo - The lads take a walk on the noir side with this new comic from Image
    • Mulp #2 The anthromphic pulp adventure is back and Barry is as giddy as a schoolboy about it.
    • Edge of Extinction - A zombie tale with a difference (I know that's almost impossible these days?)
    David's Airplane Movies
    • San Andreas
    • Jurrasic World
    • Terminator Genysis
    • Fantastic Four
    Doom Coalition Pt 1- `The Eleven"

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 257

    9 December 2015 (6:33am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 52 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    The boys are back in town...Monts and Nuge return to microphone with more sass and geekiness than you can throw a lightsaber at.
    • Force Awakens tickets go up in price
    • Supergirl gets new episodes
    • Samurai Jack is Back
    • Preacher - trailer
    Week that Was
    Star Wars Rebels says the one thing we've all been thinking about Stormtrooper armour.
    • Monts and Nuge have some slightly different opintions on Dr Strange #1
    • Limbo - The lads take a walk on the noir side with this new comic from Image
    • Mulp #2 The anthromphic pulp adventure is back and Barry is as giddy as a schoolboy about it.
    • Edge of Extinction - A zombie tale with a difference (I know that's almost impossible these days?)
    David's Airplane Movies
    • San Andreas
    • Jurrasic World
    • Terminator Genysis
    • Fantastic Four
    Doom Coalition Pt 1- `The Eleven"

  • The Next Level: Star Wars Video Games

    1 December 2015 (1:09pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes and 53 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Join members of the Geek Syndicate team as they form a band of intrepid heroes to take on the might of the STAR WARS gaming franchise.

    In this episode, Laura, Matt and Dion join Ant to look back at Star Wars games. The team discuss what worked and what didn't in the franchise's digital offerings. Discover their favourite entries and what their dream Star Wars game would be.

    Find out more about Dion's anthology projects in the following locations:

    Sunny, with a Chance of Zombies: paperback or eBook.

    This Twisted Earth: submission guidelines.

    Check out the back catalogue of Scrolls:

    And here more of Matt over on Dissecting Worlds:

  • GSN PODCAST: Dissecting Worlds S10, Ep4: Creatures of the Night

    31 October 2015 (4:01pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 55 minutes and 4 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    This month Wolf-Man Kehaar and Man-Wolf Matt stare into the darkness without and within, as our Fantastic Creatures series looks in horror at, um, horror. This time we reach into the recesses of our primal fears and talk about:

    • Vampires, ancient and modern; from predator to love interest.

    • Werewolves (there wolves!), and fears of the the beast within

    • Stalkers and Serial Killers

    • Lovecraftian Horrors

    • and much more!

    Glorious Classic "Horror Express" is in the public domain and can be viewed, in it's entirery, on YouTube here

    Microscope is here: http://www.lamemage.com/store.html and the DW2 announcement post is here

    Comments to dissectingworlds@yahoo.com , tweet @dissectingwrlds or the facebook group.

  • GSN PODCAST: Dissecting Worlds S10, Ep4: Creatures of the Night

    31 October 2015 (4:01pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 55 minutes and 4 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    This month Wolf-Man Kehaar and Man-Wolf Matt stare into the darkness without and within, as our Fantastic Creatures series looks in horror at, um, horror. This time we reach into the recesses of our primal fears and talk about:

    • Vampires, ancient and modern; from predator to love interest.

    • Werewolves (there wolves!), and fears of the the beast within

    • Stalkers and Serial Killers

    • Lovecraftian Horrors

    • and much more!

    Glorious Classic "Horror Express" is in the public domain and can be viewed, in it's entirery, on YouTube here

    Microscope is here: http://www.lamemage.com/store.html and the DW2 announcement post is here

    Comments to dissectingworlds@yahoo.com , tweet @dissectingwrlds or the facebook group.

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 256

    30 October 2015 (12:28pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 47 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Monts and Nuge bring you a surprise second episode of the week...Happy Friday everyone!


    The lads finally talk about the new Star Wars Trailer

    Bloomsbury Festival
    The Flash
    Dr Who
    Walking Dead
    Mad Max Fury Road aka 'There and Back Again'
    The Phantom Menace gets a revisit from Monts.

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 256

    30 October 2015 (12:28pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 47 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Monts and Nuge bring you a surprise second episode of the week...Happy Friday everyone!


    The lads finally talk about the new Star Wars Trailer

    Bloomsbury Festival
    The Flash
    Dr Who
    Walking Dead
    Mad Max Fury Road aka 'There and Back Again'
    The Phantom Menace gets a revisit from Monts.

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 255

    26 October 2015 (9:09pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 46 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Join Monts and Nuge for another hour or so of geek mayhem and hopefully a few laughs or your money back. Ok that previous sentence was a lie.
    Oh and just like the end of an episode of Scooby Doo the lads finally unmask the head of EPOCH, GS's arch enemy. Take that SPECTRE!
    Star wars tickets go on sale (Yes this was recorded before the trailer came out).
    The lads talk or rather the lads ridicule the boycott Star Wars VII hashtag for a couple of minutes.
    Dr Who - The War Doctor comes to audio
    Week that Was
    Jekyll and hyde
    Fear the Walking Dead and Flight 462

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 255

    26 October 2015 (9:09pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 46 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Join Monts and Nuge for another hour or so of geek mayhem and hopefully a few laughs or your money back. Ok that previous sentence was a lie.
    Oh and just like the end of an episode of Scooby Doo the lads finally unmask the head of EPOCH, GS's arch enemy. Take that SPECTRE!
    Star wars tickets go on sale (Yes this was recorded before the trailer came out).
    The lads talk or rather the lads ridicule the boycott Star Wars VII hashtag for a couple of minutes.
    Dr Who - The War Doctor comes to audio
    Week that Was
    Jekyll and hyde
    Fear the Walking Dead and Flight 462

  • The Next Level: Crystal Rift Interview

    13 October 2015 (1:20pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 13 minutes and 4 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Join Ant as he talks to Jon Hibbins, the brain behind the rather excellent VR dungeon crawler, Crystal Rift. The game is currently available on Steam Early Access for PS14.99 and you can find out more details about the game over on their website .

    Expect to see more about Crystal Rift on the Geek Syndicate website as development continues.

    The interview was recorded on the show floor at EGX (you can check out Ant's thoughts of the rest of the event on the GS website . Apologies for the background noise during the main body of this interview.

Dormant Podcasts