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Latest Podcast Episodes

  • Voice of Gallifrey (Russian)

    The Voice Of Gallifrey #44

    Voice of Gallifrey (Russian)

    Direct Podcast Download

    14:58 (GMT) - 30 Jun 2012

    Novyi vypusk! Segodnia my delimsia s vami svezhimi novostiami i, konechno, anonsami angliiskikh podkastov. Vsio po planu – leto, nebol'shoi zastoi. My obiazatel'no pridumaem dlia vas chto-nibud' interesnoe v blizhaishem budushchem, ostavaites' s “Glasom Gallifreia”!

    Download: Voice_Of_Gallifrey_44.mp3

    Skachat'/Download (16 MB)

    Nash Sait

    Stranichka Vkontakte

  • Voice of Gallifrey (Russian)

    The Voice Of Gallifrey #44

    Voice of Gallifrey (Russian)

    Direct Podcast Download

    14:58 (GMT) - 30 Jun 2012

    DD3/4D2ND1 D2ND?NNDo! D!DuD3D3/4D'D1/2N D1/4N D'DuD>>D,D1/4NN N D2DdegD1/4D, ND2DuDPD,D1/4D, D1/2D3/4D2D3/4NNND1/4D, D,, DoD3/4D1/2DuND1/2D3/4, DdegD1/2D3/4D1/2NDdegD1/4D, DdegD1/2D3D>>D,D1NDoD,N D?D3/4D'DoDdegNND3/4D2. DNN D?D3/4 D?D>>DdegD1/2N – D>>DuND3/4, D1/2DuD+-D3/4D>>NND3/4D1 D*DdegNND3/4D1. DN D3/4D+-ND*DdegNDuD>>ND1/2D3/4 D?ND,D'ND1/4DdegDuD1/4 D'D>>N D2DdegN NND3/4-D1/2D,D+-ND'N D,D1/2NDuNDuND1/2D3/4Du D2 D+-D>>D,DPDdegD1NDuD1/4 D+-ND'NNDuD1/4, D3/4NNDdegD2DdegD1NDuNN N “DD>>DdegND3/4D1/4 DDdegD>>D>>D,NNDuN”!

    Download: Voice_Of_Gallifrey_44.mp3

    D!DoDdegNDdegNN/Download (16 DD)

    DDdegN D!DdegD1N

    D!NNDdegD1/2D,NDoDdeg DDoD3/4D1/2NDdegDoNDu

  • Telos AM

    The Curse of the Censor: Sexuality and Self-Betrayal in Doctor Who

    Telos AM

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:47 (GMT) - 30 Jun 2012

    Another month, another episode from the intrepid peeps at Telos AM. Or so we say. This time, Nick, Julian, and Alex talk integrative sexualities in Doctor Who - how the wide and endless sea of sexualities beyond heterosexuality has been represented throughout the series. To aid them in their discussion, the team have focused on The Curse of Fenric and A Good Man Goes to War.

    Tune in next time for more exciting fun from the Telos AM team, and thanks for listening!

    Email: telos.am@gmail.com

    Twitter: @TelosAM

    Alex: @Enola41

    Julian: @radiantfracture

    Nick: @the_penmin

    Lindsey: @Lazarus_LM


  • The Untempered Schism Podcast

    Episode 47 : The Chimes of Midnight

    The Untempered Schism Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:00 (GMT) - 30 Jun 2012

    The Eight Doctor returns to the The Untempered Schism, but this time by way of an audio adventure. Charley and the Doctor have found themselves in a strange house on Christmas Eve, but things are stranger than usual. Someone is killing the staff of the house only for them not to stay dead, time keeps looping back over itself and every time the clock chimes things get just a little bit worse...


    Feedback to: show@untemperedschism.org

    Twitter: @schismpodcast
    Web: http://www.untemperedschism.org/

    Duration: 25:35

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #149C - Commentary for Dragonfire Episode 3

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:09 (GMT) - 29 Jun 2012

    Well, we come to the end of our memorable journey through Iceworld, with this, the commentary track for Episode 3 of Dragonfire. And who better than to bring you to its epic conclusion that Leeson and Ian? The boys guide you though face melting, deaths, companion swaps and bewildering little girls who have no meaning [...]

  • Geek Syndicate

    Dissecting Worlds S6 ep3: Romans!

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:16 (GMT) - 29 Jun 2012

    he quarrelsome Northerners are joined by MOMBCAST stalwart James falling in behind the Eagle standard to dissect and consider the alternative histories of Rome and the Roman Empire. Inspired by the History of Rome podcast they march in a less than straight road through:

    * The Punic Wars (including the alternate history 'Hannibal's Children)

    * Roman history as a game of Total War
    * The Porous nature of Rome to people and ideas

    * Why couldn't the Greeks get their act together?
    * School nativity plays and the Dallas and Dynasty appeal of the Julio-Claudians

    * Agrippa the Immortal

    * The fickle survival and destruction of Republics and Monarchies
    * Why not to let Commodus run & ruin your Empire.
    * The Marian reforms and the dangers of a professional miltiary (with thanks to Will Self.)
    * They debate irresistible nature of monotheism and Time-Travelling Popes
    * Mad Max and the fall of the West

    * Julian the Apostate (Our hero, he's dreamy, titter yee not!)

    The Romanitas Trilogy Timeline can be found here: http://www.romanitas.com/text/history.htm

    The History of Rome podcast can be found here: http://thehistoryofrome.typepad.com/

    We welcome comments and corrections (including audio files for our conclusion ep) to dissectingworlds(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk or tweet @dissectingwrlds.

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 127(A Staggering Day Out)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:39 (GMT) - 29 Jun 2012

    The opportunity arrived for another of my famous or should that be infamous audio diary episodes, the occasion this time was the fifth anniversary of the Staggering Stories podcast. This basically led to a mad adventure in the Staggering Mobile, not sure which one of us was Scooby Doo, all the way to Cardiff and a few other places too. Had we all remembered how far away Wales is some of us wouldn't have had such an adventurous journey home!

    End Theme this week is The Staggering Stories original theme by Tony now Siobhan Gallichan.

    You can see all my photos of A Staggerign Day Out here http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/sets/72157630276740858/

    Various video were also shot they were:

    Tea Duelling Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdYpo9t4j24&list=UU5hBU4YTRoHc8KyDG66Ojcg&index=4&feature=plcp

    Tea Duelling Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ1mSKHh0f8&list=UU5hBU4YTRoHc8KyDG66Ojcg&index=2&feature=plcp

    Trivia Smackdown http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgqVesPYT4w&list=UU5hBU4YTRoHc8KyDG66Ojcg&index=5&feature=plcp

    Morris Dancing for The Head of Pertwee http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg7yfjP-fGQ&list=UU5hBU4YTRoHc8KyDG66Ojcg&index=3&feature=plcp

    Staggering Stories 5th Anniversary Show recording http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHMfvKPvcMM&list=UU5hBU4YTRoHc8KyDG66Ojcg&index=1&feature=plcp

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 127(A Staggering Day Out)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:39 (GMT) - 29 Jun 2012

    The opportunity arrived for another of my famous or should that be infamous audio diary episodes, the occasion this time was the fifth anniversary of the Staggering Stories podcast. This basically led to a mad adventure in the Staggering Mobile, not sure which one of us was Scooby Doo, all the way to Cardiff and a few other places too. Had we all remembered how far away Wales is some of us wouldn't have had such an adventurous journey home!

    End Theme this week is The Staggering Stories original theme by Tony now Siobhan Gallichan.

    You can see all my photos of A Staggerign  Day Out here http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/sets/72157630276740858/

    Various video were also shot they were:

    Tea Duelling Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdYpo9t4j24&list=UU5hBU4YTRoHc8KyDG66Ojcg&index=4&feature=plcp

    Tea Duelling Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ1mSKHh0f8&list=UU5hBU4YTRoHc8KyDG66Ojcg&index=2&feature=plcp

    Trivia Smackdown http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgqVesPYT4w&list=UU5hBU4YTRoHc8KyDG66Ojcg&index=5&feature=plcp

    Morris Dancing for The Head of Pertwee http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg7yfjP-fGQ&list=UU5hBU4YTRoHc8KyDG66Ojcg&index=3&feature=plcp

    Staggering Stories 5th Anniversary Show recording http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHMfvKPvcMM&list=UU5hBU4YTRoHc8KyDG66Ojcg&index=1&feature=plcp

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Dissecting Worlds S6 ep3: Romans!

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:16 (GMT) - 29 Jun 2012

    he quarrelsome Northerners are joined by MOMBCAST stalwart James falling in behind the Eagle standard to dissect and consider the alternative histories of Rome and the Roman Empire. Inspired by the History of Rome podcast they march in a less than straight road through:

    * The Punic Wars (including the alternate history 'Hannibal's Children)

    * Roman history as a game of Total War
    * The Porous nature of Rome to people and ideas

    * Why couldn't the Greeks get their act together?
    * School nativity plays and the Dallas and Dynasty appeal of the Julio-Claudians

    * Agrippa the Immortal

    * The fickle survival and destruction of Republics and Monarchies 
    * Why not to let Commodus run & ruin your Empire.
    * The Marian reforms and the dangers of a professional miltiary (with thanks to Will Self.)
    * They debate irresistible nature of monotheism and Time-Travelling Popes
    * Mad Max and the fall of the West

    * Julian the Apostate (Our hero, he's dreamy, titter yee not!)


    The Romanitas Trilogy Timeline can be found here: http://www.romanitas.com/text/history.htm

    The History of Rome podcast can be found here: http://thehistoryofrome.typepad.com/


    We welcome comments and corrections (including audio files for our conclusion ep) to dissectingworlds(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk or tweet @dissectingwrlds.

  • Impossible Podcasts

    Points of Who #7 - Caroline John, Series 7 and more!

    Impossible Podcasts

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:00 (GMT) - 29 Jun 2012

    Caroline John, 1940 - 2012
    Welcome to our monthly round-up of Doctor Who news, views and rumours.

    We reflect on the sad death of Caroline John and examine her role as Dr Liz Shaw, one of the most distinctive companions of the Classic Series. Was she dropped for being too strong a character, or did the show's new Earth-bound format simply work against her?

    We also look ahead to the debut of Series 7 and the return of the Daleks. Listen to our theories about what lies in store!

    Plus, we make a couple of very exciting announcements about the future of the podcast, including your chance to take part!

    Length: 25 mins

    Download: Click Here (Right click and "Save Link/Target As...")

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 127(A Staggering Day Out)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:39 (GMT) - 29 Jun 2012

    The opportunity arrived for another of my famous or should that be infamous audio diary episodes, the occasion this time was the fifth anniversary of the Staggering Stories podcast. This basically led to a mad adventure in the Staggering Mobile, not sure which one of us was Scooby Doo, all the way to Cardiff and a few other places too. Had we all remembered how far away Wales is some of us wouldn't have had such an adventurous journey home!

    End Theme this week is The Staggering Stories original theme by Tony now Siobhan Gallichan.

    You can see all my photos of A Staggerign  Day Out here http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/sets/72157630276740858/

    Various video were also shot they were:

    Tea Duelling Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdYpo9t4j24&list=UU5hBU4YTRoHc8KyDG66Ojcg&index=4&feature=plcp

    Tea Duelling Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ1mSKHh0f8&list=UU5hBU4YTRoHc8KyDG66Ojcg&index=2&feature=plcp

    Trivia Smackdown http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgqVesPYT4w&list=UU5hBU4YTRoHc8KyDG66Ojcg&index=5&feature=plcp

    Morris Dancing for The Head of Pertwee http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg7yfjP-fGQ&list=UU5hBU4YTRoHc8KyDG66Ojcg&index=3&feature=plcp

    Staggering Stories 5th Anniversary Show recording http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHMfvKPvcMM&list=UU5hBU4YTRoHc8KyDG66Ojcg&index=1&feature=plcp

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • An Improbable Podcast

    Episode 3: 'An Improbably Late Fill-In Episode'

    An Improbable Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:38 (GMT) - 29 Jun 2012

    itunes pic
    featuring Sandro JF and Zach Adams [RATED PG: Contains Low Level Adult Themes] 00:01: Intro, Opening Theme, Welcomes, and Announcements 03:00: What We've Been Doing Lately 05:12: Things in Five Words 11:59: Top 30 Music Charts 17:22: Guess My Thought 25:48: What We See Ourselves Doing in the Future 29:57: Goodbyes & Ending Theme Got any thoughts about the topics discussed today? We want to hear from you! Please send in feedback to "feedback.aipodcast@gmail.com" GoReCo.MC "gorecomc.webs.com" An Improbable Website "improbablewebsite.webs.com" Voyagers in the TARDIS "tardisvoyagersdownload.buzzsprout.com" 'Who' - is the man "whoisthemancast.wordpress.com" The Doctor Who Archives "dwarchives.wordpress.com" MEGAMIX "themegamixsite.webs.com" The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast "the20mbdoctorwhopodcast.podbean.com" The Pratchett Podcast "thepratchettpodcast.wordpress.com"

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #149C - Commentary for Dragonfire Episode 3

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:09 (GMT) - 29 Jun 2012

    Well, we come to the end of our memorable journey through Iceworld, with this, the commentary track for Episode 3 of Dragonfire. And who better than to bring you to its epic conclusion that Leeson and Ian? The boys guide you though face melting, deaths, companion swaps and bewildering little girls who have no meaning [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #149C - Commentary for Dragonfire Episode 3

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:09 (GMT) - 29 Jun 2012

    Well, we come to the end of our memorable journey through Iceworld, with this, the commentary track for Episode 3 of Dragonfire. And who better than to bring you to its epic conclusion that Leeson and Ian? The boys guide you though face melting, deaths, companion swaps and bewildering little girls who have no meaning [...]

  • Voyagers in the TARDIS

    Episode 9: 'News: 17th - 29th of June'

    Voyagers in the TARDIS

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 29 Jun 2012

    Sorry for the lateness of the episode... I've been a little behind on podcasting lately.

  • DWO WhoCast

    DWO WhoCast - #249 - Doctor Who Podcast

    DWO WhoCast

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:26 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2012

    Whilst Doctor Who, Ian Chesterton and the girls, Vicki and Barbara wait anxiously in the wings, Siobhan sits in her garden and babbles about the Staggering Stories' Cardiff tour and the comings and goings of companions. For someone who has just celebrated her fifth anniversary of being a podcaster, she really should know better....

    The DWO WhoCast - It's so old. It used to have so much mercy....

  • DWO WhoCast

    DWO WhoCast - #249 - Doctor Who Podcast

    DWO WhoCast

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:26 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2012

    Whilst Doctor Who, Ian Chesterton and the girls, Vicki and Barbara wait anxiously in the wings, Siobhan sits in her garden and babbles about the Staggering Stories' Cardiff tour and the comings and goings of companions. For someone who has just celebrated her fifth anniversary of being a podcaster, she really should know better....

    The DWO WhoCast - It's so old. It used to have so much mercy....

  • The Oncoming Storm

    The Oncoming Storm Ep 15: BF # 9 The Two Nicholas's

    The Oncoming Storm

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:02 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2012

    Episode 15! Ashley and Josh are back and enjoying the velvet tones of Nicholas Courtney as they review their next Big Finish audio, The Spectre of Lanyon Moor, by Nicholas Pegg. This combination of Nicholases is joined by Colin Baker and Maggie Stables, and Ashley and Josh couldn't be happier. It's time for a traditional story, and for once, Josh is loving it! Listen to the debate on the Brigadier's flirting, Goblin noises, and your run of the mill megalomaniacal madman, all on your latest episode of The Oncoming Storm. The Oncoming Storm... This time, we have goblins! Goblins, unicorns... when are we gonna just have some plain old conquering aliens???

  • The Memory Cheats

    The Memory Cheats #16

    The Memory Cheats

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:00 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2012

    On this week's episode of The Memory Cheats, Josh and Steven appear to disagree on the merits of The Invasion, the official debut of UNIT into the world of Doctor Who. Unquestionable classic, or a shaky step forward into the Earthbound era to come?



    Visit our website at http://www.thememorycheats.libsyn.com


    Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thememorycheats


    Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTheMemoryCheats

  • The Memory Cheats

    The Memory Cheats #16

    The Memory Cheats

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:00 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2012

    On this week's episode of The Memory Cheats, Josh and Steven appear to disagree on the merits of The Invasion, the official debut of UNIT into the world of Doctor Who. Unquestionable classic, or a shaky step forward into the Earthbound era to come?

    Visit our website at http://www.thememorycheats.libsyn.com

    Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thememorycheats

    Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTheMemoryCheats

  • The Memory Cheats

    The Memory Cheats #16 - The Invasion

    The Memory Cheats

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:00 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2012

    On this week's episode of The Memory Cheats, Josh and Steven appear to disagree on the merits of The Invasion, the official debut of UNIT into the world of Doctor Who. Unquestionable classic, or a shaky step forward into the Earthbound era to come?

    Visit our website at http://www.thememorycheats.libsyn.com

    Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thememorycheats

    Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTheMemoryCheats

  • Drunken Time Travel

    3.02 Mission To The Unknown Extra - Drunken Science

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:09 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2012

    Welcome to Mission To The Unknown's Drunken Science. This time we're talking about SpaceX, NASA, the ISS, and space travel whilst drinking - us, not the space travellers. We also touch upon NASA and that space pen and watching live science. Enjoy.

    Disclaimer: Facts may not be facts.

    Links SpaceX Cover photo credit: Chris Thompson/SpaceX

  • Drunken Time Travel

    3.02 Mission To The Unknown Extra - Drunken Science

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:09 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2012


    Welcome to Mission To The Unknown's Drunken Science. This time we're talking about SpaceX, NASA, the ISS, and space travel whilst drinking - us, not the space travellers. We also touch upon NASA and that space pen and watching live science. Enjoy.

    Disclaimer: Facts may not be facts.



    Cover photo credit: Chris Thompson/SpaceX

  • Drunken Time Travel

    3.02 Mission To The Unknown Extra - Drunken Science

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:09 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2012

    Welcome to Mission To The Unknown's Drunken Science. This time we're talking about SpaceX, NASA, the ISS, and space travel whilst drinking - us, not the space travellers. We also touch upon NASA and that space pen and watching live science. Enjoy.

    Disclaimer: Facts may not be facts.

    Links SpaceX Cover photo credit: Chris Thompson/SpaceX

  • Drunken Time Travel

    3.02 Mission To The Unknown Extra - Drunken Science

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:09 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2012

    Welcome to Mission To The Unknown's Drunken Science. This time we're talking about SpaceX, NASA, the ISS, and space travel whilst drinking - us, not the space travellers. We also touch upon NASA and that space pen and watching live science. Enjoy.

    Disclaimer: Facts may not be facts.

    Links SpaceX Cover photo credit: Chris Thompson/SpaceX

  • Doctor Who Review Today

    EPISODE 122 DWRT Monthly for June Review of The Daemons

    Doctor Who Review Today

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:28 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2012

  • Drunken Time Travel

    3.02 Mission To The Unknown Extra - Drunken Science

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:09 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2012


    Welcome to Mission To The Unknown's Drunken Science. This time we're talking about SpaceX, NASA, the ISS, and space travel whilst drinking - us, not the space travellers. We also touch upon NASA and that space pen and watching live science. Enjoy.

    Disclaimer: Facts may not be facts.



    Cover photo credit: Chris Thompson/SpaceX

  • Drunken Time Travel

    3.02 Mission To The Unknown Extra - Drunken Science

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:09 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2012


    Welcome to Mission To The Unknown’s Drunken Science. This time we’re talking about SpaceX, NASA, the ISS, and space travel whilst drinking - us, not the space travellers. We also touch upon NASA and that space pen and watching live science. Enjoy.

    Disclaimer: Facts may not be facts.



    Cover photo credit: Chris Thompson/SpaceX

  • Gallifrey Doctor Who Podcast

    Episode 15

    Gallifrey Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:46 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2012

    In this 15th episode of my podcast, I discuss the latest doctor who news , doctor who audio book news , doctor who convention news and I discuss my review For the doctor who story Gunfighters. For the latest doctor who news go to http://galifreydoctorwhopodcast.com Follow me on twitter https://twitter.com/DrwhoPodcast Like me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Galifrey-Doctorwhopodcast/271043459632888 To support this podcast please visit my store at http://www.cafepress.com/galifreydoctorwhopodcast Thank you for all of your support!

  • Gallifrey Doctor Who Podcast

    Episode 15

    Gallifrey Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:46 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2012

    In this 15th episode of my podcast, I discuss the latest doctor who news , doctor who audio book news , doctor who convention news and I discuss my review For the doctor who story Gunfighters. For the latest doctor who news go to http://galifreydoctorwhopodcast.com Follow me on twitter https://twitter.com/DrwhoPodcast Like me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Galifrey-Doctorwhopodcast/271043459632888 To support this podcast please visit my store at http://www.cafepress.com/galifreydoctorwhopodcast Thank you for all of your support!

  • Earth Station One

    Earth Station One Podcast Episode 117: Making Our Escape on the Battlestar Galactica

    Earth Station One

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:37 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2012

    On this episode Earth Station One flees from the Cylon tyranny on a lonely quest – to discuss the shining scifi franchise known as Battlestar Galactica. Joining the rag-tag crew of Mike, Mike, and Bobby is Dan Carroll. Or at least we think our guest is Dan. He may in fact be a Cylon! We … Continue reading

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 250: The Krotons

    Tin Dog Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:00 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2012

    On an unnamed planet, a race called the Gonds are subject to the mysterious Krotons, unseen beings to whom they provide their brightest intelligences as “companions”. Thara, son of the Gond leader Selris, is the only one of his race to object to this practice. The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe arrive in time to witness the death of one of the chosen companions and intervene to save Vana, the other selected for this fate, using her survival as a means to convince Selris and the Gonds of the malign influence of the Krotons on their society. The Doctor calls it "self-perpetuating slavery” by which the brightest in Gond society have been removed. Similarly, there are large gaps in their knowledge, especially relating to chemistry. This situation has been in existence for many years since the Krotons arrived in their spaceship, polluting the lands beyond the Gond city and killing much of the Gond population. Thara uses the disquiet of the situation to lead a rebellion and attack the Teaching Machines of the Krotons in the Hall of Learning. This prompts a crystalline probe to appear and defend the Machines, and warn the Gonds to cease their rebellion. Zoe now tries the Teaching Machines and is selected to be a “companion” of the Krotons. The Doctor elects the same fate and both are summoned into the Dynotrope where they are subjected to a mental attack. Zoe deduces that the Krotons have found a way to transfer mental power into pure energy, while the Doctor busies himself with taking chemical samples of the Kroton environment. Circumstances now trigger the creation of two Krotons from chemical vats within the Dynatrope (the Kroton spaceship). The newly created Krotons capture Jamie but are really seeking the Doctor and Zoe, the “High Brains”, who have now left the Dynatrope. It takes Jamie quite some time before he is able to make an effective escape. Eelek and Axus, two councillors previously loyal to the Krotons, who begin to rally for all-out war with the Krotons, have now seized the initiative in Gond society. The more level headed Selris is deposed, but warns that an all-out attack will not benefit his people. Instead he has decided to attack the machine from underneath by destabilising its very foundation in the underhall. Eelek has Selris arrested and also reasserts control by negotiating with the Krotons that they will leave the planet if provided with the two “High Brains” who can help them power and pilot their ship. Zoe and the Doctor are forced into the Dynatrope and Selris dies providing them with a phial of acid which the Doctor adds to the Kroton vats. Outside, Jamie and the scientist Beta launch an attack on the structure of the ship using sulphuric acid. This two pronged assault destroys the tellurium-based Krotons and their craft. The Dynatrope dissolves away and the Gonds are free at last - choosing Thara rather than the cowardly and ambitious Eelek to lead them. Continuity The Krotons also feature in the Eighth Doctor Adventures spin-off novel Alien Bodies by Lawrence Miles. They also appeared in the Big Finish audio drama Return of the Krotons with the Sixth Doctor. Production Serial details by episode EpisodeBroadcast dateRun timeViewership (in millions)Archive "Episode One" 28 December 1968 23:00 9.0 16/35mm t/r "Episode Two" 4 January 1969 23:03 8.4 16mm t/r "Episode Three" 11 January 1969 21:47 7.5 16mm t/r "Episode Four" 18 January 1969 22:39 7.1 16mm t/r [1][2][3] Working titles for this story included The Trap and The Space Trap. Holmes had originally submitted The Trap to the BBC as a stand-alone science-fiction serial in 1965. Head of Serials Shaun Sutton rejected the serial as being not the kind of thing the BBC was interested in making at the time, but suggested the writer pitch it to the Doctor Who production office as an idea for that series. Holmes did so, and although story editor Donald Tosh was interested, the scripts went no further at the time. Some years later, assistant script editor Terrance Dicks found the story in the production office files when clearing a backlog, and decided to develop it with Holmes as a personal project, in case other scripts fell through. When the latter event occurred, Dick Sharples script Prison in Space a comedic dystopian tale where females rule with dollybird guards proved unworkable, Dicks was able to present the serial to his superiors as a ready production. Director David Maloney agreed the serial was viable, and it went before the cameras very quickly as an emergency replacement. Several scenes were filmed at the Tank Quarry and West of England Quarry on the Malvern Hills.[4][5] Cast notes Features a guest appearance by Philip Madoc, who would appear in a completely different role further on in the season in The War Games. See also Celebrity appearances in Doctor Who. Broadcast and reception The serial was repeated on BBC2 in November 1981, daily (Monday–Thursday, 9–12 November 1981) at 5:40 pm as part of "The Five Faces of Doctor Who", a series of repeats to bridge the long gap between seasons 18 and 19. At the time it was the only four part Patrick Troughton serial in the BBC archive. In print Doctor Who book The Krotons Series Target novelisations Release number 99 Writer Terrance Dicks Publisher Target Books Cover artist Andrew Skilleter ISBN 0-426-20189-2 Release date 14 November 1985 Preceded by ' Followed by ' A novelisation of this serial, written by Terrance Dicks, was published by Target Books in June 1985. VHS, CD and DVD releases Episode One of The Krotons exists as both a 16 mm film print and a 35 mm telerecording negative. Clips taken from a VidFIREd transfer of the high quality 35 mm negative can be seen in the restoration documentary on the DVD release of The Aztecs and as part of the 40th Anniversary music video on Doctor Who DVDs released in 2003. This story was released on VHS in February 1991 The soundtrack was released on CD in November 2008. The serial will be released on DVD in the UK on 2 July 2012.[6] The Region 1 release is scheduled for 10 July 2012.[7] References ^ Shaun Lyon et al. (31 March 2007). "The Krotons". Outpost Gallifrey. Archived from the original on 18 June 2008. Retrieved 31 August 2008. ^ "The Krotons". Doctor Who Reference Guide. Retrieved 31 August 2008. ^ Sullivan, Shannon (23 June 2008). "The Krotons". A Brief History of Time Travel. Retrieved 31 August 2008. ^ "Tank Quarry". Dr Who – The Locations Guide. Retrieved 27 January 2011. ^ "West of England Quarry". Dr Who – The Locations Guide. Retrieved 27 January 2011. ^ http://www.doctorwhonews.net/2012/05/dwn030512103008-dvd-update-summer.html ^ http://tvshowsondvd.com/news/Doctor-The-Krotons-and-Death-to-the-Daleks/16830 External links Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: Second Doctor The Krotons at BBC Online The Krotons at Doctor Who: A Brief History Of Time (Travel) The Krotons at the Doctor Who Reference Guide Doctor Who Locations - The Krotons Reviews The Krotons reviews at Outpost Gallifrey The Krotons reviews at The Doctor Who Ratings Guide The Krotons at Mania.com Target novelisation On Target — The Krotons

  • Who's He?

    Who's He? Podast - #Mini Episode - Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock Review

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:57 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2012

    In this mini episode of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil (the only gamer out of the three of them) gives his review of the recent Playstation 3 release, Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock and discovers that this is not the game we were hoping for.

  • Nerdology UK

    Episode 6 The Black Hole

    Nerdology UK

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:53 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2012

    Simon Brett and Lee Rawlings from Starburst Magazine's Blue Box Podcast return for another commentary, this time it's Disney's 1979 "space oddity" The Black Hole.

    You can hear their Phonic Screwdriver show on www.phonic.fm and on mixcloud.com

    Twitter: @nerdologyuk

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/nerdologyuk

    email: nerdologyuk@gmail.com

    Simon @simonbrett

    Lee @montagfire

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/nerdology-uk/message

  • Nerdology UK

    Episode 6 The Black Hole

    Nerdology UK

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:53 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2012

    Simon Brett and Lee Rawlings from Starburst Magazine's Blue Box Podcast return for another commentary, this time it's Disney's 1979 "space oddity" The Black Hole.

    You can hear their Phonic Screwdriver show on www.phonic.fm and on mixcloud.com

    Twitter: @nerdologyuk

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/nerdologyuk

    email: nerdologyuk@gmail.com

    Simon @simonbrett

    Lee @montagfire

  • Nerdology UK

    Episode 6 The Black Hole

    Nerdology UK

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:53 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2012

    Simon Brett and Lee Rawlings from Starburst Magazine's Blue Box Podcast return for another commentary, this time it's Disney's 1979 "space oddity" The Black Hole.

    You can hear their Phonic Screwdriver show on www.phonic.fm and on mixcloud.com

    Twitter: @nerdologyuk

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/nerdologyuk

    email: nerdologyuk@gmail.com

    Simon @simonbrett

    Lee @montagfire

  • Nerdology UK

    Episode 6 The Black Hole

    Nerdology UK

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:53 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2012

    Simon Brett and Lee Rawlings from Starburst Magazine's Blue Box Podcast return for another commentary, this time it's Disney's 1979 "space oddity" The Black Hole.

    You can hear their Phonic Screwdriver show on www.phonic.fm and on mixcloud.com

    Twitter: @nerdologyuk

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/nerdologyuk

    email: nerdologyuk@gmail.com

    Simon @simonbrett

    Lee @montagfire

  • Gallifrey Pirate Radio

    Episdoe 50 - GPR Celebrates with an Earthly Child?

    Gallifrey Pirate Radio

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:10 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2012

      A year has finally gone by and GPR has made it to 50 episodes! GPR started as a way for me not to lose my mind in grad-school since I didn’t have the time to write fiction. And now a year later we are still going strong and picking up more and more fans. […]

  • Who's He?

    Mini Episode - Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock Review

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:00 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2012

    In this mini episode of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil (the only gamer out of the three of them) give his review of the recent Playstation 3 release Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock and discovers that this is not the game we were hoping for.

  • Who's He?

    Mini Episode - Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock Review

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:00 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2012

    In this mini episode of the Who's He? Podcast, Phil (the only gamer out of the three of them) give his review of the recent Playstation 3 release Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock and discovers that this is not the game we were hoping for.

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #149B - Commentary for Dragonfire Episode 2

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:52 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2012

    The commentary for Dragonfire continues with the second episode. In the commentary hot seats for this episode areJames and Tom. As with Episode 1 of this commentary, there are clear instructions within the file of how to sync it up with your copy of Dragonfire so you can join along and watch the story whilst [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #149B - Commentary for Dragonfire Episode 2

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:52 (GMT) - 26 Jun 2012

    The commentary for Dragonfire continues with the second episode. In the commentary hot seats for this episode areJames and Tom. As with Episode 1 of this commentary, there are clear instructions within the file of how to sync it up with your copy of Dragonfire so you can join along and watch the story whilst [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #149B - Commentary for Dragonfire Episode 2

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:52 (GMT) - 26 Jun 2012

    The commentary for Dragonfire continues with the second episode. In the commentary hot seats for this episode are James and Tom. As with Episode 1 of this commentary, there are clear instructions within the file of how to sync it up with your copy of Dragonfire so you can join along and watch the story [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #149A - Commentary for Dragonfire Episode 1

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:28 (GMT) - 25 Jun 2012

    As the build up begins to our 150th episode next week, we present to you this week commentary tracks for the 150th classic series story - the Seventh Doctor adventure Dragonfire. Our story begins on Iceworld, a trading port on the dark side of planet Svartos, the Doctor chances across Sabalom Glitz and joins him [...]

  • The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast

    The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast #119

    The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:05 (GMT) - 25 Jun 2012

    Gridlock by Russell T Davies

    Before continuing with the standaed blurb we must convey our sadness at the news that Caroline John who played the third Doctor’s first assistant, Liz Shaw for one series. She passed away on 5th June 2012. Our thoughts are with her friends and family at this time. At least we have four wonderful stories to remember her by.

    On this week’s podcast Adam, Kirby, Rhys and Alicia review feedback (from Mary Lang, Ian Kirk and Jim the Fish), Gridlock and chat about news and gossip. Alicia eventually gets around to reading out this week’s top 30 Doctor Who podcasts.

    There was a sound fault during recording and we apologise if it affects your enjoyment of the episode.





    Please keep sending in your lovely feedback and you can do so by the following methods:-

    You can join our group on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/123660367652675/

    You can send us an email: 20mb.feedback@gmail.com

    You can follow Adam on Twitter: twitter.com/adam20mbpodcast

    You can follow Alicia on Twitter: twitter.com/alicia__pearson You can follow Ben on Twitter: twitter.com/Bunjington

    You can follow Kirby on Twitter: twitter.com/tvkirby

    You can follow Rhys on Twitter: twitter.com/rhysparton

    You can comment via our web page: http://the20mbdoctorwhopodcast.podbean.com/

    You can follow us and our friends on: http://www.doctorwhopodcastalliance.org/

    You can buy your Doctor Who merchandise at: www.whoone.co.uk

  • Traveling the Vortex

    Episode 78 - Now With Higgs Particle

    Traveling the Vortex

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:00 (GMT) - 25 Jun 2012

    In this week’s episode we review The Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane story (and one of Shaun’s favorites) The Android Invasion.

    Then, in a lead up to next week’s Torchwood Series three review, we give our thoughts on the BBC audio play, Torchwood – Lost Souls.

    Also, we have another review from our UK correspondent Philip Malkin on The 11th Hour, the three day convention last weekend in Birmingham, England.

    And, of course, we’ll have a look at this week’s news and your feedback.


    Doctor Who Monsters Invade Cardiff
    TARDIS in Mindcraft video

    Pictures from The 11th Hour convention:

    Picture from Soonercon in OKC:

  • Transmissions From Atlantis

    Episode 4

    Transmissions From Atlantis

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:31 (GMT) - 25 Jun 2012

    Fresh off our invasion of Earth Station One a weare back on the underwater continent with prisoners! Mike Faber, creator of Earth Station One, joins us for an interview during our Transmissions Received segment. We also review Disney/Pixaras new hit animated movie, Brave.

    Star Trek II – The Wrath of Khan has reached 30 years. We talk about our favorite moments in Khan and discuss the original crew movie franchise in general.

    We do an autopsy on Sanctuary, we put Eureka in hospice and we lament the decline of Sci-Fi Channel since it became SYFY.

    We asked the questions – Why did John Carter fail and Why do you hate Walking Dead’s little Huck Finn, Carl?

    News of the weird gives us another example of the oncoming Zombie Apocalypse while letting you know that we may also have an Alien and Vampire Apocalypses as well!

    More after the jump!

    Rita’s Reading Review notes a big anniversary in the world of Harry Potter and we also preview Ascendio 2012.

    We have major spoilers in our Doctor Who segment and we also mourn the loss of Caroline John, the actress who dazzled us as the 3rd Doctor companion Liz Shaw. We also pose the question – since the universe was remade after the Big Bang – does the Human 10th Doctor and Rose still exist? Is the 11th Doctor now the 1st of a new regeneration cycle?

    We’ll also give you our review of True Blood Season Five, Episode 3.

    What are you waiting for – transmitting……now!


    4:56 – Review of Disney Pixar’s Brave
    9:47- Star Trek II Wrath of Khan memories
    21:24- Death of Sanctuary. Eureka and other SyFy Programs
    33:38- Why John Carter Failed?
    41:48- The Walking Dead – DO YOU HATE CARL?

    News of the Weird
    45:49 – Mysterious building older than the Pyramids!
    48:07- Another Florida Zombie Attack
    49:53- Vampire Attack in San Diego
    51:01- Prisoner in Texas loses rights to practice Vampiric beliefs
    51:53- Vampire graves found in Bulgaria
    52:49- Nobel Prize Winning Economist says Alien Invasion could save the US Economy
    53:59 – Jorge Garcia (LOST) Pleads with our future Alien Overlords
    55:14- UFO writer wants to be the DJ of Doomsday

    Rita’s Reading Review
    57:23-Harry Potter Anniversary

    1:01:18-Ascendio 2012 is coming soon

    Transmissions Received

    1:05:15-Transmissions Received – Mike Faber, Earth Station One

    Doctor Who
    1:25:52-Caroline John – Liz Shaw dies
    1:31:13-Steven reveals new monster
    1:32:59-Sources reveal Neve McIntosh (Madam Vastra) will be reprising roll in series 7 (Plus more interesting spoilers)
    1:38:08-MAJOR SPOILER ALERT!!!! DALEKMANIA on the Series 7 Opener!
    1:41:19- Do Rose and the Flesh Doctor still exist and is the 11th Doctor actually the First Doctor?

    1:48:26-True Blood Episode 3 review


Dormant Podcasts