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  • DWO WhoCast

    DWO WhoCast - #285 - Doctor Who Podcast

    DWO WhoCast

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    23:07 (GMT) - 30 Mar 2013

    Doctor Who returns to our screens in an adventure that sees him travel past (and up) some of London's most notable landmarks to save new companion Clara but has the latest episode been worth the wait?

    Dave, Elizabeth and Michelle have a ding dong over The Bells of Saint John before our own Belles (see what we did there) Elizabeth and Michelle travel back to the era of Jon Pertwee to encounter The Daemons.

  • The Doctor Who Book Club Podcast

    Episode 27: The Scarlet Empress

    The Doctor Who Book Club Podcast

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    21:36 (GMT) - 30 Mar 2013

    This March it’s all about Paul Magrs (pronounced “mars”, by the way).  That means we’re serving up a whopping dose of gin and tonics with The Scarlet Empress, the novel that introduced the world to Iris Wildthyme.  From the back cover:

    Arriving on the almost impossibly ancient planet of Hyspero, a world where magic and danger walk hand in hand, the Doctor and Sam are caught up in a bizarre struggle for survival.

    Hyspero has been ruled for thousands of years by the Scarlet Empresses, creatures of dangerous powers – powers that a member of the Doctor’s own race is keen to possess herself: the eccentric time traveller and philanderer known only as Iris Wildthyme.

    As the real reason for Iris’s obsession becomes clear, the Doctor and Sam must embark on a perilous journey across deserts, mountains, forests and oceans.  Both friends and foes are found among spirts, djinns, alligator men and golden bears – but in a land where the magical is possible, is anything really as it seems?

    Feel free to email us at dwbcpodcast@gmail.com and follow us Twitter via @dwbcpodcast.  Also, follow Erik via @sjcaustenite and Sean via @tardistavern.

  • The Doctor Who Book Club Podcast

    Episode 27: The Scarlet Empress

    The Doctor Who Book Club Podcast

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    21:36 (GMT) - 30 Mar 2013

    This March it's all about Paul Magrs (pronounced "mars", by the way). That means we're serving up a whopping dose of gin and tonics with The Scarlet Empress, the novel that introduced the world to Iris Wildthyme. From the back cover:

    Arriving on the almost impossibly ancient planet of Hyspero, a world where magic and danger walk hand in hand, the Doctor and Sam are caught up in a bizarre struggle for survival.

    Hyspero has been ruled for thousands of years by the Scarlet Empresses, creatures of dangerous powers - powers that a member of the Doctor's own race is keen to possess herself: the eccentric time traveller and philanderer known only as Iris Wildthyme.

    As the real reason for Iris's obsession becomes clear, the Doctor and Sam must embark on a perilous journey across deserts, mountains, forests and oceans. Both friends and foes are found among spirts, djinns, alligator men and golden bears - but in a land where the magical is possible, is anything really as it seems?

    Feel free to email us at dwbcpodcast@gmail.com and follow us Twitter via @dwbcpodcast. Also, follow Erik via @sjcaustenite and Sean via @tardistavern.

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 166(Dr Who: The Bells of Saint John review)

    Tim's Take On...

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    19:19 (GMT) - 30 Mar 2013

    Doctor Who returns it's the oddly named Series 7b and something's in the wi fi and I don't just mean this show. My first mini review of 2013 as the Doctor meets his new companion for the third time.

    End Theme is Dr Who Theme(Nintendo SNES version) by Doctor Octoroc

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 166(Dr Who: The Bells of Saint John review)

    Tim's Take On...

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    19:19 (GMT) - 30 Mar 2013

    Doctor Who returns it's the oddly named Series 7b and something's in the wi fi and I don't just mean this show. My first mini review of 2013 as the Doctor meets his new companion for the third time.

    End Theme is Dr Who Theme(Nintendo SNES version) by Doctor Octoroc

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 166(Dr Who: The Bells of Saint John review)

    Tim's Take On...

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    19:19 (GMT) - 30 Mar 2013

    Doctor Who returns it's the oddly named Series 7b and something's in the wi fi and I don't just mean this show. My first mini review of 2013 as the Doctor meets his new companion for the third time.

    End Theme is Dr Who Theme(Nintendo SNES version) by Doctor Octoroc

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • The Flashing Blade Podcast

    The Flashing Blade Podcast - 1-149 - Doctor Who Podcast

    The Flashing Blade Podcast

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    17:32 (GMT) - 30 Mar 2013

    A late result, 

    Jago and Litefoot 5 : Gallifrey 5.

    That result, there, meaning that Jago and Litefoot go through to the play-offs where they'll face either Dalek Empire or Cybermen. That match to be played on Wednesday evening... there.

    And now on BBC1.....

    And in the end, It is the most shattering experience of a young man's life when one morning he awakes and quite reasonably says to himself, "I will never play the Dane.

  • The Unearthly Child Podcast

    050 - The Unearthly Child Podcast: The Angels Take Manhattan and The Snowmen

    The Unearthly Child Podcast

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    16:35 (GMT) - 30 Mar 2013

    I've caught up just in time: in this episode I review episodes 5 and 6 of this series, The Angels Take Manhattan and The Snowmen, the Christmas special.

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 305: Big Finish Retrospective 001 Sirens of Time

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    15:30 (GMT) - 30 Mar 2013

    DOCTOR WHO TIN DOG PODCAST - BIG FINISH RETROSPECTIVE 001   SIRENS OF TIME Gallifrey is in a state of crisis, facing destruction at the hands of an overwhelming enemy. And the Doctor is involved in three different incarnations - each caught up in a deadly adventure, scattered across time and space. The web of time is threatened - and someone wants the Doctor dead. The three incarnations of the Doctor must join together to set time back on the right track - but in doing so, will they unleash a still greater threat? The Seventh Doctor is in Episode 1 of this four-part story; the Fifth Doctor is in episode 2; the Sixth Doctor is in episode 3; and all three Doctors are in the final episode. Written By: Nicholas BriggsDirected By: Nicholas Briggs Plot Vansell, a member of the Celestial Intervention Agency, arrives on Gallifrey with an urgent message for the President of the Time Lords — an invasion fleet threatens the planet and Time Lord technology will not be able to repel them. History has somehow been distorted, and the only clue is the artron energy of a Time Lord in the distortion... the energy belongs to the Doctor. The Seventh Doctor hears the cloister bell tolling within the TARDIS and changes the coordinate setting. A message comes through from the Time Lords but is too garbled for the Doctor to make out its content. He then hears a mysterious sound coming from outside the TARDIS, and exits to investigate. He hears a woman, Elenya, drowning in quicksand and rushes to her rescue. He is waylaid by a cackling hag who says both he and Elenya will die. Arriving at the quicksand, the Doctor wonders why the hag had not tried to save Elenya, and takes her back to the TARDIS. The hag, Ruthley, returns to attend to a crippled old man named Sancroft, her prisoner. Over a communicator, she reports to a commandant who questions her over ion trails he has detected in her sector but she denies knowledge of them. At the TARDIS, the Doctor is not able to enter his ship. He asks Elenya how she arrived on the world. Sensing some familiarity about her he asks if they have met before. Elenya says that she crash landed on the planet. They set out to search for the hag's residence, as another space craft crash lands nearby. Hearing the crash, Sancroft asks Ruthley if the planet's shields are failing, but she then taunts him that no one is coming to his rescue. The Doctor and Elenya see a ship that somehow makes it through the shields. Ruthley is heard communicating with an alien voice on the ship, which informs her that bio-assassin cultures will activate on landing. The Doctor and Elenya desperately dive for cover as a further ship makes a landing nearby. They arrive at its crash site as something alive emerges. Elenya thinks she is looking at a dying creature, but the Doctor believes the opposite — it is something being born. Ruthley speaks to a planetary security robot, a Drudger, and commands it to eliminate the Doctor and Elenya, but it tells her that that procedure is not permitted. Ruthley, talking to herself, says that does not matter because all will be dead soon. The Doctor and Elenya come across the robot which commences to do a mind scan which knocks them out. The Doctor awakes to find himself with Sancroft, but Elenya is still unconscious. He is surprised that the Doctor is not afraid of him. The Drudger reports to Ruthley that it has found bio-engineered life forms emerging from the wreck. The robot confronts the life form and commands it to surrender, it reply is to open fire. Ruthley comes to the cell and tells them they cannot escape, as in the distance they hear the Drudgers being destroyed. Ruthley cackles and tells them that "they" will kill all of them. The Doctor asks if there is anywhere in the house they can all hide, and Sancroft suggests Ruthley's bedroom. Thinking she has done a deal with them, Ruthley approaches the bio-assassins and tells them that infamous Sancroft, First Knight of Velyshaa, is there for ready them to kill. However, the bio-assassins eliminate her so there will be no witnesses. The bio-assassin plays a recorded message — Sancroft has been sentenced to death for war crimes against the people of Calfadoria. When the Doctor pleads with the assassin to spare their lives, it tells him that it has no quarrel with anyone but Sancroft. However there must be no witnesses, and the assassin opens fire... A submarine prepares to attack a British freighter as the TARDIS materialises on board. The Fifth Doctor disembarks searching for some sort of distortion. He hears a voice of Time Lord calling to him to return to the TARDIS because of the "destruction of time". However, he is unable to get back inside his craft. A woman arrives and tells him that she will take him to her Captain, just as the submarine starts its attack. The submarine crew spot two survivors clinging to a box floating in the debris of the remains of the ship. The Doctor and the woman, Helen, are brought on board and a thrown in a cell. The craft submerges as a British destroyer enters the area. The Doctor demands to see Captain Schweiger with vital information for the Kaiser. The Doctor pretends to be a German spy, telling him that proof of his identity is in an airtight crate now floating in the sea. The Captain is unwilling to retrieve the crate because of the British ships in the area. When returned the cell, the Doctor notices evidence of a time distortion. One of the crew, Schmidt, begins to attack the Doctor and the voice of a Time Lord is heard urging on the attack. On Gallifrey, Vansell is reprimanded for his brutish plan by the President. However, Vansell insists that the Doctor must be stopped, whatever the cost. On the submarine, Helen tends to the Doctor's wounds after his fight as the alarms on the craft go off. A vessel, the Aquitania, the Lusitania or the Mauritania, has been sighted, and the submarine prepares to attack it. Vansell telepathically contacts Schmidt and again tells him to kill the Doctor. He goes to the cell with a pistol, and the Doctor tries to reason with him. The observing Time Lords argue over whether to kill the Doctor but Vansell proceeds to give the order to Schmidt to kill, who then shoots. Schweiger hears the shot and rushes to investigate. The Doctor is still alive, and Helen taking Schmidt's gun shoots and kills the German. The Doctor takes the gun from her, he has only suffered a shoulder wound. He threatens to shoot Schweiger unless he turns the submarine around. Schweiger does not believe the Doctor could shoot him, but Helen takes the gun and displays more determination. Schweiger turns the submarine around and it heads towards the last known position of the TARDIS. The Doctor however is still unable to reunite with his companions inside the TARDIS and realises that the Time Lords wish him to be dead... On Gallifrey, Vansell discovers that a female presence exists inhabiting the vortex at each of the nexus points at which the Doctor has been observed. He has found a further incident involving theSixth Doctor and the legendary time beast, the Temperon, in the Kurgon system. He pleads with the president for more power, but the President announces that the transduction barriers have been breached and the aliens have landed on Gallifrey. They call themselves the Knights of Velyshaa and have demanded an unconditional surrender... The Sixth Doctor finds himself at some kind of conference on a space ship where a waitress seems very familiar to him. The ship, the Edifice, is investigating a spatial anomaly known as theKurgon Wonder. However, a particle field quickly surrounds the ship — the Doctor identifies it as a shard of time distortion. He hears voice saying "help me", but is unable to identify the source. With the exception of the Doctor, a waitress named Elly and an android pilot, everyone on board is aged to death by the disruption. The Doctor tells Elly he believes the TARDIS has crashed into the Kurgon Wonder. They are attacked by some kind of monster but the pilot arrives and shoots it. Time distortion begins to make the hull of the ship disintegrate. The Doctor realises that the ship is still heading into the Wonder through momentum. Analysis of the monsters reveals that they are created by accelerated evolution of bacteria and viruses. On Gallifrey, the Knights shoot dead the President, their technology inhibiting any further regenerations. Vansell is also shot but manages to send a final message through the pilot's positronic brain: "do not free the Temperon." Elly reveals that she is part of an organisation dedicated to freeing a being they believe is trapped in the Kurgon Wonder. The Doctor deduces from the presences of Temperon particles that the Wonder is in fact the legendary Temperon trapped at the moment of its death. As the pilot is about to relay the Time Lord's message to the Doctor, Elly shoots it. Afterwards, the Doctor finds himself back in the TARDIS at the centre of the Wonder. The Doctor attempts to dematerialise which will also free the Temperon. The Temperon tells the Doctor that he has released the Knights of Velyshaa. As the Doctor is smothered by the Temperon it issues a final warning: "Beware the Sirens of Time..." The Temperon absorbs the Doctor into itself and continues its warning about the Sirens of Time. Deposited on Gallifrey, he finds himself in the Panopticon alongside his fifth and seventh incarnations, also brought by the Temperon. They enter contact to share their experiences. They realise the girl each of them encountered was in fact the same person. One of the Knights of Velyshaa welcomes Knight Commander Lyena to Gallifrey in the name of Sancroff. They detect Time Lord life signs and force the Doctors to flee. Escaping into the lower parts of Capitol, they start to search for the Temperon. The Sixth and Seventh Doctors observe a Knight out of its armour, its flesh is rotted and diseased. Soon they find the restrained Temperon, but are captured by the Knights. All three Doctors are brought before Lyena who reveals that subjugated Time Lords are being used to revitalise the Knights. She proceeds to reveal what happened next at each of the nexus points. The Seventh Doctor rerouted the planetary shields to repel the bio-assassins and save Sancroff. The Knights one day found him to inspire their plans of conquest. The Fifth Doctor's actions prevented the sinking of the Lusitania. Although the outcome of the First World War was not greatly affected, a common criminal on board the ship who should have died went on to murder Alexander Fleming. Penicillin was never discovered and in 1956 a plague devastated the Earth. This in turn prevented future humans from defeating the Knights of Velyshaa in battle. When the Sixth Doctor freed the Temperon, its destruction allowed the Knights to gain the powers of Time Travel. However, Lyena pleads with the Doctor to return in time and reverse all the changes. It seems that the destruction of the Temperon caused a disease which affected all the Knights. The last remaining TARDIS on Gallifrey is too damaged to allow them to use it. When they suggest they should release the Temperon, Lyena immediately refuses and orders the Doctors be arrested. The Temperon warns the Doctors to beware the Sirens of Time, and to beware Lyena. Grabbing a weapon from a Knight guard, they use it to release the Temperon from its restraints. It tells the Doctors that Elenya, Helen, Ellie and Lyena are all the same, manifestations of the Sirens of Time — a race that feeds on the energies of chaos, distortions and disruptions in time. Unable to disrupt directly, they lure others to do so. If the Doctors obey the Sirens call more than once, they will be forever trapped in their thrall, but Lyena threatens to kill the Fifth Doctor if they disobey her. The Temperon tells the Doctors if they free it, it will go back in time and destroy the Sirens at the beginning of time. However, they realise he cannot destroy the Sirens or he would have already done so. The Temperon admits this, but he could contain them. Renewing her threat to kill the Fifth Doctor, the Sixth Doctor uses his pragmatism to see through the threat and releases the Temperon. Sancroff is killed by a bio-assassin, the Lusitania is destroyed by the German submarine. Vansell's TARDIS arrives on Gallifrey but nothing is out of the ordinary, and he departs. The Doctors arrive at the nexus point where the Seventh Doctor met Elenya for the first time, but ignore her cries for help. They see the hag Ruthley but tell her they were never there. The Doctors then depart, each to try to find their own TARDIS's... [edit]Cast The Seventh Doctor (parts 1 & 4) — Sylvester McCoy The Fifth Doctor (parts 2 & 4) — Peter Davison The Sixth Doctor (parts 3 & 4) — Colin Baker Commander Raldeth — Andrew Fettes Coordinator Vansell — Anthony Keetch The President — Michael Wade Elenya — Sarah Mowat Ruthley — Maggie Stables Sancroff — Colin McIntyre Commandant — John Wadmore Lt Zenther — John Wadmore Captain Schweiger — Mark Gatiss Schmidt — Andrew Fettes Helen — Sarah Mowat The Temperon — Nicholas Briggs Ellie — Sarah Mowat Pilot Azimendah — John Wadmore Captain — Mark Gatiss Delegate — Nicholas Pegg Sub-commander — John Wadmore Knight Commander Lyena — Sarah Mowat Knight 2 — Mark Gatiss [edit]Continuity The Sirens of Time feed off changes in history in the same way as the Timewyrm who featured in the Seventh Doctor novel range The Virgin New Adventures. The Temperon may be related to the Chronovores first introduced in The Time Monster. Co-ordinator Vansell returns in The Apocalypse Element, Neverland and in the Doctor Who Unbound play, He Jests at Scars... He was previously mentioned in the novel Divided Loyalties. The Knights of Velyshaa and Drudgers return in Big Finish's Dalek Empire audio series. The Doctors share a moment of telepathic contact first seen in The Three Doctors, accompanied a sound effect also introduced in that story. These three Doctors team up with the Eighth Doctor to defeat the Daleks in The Four Doctors. [edit]External links Big Finish Productions - The Sirens of Time The Sirens of Time at the Doctor Who Reference Guide DiscContinuity Guide - The Sirens of Time Cast Peter Davison (Fifth Doctor); Colin Baker (Sixth Doctor); Sylvester McCoy (Seventh Doctor); Andrew Fettes (Commander Raldeth / Schmidt); Anthony Keetch(Coordinator Vansell); Michael Wade (The President); Sarah Mowat (Knight Commander Lyena); Maggie Stables (Ruthley); Colin McIntyre (Sancroff); John Wadmore (Commandant / Lt Zentener / Pilot Azimendah / Sub-Commander Solanec); Mark Gatiss (Captain Schwieger / Captain / Knight 2); Nicholas Briggs(The Temperon / Drudgers); Nicholas Pegg (Delegate)

  • The Untempered Schism Podcast

    Episode 65 : The Seeds of Doom

    The Untempered Schism Podcast

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    04:00 (GMT) - 30 Mar 2013

    There are some odd things you can find in the ice of Antarctica, a pair of alien pods turns out to be one of them. This gets the Doctor and Sarah involved, but not before one of the pod germinates and creates a plant monster. Luckily it's not too hard to defeat, but unfortunately the other pod is stolen by a planet obsessed crazy man who likes the idea of a giant plant monster running around killing everyone and everything. And we do mean giant plant monster!

    Feedback to: show@untemperedschism.org

    Twitter: @schismpodcast
    Web: http://www.untemperedschism.org/

    Duration: 30:36

  • Geeklectic

    Geeklectic: Episode 4- Half River Song, Half River Tam


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    00:59 (GMT) - 30 Mar 2013

    Clay & Stephen return for episode 3 where they abandon the 5x5 format and join in the Geekgasm on: 1. They discuss the "Geekgasm Weekend"- The Walking Dead season finale, the Game of Thrones premier and the Dr Who season 7B premiere are all this weekend! 2. They discuss the "mini-episode" of Dr Who which leads down a long and winding path of discussion of - the Doctor as an allegory for God and the relative strengths and weaknesses of all the companions 3. The show closes on a long discussion of Firefly, especially the strong points of the characters and some of the missteps and things that would have been expected had the show had more than the, sadly, short run. Please send us feedback to smartpenguin78@yahoo.com or on twitter @geeklectic or @smartpenguin78

  • Geeklectic

    Geeklectic: Episode 4- Half River Song, Half River Tam


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    00:59 (GMT) - 30 Mar 2013

    Clay & Stephen return for episode 3 where they abandon the 5x5 format and join in the Geekgasm on: 1. They discuss the "Geekgasm Weekend"- The Walking Dead season finale, the Game of Thrones premier and the Dr Who season 7B premiere are all this weekend! 2. They discuss the "mini-episode" of Dr Who which leads down a long and winding path of discussion of - the Doctor as an allegory for God and the relative strengths and weaknesses of all the companions 3. The show closes on a long discussion of Firefly, especially the strong points of the characters and some of the missteps and things that would have been expected had the show had more than the, sadly, short run. Please send us feedback to smartpenguin78@yahoo.com or on twitter @geeklectic or @smartpenguin78

  • Earth Station One

    The ESO Dragon*Con Khan Report 2013 Ep 3

    Earth Station One

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    23:47 (GMT) - 29 Mar 2013

    Believe or not, we are past the halfway point to Dragon*Con 2013! Mike, Mike, Darren and Mary Lou Who discuss the latest news, guest announcements, and volunteer information (official and otherwise). We also chat with the new Podcasting Track Director, Brian Dunaway. JC and Rita de la Torre join us to disclose what their first … Continue reading

  • The Happiness Patrol

    Episode 105: Fun with Typing

    The Happiness Patrol

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    13:39 (GMT) - 29 Mar 2013

    This week on The Happiness Patrol Dale, Lela, Nancy and Lew are all back together and SO excited for the brand new episode of Doctor Who with the BRAND NEW COMPANION!!!

    So sit back, relax, slip on the headphones and pretend you don't have to go to work on this week's

    Happiness Patrol Episode 105: Fun with Typing

  • The Happiness Patrol

    Episode 105: Fun with Typing

    The Happiness Patrol

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    13:39 (GMT) - 29 Mar 2013

    This week on The Happiness Patrol Dale, Lela, Nancy and Lew are all back together and SO excited for the brand new episode of Doctor Who with the BRAND NEW COMPANION!!!

    So sit back, relax, slip on the headphones and pretend you don't have to go to work on this week's

    Happiness Patrol Episode 105: Fun with Typing

  • Transmissions From Atlantis

    Episode 33 - Spoilerific Previews of the Season Premieres for Doctor Who & Game of Thrones

    Transmissions From Atlantis

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    12:07 (GMT) - 29 Mar 2013

    Hey there folks, we are all in on season premieres this week. First we look at the premiere of Game of Thrones and give you some juicy spoilers that we expect to see this season. Then later it’s all about the Bells of St. John – the series 7B premiere of Doctor Who coming this weekend.

    Who are the villains, what type of episode will it be? We’ll give you the scoop. As always, we’ll review the latest episode of the Walking Dead and give you all the latest sci-fi and horror news – including some disturbing info on Star Wars Clone Wars.

    We have an occurrence as rare as a solar eclipse – JC admits he was wrong. We have some Doctor Who 50th anniversary scoopage and in Legacy Who Redux, we introduce you properly to the First Doctor.

    All this and more from Transmissions From Atlantis!

    Schedule and links after the jump!

    Episode 33 Schedule

    1:30 Opening

    4:32 SciFi News

    23:40 Horror News

    33:04 Doctor Who News

    1:00:22 Legacy Who Redux

    • The First Doctor

    1:10:52 Closing featuring the Beatles’ “Let it Be”


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    The post Episode 33 – Spoilerific Previews of the Season Premieres for Doctor Who & Game of Thrones appeared first on Transmissions From Atlantis.

  • Dirty WHOers's Podcast

    Dirty WHOers 053

    Dirty WHOers's Podcast

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    08:00 (GMT) - 29 Mar 2013

    Reviewing the the series 2 Harnell classic 'The Web Planet' [1965].

  • An Improbable Podcast

    Episode 12: Three Half-Lifes

    An Improbable Podcast

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    04:03 (GMT) - 29 Mar 2013

    itunes pic
    featuring Sandro JF & Rhys Parton with special guest Adam J Purcell RATED E: for everyone 00:01: Opening Theme, Welcomes & Announcements 02:49: Half-Life 2 (Review) 20:04: A Rude Interruption From the Editor 21:27: Doctor Who: 50th Anniversary: Hopes and Fears 46:03: Goodbyes & Ending Theme AIP is supported by GoReCo.MC! Please check out their brilliant Minecraft (DayZ & War of the Roses coming soon) server! The IP on the website, which is listed below: "gorecomc.webs.com" Rhys and Sandro do other podcasts! Here are links to them: An Improbable Website "improbablewebsite.webs.com" Voyagers in the TARDIS "tardisvoyagers.webs.com" 'Who' - is the man "whoisthemanpodcast.com" The Doctor Who Archives "dwarchives.wordpress.com" MEGAMIX "themegamixsite.webs.com" The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast "the20mbdoctorwhopodcast.podbean.com" The Pratchett Podcast "thepratchettpodcast.wordpress.com"

  • Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Episode 31: The Season of Clara

    Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who Podcast

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    02:57 (GMT) - 29 Mar 2013

    Series 7B is almost here and we’re gearing up for the new content. We discuss theories, speculations, fears, and so much more. Can’t wait until Saturday? (Or want to relive the hype depending on when you find this. Helloooooooo future … Continue reading

  • Earth Station One

    Earth Station One Episode 156 - Winter is coming to ESO

    Earth Station One

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    01:46 (GMT) - 29 Mar 2013

    On this episode, the ESO crew sing of ice and fire! Bobby thought this was another musical episode, so he steps away while Mike and Mike are joined by Jessa Phillips (GoodtoBeaGeek.com), Rita De La Torre (Transmissions from Atlantis), Tara (Ice and Fire Con), and listener Jon Kenoyer for a review of the novels by … Continue reading

  • The Oncoming Storm

    The Oncoming Storm Ep 52: Destiny of the Doctor #2 Jumping at Shadows

    The Oncoming Storm

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    01:01 (GMT) - 29 Mar 2013

    Normally your hosts, Josh Wilson and Ashley Raburn get along just fine. But in The Oncoming Storm Episode 52, there is dissention in the ranks! Is it over this week's Big Finish/AudioGo story in the Destiny of the Doctor series, Shadow of Death by Simon Guerrier? No, they both seem to really like the story itself. Maybe there is some Doctor Who news that has them in a tizzy? No, it's a pretty light news week. No folks, it's all about some shadows, ones that don't really have a thing to do with this particular story. Once they are able to set aside their differences, there is talk related to the actual story, with praises sung about Frazer Hines, Josh's writer tiers, and the sad lack of Wendy Padbury. The Oncoming Storm... This time, we DON'T have the bloody Vashta Nerada. Seriously. I mean it.

  • The Memory Cheats

    The Memory Cheats #55

    The Memory Cheats

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    17:00 (GMT) - 28 Mar 2013

    Episode #55 of Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats! In this episode, we discuss...

    Visit our website at http://www.thememorycheats.libsyn.com

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  • The Memory Cheats

    The Memory Cheats #55

    The Memory Cheats

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    17:00 (GMT) - 28 Mar 2013

    Episode #55 of Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats! In this episode, we discuss...

    Visit our website at http://www.thememorycheats.libsyn.com

    Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thememorycheats

    Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorWhoTheMemoryCheats

  • The Memory Cheats

    The Memory Cheats #55

    The Memory Cheats

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:00 (GMT) - 28 Mar 2013

    Episode #55 of Doctor Who: The Memory Cheats! In this episode, we discuss...

    Visit our website at http://www.thememorycheats.libsyn.com

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  • Kasterborous Podkast

    The "End of an Era?" PodKast

    Kasterborous Podkast

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:26 (GMT) - 28 Mar 2013

    Kasterborous Doctor Who podKastFollowing news that Steven Moffat considers his time on Doctor Who to be closer to the end than the beginning, and that he – like Matt Smith – takes things one year at a time, could it be that we are approaching the end of an era?

    That’s the angle for this week’s Kasterborous podKast (with a “K”) in which Christian Cawley and James McLean discuss the current situation, with added recollection of common Moffat tropes (a companion met at several times throughout her life, for instance) and the recent departure of Caro Skinner thrown in for good measure.

    We also look forward to the Spoonheads and The Bells of Saint John, and spend a bit of time chatting about what we’ve been enjoying recently in our recommendations section.

    How will you be listening? There are three options for you to enjoy the podKast!

    1. Use the player in the top right of the Kasterborous home page, or visit the podKast menu link.
    2. Listen with the "pop out" player above, which also allows you to download the podKast to your computer.
    3. You can also take advantage of the RSS feed to subscribe to the podKast for your media player, and even find us on iTunes!

    Incidentally, if you are listening on iTunes, please take the time to leave a rating and review and help us to bring in new listeners to the podKast! We are now offering a year's worth of podKasts dedicated to you.

    Yes, dear listener - you. What other podcast would give you that?

  • The You Who Podcast

    Episode 21: Soon...

    The You Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:55 (GMT) - 28 Mar 2013

    itunes pic

    We get excited for series 7b/zimblezamble/beta and talk NEWS! Basic Random chat, folks. Have a listen!


    Twittuzzz: @onlybloodydavid @clareylouwho @youwhopodcast


    e-mail: youwhopodcast@yahoo.co.uk



    ...I invented the Quadracycle.

  • Drunken Time Travel

    4.04 The Highlanders

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:06 (GMT) - 28 Mar 2013

    As Jamie joins the travellers, we talk about all things Scottish - English Gav's amazing accent, stoner kebabs, and Scottish Ale.

    Second Doctor, Polly, Ben, and Jamie

    Scotland, 1745. The Doctor. Ben and Polly arrive in Scotland after the battle of Culloden and meet a band of highlanders who are fleeing in defeat. Their laird is injured and the three offer to help tend his injuries. Polly and Kirsty McLaren, the laird's daughter, go to fetch some water but whilst they are gone the others are captured by redcoat troops. Things become worse when the group is taken again - this time by the crooked solicitor Grey, who is part of the West Indian slave trade. The prisoners, Ben amongst them, are bundled on board the Annabelle where the wicked Captain Trask issues dire threats of drowning. Meanwhile The Doctor is on dry land confusing all and sundry in a variety of disguises. However, his bumbling manner hides a sharp brain... Episodes - 4 Credits Writen By: Gerry Davies & Elwyn Jones Directed By: Hugh David Links Alba Scots Pine Ale Stoner Kebab DTT 4.04 - The Highlanders (mp3 download)

  • Doctor Who Review Today

    EPISODE 133 - DW Monthly for March Review of The Ambassadors of Death

    Doctor Who Review Today

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:12 (GMT) - 28 Mar 2013

    GRAEME IS BACK !!! and we are reviewing The Ambassadors of Death.

  • Drunken Time Travel

    4.04 The Highlanders

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:06 (GMT) - 28 Mar 2013

    As Jamie joins the travellers, we talk about all things Scottish - English Gav's amazing accent, stoner kebabs, and Scottish Ale.

    Second Doctor, Polly, Ben, and Jamie

    Scotland, 1745. The Doctor. Ben and Polly arrive in Scotland after the battle of Culloden and meet a band of highlanders who are fleeing in defeat. Their laird is injured and the three offer to help tend his injuries. Polly and Kirsty McLaren, the laird's daughter, go to fetch some water but whilst they are gone the others are captured by redcoat troops. Things become worse when the group is taken again - this time by the crooked solicitor Grey, who is part of the West Indian slave trade. The prisoners, Ben amongst them, are bundled on board the Annabelle where the wicked Captain Trask issues dire threats of drowning. Meanwhile The Doctor is on dry land confusing all and sundry in a variety of disguises. However, his bumbling manner hides a sharp brain... Episodes - 4 Credits Writen By: Gerry Davies & Elwyn Jones Directed By: Hugh David Links Alba Scots Pine Ale Stoner Kebab DTT 4.04 - The Highlanders (mp3 download)

  • Drunken Time Travel

    4.04 The Highlanders

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:06 (GMT) - 28 Mar 2013

    As Jamie joins the travellers, we talk about all things Scottish - English Gav's amazing accent, stoner kebabs, and Scottish Ale.

    Second Doctor, Polly, Ben, and Jamie

    Scotland, 1745. The Doctor. Ben and Polly arrive in Scotland after the battle of Culloden and meet a band of highlanders who are fleeing in defeat. Their laird is injured and the three offer to help tend his injuries. Polly and Kirsty McLaren, the laird's daughter, go to fetch some water but whilst they are gone the others are captured by redcoat troops. Things become worse when the group is taken again - this time by the crooked solicitor Grey, who is part of the West Indian slave trade. The prisoners, Ben amongst them, are bundled on board the Annabelle where the wicked Captain Trask issues dire threats of drowning. Meanwhile The Doctor is on dry land confusing all and sundry in a variety of disguises. However, his bumbling manner hides a sharp brain... Episodes - 4 Credits Writen By: Gerry Davies & Elwyn Jones Directed By: Hugh David Links Alba Scots Pine Ale Stoner Kebab DTT 4.04 - The Highlanders (mp3 download)

  • Drunken Time Travel

    4.04 The Highlanders

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:06 (GMT) - 28 Mar 2013


    As Jamie joins the travellers, we talk about all things Scottish - English Gav's amazing accent, stoner kebabs, and Scottish Ale.

    Second Doctor, Polly, Ben, and Jamie

    Scotland, 1745. The Doctor. Ben and Polly arrive in Scotland after the battle of Culloden and meet a band of highlanders who are fleeing in defeat. Their laird is injured and the three offer to help tend his injuries. Polly and Kirsty McLaren, the laird's daughter, go to fetch some water but whilst they are gone the others are captured by redcoat troops.

    Things become worse when the group is taken again - this time by the crooked solicitor Grey, who is part of the West Indian slave trade. The prisoners, Ben amongst them, are bundled on board the Annabelle where the wicked Captain Trask issues dire threats of drowning.

    Meanwhile The Doctor is on dry land confusing all and sundry in a variety of disguises. However, his bumbling manner hides a sharp brain...

    Episodes - 4


    Writen By: Gerry Davies & Elwyn Jones

    Directed By: Hugh David


    Alba Scots Pine Ale

    Stoner Kebab

    DTT 4.04 - The Highlanders (mp3 download)

  • Arrow of Time

    050 - The Trailer of Monstrous Carnivals

    Arrow of Time

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:19 (GMT) - 28 Mar 2013

    They said it couldn’t be done: using that same cliched line in two different podcast descriptions! Or maybe they said it shouldn’t be done. Whatever the case, I really wish they would just shut up, it’s late and I’m trying to type. Dedicated podcast followers will realize that this episode concludes certain events that may have transpired previously. No spoilers, but you might call this a part two. And for this electric boogaloo, we slice-up yet another trailer with our razor sharp wit. Holy anniversary, Batman! It’s also our 50th podcast. So that’s a thing?

    Alack! What Tube through yonder Who breaks? It’s “Doctor Who: ‘The First Question’” by LastWhovianTrailers, and modern technology allows it to be a click away: http://youtu.be/rrSaTHsHNsc

  • Voyagers in the TARDIS

    Episode 20: Review: The Daleks' Invasion of Earth: Part Two

    Voyagers in the TARDIS

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:39 (GMT) - 28 Mar 2013

    This rather late second part of my full synopsis review of the second story of the second season of classic Doctor Who is finally here! Got feedback? Please send it in to tardisvoyagers@gmail.com

  • Drunken Time Travel

    4.04 The Highlanders

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:06 (GMT) - 28 Mar 2013


    As Jamie joins the travellers, we talk about all things Scottish - English Gav's amazing accent, stoner kebabs, and Scottish Ale.

    Second Doctor, Polly, Ben, and Jamie

    Scotland, 1745. The Doctor. Ben and Polly arrive in Scotland after the battle of Culloden and meet a band of highlanders who are fleeing in defeat. Their laird is injured and the three offer to help tend his injuries. Polly and Kirsty McLaren, the laird's daughter, go to fetch some water but whilst they are gone the others are captured by redcoat troops.

    Things become worse when the group is taken again - this time by the crooked solicitor Grey, who is part of the West Indian slave trade. The prisoners, Ben amongst them, are bundled on board the Annabelle where the wicked Captain Trask issues dire threats of drowning.

    Meanwhile The Doctor is on dry land confusing all and sundry in a variety of disguises. However, his bumbling manner hides a sharp brain...

    Episodes - 4


    Writen By: Gerry Davies & Elwyn Jones

    Directed By: Hugh David


    Alba Scots Pine Ale

    Stoner Kebab

    DTT 4.04 - The Highlanders (mp3 download)

  • Two-minute Time Lord

    2MTL 299: Less Tabloid Garbage, More Female Writers. Please.

    Two-minute Time Lord

    Direct Podcast Download

    02:30 (GMT) - 28 Mar 2013

    A look at what the tabloids did with the John Nathan-Turner biography, and what Doctor Who creative leads should be doing with female writers: inviting them.

  • Sonic Screwballs: Having Fun with Doctor Who

    Daleks Screw Manhattan

    Sonic Screwballs: Having Fun with Doctor Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:41 (GMT) - 28 Mar 2013

    The Sonic Screwball's debut episode takes a hit at the easily forgettable 3rd Season episode: "Daleks in Manhattan." There are pigmen, a spider-man, and everyone's favorite Captain from Naboo! We go from the top of the Empire State Building to the bottom of the New York's dungeony sewers in our quest to make you laugh through this hard-to-bear episode. So get the episode pulled-up on Netflix (paused at very beginning), press play on our audio track, and wait until the signal to start the video. It's just like we're right there with you! (No word on if that's a good thing or not).

    Extra Syncing Note: If you are not watching on Netflix, you'll need to sync with the first scene-cut chime. Here's how: 1.) Start the video. Pause the video when the scene cuts from the billboard with "New York Review" to the girls walking down the hallway. 2.) Start our audio track. Ignore the "press play" countdown. Instead, press play on the video when you hear the first scene-cut chime. (It will be after Andy says "New York Review? I like the Old one better." 3.) Watch, listen, and enjoy!

  • Drunken Time Travel

    4.04 The Highlanders

    Drunken Time Travel

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:06 (GMT) - 27 Mar 2013


    As Jamie joins the travellers, we talk about all things Scottish - English Gav’s amazing accent, stoner kebabs, and Scottish Ale.

    Second Doctor, Polly, Ben, and Jamie

    Scotland, 1745. The Doctor. Ben and Polly arrive in Scotland after the battle of Culloden and meet a band of highlanders who are fleeing in defeat. Their laird is injured and the three offer to help tend his injuries. Polly and Kirsty McLaren, the laird’s daughter, go to fetch some water but whilst they are gone the others are captured by redcoat troops.

    Things become worse when the group is taken again - this time by the crooked solicitor Grey, who is part of the West Indian slave trade. The prisoners, Ben amongst them, are bundled on board the Annabelle where the wicked Captain Trask issues dire threats of drowning.

    Meanwhile The Doctor is on dry land confusing all and sundry in a variety of disguises. However, his bumbling manner hides a sharp brain…

    Episodes - 4


    Writen By: Gerry Davies & Elwyn Jones

    Directed By: Hugh David


    Alba Scots Pine Ale

    Stoner Kebab

    DTT 4.04 - The Highlanders (mp3 download)

  • Doctor Who: Verity!

    Verity! Episode 7 - Tapas

    Doctor Who: Verity!

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:00 (GMT) - 27 Mar 2013

    With new episodes of Doctor Who on the horizon, Deb, Erika, Kat, and Tansy take some time to reminisce about series 7a and speculate about series 7b (not to be confused with serial codes 7A and 7B from "Trial of a Time Lord"). We also discuss costuming, cosplay, the rarity (or not) of watching Doctor Who in order, Big Finish audios, and perhaps most importantly, tapas.

    Resources for watching Doctor Who in order:
    WHO-50 (Tansy’s Doctor Who blogging project)
    The Chronic Hysteresis
    Running Through Corridors
    Adventures with the Wife in Space
    (This is a non-comprehensive list! Please feel free to add more suggestions in the comments.)


    Also covered:
    Doctor Who Yahtzee!
    Prisoners of Time!
    Doctor Who Magazine John Pertwee Interview!
    Big Finish Sixth Doctor audios! (The Marian Conspiracy)

  • Doctor Who: Verity!

    Verity! Episode 7 - Tapas

    Doctor Who: Verity!

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:00 (GMT) - 27 Mar 2013

    With new episodes of Doctor Who on the horizon, Deb, Erika, Kat, and Tansy take some time to reminisce about series 7a and speculate about series 7b (not to be confused with serial codes 7A and 7B from "Trial of a Time Lord"). We also discuss costuming, cosplay, the rarity (or not) of watching Doctor Who in order, Big Finish audios, and perhaps most importantly, tapas.

    Resources for watching Doctor Who in order:
    WHO-50 (Tansy's Doctor Who blogging project)
    The Chronic Hysteresis
    Running Through Corridors
    Adventures with the Wife in Space
    (This is a non-comprehensive list! Please feel free to add more suggestions in the comments.)


    Also covered:
    Doctor Who Yahtzee!
    Prisoners of Time!
    Doctor Who Magazine John Pertwee Interview!
    Big Finish Sixth Doctor audios! (The Marian Conspiracy)

  • Doctor Who: Verity!

    Verity! Episode 7 - Tapas

    Doctor Who: Verity!

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:00 (GMT) - 27 Mar 2013

    With new episodes of Doctor Who on the horizon, Deb, Erika, Kat, and Tansy take some time to reminisce about series 7a and speculate about series 7b (not to be confused with serial codes 7A and 7B from "Trial of a Time Lord"). We also discuss costuming, cosplay, the rarity (or not) of watching Doctor Who in order, Big Finish audios, and perhaps most importantly, tapas.

    Resources for watching Doctor Who in order:WHO-50 (Tansy’s Doctor Who blogging project)The Chronic HysteresisRunning Through CorridorsAdventures with the Wife in Space(This is a non-comprehensive list! Please feel free to add more suggestions in the comments.)


    Also covered:Doctor Who Yahtzee!Prisoners of Time!Doctor Who Magazine John Pertwee Interview!Big Finish Sixth Doctor audios! (The Marian Conspiracy)

  • The Cultdom Collective

    Commentary: Doctor Who - Spearhead From Space Ep 1 & 2

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 27 Mar 2013

    Dave and Ian visit A&E hoping to find Mike who got plastered drinking some wine when Ian's knee gets injured during a fight over a pair of shoes. Whilst we wait for the Doctor to appear we begin this weeks Commentary: Doctor Who - Spearhead From Space Episodes 1 & 2.

  • Doctor Who: The Quest Is The Quest

    Episode 4

    Doctor Who: The Quest Is The Quest

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:48 (GMT) - 27 Mar 2013

    It's the end of an era.....and the beginning of a new one!  It's Episode 4 and enter the Second Doctor, Patrick Troughton.  With only ten surviving episodes, this season was mostly reconstructions....but I survived.  So listen up for the birth of the Cybermen, the return of the Daleks, and very first regeneration.



    Also on Facebook

  • Doctor Who: The Quest Is The Quest

    Episode 4

    Doctor Who: The Quest Is The Quest

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:48 (GMT) - 27 Mar 2013

    It's the end of an era.....and the beginning of a new one! It's Episode 4 and enter the Second Doctor, Patrick Troughton. With only ten surviving episodes, this season was mostly reconstructions....but I survived. So listen up for the birth of the Cybermen, the return of the Daleks, and very first regeneration.



    Also on Facebook

  • Doctor Who: The Quest Is The Quest

    Episode 4

    Doctor Who: The Quest Is The Quest

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:48 (GMT) - 27 Mar 2013

    It's the end of an era.....and the beginning of a new one!  It's Episode 4 and enter the Second Doctor, Patrick Troughton.  With only ten surviving episodes, this season was mostly reconstructions....but I survived.  So listen up for the birth of the Cybermen, the return of the Daleks, and very first regeneration.



    Also on Facebook

  • The Cultdom Collective

    Commentary: Dr Who - Spearhead From Space Ep 1 & 2

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:00 (GMT) - 27 Mar 2013

    Dave and Ian visit A&E hoping to find Mike who got plastered drinking some wine when Ian's knee gets injured during a fight over a pair of shoes. Whilst we wait for the Doctor to appear we begin this weeks Commentary: Doctor Who - Spearhead From Space Episodes 1 & 2.

  • The Cultdom Collective

    Commentary: Dr Who - Spearhead From Space Ep 1 & 2

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:00 (GMT) - 27 Mar 2013

    Dave and Ian visit A&E hoping to find Mike who got plastered drinking some wine when Ian's knee gets injured during a fight over a pair of shoes. Whilst we wait for the Doctor to appear we begin this weeks Commentary: Doctor Who - Spearhead From Space Episodes 1 & 2.

  • The Cultdom Collective

    Commentary: Dr Who - Spearhead From Space Ep 1 & 2

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:00 (GMT) - 27 Mar 2013

    Dave and Ian visit A&E hoping to find Mike who got plastered drinking some wine when Ian's knee gets injured during a fight over a pair of shoes. Whilst we wait for the Doctor to appear we begin this weeks Commentary: Doctor Who - Spearhead From Space Episodes 1 & 2.

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #196 - Season 7B spoilerific preview

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:30 (GMT) - 27 Mar 2013

    As is customary at the DWP before we launch into a new series of Doctor Who, we have a look at the information we know so far about the upcoming stories and see if we can figure out what they are about. The investigation team of Trevor, James and Ian have scoured the internet, looked [...]

  • Doctor Who: Prognosis Negative

    SNS #21 You Only Live Twice '67

    Doctor Who: Prognosis Negative

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:19 (GMT) - 26 Mar 2013

    Shaken Not Stirred XXI


    • Prognosis Negative proudly presents this Shaken Not Stirred, the preeminant James Bond commentary podcast featuring Steven, Josh, Eric, and Kyle.
    • Join us as we dive into a Bond film that would inspire so many cover songs to come, You Only Live Twice. Let the mayhem begin!
    • Nowhere will you find a James Bond commentary that sprinkles in more oblique Doctor Who references.


    • This discussion contains miscellaneous SPOILERS pertaining to the film(s) discussed and more! If you are 100% spoilerphobic to films not yet seen, do not complain to us.
    • The commentary is littered with EXPLICIT terms, concepts, and as always expect strokes of innuendo throughout.



    • COMING SOON: ???


    Oh the things I do for England.


    Steven @LegopolisJosh @whomeJZEric @BullittWHOKyle @FunctionalNerd

    Prognosis Negative @ProgNegEmail: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~comWebsite: prognosisnegative.libsyn.com Tumblr: progneg.tumblr.com Facebook: facebook.com/ProgNeg

    Produced by E.A. Escamilla

Dormant Podcasts