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  • Doctor Who: Verity!

    Extra! - Ask (Two) Verities!

    Doctor Who: Verity!

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:30 (GMT) - 1 Jul 2015

    Welcome to a one-of-a-kind episode of Verity! Join Erika and Liz as we try to figure out a way to salvage a recording session gone horribly wrong. (Well, if you consider having only two Verities horribly wrong. As it turned out, it worked pretty well if we do say so ourselves.) Liz had the bright idea to take questions from the listeners--practically in real time! So that's exactly what we did.

    Huge thanks to the listeners who tweeted us questions and made this whole thing possible! If you have questions you'd like to hear us answer in the future, please leave them in the comments!


    Related links [on our site]:
    Random Trek
    Revolution 60
    Brianna Wu
    Doctor Who - The High Council

  • Gallifrey Stands

    Gallifrey Stands -Ep63- My Doctor Season: Tennant tales & Loki look-a-likey

    Gallifrey Stands

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:45 (GMT) - 1 Jul 2015

    Guest Companion Rosemary Valentine tells us all about her cosplay work as the 10th Doctor as well as many other male & female SciFi icons, how she as a trans-fluid coplayer achieves each character, being on the red carpet at the Avengers premier dressed as Loki, meeting the stars and so much more.

    Also this week we launch our new segment, Whovian Roundup, with Lewis from www.indieMacUser.co.uk

    Gallifrey Stands is sponsored by http://www.DottiesCharms.co.uk. Check out the Doctor Who range today.

    Gallifrey Stands can be found at on twitter @DoctorSquee, by email GallifreyStandsPodcast@gmail.com, on stitcher, iTunes & http://gallifreystandspodcast.podbean.com & on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/1481026762176392/

    You can buy the GallifreyStands lipbalm @ https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/209093664/gallifrey-stands-geek-stix-inspired-by?ref=shop_home_active_12

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 481: Big Finish Main Range 200 - Secret History

    Tin Dog Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:00 (GMT) - 1 Jul 2015

    @bigfinish #doctorwho #tindogpodcast Synopsis The TARDIS brings the Doctor, Steven and Vicki to the Italian city of Ravenna in the year 540 - besieged by the army of the celebrated Byzantine general Belisarius. Caught up in the fighting, Steven ends up on a boat bound for Constantinople, the heart of the Roman Empire. Rescuing Steven, however, is the least of the Doctor's problems - because he shouldn't be mixed up in this particular adventure at all. Someone has sabotaged his own personal timeline, putting him in the place of his First incarnation... but who, and why? The truth is about to be revealed - but at what cost to all of the Doctors, and to the whole future history of the planet Earth? Written By: Eddie RobsonDirected By: Barnaby Edwards Cast Peter Davison (The Doctor), Maureen O'Brien (Vicki), Peter Purves (Steven),Lysette Anthony (Sophia), Sarah Woodward (Theodora), Tony Millan (Procopius, Yazid), Giles Watling (Belisarius), Tim Wallers (Justinian)

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 481: Big Finish Main Range 200 - Secret History

    Tin Dog Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:00 (GMT) - 1 Jul 2015

    @bigfinish #doctorwho #tindogpodcast Synopsis The TARDIS brings the Doctor, Steven and Vicki to the Italian city of Ravenna in the year 540 - besieged by the army of the celebrated Byzantine general Belisarius. Caught up in the fighting, Steven ends up on a boat bound for Constantinople, the heart of the Roman Empire. Rescuing Steven, however, is the least of the Doctor's problems - because he shouldn't be mixed up in this particular adventure at all. Someone has sabotaged his own personal timeline, putting him in the place of his First incarnation... but who, and why? The truth is about to be revealed - but at what cost to all of the Doctors, and to the whole future history of the planet Earth? Written By: Eddie RobsonDirected By: Barnaby Edwards Cast Peter Davison (The Doctor), Maureen O'Brien (Vicki), Peter Purves (Steven),Lysette Anthony (Sophia), Sarah Woodward (Theodora), Tony Millan (Procopius, Yazid), Giles Watling (Belisarius), Tim Wallers (Justinian)

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 481: Big Finish Main Range 200 - Secret History

    Tin Dog Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:00 (GMT) - 1 Jul 2015

    @bigfinish #doctorwho #tindogpodcast Synopsis The TARDIS brings the Doctor, Steven and Vicki to the Italian city of Ravenna in the year 540 - besieged by the army of the celebrated Byzantine general Belisarius. Caught up in the fighting, Steven ends up on a boat bound for Constantinople, the heart of the Roman Empire. Rescuing Steven, however, is the least of the Doctor's problems - because he shouldn't be mixed up in this particular adventure at all. Someone has sabotaged his own personal timeline, putting him in the place of his First incarnation... but who, and why? The truth is about to be revealed - but at what cost to all of the Doctors, and to the whole future history of the planet Earth? Written By: Eddie RobsonDirected By: Barnaby Edwards Cast Peter Davison (The Doctor), Maureen O'Brien (Vicki), Peter Purves (Steven),Lysette Anthony (Sophia), Sarah Woodward (Theodora), Tony Millan (Procopius, Yazid), Giles Watling (Belisarius), Tim Wallers (Justinian)

  • Geek Syndicate

    GSN PODCAST: Dissecting Worlds Series 9, ep 7: Espionage Conclusions!

    Geek Syndicate

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    21:45 (GMT) - 30 Jun 2015

    After our month off, Agents M and K are back to wrap up Series 9, go through the Dissecting Worlds mailbag and look back on anything else we missed. As we finally leave Espionage out in the cold, we cover:

    • Christopher Lee, one of DW's favorite actors

    • Feedback - More Bond, Star Trek: Vanguard, Neal Asher's Polity and more.

    • Good SF Spies vs Bad Fantasy Spies, and the "Turncoat" archetype

    • Authors later works do they affect what you think of earlier ones?

    • The official unveiling of Series 10, including its broad running order. Recommendations Welcome!

    Warning: There is some audio chop on this episode we couldn't get rid of. We've made the decision to leave it in, as there was already some feedback we couldn't cover and it seemed a shame to drop us talking about your contributions. So apologies, and we hope you understand.

    Feedback as ever is welcome to @DissectingWrlds on twitter, dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk on email, the Facebook Group or below !

  • Geek Syndicate

    GSN PODCAST: Dissecting Worlds Series 9, ep 7: Espionage Conclusions!

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:45 (GMT) - 30 Jun 2015

    After our month off, Agents M and K are back to wrap up Series 9, go through the Dissecting Worlds mailbag and look back on anything else we missed. As we finally leave Espionage out in the cold, we cover:

    • Christopher Lee, one of DW's favorite actors

    • Feedback - More Bond, Star Trek: Vanguard, Neal Asher's Polity and more.

    • Good SF Spies vs Bad Fantasy Spies, and the "Turncoat" archetype

    • Authors later works do they affect what you think of earlier ones?

    • The official unveiling of Series 10, including its broad running order. Recommendations Welcome!

    Warning: There is some audio chop on this episode we couldn't get rid of. We've made the decision to leave it in, as there was already some feedback we couldn't cover and it seemed a shame to drop us talking about your contributions. So apologies, and we hope you understand.

    Feedback as ever is welcome to @DissectingWrlds on twitter, dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk on email, the Facebook Group or below !

  • Zeus Pod

    ZEUS POD - With Extra Seasoning #6: Season 6 vs New Series 7

    Zeus Pod

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    20:22 (GMT) - 30 Jun 2015

    Welcome to Zeus Pod: With Extra Seasoning Episode 6 In each episode, two random seasons of Doctor Who are thrown into the arena, to be prodded & picked over by our panel of experts. No sides, no defence or prosecution - just the thoughts of three people, however wrong they may be. One thing that is for sure - one season will not leave alive. This month - Pat Vs Matt with Season 6 vs New Series 7. Joining Jono Park are David Ronayne & Peter Adamson.

  • Zeus Pod

    ZEUS POD - With Extra Seasoning #6: Season 6 vs New Series 7

    Zeus Pod

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:22 (GMT) - 30 Jun 2015

    Welcome to Zeus Pod: With Extra Seasoning Episode 6 In each episode, two random seasons of Doctor Who are thrown into the arena, to be prodded & picked over by our panel of experts. No sides, no defence or prosecution - just the thoughts of three people, however wrong they may be. One thing that is for sure - one season will not leave alive. This month - Pat Vs Matt with Season 6 vs New Series 7. Joining Jono Park are David Ronayne & Peter Adamson.

  • Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Pop Culture Honors the Doctor

    Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:12 (GMT) - 30 Jun 2015

    When you love something dearly, you want to surround yourself by it. You immerse yourself in it. You find ways to involve it in aspects of your life where it may otherwise not have a place. If you happen to … Continue reading

  • Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Pop Culture Honors the Doctor

    Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:12 (GMT) - 30 Jun 2015

    When you love something dearly, you want to surround yourself by it. You immerse yourself in it. You find ways to involve it in aspects of your life where it may otherwise not have a place. If you happen to be a writer, producer, director or actor on a film or television set, or perhaps a game developer or author, you might even go so far as to find subtle (or not so subtle) ways to reference that deep-seated interest […]

  • Traveling the Vortex

    Episode 235 - It's All Greek to Me!

    Traveling the Vortex

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    05:03 (GMT) - 30 Jun 2015

    TTV-Logo-1400-150x150In this week’s show, we return to our reviews of Big Finish Production’s Eighth Doctor Adventures. First up, as we near the end of season one, we review Phobos. Then Lucy and the Doctor are taken for a loop, in No More Lies. We’ll give our impressions on these two stories.

    Also, we look at some exiting news from Big Finish with the announcement of New Series characters in their own audio adventures.

    Plus, some finality for the fate of the classic story, The Underwater Menace on DVD (for now).

    And, of course, your feedback.


  • Stories From The Vortex: A Doctor Who Audio Adventures Podcast

    Episode 35: The Doctor And Elizabeth Klein Part Two

    Stories From The Vortex: A Doctor Who Audio Adventures Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:52 (GMT) - 30 Jun 2015

    In the conclusion of our two part look at the stories that introduced one of the most unique companions to ever travel with the Doctor: time traveling Nazi scientist Elizabeth Klein (played by Tracey Childs). In looking at the seventh Doctor audios Survival Of The Fittest (which also features the single episode Klein's Story) and The Architects Of History, Matthew Kresal, Mary Lang and Robert Haynes look at the chemistry between the Doctor and Klein, the fleshing out of Klein's backstory, alien races on audio. the time altering shenanigans in the finale story and more.

    Note: Part of the delay in the episode's release has been due to a series of unexpected technical issues that were not noticed during the original recording. Attempts have been made to fix these issues in the editing stage. We apologize for the inconvenience. Also, this episode does contain spoilers for the stories being reviewed. We advise listening to the stories before listening to the episode. You have been warned...

    You can find the podcast via our website storiesfromthevortex.blogspot.com or on iTunes. If you'd like to send in feedback to the podcast you can do so at feedback.vortex@yahoo.com and you can join the podcasts's Facebook group. We're a proud member of the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.

    Stories From The Vortex is an unofficial and unlicensed Doctor Who podcast and is not affiliated to the British Broadcasting Company (BBC), AudioGo or Big Finish Productions in any way. Doctor Who is a registered trademark of the BBC. No copyright infringement intended.

  • The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast

    episode #269

    The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast

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    21:39 (GMT) - 29 Jun 2015

    Galaxy 4

    Adam is joined by Kirby, Mary and Jason to review this partial reconstruction from the William Hartnell era as we continue 'The Journey' through the history of televised Doctor Who. We also have feedback, new and You Won't Get This One. Then we are joined by Debbie from the sick Cassa Melrose for a health update on her clan.

  • Doctor Who - The High Council

    Doctor Who - The High Council Episode 4

    Doctor Who - The High Council

    Direct Podcast Download

    14:00 (GMT) - 29 Jun 2015

    Whatever awaits The Doctor after returning from the matrix is the subject of this foray into Episode 4 of Deadly Assassin with Josh, Erik, Kyle and Warren. Did Warren whip Josh with the Sash of Rassilon? Could Peter Lorre have played The Master? All these questions and more giggling and screaming like school girls await you when you listen.

  • Doctor Who - The High Council

    Doctor Who - The High Council Episode 4

    Doctor Who - The High Council

    Direct Podcast Download

    14:00 (GMT) - 29 Jun 2015

    Whatever awaits The Doctor after returning from the matrix is the subject of this foray into Episode 4 of Deadly Assassin with Josh, Erik, Kyle and Warren. Did Warren whip Josh with the Sash of Rassilon? Could Peter Lorre have played The Master? All these questions and more giggling and screaming like school girls await you when you listen.

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 480: Big Finish Main Range 199 - Last of the Cybermen

    Tin Dog Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:00 (GMT) - 29 Jun 2015

    @bigfinish @SawbonesHex #Doctorwho #tindogpodcast Synopsis It's been ten years since the final assault on Telos, the last act of the Great Cyber War. Thanks to the Glittergun, humanity prevailed - and the half-machine Cybermen were utterly obliterated. Out on the furthest fringes of the galaxy, however, they left their mark - in the form of a giant Cyber-head, hundreds of feet high. A monument? A memorial? A tomb? The Doctor, the Cybermen's most indefatigable adversary, sets out to investigate... but he fails to return to his TARDIS. Leaving the Ship, his two companions - brave Highlander Jamie MacCrimmon, and super-intelligent Zoe Heriot - find a stranger in the Doctor's place. A stranger in a coat of many colours, who insists that he's the Doctor - transposed in time and space with one of his former selves...But why here? Why now? Has the universe really seen the last of the Cybermen..? Written By: Alan BarnesDirected By: Ken Bentley Cast Colin Baker (The Doctor), Frazer Hines (Jamie), Wendy Padbury (Zoe), Lucy Liemann (Zennox), Kieran Hodgson (Findel), Nicholas Farrell (Captain Frank),Nicholas Briggs (Cybermen)

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 480: Big Finish Main Range 199 - Last of the Cybermen

    Tin Dog Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:00 (GMT) - 29 Jun 2015

    @bigfinish @SawbonesHex #Doctorwho #tindogpodcast Synopsis It's been ten years since the final assault on Telos, the last act of the Great Cyber War. Thanks to the Glittergun, humanity prevailed - and the half-machine Cybermen were utterly obliterated. Out on the furthest fringes of the galaxy, however, they left their mark - in the form of a giant Cyber-head, hundreds of feet high. A monument? A memorial? A tomb? The Doctor, the Cybermen's most indefatigable adversary, sets out to investigate... but he fails to return to his TARDIS. Leaving the Ship, his two companions - brave Highlander Jamie MacCrimmon, and super-intelligent Zoe Heriot - find a stranger in the Doctor's place. A stranger in a coat of many colours, who insists that he's the Doctor - transposed in time and space with one of his former selves...But why here? Why now? Has the universe really seen the last of the Cybermen..? Written By: Alan BarnesDirected By: Ken Bentley Cast Colin Baker (The Doctor), Frazer Hines (Jamie), Wendy Padbury (Zoe), Lucy Liemann (Zennox), Kieran Hodgson (Findel), Nicholas Farrell (Captain Frank),Nicholas Briggs (Cybermen)

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 480: Big Finish Main Range 199 - Last of the Cybermen

    Tin Dog Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:00 (GMT) - 29 Jun 2015

    @bigfinish @SawbonesHex #Doctorwho #tindogpodcast Synopsis It's been ten years since the final assault on Telos, the last act of the Great Cyber War. Thanks to the Glittergun, humanity prevailed - and the half-machine Cybermen were utterly obliterated. Out on the furthest fringes of the galaxy, however, they left their mark - in the form of a giant Cyber-head, hundreds of feet high. A monument? A memorial? A tomb? The Doctor, the Cybermen's most indefatigable adversary, sets out to investigate... but he fails to return to his TARDIS. Leaving the Ship, his two companions - brave Highlander Jamie MacCrimmon, and super-intelligent Zoe Heriot - find a stranger in the Doctor's place. A stranger in a coat of many colours, who insists that he's the Doctor - transposed in time and space with one of his former selves...But why here? Why now? Has the universe really seen the last of the Cybermen..? Written By: Alan BarnesDirected By: Ken Bentley Cast Colin Baker (The Doctor), Frazer Hines (Jamie), Wendy Padbury (Zoe), Lucy Liemann (Zennox), Kieran Hodgson (Findel), Nicholas Farrell (Captain Frank),Nicholas Briggs (Cybermen)

  • The Doctor Who Show

    The Who Wars Podcast #035 (28th June, 2015)

    The Doctor Who Show

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:00 (GMT) - 29 Jun 2015

    00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:48 The Front Page; Rob @WhoWars kicks off this episode with discussion of his week; John Hurt's pancreatic cancer diagnosis; dropping a special episode on Saturday 27th June for @AMAudioMedia including an interview with their Doctor, Andrew Chalmers; and a brief overview of the episode ahead.05:42 FEATURE – CONVENTION – Rob @WhoWars gives Andy @skaromedia a midnight call to discuss Hull Comic Con and his role in the event, as well as a sneak insight into what might appear in Episode 36 based on the event.20:27 FEATURE – REBELS ROUND-UP – Alan @Jedizaugg and Jon @jonathanbw discuss the return of Star Wars: Rebels in The Siege of Lothal.56:50 FEATURE – CLONE WARS – Rob @WhoWars continues to watch the Clone Wars TV series in chronological order. Here, he watches 3.1 Clone Cadets and 3.3 Supply Lines. Seen them? Tell us what you thought: hello@whowars.net1:10:14 INTERVIEW – ARTIST – Kate @Kamiduu talks to Eisner nominated artist, Sara Richard @SaraRichard who has produced both Star Wars and Doctor Who fan art, while currently working professionally on covers for Jem and the Holograms and My Little Pony. She's also the artist of the DC Justice League Tarot Card Set. Be sure to check out her art, and more at the URL below: www.sararichard.com1:32:25 FEATURE – DOCTOR WHO/STAR WARS – Lex @Lexerness asks the Who Wars team how they would put together a Doctor Who and Star Wars crossover story. Rob @WhoWars has a try with the 9th Doctor; Kate @Kamiduu and Andy @Skaromedia tackle the 10th Doctor and Lex puts together a magnum opus for the 11th Doctor. How would you do it? Tell us at hello@whowars.net2:00:20 – The Back Page; closing remarks from Rob @WhoWars, followed by a discussion of his strange and patchy relationship with Doctor Who novels in the past. From the Target novels of the 1970s - 1990s; to the Virgin New Adventures (NAs) and Missing Adventures (MAs) of the 1990s; to the BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (EDAs) and Past Doctor Adventures (PDAs) of the 1990s - 2000s; to the current series of New Series Adventures (NSAs), he talks about them all, his feelings towards them, and whether he read them at the time. He's about to embark on reading the 12th Doctor NSAs.2:18:00 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).

  • Waffle On Podcast

    The Office (UK Version)

    Waffle On Podcast

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    21:43 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    Waffle On about The Office (UK Version)Hello and welcome to this months episode of Waffle On in which Meds and Kell talk about the 2001 British comedy series The Office. This is the show that launched the careers of Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant, Martin Freeman and Mckenzie Crook. Remember we have a Facebook page, just search for Waffle On Podcast in the search bar and we will happily add you to the family. See you next month.

  • Waffle On Podcast

    The Office (UK Version)

    Waffle On Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:43 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    Waffle On about The Office (UK Version)Hello and welcome to this months episode of Waffle On in which Meds and Kell talk about the 2001 British comedy series The Office. This is the show that launched the careers of Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant, Martin Freeman and Mckenzie Crook. Remember we have a Facebook page, just search for Waffle On Podcast in the search bar and we will happily add you to the family. See you next month.

  • Waffle On Podcast

    The Office (UK Version)

    Waffle On Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:43 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015


    Waffle On about The Office (UK Version)

    Hello and welcome to this months episode of Waffle On in which Meds and Kell talk about the 2001 British comedy series The Office. This is the show that launched the careers of Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant, Martin Freeman and Mckenzie Crook.
    Remember we have a Facebook page, just search for Waffle On Podcast in the search bar and we will happily add you to the family.
    See you next month.

  • Waffle On Podcast

    The Office (UK Version)

    Waffle On Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:43 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015


    Waffle On about The Office (UK Version)

    Hello and welcome to this months episode of Waffle On in which Meds and Kell talk about the 2001 British comedy series The Office. This is the show that launched the careers of Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant, Martin Freeman and Mckenzie Crook.
    Remember we have a Facebook page, just search for Waffle On Podcast in the search bar and we will happily add you to the family.
    See you next month.

  • Who's He?

    Who's He? Podcast #208 You want more and you want it fast

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:28 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    What have the Romans ever done for us? According to Boudica not much as Phil and Paul review the 4th Doctor Big Finish story The Wrath of The Iceni. In this story of ancient Britain and the rebellion against the empire (the Roman one that is), Phil and Paul have a little disagreement of their own as both have opposing views on this story and on the Doctor! So sit back and listen to two old gits who most likely had first hand experience of the Roman occupation.

    And in the news, Steven Moffat gets an OBE, a series 9 teaser trailer, San Diego Comic Con tat that didn't make it into Omega's Tat Corner and John Nathan Turner gets his own bus.

    And Phil now refers to you all as fans, not listeners as his ego runs rampant.

  • Who's He?

    You want more and you want it fast

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:28 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    What have the Romans ever done for us? According to Boudica not much as Phil and Paul review the 4th Doctor Big Finish story The Wrath of The Iceni. In this story of ancient Britain and the rebellion against the empire (the Roman one that is), Phil and Paul have a little disagreement of their own as both have opposing views on this story and on the Doctor! So sit back and listen to two old gits who most likely had first hand experience of the Roman occupation.

    And in the news, Steven Moffat gets an OBE, a series 9 teaser trailer, San Diego Comic Con tat that didn't make it into Omega's Tat Corner and John Nathan Turner gets his own bus.

    And Phil now refers to you all as fans, not listeners as his ego runs rampant.

  • Who's He?

    You want more and you want it fast

    Who's He?

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:28 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    What have the Romans ever done for us? According to Boudica not much as Phil and Paul review the 4th Doctor Big Finish story The Wrath of The Iceni. In this story of ancient Britain and the rebellion against the empire (the Roman one that is), Phil and Paul have a little disagreement of their own as both have opposing views on this story and on the Doctor! So sit back and listen to two old gits who most likely had first hand experience of the Roman occupation.

    And in the news, Steven Moffat gets an OBE, a series 9 teaser trailer, San Diego Comic Con tat that didn't make it into Omega's Tat Corner and John Nathan Turner gets his own bus.

    And Phil now refers to you all as fans, not listeners as his ego runs rampant.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #482 - Once Upon A Time In America

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:00 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    In a move sure to shake the very foundations of audio drama, Big Finish is introducing new series Doctor Who characters into the BF-i-verse, and River Song will be the tip of the proverbial spear in this assault of awesomeness. That was but one (but probably the coolest) bit of news this week, including San Diego Comic Con ruminations, Chicago TARDIS news and various other informational nuggets. But our interview this week is with Chicago TARDIS and Gallifrey Base impresario and overall fine fellow Steven Hill, who discusses his Red, White and Who book project chronicling the adventures of the good Doctor in the United States of America. U.S.A.! U.S.A.! And so forth.

    Check out the show notes at htp://www.radiofreeskaro.com

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #482 - Once Upon A Time In America

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:00 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    In a move sure to shake the very foundations of audio drama, Big Finish is introducing new series Doctor Who characters into the BF-i-verse, and River Song will be the tip of the proverbial spear in this assault of awesomeness. That was but one (but probably the coolest) bit of news this week, including San Diego Comic Con ruminations, Chicago TARDIS news and various other informational nuggets. But our interview this week is with Chicago TARDIS and Gallifrey Base impresario and overall fine fellow Steven Hill, who discusses his Red, White and Who book project chronicling the adventures of the good Doctor in the United States of America. U.S.A.! U.S.A.! And so forth.


    Check out the show notes at htp://www.radiofreeskaro.com

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #482 - Once Upon A Time In America

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:00 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    In a move sure to shake the very foundations of audio drama, Big Finish is introducing new series Doctor Who characters into the BF-i-verse, and River Song will be the tip of the proverbial spear in this assault of awesomeness. That was but one (but probably the coolest) bit of news this week, including San Diego Comic Con ruminations, Chicago TARDIS news and various other informational nuggets. But our interview this week is with Chicago TARDIS and Gallifrey Base impresario and overall fine fellow Steven Hill, who discusses his Red, White and Who book project chronicling the adventures of the good Doctor in the United States of America. U.S.A.! U.S.A.! And so forth.

    Check out the show notes at htp://www.radiofreeskaro.com

  • The Doctor Who Show

    Who Wars: Doctor Who - Dark Journey Special

    The Doctor Who Show

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:30 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    00:00 – The Who Wars Network Ident 00:07 - Introduction to this episode from Doctor Who: Dark Journey's leading man, Andrew Chalmers and series producer, MA Tamburro @AMAudioMedia  00:23 - Doctor Who: Dark Journey "The Age of Banishment". This is Episode 3 of Series 2 of Dark Journey, making its début exclusively today here on Who Wars. Would you like to hear more Dark Journey? Need to catch up? Visit amaudiomedia.com/episodes 14:22 - Rob @WhoWars reflects on conducting a near two-hour interview, before hitting play on it. 16:35 – Rob @WhoWars speaks to Andrew Chalmers, the Doctor in Doctor Who: Dark Journey.  Topics covered include Star Wars and Doctor Who (naturally!) as well as some interesting diversions on making fan audio and more. 1:53:47 - Afterword from Rob @WhoWars about this special episode. 1:57:06 – The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show). 1:57:47 – One final anecdote from Andrew Chalmers. You know you want it!

  • The Doctor Who Show

    The Who Wars Podcast #035 (28th June, 2015)

    The Doctor Who Show

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:00 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme

    00:48 The Front Page; Rob @WhoWars kicks off this episode with discussion of his week; John Hurt's pancreatic cancer diagnosis; dropping a special episode on Saturday 27th June for @AMAudioMedia including an interview with their Doctor, Andrew Chalmers; and a brief overview of the episode ahead.

    05:42 FEATURE - CONVENTION - Rob @WhoWars gives Andy @skaromedia a midnight call to discuss Hull Comic Con and his role in the event, as well as a sneak insight into what might appear in Episode 36 based on the event.

    20:27 FEATURE - REBELS ROUND-UP - Alan @Jedizaugg and Jon @jonathanbw discuss the return of Star Wars: Rebels in The Siege of Lothal.

    56:50 FEATURE - CLONE WARS - Rob @WhoWars continues to watch the Clone Wars TV series in chronological order. Here, he watches 3.1 Clone Cadets and 3.3 Supply Lines. Seen them? Tell us what you thought: hello@whowars.net

    1:10:14 INTERVIEW - ARTIST - Kate @Kamiduu talks to Eisner nominated artist, Sara Richard @SaraRichard who has produced both Star Wars and Doctor Who fan art, while currently working professionally on covers for Jem and the Holograms and My Little Pony. She's also the artist of the DC Justice League Tarot Card Set. Be sure to check out her art, and more at the URL below:

    1:32:25 FEATURE - DOCTOR WHO/STAR WARS - Lex @Lexerness asks the Who Wars team how they would put together a Doctor Who and Star Wars crossover story. Rob @WhoWars has a try with the 9th Doctor; Kate @Kamiduu and Andy @Skaromedia tackle the 10th Doctor and Lex puts together a magnum opus for the 11th Doctor. How would you do it? Tell us at hello@whowars.net

    2:00:20 - The Back Page; closing remarks from Rob @WhoWars, followed by a discussion of his strange and patchy relationship with Doctor Who novels in the past. From the Target novels of the 1970s - 1990s; to the Virgin New Adventures (NAs) and Missing Adventures (MAs) of the 1990s; to the BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (EDAs) and Past Doctor Adventures (PDAs) of the 1990s - 2000s; to the current series of New Series Adventures (NSAs), he talks about them all, his feelings towards them, and whether he read them at the time. He's about to embark on reading the 12th Doctor NSAs.

    2:18:00 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).

  • The Sonic Toolbox

    Episode 180: The Caves of the Androzani Rabbits

    The Sonic Toolbox

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:00 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    So there we were, getting ready to do the review for The Caves of Androzani when all these rabbits started to bound into the Toolbox during the news. They were all over the place! But there is really a review here, and Gally news, and a memorial for Christopher Lee (nothing to do with DW, but it's Christopher Lee for pete's sake!), and some other stuff that actually relates to the show.

    WARNING: Contains rabbit chasing and herding.

  • The Sonic Toolbox

    Episode 180: The Caves of the Androzani Rabbits

    The Sonic Toolbox

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:00 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    So there we were, getting ready to do the review for The Caves of Androzani when all these rabbits started to bound into the Toolbox during the news. They were all over the place! But there is really a review here, and Gally news, and a memorial for Christopher Lee (nothing to do with DW, but it's Christopher Lee for pete's sake!), and some other stuff that actually relates to the show.

    WARNING: Contains rabbit chasing and herding.

  • Trust Your Doctor

    Episode 75: The Dalek Syndrome

    Trust Your Doctor

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:57 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    Syndrome was a pretty good villain. Oh wait we’re talking Daleks.

    This week Kiyan and Dylan begin the end of the beginning eras of Doctor Who. If that makes sense. Well basically they’re coming to the end of the Third Doctor’s era, and it’s pretty clearly running down. Terrance Dicks, Barry Letts, and Jon Pertwee have all decided by this time to leave the show at the end of the season. The serial that has apparently so blatantly signposted this end of an era is Death to the Daleks, written by Terry Nation and aired in February and March of 1974.

    Doctor Who (c) The BBC
    Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
    The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Delia Derbyshire.

    Subscribe on iTunes!
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  • Trust Your Doctor

    Episode 75: The Dalek Syndrome

    Trust Your Doctor

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:57 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    Syndrome was a pretty good villain. Oh wait we’re talking Daleks.

    This week Kiyan and Dylan begin the end of the beginning eras of Doctor Who. If that makes sense. Well basically they’re coming to the end of the Third Doctor’s era, and it’s pretty clearly running down. Terrance Dicks, Barry Letts, and Jon Pertwee have all decided by this time to leave the show at the end of the season. The serial that has apparently so blatantly signposted this end of an era is Death to the Daleks, written by Terry Nation and aired in February and March of 1974.

    Doctor Who (c) The BBC
    Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
    The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Delia Derbyshire.

    Subscribe on iTunes!
    Check us out on Facebook!
    Check us out on YouTube!
    Check us out on Twitter!

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE288 - News Round-up & Sad Losses

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:35 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    On our monthly meeting for June 2015 we have a general news round-up and a number of sad losses to report & acknowledge including actors Christopher Lee, Ron Moody, Patrick McNee, Dick Van Pattern & Film Composer James Horner

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Commentary #149: Doctor Who - The Doctor's Daughter

    Staggering Stories Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:23 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    Staggering Stories Commentary: Doctor Who - The Doctor's DaughterSummary:

    Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins, Keith Dunn and Scott Fuller sit down, copied, in front of the 2008 Doctor Who episode, The Doctor’s Daughter, and spout our usual nonsense!

    The Doctor is feeling violated, Jenny’s surprisingly supple, the Hath have fish tanks attached to their faces and Martha’s just along for the ride. But enough of their problems, please sit down with us to enjoy The Doctor’s Daughter...

    Vital Links:

  • The Doctor Who Show

    Who Wars: Doctor Who - Dark Journey Special

    The Doctor Who Show

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:30 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    00:00 - The Who Wars Network Ident

    00:07 - Introduction to this episode from Doctor Who: Dark Journey's leading man, Andrew Chalmers and series producer, MA Tamburro @AMAudioMedia

    00:23 - Doctor Who: Dark Journey "The Age of Banishment". This is Episode 3 of Series 2 of Dark Journey, making its debut exclusively today here on Who Wars.

    Would you like to hear more Dark Journey? Need to catch up? Visit amaudiomedia.com/episodes

    14:22 - Rob @WhoWars reflects on conducting a near two-hour interview, before hitting play on it.

    16:35 - Rob @WhoWars speaks to Andrew Chalmers, the Doctor in Doctor Who: Dark Journey.

    Topics covered include Star Wars and Doctor Who (naturally!) as well as some interesting diversions on making fan audio and more.

    1:53:47 - Afterword from Rob @WhoWars about this special episode.

    1:57:06 - The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).

    1:57:47 - One final anecdote from Andrew Chalmers. You know you want it!

  • Who Wars - A Star Wars  &  Doctor Who Podcast

    The Who Wars Podcast #035 (28th June, 2015)

    Who Wars - A Star Wars & Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme

    00:48 The Front Page; Rob @WhoWars kicks off this episode with discussion of his week; John Hurt's pancreatic cancer diagnosis; dropping a special episode on Saturday 27th June for @AMAudioMedia including an interview with their Doctor, Andrew Chalmers; and a brief overview of the episode ahead.

    05:42 FEATURE - CONVENTION - Rob @WhoWars gives Andy @skaromedia a midnight call to discuss Hull Comic Con and his role in the event, as well as a sneak insight into what might appear in Episode 36 based on the event.

    20:27 FEATURE - REBELS ROUND-UP - Alan @Jedizaugg and Jon @jonathanbw discuss the return of Star Wars: Rebels in The Siege of Lothal.

    56:50 FEATURE - CLONE WARS - Rob @WhoWars continues to watch the Clone Wars TV series in chronological order. Here, he watches 3.1 Clone Cadets and 3.3 Supply Lines. Seen them? Tell us what you thought: hello@whowars.net

    1:10:14 INTERVIEW - ARTIST - Kate @Kamiduu talks to Eisner nominated artist, Sara Richard @SaraRichard who has produced both Star Wars and Doctor Who fan art, while currently working professionally on covers for Jem and the Holograms and My Little Pony. She's also the artist of the DC Justice League Tarot Card Set. Be sure to check out her art, and more at the URL below:

    1:32:25 FEATURE - DOCTOR WHO/STAR WARS - Lex @Lexerness asks the Who Wars team how they would put together a Doctor Who and Star Wars crossover story. Rob @WhoWars has a try with the 9th Doctor; Kate @Kamiduu and Andy @Skaromedia tackle the 10th Doctor and Lex puts together a magnum opus for the 11th Doctor. How would you do it? Tell us at hello@whowars.net

    2:00:20 - The Back Page; closing remarks from Rob @WhoWars, followed by a discussion of his strange and patchy relationship with Doctor Who novels in the past. From the Target novels of the 1970s - 1990s; to the Virgin New Adventures (NAs) and Missing Adventures (MAs) of the 1990s; to the BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (EDAs) and Past Doctor Adventures (PDAs) of the 1990s - 2000s; to the current series of New Series Adventures (NSAs), he talks about them all, his feelings towards them, and whether he read them at the time. He's about to embark on reading the 12th Doctor NSAs.

    2:18:00 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE288 - News Round-up & Sad Losses

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:35 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    On our monthly meeting for June 2015 we have a general news round-up and a number of sad losses to report & acknowledge. Actors Christopher Lee, Ron Moody, Patrick McNee & Film Composer James Horner

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE288 - News Round-up & Sad Losses

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:35 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    On our monthly meeting for June 2015 we have a general news round-up and a number of sad losses to report & acknowledge. Actors Christopher Lee, Ron Moody, Patrick McNee & Film Composer James Horner

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE288 - News Round-up & Sad Losses

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:35 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    On our monthly meeting for June 2015 we have a general news round-up and a number of sad losses to report & acknowledge. Actors Christopher Lee, Ron Moody, Patrick McNee & Film Composer James Horner

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE288 - News Round-up & Sad Losses

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:35 (GMT) - 28 Jun 2015

    On our monthly meeting for June 2015 we have a general news round-up and a number of sad losses to report & acknowledge. Actors Christopher Lee, Ron Moody, Patrick McNee & Film Composer James Horner

  • Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    A Beneficent God

    Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:30 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2015

    Todd has given that helmic regulator quite a twist, I'm afraid, and we've found ourselves in the year 16,087, on a space station being menaced by bubble wrap and fibreglass ants. And still it's one of the best Doctor Who stories to date. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you The Ark in Space.

    Buy the story!

    The Ark in Space Special Edition was released on DVD in 2013. (Amazon US)
    (Amazon UK)

    The novelisation, Doctor Who and the Ark in Space, written by Ian Marter himself, was re-released to celebrate Doctor Who's 50th anniversary in 2013. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

    Links and notes

    Fans of this story and of Revelation of the Daleks will enjoy a delicious serving of Soylent Green (1973). (Spoilers: It's people.)

    Sorry, dear listeners, we don't have any pictures of Ian Marter being giantly muscular. And don't think I didn't spend time looking.

    This article from the Darwin's God blog discusses the life cycle of the ichneumon wasp and its impact on 19th-century theology.

    J. V. McConnell, (1962) "Memory transfer through cannibalism in planarium", Journal of Neuropsychiatry 3 suppl 1 542-548. (See, we can be academically rigorous if we put our minds to it.)

    This article from the website of the American Psychological Association discusses the history of James McConnell's article.

    I'm not sure that Ridley Scott has ever actually admitted to ripping off this story in his film Alien (1979), but that hasn't stopped people from speculating about the possibility.

    We haven't yet managed to upload Todd's interview with Lis Sladen, but we promise we're working on it. Keep an eye out for an announcement in the shownotes over the next few episodes. In the meantime, you can enjoy Lis Sladen's second appearance in this 1972 episode of Z Cars, directed by The Underwater Menace's Julia Smith.

    Follow us!

    Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard adores all of you and can't wait to chat to each and every one of you in person. You can follow the podcast on Twitter as @FTEpodcast.

    We're also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. And please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we'll install an intruder defence mechanism in your wardrobe and blow up all your shoes.

  • Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Episode 33: A Beneficent God

    Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:30 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2015

    Todd has given that helmic regulator quite a twist, I'm afraid, and we've found ourselves in the year 16,087, on a space station being menaced by bubble wrap and fibreglass ants. And still it's one of the best Doctor Who stories to date. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you The Ark in Space.

    Buy the story!

    The Ark in Space Special Edition was released on DVD in 2013. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

    The novelisation, Doctor Who and the Ark in Space, written by Ian Marter himself, was re-released to celebrate Doctor Who's 50th anniversary in 2013. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

    Links and notes

    Fans of this story and of Revelation of the Daleks will enjoy a delicious serving of Soylent Green (1973). (Spoilers: It's people.)

    Sorry, dear listeners, we don't have any pictures of Ian Marter being giantly muscular. And don't think I didn't spend time looking.

    This article from the Darwin's God blog discusses the life cycle of the ichneumon wasp and its impact on 19th-century theology.

    J. V. McConnell, (1962) "Memory transfer through cannibalism in planarium", Journal of Neuropsychiatry 3 suppl 1 542-548. (See, we can be academically rigorous if we put our minds to it.)

    This article from the website of the American Psychological Association discusses the history of James McConnell's article.

    I'm not sure that Ridley Scott has ever actually admitted to ripping off this story in his film Alien (1979), but that hasn't stopped people from speculating about the possibility.

    We haven't yet managed to upload Todd's interview with Lis Sladen, but we promise we're working on it. Keep an eye out for an announcement in the shownotes over the next few episodes. In the meantime, you can enjoy Lis Sladen's second appearance in this 1972 episode of Z Cars, directed by The Underwater Menace's Julia Smith.

    Follow us!

    Brendan is on Twitter as @critiqaltheory, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard adores all of you and can't wait to chat to each and every one of you in person. You can follow the podcast on Twitter as @FTEpodcast.

    We're also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. And please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we'll install an intruder defence mechanism in your wardrobe and blow up all your shoes.

  • Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Episode 33 A Beneficent God

    Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:30 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2015

    Todd has given that helmic regulator quite a twist, I'm afraid, and we've found ourselves in the year 16,087, on a space station being menaced by bubble wrap and fibreglass ants. And still it's one of the best Doctor Who stories to date. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you The Ark in Space.

    Buy the story!

    The Ark in Space Special Edition was released on DVD in 2013. (Amazon US)
    (Amazon UK)

    The novelisation, Doctor Who and the Ark in Space, written by Ian Marter himself, was re-released to celebrate Doctor Who's 50th anniversary in 2013. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK)

    Links and notes

    Fans of this story and of Revelation of the Daleks will enjoy a delicious serving of Soylent Green (1973). (Spoilers: It's people.)

    Sorry, dear listeners, we don't have any pictures of Ian Marter being giantly muscular. And don't think I didn't spend time looking.

    This article from the Darwin's God blog discusses the life cycle of the ichneumon wasp and its impact on 19th-century theology.

    J. V. McConnell, (1962) "Memory transfer through cannibalism in planarium", Journal of Neuropsychiatry 3 suppl 1 542-548. (See, we can be academically rigorous if we put our minds to it.)

    This article from the website of the American Psychological Association discusses the history of James McConnell's article.

    I'm not sure that Ridley Scott has ever actually admitted to ripping off this story in his film Alien (1979), but that hasn't stopped people from speculating about the possibility.

    We haven't yet managed to upload Todd's interview with Lis Sladen, but we promise we're working on it. Keep an eye out for an announcement in the shownotes over the next few episodes. In the meantime, you can enjoy Lis Sladen's second appearance in this 1972 episode of Z Cars, directed by The Underwater Menace's Julia Smith.

    Follow us!

    Brendan is on Twitter as @critiqaltheory, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, and Richard adores all of you and can't wait to chat to each and every one of you in person. You can follow the podcast on Twitter as @FTEpodcast.

    We're also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at flightthroughentirety.com. And please consider rating or reviewing us on iTunes, or we'll install an intruder defence mechanism in your wardrobe and blow up all your shoes.

  • AM Audio Media

    Doctor Who Dark Journey - S2E3 - The Age Of Banishment

    AM Audio Media

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:04 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2015

    The Age Of Banishment - “What would the demented woman have said to you Holmes?” Holmes faces his tragic upbringing as the Illuminatos spirits taunt him with the sadness of the past ... the moment in which ‘Sherlock Holmes,’ hero of London was forged from pain and despair. As the shadows close in around them The Doctor must confront his own past. His shame and torment, the dark Gallifreyan days of ‘The Time of the Banishment’. While the whispering shadows torment our heroes with the horror of past times what gift does Cassandra have for The Doctor, when the sacrifice of innocence brings them together for the final time? Theme music by Traffic Experiment Special thanks to Rob Irwin from The WhoWars podcast. Doctor Who Dark Journey is a Canadian, award winning audio series written by Andrew Chalmers, sound design by Kevin Gray, directed by MA Tamburro. Album Cover Artwork by Steve Andrew. Additional Sound Effects and Music Two Steps From Hell - Chase The Light (Amaria) Peder B. Helland - 30 minutes of Dark Suspense Scary Creepy Horror Music SFX World - Heart Beat 05 Dale Pendlebury - Horror Sound Effects and Music Free Peder B. Helland - Creepy Ominous Horror Suspense Background (scary instrumental music) Sound Effects Factory - Evil Laugh Joshua Hemming - A Beacon Links: ​www.amaudiomedia.com ​www.facebook.com/amaudiomedia https://twitter.com/amaudiomedia (Doctor Who Dark Journey is a fan production of AM Audio Media. Doctor Who is a property of the BBC, no copyright infringement intended.)

  • Who Wars - A Star Wars  &  Doctor Who Podcast

    Who Wars: Doctor Who - Dark Journey Special

    Who Wars - A Star Wars & Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:30 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2015

    00:00 - The Who Wars Network Ident

    00:07 - Introduction to this episode from Doctor Who: Dark Journey's leading man, Andrew Chalmers and series producer, MA Tamburro @AMAudioMedia

    00:23 - Doctor Who: Dark Journey "The Age of Banishment". This is Episode 3 of Series 2 of Dark Journey, making its debut exclusively today here on Who Wars.

    Would you like to hear more Dark Journey? Need to catch up? Visit amaudiomedia.com/episodes

    14:22 - Rob @WhoWars reflects on conducting a near two-hour interview, before hitting play on it.

    16:35 - Rob @WhoWars speaks to Andrew Chalmers, the Doctor in Doctor Who: Dark Journey.

    Topics covered include Star Wars and Doctor Who (naturally!) as well as some interesting diversions on making fan audio and more.

    1:53:47 - Afterword from Rob @WhoWars about this special episode.

    1:57:06 - The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).

    1:57:47 - One final anecdote from Andrew Chalmers. You know you want it!

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