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  • Discussing Who

    Why is Doctor Who Important to You?

    Discussing Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:35 (GMT) - 25 Apr 2020

    We have a question for you. The Discussing Who team has been asked to take part in a book about fictional characters by contributing a chapter about our favorite adventurer in time and space – The Doctor.  We want to give you, our fellow Whovians and fans of Doctor Who, the opportunity to contribute.  

  • Discussing Who

    Why is Doctor Who Important to You?

    Discussing Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:35 (GMT) - 25 Apr 2020

    Why is the Doctor Important to You?

    We have a question for you. The Discussing Who team has been asked to take part in a book about fictional characters by contributing a chapter about our favorite adventurer in time and space – The Doctor.  We want to give you, our fellow Whovians and fans of Doctor Who, the opportunity to contribute.  

    • Why is The Doctor important to you?  
    • Why is this someone you care about? 
    • What is it about this character that moves you, inspires you, thrills you, or anything else? 

    You can send your input to Discussingwho@gmail.com or leave us a voice mail at 805-850-3946. 

    The deadline is May 31st! 


  • On the Time Lash

    85. Oscar Wilde of the Daleks

    On the Time Lash

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:25 (GMT) - 25 Apr 2020

    Or: The Incredible Shrinking Doctors Special Ben and Mark discuss miniaturisation, prawns, robot dogs, soldiers and viruses as they tackle both 'Into the Dalek' and 'The Invisible Enemy'. Is 'Into the Dalek' just a rehash of old ideas? Is 'The Invisible Enemy' really as rubbish as everyone remembers?  ALSO: The return of Degsey's Where Did it Come Game, meeting Michael Sheard in a car park, and how Mark is due royalties from sales of Into the Dalek. If you like the podcast and want to buy us a drink to say thanks you can do so here For Les Anderson

  • The Legend of the Traveling Tardis with Christian Basel

    073 TLTT The Master Plan of Andrew Cartmel

    The Legend of the Traveling Tardis with Christian Basel

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:00 (GMT) - 25 Apr 2020

    Join the Legend of the Traveling Tarids Host Christian Basel and his group of panelists as they talk with Andrew Cartmel, the script editor of Doctor Who during the Sylvester McCoy era of the show between 1987 and 1989. .. Are YOU ready to become part of the Legend?

    Find our Panelists On The Web:
    Andrew Cartmel On The Web:
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/andrewcartmel
    Amazon: https://amzn.to/2xH8Bmh

    ***Find The Legend of the Traveling Tardis**
    Web: http://www.thelegendofthetravelingtardis.com/
    FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/TheTravelingTardis/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/legendtravelingtardis/

    The Legend of the Traveling Tardis is brought to you this week by these fine folks:

    Doctor Who Velocity:
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/doctorwhovelocity

    Famous Faces and Funnies
    LINK : https://www.facebook.com/FFFComics/

    Michael J Allen's Scion of Conquered Earth
    Amazon: https://amzn.to/2XPruze

    Jeremy Mosby’s ICoin
    Amazon: https://amzn.to/2u5g5d7

    William G Collins' Star Fall:
    Amazon: https://amzn.to/32Kx2Kw

    Eric Kapitan's A Love Not Deceased:
    Amazon: https://amzn.to/2UpB3BZ

    Mackenzie Flohr’s Rite of Wands:
    Amazon : https://amzn.to/2SNzydk

    Ace Wellness:
    Web: https://acewellness.co/
    FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/Ace-Wellness-LTD-100902984712477/

    Joanne Fisher's Devil of St. Gabriel:
    Amazon: https://amzn.to/32LI7Ld

    Paul D Smith's Jason & The Draconauts:
    Amazon: https://amzn.to/39k4tWB

  • Neither The Time Nor The Space

    080: Resets & Romances

    Neither The Time Nor The Space

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 25 Apr 2020

    This week Matt and David discuss the finale of Series 6 - "The Wedding of River Song". We talk about what worked for us, what didn't, update Matt's prediction scorecard and discover the true identity of Rondo Haxton.

    Talk to us! Email: timenorspacepod@gmail.com | Twitter: @timenorspacepod

  • Neither The Time Nor The Space

    080: Resets & Romances

    Neither The Time Nor The Space

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 25 Apr 2020

    This week Matt and David discuss the finale of Series 6 - "The Wedding of River Song". We talk about what worked for us, what didn't, update Matt's prediction scorecard and discover the true identity of Rondo Haxton.

    Talk to us! Email: timenorspacepod@gmail.com | Twitter: @timenorspacepod

  • Neither The Time Nor The Space

    080: Resets & Romances

    Neither The Time Nor The Space

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 25 Apr 2020

    This week Matt and David discuss the finale of Series 6 - "The Wedding of River Song". We talk about what worked for us, what didn't, update Matt's prediction scorecard and discover the true identity of Rondo Haxton.

    Talk to us! Email: timenorspacepod@gmail.com | Twitter: @timenorspacepod

  • Trap One: A Doctor Who Podcast

    The Faceless Ones

    Trap One: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:59 (GMT) - 25 Apr 2020

    Colin (@colin_neal), Conrad (@HairoftheHound_) and Mark (@QuarkMcMalus) check out the new animation of The Faceless Ones.

    The door handle scene which Conrad mentions is here.

    Ben and Maria Craze video here.

    Operation Grand Slam blog here.

    Special thanks to Pete (@Prof_Quiteamess) for the Ben Jackson Klaxon.

  • Geek Syndicate

    GSN PODCAST: Stace and Barry in the Morning Season 2 Episode 15

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:30 (GMT) - 25 Apr 2020

    "Fire mares can travel 1000 leagues in 24hrs!"

  • Geek Syndicate

    GSN PODCAST: Stace and Barry in the Morning Season 2 Episode 15

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:30 (GMT) - 25 Apr 2020

    "Fire mares can travel 1000 leagues in 24hrs!"

  • Voice of Gallifrey (Russian)

    134 - Доктор не Доктор

    Voice of Gallifrey (Russian)

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:51 (GMT) - 25 Apr 2020

    Краткий обзор с пересказом аудиопьесы "The Innocent" о приключениях Военного Доктора. Недавно ее можно было заполучить в подарок от BF, надеюсь, все желающие успели воспользоваться этой возможностью. Приятно послушать, пишите, если есть что сказать! :) 02:06 - Сюжет | 09:02 - Персонажи | 10:58 - К размышлению | 11:25 - Музыка и эффекты | 12:49 - Итог #DoctorWho | #ДокторКто | #podcast@voice_of_gallifrey | #s1@voice_of_gallifrey

  • Traveling the Vortex

    Side Trip 35 – Star Trek 203 – TNG Season 3

    Traveling the Vortex

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:38 (GMT) - 25 Apr 2020

    Another little special treat for you as we continue our isolation. Resident Star Trek Guru, Shaun continues with the Star Trek primers and reviews and brings us another one. This time its Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 3.





  • Traveling the Vortex

    Side Trip 35 – Star Trek 203 – TNG Season 3

    Traveling the Vortex

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:38 (GMT) - 25 Apr 2020

    Another little special treat for you as we continue our isolation. Resident Star Trek Guru, Shaun continues with the Star Trek primers and reviews and brings us another one. This time its Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 3.





  • Earth Station Who

    Earth Station Who – The Gunfighters

    Earth Station Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:00 (GMT) - 25 Apr 2020

    With rings on their fingers and bells on their toes, Mike, Mike, and Mary begin their woes. This First Doctor story takes place in the West, And sadly it is far from being the best. They sing a song...

    Earth Station Who is a show dedicated to the culture around the BBC icon Doctor Who. Join Mike F, Mike G and Dave as we explore the 50 year history and fandom surrounding the Doctor With reviews, interviews and just general talk you never know WHO might pop up.

  • DWBRcast

    DWBRcast 221 - Série Clássica: Inferno!


    Direct Podcast Download

    14:58 (GMT) - 24 Apr 2020

    Em Inferno, quarto e último arco da 7ª temporada da série clássica, o Doutor vai parar em um universo paralelo e encontra a RSF, versões alternativas de seus colegas da UNIT: o Líder de Brigada Lethbridge-Stewart, o Sub-Líder de Pelotão Benton, e a Líder de Seção Elizabeth Shaw. A trama envolve um projeto de perfuração da crosta da Terra, uma usina nuclear e um líquido verde esquisito que transforma as pessoas nos Primords. Um arcão desses, bicho!

  • DWBRcast

    DWBRcast 221 - Série Clássica: Inferno!


    Direct Podcast Download

    14:58 (GMT) - 24 Apr 2020

    Em Inferno, quarto e último arco da 7ª temporada da série clássica, o Doutor vai parar em um universo paralelo e encontra a RSF, versões alternativas de seus colegas da UNIT: o Líder de Brigada Lethbridge-Stewart, o Sub-Líder de Pelotão Benton, e a Líder de Seção Elizabeth Shaw. A trama envolve um projeto de perfuração da crosta da Terra, uma usina nuclear e um líquido verde esquisito que transforma as pessoas nos Primords. Um arcão desses, bicho!

  • DWBRcast

    DWBRcast 221 - Série Clássica: Inferno!


    Direct Podcast Download

    14:58 (GMT) - 24 Apr 2020

    Em Inferno, quarto e último arco da 7ª temporada da série clássica, o Doutor vai parar em um universo paralelo e encontra a RSF, versões alternativas de seus colegas da UNIT: o Líder de Brigada Lethbridge-Stewart, o Sub-Líder de Pelotão Benton, e a Líder de Seção Elizabeth Shaw. A trama envolve um projeto de perfuração da crosta da Terra, uma usina nuclear e um líquido verde esquisito que transforma as pessoas nos Primords. Um arcão desses, bicho!

  • DWBRcast

    DWBRcast 221 - Série Clássica: Inferno!


    Direct Podcast Download

    14:58 (GMT) - 24 Apr 2020

    Em Inferno, quarto e último arco da 7ª temporada da série clássica, o Doutor vai parar em um universo paralelo e encontra a RSF, versões alternativas de seus colegas da UNIT: o Líder de Brigada Lethbridge-Stewart, o Sub-Líder de Pelotão Benton, e a Líder de Seção Elizabeth Shaw. A trama envolve um projeto de perfuração da crosta da Terra, uma usina nuclear e um líquido verde esquisito que transforma as pessoas nos Primords. Um arcão desses, bicho!

  • Diddly Dum Podcast

    DIDDLY DUM PODCAST 132 – Horns and Heels

    Diddly Dum Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    14:14 (GMT) - 24 Apr 2020

    The Diddly Dummers’ friendship is sorely tested as we take a good look at “The Horns of Nimon”.


    MP3 Direct Download Link = DDPC132 – Horns and Heels


    Listen/download on iTunes



    (00:02:55) Aaron A Aardvark, alias Eric Plunket, is a character from the 2000AD strip “Judge Dredd: The Day the Law Died” (Prog 95, 13 Jan 1979). An unremarkable citizen of Mega-City One, he changed his name to Aaron A Aardvark in order to be the first person listed in the phone book. This rather odd ambition proved to be his undoing when the insane Chief Judge Cal began executing the citizenry in alphabetical order. The relevant page can be seen on our Tumblr page here. 

    (00:07:45) Tim Brooke-Taylor can be seen singing the words to “Girlfriend in a Coma” to the tune of “Tiptoe Through the Tulips” here.

    (00:13:25) Our erstwhile Diddly Dum host, The Rev Capt Hullu Porro (a.k.a. Andy) is selling high quality copies of the artwork he painted to accompany our podcast #5 “The Six Ages of Fan”. Each print costs a minimum of £5 (inc. p&p) but you can donate as much as you like. All proceeds will be donated to The Trussell Trust to support their help for the poor and for food banks during the lockdown. You can find links on Andy’s Facebook page to either buy them on eBay or to cut out the middle man by donating direct to The Trussell Trust and dropping Andy a message to let him know your name and address. Andy can also be found on Twitter @skaromedia.

    (00:17:02) Andy (The Rev) can also be found showing his unique brand of music on the Facebook group “Captain Coronas Isolation Open Mic Group”.

    (00:17:49) #CONtacthasbeenmade will be showing a selection of filmed panels from the Doctor Who Appreciation Society’s first four “Capitol” conventions on their DWASONLINE Youtube channel and Facebook and Instagram sites. These are being run in support of NHS Charities Together and Domestic Abuse Volunteer Support Services and we hope that you’ll be able to donate something while watching the videos.

    (0025:20) The Doctor Who Appreciation Society Announces the Return of TARDIS Magazine. TARDIS was one of the earliest Doctor Who Fan magazines (fanzines) and was first published in 1975 by Andrew Johnson. In the summer of 1976 the newly formed ‘Doctor Who Appreciation Society’ took on the publication of the magazine. Over the next few years, TARDIS went from strength to strength. It started as hand duplicated title, soon acquiring ‘photo pages’ which were inserts produced by offset litho. Later on, TARDIS become professionally printed itself, and in 1979 it saw colour for the first time. TARDIS was always supplied as an addition to DWAS membership until it was absorbed into the Society’s newsletter ‘Celestial Toyroom’ in 1987. TARDIS subsequently ceased publication as CT itself moved away from its traditional newsletter format and became a magazine in its own right.

    Between April 1997 and December 1998, the Society resurrected TARDIS as a quarterly publication alongside Celestial Toyroom but then retired the title again, with a brief return as a one-off special in 2003 celebrating the show’s 40th anniversary.

    The world of Doctor Who fandom has changed beyond recognition since then, and nowadays there are very few printed fan magazines. Celestial Toyroom remains the staple of the DWAS’s own output giving air to wide range of views. Many writers have started with items in CT before moving on to more mainstream publications including ‘Doctor Who Magazine’. DWAS has recognised the changing landscape and CTs sister publication, Cosmic Masque is now published as a download at our website. ‘The Celestial Toyroom Annual’ is released principally as an eBook with a limited run print copy also available.

    Whereas fandom is a very ‘virtual experience’ these days, we remain convinced that there is a solid, sustainable demand for printed magazines, produced by fans for fans. As such, the Doctor Who Appreciation Society is very pleased to announce the return of ‘TARDIS’.

    Volume 16 of TARDIS will begin publication in the summer of 2020. Under the editorship of Robbie Dunlop, it will be an entirely commissioned features-based magazine, published three times per year as a vibrant A4 title. It will be available to all fans from DWAS’s company Space Rocket Ltd, with DWAS members given the opportunity to buy directly from the Society at a substantial discount. We will continue our tradition of supporting charities through our output with each edition raising funds for a worthy cause.

    The price and ordering information will be announced soon with the first issue of the new volume following shortly afterwards. In the meantime, Celestial Toyroom continues on its monthly publications schedule, giving members the opportunity to express their views on all aspects of Doctor Who. A new edition of Cosmic Masque, our fiction and reviews title, will also be released for download in the summer and a new ‘Celestial Toyroom Annual’ for 2021 is in the planning stages now.

    On the podcast, we will keep providing you with information about the relaunch by the Doctor Who Appreciation Society of their “TARDIS” magazine.

    Some front covers of past issues of “TARDIS” can be found on our Tumblr page here and here.

    (00:45:55) This audio clip is from the “Frasier” season 3 episode “Martin Does it His Way”.

    (00:47:20) Major Bloodnok’s stomach boing.

    (01:02:21) “How Many Nimons?” – We pinched this audio clip from the Youtube channel of KoloSigma1 but it deserves to be seen and heard in its entirety.

    (01:32:53) “Ronnie Barker in the line up” – Hayden is here referring to the famous sketch about class from “The Frost Report”.

    The Diddly Dum Podcast acknowledges the copyright of anyone we’ve pinched anything from.

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 537(Doctor Who: State of Decay mini review)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:23 (GMT) - 24 Apr 2020

    This week my classic series re-watch resumes with Doctor Who: State of Decay as the Doctor, Romana and Adric encounter vampires!


    You may wish to contribute to the show’s running costs, it’s Patreon is here https://www.patreon.com/tdrury


    The show is also on Facebook please join the group for exclusive behind the scenes insights and of course also discuss and feedback on the show https://www.facebook.com/groups/187162411486307/


    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.


  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On: Episode 537(Doctor Who: State of Decay mini review)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:23 (GMT) - 24 Apr 2020

    This week my classic series re-watch resumes with Doctor Who: State of Decay as the Doctor, Romana and Adric encounter vampires!


    You may wish to contribute to the show’s running costs, it’s Patreon is here https://www.patreon.com/tdrury


    The show is also on Facebook please join the group for exclusive behind the scenes insights and of course also discuss and feedback on the show https://www.facebook.com/groups/187162411486307/


    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.


  • Something Who

    Episode 22: Jeremy Bentham

    Something Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:02 (GMT) - 24 Apr 2020

    Thanks to Giles, who introduced me to Jeremy Bentham, a very familiar name for Doctor Who fans, particularly of my generation.

    Jeremy and I chat about the early days of fandom, his part in the formation of the Doctor Who Appreciation Society, his work as a writer on Doctor Who Weekly and Doctor Who Monthly and his book Doctor Who - The Early Years. We also discuss his involvement in social events, such as conventions, the First Thursday Fitzroy Tavern evenings where Giles introduced us, and the launch party fan events he organised for the New Series.

    And I couldn't resist the opportunity for a brief detour into the world of Missing Episodes.

    Please like or share our podcast with people who will enjoy it. You can rate us directly on Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.com

    The opening music is Three Guitars Mood 2 and, yes, that is Richard playing the ukulele and kazoo on possibly the worst ever version of the Doctor Who theme tune at the end.

  • 42 To Doomsday

    42 to Doomsday - Corona(s) of the Sun

    42 To Doomsday

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:00 (GMT) - 24 Apr 2020

  • 42 To Doomsday

    42 to Doomsday - Corona(s) of the Sun

    42 To Doomsday

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:00 (GMT) - 24 Apr 2020

  • The Bad Wilf Podcast

    Episode 227: Doctor Who-Survival

    The Bad Wilf Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:55 (GMT) - 23 Apr 2020

    Martyn, Sam, and Chris discuss the 1989 episode of Doctor Who ‘Survival’.

    Survival is the final serial of the 26th season and also the final story of the original 26-year run of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was originally broadcast in three weekly parts on BBC1 from 22 November to 6 December 1989. It marks the final regular television appearance of Anthony Ainley as the Master and of Sophie Aldred as Ace. It is also the last regular television appearance of Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor.

    Journalist Matthew Sweet has described Survival as “a parable about Thatcherism”. In the serial, the renegade Time Lord the Master kidnaps humans from contemporary Perivale and uses the teenager Midge (Will Barton) to facilitate his escape from the disintegrating planet of the Cheetah People.


    We've covered this story once before, listen here.


    Check out the Pharos Project interview with Will Barton (Midge).


    The trailer for Survival was taken from Veritaserumuk.


    The podcast is available from all good podcast services, such as but not limited to;

    Podchaser, Player FM, Stitcher, and Apple Podcasts.


    If you’d like to support the show, then please shop via our Amazon link. A small percentage goes our way, at no extra cost to you.


    Listen to Chris' Second Doctor audio adventures.

    Check out our Youtube.

    Check out We Sound Familiar.

    Check out Comedians talking football.



  • The Bad Wilf Podcast

    Episode 227: Doctor Who-Survival

    The Bad Wilf Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:55 (GMT) - 23 Apr 2020

    Martyn, Sam, and Chris discuss the 1989 episode of Doctor Who ‘Survival’.

    Survival is the final serial of the 26th season and also the final story of the original 26-year run of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was originally broadcast in three weekly parts on BBC1 from 22 November to 6 December 1989. It marks the final regular television appearance of Anthony Ainley as the Master and of Sophie Aldred as Ace. It is also the last regular television appearance of Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor.

    Journalist Matthew Sweet has described Survival as “a parable about Thatcherism”. In the serial, the renegade Time Lord the Master kidnaps humans from contemporary Perivale and uses the teenager Midge (Will Barton) to facilitate his escape from the disintegrating planet of the Cheetah People.


    We've covered this story once before, listen here.


    Check out the Pharos Project interview with Will Barton (Midge).


    The trailer for Survival was taken from Veritaserumuk.


    The podcast is available from all good podcast services, such as but not limited to;

    Podchaser, Player FM, Stitcher, and Apple Podcasts.


    If you’d like to support the show, then please shop via our Amazon link. A small percentage goes our way, at no extra cost to you.


    Listen to Chris' Second Doctor audio adventures.

    Check out our Youtube.

    Check out We Sound Familiar.

    Check out Comedians talking football.



    Martyn – @BadWilf

    Gerrod –@InGerrodsMind

    Pete – @BeeblePete



  • The Bad Wilf Podcast

    Episode 227: Doctor Who-Survival

    The Bad Wilf Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:55 (GMT) - 23 Apr 2020

    Martyn, Sam, and Chris discuss the 1989 episode of Doctor Who ‘Survival’.

    Survival is the final serial of the 26th season and also the final story of the original 26-year run of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was originally broadcast in three weekly parts on BBC1 from 22 November to 6 December 1989. It marks the final regular television appearance of Anthony Ainley as the Master and of Sophie Aldred as Ace. It is also the last regular television appearance of Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor.

    Journalist Matthew Sweet has described Survival as “a parable about Thatcherism”. In the serial, the renegade Time Lord the Master kidnaps humans from contemporary Perivale and uses the teenager Midge (Will Barton) to facilitate his escape from the disintegrating planet of the Cheetah People.


    We've covered this story once before, listen here.


    Check out the Pharos Project interview with Will Barton (Midge).


    The trailer for Survival was taken from Veritaserumuk.


    The podcast is available from all good podcast services, such as but not limited to;

    Podchaser, Player FM, Stitcher, and Apple Podcasts.


    If you’d like to support the show, then please shop via our Amazon link. A small percentage goes our way, at no extra cost to you.


    Listen to Chris' Second Doctor audio adventures.

    Check out our Youtube.

    Check out We Sound Familiar.

    Check out Comedians talking football.



    Martyn – @BadWilf

    Gerrod –@InGerrodsMind

    Pete – @BeeblePete



  • The Bad Wilf Podcast

    Episode 227: Doctor Who-Survival

    The Bad Wilf Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:55 (GMT) - 23 Apr 2020

    Martyn, Sam, and Chris discuss the 1989 episode of Doctor Who 'Survival'.

    Survival is the final serial of the 26th season and also the final story of the original 26-year run of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was originally broadcast in three weekly parts on BBC1 from 22 November to 6 December 1989. It marks the final regular television appearance of Anthony Ainley as the Master and of Sophie Aldred as Ace. It is also the last regular television appearance of Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor.

    Journalist Matthew Sweet has described Survival as "a parable about Thatcherism". In the serial, the renegade Time Lord the Master kidnaps humans from contemporary Perivale and uses the teenager Midge (Will Barton) to facilitate his escape from the disintegrating planet of the Cheetah People.

    We've covered this story once before, listen here.

    Check out the Pharos Project interview with Will Barton (Midge).

    The trailer for Survival was taken from Veritaserumuk.

    The podcast is available from all good podcast services, such as but not limited to;

    Podchaser, Player FM, Stitcher, and Apple Podcasts.

    If you’d like to support the show, then please shop via our Amazon link. A small percentage goes our way, at no extra cost to you.

    Listen to Chris' Second Doctor audio adventures.

    Check out our Youtube.

    Check out We Sound Familiar.

    Check out Comedians talking football.


    Martyn – @BadWilf

    Gerrod –@InGerrodsMind

    Pete – @BeeblePete



  • Nerd-Out with Rob Lloyd, Jen Speirs & Sandro Falce

    #44: Best / Worst Pandemic Movies & TV Shows

    Nerd-Out with Rob Lloyd, Jen Speirs & Sandro Falce

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:00 (GMT) - 23 Apr 2020

    We're chatting about the best and worst pandemic movies and TV shows. On top of that, Jen and Rob have been watching some documentaries, and Sandro's got a British anthology series to recommend. 0:00:00 – The Start of the Show 0:02:11 – What Have You Been Consuming Lately? – 0:02:29 – Never Surrender: A Galaxy Quest Documentary – 0:10:01 – Titans S2 & Inside No. 9 S5 – 0:17:37 – Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead & The Last Dance 0:28:34 – Best / Worst Pandemic Movies & TV Shows 0:58:39 – The End of the Show Check out Sandro's other podcast - Oldie But A Goodie! Subscribe through the links and RSS feed here: https://omny.fm/shows/oldie-but-a-goodie Follow the Show! Facebook: http://fb.me/nerdoutwithrobjenandsandrom  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nerd_out_podcast/  Omny: https://omny.fm/shows/nerdout (Head here for links to iTunes, Spotify, Google, etc) Please send in any questions, review recommendations or feedback to "feedback.nerdout@gmail.com" Follow the Hosts! Rob Lloyd - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roblloydactor/ - Twitter: https://twitter.com/futurerobby - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/futurerobby/ Jen Speirs - Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jenz00r - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/obiwanjenobi/ Sandro Falce - Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandrofalce - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandrofalce/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Nerd-Out with Rob Lloyd, Jen Speirs & Sandro Falce

    #44: Best / Worst Pandemic Movies & TV Shows

    Nerd-Out with Rob Lloyd, Jen Speirs & Sandro Falce

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:00 (GMT) - 23 Apr 2020

    We're chatting about the best and worst pandemic movies and TV shows. On top of that, Jen and Rob have been watching some documentaries, and Sandro's got a British anthology series to recommend. 0:00:00 – The Start of the Show 0:02:11 – What Have You Been Consuming Lately? – 0:02:29 – Never Surrender: A Galaxy Quest Documentary – 0:10:01 – Titans S2 & Inside No. 9 S5 – 0:17:37 – Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead & The Last Dance 0:28:34 – Best / Worst Pandemic Movies & TV Shows 0:58:39 – The End of the Show Check out Sandro's other podcast - Oldie But A Goodie! Subscribe through the links and RSS feed here: https://omny.fm/shows/oldie-but-a-goodie Follow the Show! Facebook: http://fb.me/nerdoutwithrobjenandsandrom  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nerd_out_podcast/  Omny: https://omny.fm/shows/nerdout (Head here for links to iTunes, Spotify, Google, etc) Please send in any questions, review recommendations or feedback to "feedback.nerdout@gmail.com" Follow the Hosts! Rob Lloyd - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roblloydactor/ - Twitter: https://twitter.com/futurerobby - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/futurerobby/ Jen Speirs - Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jenz00r - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/obiwanjenobi/ Sandro Falce - Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandrofalce - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandrofalce/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Nerd-Out with Rob Lloyd, Jen Speirs & Sandro Falce

    #44: Best / Worst Pandemic Movies & TV Shows

    Nerd-Out with Rob Lloyd, Jen Speirs & Sandro Falce

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:00 (GMT) - 23 Apr 2020

    We're chatting about the best and worst pandemic movies and TV shows. On top of that, Jen and Rob have been watching some documentaries, and Sandro's got a British anthology series to recommend.

    0:00:00 – The Start of the Show
    0:02:11 – What Have You Been Consuming Lately?
    – 0:02:29 – Never Surrender: A Galaxy Quest Documentary
    – 0:10:01 – Titans S2 & Inside No. 9 S5
    – 0:17:37 – Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead & The Last Dance
    0:28:34 – Best / Worst Pandemic Movies & TV Shows
    0:58:39 – The End of the Show

    Check out Sandro's other podcast - Oldie But A Goodie!
    Subscribe through the links and RSS feed here: https://omny.fm/shows/oldie-but-a-goodie

    Follow the Show!
    Facebook: http://fb.me/nerdoutwithrobjenandsandrom 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nerd_out_podcast/ 
    Omny: https://omny.fm/shows/nerdout (Head here for links to iTunes, Spotify, Google, etc)

    Please send in any questions, review recommendations or feedback to "feedback.nerdout@gmail.com"

    Follow the Hosts!
    Rob Lloyd - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roblloydactor/
    - Twitter: https://twitter.com/futurerobby
    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/futurerobby/
    Jen Speirs - Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jenz00r
    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/obiwanjenobi/
    Sandro Falce - Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandrofalce
    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandrofalce/

  • Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Torchwood Rewatch: Captain Jack Harkness (S1E12)

    Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:41 (GMT) - 23 Apr 2020

    The Cardiff Rift gets uppity, courtesy of a mysterious cravat-sporting caretaker with a penchant for Polaroids and time-tinkering, taking Jack and Tosh to 1941 and a very awkward military meet-up.

  • Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Torchwood Rewatch: Captain Jack Harkness (S1E12)

    Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:41 (GMT) - 23 Apr 2020

    The Cardiff Rift gets uppity, courtesy of a mysterious cravat-sporting caretaker with a penchant for Polaroids and time-tinkering, taking Jack and Tosh to 1941 and a very awkward military meet-up.

  • Doctor Who: The Metebelis 2

    #156 - Death by Myrka

    Doctor Who: The Metebelis 2

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:24 (GMT) - 23 Apr 2020

    We land on the Galápagos Islands with the Doctor and Evelyn to review Bloodtide from Big Finish. And since this is a Silurian story, we try to cobble together a timeline of their history and are flummoxed by the inconsistencies. A story overflowing with historical characters and ideas, we wonder if Silurian Tulok's real crime was genetically engineering lady bumps on Silurian women. Opening music is "Tried" and closing music "The Cave"; both pieces composed by Alistair Lock for Bloodtide.

  • Doctor Who: The Metebelis 2

    #156 - Death by Myrka

    Doctor Who: The Metebelis 2

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:24 (GMT) - 23 Apr 2020

    We land on the Galápagos Islands with the Doctor and Evelyn to review Bloodtide from Big Finish. And since this is a Silurian story, we try to cobble together a timeline of their history and are flummoxed by the inconsistencies. A story overflowing with historical characters and ideas, we wonder if Silurian Tulok's real crime was genetically engineering lady bumps on Silurian women. Opening music is "Tried" and closing music "The Cave"; both pieces composed by Alistair Lock for Bloodtide.

  • 42 To Doomsday

    42 to Doomsday - Corona(s) of the Sun

    42 To Doomsday

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:00 (GMT) - 23 Apr 2020

    Episode 83 - The Onmi-Tw*ts (C-PM) are back and have broken out of isolation to bring you a brand new episode! We set the Wayback Machine and drag ourselves through the archives to mid-1990 where Guru Josh ruled the charts and not one, but two actual real life and not made up production companies were interested in making the programme (even if the BBC were not). Listen as we marvel at how BBC Video and W H Allen schedules were filled to the brim to plug the Doctor Who-shaped hole in our lives. And finally, which companion was described by that august publication The Sun as 'curvy'? All this plus: 'honest' reactions to Series 12, The Faceless Ones (re)animation, what we think about recasting dearly departed companions from those purveyors of Fan Wank 'Happy Finish', more attempts of 'humour' by Mark and a rant from Rob which can only be described as biblical!

  • 42 To Doomsday

    42 to Doomsday - Corona(s) of the Sun

    42 To Doomsday

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:00 (GMT) - 23 Apr 2020

    Episode 83 - The Onmi-Tw*ts (C-PM) are back and have broken out of isolation to bring you a brand new episode! We set the Wayback Machine and drag ourselves through the archives to mid-1990 where Guru Josh ruled the charts and not one, but two actual real life and not made up production companies were interested in making the programme (even if the BBC were not). Listen as we marvel at how BBC Video and W H Allen schedules were filled to the brim to plug the Doctor Who-shaped hole in our lives. And finally, which companion was described by that august publication The Sun as 'curvy'? All this plus: 'honest' reactions to Series 12, The Faceless Ones (re)animation, what we think about recasting dearly departed companions from those purveyors of Fan Wank 'Happy Finish', more attempts of 'humour' by Mark and a rant from Rob which can only be described as biblical!

  • 42 To Doomsday

    42 to Doomsday - Corona(s) of the Sun

    42 To Doomsday

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:00 (GMT) - 23 Apr 2020

    Episode 83 - The Onmi-Tw*ts (C-PM) are back and have broken out of isolation to bring you a brand new episode! We set the Wayback Machine and drag ourselves through the archives to mid-1990 where Guru Josh ruled the charts and not one, but two actual real life and not made up production companies were interested in making the programme (even if the BBC were not). Listen as we marvel at how BBC Video and W H Allen schedules were filled to the brim to plug the Doctor Who-shaped hole in our lives. And finally, which companion was described by that august publication The Sun as 'curvy'? All this plus: 'honest' reactions to Series 12, The Faceless Ones (re)animation, what we think about recasting dearly departed companions from those purveyors of Fan Wank 'Happy Finish', more attempts of 'humour' by Mark and a rant from Rob which can only be described as biblical!

  • 42 To Doomsday

    42 to Doomsday - Corona(s) of the Sun

    42 To Doomsday

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:00 (GMT) - 23 Apr 2020

    Episode 83 - The Onmi-Tw*ts (C-PM) are back and have broken out of isolation to bring you a brand new episode! We set the Wayback Machine and drag ourselves through the archives to mid-1990 where Guru Josh ruled the charts and not one, but two actual real life and not made up production companies were interested in making the programme (even if the BBC were not). Listen as we marvel at how BBC Video and W H Allen schedules were filled to the brim to plug the Doctor Who-shaped hole in our lives. And finally, which companion was described by that august publication The Sun as 'curvy'? All this plus: 'honest' reactions to Series 12, The Faceless Ones (re)animation, what we think about recasting dearly departed companions from those purveyors of Fan Wank 'Happy Finish', more attempts of 'humour' by Mark and a rant from Rob which can only be described as biblical!

  • 42 To Doomsday

    42 to Doomsday - Corona(s) of the Sun

    42 To Doomsday

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:00 (GMT) - 23 Apr 2020

    Episode 83 - The Onmi-Tw*ts (C-PM) are back and have broken out of isolation to bring you a brand new episode! We set the Wayback Machine and drag ourselves through the archives to mid-1990 where Guru Josh ruled the charts and not one, but two actual real life and not made up production companies were interested in making the programme (even if the BBC were not). Listen as we marvel at how BBC Video and W H Allen schedules were filled to the brim to plug the Doctor Who-shaped hole in our lives. And finally, which companion was described by that august publication The Sun as 'curvy'? All this plus: 'honest' reactions to Series 12, The Faceless Ones (re)animation, what we think about recasting dearly departed companions from those purveyors of Fan Wank 'Happy Finish', more attempts of 'humour' by Mark and a rant from Rob which can only be described as biblical!

  • Doctor Who Time and Space

    Doctor Who Time and Space (363)

    Doctor Who Time and Space

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:15 (GMT) - 22 Apr 2020

    itunes pic
    Lewis Moon and Dr Cool are here for a fifth week of lockdown chatter, as they continue to present the show from two different sides of a screen. This week they review fifth doctor story the Visitation and play round 5 of the describe a doctor who story in five words game, as well as chats of the watchalongs and the final Sarah Jane Adventure. (Next Week-There's a review of the Three Doctors and more describing who stories in five words)

  • Roy's Rocket Radio

    CRRRaSh! 312 Virtual Pub

    Roy's Rocket Radio

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:53 (GMT) - 22 Apr 2020

    Dry, Virus Diary, The Lovely Bones, Persepolis, The Code, The Secret Daughter, The Fog, Devs, Red Dwarf: The Promised Land, Proper HTML? Pah! Snappy Driver Installer Origin, Back to Windows 7, Notepad2-mod, Musical Clangers, New Virus Podcasts
    Show Notes: https://roymathur.com/podcast/2020-04-22-captain-roys-rocket-radio-show.txt

  • Roy's Rocket Radio

    CRRRaSh! 312 Virtual Pub

    Roy's Rocket Radio

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:55 (GMT) - 22 Apr 2020

    Dry, Virus Diary, The Lovely Bones, Persepolis, The Code, The Secret Daughter, The Fog, Devs, Red Dwarf: The Promised Land, Proper HTML? Pah! Snappy Driver Installer Origin, Back to Windows 7, Notepad2-mod, Musical Clangers, New Virus Podcasts
    Show Notes: https://roymathur.com/podcast/2020-04-22-captain-roys-rocket-radio-show.txt

  • DWBRcast

    DWBRcast 220 - Torchwood: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang!


    Direct Podcast Download

    15:23 (GMT) - 22 Apr 2020

    Torchwood está de volta! A estreia da 2ª temporada traz um personagem novo e que já chega chegando: Capitão John Hart (James Marsters), a nêmesis do Capitão Jack Harkness! Ele vai trazer muita tensão para o time de Torchwood, que já estava abalado com o sumiço de seu líder desde os eventos finais da primeira temporada. Vem revisar esse episódio com a gente!

  • DWBRcast

    DWBRcast 220 - Torchwood: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang!


    Direct Podcast Download

    15:23 (GMT) - 22 Apr 2020

    Torchwood está de volta! A estreia da 2ª temporada traz um personagem novo e que já chega chegando: Capitão John Hart (James Marsters), a nêmesis do Capitão Jack Harkness! Ele vai trazer muita tensão para o time de Torchwood, que já estava abalado com o sumiço de seu líder desde os eventos finais da primeira temporada. Vem revisar esse episódio com a gente!

  • DWBRcast

    DWBRcast 220 - Torchwood: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang!


    Direct Podcast Download

    15:23 (GMT) - 22 Apr 2020

    Torchwood está de volta! A estreia da 2ª temporada traz um personagem novo e que já chega chegando: Capitão John Hart (James Marsters), a nêmesis do Capitão Jack Harkness! Ele vai trazer muita tensão para o time de Torchwood, que já estava abalado com o sumiço de seu líder desde os eventos finais da primeira temporada. Vem revisar esse episódio com a gente!

  • DWBRcast

    DWBRcast 220 - Torchwood: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang!


    Direct Podcast Download

    15:23 (GMT) - 22 Apr 2020

    Torchwood está de volta! A estreia da 2ª temporada traz um personagem novo e que já chega chegando: Capitão John Hart (James Marsters), a nêmesis do Capitão Jack Harkness! Ele vai trazer muita tensão para o time de Torchwood, que já estava abalado com o sumiço de seu líder desde os eventos finais da primeira temporada. Vem revisar esse episódio com a gente!

  • The Game of Rassilon

    Family - Part 1

    The Game of Rassilon

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:00 (GMT) - 22 Apr 2020

    The Doctor, Travis, and a further-weakened Roman arrive in a strange village where all is not what it seems, including their leader: the Master.

    Featuring special guest player Dino Andrade.

    Editing and Sound Design: David King.
    Theme music arrangement: Drew Krassowski.
    Additional music: Luke Baldridge.
    Recorded at Geeky Teas & Games in Burbank, CA.

    Follow us on social media! Twitter ▪ Instagram ▪ Facebook

  • Reality Bomb - a Doctor Who podcast

    Reality Bomb Episode 079 - The Shelter In Place Live Edition

    Reality Bomb - a Doctor Who podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:12 (GMT) - 22 Apr 2020

    On the seventy-ninth edition of Reality Bomb, we decided to cheer ourselves up during the pandemic by doing a live episode of Reality Bomb... over Zoom. Graeme Burk and Joy Piedmont are joined by Kim Rogers, Shannon Dohar, Alex Kennard and Bill Evenson as they talk about the Doctor Who we're watching or experiencing that provides comfort. Bill brings the 1965 Peter Cushing movie Dr. Who and the Daleks to the Gallery of the Underrated. And we play Doctor Who fan version of "Never have I ever..." Plus the return of "F*ck that guy"!

    We also have a video version of this episode if you want to watch!

  • Reality Bomb - a Doctor Who podcast

    Reality Bomb Episode 079 - The Shelter In Place Live Edition

    Reality Bomb - a Doctor Who podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:12 (GMT) - 22 Apr 2020

    On the seventy-ninth edition of Reality Bomb, we decided to cheer ourselves up during the pandemic by doing a live episode of Reality Bomb... over Zoom. Graeme Burk and Joy Piedmont are joined by Kim Rogers, Shannon Dohar, Alex Kennard and Bill Evenson as they talk about the Doctor Who we're watching or experiencing that provides comfort. Bill brings the 1965 Peter Cushing movie Dr. Who and the Daleks to the Gallery of the Underrated. And we play Doctor Who fan version of "Never have I ever..." Plus the return of "F*ck that guy"!

    We also have a video version of this episode if you want to watch!

Dormant Podcasts