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  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #40 - the Drums! The Drums!

    Radio Free Skaro

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    06:21 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2007

    The drums! Glimpses of Gallifrey, the Master at his hammy finest, a Prime Minister gone mad and a wizened Doctor...the Sound of Drums was a chaotic grab bag of fun. And so was this podcast, as Steven and Warren ramble with little rhyme or reason and speculate wildly as to the future of the show, the nature of the Toclafane, and other ponderous matters. We even managed to throw a couple of promos into the mix this time. Enjoy!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 40 Mid Life Crisis Time

    Geek Syndicate

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    06:14 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2007

    Well here we are, at last, the big 40. In typical fashion we have our mid life crisis and decide to change the format up a bit. This week no news but rather a crazy mix of answering listener questions and the week that was.Dave finally watches the Smallville season finale. Indy 4 first movie image baby! The first image of Ming the Merciless spolier..it's rubbish!We also chat about DC's countdown..enjoy! and roll on episode 50!!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #40 - the Drums! The Drums!

    Radio Free Skaro

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    05:21 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2007

    The drums! Glimpses of Gallifrey, the Master at his hammy finest, a Prime Minister gone mad and a wizened Doctor...the Sound of Drums was a chaotic grab bag of fun. And so was this podcast, as Steven and Warren ramble with little rhyme or reason and speculate wildly as to the future of the show, the nature of the Toclafane, and other ponderous matters. We even managed to throw a couple of promos into the mix this time. Enjoy!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 40 Mid Life Crisis Time

    Geek Syndicate

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    05:14 (GMT) - 27 Jun 2007

    Well here we are, at last, the big 40. In typical fashion we have our mid life crisis and decide to change the format up a bit. This week no news but rather a crazy mix of answering listener questions and the week that was.Dave finally watches the Smallville season finale. Indy 4 first movie image baby! The first image of Ming the Merciless spolier..it's rubbish!We also chat about DC's countdown..enjoy! and roll on episode 50!!

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Podcast #1: Fungus or Firefly?

    Staggering Stories Podcast

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    19:46 (GMT) - 24 Jun 2007

    For 25 June 2007 (recorded 12 June 2007)

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell and Tony Gallichan talk about 2007 Doctor Who, Staggering Artwork, Uberguilds Radio, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.01 – Introduction and theme tune.
    • 00.31 – Greetings, yes? And introductions from the team.
    • 01.14 – Where is Keith?
    • 02.00 – Pizza Poetry 1
    • 02.41 – Discussion: Doctor Who:
    • 05.00 – Daleks In Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks and the dippy middle of series 3
    • 09.00 – Smith and Jones.
    • 11.11 – The Shakespeare Code.
    • 14.14 – Gridlock and the Doctor’s case of crabs…
    • 20.15 – The Lazarus Experiment.
    • 21.39 – 42.
    • 22.48 – Human Nature/ The Family of Blood.
    • 23.54 – Just why is the Doctor now Judge, Jury and Executioner? Kai Ying wants to know….
    • 30.03 – Blink: Sally Sparrow vs Martha Jones.
    • 31.58 – Adam’s prediction for Mr. Saxon and his ‘Associates’. Cue cliffhanger!!
    • 32.08 – Pizza Poetry 2.
    • 32.47 – And now, the Gallery. Or How Crumbly creates the Staggering Stories’ front covers…
    • 41.53 – Uberguilds Radio and Tony’s radio show
    • 46.41 – SOE adverts,’Alan’, and how not to take the mick out of Yivvits and Mr. Bubble…
    • 49.05 – Pizza Poetry 3.
    • 50.00 – A letter, an e-mail… and one ‘shiny’ bottle… and how to contact us
    • 52.38 – Goodbyeeeeee…
    • 52.51 – End theme, disclaimer, copyright etc
    • plus extra goodies!

    Vital Links:

    • Mr Dalek Web Cam
    • The Doctor’s Head Web Cam
    • The Jealhimet MMO Guild Forum
    • The premier Doctor Who Site: Outpost Gallifrey
    • “…Hold The Front Page!…” or “How Staggering Stories Artwork is Created”
    • Uberguilds Radio
    • Official Sony Online Entertainment Podcast
    • Star Wars Galaxies with Yivvits and Mr Bubble Podcast

  • Tachyon TV Podcasts

    Tachyon TV Podcast 1.1 (enhanced)

    Tachyon TV Podcasts

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    20:44 (GMT) - 23 Jun 2007

    "Nile Delta choked by slick of 'Tomorrow People' DVDs..." Featuring: an interview with Clayton Hickman, Mark Ayres' Audio Magic, Forum Watch, Phil Collinson's Guide to the Arts and exclusive Tachyon TV News.

  • Tachyon TV Podcasts

    Tachyon TV Podcast 1.1 (Broadband Quality)

    Tachyon TV Podcasts

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    20:44 (GMT) - 23 Jun 2007

    "Barrowman steals Darrow's Ham in Charabanc..." Featuring: an interview with Clayton Hickman, Mark Ayres' Audio Magic, Forum Watch, Phil Collinson's Guide to the Arts and exclusive Tachyon TV News.

  • Tachyon TV Podcasts

    Tachyon TV Podcast 1.1 (Low Quality)

    Tachyon TV Podcasts

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    20:44 (GMT) - 23 Jun 2007

    "Clayton Hickman - crushing children's dreams..." Featuring: an interview with Clayton Hickman, Mark Ayres' Audio Magic, Forum Watch, Phil Collinson's Guide to the Arts and exclusive Tachyon TV News.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 39

    Geek Syndicate

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    06:38 (GMT) - 20 Jun 2007

    Last one to go before the big 40 (cool that rhymed). In this week's episode we chat about City of Heroes and the upcoming DC comics MMORG. We also do a live performance of one of the tracks from the new Transformers movie soundtrack.

    We chat about the I am Legend and Babylon 5: The Lost Tales trailers and we look at the first two episodes of the web only sci-fi show Sanctuary. In our main feature we take you on on an epic journey to meet some of favourite mentors from movies,books,comics and real life.

    Last and least discover what happens when David Monteith is left alone for a microphone for more than two minutes. It's not pretty listening people, so enjoy...if you can!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 39

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:38 (GMT) - 20 Jun 2007

    Last one to go before the big 40 (cool that rhymed). In this week's episode we chat about City of Heroes and the upcoming DC comics MMORG. We also do a live performance of one of the tracks from the new Transformers movie soundtrack.

    We chat about the I am Legend and Babylon 5: The Lost Tales trailers and we look at the first two episodes of the web only sci-fi show Sanctuary. In our main feature  we take you on on an epic journey to meet some of  favourite mentors from movies,books,comics and real life.

    Last and least discover what happens when David Monteith is left alone for a microphone for more than two minutes. It's not pretty listening people, so enjoy...if you can!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #39 - Utopia!

    Radio Free Skaro

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    05:31 (GMT) - 19 Jun 2007

    The title says it all....the latest episode of Doctor Who was indeed blissful. Fast pacing, incredible character moments, a stellar performance by David Tennant...and the return of the Master. Words fail us.....or rather, they don't, for about 46 minutes and change. Jaunty ramblings ahoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #39 - Utopia!

    Radio Free Skaro

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    05:31 (GMT) - 19 Jun 2007

    The title says it all....the latest episode of Doctor Who was indeed blissful. Fast pacing, incredible character moments, a stellar performance by David Tennant...and the return of the Master. Words fail us.....or rather, they don't, for about 46 minutes and change. Jaunty ramblings ahoy!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #39 - Utopia!

    Radio Free Skaro

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    04:31 (GMT) - 19 Jun 2007

    The title says it all....the latest episode of Doctor Who was indeed blissful. Fast pacing, incredible character moments, a stellar performance by David Tennant...and the return of the Master. Words fail us.....or rather, they don't, for about 46 minutes and change. Jaunty ramblings ahoy!

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 16: The Road to Utopia

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    20:50 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2007

    Captain Jack Harkness reunites with the Doctor and the TARDIS is thrown out of control to the end of the universe. They meet Professor Yana, who is working on a means to save the remnants of humanity while a race known as the "Futurekind" attempt to thwart his plans.Doctor David Tennant (Tenth Doctor) Companions Freema Agyeman (Martha Jones) John Barrowman (Jack Harkness) Writer Russell T. Davies Director Graeme Harper Executive Producer(s) Russell T. Davies Julie Gardner Production code 3.11 Series Series 3 Originally broadcast 16 June 2007 Preceded by "Blink" Followed by "The Sound of Drums" This is Derek Jacobi's third involvement in Doctor Who and second time playing the Doctor's nemesis. The first was in the September 2003 audio drama Deadline,[3] where he played a screenwriter who believes himself to be the Doctor. The second was several months later, in the webcast Scream of the Shalka, where he played an android version of the Master.[4] David Tennant also had a minor, uncredited role in Scream of the Shalka.John Bell is a nine-year-old who won a Blue Peter competition to appear in this episode.[5]

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #040 - WHOtopia

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

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    18:04 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2007

    Herzlich willkommen zu einem Cast der Ruckkehrer. Wir sind wieder da, Captain Jack ist wieder da und auch der Master gibt seinen Einstand in der neuen Serie. Und das gleich in zwei Inkarnationen. Dass bei sovielen Events nicht mehr wirklich viel Platz fur eine Rahmenhandlung bleibt - dies aber auch nicht unbedingt notig ist - beweist die Folge "Utopia" recht eindrucksvoll. In diesem Sinn: Welcome Back!

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #040 - WHOtopia

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:04 (GMT) - 18 Jun 2007

    Herzlich willkommen zu einem Cast der Ruckkehrer. Wir sind wieder da, Captain Jack ist wieder da und auch der Master gibt seinen Einstand in der neuen Serie. Und das gleich in zwei Inkarnationen. Dass bei sovielen Events nicht mehr wirklich viel Platz fur eine Rahmenhandlung bleibt - dies aber auch nicht unbedingt notig ist - beweist die Folge "Utopia" recht eindrucksvoll. In diesem Sinn: Welcome Back!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #38: Blink!

    Radio Free Skaro

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    06:14 (GMT) - 13 Jun 2007

    Warren and Steven praise the thrills, chils, and statuary of Blink, the "Doctor Lite" episode that aired over the weekend across the pond. We also genuflect about the excellent episode of Dr Who Confidential that followed it, directed by and starring one David Tennant, an actor of little renown whom I'm sure will fade into well deserved obscurity soon. :) Along the way we're sidetracked into a discussion of Doctor Who spinoffs and other such ephemera, as well as speculation on next week's episode, "Utopia."

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #38: Blink!

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:14 (GMT) - 13 Jun 2007

    Warren and Steven praise the thrills, chils, and statuary of Blink, the "Doctor Lite" episode that aired over the weekend across the pond. We also genuflect about the excellent episode of Dr Who Confidential that followed it, directed by and starring one David Tennant, an actor of little renown whom I'm sure will fade into well deserved obscurity soon. :) Along the way we're sidetracked into a discussion of Doctor Who spinoffs and other such ephemera, as well as speculation on next week's episode, "Utopia."

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #38: Blink!

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:14 (GMT) - 13 Jun 2007

    Warren and Steven praise the thrills, chils, and statuary of Blink, the "Doctor Lite" episode that aired over the weekend across the pond. We also genuflect about the excellent episode of Dr Who Confidential that followed it, directed by and starring one David Tennant, an actor of little renown whom I'm sure will fade into well deserved obscurity soon. :) Along the way we're sidetracked into a discussion of Doctor Who spinoffs and other such ephemera, as well as speculation on next week's episode, "Utopia."

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 15: Blink and you might miss it!

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    19:02 (GMT) - 11 Jun 2007

    In an old, abandoned house, the Weeping Angels wait. Only the Doctor can stop them, but he is trapped in time. However, when people start disappearing, a young woman called Sally finds cryptic messages bleeding through from 1969 a messages from a mysterious stranger called the Doctor. But can she decipher them before the Angels claim their best prize yet?190 - Blink Doctor David Tennant (Tenth Doctor) Companion Martha Jones Writer Steven Moffat Director Hettie MacDonald Script Editor Helen Raynor Producer Phil Collinson Executive Producer(s) Russell T. Davies Julie Gardner Production code 3.10 Series Series 3 Length 45 minutes Originally broadcast 9 June 2007 Preceded by "The Family of Blood" Followed by "Utopia" Part of the story of "Blink" is based on Moffat's own Ninth Doctor short story from the Doctor Who Annual 2006 called "What I Did on My Christmas Holidays by Sally Sparrow". It is now available on the BBC website. "

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #039 - Ei, Ei, Ei...

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:21 (GMT) - 11 Jun 2007

    n der heutigen Episode des Whocastest gibt es wieder Horerzuschriften und News. Ausserdem besprechen wir die "Billigfolge" der aktuellen Staffel - die tatsachlich ein enormes Preis-/Leistungsverhaltnis bietet und machen Euch subtil auf unseren neuen Spreadshirtshop und die Archiv CD des Jahres 2006 aufmerksam. Des weiteren gibt es auch mal wieder etwas zu gewinnen...

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #039 - Ei, Ei, Ei...

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:21 (GMT) - 11 Jun 2007

    n der heutigen Episode des Whocastest gibt es wieder Horerzuschriften und News. Ausserdem besprechen wir die "Billigfolge" der aktuellen Staffel - die tatsachlich ein enormes Preis-/Leistungsverhaltnis bietet und machen Euch subtil auf unseren neuen Spreadshirtshop und die Archiv CD des Jahres 2006 aufmerksam. Des weiteren gibt es auch mal wieder etwas zu gewinnen...

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate Episode 38

    Geek Syndicate

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    03:19 (GMT) - 11 Jun 2007

    Welcome back to the warm embrace of the Geek Syndicate people. In today action pack episode discover; The Geek Syndicate's philosophy of life, What Ghostbuster we would be, who's cooler Shredder or Skeletor and how we would have ended Superman Returns.

    We chat about Thundercats the movie and robots that pour your beer (I know the future's looking bright). Our week that was is given entirely over to a review of season one of heroes.

    In today's main feature we discuss those books that influenced us as kids.

    So go in enjoy an hour (a little bit) of Geek Syndicate goodness!!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate Episode 38

    Geek Syndicate

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    02:19 (GMT) - 11 Jun 2007

    Welcome back to the warm embrace of the Geek Syndicate people. In today action pack episode discover; The Geek Syndicate's philosophy of life, What Ghostbuster we would be, who's cooler Shredder or Skeletor and how we would have ended Superman Returns.

     We chat about Thundercats the movie and robots that pour your beer (I know the future's looking bright). Our week that was is given entirely over to a review of season one of heroes.

    In today's main feature we discuss those books that influenced us as kids.

    So go in enjoy an hour (a little bit) of Geek Syndicate goodness!!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #37 - Bloody Family

    Radio Free Skaro

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    05:38 (GMT) - 6 Jun 2007

    Warren and Steven are back to heap unrestrained praise (or, in Steven's case, somewhat reserved praise) on "The Family of Blood", the concluding episode of the two-part Doctor Who saga that began with last week's Human Nature", which in itself began from the Paul Cornell novel of the same name some time before. We also discuss next week's "Blink," and the inevitable finale to the season, which is sure to be a masterly set of episodes (heh).

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #37 - Bloody Family

    Radio Free Skaro

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    05:38 (GMT) - 6 Jun 2007

    Warren and Steven are back to heap unrestrained praise (or, in Steven's case, somewhat reserved praise) on "The Family of Blood", the concluding episode of the two-part Doctor Who saga that began with last week's Human Nature", which in itself began from the Paul Cornell novel of the same name some time before. We also discuss next week's "Blink," and the inevitable finale to the season, which is sure to be a masterly set of episodes (heh).

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #37 - Bloody Family

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:38 (GMT) - 6 Jun 2007

    Warren and Steven are back to heap unrestrained praise (or, in Steven's case, somewhat reserved praise) on "The Family of Blood", the concluding episode of the two-part Doctor Who saga that began with last week's Human Nature", which in itself began from the Paul Cornell novel of the same name some time before. We also discuss next week's "Blink," and the inevitable finale to the season, which is sure to be a masterly set of episodes (heh).

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #038 - Family-Fun

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:37 (GMT) - 6 Jun 2007

    Da es Human Nature / Family of Blood durchaus verdient hat, als ganzes besprochen zu werden, sind wir mit leichter verspatung wieder da und besprechen diese wirklich grandiose Doppelfolge. Ausserdem gibt es ein grosses Newspaket und einen Demonstrationsaufruf, der Pro7 das furchten lehren soll.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #038 - Family-Fun

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:37 (GMT) - 6 Jun 2007

    Da es Human Nature / Family of Blood durchaus verdient hat, als ganzes besprochen zu werden, sind wir mit leichter verspatung wieder da und besprechen diese wirklich grandiose Doppelfolge. Ausserdem gibt es ein grosses Newspaket und einen Demonstrationsaufruf, der Pro7 das furchten lehren soll.

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 14: Family Blood

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    14:50 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2007

    It is 1913 in England and war has come a year in advance as the terrifying Family hunt for the Doctor. When John Smith refuses to accept his destiny as a Time Lord, the women in his life AC/i?1/2i?1/2 Martha and Joan AC/i?1/2i?1/2 have to help him decide.Cast The Doctor AC/i?1/2i?1/2 David TennantMartha Jones AC/i?1/2i?1/2 Freema AgyemanJoan Redfern AC/i?1/2i?1/2 Jessica HynesJeremy Baines AC/i?1/2i?1/2 Harry LloydTim Latimer AC/i?1/2i?1/2 Thomas SangsterHutchinson AC/i?1/2i?1/2 Tom PalmerRocastle AC/i?1/2i?1/2 Pip TorrensJenny AC/i?1/2i?1/2 Rebekah StatonMr. Clark AC/i?1/2i?1/2 Gerard HoranLucy Cartwright AC/i?1/2i?1/2 Lauren WilsonPhillips AC/i?1/2i?1/2 Matthew WhiteVicar AC/i?1/2i?1/2 Sophie Turner

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate Episode 37

    Geek Syndicate

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    06:18 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2007

    We are still joined by resident non geek Amaechi as we discuss He man, Jericho, pretend bionic fights, the Book of Eli, The Pirates of the Caribbean demo for the Xbox 360 and why movie to game tie ins are so crap. Dave's lack of invisible fighting skills is called into question as Amaechi reveals his secret past as an invisible cage fighter.

    In our main feature we chat about what fictional places we'd like to visit and those we wouldn't want to be caught dead in. The chat goes all over the place...enjoy.

    Apologies for some of the sound distortion on this episode we had the recording levels too high I reckon...oops.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate Episode 37

    Geek Syndicate

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    05:18 (GMT) - 3 Jun 2007

    We are still joined by resident non geek Amaechi as we discuss He man, Jericho, pretend bionic fights, the Book of Eli, The Pirates of the Caribbean demo for the Xbox 360 and why movie to game tie ins are so crap. Dave's lack of invisible fighting skills is called into question as Amaechi reveals his secret past as an invisible cage fighter.

    In our main feature we chat about what fictional places we'd like to visit and those we wouldn't want to be caught dead in. The chat goes all over the place...enjoy.

    Apologies for some of the sound distortion on this episode we had the recording levels too high I reckon...oops.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #36 - Human Nature

    Radio Free Skaro

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    05:51 (GMT) - 29 May 2007

    One of the best episodes of the new season and indeed the series, Human Nature is the subject of this week's podcast. Steven and Warren discuss the episode for a solid 30 minutes, and only rarely descend into their trademark digressions and Who-trivia-oneupmanship.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #36 - Human Nature

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:51 (GMT) - 29 May 2007

    One of the best episodes of the new season and indeed the series, Human Nature is the subject of this week's podcast. Steven and Warren discuss the episode for a solid 30 minutes, and only rarely descend into their trademark digressions and Who-trivia-oneupmanship.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #36 - Human Nature

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:51 (GMT) - 29 May 2007

    One of the best episodes of the new season and indeed the series, Human Nature is the subject of this week's podcast. Steven and Warren discuss the episode for a solid 30 minutes, and only rarely descend into their trademark digressions and Who-trivia-oneupmanship.

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 13: Human Nature

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    19:14 (GMT) - 28 May 2007

    It's 1913 in England, and an ordinary schoolteacher called John Smith is disturbed by dreams of adventures in time and space and a mysterious blue box. But, when lights in the sky herald the arrival of something strange and terrible, Smith's maid, Martha, has to convince him that he alone can save the world.John Smith's journal features sketches of the interior of the TARDIS, a sonic screwdriver, K9, Rose Tyler, Autons, Clockwork Droids, Cybermen, Daleks, the Moxx of Balhoon and Raxacoricofallapatorians as well as a picture of the gas-mask plague carriers from "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances". Also the First, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Doctors appear,[2] the first time in the new series that the previous incarnations have been explicitly acknowledged on-screen..As part of his cover story, John Smith refers to his parents Sydney and Verity, a reference to one of the creators and the first producer of Doctor Who respectively. Russell T. Davies confirmed this in Doctor Who Confidential.Fleeting clips of the lone Dalek in "Dalek", Cybermen, Ood, Sycorax, the werewolf seen in "Tooth and Claw", Racnoss and Lazarus in his mutated form are shown when Timothy opens the watch. There is also a clip of the Doctor using his sonic screwdriver in "Army of Ghosts" and "The Age of Steel".John Smith's skill with the cricket ball is reminiscent of that of the Fifth Doctor, best exemplified in Black Orchid.In the flashback the Doctor mentions a Time Agent vortex manipulator.The melody used while Lucy is walking down the path is similar to the melody used in Remembrance of the Daleks when the Girl appears.The Family's possession of Lucy Cartwright is a nod to the character of Aphasia in the original novel, a shapeshifting Aubertide who likewise takes the form of a young girl with a balloon.The Doctor explains he will cloak the pocket watch with a "perception filter". The Torchwood episode "Everything Changes" coined the phrase when stating that some of the TARDIS's properties became welded to Roald Dahl Plass due to the activities of the Cardiff Rift. In Torchwood, the perception filter cloaks the Torchwood Hub's lift from the untrained eye.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate Episode 36

    Geek Syndicate

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    04:13 (GMT) - 28 May 2007

    This week we're joined once again by the official Geek Syndicate Non Geek Amacehi. Together we check out the new Transformers trailer. Dave has a broadband meltdown(cover your ears kids).

    We discuss the fors and against of movie end credits, the heroes spin off, Sims the movie, Midnighter, Jetta:Tales of the Toshigawa
    and more.

    Dave new superhero....'Man Whore' is unveiled to an unsuspecting world (not pretty trust me).

    Our main feature looks at some of our favourite strong female characters from comics, books, movie and TV.

    Also the listener of the month for June is announced...enjoy!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate Episode 36

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:13 (GMT) - 28 May 2007

    This week we're joined once again by the official Geek Syndicate Non Geek Amacehi. Together we check out the new Transformers trailer. Dave has a broadband meltdown(cover your ears kids).

    We discuss the fors and against of movie end credits, the heroes spin off, Sims the movie, Midnighter, Jetta:Tales of the Toshigawa 
    and more.

    Dave new superhero....'Man Whore' is unveiled to an unsuspecting world (not pretty trust me).

    Our main feature looks at some of our favourite strong female characters from comics, books, movie and TV.

    Also the listener of the month for June is announced...enjoy!

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 12: 42! The Meaning of Life?

    Tin Dog Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:53 (GMT) - 22 May 2007

    188 - 42 Doctor David Tennant (Tenth Doctor) Writer Chris Chibnall Director Graeme Harper Script Editor Simon Winstone Producer Phil Collinson Executive Producer(s) Russell T. Davies Julie Gardner Production code 3.7 Series Series 3 Length 45 minutes Originally broadcast 19 May 2007 Preceded by The Lazarus Experiment Followed by Human Nature Synopsis In a distant galaxy, in the 42nd century, a spaceship hurtles out of control towards a boiling sun. The Doctor has 42 minutes to uncover the saboteurs, but with a mysterious force starting to possess the ship's crew, the Doctor and Martha are running out of time. Group Url: http://groups.myspace.com/tindog

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #35 - Forty-two

    Radio Free Skaro

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    05:50 (GMT) - 22 May 2007

    After a week of meandering discussion to fill time, we're back with an actual episode to ponder and pontificate about, and so we banter back on forth about 42, Doctor Who's stab at a sorta-kinda real-time episode. We also branch off into discussion of a couple of upcoming episodes, but stay remarkably on course, given our penchant for digression.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #35 - Forty-two

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:50 (GMT) - 22 May 2007

    After a week of meandering discussion to fill time, we're back with an actual episode to ponder and pontificate about, and so we banter back on forth about 42, Doctor Who's stab at a sorta-kinda real-time episode. We also branch off into discussion of a couple of upcoming episodes, but stay remarkably on course, given our penchant for digression.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #35 - Forty-two

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:50 (GMT) - 22 May 2007

    After a week of meandering discussion to fill time, we're back with an actual episode to ponder and pontificate about, and so we banter back on forth about 42, Doctor Who's stab at a sorta-kinda real-time episode. We also branch off into discussion of a couple of upcoming episodes, but stay remarkably on course, given our penchant for digression.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #037 - 54

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:03 (GMT) - 21 May 2007

    Nach zwei wholosen Wochen meldet sich unsere Lieblingsserie mit einer neuen Folge zuruck - und zwar in REALTIME - zumindest laut Drehbuch. Ob das ganze geklappt hat, oder eher verschwendete Zeit war, erfahrt ihr in diesem Whocast, der - getreu dem Motto der neuen Folge - auch in REALTIME gesendet wird. Zusatzlich gibt es diesmal noch einen lange Horerbrief teil und das neuste vom neusten aus dem Whoniversum....

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #037 - 54

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:03 (GMT) - 21 May 2007

    Nach zwei wholosen Wochen meldet sich unsere Lieblingsserie mit einer neuen Folge zuruck - und zwar in REALTIME - zumindest laut Drehbuch. Ob das ganze geklappt hat, oder eher verschwendete Zeit war, erfahrt ihr in diesem Whocast, der - getreu dem Motto der neuen Folge - auch in REALTIME gesendet wird. Zusatzlich gibt es diesmal noch einen lange Horerbrief teil und das neuste vom neusten aus dem Whoniversum....

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