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  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #36 - Human Nature

    Radio Free Skaro

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    04:51 (GMT) - 29 May 2007

    One of the best episodes of the new season and indeed the series, Human Nature is the subject of this week's podcast. Steven and Warren discuss the episode for a solid 30 minutes, and only rarely descend into their trademark digressions and Who-trivia-oneupmanship.

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 13: Human Nature

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    19:14 (GMT) - 28 May 2007

    It's 1913 in England, and an ordinary schoolteacher called John Smith is disturbed by dreams of adventures in time and space and a mysterious blue box. But, when lights in the sky herald the arrival of something strange and terrible, Smith's maid, Martha, has to convince him that he alone can save the world.John Smith's journal features sketches of the interior of the TARDIS, a sonic screwdriver, K9, Rose Tyler, Autons, Clockwork Droids, Cybermen, Daleks, the Moxx of Balhoon and Raxacoricofallapatorians as well as a picture of the gas-mask plague carriers from "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances". Also the First, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Doctors appear,[2] the first time in the new series that the previous incarnations have been explicitly acknowledged on-screen..As part of his cover story, John Smith refers to his parents Sydney and Verity, a reference to one of the creators and the first producer of Doctor Who respectively. Russell T. Davies confirmed this in Doctor Who Confidential.Fleeting clips of the lone Dalek in "Dalek", Cybermen, Ood, Sycorax, the werewolf seen in "Tooth and Claw", Racnoss and Lazarus in his mutated form are shown when Timothy opens the watch. There is also a clip of the Doctor using his sonic screwdriver in "Army of Ghosts" and "The Age of Steel".John Smith's skill with the cricket ball is reminiscent of that of the Fifth Doctor, best exemplified in Black Orchid.In the flashback the Doctor mentions a Time Agent vortex manipulator.The melody used while Lucy is walking down the path is similar to the melody used in Remembrance of the Daleks when the Girl appears.The Family's possession of Lucy Cartwright is a nod to the character of Aphasia in the original novel, a shapeshifting Aubertide who likewise takes the form of a young girl with a balloon.The Doctor explains he will cloak the pocket watch with a "perception filter". The Torchwood episode "Everything Changes" coined the phrase when stating that some of the TARDIS's properties became welded to Roald Dahl Plass due to the activities of the Cardiff Rift. In Torchwood, the perception filter cloaks the Torchwood Hub's lift from the untrained eye.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate Episode 36

    Geek Syndicate

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    04:13 (GMT) - 28 May 2007

    This week we're joined once again by the official Geek Syndicate Non Geek Amacehi. Together we check out the new Transformers trailer. Dave has a broadband meltdown(cover your ears kids).

    We discuss the fors and against of movie end credits, the heroes spin off, Sims the movie, Midnighter, Jetta:Tales of the Toshigawa
    and more.

    Dave new superhero....'Man Whore' is unveiled to an unsuspecting world (not pretty trust me).

    Our main feature looks at some of our favourite strong female characters from comics, books, movie and TV.

    Also the listener of the month for June is announced...enjoy!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate Episode 36

    Geek Syndicate

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    03:13 (GMT) - 28 May 2007

    This week we're joined once again by the official Geek Syndicate Non Geek Amacehi. Together we check out the new Transformers trailer. Dave has a broadband meltdown(cover your ears kids).

    We discuss the fors and against of movie end credits, the heroes spin off, Sims the movie, Midnighter, Jetta:Tales of the Toshigawa 
    and more.

    Dave new superhero....'Man Whore' is unveiled to an unsuspecting world (not pretty trust me).

    Our main feature looks at some of our favourite strong female characters from comics, books, movie and TV.

    Also the listener of the month for June is announced...enjoy!

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 12: 42! The Meaning of Life?

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    19:53 (GMT) - 22 May 2007

    188 - 42 Doctor David Tennant (Tenth Doctor) Writer Chris Chibnall Director Graeme Harper Script Editor Simon Winstone Producer Phil Collinson Executive Producer(s) Russell T. Davies Julie Gardner Production code 3.7 Series Series 3 Length 45 minutes Originally broadcast 19 May 2007 Preceded by The Lazarus Experiment Followed by Human Nature Synopsis In a distant galaxy, in the 42nd century, a spaceship hurtles out of control towards a boiling sun. The Doctor has 42 minutes to uncover the saboteurs, but with a mysterious force starting to possess the ship's crew, the Doctor and Martha are running out of time. Group Url: http://groups.myspace.com/tindog

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #35 - Forty-two

    Radio Free Skaro

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    05:50 (GMT) - 22 May 2007

    After a week of meandering discussion to fill time, we're back with an actual episode to ponder and pontificate about, and so we banter back on forth about 42, Doctor Who's stab at a sorta-kinda real-time episode. We also branch off into discussion of a couple of upcoming episodes, but stay remarkably on course, given our penchant for digression.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #35 - Forty-two

    Radio Free Skaro

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    05:50 (GMT) - 22 May 2007

    After a week of meandering discussion to fill time, we're back with an actual episode to ponder and pontificate about, and so we banter back on forth about 42, Doctor Who's stab at a sorta-kinda real-time episode. We also branch off into discussion of a couple of upcoming episodes, but stay remarkably on course, given our penchant for digression.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #35 - Forty-two

    Radio Free Skaro

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    04:50 (GMT) - 22 May 2007

    After a week of meandering discussion to fill time, we're back with an actual episode to ponder and pontificate about, and so we banter back on forth about 42, Doctor Who's stab at a sorta-kinda real-time episode. We also branch off into discussion of a couple of upcoming episodes, but stay remarkably on course, given our penchant for digression.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #037 - 54

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

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    19:03 (GMT) - 21 May 2007

    Nach zwei wholosen Wochen meldet sich unsere Lieblingsserie mit einer neuen Folge zuruck - und zwar in REALTIME - zumindest laut Drehbuch. Ob das ganze geklappt hat, oder eher verschwendete Zeit war, erfahrt ihr in diesem Whocast, der - getreu dem Motto der neuen Folge - auch in REALTIME gesendet wird. Zusatzlich gibt es diesmal noch einen lange Horerbrief teil und das neuste vom neusten aus dem Whoniversum....

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #037 - 54

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:03 (GMT) - 21 May 2007

    Nach zwei wholosen Wochen meldet sich unsere Lieblingsserie mit einer neuen Folge zuruck - und zwar in REALTIME - zumindest laut Drehbuch. Ob das ganze geklappt hat, oder eher verschwendete Zeit war, erfahrt ihr in diesem Whocast, der - getreu dem Motto der neuen Folge - auch in REALTIME gesendet wird. Zusatzlich gibt es diesmal noch einen lange Horerbrief teil und das neuste vom neusten aus dem Whoniversum....

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    New Tin Dog Podcast Promo By Tardisious

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    08:03 (GMT) - 21 May 2007

     New Tin Dog Podcast Promo By  Tardisious

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Ep 35 Coming soon to a TV screen near you

    Geek Syndicate

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    23:58 (GMT) - 20 May 2007

    Welcome again to the hallowed halls of Geekdom as we take a look at the Halo 3 multiplayer beta, the Smallville and The Batman cartoon season finales (well one of us does anyway).

    We check out some casting news on some of the new comic book movies coming your way. There's more evil afoot as well from out arch enemies over at emotiv systems (or epoch to you and I).

    In this week's special join us as we examine some of the new shows coming across the pond from our American brethren this autumn(which means we'll get them over here in about five years).

    Watch out for the Barry's meltdown over the portrayal of computer geeks on tv (it's not pretty).

    Keep listening to the end for some extended after show clips...enjoy

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Ep 35 Coming soon to a TV screen near you

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:58 (GMT) - 20 May 2007

    Welcome again to the hallowed halls of Geekdom as we take a look at the Halo 3 multiplayer beta, the Smallville and The Batman cartoon season finales (well one of us does anyway).

    We check out some casting news on some of the new comic book movies coming your way. There's more evil afoot as well from out arch enemies over at emotiv systems (or epoch to you and I).

    In this week's special join us as we examine some of the new shows coming across the pond from our American brethren this autumn(which means we'll get them over here in about five years).

    Watch out for the Barry's meltdown over the portrayal of computer geeks on tv (it's not pretty).

    Keep listening to the end for some extended after show clips...enjoy

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 34 The Con is still on!!!

    Geek Syndicate

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    08:37 (GMT) - 18 May 2007

    We conclude our coverage of the 2007 Bristol Con (Dry those tears, we still have the Birmingham Con in October). We hand out some awards to some of the comedy legends we met at the Con.

    Later on in the evening Dave takes us on a whistle stop tour around the bar chatting with a bevy of women who attended the con who many different reasons. This drunken idea of Dave's actually turned out a lot more interesting, thought provoking and funny than you would think.


  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 34 The Con is still on!!!

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:37 (GMT) - 18 May 2007

    We conclude our coverage of the 2007 Bristol Con (Dry those tears, we still have the Birmingham Con in October). We hand out some awards to some of the comedy legends we met at the Con.

    Later on in the evening Dave takes us on a whistle stop tour around the bar chatting with a bevy of women who attended the con who many different reasons. This drunken idea of Dave's actually turned out a lot more interesting, thought provoking and funny than you would think.


  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate Ep 33 - The Con is on!

    Geek Syndicate

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    20:05 (GMT) - 15 May 2007

    It's the Bristol Comic Convention versus the Geek Syndicate and friends. Will Bristol or the world ever be the same again? Over the next two nail biting episodes we'll find out!


  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate Ep 33 - The Con is on!

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:05 (GMT) - 15 May 2007

    It's the Bristol Comic Convention versus the Geek Syndicate and friends. Will Bristol or the world ever be the same again? Over the next two nail biting episodes we'll find out!


  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #34: Fanwank Ahoy!

    Radio Free Skaro

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    06:07 (GMT) - 15 May 2007

    With no episode to comment on, we've decided to devote this episode to random blather, mumblesuch and fanwankery. Our first couple of takes were felled by the Internet gods, but we managed to squeak out a half hour of conjecture and mockery. Next week, 42!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #34: Fanwank Ahoy!

    Radio Free Skaro

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    06:07 (GMT) - 15 May 2007

    With no episode to comment on, we've decided to devote this episode to random blather, mumblesuch and fanwankery. Our first couple of takes were felled by the Internet gods, but we managed to squeak out a half hour of conjecture and mockery. Next week, 42!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #34: Fanwank Ahoy!

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:07 (GMT) - 15 May 2007

    With no episode to comment on, we've decided to devote this episode to random blather, mumblesuch and fanwankery. Our first couple of takes were felled by the Internet gods, but we managed to squeak out a half hour of conjecture and mockery. Next week, 42!

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #036 - Der alte Mann und das Tier

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

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    23:46 (GMT) - 11 May 2007

    Im zweiten Teil unserer Aufholjagd sezieren wir diesmal fur euch die Folge "The Lazarus Experiment" und schauen, was es in den letzten zwei Wochen neues im Whoniversum gegeben hat. Das Intro geht diesesmal auf die Kappe von Bob, vielen Dank an dieser Stelle. Noch einen Hinweis in eigener Sache: Der Titel dieser Episode bezieht sich naturlich auf Lazarus und sein Alter Ego und nicht auf die Moderatoren dieses Casts.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #036 - Der alte Mann und das Tier

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:46 (GMT) - 11 May 2007

    Im zweiten Teil unserer Aufholjagd sezieren wir diesmal fur euch die Folge "The Lazarus Experiment" und schauen, was es in den letzten zwei Wochen neues im Whoniversum gegeben hat. Das Intro geht diesesmal auf die Kappe von Bob, vielen Dank an dieser Stelle. Noch einen Hinweis in eigener Sache: Der Titel dieser Episode bezieht sich naturlich auf Lazarus und sein Alter Ego und nicht auf die Moderatoren dieses Casts.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #035 - Die Aufholjagd of the Daleks

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:33 (GMT) - 10 May 2007

    Nach langerer Abwesenheit versuchen wir in diesem und im nachsten Podcast ein wenig aufzuholen. Den Anfang machen heute die Reviews zu "Gridlock", "Daleks in Manhatten" und "Evolution of the Daleks". Wobei es sich bei dem Dalekzweiteiler wohl eher um einen Verriss als um ein Review handelt - Aber mit Recht!

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #035 - Die Aufholjagd of the Daleks

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:33 (GMT) - 10 May 2007

    Nach langerer Abwesenheit versuchen wir in diesem und im nachsten Podcast ein wenig aufzuholen. Den Anfang machen heute die Reviews zu "Gridlock", "Daleks in Manhatten" und "Evolution of the Daleks". Wobei es sich bei dem Dalekzweiteiler wohl eher um einen Verriss als um ein Review handelt - Aber mit Recht!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 32

    Geek Syndicate

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    09:40 (GMT) - 8 May 2007

    Welcome to Episode 32(cue trumpets and fanfare). First off apologies that this episode is over 2 hours. We has such a laugh recording this episode that time kinda went out of the window.

    We discuss the end of 52 and the upcoming Countdown. We also take a look at the new sci-fi series that is only available on the internet. Our main feature covers some of our favourite sidekicks (yes even kid sidekicks) from movies, tv, comics and books.


  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 32

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:40 (GMT) - 8 May 2007

    Welcome to Episode 32(cue trumpets and fanfare). First off apologies that this episode is over 2 hours. We has such a laugh recording this episode that time kinda went out of the window.

    We discuss the end of 52 and the upcoming Countdown. We also take a look at the new sci-fi series that is only available on the internet. Our main feature covers some of our favourite sidekicks (yes even kid sidekicks) from movies, tv, comics and books.


  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro # 33 - That's one big spider

    Radio Free Skaro

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    05:59 (GMT) - 8 May 2007

    Dr. Who returns to the tried and true with a nice little monster romp involving fountains of youth, genetic tomfoolery and a bit of the ultraviolence. Not to mention a corker of a trailer for the second half of the season. Some Eurovision nonsense is getting in the way of broadcasting the episode next week, so we've decided to make this an all-request show. Email, send mp3s, or do whatever else you can think of to help us create next week's DYI podcast.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro # 33 - That's one big spider

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:59 (GMT) - 8 May 2007

    Dr. Who returns to the tried and true with a nice little monster romp involving fountains of youth, genetic tomfoolery and a bit of the ultraviolence. Not to mention a corker of a trailer for the second half of the season. Some Eurovision nonsense is getting in the way of broadcasting the episode next week, so we've decided to make this an all-request show. Email, send mp3s, or do whatever else you can think of to help us create next week's DYI podcast.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro # 33 - That's one big spider

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:59 (GMT) - 8 May 2007

    Dr. Who returns to the tried and true with a nice little monster romp involving fountains of youth, genetic tomfoolery and a bit of the ultraviolence. Not to mention a corker of a trailer for the second half of the season. Some Eurovision nonsense is getting in the way of broadcasting the episode next week, so we've decided to make this an all-request show. Email, send mp3s, or do whatever else you can think of to help us create next week's DYI podcast.

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 11: The Lazarus Experiment

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    18:48 (GMT) - 7 May 2007

    Arriving back on Earth, Martha, the Doctor and Martha's family attend a demonstration by the enigmatic Professor Lazarus which promises to change "what it means to be human". A horrific product of genetic manipulation goes on a rampage, and the machinations of an unseen trap start to close. 187 - The Lazarus Experiment Doctor David Tennant (Tenth Doctor) Writer Stephen Greenhorn Director Richard Clark Script Editor Simon Winstone Producer Phil Collinson Executive Producer(s) Russell T. Davies Julie Gardner Production code 3.6 Series Series 3 Length 45 minutes Originally broadcast 5 May 2007 Preceded by Evolution of the Daleks Followed by 42 "My name is Professor Richard Lazarus, and tonight, Mathew I am going to be... miracle...

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    TDP 10: Evolution of the Daleks

    Tin Dog Podcast

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    18:54 (GMT) - 1 May 2007

    The Cult of Skaro's plan is in full force. Dalek Sec is reborn in a half-human form, and the Pig Slaves launch an enormous assault upon the Central Park Hooverville along with the remaining pure Daleks. The Doctor, Martha, Solomon and the others must fight for their lives, while the future of humans and Daleks alike is being decided underneath the Empire State Building. 186b - Evolution of the Daleks Doctor David Tennant (Tenth Doctor) Writer Helen Raynor Director James Strong Producer Phil Collinson Executive Producer(s) Russell T. Davies Julie Gardner Production code 3.5 Series Series 3 Length 45 minutes Originally broadcast 28 April 2007 Preceded by Daleks in Manhattan Followed by The Lazarus Experiment

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #32 - Daleks, Manhattan..ehh

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:41 (GMT) - 1 May 2007

    Daleks, Manhattan, and a 1930's setting would seem to be a potent stew for some good Doctor Who episodin', but unfortunately the latest pepper-pot epic doesn't really amount to much. Freyburg and I am Steven muse upon the missed chances and minor triumphs of Evolution of the Daleks in Manhattan, then veer wildly off course to discuss Freyburg's recent trip to New York and the listener gathering held last week in Edmonton. Next week, spider creatures and the fountain of youth!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #32 - Daleks, Manhattan..ehh

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:41 (GMT) - 1 May 2007

    Daleks, Manhattan, and a 1930's setting would seem to be a potent stew for some good Doctor Who episodin', but unfortunately the latest pepper-pot epic doesn't really amount to much. Freyburg and I am Steven muse upon the missed chances and minor triumphs of Evolution of the Daleks in Manhattan, then veer wildly off course to discuss Freyburg's recent trip to New York and the listener gathering held last week in Edmonton. Next week, spider creatures and the fountain of youth!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #32 - Daleks, Manhattan..ehh

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:41 (GMT) - 1 May 2007

    Daleks, Manhattan, and a 1930's setting would seem to be a potent stew for some good Doctor Who episodin', but unfortunately the latest pepper-pot epic doesn't really amount to much. Freyburg and I am Steven muse upon the missed chances and minor triumphs of Evolution of the Daleks in Manhattan, then veer wildly off course to discuss Freyburg's recent trip to New York and the listener gathering held last week in Edmonton. Next week, spider creatures and the fountain of youth!

  • Geek Syndicate

    GS Episode 31 - Spidey 3 Spolier free and spoilerful review

    Geek Syndicate

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    17:22 (GMT) - 30 Apr 2007

    This is it, we've fought off the sony ninjas long enough to bring you our exclusive spoiler free and spoilerful (hmm is spoilerful even a word?!!) review of Spiderman 3. Also we finally declare war on Epoc and its masters (well Barry does Dave is far more interested in twins). We discuss more news from Indy 4, DC's World War III, Deja Vu, Sunshine and Dave reveals his obsession for a certain well known actress.

    Enjoy...and be warned we give you enough advance warning during the episode but there are major, major spoilers in our spolierful Spiderman 3 review.

  • Geek Syndicate

    GS Episode 31 - Spidey 3 Spolier free and spoilerful review

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:22 (GMT) - 30 Apr 2007

    This is it, we've fought off the sony ninjas long enough to bring you our exclusive spoiler free and spoilerful (hmm is spoilerful even a word?!!) review of Spiderman 3. Also we finally declare war on Epoc and its masters (well Barry does Dave is far more interested in twins). We discuss more news from Indy 4, DC's World War III, Deja Vu, Sunshine and Dave reveals his obsession for a certain well known actress.

    Enjoy...and be warned we give you enough advance warning during the episode but there are major, major spoilers in our spolierful Spiderman 3 review.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 30

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:44 (GMT) - 24 Apr 2007

    We discuss Spidey the musical, Dresden files, Die Hard 4, The Bourne Ultimatum, Angel season 6 the comic?

    There's a rant about the trend of 'music inspired by' soundtracks

    After surviving a brief attack by Sony Ninjas we move onto 52 and focus in on the Question and Renee's storyline.

    Our main feature is an interview with Mike Allwood one of the organisers of Bristol's comic con taking place next month. Mike gives us an exclusive rundown of the show's schedule


  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 30

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:44 (GMT) - 24 Apr 2007

    We discuss Spidey the musical, Dresden files, Die Hard 4, The Bourne Ultimatum, Angel season 6 the comic?

    There's a rant about the trend of 'music inspired by' soundtracks

    After surviving a brief attack by Sony Ninjas we move onto 52 and focus in on the Question and Renee's storyline.

    Our main feature is an interview with Mike Allwood one of the organisers of Bristol's comic con taking place next month. Mike gives us an exclusive rundown of the show's schedule


  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #034 - Day of the Tentacle

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

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    16:02 (GMT) - 23 Apr 2007

    Wie beim letzten mal schon in Aussicht gestellt, gibt es diesmal "Dosenfutter". Um genau zu sein gibt es Tentakel aus der Dose - oder mit anderen Worten das, vor Koljas Koreabesuch aufgezeichnete, Review zur Klassikfolge "Terror of the Zygons". Nachste Woche gibt es dann einen kurzen Ausblick auf die News, bevor wir uns nach Koljas Ruckkehr wieder um die aktuelle Staffel kummern.

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #034 - Day of the Tentacle

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:02 (GMT) - 23 Apr 2007

    Wie beim letzten mal schon in Aussicht gestellt, gibt es diesmal "Dosenfutter". Um genau zu sein gibt es Tentakel aus der Dose - oder mit anderen Worten das, vor Koljas Koreabesuch aufgezeichnete, Review zur Klassikfolge "Terror of the Zygons". Nachste Woche gibt es dann einen kurzen Ausblick auf die News, bevor wir uns nach Koljas Ruckkehr wieder um die aktuelle Staffel kummern.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Ep 29 Attack of the Sony Ninjas

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:42 (GMT) - 20 Apr 2007

    Due to an attack of the Sony Ninjas Department our review of Spiderman 3 (which would've come out today) from the special press screening we attended on Wednesday has been embargoed. To tide you over until we can release the review (hopefully the week the movie is released) we have put together this short special episode dedicated to the spidey 3 press screening experience. We also throw out a bit of geek news too as a bit of a bonus.


    Ps As there was some sound issues with their promo we're once again playing the Geek Savants promo at the end of the episode. Sorry guys hopefully we'll play it at the right speed this time!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Ep 29 Attack of the Sony Ninjas

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:42 (GMT) - 20 Apr 2007

    Due to an attack of the Sony Ninjas Department our review of Spiderman 3 (which would've come out today) from the special press screening we attended on Wednesday has been embargoed. To tide you over until we can release the review (hopefully the week the movie is released) we have put together this short special episode dedicated to the spidey 3 press screening experience. We also throw out a bit of geek news too as a bit of a bonus.


    Ps As there was some sound issues with their promo we're once again playing the Geek Savants promo at the end of the episode. Sorry guys hopefully we'll play it at the right speed this time!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate Episode 28 - LOTM

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:15 (GMT) - 17 Apr 2007

    At last, after a whole host of recording/editing problems, episode 28 is ready for consumption. We are joined by listener of the month Sam as we tackle such thorny issues Indy 4, Flash Gordon and news surrounding a potential Green Arrow movie. We also bask in the glory of planet Hulk before we bid a sad farewell to the epiphany that is Life on Mars. All of the dry slaps for this episode have been reserved for the Sci-Fi Channel and its scheduling fiasco with the Dresden File episodes.


  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate Episode 28 - LOTM

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:15 (GMT) - 17 Apr 2007

    At last, after a whole host of recording/editing problems, episode 28 is ready for consumption. We are joined by listener of the month Sam as we tackle such thorny issues Indy 4, Flash Gordon and news surrounding a potential Green Arrow movie. We also bask in the glory of planet Hulk before we bid a sad farewell to the epiphany that is Life on Mars. All of the dry slaps for this episode have been reserved for the Sci-Fi Channel and its scheduling fiasco with the Dresden File episodes.


  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro episode 31 - Gridlicious

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:52 (GMT) - 17 Apr 2007

    Warren and Steven are back and waxng lyrical on the brilliance that is "Gridlock", an episode that had every appearance of being a throwaway bit of fluff but instead turned into a slam-bang roller coaster ride, with one of the finest bits of acting David Tennant's put into the role thus far. Great effects, imaginative characters, humor and some genuinely moving moments make for one of the best bits o' Who in the new series. Lovely! Next week, the Daleks invade Manhattan, as does Warren. We'll probably skip the podcast next week and double up to cover both Dalek episodes at once.

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro episode 31 - Gridlicious

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:52 (GMT) - 17 Apr 2007

    Warren and Steven are back and waxng lyrical on the brilliance that is "Gridlock", an episode that had every appearance of being a throwaway bit of fluff but instead turned into a slam-bang roller coaster ride, with one of the finest bits of acting David Tennant's put into the role thus far. Great effects, imaginative characters, humor and some genuinely moving moments make for one of the best bits o' Who in the new series. Lovely! Next week, the Daleks invade Manhattan, as does Warren. We'll probably skip the podcast next week and double up to cover both Dalek episodes at once.

Dormant Podcasts